Supply 2013-2014 List - White Bear Lake Area Schools

White Bear Lake Area Schools
Willow Lane School – 2013-2014 School Supply List
Grades K-5 - Notes to help you as you choose your child’s school supplies. The following supplies are recommended. Items that are shared are indicated
as “shared” items. Please keep in mind that consumable items may need to be replaced during the year. Desk space is limited, so please purchase only what
is needed. We ask that you do not purchase Trapper Keepers, multiple subject notebooks, or novelty items as they do not fit in student desks. Backpacks
with wheels are also not acceptable. All students need a pair of tennis shoes for gym (Velcro/tie) with non-marking soles. Please bring your supplies to
Meet Your Teacher or on the first day of school. Please label all supplies except where noted.
The following items are also used in classrooms. If you would like to donate any of these items to your child’s classroom, it would be greatly
appreciated. Sanitizing Wipes, Paper Towels, Paper Plates, Napkins, Stickers, Extra #2 pencils, Masking Tape, AA batteries. Please check with
your child’s teacher to determine what is specifically needed. Thank you for your support and generosity.
K-5 Recommended List of Supplies
 Large backpack or school bag, labeled
 Two spiral notebooks wide-lined, not
perforated or coil-less, labeled
 One plastic pocket folder for daily mail
 Scissors (child size metal Fiskars are best),
Shared Items – Do not label
 20 Elmer’s glue sticks (no Rose Art or other
 Two boxes of 8 Crayola crayons (skinny)
 Two boxes of 24 Crayola crayons (skinny)
 One box of 8 large Crayola washable markers –
Classic Colors
 Four dry erase markers (Expo-fine point)
 One water colors with brush-Prang is the best
 Two dozen #2 pencils-sharpened
 Two erasers-flat pink type
 Three containers of sanitizing wipes (e.g.
Clorox wipes)
 One box of facial tissue
 One package of napkins
 Girls (A-M): paper towels
 Girls (N-Z): paper plates
 Boys (A-M): ziplock quart size bags
 Boys (N-Z): ziplock gallon size bags
First Grade
 Large backpack or school bag
 Three dozen #2 pencils-sharpened
(Ticonderoga are best)
 Four plastic pocket folders, solid colors – red,
blue, green, and your choice
 Four spiral notebooks wide-lined – solid colors
 Two erasers-flat pink type
 Two boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
 One box colored pencils-sharpened
 Two 4 oz. Elmer’s School Glue, white (NO
paste, Glue All, or blue glue)
 Small plastic school box that closes
 Scissors (child size metal Fiskars are best)
 One water colors with brush-Prang is the best
 Two boxes of 8 large markers-Classic Colors
 24 glue sticks
 Three ring binder 1½” size
 Four dry erase markers (Expo-fine point)
 One package of 2 highlighters-Bic brite liner
 White sock to use as whiteboard eraser
 One box ziplock style bags (gallon preferred)
 One large box facial tissue (Kleenex type)
 One ream white copy paper 8 ½” X 11”
Second Grade
 Large backpack or school bag
 Four composition notebooks-1 yellow, 3 your
choice of color
 Four glossy pocket folders – Red, green,
yellow, blue
 One box of 24 Crayola crayons
 Two highlighters
 One box of 24 colored pencils-sharpened
 Eraser-flat pink type
 Six large or 12 small glue sticks (white only)
 Scissors-metal Fiskars with a pointed tip
 Small zippered pouch or pencil box
 Ruler 12” and cm
 Three dozen #2 pencils-sharpened
 Two felt tip black pens
 One large box facial tissue (Kleenex type)
 Two white socks for whiteboards erasers
 Six Expo markers
 Boys-One box zip lock style bags-gallon size
 Girls-One box zip lock style bags-quart size
 One hand pencil sharpener
 Two black permanent markers – Sharpie
 One box of 8 large markers-Classic Colors
 One ream white copy paper 8 ½” X 11”
Third Grade
 Large backpack or school bag
 Five spiral notebooks wide-lined– NOT
perforated or coil-less, solid colors only-red,
blue, green, yellow, purple (we organize by
 Six pocket folders-red, blue, yellow, green (2),
 One box of 24 Crayola crayons
 Two boxes of 12 colored pencils-sharpened
 Two large glue sticks
 Scissors-metal Fiskars with a pointed tip
 Three dozen #2 pencils-sharpened
 One small pencil sharpener (non-battery)
 Two black Flair pens
 Two black Sharpie pens
 One highlighter
 Small zippered pouch or pencil box
 Two large boxes facial tissue (Kleenex type)
 Two or three erasers-flat pink type
 One box of 8 Thick-line Crayola markers
 One box of 12 Thin-line Crayola markers
 One 4 pack of Expo Dry Erase markers
 One ream white copy paper 8 ½” X 11”
Fourth Grade
 Large backpack or school bag
 Spiral notebooks wide-lined, solid colors only:
2 blue, 2 red ,1 green, 1 purple
 Five pocket folders, solid colors only- 1 blue,
1 red, 3 any other solid color
 One box of 8 markers
 One box colored pencils-sharpened
 One Elmer’s glue stick
 Scissors-metal Fiskars with a pointed tip
 Ruler 12”- clear plastic with inches and
 Two dozen #2 pencils-sharpened
 Cap erasers or large pink eraser
 Two 4 packs of Expo Dry Erase markers
 One pack of 100-3”x5” lined index cards
 One roll of scotch tape in a dispenser
 One black permanent marker—Sharpie fine line
 White sock to use as a whiteboard eraser
 One large box facial tissue (Kleenex type)
 One box zip lock style bags-any size
 One ream white copy paper 8 ½”x 11”
Fifth Grade
 Large backpack or school bag
 Four spiral notebooks wide-lined; red, yellow,
blue, green
 Four pocket folders, solid colors only; red,
yellow, blue, green
 Two dozen #2 pencils-sharpened
 Cap erasers or large pink eraser
 One box of 8 markers
 One box colored pencils-sharpened
 Pencil sharpener
 One Elmer’s glue stick
 Scissors-metal Fiskars with a pointed tip
 Ruler 12”- clear plastic with inches and
 1 protractor –clear plastic
 One roll of scotch tape in a dispenser
 White sock to use as a white board eraser
 Two 4 packs of Expo Dry Erase markers
 One black permanent marker-Sharpie fine line
 One large box facial tissue (Kleenex type)
 One ream white copy paper 8 ½” X 11”