MRI Proctography - Berkshire Imaging

MR Proctogram Patient Information
What is an MR proctogram?
It is a specialised examination performed in an MRI scanner which produces a series of
images which enables us to see the way your lower abdominal structures move when you
attempt to empty your bowels.
Why do I need this test?
Your doctor has referred you for this imaging test to help find out the cause for your
symptoms (e.g. incontinence or difficulty emptying your bowels).
What does it involve?
When you arrive at the hospital, a member of staff will check that if is safe for you to have
an MRI scan (see MRI safety below). The procedure will be explained to you and you will
have the opportunity to ask any questions.
You will change into a hospital gown, and be asked to remove all jewellery, hearing aids,
remove all credit cards, wallets which will be stored safely for you in a locker with a key.
You will be taken into a room where you will lie on a table and the doctor (Radiologist) will
gently insert a liquid enema into your back passage (rectum). You will then be asked to sit
outside the toilet while this works – it will enable you to empty your bowels so that your
rectum is empty. It takes about 5-10 minutes to take affect.
Once you have emptied your bowels in the toilet, you will then go into the MRI scanner
and lie down. The scanner makes a light drumming noise and you will be given ear plugs
or headphones with music to reduce the noise. The scanner is open at both ends and well
lit. The radiographer is not in the room with you, but in a room with a glass panel
immediately next to the scanner where your face can be seen and you can communicate
through a speaker system.
Initially you will be asked to lie still while some detailed pictures of your pelvis are
acquired. The doctor (Radiologist) will then gently insert some clear jelly into your back
passage (rectum). We will then acquire images while you attempt to empty the clear jelly,
while in the MRI scanner, onto an absorbent pad.
We appreciate that this procedure requires privacy and we will make every effort to make
you feel relaxed and comfortable. It will take around 15 minutes. You will be able to drive
yourself home afterwards.
Do I need to prepare for it?
No there is no preparation required before you attend for the test.
Will it hurt?
No it should not hurt.
What are the benefits of this test?
This test assesses your pelvic structures and tries to establish the reason you have trouble
emptying your bowels so you can have the appropriate treatment for it.
MRI safety?
An MRI scan is safe and does not cause any side effects.
Some people are not able to have an MRI due to safety reasons – for example if they have
metal fragments in their body or eyes, a cardiac pacemaker, or aneurysm clips in their
brain. Please let us know prior to your appointment if any of these apply to you. We also
prefer not to scan women in early pregnancy (under 12 weeks).
Are there any alternative procedures?
The alternative procedure is an X-ray guided barium proctogram which is a very similar
test. It involves barium paste being inserted into the back passage, your sitting on a
commode in an x-ray room while the radiologist takes x-rays while you try to empty your
bowels. The detailed images obtained of the pelvis acquired during an MR proctogram are
superior to those acquired during a barium proctogram. Also, unlike MRI, this test involves
x-rays (radiation).
How will I get the results?
Your referring doctor will receive a copy of the MRI report.
Further information?
If you have any other queries please call Berkshire Imaging