SUNSET RIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST Parents: Please note that ALL supplies (except backpacks) will be “community supplies.” All community supplies will be collected by the classroom teachers and put out for all the students to us as needed. Kindergarten: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 4 boxes of Kleenex 1 pair of scissors 2 boxes of CRAYOLA crayons 2 boxes of CRAYOLA markers 4 pocket folders (PLASTIC 3 PRONG)* (solid color) (1 goes to Art) 1 spiral notebook WIDE RULED (solid color) 30 pencils 10 glue sticks 1 4oz ELMERS glue 8 black dry erase markers 1 black fine point sharpie, permanent marker* 1 set of CRAYOLA water color paints 1 back pack One large snack food item to share (pretzels, crackers, etc.) BOYS – 1 box of gallon ZIPLOC bags GIRLS – 1 box of quart ZIPLOC bags OPTIONAL: white cotton balls, roll of paper towels, white lunch sacks, or CLOROX wipes (* 1 folder, 1 pink eraser, 1 glue stick, 1 pkg of pencils & 1 black Sharpie marker are for ART CLASS SUPPLY) PRIMARY (1st & 2nd Grade): o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3 boxes of Kleenex 1 pair of scissors 2 boxes of CRAYOLA crayons 2 boxes of CRAYOLA markers 10 pocket folders (PLASTIC 3 PRONG)* ( solid colors: i.e. red, yellow, green, blue, or purple) 3 spiral WIDE RULED notebooks (solid color) 1 composition notebook (black and white) 36 pencils (plain - no design, Ticonderoga preferred) 2 pink eraser (*1 goes to Art) 12 glue sticks 8 black dry erase markers 1 black fine point sharpie, permanent marker* BOYS – 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags GIRLS – 1 box of quart Ziploc bags 1 large backpack INTERMEDIATE (3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade): o o o o o o o o o 4 boxes of Kleenex 1 pair of scissors 1 box of CRAYOLA crayons 1 box of CRAYOLA markers 8 pocket folders (PLASTIC 3 PRONG)* (solid colors: i.e. red, yellow, green, blue, or purple) 6 spiral WIDE RULED notebooks (solid color) 3 composition notebooks (black and white) 2 pks. WIDE RULED lined paper 60 pencils (plain - no design, Ticonderoga preferred)(*1 pkg to Art) o o o o o o o o o o o 1 pink eraser 7 – glue sticks (1 goes to Art) 1 metric/customary inches ruler 8 Black dry erase markers 4 pack colored dry erase markers 1 black fine point sharpie, permanent marker* 1 school supply box BOYS – 1 box of gallon ZIPLOC bags GIRLS – 1 box of quart ZIPLOC bags Ear buds/Ear phones (dollar store) 1 large backpack o $3.00 for Homework Planners 4th/5th only (each student will keep their own planner)