Curriculum Vitae Oded Bar-Lev Personal Details: Name: Birth Date: Birth Place: ID No. : Marital Status: Current Address: E-mail: Cellular Phone: Oded Bar-Lev 31.01.1964 Israel 058501198 Divorced + 1 13 Peat Hashulhan St., Tel-Aviv 052 – 2991812 Teaching Experience 1994 – 2002 Lecturer and Teaching Assistant, Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Science, Tel-Aviv University. Courses: Linear Algebra for Economics (lecturer). Calculus of one variable for Economics (lecturer). Calculus of two variables for Economics (lecturer). Mathematics for Business (TA). Calculus of one and two variables for Chemistry (TA). Linear Algebra for Engineers (TA). Fourier Analysis for Engineers (TA). Advanced mathematics (numeric and differential equations) for Engineers (TA). Professional Experience 2006 - current Scientific consultant for Elta (IAI) Ltd., Petah-Tikva branch. Subj: Radars. 2002 - 2003 Scientific consultant for Elbit Ltd. Haifa. Subj: Inertial Navigation Systems. Techniques: Numerical Solution of non-linear differentio-integral equations. Numerical simulation of small systems. Analytic Solution of differentio-integral equations. Simulations and implementation of real time Navigation Systems (INS). Signal processing for radar applications. Tracking and ballistic tracking. Programming Languages and Operating Systems: Very Good Matlab, Maple, Unix, Windows, Dos Good Fortran, Pascal, Basic Applications: Word, Excel etc. Academic Education 1996 – 2005 Ph.D. Research in the department of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Faculty of Engineering and in the Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Science, Tel-Aviv University. Advisors: Prof. Isaac Goldhirsch and Prof. Philip Rosenau. Title: “Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Theory of Granular Gases” 1994 – 2002 Teaching and Teaching Assistance in the School of Mathematics at Tel-Aviv University. Including service courses in the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Management and in the School of Economics. 1994 Research work on “Computer Simulations of Low Dimensional Small Devices” in the Weizmann Institute of Science. 1993 Research work on “The Born-Openhaimer Approximation of Two Dimensional Electrons in Strong Magnetic Fields and the Quantum Hall Effect” in the Weizmann Institute of Science 1991 – 1992 MSc in Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science. Advisor: Prof. Shimon Levit. Title: “Systems of Small Number of Interacting Electrons in Very Strong Magnetic Fields” M.Sc. With special distinction 1986 – 1990 M.Sc. Studies in the Weizmann Institute of Science. (in parallel to military service) 1982 – 1985 B.Sc. in Physics (major), Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in the Hebrew University (Talpiot). 1982 Partial undergraduate studies in Tel-Aviv University. Physics and Mathematics Military Service 1982 – 1990 Talpiot project. Academic Officer. 1987 – 1990 Research on the propagation of microwaves in the atmosphere (especially rain attenuation and gas absorption) 1985 – 1987 Research on electrical and optical properties of thermally treated LPE grown MCT layers. Publications 1. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “The Homogeneous Cooling State Revisited”, pp 37 – 63, Granular Gas Dynamics, Pöschel T. & Brilliantov N. Eds., Springer (2003). 2. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Frictional granular gases”, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles, joined with the 12th International Symposium on Freight Pipelines, Vlasak P., Filip P., and Sobota J., eds., vol. 1, pp. 345-352, Prague, Czech Republic, (20-24 sep. 2004) Institute of Hydrodynamics, the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Prague. 3. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Kinetics of weakly frictional granular gases”, in Proceeding of the ICTAM04 Conference, Kluewr p. 144 (2004). 4. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Weakly Frictional Granular Gases”, in Proceedings of Traffic and Granular Flow ‘03, oct. 1-3 Delft, the Netherlands, Hintichsen H., Schreckenberg M., Fontein N., Bovy P. H. L., Wolf D., and Luding S., eds., Springer (2004). 5. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Theory of Granular Gases: Some Recent Results and Some Open Problems.”, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 17 (24) S2591-S2608 (22 June 2005). 6. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Nearly Smooth Granular Gases”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (6) 068002 (2005). 7. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Hydrodynamics of Nearly Smooth Granular Gases”, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (45) 21449-21470 (2005). 8. Noscowicz S. H., Bar-Lev O., Serero D. and Goldhirsch I., “ComputerAided Kinetic Theory and Granular Gases”, Europhysics Letters, 79 (6) 60001 (2007) ), also: cond-mat / 0612694. 9. Bar-Lev O., Noscowicz S. H. and Goldhirsch I., “Hydrodynamics of Granular Gases with Tangential Restitution”, in preparation. 10. Bar-Lev O., Noscowicz S. H., “Perturbative Solutions for Granular Gases with Tangential Restitution”, in preparation Thesis 11. Bar-Lev O., “System of Few Interacting Electrons in a Strong Magnetic Field”, MSc. Thesis, Weizmann Institute of Science (1992). 12. Bar-Lev O., “Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Theory of Granular Gases”, PhD Thesis, Tel-Aviv University (2005). Meeting Abstracts 13. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Frictional granular gases”, Southern Workshop on Granular Materials, SWGM03, Pucón, Chile, (10-13 dec. 2003). 14. Goldhirsch I., Noscowicz S. H. and Bar-Lev O., “Frictional granular gases”, T & S meeting, The 12th International Conference on Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles, joined with the 12th International Symposium on Freight Pipelines, Institute of Hydrodynamics, the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Prague (20-24 sep. 2004). Unpublished 15. Bar-Lev O., “Attenuation of Electro Magnetic Waves in Rain in the Range 10 GHz – 100 GHz”, Communication Corps, IDF (1990). 16. Bar-Lev O. and Levit S., “Regular and Chaotic Motion of Two Dimensional Electrons in a Strong Magnetic Field”, unpublished report (1992).