Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Kathy S. Sansom, Lamar University
–Port Arthur
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “The New Imperative: Different Approaches to Helping Students Become Decision Makers,”
Charles T. Horngren, Edmund W. Littlefield Professor Emeritus of Accounting, Stanford
University, and Michael Robinson, Professor of Accounting, Baylor University.
“Computerizing Your Accounting Class,” Jean Insinga, Professor of Accounting and
Information Systems, Middlesex Community Technical College, Middletown, Connecticut ............. 50
Saturday: “‘Hands on/How to’ Advice About Bringing an End User Perspective to Your Accounting
Principles Course: Things That Really Work,” Thomas P. Edmonds, Professor of Accounting,
The University of Alabama at Birmingham ......................................................................................... 24
1997 / Austin
Friday: “Trends in Adapting to Hypertext, Hypremedia, and Networks in University Accounting EduConvention Registration: 3,380
cation,” Robert E. Jensen, Jesse H. Jones Distinguished Professor of Business Administration,
Roger L. Dimick, Lamar University
Trinity University
Institute of Technology
Saturday: “Cash Flows and Financial Statement Notes: Two Forgotten Topics,” Tom Harrison,
Professor of Accounting, Baylor University ............................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Carol A. Wennagel, San Jacinto
College–South Campus
Friday: “Using the Internet in Accounting Classes,” Jean Insinga, Instructor of Accounting, Middlesex
County Community College, Middletown, Connecticut ...................................................................... 31
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Carol A. Wennagel, San Jacinto
College–South Campus
Friday: “Distance Learning,” Miklos Vasarhelyi, William Von Minden Professor of Accounting
Information Systems, Rutgers University ............................................................................................ 41
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration : 3,030
Caroline Garrett, The Victoria
Friday: “Education Will Decide Which Texas: ‘The Empire Texas’ or ‘The Welfare Texas,’” John
Sharp, former State Comptroller of Public Accounts .......................................................................... 47
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Donald R. Craig, Del Mar College
Friday: “The User Perspective to Introductory Accounting: Evolution or Revolution?” Paul
Kimmel, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee ........................... 28
Saturday: “Activity-Based Learning in Accounting,” Barbara Chiapetta, Nassau County Community ........
College, Nassau County, New York ................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Integrating Peachtree Software: An Interactive Software Session,” Annette Bigham,
Instructor of Accounting, El Paso Community College ....................................................................... 22
Saturday: “How Successful Have We Been at Teaching Ethics?” Richard Forrest, Certified Public
Accountant, Attorney at Law, Houston ............................................................................................... 17
Saturday: “Teaching Introductory Accounting to Today’s Student,” James M. Reeve, Deloitte
and Touche Professor of Enterprise Information Management, University of Tennessee ........................... 15
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Ronald Carlin, Lamar College –
Port Arthur
Friday: “Teaching Students to Conceptualize Rather Than Memorize,” Thomas P. Edmonds,
Friends and Alumni Professor of Accounting, University of Alabama at Birmingham ....................... 25
Saturday: “The Challenge to Engage, Inspire, and Motivate Accounting Students,” Jeannie
M. Folk, Professor of Accounting, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois ....................................... 23
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Ronald Carlin, Lamar College –
Port Arthur
Friday: “Engaging Accounting Students with Contemporary Topics,” John J. Wild, Professor
of Business and Vilas Research Scholar, University of Wisconsin ..................................................... 14
Saturday: “Accounting Education after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act,” Roselyn Morris, Associate
Professor of Accounting and Associate Dean, College of Business Administration,
Southwest Texas State University.......................................................................................................... 8
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2233
Ronald Carlin, Lamar College –
Port Arthur
Friday: “Using a Fraud Case in Introductory Accounting,” Roselyn Morris, Professor of Accounting
and Associate Dean, College of Business Administration, Texas State University, San Marcos ........ 10
Saturday: “Active Learning in the First Year Accounting Course,” Barbara Chiappetta, Professor
of Accounting, Nassau Community College, New York ..................................................................... 11
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Ronald Carlin, Lamar College –
Port Arthur
Friday:"Helping Students Meet Your Standards," Susan Crosson, Professor of Accounting, Santa
Fe Community College ........................................................................................................................ 13
Saturday;"Expanding the Curriculum for Non-Accounting Majors," Maryanne M. Mowen,
Professor of Accounting, Oklahoma State University ........................................................................... 8
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Ronald Carlin, Lamar College—
Port Arthur
Friday: “Meeting the Challenges of Today’s Students,” Belverd E. Needles, Jr., Professor of Accounting,
DePaul University................................................................................................................................ 28
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Larry Allen, Panola College
Friday: “Designing and Managing an Online or Hybrid Accounting Course,” Susan V. Crosson,
Professor of Accounting, Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, Florida .................................... 26
Saturday:“Structuring Your Course to Maximize Participation and Preparedness,” Jerry J. Weygandt,
Arthur Andersen Alumni Professor of Accounting, University of Wisconsin–Madison ..................... 11
Saturday: “Creating a Highly Effective Classroom,” Thomas Edmonds, Friends and Alumni Professor
of Accounting, University of Alabama at Birmingham ......................................................................... 9
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Cathy Scott, Navarro College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Ronald Braeuer, Wharton County
Junior College
Friday: Tour of Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo ................................................................................ 14
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Lawrence H. Hemann, Blinn College
Friday: Tour of Texas Department of Agriculture offices, 1900 North Congress Avenue
Larry Soward, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture, and staff...............................................................
Saturday: Roundtable Discussion ................................................................................................................. 4
Saturday: “Project 2020 Vision: The Community College Perspective,” David Kercheval, Executiv Assistant to
the Chancellor, Houston Community College System .............................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Charles L. Nunally, Trinity
Valley Community College
Ron D. Presley, South
Plains College
Friday: “Agriculture at the Crossroads: A Journalist’s Perspective,” Del Deterling, Executive Editor, The
Progressive Farmer ............................................................................................................................... 7
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Royce L. Granberry, Texarkana College
Charles L. Nunally, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “The International Livestock Congress: Its Role in International Animal Agriculture,”
Carl Detering, Jr., President, Detering Company................................................................................... 9
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Rebecca L. Hennig, Odessa College
Friday: “Teaching Agriculture at a Distance: It’s Not as Far as You Think,” Kim E. Dooley,
Assistant Professor of Agriculture Education, and Jane McGill, Professor of Biochemistry,
Texas A&M University.......................................................................................................................... 6
Saturday: Roundtable Discussion: “Current Issues Affecting Agriculture Education” ............................... 2
Saturday: “Exotic Vegetables for Texas Producers,” William D. Adams, Harris County Extension
Agent, Texas Agriculture Extension Service ....................................................................................... 11
Saturday: Tour of Boggy Creek Farm: “Urban Organic Farming,” Larry Butler and Carol Ann Sayle,
Owners................................................................................................................................................. 26
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Charles L. Nunnally, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “Biogenetics in Agriculture,” Andy Vestal, Genetics Specialist, Texas Agriculture Extension
Service ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Tour of the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center 8
Saturday: “What Community Colleges Are Doing Differently,” Ronald Braeuer, Chair, Department of
Agriculture, Wharton County Junior College, and Bob Young, Instructor of Agriculture, Kilgore
College................................................................................................................................................... 6
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Ronald Braeuer, Wharton County
Junior College
Friday: “Latest Developments in Organic Standards,” Leslie McKinnon, Coordinator for
Organic Certification, Texas Department of Agriculture ..................................................................... 10
Saturday: “Chinese Vegetable Production,” Emily and John Dunbar, Coordinators, Sugarland
Organic Vegetable Cooperative ........................................................................................................... 11
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Ron Presley, South Plains
Friday: “The Future of Community College Agriculture Programs and their Association with
Universities,” Ron Presley, Assistant Professor of Agriculture, South Plains College .......................... 5
Saturday: “Legislative Update,” Leland Beatty, Private Agricultural Consultant, Austin .............................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Charles Nunnally, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “Advances in Plant Breeding and Seed Technology,” Don Dobbs, General Manager,
Wilhite Seed Co. .................................................................................................................................... 5
Saturday: “Constructing a Curriculum for Teaching Agricultural Economics,” Panel Discussion .............. 3
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Ron Presley, South Plains
Friday: "Teaching Commodity Chart Analysis, Part I," Wayne Mathies, President, Premier
Marketing Commodity Broker .................................................................................................................
"Teaching Commodity Chart Analysis, Part II," Wayne Mathies ............................................................
Saturday: "Commodity Marketing Services for Producers," Wayne Mathies ..................................................
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
No Meeting Held
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration:
No Meeting Held
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
Convention Registration: 3,005
Irving D. Panzer, Houston
Community College
Friday: “CFC/HFC Update: Components to Control and Maintain Systems Using New Refrigerants,”
Martin Hart, Technical Sales Representative, Alco Controls Corporation .......................................... 15
Convention Registration: 3,380
Larry F. Jeffus, Eastfield College
Friday: “The North American Technical Excellence Program for HVAC-R Technician Certification,”
Bob Guarasci, President, Video General, Inc. .........................................................................................
Saturday: “Clean Air Act and New Refrigerant Alternative,” Thomas M. Maroney, Instructor of Air
Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology, St. Philip’s College ....................................... 20
Saturday: “Indoor Air Quality,” Chuck Maxwell, Energy Management and HVAC Director, Mesquite ......
Independent School District ............................................................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Registration: 3,180
Larry F. Jeffus, Eastfield College
Friday: Tour of the Lennox Industries Research and Development Center for Air Conditioning and Convention
Refrigeration ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Saturday: Roundtable Discussion of North American Technical Excellence and Air Conditioning
Contractors Association Tests ............................................................................................................. 18
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Joseph P. Moravek, Lee College
Friday: Tour of Houston Hermetics Remanufacturing Plant and Domestic Manufacturing ....................... 15
“Air Conditioning Refrigeration Institute’s View of Air Conditioning Training,” Leslie J.
Sandler, Education Manager, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Institute .............................................. 15
Saturday: Roundtable discussion ................................................................................................................ 10
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Carlos Campos & Juan Villela, St.
Philip’s College
Friday: “Puron (R-410a): The Refrigerant for the New Millennium,” John S. Lovelace, General
Manager, and Wes Breazeale, Service Manager, Automatic Equipment Sales of South Texas ...............
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Timothy Edwards, St. Philip’s College
Friday: “Apprenticeship and Training,” Wendell Sullivan, Apprenticeship and Training
Representative, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor ................
Saturday: “HVAC: A Cool Career in the New Millennium,” Larry Cook, Senior Vice President,
Special Products Division, TD Industries ................................................................................................
Saturday: “Tools and Equipment,” Jim Malone, Field Representative, Field Piece, Inc. ................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Timothy Edwards and Juan Villela,
Friday: “Air Quality: Mold Issues,” Edward C. Newmann, Certified Indoor Environmentalist,
Carrier of South Texas .............................................................................................................................
Saturday: Business Meeting ...........................................................................................................................
St. Philip’s College
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Juan G. Villela, St. Philip's College
Friday: “2000 International Conservation Code Implementation,” Tom Fitzpatrick,
Energy and Codes Specialist, Energy Systems Laboratory, Texas A&M University ............................ 5
“Refrigerant 414B (Hotshot) and R-417A (NU-22),” Marc Richburg, Factory Representative,
ICOR International ................................................................................................................................ 5
Saturday: Meeting Cancelled
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Juan G. Villela, St. Philip's College
Friday: “The Latest Training Equipment,” Keith Avery, Representative, Hampden Engineering ............... 11
Saturday: “The Train the Trainer Program,” Mike Bergen, Representative, North American
Insulation Manufacturers Association ................................................................................................... 8
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Thomas Hawk, Hill College
Friday: "Thermostatic Expansion Valves," Mike Glenn, Regional Sales Manager, and Gerry
Davis, Application Engineer, Danfoss, Inc. ........................................................................................... 8
Saturday: "Thermostats and Indoor Air Quality Controls," Joe Wilson, Regional Sales Manager,
White-Rogers, Inc. ...................................................................................................................................
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Tom Hawk, Hill College
Friday: “The Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Accreditation,” Bob
Feathers, President, Council of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Educators .................................. 10
Saturday: “The Council of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Educators,” Bob Feathers .......................... 7
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,314
Tom Hawk, Hill College
Friday: “Educator Credentialing, Student Outcome Assessment (Employment Ready Certification),
and Program Accreditation, Part I,” Thomas M. Tebbe, National Programs Director, HVAC
Saturday: “Educator Credentialing, Student Outcome Assessment (Employment Ready Certification), and
Program Accreditation, Part II,” Thomas M. Tebbe ...................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Anthony Thomas, St. Philip’s College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Carlos Landa, Montgomery College
Friday: Tour of Houston Museum of Fine Arts, “Voices of the American West” .........................................
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Carlos Landa, Montgomery College
Friday: Tour of Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Austin Museum of Art ..........................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Karmien C. Bowman, Tarrant County
Junior College-Northeast
Friday: “New Vistas for a New Century,” John Paul Batiste, Director, Texas Commission on Arts......... 15
Tour of Permanent Collection, Dallas Museum of Fine Art ................................................................ 32
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Junior College–Northeast
Friday: Tour of Permanent Collection, “Rhapsody in Black,” and “The Eyes of Paris” Exhibit of
Edmund Brassai photography, Houston Museum of Art, and the Glassell School and Sculpture
Garden ................................................................................................................................................. 25
“Challenge of Change: Contemporary Art and Education,” Juliet Moore, Chair of the
Graduate Department of Art Education and Assistant Professor of Art Education, University of
Houston ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Saturday: Tour of the Menil Collection, “African Sculpture” .......................................................................
Saturday: “Focus on Latino Art,” Tour of Galleria Sin Fronteras, 1701 Guadalupe Street ............................
Saturday: Tour of Permanent Collection and “Wood Folk Art of Isaac Smith” Exhibit, African American Museum
.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Saturday: Tour of Byzantine Chapel Exhibit, 20th Century Painting and Sculpture Exhibit, and
Marcel Duchamp and Joseph Cornell Exhibit, Menil Collection ........................................................ 16
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: “Reality and Expectations for Art Experience in 2000,” Ron Durham, Director of Arts
Education, Arlington Independent School District; Frank Hurbert, Chair, Art Department,
Kilgore College; Melanie Garner, Retired Instructor of Art, Fort Worth Independent School
District; and Ryan Harris and Dustin Smith, Art Students, Tarrant County College ........................... 11
Tour of Suida-Manning Collection and Patricia Cisneros Abstract Constructionist
Collection, Jack Blanton Museum of Art (formerly Huntington Art Gallery), University of
Texas at Austin .................................................................................................................................... 24
Saturday: “Art and the Artist: An Unusual View for the Millenium,” Randy Brodnax, Professor of Art,
Cedar Valley College ........................................................................................................................... 11
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: Tour of the New Women’s Museum of Art ..................................................................................... 21
Walking Tour of the Dallas Museum of Art, Henry Moore Exhibition, and the Trammel Crowe
Building Art Collection ....................................................................................................................... 50
Saturday: “What is the Odyssey in Art: Teaching Art Appreciation,” Lori White-Thomasson,
Director, Womyn’s Studio and Gallery Co-Op.................................................................................... 20
“Teaching Art Appreciation on the Internet,” Eduardo Aguilar, Chair, Department of Art, Tarrant
County College–Northwest Campus.................................................................................................... 50
“Bayou Bend Web Site,” Ann Jenkins, Doctoral Student, Instructional Technology Program,
University of Houston ........................................................................................................................... 7
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: Tour of Bayou Bend Gardens and Estate of Ima Hogg .......................................................................
Tour of the Holocaust Museum, Houston ................................................................................................
Saturday: Self-Guided Tour of the Contemporary Arts Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, and the
Glassell School and Sculpture Garden, Houston ....................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: Tour: “Emerging Texas Artists,” Exhibit, Jones Center for Contemporary Art “Women
and Their Work,” Photography Exhibit, D. Berman Gallery Guadalupe Art Center ...............................
“Art in Public Places,” Martha Peters, Administrator, Cultural Affairs Division, City of Austin ...........
Saturday: Tour: Flatbed Press Gallery “Encouraging New Talent From Texas Beyond the
Academy,” University of Texas Creative Experiment Laboratory Lisa Orr Clay Studio Eight
Austin Artists at the “Art Hive” ...............................................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: Tour of Selected Exhibitions. Kimbell Art Museum, “Turner and Venice,” “Genius of the
French Rococo: The Drawings of Francois Boucher,” and “Boucher’s Mythological
Paintings: The Last Great Series Reunited.” ...........................................................................................
Tour of Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, including the exhibition, “Julie Bozzi:
Landscapes, 1975-2003
Saturday: Tour of Amon Carter Museum, including the “America of Currier and Ives” Exhibit. ..................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Karmein Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: "Understanding Art and How To Use It," Lois Fichner-Rathus, Professor of Art, College of
New Jersey........................................................................................................................................... 21
Tour: "Gardens Real and Imagined," Laguna Gloria, Austin Museum of Art .................................... 28
Saturday; Tour: Arthouse, Jones Center for Contemporary Art and Austin Museum of Art ........................ 8
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Karmein Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: Tour of Contemporary Arts Museum of Houston ...............................................................................
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Friday: Tour of the Blanton Museum of Art, Austin There is a $5.00 admission fee for this tour,
payable on arrival. .............................................................................................................................. 14
“The Role of Culture in the Arts and Education,” Lacey Richter, Education Outreach Coordinator,
Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin ................................................................................................................. 9
Saturday: Tour of the Mexic-Arte Museum................................................................................................ 13
Saturday: Tour of the “Orange Show” ($1.00 tour fee.) The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art is
a non-profit organization, founded in 1980 .............................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Lucia Kistler, Galveston
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: Breakfast sponsored by Mosby Publishing; “Presenters Survival Seminar,” Michele Deck,
Author; “Herbal Healing and Aromatherapy: A Winning Combination,” Lucia Bettler,
Owner, Lucia’s Garden ...................................................................................................................... 100
Director, Acute/Intensive Care Unit, Shriner’s Burn Institute, Galveston ........................................... 33
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Carolyn O. Morse, Austin Community
College & Sue E. Ochsner, Tarrant
Junior College–South
Friday: Luncheon Meeting “Delegation: Successful Strategies for Teaching,” Cynthia A. Parkman,
Hospital Educator for Process Redesign, Mercy Health Care, Sacramento, California ...........................
1998 / Dallas
Registration: 3,180
Jim McCarty, El Centro College
Friday: Breakfast Session: “A Case Study Approach to Critical Thinking,” Maryl L. Winningham, Convention
Assistant Professor of Nursing, University of Utah College of Nursing ..................................................
Saturday: “High Tech, Low Tech: Teaching Strategies for Learning,” Debra L. Price, Julie Gwin, Terri County
Pensabene, Jeanette Anderson, and Dorothy E. Parker, Instructors of Nursing and Health Technology,
Tarrant County Junior College–South Campus ...............................................................................................
Saturday: “Using Collaborative and Active Learning Activities,” Glenn Currier, Professor of Sociology, ..
El Centro College
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Elizabeth Michel, Galveston College
Friday: “Energy for Excellence: Conveying Success to Your Students,” Rebecca Sutter, Assistant
Professor of Clinical Nursing, School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin ........................ 80
Saturday: Breakfast Session—“Identifying Culture and Diversity: Seeing the Trees as Part of the
Forest,” Linda Lacy, Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing, Galveston College ............... 40
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Nancy Jenkins & Carolyn Morse,
Austin Community College
Friday: “Technology for the New Millennium: On-line Testing and Web-Based Instruction,” Jere
Hammer, Associate Degree Nursing Coordinator, Al DeMarchi, Technical Support Associate,
and Carolyn Morse, Professor of Nursing, Austin Community College .............................................. 67
Saturday: “Values in a Valueless Society: Can We Teach Them?” Helen Harkreader, R.N., author ......... 39
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Eva Anderson & James McCarty
El Centro College
Friday: “Tackling the Realities of the Workplace: Health Occupations Students and Substance
Abuse Testing,” Carol Hodgson, Director, Associate Degree Nursing Program; Patricia Morgan,
Coordinator, Associate Degree Nursing Program; Kenyann Lucas, Associate Professor of Associate
Degree Nursing, and Kathy Anglin, Instructor of Vocational Nursing, Texarkana College ................ 67
Saturday: “The Need to Integrate Alternative Therapies into Nursing Classroom Presentations,” Linda
Horne and Jan Tichenor, Instructors of Nursing, Grayson County College......................................... 33
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Donna Bohmfalk, Galveston
Friday: “Bioterrorism in the Community: Nursing’s Role,” Celia Wintz, Research Associate,
Office of Institutional Research, Houston Community College ..............................................................
Saturday: “Healing as a Construct of Nursing Education,” Donna Gauthier, Assistant Professor,
University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing, Galveston .......................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Lula W. Pelayo, San Antonio College
Friday: “Growth Factor Therapy to Promote Wound Healing,” Russell G. Zaiontz, Clinical
Specialist in Medical Surgical Nursing, San Antonio College ................................................................
“WECM Brainstorming Session” ...................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Epidemiology, Pathology, Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Hepatitis C
Infections,” Kirk White, Director, Austin Community College Health Professions Institute
for Continuing Education (Meets the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners expectations for
mandatory training on Hepatitis C) .........................................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Helen Reid, Trinity Valley Community
Friday: “Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and Their Use in the Clinical Setting,” Michael
Hutton, Instructor of Associate Degree Nursing, Alvin Community College ...................................... 46
Saturday: “Here We Go Again, Forecasting Future Societal Trends: The Higher Education
Version,” Paul Geisel, Professor of Urban Affairs, University of Texas at Arlington ......................... 11
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Jere Hammer, Austin Community
College - Riverside
Lula Pelayo, San Antonio College
Friday: "Distance Learning Nursing Refresher: Helping Texas Nurses Reconnect with Healthcare,"
Kirk White, Director, Health Professions Institute for Continuing Education, Austin Community
Saturday: "Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice and the ACE Star Model in Nursing Education,"
Judy M. Staley, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Associate Degree Nursing, San
Antonio College, and Roswithia Davies, Instructor of Associate Degree Nursing, San Antonio
College................................................................................................................................................. 24
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Mary Yoho, Tomball College
Friday: “EQ and You: Incorporating Emotional Intelligence Into Your Nursing Practice,” Patricia
Timpanaro, Director of Nursing (Retired), North Harris Montgomery Community College
District ................................................................................................................................................. 68
Texas Organization of Associate Degree Nursing (TOADN) Business Meeting, Jere Hammer,
Austin Community College, President ................................................................................................ 36
Saturday: “Jungle Nursing: Survival Tips for Nursing Mission Trips,” Chris Priska, Director of
Education, Triumph Healthcare, Houston ........................................................................................... 12
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Bonnie Higgins, Tarrant County
Friday: “Closing the Gap Between Academia and Practice = Competency,” Bonnie Higgins, Professor
of Nursing, Tarrant County College, Jean Flick, Director of Nursing, Shelby Garner, Professor
of Nursing, and Lorinda Wall, Health Science Lab Coordinator, Grayson County College (Joint
meeting with the Vocational Nursing Section) .................................................................................... 87
Luncheon Meeting “E-Learning,” Tim Bristol, Assistant Director of Nursing, Crown
College, Bonifacius, Minnesota ........................................................................................................... 78
“Test and Test Item Analysis,” Mary Newman Hinds, Director, Review and Curriculum, Elsevier
Review and Testing ............................................................................................................................. 63
Saturday: “Curriculum Changes for Safe Patient Handling,” Marian Crawford, Back Injury Resource
Nurse, University Health Center of Tyler (Joint meeting with the Vocational Nursing Section) ........ 53
“An Alternative Clinical Education Model: Providing Precepted Experiences Throughout
the Curriculum,” Debra L. Fontenot, Instructor of Associate Degree Nursing, and Sally Durand,
Director of Associate Degree Nursing, Alvin Community College (Joint meeting with the
Vocational Nursing Section) ............................................................................................................... 45
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Bonnie Higgins, Tarrant County
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Charles Statz, Temple
Junior College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Past and Present of I/M 240 Legislation in Texas and a Discussion of Future Possibilities,”
Christopher Kite, Inspector, Mobile Source Division, Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission 11
Saturday: “OBDII: What Is It Going to Mean for the Professional Technician?” John Lokie,
Technical Instructor, OTC Corporation ............................................................................................... 18
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Charles Statz, Temple
Junior College
Friday: “SUN/Snap-On Diagnostic and Software Systems,” Steve Gonzales, Industrial .......... Respresentative, and Jeff Flora, Equipment Specialist, SUN/Snap-On, Inc. .......................................................... 19
1998 / Dallas
Registration: 3,180
Charles Statz, Temple
Friday: “S K Hand Tool Educational Discount Program,” Matt Dionne, District Manager, and Tom Convention
Wieland, Sales Representative, S K Hand Tool Corporation .............................................................. 15
1999 / Houston
Registration: 3,250
Statz, Temple College
Friday: “Product Development in Automotive Education,” Bruce Bergwall, Marketing and Content Convention
Developer, Thompson Learning Company, and Vern Anthony, Technical Education Coordinator, Charles
Thompson Learning Company ................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Affordable Laser Four-Wheel Alignments and On-Car Brake Lathe,” R. L. (Bob) Lowry,
Marketing Representative, The Lowry Marketing Group, Inc. ............................................................ 17
Saturday: “Workforce Education Course Manual,” Rebecca C. Bell, Director, WECM Training Project, ...
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
“Instructional Delivery Over the Internet,” Vern Anthony, Technical Editor, Del Mar Publishing .......
Company.............................................................................................................................................. 17
Saturday: “‘Flashing’ EEPROMS: No Longer Dealership Technology,” Roger Converse, Driveability Instructor, Ringler .......................................................................................................................
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Daniel Wickware, Northeast Texas
Community College
Friday: “Contemporary Designs of Intake and Exhaust Systems,” Jim McFarland, President,
AutoCom, Inc. .........................................................................................................................................
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Daniel Wickware, Northeast Texas
Community College
Friday: Roundtable Discussion: “Where Have We Been, Where Are We Now, Where Are We Going?”
Daniel Wickware, Moderator ..................................................................................................................
Saturday: “TexSite: Coordinated Diesel Training,” Lynn McKinnie, Training Coordinator,
Zachry Construction, Inc. ........................................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Chemistry of Combustion,” Dean Hill, Professor Chemistry, University of New
Mexico .....................................................................................................................................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
George W. Hilliard, Coastal Bend
Friday: Roundtable: “Open Discussion and Business Meeting” ................................................................. 11
Saturday: “The Future of Gasoline,” John Mason, Diamond Shamrock ..................................................... 12
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Henry Wyckoff, Amarillo College
Friday: “Educational Partnerships, Part I,” George Arrants, Business and Educational
Partnerships Manager, Snap-On Tools, Inc. .......................................................................................... 8
“Educational Partnerships, Part II,” George Arrants .................................................................................... 6
Saturday: “Snap-On Training Opportunities,” George Arrants .................................................................... 5
2004 / Forth Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Henry Wyckoff, Amarillo College
Friday: “New Automotive Products,” Rich Carlson, Training Center Manager, Dallas Center,
DaimlerChrysler Corp. ........................................................................................................................ 15
“New Automotive Products,” Rich Carlson .......................................................................................... 9
Saturday: “New DaimlerChrysler Products,” Rich Carlson ......................................................................... 10
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Henry Wyckoff, Amarillo College
Friday: "Automotive Electronics in the Classroom, Part I," Jared Jensen, Sales Manager, LJ
Technical Systems ................................................................................................................................. 5
Saturday: "Automotive Electronics in the Classroom, Part II," Jared Jensen ..................................................
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Silas Marshall, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “How Recent Changes in the Perkins Grant Program Will Affect Community College
Automotive Education, Part I,” Henry Wyckoff, Instructor and Chair, Department of
Automotive Technology, Amarillo College ........................................................................................... 5
Saturday: “How Recent Changes in the Perkins Grant Program Will Affect Community College
Automotive Education, Part II,” Henry Wyckoff................................................................................... 4
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Silas Marshall, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “Synthetic Motor Oils,” Henry Wyckoff, Instructor and Chair, Department of
Automotive Technology and Diesel Engine Mechanics, Amarillo College ......................................... 10
Saturday: “Specifications for the Duramax Diesel,” Henry Wyckoff ........................................................... 2
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Silas Marshall, Trinity Valley
Community College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Nancy Ellen Partlow, Wharton
County Junior College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: Continental Breakfast sponsored by Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company;
“Developmental Regulation of a Pulsatile Endocrine System: Ontogeny of the Activity of the
Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone (Gu RH) Pulse Generator,” Kelly Suter, Instructor of
Biology, Wharton County Junior College ........................................................................................... 26
Saturday: “Nuclear Transport of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme mRNA in Bovine Aortic
Endothelial Cells During Variable Hypergravity,” Karen Frasier-Scott, Chair for
Biology, University of Houston–Clear Lake ....................................................................................... 15
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Robert W. Brick & Victoria C. Sharpe,
Blinn College
Friday: “The Evolutionary Enigma of Sex,” Neil A. Campbell, Professor of Biology,
University of California, Riverside .................................................................................................... 108
“Texas River Watch: A Workshop,” Sharon Jasper, Professor of Biology, Blinn
College and Texas A&M University.................................................................................................... 50
Saturday: “Ecotoxicological Studies in the Republic of Azerbaijan,” John W. Bickham,
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University ............................................ 55
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Jacqueline Love Butler, Grayson
County College
Texas Woman’s University
Friday: ”Exercise: A Classic and Effective Way to Teach Physiological Principles,” George A.
Ordway, Associate Professor of Physiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center .................................................................................................................................................. 58
“Anatomy and Physiology Classes on the World Wide Web,” Joseph Marcinkowski, Education
Sales Manager, A.D.A.M. Software, Inc. ............................................................................................ 34
Saturday: “An Introduction to Helicobacter Pylori,” Sarah A. McIntire, Associate Professor of Biology, ..
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
James C. Butzek, Wharton County
Junior College
Friday: “The Physiology of Lying,” Joel Reicherter, Professor of Physiology, State University of
New York ............................................................................................................................................ 61
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Chester P. Cooper, Odessa College
Friday: “Hypertension: Myths of the Mechanism,” David N. Shier, Professor of Anatomy and
Physiology, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, Michigan ................................................. 60
Saturday: “Not Waiting for an Outbreak: Purified Field Gel Electrophoresis for Tracking
Organisms,” Suzanne S. Barth, Chief, Microbiological Investigation Unit, Texas Department
of Health ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Saturday: “What Horse Training Can Teach Us About Classroom Interactions,” Phil Shelp,
Professor of Biology, Brookhaven College ......................................................................................... 21
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Joanna Kile, College of the
Friday: “Technological Advances in Monitoring Our Earth’s Biodiversity,” Earl G. Zimmerman,
Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas ...................................... 35
Saturday: “Emerging Genetic Technologies and Ethical Issues,” Olivia Masih White, Assistant
Professor of Biology, University of North Texas ................................................................................ 38
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Robert Bauman, Amarillo
Friday: “The Evolution of General Biology Courses,” Neil Campbell, Visiting Scholar, Department
of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside ..................................................... 70
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Linda Allen, Lon Morris College
Friday: “Terror at Lake Texoma: A Capstone Course on Menacing Microbes,” Douglas D.
Gaffin, Dean and Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Oklahoma and Marielle
H. Hoefnagels, Assistant Professor of Zoology and Botany-Microbiology, University
of Oklahoma ........................................................................................................................................ 53
Saturday: “Biology Jeopardy,” Deborah Cardenas, Professor of Biology, Collin County
Community College ............................................................................................................................. 35
2004 /Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Brian Baumgartner, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center: A New Approach to Environmental Education,”
Allen Forshage, Director, Freshwater Fisheries Center, Texas Department of Parks
and Wildlife ........................................................................................................................................ 50
Saturday: “Teaching Biology in a Post-Genomic World,” Kenneth A. Mason, Continuing
Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University ....................................................... 45
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Matthew J. Craig, Amarillo College
Friday: "Taxa Can Be Taxing: Changes in Protistan Nomenclature," Robert Bauman, Professor
of Biology, Amarillo College .............................................................................................................. 63
Saturday: "How to Study Drug Abuse in Flies," Nigel Atkinson, Associate Professor of
Neurobiology, University of Texas at Austin ...................................................................................... 32
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration 2327
Vernon Wiersema, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Tips on Teaching Evolution Versus Creationism,” Kenneth S. Saladin, Professor of
Biology, Georgia College and State University ................................................................................... 83
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Robert McReynolds, San Jacinto
Friday: “Bioterrorism, Germs, and Bacteriophages,” Jacquelyn Furman Black, Professor of
Science, Marymount University .......................................................................................................... 69
Saturday: “The Nature of Nature: How Concepts of Nature Have Changed and What This Means
for Conservation and Management,” Daniel B. Botkin, Professor Emeritus, Department of
Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara ............................ 37
Saturday: “Offspring Size, Offspring Fitness and Reproductive Allocation in Harvester Ants,”
Diane C. Wiernasz, Associate Professor of Biology, University of Houston ...................................... 15
Saturday: “Reassessment of a Free Radical Theory of Cancer with Emphasis on Ultraviolet
Carcinogenesis,” Homer S. Black, Professor of Dermatology, Baylor College of Medicine ............... 31
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
P. Jane Brixey, Cisco Junior College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Dianne Bridges, South Plains
Friday: “An Overview of the Professional Employee Organization,” Jerald L. Broussard, Vice
President of Marketing, Administaff ................................................................................................... 20
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Jimidene Murphey, South
Plains College
Friday: “Story-Telling as a Teaching Tool,” William Nickels, Associate Professor of Marketing,
University of Maryland ........................................................................................................................ 80
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Dale Westfall, Midland College
Friday: “The Changing Business World,” James A. Smith, Managing Director, James Smith and
Company, Dallas ................................................................................................................................. 36
Saturday: “Using the Internet and World Wide Web as Business Communication Tools,” Mary
Ellen Guffey, Emeritus Professor of Business, Los Angeles Pierce College ....................................... 55
Saturday: “Contemporary Pedagogy in the Personal Finance Class,” Douglas Hearth, Professor of
Finance, University of Arkansas .......................................................................................................... 10
Saturday: “Growth of Free Enterprise in Global Economies,” Chris MacLeod, Financial Consultant,
Smith Barney, Midland ........................................................................................................................ 16
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
David Loper, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “Digital Content Delivery and Course Management,” Bill Bayer, New Media Producer,
McGraw-Hill Publishers ...................................................................................................................... 20
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Joan Stinehart, Lamar State College–
Friday: “Using Technology to Enhance Learning in Business Mathematics and Other Business
Courses,” Robert A. Brechner, Professor of Business Administration, Miami-Dade
Community College, and George W. Bergeman, Professor of Business Administration,
Northern Virginia Community College ............................................................................................... 15
“Teaching Strategies for the Year 2000,” Robert J. Hughes, Professor of General
Business, Richland College ................................................................................................................. 21
Saturday: “Managing Cultural Differences in Today’s Global Economy,” Afasaneh Nahavandi,
Professor of Management, Arizona State University–West .....................................................................
Saturday: “Technology in the Classroom,” Larry McDaniel, Professor of Marketing, University
of Texas at Arlington ........................................................................................................................... 11
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Joan Stinehart, Lamar State
College – Orange
Friday: “The Application of Technology in the Classroom: Suggestions for Making the Right
Decisions,” Kurt Gerdenich, Manager, Technology Product Development, South-Western
College Publishing ..................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “E-Books: What They Are and What Is Available,” Kurt Gerdenich ..............................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Joan Stinehart, Lamar State
College - Orange
Friday: “Make Technology Work for You: The Use of Pre-Developed Content in On-Line Courses
and Course Management Systems,” Michael Dafferner, Educational Technology Consultant,
Thomson Learning ...................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Closing the Gap with the Project Approach,” Joan M. Stinehart, Assistant Professor
of Accounting and Director of the Technical Accounting Program, Lamar State College–Orange .........
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
James R. Ellis, Lamar State
College - Orange
Friday: “Teaching the Principles of Marketing Course,” Raymond Laforge, Brown-Forman
Professor of Marketing, University of Louisville ................................................................................ 10
Saturday “Utilizing Technology in a Traditional Lecture Course,” Stephen Day, E-Learning
Consultant, McGraw-Hill .................................................................................................................... 12
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
James R. Ellis, Lamar State College –
Friday: “Collaborative Learning in Business Classes: Using Examples from Organizational
Behavior and Finance,” Laurie Ziegler, Senior Lecturer, University of Texas at Dallas,
and Mary C. Chaffin, Assistant Dean and College Master, School of Management,
University of Texas at Dallas ............................................................................................................... 17
Saturday: “Film as a Teaching Resource: Using Popular Cinema to Become a Classroom Star!”
Joseph E. Champoux, Regents Professor of Management, University of New Mexico ....................... 21
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
James R. Ellis, Lamar State College –
Friday: "Online Instruction and Other Teaching Stratgegies for General Business," Robert J.
Hughes, Professor of Business and Management, Richland College ................................................... 21
Saturday: "Critical Thinking and the Active Learning Approach," Joan M. Stinehart, Assistant
Professor of Accounting, Lamar State College-Orange ....................................................................... 15
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Jimidene Murphey, Clarendon
Friday: “Writing for Business Today: What Students Need for Success,” Dona Young, Author ................ 40
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Jimidene Murphey, Clarendon
Friday: “Practical Ideas for Teaching Online Introduction to Business and Personal Finance Courses,”
Robert J. Hughes, Professor of General Business, Richland College ......................................................
Saturday: “Business Communications for a Global Environment,” Dona Young, Author .............................
Saturday: “Creating Value For Your Students,” Gareth Jones, Professor of Management, Texas
A&M University .................................................................................................................................. 25
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Jim Ellis, Lamar State College—
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Mollee A. Puckett, San Jacinto
College-North Campus
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Computers in Chemistry Laboratory Instruction,” John Amend, Instructor of Chemistry,
Montana State University; Hands-on laboratory workshop at North Harris College, featuring
the Labworks Interface which allows for enhanced student learning and data acquisition.
Repeat of 10:00 a.m. session ...................................................................................................................
Saturday: Panel Discussion: “Chemistry Education in the 21st Century,” W. Larry Peck, Professor
of Chemistry, Texas A&M University .....................................................................................................
1997 / Austin
Registration: 3,380
Kathy Nabona, Austin Community
Friday: “Interactive General Chemistry: CD-ROM Multimedia Presentation in the General Chemistry Convention
Classroom,” John C. Kotz, University Distinguished Teaching Professor, State University of
New York College at Oneonta .................................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Importance of Visualization for the General Chemistry Student,” Peter Atkins,
Professor of Chemistry, Oxford University .............................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Ranjana Segal, Tarrant County
Junior College-Southeast
Friday: “Small-Scale Chemistry, Part I,” Steve Thompson, Professor of Chemistry, Colorado
State University ................................................................................................................................... 29
“Small-Scale Chemistry, Part II,” continuation of morning session.................................................... 25
Saturday: “Design for the Environment: The Green Chemistry Approach,” David Y. Boon,
Instructor of Environmental Science, Front Range Community College, Westminster,
Colorado .............................................................................................................................................. 24
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Michael Sheets, Texarkana
Friday: “Changes in Chemistry Teaching,” Conrad Stanitski, Chair, Department of Chemistry,
University of Central Arkansas ............................................................................................................ 47
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Dolores C. Aquino, San Jacinto
Friday: “A Fun Chemistry ‘Make-and-Take,’” Larry Peck, Professor of Chemistry, Texas A&M
University ............................................................................................................................................ 54
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Thomas F. Hammargren, Navarro
Friday: “The Nuts and Bolts of On-Line Chemistry Education and Its Impact,” Amina El-Ashmawy,
Professor of Chemistry, Collin County Community College–Spring Creek Campus, and
Mary Patterson, Instructor of Chemistry, Brazosport College ............................................................. 38
Saturday: “Changes in Chemistry Teaching and the Division of Chemical Education of the
American Chemical Society,” Conrad Stanitski .................................................................................. 25
Saturday: “Don’t Complain—Get Involved: Ways to Influence Future Textbooks,” Larry Peck .............. 25
Saturday: “The Chemistry of DNA Damage and the Molecular Mechanism of DNA Repair in Living
Cells,” Paula Louise Fischhaber, Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center .............................................................................................................. 23
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Nancy Faulk, Blinn College – Bryan
Friday: “Brewing at a Small Brewery,” Brock L. Wagner, Founder/Brewer, St. Arnold’s Brewery ........... 37
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Nancy Faulk, Blinn College
Friday: “Forensic Science Today,” Bill Ginn, Manager, Headquarters Crime Laboratory, Texas
Department of Public Safety ................................................................................................................ 60
Saturday: “Online Asessment and Concept Discovery in Science Education,” William J. Vining,
Associate Professor of Chemical Education and Director of General Chemistry, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst .................................................................................................................. 25
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Beverly Clement, Blinn College
Friday: “Chemical Magic,” Diana Mason, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of
North Texas ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Saturday: “Effective Use of Classroom Illustrations,” Thom Jose, Instructor of Chemistry,
Blinn College–Bryan Campus ............................................................................................................. 26
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Steve Rathbone, Blinn College
Friday: "Environmental Toxicology," Vincent Leopold, Senior Toxicologist, Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality............................................................................................... 34
Saturday: "Rediscovery of the Elements," James L. Marshall, Professor of Chemistry, University
of North Texas, and Virginia Marshall, Author ................................................................................... 22
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Thomas José, Blinn College
Friday: “So You Want to Teach a Chemistry Course...Online!?” Beverly Clement, Instructor of
Chemistry, Blinn College–Bryan Campus ........................................................................................... 24
“Classroom Response Systems: A Clear Solution for Making Your Classroom Interactive,”
Donnie Byers, Professor of Chemistry, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park,
Kansas ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Saturday: “Case Studies and Concept Development: A Novel Approach for Teaching General
Chemistry,” John S. Hutchinson, Professor of Chemistry, Rice University ........................................ 14
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
James Petrick, San Antonio College
Friday: “Are They Prepared, and What Are We Preparing Them For?” Paul Kelter, University
Distinguished Professor and Director of General Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana ........... 37
Saturday: “Using Podcasts to Teach Chemistry,” Michael D. Mosher, Professor and Chair,
Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska at Kearney ............................................................ 22
Saturday: “I Ate WHAT?!” Beverly Clement, Instructor of Chemistry, Blinn College–Bryan Campus ..... 32
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Vicki Rowlett, Lamar Institute
Of Technology
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Kathryn L. Morrison, Tarrant County
Junior College - Northeast
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Articulation Between Community and Senior Colleges: Possibilities and Challenges,”
George Morrison, Velma Schmidt Professor of Early Childhood Education, University of
North Texas ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Saturday: “Risk Management Issues in Early Childhood Programs,” James Strickland, Director,
Child, Inc. ................................................................................................................................................
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Nancy A. Benz, South
Plains College
Friday: Panel Discussion: “Articulation Between Junior and Senior Colleges: The Work Continues,”
Larry Franks, Director, Instructional Programs, Division of Community and Technical Colleges,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board; Dorothy McNutt, Project Director, Workforce
Education Course Manual; Betty Larson, Dean, Occupational-Technical Education, San Antonio
College; Chris Webster-Reid, Texas Head Start Collaboration Project; and Sandra Enders,
Instructor of Child Development Education, San Antonio College, Moderator ......................................
Saturday: “Working Toward Articulation: Implementation of the Workforce Education Course Manual,”
Sandra Enders, San Antonio College
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Susan S. Wyatt, Eastfield College
Friday: “New Vistas for Child Development Through the Workforce Education Course Manual,”
Peggy Apple, Linda Ard, & Linda Lohman, Instructors, Child Development, San Antonio ............... 43
Saturday: Legal Issues for the New Century,” Frank Hill, Attorney at Law, Hill Gilstrap, Arlington ........ 22
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Susan S. Wyatt, Eastfield College
Friday: “New Information from the Leading Edge: Developmentally-Appropriate Practice,”
Susan Wyatt, Chair of Child Development, and Nancy Beaver, Adjunct Instructor of
Child Development, Eastfield College ................................................................................................ 24
Saturday: “Is Your Program Inclusive? Incorporating Anti-Bias Curriculum into the Early
Childhood Program,” Louise Derman-Sparks, author ........................................................................... 9
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Lynn Sitton, Kilgore College
Friday: “Universal Course for Child Care Providers,” Lynn Sitton, Coordinator, Early Childhood
Professions Department, and Virginia Booker, Instructor of Early Childhood Professions,
Kilgore College ................................................................................................................................... 26
Saturday: Tour of Children’s Lab School, Eastview Campus, Austin Community College ....................... 16
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Linda Lowman, San Antonio
Friday: “Aligning Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Home Economics and
Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM) for Child Development,” Gwen Chance, Director,
Head Start State Collaboration, Office of the Governor ...................................................................... 40
Saturday: “Community College Child Development Departments: Meeting the Need for Pre-Service
Training for Entry-Level Child Care Givers,” Linda Ard, Chair, Child Development Department,
Del Mar College ................................................................................................................................. 23
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Jennifer Kay Rhinehart, San Jacinto
College - North
Friday: “CDEA Spring Business Meeting,” Jennifer Rhinehart, President, Child Development
Educators Association ......................................................................................................................... 40
“An Update of Issues and Trends in Child Development: Head Start, Statewide Articulations,
and Universal Course Textbooks,” Jennifer Rhinehart, President, and Gordon Bacon, Vice
President, Child Development Educators Association ........................................................................ 40
Saturday: “Distance Learning Resources for Child Development: What’s Out There?” Touyen
Nguyen, Educational Sales Consultant, Delmar Thomson Learning ................................................... 30
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Gale Spear & Linda Welsh, Austin
Community College
Friday: “Learning More about CIRCLE, Head Start Literacy Mandates, and Teaching Emergent
Literacy, Part I,” Susan Landry, Director, and Susan Gunnewig, Project Manager, Center
for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning and Education ................................................ 46
“Inclusion in Child Care Settings: A Report Back from Natural Allies,” Linda Ard, Del Mar
College; Rebecca Bibby, Tyler Junior College; Isela Castonon-Williams, El Paso
Community College; Mary Cordell, Navarro College; Mary Gonzales, South Texas
Community College; Mary Clare Munger, Amarillo College; and Linda Welsh, Austin
Community College
CDEATTYC Business Meeting ........................................................................................................... 30
Saturday: “Learning More about CIRCLE, Head Start Literacy Mandates, and Teaching Emergent
Literacy, Part II,” Susan Landry and Susan Gunnewig ........................................................................ 27
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,2333
Sandy Enders, San Antonio College
Friday: “What’s New? What’s Changed? A Reflection on Our Programs,” Pati Cates, Chair,
Department of Sociology and Child Development, Tarrant County College ....................................... 34
Saturday: “Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for Young Children,” Carol Gestwicki,
Professor of Early Childhood Development, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte,
North Carolina ..................................................................................................................................... 28
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Sandra Enders, San Antonio College
Friday: "AAT Degrees and the Implications for Early Childhood Education," Susan Hetzler, Program
Director, Educator Preparation, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ................................... 60
Panel: "Building Partnerships: Public Schools, Community Colleges, Teacher Education,
Higher Education ................................................................................................................................. 35
Saturday: "Advocacy and Strategic Planning," Cathy Castillo, Chair, Child Development Education,
San Antonio College............................................................................................................................ 27
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Pamela Norwood, Houston
Community College
Friday: “A ‘Coaching’ Session for Child Development Educators: Orientation Training for the New
Texas Early Care and Education Career Development System,” Judy Carnahan-Webb, Council
Member, TECECDS ............................................................................................................................ 31
Saturday: Child Development Educators Association Business Meeting, Amy Jones, Blinn College,
CDEA President .................................................................................................................................. 36
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Pamela E. Ray, St. Philip’s College
Friday: “Learning Outomes: A Review of Statewide Course Objectives,” Pamela Ray, Instructor and
Program Director, Early Childhood Studies Program, St. Philip’s College, Kristen Wilkerson,
Associate Professor of Child Development, and Irma Woods, Associate Professor of Child
Development, Del Mar College ...............................................................................................................
Saturday: CDEA Business Meeting ................................................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Gail Cox, Temple College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Wesley E. Scruggs, Brazosport
Friday: “Introduction to Windows 95/Office 95,” Robert T. Grauer, Associate Professor of
Computer Information Systems, University of Miami ......................................................................... 98
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Gigi N. Beaton, Tyler Junior
Friday: “Integrating the Internet into Curriculum and Instruction,” Glen J. Coulthard, Computer
Program Administrator, Okanagan University College, Vernon, British Columbia .......................... 160
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Glenn F. Boswell, San Antonio
Friday: “The Changing Face of Information Technology in Education,” Gary Shelly, author ................. 152
“The McGraw-Hill Learning Architecture: Expanding the Tools for Higher Learning,” Bill Bayer,
New Media Producer, McGraw-Hill Publishers .................................................................................. 48
Saturday: “An Introduction to Visual Basic,” Mark G. Simkin, Professor of Business Administration, University of Nevada ............................................................................................................. 50
Saturday “Reaching Out: New Dimensions in Distance Learning,” Darrell Ward, President, HyperGraphics Corporation, and Dennis Spisak, Regional Vice President, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
“Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Computer Science Update,” Larry Franks, Director, ...
Instructional Programs, Division of Community and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education .............................................................................
Coordinating Board
Saturday: “Connecting with Students in Online Education,” Maggie Trigg, Instructor, Computer
Information Systems, Arapahoe Community College, Littleton, Colorado ......................................... 43
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Amelia J. Maretka, Wharton
County Junior College
Friday: “How to Establish a Cisco Networking Academy Program at Your School,” Karen Bruntz,
Western Area Academy Manager, Cisco Systems ............................................................................... 75
“How WECM Will Affect Computer Information Systems and Implementation,” Alan Rasco,
Program Director, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board, and Joan Jones, Dean of School of Business and Technology, Tyler
Junior College...................................................................................................................................... 72
Saturday: “Implications of Adopting Web-Based Instruction,” Nancy Cosgrove, Professor of
Computer Science, University of Central Florida ................................................................................ 36
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Fred Seals, Blinn College
Friday: “Novell Education Academic Partnership,” Michael Bowen, Education Academic
Programs Manager, Novell Corporation .............................................................................................. 35
“Vendor Specific and Non-Vendor Specific Certification Options,” Stephen P. Solomon, Senior
Acquisitions Editor, Course Technology
Saturday: “Will XML Replace HTML?” Ed Tittle, consultant, LanWrights, Inc. ...................................... 15
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Mark Crouch, South Plains College
Friday: “Developing a Distance Learning Course,” Dolores Pusins, Instructor of Computer
Literacy, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida.............................................................. 70
“Cognitive Requirements for Learning Java, an Object Oriented Language,” Garry White,
Instructor of Computer Information Systems, Southwest Texas State University ............................... 40
Saturday: “Dot.com: How to Run a Great E-Commerce Business,” Al Napier, Director, Center for
Management of Information Technology, Rice University.................................................................. 20
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Wesley E. Scruggs, Brazosport College
Friday: “Office XP Overview,” H. Albert Napier, Professor of Management, Jones Graduate
School, Rice University ....................................................................................................................... 93
“Skills-Based Assessment Technology for MS Office XP,” Steve Schuetz, Associate Editor,
CIT, McGraw-Hill/Irwin ..................................................................................................................... 40
Saturday: “A Quick Look at Windows XP,” Glen Couthard, Author .......................................................... 45
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Jamie Huckabay, Austin Community
Friday: “Brunch Bytes: A Moderated Panel of Experts,” Anthony Cassandra, Assistant Professor
of Computer Science, St. Edwards University; Mike Meyers, President and Co-Founder,
Total Seminars; Robert O’Donnell, e-Commerce Development Manager, Rock Solid
Technology; Ken Peterson, Senior Programmer, Texas Department of Public Safety; and
Jeff Quasney, Author. Moderators: Gigi Beaton, Tyler Junior College and Jim Hanson,
Austin Community College ................................................................................................................. 75
Saturday: “An Overview of .Net Environment,” Dan Fay, Research Manager, Microsoft ......................... 25
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Robert Nelson, Blinn College
Friday: “Teaching Web Standards: If Not Now, When?” Tim Gottleber, Professor of Computer
Information Technology, North Lake College ..................................................................................... 44
“Open Source in Education,” Mike Myers, Total Seminars ............................................................... 17
Saturday: “The Latest Adobe Technology,” Tom Dent, Education Sales Representative, Adobe
Systems, Inc. ........................................................................................................................................ 26
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Rajiv R. Malkan, Montgomery
Friday: "In a Digital World, What Should We Teach Our Students About Information Systems
Security?" Corey D. Schou, University Professor of Informatics and Associate Dean,
College of Business, Idaho State University ........................................................................................ 71
This is a joint meeting with the Office Technology Section. "The Texas Shootout: Assessment
and Training Software for Microsoft Office 2003," Bill Bayer, Director of New Media
Strategies, McGraw-Hill Technology Education, Matt Denham, Director of Sales Programs,
Computing and Information Technology Division, Pearson Prentice Hall Publishing, Beverly
Fite, Professor of Computer Information Science, Amarillo College, and David Gibson,
Technology Consultant, Course Technology ....................................................................................... 65
Saturday: "The Name of the Game is Gaming! How the Thumb Generation is Reshaping the
Teaching, Learning, and Computing Curriculum," John Flynt, Author ............................................... 42
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration 2327
Rajiv R. Malkan, Montgomery
Friday: “Upcoming Trends in Information Technology and Their Impact on the Curriculum,”
Gary Shelly, Author ........................................................................................................................... 104
“The Texas Shootout: Moodle, An Alternate Source for Distance Learning,” Anand Kumar
Chauhan, Instructor of Computer Science, Lamar State College–Port Arthur, and Brian Koontz,
Instructor of Computer Science and Information Technology, North Lake College ........................... 33
Saturday: “Developing a Gaming and Simulation Curriculum for Your College,” Reni Abraham,
Director, Department of Gaming and Simulation, Houston Community College ................................ 21
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Rajiv R. Malkan, Montgomery
Friday: “Windows Vista and Office 2007: New Features and Challenges in Curriculum,” Gary Shelly,
“The Texas Shootout: Assessment Software for Microsoft Office 2007,” Sean Casey,
Director of Technology, Course Technology, Robert Galvin, Vice President, EMC/Paradigm,
Anne Long, eLearning Consultant, McGraw-Hill Technology Education, and Chris Zajac, CIT
Sales Representative, Pearson Prentice Hall
Saturday: “Using Real-World Scenarios and Service Learning Projects to Teach Simulation
and Game Design,” Dep-Wah Davis, Professor of Computer Information Technology, and Clark
Friesen, Professor of Computer Information Technology, Tomball College
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Rajiv R. Malkan, Montgomery
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Marie J. (Billie) Popp, McLennan
Community College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Update on 1995 Changes in Texas Cosmetology Commission Rules and Regulations,”
Larry Perkins, Director of State Inspectors, Texas Cosmetology Commission; “The Healing
Power of Humor,” Marylea Henderson, Counselor and Coordinator of Special Populations,
McLennan Community College ........................................................................................................... 60
Saturday: “Razor Cutting,” James Overstreet, International Beauty School, Garland ............................... 25
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Marie J. (Billie) Popp, McLennan
Community College
Friday: “Stress Management,” Marylea Henderson, Counselor, McLennan Community
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Patsy Kincade, Grayson County
Friday: “Beyond the Color Wheel,” Michelle Garner, Senior Education Consultant, Matrix
Corporation.......................................................................................................................................... 21
“Making Your Training a Memorable Occasion,” Michelle Garner, Senior Education Consultant,
Matrix Corporation .............................................................................................................................. 18
Saturday: “New Legislation, Proposed Rule Changes, and Exam Updates, Including Hair Weaving
and Hair Braiding,” Dick Strader, Executive Director, Larry Perkins, Director of State Inspectors,
and Victor Balderas, Director of Examinations, Texas Cosmetology Commission .................................
Saturday: “Updates on Enforcements and Examinations,” Larry Perkins, Director of Enforcement,
and Victor Balderas, Director of Examinations, Texas Cosmetology Commission ............................. 22
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Cynthia L. King, Lamar University–
Port Arthur
Friday: “Matrix Skin Care and Make-up,” Anthony Skoog, Educator, Matrix Corporation ...................... 20
“Farouk Hair Color,” Melissa Burge and Carolyn Hoffman, Educators, Farouk Corporation ............ 12
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Gary Don Carey, Howard College
Friday: “Texas Cosmetology Commission Forms: Common Mistakes, Gripes, and Misunderstandings,” Henry O’Neal Holifield, Executive Director, and Elizabeth Perez, Director of Licensing,
Texas Cosmetology Commission ......................................................................................................... 20
“Kit Rental for the Texas Cosmetology Commission Examination,” Mary Jo Heard, Owner,
ProKits Rental
“New Products and Supplies Offered Exclusively to Cosmetology Schools,” Linda Engel, Sales
Representative, School Division, Marianna Beauty Supply ................................................................ 20
Saturday: “Motivating Your Students,” Lew Losoncy, Dean, Matrix Essential Institute for
Professional Development .......................................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Whys and Whats of the Texas Education Course Manual,” Linda Winegar,
Cosmetology Member, WECM Advisory Committee ......................................................................... 14
2001 / Dallas
Friday: “Hair Color,” Amy Fletcher, Educator, Wella, Inc. ........................................................................ 18
Convention Registration: 2,867
Lou Ann Hitt, Odessa College
“Color or Cut,” Elaine Wheeler, Educator, Visual Changes................................................................. 9
Saturday: “Update on the New State Cosmetology Licensing Examination,” Victor Balderas,
Director of Examinations, Texas Cosmetology Commission................................................................. 9
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Linda Winegar, San Jacinto
College – South
Friday: “Pivot Point Salon Fundamentals and Agenda,” Michael May, Educational Sales
Consultant............................................................................................................................................ 18
“Pivot Point Salon Fundamentals,” Michael May ............................................................................... 12
Saturday: “New Tests and Results from the Texas Cosmetology Commission,” Neal Holifield,
Executive Director, and Victor Balderas, Director of Examinations, Texas Cosmetology
Commission ......................................................................................................................................... 10
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Pandora Freestone, San Jacinto
College - South
Friday: “Educational Print and Product Knowledge from Milady Publishing, Part I,”
Lisha Barnes, Licensed Cosmetologist, Barber, and Instructor, Career Institute ................................. 18
Saturday: “Educational Print and Product Knowledge from Milady Publishing, Part II,” Lisha
Barnes .................................................................................................................................................. 18
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Dana Belt, San Jacinto College –
Friday: “Preparing Cosmetology Students for Success,” Paullett Meyer, National Training
and Salon Manager, J.C. Penney, Inc. ................................................................................................. 19
“Federal Taxation Curriculum for Cosmetology Students and Instructors,” Cherity Smith,
Field Representative, Internal Revenue Service .................................................................................. 14
“Skills USA-VICA Post Secondary Organization and Competition Information,” Heidi
Ambros, Skills USA-VICA Representative ........................................................................................... 8
Saturday: “Starting a New Post Secondary Cosmetology Education Organization,” Carla
Wright, Director of Education, Department of Cosmetology, Central Texas College,
and Ron Robinson, Chair, Department of Cosmetology, McLennan Community College ................ 13
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Ronald G. Robinson, McLennan
Community College and
Carla Wright, Central Texas College
Friday: "The Business of Esthetics," Karen Edwards, Account Consultant and Educator, La
Marquise Co. ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Saturday: "Texas Cosmetogy Commission Updates: Testing and Licensing and Current Sanitation
Rules Changes," Elizabeth Perez, Director of Examinations, Licensing, and Schools, and Mike
Roff, Director of Enforcement, Texas Cosmetology Commission ....................................................... 20
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration 2327
Jennifer Adler, Hill College–
Johnson Co. Branch
Friday: “The Cosmetology Commission Transfer to the Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation,” William H. Kuntz, Jr., Executive Director, TDLR ......................................................... 22
Texas Post-Secondary Cosmetology Educators (TPSCE), Organizational Meeting Concerning
TDLR and Officer Elections ................................................................................................................ 18
“A Continuing Education Event: Sanitation, Health, and Safety for the Cosmetology
Professional,” Mary Lindsay, Chair, Department of Cosmetology, San Jacinto
College–South ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Saturday: “Technology in the Cosmetology Classroom,” Sandra Bruce, Marketing Manager, Milady
Product Line, Thomson Delmar Learning ............................................................................................. 9
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Mary Paschal-Lindsay, San Jacinto
Friday: “The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation/Enforcement Division,” Jeffery Rinard,
Lead Investigator, Enforcement Division ............................................................................................ 24
“Cosmetology Update,” Don Dudley, Director of Schools and Examinations, Texas Department
of Licensing and Regulation ................................................................................................................ 26
Saturday: “Milady Product Knowledge,” Lisha Barnes, Career Institute Educator, Milady Seminar
Division, Thomson Delmar Learning .................................................................................................. 18
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Levita O’Brien, San Jacinto
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Joe W. Rode, Tarrant County Junior
College–Northwest Campus
Friday: ‘The A, B, C, and D of Student Services in Community College Today: Attitude, Behavior,
and Cultural Diversity,” Bennie E. Lambert, Director of Admissions, North Harris College ............. 36
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
M. Elda Cisneros, Houston Community
Friday: “Project M.A.L.E. (Motivation and Achievement through Leadership & Education):
Counseling At-Risk Students,” Kenneth Holden, Project Director, Project M.A.L.E.,
Houston Community College System ......................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Future Role of Counseling and Student Services in a Community College: A
Chancellor’s Viewpoint,” C. A. Roberson, Chancellor, Tarrant County Junior College
District ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Saturday: “Counseling Special Populations: Support Services for Vietnamese Students,” Gigi
Do-Nguyen, Counselor, Houston Community College System–Central College ....................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
M. Elda Cisneros, Houston Community
College-Central College
Friday: “Factors That Impact on Student Success,” Rey Garay, Counselor; Nancy Hashimi,
Testing Specialist; Clennis High, Counselor; and Carole Keeney, Project Manager, Capable
and Motivated Program, Houston Community College; Irene Porcarello, Dean of Student
Services, Houston Community College, Moderator ............................................................................ 35
“A New Approach to Curriculum Presentation For the 21st Century,” Don Watson, Chair of
Counseling, and Dennis Adkins, Consultant, Project Eagle, Fresno City College, Fresno,
California; and La Verne Ludden, Vice President of Software Development, JistWorks
Corporation.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Saturday: “Enrollment Management: Building Bridges to Student Success,” Felipe Reyes, New
Student Services Counselor; Sandra Lefever, Financial Aid Specialist; Jade Borne, Financial
Aid Specialist; and Gail Wellenkamp, Counselor, Houston Community College; Diane Castillo, ........
Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management, Houston Community College, Moderator ....................... 4
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Claudine C. Oliver, South Plains
Friday: “Advising From Orientation to Graduation,” Lolo Mercado and Dianna Williams, Counselors,
El Paso Community College ................................................................................................................ 19
“Teaching Students Conflict Resolution,” Christine Anderson, Academic Transfer Counselor,
South Plains College ........................................................................................................................... 37
Saturday: “Career and Life Planning: Which Way Do I Go?” Allyn M. Evans, Placement and
Vocational Counselor, and Claudine Oliver, Director of Guidance and Counseling, South
Plains College ...................................................................................................................................... 14
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Margaret Lapham, Houston Community
College–Southwest Campus
Friday: “Your Legal Rights: Courage to Teach and Counsel,” Barbara J. Gardner, Attorney at Law,
Houston ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Saturday: “School Violence: When Tragedy Strikes,” Stephen Rossi, Clinical Psychologist .................... 20
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Gail Wellenkamp, Houston
Community College–Central
Friday: “Should Counselors Share Personal Values and Philosophy?” Randall Wade Murphy,
Counselor and Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy, Houston Community College–Central
College................................................................................................................................................. 16
Saturday: “The Americans With Disabilities Act: Maintaining Academic Standards and Supporting
Student Needs,” Martin Houg, Lead Disability Support Counselor, Houston Community
College System .................................................................................................................................... 14
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Margaret Lapham, Houston Community
College – Southwest
Friday: “The Legal Rights of Counselors and Student Development Personnel,” Lisa Brown,
Attorney, Bracewell and Patterson, Houston ...........................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Gail Wellenkamp, Houston Community
College - Central
Friday: “New Outlook for Incoming International Students,” Gigi Do-Nguyen, Assistant
Director, International Student Services, Houston Community College .................................................
Saturday: “Creating a Crisis Response Team,” Becky Hauri, Psychologist, Disability Support
Services Office, and Roman Alvarez, Counselor, Houston Community College ....................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Margaret A. Lapham, Houston
Community College
Friday: “How to Get Your Way in Almost Every Situation! Tips on Conflict Resolution
Through Mediation,” Carvin Adkins, Attorney, Shari Barnes, Conflict Resolution
Facilitator, Texas Christian University, Joy McInvale, Therapist, Greg Stephens,
Chair, Department of Management, TCU, and Stuart Youngblood, Professor of Management,
TCU ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Saturday: “When Mediation Fails: An Attorney’s Guide to Conflict Resolution,” Barbara J.
Gardner, Attorney .................................................................................................................................. 7
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Margaret A. Lapham, Houston
Community College
Friday: "Texas Rhythm, Texas Rhyme for Heartfelt Souls: A Fascinating History of Texas Music,"
Larry Willoughby, Associate Professor of History, Austin Community College................................. 20
Saturday: "Personality Profiling: The Art and Science of Graphology," Karen W. Royer, Handwriting
Analyst and Certified Master Graphologist .............................................................................................
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Margaret A. Lapham, Houston
Community College
Friday: “First Responders to National Disaster: Counseling Victims of Katrina, Rita, and Beyond,”
Rose Childs, Deputy Director of Mental Health Services, Harris County Mental Health and
Mental Retardation Authority; Mende Snodgress, Director of Crisis Residential and
Stabilization Units and Crisis Counseling Unit, Harris County MHMRA; and Thomas Mitchell,
Director, Department of Mobil Outreach and Diversion Services, Harris County MHMRA ..................
Saturday: “Building a Partnership Between Counseling and Instruction,” Neal Tannahill, Academic
Dean, Houston Community College–Southwest......................................................................................
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Denise Anding, Austin Community
Friday: “HELP! I Can’t Give My Speech! Anxiety Techniques and/or Curricular Alternatives to the
Speech Course Requirement,” Mark Butland, Associate Professor of Speech Communication,
Austin Community College, Roger Alford, Director of Instruction and Academic Affairs, Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board, and Denise Anding, Counselor and Professor of Human
Development, Austin Community College .......................................................................................... 15
Saturday: “From Soldier to Student: Helping Combat Veterans Return to Campus,” Jerry Sharp, Team
Leader, Readjustment Counseling Service, Austin Veterans Center ..................................................... 9
Saturday: “World Violence: Living Through Terrorism,” Steve Rossi, Clinical Psychologist........................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Randall L. Fesperman, South
Plains College
Friday: Round Table Discussion: Major Law Enforcement Topics ............................................................ 35
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
George L. Lawless, South Plains
Friday: Roundtable: “Issues in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice: Education 2000” ......................... 35
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Leonard R. Larsen, Eastfield
Friday: “Criminal Justice College Programs and Workforce Education Course Manual,” Rebecca
Bell, Director, WECM Training Project, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ..................... 20
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Gary G. Gildon, Texarkana
Friday: “To WECM or Not to WECM,” Kay Hale, Program Director, Community and Technical
Colleges Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ....................................................... 30
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Dale Mooso, San Antonio College
Friday: “Substance Abuse Counseling and the Criminal Justice Professional,” Tom Slocum,
Criminal Justice Coordinator, Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Eva Perry,
Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice Substance Abuse Treatment Program; and
Kristi Kostoff,Counselor Licensure Program Specialist,Texas Department of Criminal Justice ......... 35
“Coordinating Board Update,” Kay Hale, Program Director, Community and Technical Colleges
Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ...................................................................... 25
Saturday: “Update on Concealed Handgun Law,” Ken Pittman, Firearms Instructor, Texas
Department of Public Safety Training Academy ................................................................................. 30
Saturday: Roundtable: “Core Course Changes in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice” ....................... 28
Saturday: “Criminal Justice and Distance Learning,” Larry Nichols, Professor and Program
Coordinator, Law Enforcement Technology, South Plains College .................................................... 32
Saturday: “Working Together for Criminal Justice Education,” Barbara Hart, Assistant Professor
of Criminal Justice, The University of Texas at Tyler ......................................................................... 11
Saturday: “Internet Resources: Sharing Information and Suggestions,” Dale Mooso, President,
Community College Criminal Justice Educators of Texas ................................................................... 15
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Gary Reeves, Hill College
Friday: “Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty,” William Wilbanks, Retired Instructor
of Criminal Justice, Florida International University ..............................................................................
Saturday: “Future Direction of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and
Evaluation,” Jim Dozier, Executive Director, TCLEOSE .......................................................................
2002 / Houston
Friday: “Legislative Changes Affecting Criminal Justice,” Charles A. Rosenthal, Harris
Convention Registration: 2,753
Gary A. Reeves, Hill College
County District Attorney .........................................................................................................................
“Domestic Terrorism,” Richard C. Powers, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Houston Office ...............
Saturday: “Anatomy of a Death Investigation: The O.J. Simpson Case,” William Dear, Private
Investigator, William Dear and Associates ..............................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Gary A. Reeves, Hill College
Friday: “Violent Incidents on School Campuses,” Angie McCown, Director of Victim Services,
Texas Department of Public Safety .........................................................................................................
“Criminal Justice Issues in the 21st Century,” James A. Fagin, Author ..........................................................
Saturday: “Terrorism,” James Debrow, Sergeant, Texas Department of Public Safety ..................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Ray Garner, Laredo Community College
Friday: “Innovation and Criminal Justice Teaching Methods,” Laura B. Myers, Associate
Professor of Criminal Justice and Assistant Dean of Academic Programs, Sam Houston
State University ................................................................................................................................... 18
Saturday: “The Texas Rangers’ Unsolved Crimes Investigation Unit,” Gary de los Santos,
Lieutenant, Texas Ranger Service, Texas Department of Public Safety ............................................. 29
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Randy Robertson, South Plains
Friday: "Academic Alternative and CRIJ/CJLE Curriculum Issues for Criminal Justice and Law
Enforcement Programs in Texas," Robert Bodisch, Representative, Texas Commission on
Law Enforcement Officers' Standards and Education (TCLEOSE), and Kay Hale, Senior
Program Director, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board .................................................................................................................................
Saturday: "Community College Criminal Justice Educators of Texas (CCCJET) Round Table
Discussion," Randy Robertson, South Plains College, Moderator .........................................................
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration 2327
Donald R. Stewart, Tyler Junior
Friday: “Domestic Violence: A Call for Better Investigations,” Don Stewart, Chair, and Jason
Waller, Instructor, Department of Criminal Justice, Tyler Junior College ..............................................
Saturday: “Domestic Violence: A Call for Better Investigations” (Continuation of Friday program),
Don Stewart and Jason Waller ................................................................................................................
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Dayton Hall, Galveston College
Friday: How Academia Can Support the TCLEOSE Mission,” Tim Braaten, Executive Director,
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education ........................................ 18
Saturday: Round Table Discussion .............................................................................................................. 7
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Lane C. Johnson, North
Harris College
Friday: “The Politics of Open Admissions,” Geraldine McNenny, Assistant Director of Writing,
and Linda Maitland, Reading Coordinator, University of Houston–Downtown ................................. 20
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Carman E. Wiese, Southwest Texas
Junior College
Friday: “TASP: A Legislative Update,” Ron Swanson, Director, Texas Academic Skills Program,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ..........................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Jo Cummins, South Texas
Community College and
Lorraine H. Stansel, McLennan
Community College
Friday: “Update on TASP Legislation,” Ronald G. Swanson, Director, Texas Academic Skills Program,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ...................................................................................... 91
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Julie Kern, Palo Alto College
Friday: “Multiple Intelligences: Helping All Students Achieve Success in Learning,” Joyce
Bishop, Instructor of Psychology, Golden West College, Huntington Beach, California .................... 90
“The Penny Toss: A Creative Way to Apply Motivation Theory in the Classroom,”
Russ Hodges, Coordinator of Undergraduate Programs, Department of Educational
Administration and Psychological Services, and Carol Dochen, Director of Student Learning
Assistance Center, Southwest Texas State University ......................................................................... 41
Saturday: “Political Reality: An Educator’s Views,” Carman Wiese, Instructor of Reading,
Southwest Texas Junior College ......................................................................................................... 15
Saturday: “Developmental Educators’ Exchange,” Susan Hammond, Julie Kern, The Phoenix Institute,
Palo Alto College ....................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “From TAAS to TASP: A Program for Hyper-linking With Area High Schools,” Lois
Brockelman, Reading/Writing Lab Instructor, Linda Kraeger, Ann Kirch, Mib Garrard, Becky
Denton, Instructors of Developmental Writing, Bernice Rohlich, Instructor of Developmental
Reading, Grayson County College; and Linda Linn, Instructor of Writing and Coordinator of
English-as-a-Second-Language, San Jacinto College–North Campus ................................................. 25
Saturday: “Developing Academic Resiliency in Developmental Students,” Cherry Ross Gooden,
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Texas Southern University ........................................ 27
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Kamal Maheshwari, Galveston
Friday: “Extraordinary Educators, Extraordinary Results,” Robert M. Sherfield, Co-Director,
Faculty Center for Learning and Teaching, The Community College of Southern Nevada in
Las Vegas ............................................................................................................................................ 48
“Putting Sparks Into Your Developmental Classroom,” Carol R. Lyon, Director of Reading
and Study Skills, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa ............................................................... 30
Saturday: “Technology in Community Colleges: Past, Present, and Future,” David C. Caverly,
Director, Developmental Reading Program, Southwest Texas State University.................................. 10
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Friday: “Fly Like an Eagle,” Patricia G. Moody, Dean, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport
Management, University of South Carolina ........................................................................................ 22
Helen (Honey) Kirk, Palo
Alto College
“Student Success Week: Passport to Success,” Tami Musser, Coordinator, TRIO Student
Support Services, Palo Alto College ................................................................................................... 10
Saturday: “Legislative Update,” Linda McDonough, Acting Director, Center for College Readiness,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ...................................................................................... 23
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Helen (Honey) Kirk, Palo
Alto College
Friday: “Multiple Intelligences and Employability: Turning Learning Skills into Life Skills,”
Carol Carter, Director of Faculty Development, Prentice Hall ............................................................ 56
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Susie Johnston, Tyler Junior
Friday: “Capitalization of International Students as Resources,” Manoucher Khosrowshahi,
Professor of Government, Tyler Junior College ......................................................................................
Saturday: “EDUC 1300: Theories and Learning Applications for Athletes,” Renee Hawkins,
Project Coordinator, TRIO ......................................................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Janith V. Stephenson, College of
the Mainland
Friday: “The Texas Success Initiative: What’s Happened Since September 1, 2003?”
Linda McDonough, THECB Liaison, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board .......................... 58
Saturday: “Celebrate the Power of the Professor Who Can Motivate Students to Learn New Ways
of Thinking About Learning,” Maggi Miller, Senior Consultant, Faculty Programs and
College Survival, Houghton Mifflin Co. ............................................................................................. 28
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Annette Davis-Smith, South
Plains College
Friday: "Updates and Changes in Developmental Education by the Coordinating Board,"
Lynette Heckmann, Director of Special Projects, Division of Community and Technical
Colleges, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ..........................................................................
Saturday: "The Administration and Organization of a Holistic Developmental Education Program,"
Renea Fike, Dean of Student and Academic Development, Amarillo College ........................................
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Rebecca Goosen, San Jacinto
Friday: “New Initiatives in Providing Seamless Transition from Public School to Higher Education,”
Glenda Barron, Associate Commissioner for Participation and Success, Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board ............................................................................................................ 50
Saturday: “Exploring and Developing Emotional Intelligence: An Education-Based Model for
Student Success,” Robert Vela, Associate Dean of Student Success, San Jacinto College–North ...... 16
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Brenda Blue, San Jacinto College
Friday: “High School Projects That Close the Gaps,” Sarah Janes, Dean of Instruction, San
Jacinto College–North ......................................................................................................................... 22
Saturday: “Teaching Grammar to Visual and Kinesthetic Learners: The Sentence Diagram,” Frank
Cronin, Professor of Developmental Writing, Austin Community College ......................................... 15
Saturday: “Sharing Best Practices: An Open Forum,” Susan Hammond, Coordinator,
Professional Development, Palo Alto College ..................................................................................... 36
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Rebecca Goosen, San Jacinto
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Roberta M. Ziegler, Palo
Alto College
Friday: “Building Schemata for Academic Success,” Brenda D. Smith, Instructor of Reading,
Georgia State University...................................................................................................................... 19
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Peggy R. Porter, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Teaching Main Idea Skills,” Brenda D. Smith, Professor of Reading, Georgia State
University ................................................................................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Gerald M. Corkran, Western
Texas College
Friday: “Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Developmental Reading Program,” Kristin LeClair
Kirkpatrick, Access Division Chair, and Judy Johnson, Associate Professor of Reading,
Amarillo College ................................................................................................................................. 25
Saturday: “Reducing the Mother Goose Deficit: Expanding Reading Schemata Via Uses of
Multicultural Folk Tales and Children’s Stories in College Classrooms,” Judy Looter and
Sylvia Ybarra, Reading Instructors, San Antonio College; Roberta M. Ziegler, Reading
Instructor, Palo Alto College ............................................................................................................... 18
Saturday: “Using Multicultural Supplementary Materials and Methods to Enhance TASP Reading
Skills,” Elizabeth Grady Branch, Professor of Reading, Tarrant County Junior College–South
Campus; Annie Jewett, Professor of Reading, and Jeanette Adkins, Instructor of Developmental
English, Tarrant County Junior College–Northeast Campus ...................................................................
Saturday: “Reading on the Internet in Developmental Courses,” Glenda Shamburger, Assistant
Professor of Reading, South Plains College ........................................................................................ 20
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Kay Lynn Moran, Houston
Community College–
Northeast College
Friday: “Are You Smarter Than You Think You Are? Applying Type to Test-Taking Success,” Gail
Platt, Director of Learning Center, South Plains College .................................................................... 32
“76th Legislature Update,” Brian Dille, Instructor of Government, Odessa College, Gerald
Corkran, Director of Reading Center, Western Texas College, Charles Johnson, Director of
SOS Program, Tyler Junior College, and Gail Platt, Director of Learning Center, South Plains
College................................................................................................................................................. 52
Saturday: “Are You Sure It’s Developmental?” Linda McDonough, Associate Program Director,
Community and Technical College Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board .............. 18
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Becky Garlick, Blinn College
Friday: “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Developmental Reading Programs,” Omar Lopez,
Program Director, Center for College Readiness, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ........ 49
Saturday: “Distributed Learning: One Size Does Not Fit All,” Candace Schaefer, Distance Learning
Coordinator, Blinn College ................................................................................................................. 23
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Kamal Maheshwari, Galveston
Friday: “Creating a Community of Readers for Developmental Readers,” Maggi Miller, Associate
Professor of Developmental Reading, Austin Community College .........................................................
“An Odyssey into Cyberspace: Avenues for Developmental Reading Students,” Becky Garlick,
Chair, Parallel Studies Division, Blinn College ......................................................................................
Saturday: “Thinking About Thinking: Vocabulary Development as Critical Thinking,” Anne
Solomon, Associate Professor of Reading, and Gail M. Platt, Director, Teaching and Learning
Center, South Plains College ...................................................................................................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Mildred C. Tate, Houston Community
College – Central
Friday: “Reading and the Adult Learner,” Nancy Wood, Professor of Reading and English,
University of Texas at Austin .............................................................................................................. 30
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Peggy Porter, Houston Community
College - Northwest
Friday: “Hybrid Reading Instruction with Course Compass,” Michael King, Instructor of
Developmental Reading, Houston Community College ...................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Measuring Student Success in Reading,” Peggy R. Porter, Chair, Department of
Developmental Studies and Foreign Language, Houston Community College ..................................... 8
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Renea Bell, Amarillo College
Friday: “What Works: Getting and Keeping Students’ Attention in Developmental Reading
Classes,” Janet Elder and Joe Cortina, Professors of Reading, Richland College ............................... 34
Saturday: “The Spin Zone: Using Data to Promote Your Reading Program,” Judy Johnson,
Developmental Reading Coordinator, and Renea Bell, Chair, ACcess Division, Amarillo
College................................................................................................................................................. 13
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Pamela Hunt, Paris Junior College
Friday: "Do We Really Need This Stuff? A Reality Check: College Textbooks in Developmental
Reading Classes," Nancy DeBin and G.R. Fasken, Instructors of Developmental Reading,
Paris Junior College ............................................................................................................................. 30
Saturday: Panel: "Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Techniques and Activities to Improve Reading
in College," Ann Palmer, Associate Professor of Developmental Reading, Austin Community
College, Moderator. Panelists: Vonnye Gardner, Instructional Associate, Learning Laboratories,
Judy Hubble, Assistant Professor of Developmental Reading, and Sherry Prather, Instructor,
Learning Laboratories, Austin Community College ............................................................................ 21
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Ann Palmer, Austin Community
Friday: “Know Thyself: Metacognitive Self-Perception,” Dorothy Stafford Martinez, Professor of
Reading and Education, Austin Community College, and Myra L. Bradley, Instructional Lab
Manager, Austin Community College ................................................................................................. 27
“Strategies on How to Become a Successful College Student,” Daniela Ferrari, Instructor of
Special Education and Art, Briarwood School, Houston ..................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Online Resources for Developmental Reading: Using Technology to Teach Reading,”
Ann Fry, Learning Consultant, McGraw-Hill Higher Education ......................................................... 20
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Essie Childers, Tyler Junior College
Friday: “Who Wants to be a Culturally Educated Millionaire Instructor?” Manoucher Khosrowshahi,
Professor of Government and Director, Middle East Outreach Program, Tyler Junior College .......... 36
Saturday: “Best Practices: Great Ideas for Teaching THEA Objectives,” Phyllis Sisson, Professor
of Developmental Studies, Central Texas College, and Valerie C. Gomez, Assistant Professor
of Reading, Palo Alto College ............................................................................................................ 20
Saturday: “The Retention Mangement System,” Elizabeth Teagon, Director, Advising Center,
Texas Tech University ......................................................................................................................... 14
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Lola King, Trinity Valley
Community College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Charlene P. Kinsey, North Harris
Friday: “Visualizing the Connection: The Use of Interactive Software for Instructors of
Economics,” Steven R. Tomlinson, Lecturer in Finance, The University of Texas at Austin ............. 40
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Charles M. Newton, Jr., Wharton
County Junior College
Friday: “Retail Wheeling: Public Utility Deregulation in Texas,” Jay Zarnikau, Director of
Strategic Planning and Pricing, Planergy ............................................................................................ 20
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Thom Smith, Hill College
Friday: “Economics Education and Economic Policy,” N. Gregory Mankiw, Professor of Economics,
Harvard University .............................................................................................................................. 36
Saturday: “What is Worth Knowing About Economics?” Fred M. Gottheil, Professor of
Economics, University of Illinois– Champaign-Urbana ...................................................................... 20
Saturday: “What Should be Taught in the Principles of Economics Courses?” James Gwartney,
Professor of Economics, Florida State University ............................................................................... 18
Saturday: “Active Learning in the Introductory Economics Course,” Arthur O’Sullivan, Professor of ........
Economics, Oregon State University, and Steven M. Sheffrin, Professor of Economics, University
of California at Davis........................................................................................................................... 22
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Charlene P. Kinsey, Houston
Community College
Friday: “The Global Economic Crisis,” Timothy Hopper, Economist, Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas, Houston Branch.................................................................................................................. 47
“Understanding Math Phobia and Teaching Students to Read Graphs,” Stephen L. Slavin,
Professor of Economics, Union County College, New Jersey ............................................................. 27
Saturday: “Bringing the World to the Principles Classroom,” Michael Melvin, Professor of
Economics, Arizona State University .................................................................................................. 13
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
James L. Allen, Wharton County
Junior College
Friday: “The Federal Budget: Short-Term Headaches, Long-Term Nightmares,” Brad Schiller,
Professor of Economics, American University .................................................................................... 22
“Texas in the New Century,” Billy C. Hamilton, Chief Deputy State Comptroller of Public
Accounts .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Saturday: “Economics Excitement: Using Active Learning Activities,” Warren Matthews,
Kingwood College ............................................................................................................................... 18
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Larry C. Allen, Panola College
Friday: Continental Breakfast Served—“Why Do Some Nations Not Grow?” Fred Gottheil,
Professor of Economics, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign ................................................... 31
Tour of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas ........................................................................................ 35
Saturday: “Integrating Sex and Drugs into the Principles Course,” David Colander, Christian A.
Johnson Distinguished Professor of Economics, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont ........... 11
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Charles M. Newton, Jr., Houston
Community College
Friday: “The Recession of 2001-02,” Michael Parkin, Professor of Economics, University of
Western Ontario................................................................................................................................... 28
“Political and Economic Effects of the Events of September 11, 2001,” Hossein Razi,
Professor of Political Science, University of Houston ........................................................................ 89
Saturday: “Pitfalls of Teaching Economics,” Jim Gwartney, Professor of Economics, Florida State
University ............................................................................................................................................ 16
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Richard Gosselin, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Introductory Economics: Achieving Your Teaching and Learning Goals,” Ronald Ayers,
Professor of Economics, University of Texas at San Antonio .................................................................
“Will the United States Go Bankrupt?” Steven Slavin, Professor of Economics, Union County
College, Cranford, New Jersey ................................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Economics of the Economics Textbook,” Stanley Brue, Professor of Economics,
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington .................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Lowell Boudreaux, Lamar Community
College-Port Arthur
Friday: “The Science of Common Sense: Why Economics is Required, and What That Implies
for Teaching It,” Robert A. Collinge, Professor of Economics, University of Texas at San
Antonio ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Saturday: “The New Economy,” Robert D. McTeer, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas ........................................................................................................ 404
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
A. Best, Lamar Statee College
Friday: "The Ten Things We Need to Do in the Economics Classroom," Roger Arnold, Professor
of Economics, California State University, San Marcos ...................................................................... 20
Saturday: "Patterns of Homework Initiation for Web-based Activities in Economics: A Study
in Procrastination," Richard C. Schiming, Professor of Economics, Minnesota State University ....... 18
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Charlene Kinsey, Houston
Community College
Friday: “The Cost of Terrorism,” Bradley R. Schiller, Professor of Economics, School of Public
Affairs, The American University ........................................................................................................ 32
Tour of the New Federal Reserve System Houston Branch ................................................................. 19
Saturday: “Will There Be a Dollar Crisis?” Paul Krugman, Professor of Economics, Princeton
University ............................................................................................................................................ 40
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Charles Newton, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Economic Education: Trends and Techniques,” Russell Sobel, Distinguished Chair of
Economics, West Virginia University ................................................................................................. 20
“The Economics of Health Care,” James Henderson, Professor of Economics, Baylor
University ............................................................................................................................................ 18
(This is a joint meeting with the Health and Safety Occupations Section.)
Saturday: “Global Financial Warriors: The Untold Story of International Finance in the Post
9/11 World,” John Taylor, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institute and Professor of Economics,
Stanford University.............................................................................................................................. 20
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Dave Shorow, Richland College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Gus Rummel, Central Texas College
Program Topic / Speaker
Thursday: Hands-On Exercise—“Surface Mount Soldering,” Louis Schenker, Educational
Programs Representative, Pace, Inc.; Hands-On Exercise—“Motorola’s 32 Bit Microprocessor,” Ray Richards, Regional Sales Manager, NIDA Corporation ................................................
Friday: Luncheon Meeting—“Certification of Technicians: Necessary or Not?” Ray
Thrower, President, National Association of Radio and Television Engineers; Dinner
Meeting—“High-Tech Teaching Aids for the Electronics Classroom” ...................................................
Saturday: Breakfast Meeting—“Computer Animated Simulations for Internet Application,”
Sam Villareal, Assistant Professor, and Tom Lyster, Lecturer, Engineering Technology,
Texas A&M University............................................................................................................................
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Gus D. Rummel, Central Texas
Thursday: Hands-On Exercise—“Data Communications,” Randy Ratliff, author..........................................
Friday: Luncheon Meeting—Verifying Compatability of Modern High-Tech Complex Microprocessors,”
David Bass, Director of System Engineering Validation, Advanced Micro Devices Corporation
Dessert Reception—Advertisers and Industry Representatives ...............................................................
Saturday: Breakfast Meeting—prior reservation required. “Analog Design,” Kelvin McCullough,
Analog Design Engineer, Motorola Corporation .....................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Gus D. Rummel, Central Texas
Thursday: “A+ Certification,” John Oliphant, National Sales Manager, Heath Educational Systems,
Benton Harbor, Michigan ........................................................................................................................
Friday: Luncheon Meeting. “Workforce Development Through Partnerships,” Pat Foy, Manager,
Workforce Development, Intel Corporation
Dinner Meeting. “Teaching Aids for Electronics” ...................................................................................
Saturday: Breakfast Meeting. “Permeable Boundary Between Industry and Community Colleges,”
Robert Perez, Senior Manufacturing Operations Trainer, DSC Communications, Plano ........................
1999 / Houston
Registration: 3,250
Gus D. Rummel, Central Texas
Thursday: “Alternate Methods for the Presentation of the Electronics Curriculum,” Joe Beauseigneur, Convention
President, NIDA Corporation; Darrell Ward, President, Hypergraphics Corporation; Charles
Schuler, Professor Emeritus of Applied Engineering and Technology, California University
of Pennsylvania; Scott Sanbucci, Editor, Careers and Technology Division, Prentice Hall
Publishers; and Gregg Clayton, Acquisitions Editor, Del Mar Publishers .......................................... 35
Friday: “Certification for Electronics Technicians,” David Carr, Society for Broadcast Engineers;
Bobby Rudder, Manager, Certification and Curriculum Product Services, Consumer Electronics
Manufacturing Association; and Alice Brown, Director of Member Services, National Electronics
Service Dealers Association/International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians .................... 52
“Teaching Aids and Texts for the Electronics Curriculum” ................................................................ 73
Saturday: “WECM and the Electronics Technology Curriculum,” Terry Sawma, Associate Dean,
Tomball College .................................................................................................................................. 32
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Gus D. Rummel, Central Texas
Thursday: “Networking Topologies and Copper Cabling,” Michael Hall, Regional Manager,
Heathkit Educational System ...................................................................................................................
“Introduction to Telecommunications,” Joe Beauseigneur, President, NIDA Corporation .....................
Friday: “Miss Communications,” Wayne Beighle, Public Information Officer, Department of
Public Safety, Amarillo ....................................................................................................................... 55
“Cisco After the CCNA,” Karen Bruntz, Western Area Academy Manager, Cisco Systems
Corporation.......................................................................................................................................... 38
“Suppliers of Electronics Training Aids” ............................................................................................ 90
Saturday: “Keeping Employers Current in Technology,” Babs McGuffin, Training Director,
Motorola University ............................................................................................................................ 40
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Gus Rummel, Central Texas College
Stan Fulton, Mountain View College
Thursday: “Distance Education in the Workforce,” Kevin Gulliver, Vice President of Operations,
NIDA Corporation ...................................................................................................................................
“A Comprehensive Active Learning Classroom,” Darrell Ward, President and Chief Executive
Officer, eInstructions, Inc. .......................................................................................................................
What a Teacher Should Know: DSP for Technicians, A Practical Approach,” Charles Schuler,
Electronics Textbook Consultant, Glencoe McGraw-Hill College Publishers ........................................
“The Value of A+ Certification as a Gateway for Entry into the Exploding IT Workforce,”
Chuck Brooks, Author .............................................................................................................................
IT Certification and Heathkit,” Michael Hall, Regional Sales Manager, Heathkit ..................................
“Using Multisim for Digital Applications,” John Reeder, Professor of Electronics, Merced
College, California...................................................................................................................................
Interactive Classroom Management,” Eric Schwartz, Technical Coordinator, Teaching Systems ..........
“Using Computer Simulation and Training Equipment for Teaching Programmable Controllers,”
Charlie McMahan, Educational Specialist, Amatral, Inc., .......................................................................
Friday “Cisco’s CCNA and CCNP Update,” Rich Park, Southwestern Area Academy Manager,
Cisco Systems, Inc. ..................................................................................................................................
“Suppliers of Electronics Teaching Aids and Textbooks,” Gus Rummel, Chair of Electronics
Department, Central Texas College .........................................................................................................
Saturday: “DSP Fundamentals and Applications,” Tim Cartier, Design Engineer, Texas Instruments ...........
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Gus Rummel, Central Texas College
Thursday: IT Certification and the Path to Success,” Michael Hall, Western Regional Account
Manager, Heathkit Education Systems
“Teaching Troubleshooting Skills,” Mitchell Schultz, Author
Benefits of a Computer Based Curriculum,” Jeff Basso, Consultant, NIDA Corporation
“An Intuitive Approach to Curcuit Concepts Based on Electronics Workbench,” Charles
Schuler, Electronics Textbook Consultant, Glenco McGraw-Hill
“Troubleshooting Motor Control Systems,” Charles McMahan, Certified Engineer
Consultant, ABET Review Board
Industrial Maintenance and Certification,” Lee Theboux, Vice President, Industrial
Maintenance Institute
“Real Time Assessment in the Electronics Classroom,” Bill Carruthers, Consultant,
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes,” David Rountree, Vice President, Entest Corporation
“A+ Certification: Interactive Learning Products for Remediation,” Greg Clayton,
Senior Acquisitions Editor, Delmar Publishers ................................................................................... 32
Friday: “Cisco: CCNA, CCNP, UNIX, Web Based Design and A+ Certification,” Susan Weatherly,
Southeast Area Academy Manager, Cisco Systems, Inc. ..................................................................... 58
“Suppliers of Electronics Teaching Aids and Textbooks,” Gus Rummel, Chair of Electronics
Department, Central Texas College ..................................................................................................... 68
Saturday: “Round Table Discussion on the Development and Design of the Electronics Curriculum
for Internet Delivery,” ......................................................................................................................... 28
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Gus Rummel, Central Texas
Thursday: “Practical Network Cabling,” Michael Hall, Western Regional Account Manager,
Heathkit Educational Systems
“Lunch with Liz Carpenter” and First General Session
“Remote Learning with Hands-On Interactive Labs,” Tom Snider, National Education Director,
NIDA, Inc.
“Why DSP?” Charles Schuler, Electronic Textbook Consultant, Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Barbecue and Second General Session. ...................................................................................................
Friday: “A+ and Server+ in a New Format,” Gay Berryman, Director, CATC Academy Specialist,
Region 11 Education Service Center. Luncheon Meeting
Dinner “Suppliers of Electronics Teaching Aids and Textbooks,” Gus Rummel, Chair of
Electronics Department, Central Texas College ......................................................................................
Saturday: “Distance Education and the Internet for Electronics Courses,” Sharon Davis,
Director of Instructional Development, Distance Education, and Educational Technology,
Central Texas College. Breakfast Meeting. .............................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Gus Rummel, Central Texas
Thursday: Wireless Networking,” Mike Hall, Representative, Heathkit, and Owen Savage III,
Teaching Systems ....................................................................................................................................
“Meeting the Challenges of Changing Technology and Curriculum,” Tom Floyd and David
Buchla, Authors, and Dennis Williams, Editor, Prentice-Hall ................................................................
“Home Automation,” John Blumberg, Representative, Leviton Inc., and Mike Flynn,
Representative, Hamden Engineering ......................................................................................................
“The Use of Logix Pro Simulation Software for Teaching Programmable Controllers (PLC),”
Frank Petruzella, Technical Author, and Roxann Kinsey, Editor, McGraw-Hill.....................................
“Plugging in to the Secondary School Market,” P. Kevin Gulliver, Representative, Nida
“Interactive Classroom Technology: New and Improved,” Bill Carruthers, Representative,
eInstruction ..............................................................................................................................................
“DC Lab Experiments: Using eTCB and Elvis Without Traditional Lab Equipment,”
Carlo Sapijaszko, Hardware Designer, and Dave Garza, Editor, Delmar ................................................
“Using Multi-Media to Teach Troubleshooting in Electricity and Electronics,” Niels Merino,
Electrical Engineer, and Tim Brown, Representative, Tech Labs ............................................................
Friday:.“The SMT Initiative: Destination Digital,” John Shellene, Director, DFW Semiconductor
and Executive Council, Dallas Chamber of Commerce, and Greg Armstrong, Representative,
Micron Technology ................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Modern Security Landscape: Information Systems in an Unfriendly World,”
Troy Workman, Managing Consultant, InterNetwork Experts, Inc. ........................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Gus Rummel, Central Texas College
Thursday: "Home Technology Integrator," Michael Hall, Western Regional Account Manager,
"Increasing Enrollment Through Facilitated Distance Education," Ray Richards, Regional
Sales Manager, Nida Corporation
"Home Technology Integration," Dave Dusthimer, Manager, Cisco Learning Institute
"Teaching a Combined Course in Circuits and Devices," Lou Frenzel, Author
"Preparing Students for Careers in Smart Home Technologies," Bill McGurgan, Western
Regional Marketing Support Manager, C-TECH Associates, Inc.
"Innovations in Classroom Technology," Bill Carrothers, Education Consultant, eInstruction
and McGraw-Hill
"Home Integration Certification Through Leviton," Keith Avery, Sales Representative,
Hampden Engineering
"The Evolution of the Community College Electronics Technology Program," Dennis
Williams, Senior Channel Marketing Manager, Technology and Trades
Friday: "Move Your Classroom to the Factory," Ray Richards, Regional Sales Manager, Nida
Corporation.......................................................................................................................................... 35
"Suppliers of Electronics Teaching Aids and Textbooks," Gus Rummel, Chair, Department
of Electronics, Central Texas College ................................................................................................. 53
Saturday” Group Discussion: "Where Do We Go From Here? What Should We Have in Our
Curriculum?" ...................................................................................................................................... 23
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Friday: “Distance Learning with Interactive Multimedia with Applications for Industrial and
Advanced Manufacturing Programs,” Niels Merino-Thiebaud, Regional Marketing Manager,
Robert Peeler, Lamar State
CollegePort Arthur
Amatrol Corp. ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Saturday: “Saving Electronics: Bright Future or Certain Death?” Lou Frenzel, Author and Technical
Editor, Electronic Design Magazine .................................................................................................... 19
2007 / Austin
Conventin Registration: 2314
J. Scott Williaims, Texarkana
Thursday: ...... “Emerging Technologies: Smart Homes,” Michael Hall, Sales Representative, Heathkit, Inc.
“Advanced Online Resources for Manufacturing, Kent Powell, Sales Representative, Amatrol, Inc.
“Mobile Electronics: How to Infuse Excitement and Add Enrollment,” Frank Anzaldua, Instructor
of Electronics, Coastal Bend College
“eNILE: NIDA’s HTML-Delivered Integrated Learning Environment,” Jeff Basso, Sales
Representative, NIDA, Inc.
“DDC: An Introduction to Direct Digital Control,” Keith Avery, Sales Representative, Hampden, Inc.
“Developments in Enrollment and Curriculum Changes,” Lou Frenzel, Author
“Extending the Reach of Real World Industrial Skill Training Beyond the Border of the
Traditional Classroom,” Kent Powell, Sales Representative, Amatrol, Inc.
“Work Ready Electronics Online Resources,” Tom McGlew, Project Manager, Work Ready
Electronics Online Resources, Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center, Tempe, Arizona
“SAME-TEC Conference Information,” Tom McGlew
“The Classroom Performance System (CPS),” Chris Mays, Sales Representative, eInstruction, Inc.
Friday : Lunch Meeting at Manuel’s Restaurant Provided by Vendors
Saturday: Breakfast Meeting Provided by Vendors
Round Table Discussion: “The State of Electronics Educational Programs in Texas”
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Ricky McFadden, Paris Junior College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Mary Ann Blake, San Jacinto
Friday: “Auto-CAD Release 13,” Jim Steptner, Vice President, Teaching Systems, Inc. .......................... 20
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Antonio M. Ramirez, Austin
Community College
Friday: “Parametric CAD Tools in Architectural Design,” Christopher Hilton, Instructor of
Engineering Design Graphics, Austin Community College .....................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
W. Ed Cunningham, Tyler
Junior College
Friday: “Mechanical Desktop,” Jim Stepter, Vice President, Teaching Systems, Inc. ............................... 21
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Ibrahim M. Elsamahy, North
Harris College
Friday: “Rapid Prototyping, 3-D Printers,” Michael Leesley, President, MLC CAD Systems, Inc. ............ 8
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Ibrahim M. Elsamahy, North
Harris College
Friday: “AutoDesk Inventor Design Software Package,” Bob Smith, President, and Richard
Bailey, Senior Mechanical Applications Engineer, Digital Graphic Systems ..........................................
“TAC/ABET Accreditation for Associate Degree Technical Programs: The Real Issues,”
Larry W. Brillhart, Associate Dean of Applied Technology, North Harris College, and Bill
Grubbs, Chair, Engineering Technology Department, University of North Texas ..................................
Saturday: “Harness the Power of Micro Station CAD Software for Your Program,” Jim Bettencourt,
President, Triton Data Systems, Inc. .................................................................................................... 11
Saturday: “Parametric CAD Tools in Machine Design,” John O’Gara, Autodesk Trainer, AutoCAD
Training Center, Austin Community College ..........................................................................................
Saturday: “3-D Studio Viz,” Jim Stepter, Vice President, Teaching Systems, Inc. .................................... 10
Saturday: “Parametric Design, Featuring Solid Works Software,” Brad Williamson, Application
Engineer, Lloyd & Williams, Inc. .......................................................................................................... 6
Saturday: Continuation of Friday afternoon program .....................................................................................
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Weldon Ed Cunningham, Tyler
Junior College
Friday: “Architechtural Desktop: Hands-On Lab,” Daryl Tyree, Instructor of Computer-Aided
Design, Tyler Junior College ............................................................................................................... 12
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Ibrahim Elsamahy, North
Harris College
Friday: “CADKEY Software,” Debra Gray, Sales and Application Engineer, Tech Ed Concepts,
Inc. ...........................................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “From Architectural Desktop to 3D Studio Viz,” Ed Cunningham, Instructor of
Computer-Aided Design, Tyler Junior College ..................................................................................... 7
Saturday: “SolidWorks Software,” Jeremy Colvin, Application Engineer, Texas Engineering
Systems ....................................................................................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Ibrahim Elsamahy, North Harris
Friday: “The New Interoperability Direction of the Cam Industry,” Jason Heyse, President,
Texas Offline ...........................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Parametric Design: Inventor and Solid Works,” Tim Comer, Design Engineer,
North Harris College ...............................................................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Ibrahim Elsamahy, North Harris College
Friday: “What is New at Autodesk?” Charlie O’Neil, Regional Educational Account Manager,
“Inventor 7,” Gerald Vinson, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University ............. 9
Saturday: “Revit Overview: 3-D Modeling for Architecture,” Jim Stepter, Sales Representative,
Teaching Systems, Inc. .......................................................................................................................... 5
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Ibrahim Elsamahy, North Harris College
Friday: "The Power of REVIT," Jim Stepter, Sales Representative, Teaching Systems, Inc. ....................... 6
Saturday: "Assemble It...Animate It...In Inventor," Jim Stepter ................................................................. 12
2006 /Houston
Convention Registration” 2327
Mary Ann Blake, San Jacinto
Friday: “How to Integrate Inventor into a Traditional AutoCAD Course,” Gerard E. Vinson,
Chair, Engineering Design Graphics Program, Texas A&M University .................................................
Saturday: “Pro/ENGINEER in Today’s Design World,” Scot Andrews, P.E., Vice President, Impac
Systems Engineering ...............................................................................................................................
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Mary Ann Blake, San Jacinto
Friday: “Inventor—3D Solid Modeling,” Gerald E. Vinson, Engineering Design Graphics Program
Chair, Texas A&M University ............................................................................................................. 18
Saturday: “AutoCAD and Engineering Design Graphics,” Gerald E. Vinson .............................................. 8
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Mary Ann Blake, San Jacinto
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Carol A. Lowe, McLennan Community
Friday: “Teaching Argument in an Age of Ideology,” John D. Ramage, Associate Professor of
English, Arizona State University........................................................................................................ 75
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Cynthia D. Wilson, Southwest
Texas Junior College
Friday: “Joining the Electronic Community: Practical Choices for the Basic Writing Classroom,”
Evelyn Posey, Associate Professor of English and Assistant Dean of Liberal Arts, and Kate
Mangelsdorf, Associate Professor of English and Director of First-Year Composition, The
University of Texas at El Paso ............................................................................................................. 80
Saturday: “Writing On-Line and Off,” John J. Ruszkiewicz, Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, and Daniel Seward, Computer Programmer and Graduate Student in English, The
University of Texas at Austin .............................................................................................................. 55
Saturday: “Success Stories: Interactive Classrooms for Literature and Writing at Odessa College and
Southwest Texas Junior College,” Roberta Trammel, English Instructor, Southwest Texas Junior
College; Michael White, Kathy Keen, Mark Jordan and Donna Smith, Instructors of English,
Odessa College .................................................................................................................................... 55
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
V. Lynn Whitson, Odessa College
Friday: “Electronic Vistas: Technology and the Teaching of Writing,” Diana Hacker,
Professor of English,Prince George’s Community College, Largo, Maryland .................................. 114
“Handling the Paper Load,” Kim Flachmann, Director of Composition, California State
University–Bakersfield ........................................................................................................................ 60
Saturday: “Virtual College, Virtual English: Implications for Instructors,” Mickey Slimp, Dean of
Learning Resources, Tyler Junior College; Kay Walter, Instructor of English, Blinn College;
Mark Jordan, Assistant Professor of English, Odessa College; and Miles Eckert, Vice President
of Instruction, Odessa College, Moderator .......................................................................................... 54
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Wilfred O. Dietrich, Blinn
Friday: “Designing and Teaching an Internet-Based Composition Course,” Preston L. Waller,
Instructor of English Composition, McLennan Community College ................................................ 106
“Change or Short-Change: Teaching Literature in the Next Millennium,” X. J. Kennedy .................. 89
Saturday: “Decision Points When Teaching Argument,” Nancy V. Wood, Administrative Fellow
and Professor of English, The University of Texas at Arlington ......................................................... 87
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Arvis C. Scott, McLennan
Community College
Friday: “Perspectives on Zora Neale Hurston: Teaching Strategies for the New Millenium,” Lori
Watts and Debra Fultz, Instructors of Literature and Composition, McLennan Community
College................................................................................................................................................. 67
“The Grammar Handbook: Past, Present, and Future,” Stephen R. Mandell, Professor of
English, Drexel University, and Laurie G. Kirszner, Professor of English, University of
the Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ............................................................................................ 45
Saturday: “The Cyberplague of Plagerism: Sherlock Holmes Meets the Information
Superhighway,” Randy Wall, Donneva Crowell, and Joseph Fly, Assistant Professors of
English, South Plains College ............................................................................................................. 61
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Dale Adams, Lee College
Friday: “Risky Business: This Stuff Invention,” Bill Bridges, Chair, English Department,
Sam Houston State University .................................................................................................................
“Making Literature Really Matter,” Frank Madden, Professor of English, SUNY
Westchester Community College, New York ..........................................................................................
Saturday: “Composition Software in Classrooms and Writing Centers,” Robert Connelly and
Julie Robitaille, Coordinators, Developmental Writing Program, Santa Fe Community
College, Gainesville, Florida ...................................................................................................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
J. Michael Matthews, Tarrant County
College - Northwest
Friday: “What Works in Teaching Literature in the Two-Year College?” Lynn Quitman Troyka,
Author.................................................................................................................................................. 86
“Hope, Reader Response, and Teaching in a Changed World,” Judith Stanford, Professor of
English, Rivier College, Nashua, New Hampshire .............................................................................. 59
Saturday: “File Management: The Writer’s Key to Online Happiness,” Nick Carbone, New Media
Editor, Bedford/St. Martin’s Press ...................................................................................................... 37
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Dennis Kriewald, Laredo Community
Friday: “Writing as Design,” Lester Faigley, Robert Adger Law and Thomas H. Law
Professor of Humanities, University of Texas at Austin ...................................................................... 72
“All the World in the Time: Teaching Surveys with an Expanded Canon,” David Damrosch,
Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University ............................................. 52
Saturday: “The Road to Success: How to Integrate Thinking, Reading, and Writing,” Kim
Flachmann, Writing Program Coordinator, California State University, Bakersfield .......................... 34
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Bernadette Bruster, Panola College
Friday: “Today’s Writing and Yesterday’s Liberal Arts: A Conflict?” John C. Brereton,
Professor of English and Director of Writing, Brandeis University .................................................... 53
“Digging Up Invention,” John Mauk, Instructor of Communications, Northwestern
Michigan College ................................................................................................................................ 33
Saturday: “English in a New Key: Distance Learning, Technology Training, Internet, and ITV,”
Panel Discussion
“Technology Training and Faculty Certification in Distance Learning,” Ann Morris,
Director of Distance Learning, Panola College
“Composition and Rhetoric on the Internet,” Jason Graves, Professor of English,
Panola College
“Interactive Television: Extending the Walls of the Classroom to Multiple Remote
Sites,” Mike Beasley, Professor of English, Panola College ............................................................... 29
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Judy S. Hart, Frank Phillips
College and
Debra Gallliher, Tarrant County
Friday: "Our Stories and Others': A Seamless Process for Writing from Reading," John Schwiebert,
Professor of English, Weber State University...................................................................................... 52
"Skating Backwards on Thin Ice: Inquiry in the English Classroom," Bruce Ballenger,
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of English, Boise State University .................................. 50
Saturday: "New Media for Writing and Literature: Leveraging Multiliteracies to Promote Learning,"
Daniel Anderson, Associate Professor of English and Director of Undergraduate Literature,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ........................................................................................... 46
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Linda, Bow and H. F. Poehlmann,
Blinn College
Friday: “It Takes a Campus to Teach a Writer,” Elaine P. Maimon, Professor of English and
Chancellor, University of Alaska, Anchorage ..................................................................................... 62
A Practical Rhetoric Panel Discussion
“IDEA: The Way We Teach,” H. F. Poehlmann, Professor of English, Blinn College
“Spelling it Out: Helping Students Get the Most from Their Dictionaries,” Sara Kimball,
Associate Professor of English, University of Texas
“Visual Rhetoric: Seeing and Reading Through the Culture of War,” Tracy E. Bilsing, Professor
of English, Sam Houston State University
“Service Learning in the Rhetoric Classroom,” Beth Ann Maxfield, Professor of English,
Henderson State University ................................................................................................................. 47
Saturday: “Professional Challenges: Some Possibilities for Consideration,” Cheryl Glenn,
Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University ........................................................................... 32
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Amelia Keel, Kingwood College
Friday: “Thinking is Critical: Critical Thinking Moves for Power and Continuity in College-Wide
Writing Instruction,” Randall VanderMey, Associate Professor of English, Westmont College ........ 65
Saturday: “Creating a Writing Community: Developmental English with a Theme,” Sherry Young,
Professor of Business Technology, Kingwood College
“Sigma Kappa Delta and Vox Populi: A Complete Writing Community,” Beth Maxfield,
Assistant Professor of English, Henderson State University, and H.F. Poehlmann, Instructor of
English, Blinn College
“Entering the Cultural Conversation: Creating Communities in Writing about Literature,”
John C. Brereton, Director, Calderwood Initiative, Boston Athenaeum .............................................. 30
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Patricia Barker, Kingwood College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Olivia Villagra, North Lake
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Don’t Give the Teacher What He Wants: A Technique to Help Writing Students Formulate
Theses and Topic Sentences,” Joe Starr, Instructor of Intensive English, Houston Community
College; “Poster Power” (A demonstration showing how to make posters to present or reinforce materials and address different learning styles), Christine Tierney, Instructor of
Intensive English, Houston Community College ................................................................................. 20
Saturday: “ESL in the Community College: A Political Ecology, ” David Ross, Chair,
Intensive English Program, Southwest College, Houston Community College System; “Collaborative Classroom: Techniques and Prospectus,” Alice Savage, Instructor of Intensive English,
Houston Community College .............................................................................................................. 10
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Elizabeth A. (Betty) Gilfillan,
Community College
Friday: “Community Outreach by ESL Community College Students in Elementary School Classrooms,”
Rose Mary Schouten, Instructor of ESL, Houston Community College System
“Incorporating Story-Telling in the ESOL Writing Program,” Olivia Villagra, Coordinator, ESOL Houston
Program, North Lake College .............................................................................................................. 13
Saturday: “Computer Labs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” Bill Martin, Instructor of Intensive
English, Houston Community College
“The One Room Schoolhouse: A Socio-Linguistic Approach to Teaching Adult Learners in a MultiLevel Classroom,” Collette A. Gill, Instructor of ESL, Wharton County Junior College.................... 18
1998 - Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
David A. Ross, Houston Community
College-Southwest College
Friday: “The Many Uses of Magazines and Newspapers in the ESL Classroom,” Rosemary
Schouten, Instructor of Intensive English, Houston Community College
“The Community College Connection: Building Bridges to New Opportunities for ESL
Students,” Anne Albarelli-Siegfried, Director of the Language Center, and David Dahnke,
Instructor of ESL, North Harris College .............................................................................................. 25
Saturday: “Choosing the Right Software for your ESL Class,” Malek Shawareb, Instructor of ESL,
Houston Community College
Annual Business Meeting and Discussion: “Directions for ESL in TCCTA” .................................... 15
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Linda B. Comte, Houston Community
College–Northeast College
Friday: “I Don’t Understand You: Dilemmas of the Foreign Student in the American Classroom,”
Jan Anderson, Instructor of ESL, Central Texas College
“ESL in Cyberspace,” Kevin Clement, Instructor of Intensive English, Houston Community
College–Southeast College .................................................................................................................. 25
“Video-Based Programs in ESOL: Classrooms, Distance Learning, and Beyond,” Richard
Laramy, Executive ESOL Consultant, McGraw-Hill Publishers ........................................................... 7
Saturday: “A Short Introduction to Elementary Statistics, or How to Read a Research Report
Without Skipping Over the Analysis Section,” Margaret A. Eomurian, Instructor of Spanish
and Intensive English, Houston Community College–Northeast College ............................................. 8
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Janice R. Anderson, Central Texas
Friday: “Move Over, Parker Brothers: Activities and Games for the Level 2 Learner,” Nancy
Travis, Associate Professor of English and English-as-a-Second-Language, University of
Mary Hardin-Baylor ............................................................................................................................ 17
Saturday: “Eat Your Heart Out, Houdini: The Magic of Teaching Reading to Non-Native
Speakers,” Phyllis Sisson, Instructor of Develomental Reading, Central Texas College .................... 11
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
RoseMary Schouten, Houston
Community College–SW
Friday: “Teacher Classroom Observation: A Collaborative, Non-Judgmental Approach to Supply
Teachers With Feedback Information,” Julietta Ruppert, Instructor of English-as-a-SecondLanguage, Intensive English Program, Houston Community College .....................................................
“Web Resources and Strategies for Vocabulary Acquisition,” David A. Ross, Chair, Intensive
English Program, Houston Community College ......................................................................................
Saturday: “Let’s Share! Conversational Activities That Work,” Rose Mary Schouten, Instructor
of English-as-a-Second-Language, Intensive English Program, Houston Community College ..............
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Andrea M. Stewart, Houston Community
College – Gulfton
Friday: “A Slice of American Life: A Beginning ESL Reading Text,” Joe Starr and Christine
Tierney, Authors ......................................................................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Michael D. Bettler, Houston Community
Friday: “The ESL Classroom as a Research Source,” Malek Shawareb, Instructor, Intensive
English Program, Houston Community College, Gulfton Center ........................................................ 13
Saturday: “Bringing Online Instruction into the Classroom: The Hybrid Model,” David A. Ross,
Chair, Intensive English Program, Houston Community College, Gulfton Center .............................. 12
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Olivia Villagra, North Lake
Friday: “Marathon 101: Incorporating the Real Life Event in an ESL Class,” Olivia Villagra,
Professor of English as a Second Language, North Lake College ...........................................................
Saturday: “Academic Coaches: A Team Approach to Group Tutoring,” Judy Keller, Assistant
Dean, Student Resource Center, North Lake College ..............................................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Mary Corredor, Austin Community
Friday: Panel: "Techniques for Teaching and Assessing Oral Communication," Mary Corredor,
Austin Community College, Moderator............................................................................................... 17
Saturday: Panel: "Teaching Academic Writing Skills to ESL Students Through Project-Based
Assignments," Mary Corredor, Austin Community College, Moderator ............................................. 20
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Macarena Aguilar, Cy-Fair College
Friday: “Improving Your ESL Program Through CEA Accreditation,” Anne Albarelli, Dean of
Transitional Studies and Instructional Support, Cy-Fair College; Macarena Aguilar, Chair,
Department of English as a Second Language, Cy-Fair College; Erin De Souza, Program Manager,
Center for International Education and Languages, North Harris College; Carolyn Ho,
Associate Professor of English as a Second Language, Cy-Fair College; and Sandy Hartmann,
Associate Director, Language and Culture Center, University of Houston ......................................... 12
Saturday: “I Can Speak Good: Planning and Assessing in the Listening and Speaking Classroom,”
Katie Hunter, Associate Professor of English as a Second Language, and Janet Muzal,
Associate Professor of English as a Second Language, North Harris College ..................................... 10
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Mary Corredor, Austin Community
Friday: “Optimizing Computer Assisted Writing: Caveats and Recommendations,” Gerhard Gast,
Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language, Austin Community College, and Shannon
Bailey, Professor of English as a Second Language, Austin Community College
“Talking and Singing with the Animals: Puppets and Song in the Classroom,” Anne-Marie
Schlender, Professor of English as a Second Lanuage, Austin Community College ........................... 15
Saturday: “Making it Visual: Technology, Curriculum, and Best Practices for Deaf ESOL Students,”
Saturday: “Something for Everyone: ESL Instructor Resources on the Internet,” Andrea Stewart,
Instructor, Intensive English Program, Houston Community College–Gulfton Campus.........................
Erika Domatti-Thomas, Assistant Professor of Deaf English as a Second Language, Austin Community College, and Don Miller, Adjunct Professor of Deaf ESOL, Austin Community College ...... 11
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Anne-Marie Schlender, Austin
Community College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Mark Daniel McLean, North
Harris College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Incorporating Culture as an Absolute Necessity in Language Instruction,” David
William Foster, Regents’ Professor of Spanish and Women’s Studies, Arizona State
University ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Saturday: “How Creatively Integrating Print, Audio, Video, and Multimedia Can Facilitate and
Stimulate Language Learning,” Thalia Dorwick, Publisher for Foreign Languages, and
Margaret Metz, Senior Marketing Manager, McGraw-Hill ................................................................. 21
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Sherryl C. Brown, Austin
Community College
Friday: “The Network Future of Language Instruction,” Pete Smith, Director, Language Acquisition
Center, The University of Texas at Arlington ...................................................................................... 47
1998 /Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Josué Muñoz & Rosa Chavez, Tarrant
CountyJunior College-SE Campus
Friday: Roundtable Discussion: “Theoretical and Pedagogical Problems of Separating Grammar
from Communication” ......................................................................................................................... 31
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
M. Daniel McLean, North
Harris College
Friday: Tour of Foreign Language Training Facility, Johnson Space Center ............................................. 29
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Stuart Smith, Austin Community
College–Northridge Campus
Friday: “MTV—Moving and Talking With Visuals: Engaging Students in Active Learning,”
Ruben Garza, Education Specialist, Service Center Region XII, Texas Education Agency ................ 25
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Josué Muñoz, Tarrant County
College – Southeast
Friday: “Foreign Language on the World Wide Web,” Rob Reynolds, Director, Modern Languages
Learning Center, University of Oklahoma ...............................................................................................
Roundtable Discussion ............................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Can Old Dogs Learn New Tricks? Second Language Acquisition from the Perspective of
Linguistics and Cognition,” David Birdsong, Professor of French, The University of Texas at
Austin .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Saturday: Breakfast Meeting. “Integrating Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom,” Joan
Manley, Professor of French, The University of Texas at El Paso, and Stuart Smith, Instructor
of French, Austin Community College ................................................................................................ 22
Saturday: “Moving Towards Fluency: Innovations, Challenges, and Pitfalls in Teaching LowerDivision Courses,” Sharon Foerster, Coordinator of Lower-Division Courses, Foreign Language .......
The University of Texas at Austin ....................................................................................................... 15
Saturday: “Why Language Textbooks Are the Way They Are: Content, Methods, Cultural
Perspectives,” Thalia Dorwick, Editor-in-Chief, Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages
Division, McGraw Hill Publishers....................................................................................................... 12
Saturday: “Measuring Oral Proficiency,” Floreen Henry, Assistant Professor of French and
English-as-a-Second-Language, Tarrant County College–South Campus...............................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Janett Hillar, Houston Community
College - Southwest
Friday: “Integrating Multimedia into the Foreign Language Classroom: Opportunities and
Challenges,” Thalia Dorwick, Editor-in-Chief, McGraw-Hill Humanities, Social Sciences
and Languages; and William Glass, Publisher, McGraw-Hill World .................................................. 23
Foreign Language Reception sponsored by McGraw-Hill, Thalia Dorwick, William
Glass, and panelists
Saturday: “Which Words Do We Teach: The Challenges of Dialectal Differences Within Spanish,”
Houston Community College Foreign Language Faculty, Ana Hnat, Houston
Community College–Northwest, Moderator ........................................................................................ 20
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Margaret Eomurian & Janett Hillar,
Houston Community College
Friday: “Improving Student Motivation in the Foreign Language Classroom,” Karima
Benremouga, Associate Dean of Fine Arts and Language Arts, San Jacinto College .......................... 24
Saturday: “New Approaches to Vocablulary Acquisition and Grammatical Accuracy at the
Intermediate Level,” Sharon Foerster, Academic Advisor, Academic Programs International
and Director of the Spanish Teaching Institute .................................................................................... 30
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2.233
Gloria Yamey-Jorg, Houston
Community College
Friday: Session will be conducted in Spanish. “El habla de los argentinos: Breve análisis
del origen del habla argentina. Descripción de las principales características que la diferencian
de otras variantes del español. Ejemplos de creaciones recientes al nivel léxico y fonético,”
Hector N. Urrutibeheity, Professor Emeritus, Department of Hispanic and Classical Studies,
Rice University .................................................................................................................................... 22
Saturday: “Adaptation of Filmed Texts for Classroom Use,” Hector N. Urrutibeheity ............................... 16
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Janett Hillar, Houston Community
Friday: "The Secret Alchemy of Teaching Methodology: Beliefs, Practices, and Contexts," Rafael
Salaberry, Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition,
Rice University .................................................................................................................................... 27
Saturday: "Testing Spanish in the Classroom," Rafael Salaberry ............................................................... 17
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Janett Hillar & Gloria YampeyJorg, Houston Community
Friday: “Integrating Web-Based Learning into the Traditional Classroom,” Rafael Salaberry,
Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, Rice University ....... 23
Saturday: “Para una mejor comprensión del castellano enterándose de como evolucionó (Towards a
better understanding of Spanish by learning how it developed),” Hector N. Urrutibeheity,
Professor Emeritus of Spanish Linguistics, Rice University ............................................................... 15
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Carlos Villacis, Houston Community
Friday: “Teaching a Quality Distance Language Learning Course,” Lisa M. Volle, Professor of Spanish
and Anthropology, Central Texas College ........................................................................................... 20
Saturday: “Principled Design of ‘Hybrid’ Second Language Courses That Combine Classroom and Lab
Work,” M. Rafael Salaberry, Associate Chair and Director, Language Program, Department of
Spanish and Portuguese, University of Texas at Austin ........................................................................ 8
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Ivan Mino, Tarrant County
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Don Jacobs, Weatherford College
Friday: “A Forensic Science Update,” Don Jacobs, Chair, Richard Bowers, Dean, Erin
MacKenzie, Microbiology Lab Director, and Willliam “Lum” Farr, Criminal Justice Chair,
Department of Forensic Science and Psychology, Weatherford College ............................................. 25
Saturday: “Virtual Forensic Science,” R.D. Whitney, Vice President of Business Development,
Vicon Publishing ................................................................................................................................. 15
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Don Jacobs, Weatherford College
Friday: “Forensic Science Update,” Don Jacobs, Chair and Instructor of Psychology and Forensic
Science, Lum Farr, Chair and Instructor of Criminal Justice, and Richard Bowers, Dean of
Mathematics and Science, Weatherford College, and Erin MacKenzie, Assistant Professor of
Biology, Howard College ........................................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Typical College Student’s Brain: A Look Inside,” Don Jacobs
“Lum Farr’s Hit Parade,” Lum Farr .........................................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Kristi L. Higginbotham, San
Jacinto College - Central
Friday: “Superfund: An EPA Presentation of the Brio Toxic Waste Superfund Site,” Lisa Kobeo,
Public Relations Specialist, Environmental Protection Agency .......................................................... 12
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Dave L. Hansmire, College of
the Mainland
Friday: “Geographic Information Systems Technology Application for Community College
Curricula,” Roberto Garza, Coordinator, Earth Sciences Department, and Michael D. Psencik,
Chair, Engineering Technology Department, San Antonio College ........................................................
Saturday: Field trip to the Brio Superfund Site and to the Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Show .................. 8
Saturday: “Geographic Information Systems Technology,” Lori Sullivan, Marketing Representative,
Environmental Systems Research Institute ..............................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Roberto Garza, San Antonio College
Friday: Panel Discussion: “Geographic Information Science Program Development in Texas
Community Colleges,” Bob Roberts, Instructor of Drafting and Design, Coastal Bend College;
Tom Hobbs, Professor of Geology, North Harris College; Harold S. Fischer, Instructor of
Drafting and Design, Texas State Technical College–Waco; Aaron Norby, Instructor of
Engineering and Design, Austin Community College; Mike Psencik and Dean Lambert,
Associate Professors of Drafting, San Antonio College; Osborne Nye and Dean Ayers,
Instructors of Geology, Houston Community College ......................................................................... 10
Saturday: “Geographic Information Science in Community Colleges,” Ann Johnson, Community
College Coordinator, Environmental Systems Research Institute ....................................................... 10
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Osborn B. Nye, Jr., Houston
Community College–Southwest
Friday: “An Introduction to Geopositioning Systems and Laser Mapping Systems,” Ashok
Wadwani, President, Applied Field Data Systems ............................................................................... 27
“Hands-on GPS,” Steven M. Honkus, President, Integrated GPS Technologies, and Ashok
Wadwani .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Saturday: “NASA’s Space-Based Earth Imaging and Observations: A New Resource for Community
College Educators,” Kamlesh P. Lulla, Chief, Office of Earth Sciences, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration .................................................................................................................... 18
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Harry A. Wagner, The Victoria
Friday: “Energy for the Next 100 Years: The Challenge of Ingenuity and Technology,” William
L. Fisher, Interim Director, Bureau of Economic Geology ......................................................................
“An Applied Approach to Geopositioning Systems in the Field,” Ashok Wadwani,
President, Applied Field Data Systems ....................................................................................................
Saturday: “Geology of the Austin Area,” Eddie Collins, Research Associate, Bureau of Economic
Geology ...................................................................................................................................................
2001 / Dallas
Friday: “A 3D Fossil Potpourri: Using Three-Dimensional Photograhy to View Minerals and
Convention Registration: 2,867
Leonard Kubicek, North Lake College
Dinosaur and Invertebrate Fossils,” Charles Finsley, author ............................................................... 17
Saturday: Field Trip to Collect Fossil Shark Teeth, Charles Finsley, guide ................................................ 10
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Harry A. Wagner, The Victoria
Friday: “Palynology: A Link Between Geology and Biology,” Reed Wicander, Professor of
Geology, Central Michigan University ................................................................................................ 20
“GIS Applications and Issues: Perspectives from Public Service and Private Enterprise,” Max
Samfield, Data Service Manager, Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments ........................ 15
Saturday: “GPS Data Collection Outside the Galleria with Display Using ARCVIEW Over a
Background Map of Houston,” Ashok Wadwani, President, Applied Field Data Systems ................. 11
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Harry A. Wagner, The Victoria
Friday: “Geologists and Geographers Making a Difference in Today’s World: Ongoing Research
and Projects at the Bureau of Economic Geology,” Eric Potter, Associate Director,
Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin ............................................................... 6
“Open Forum on Projects, Field Trips, and Other Activities” .............................................................. 4
Saturday Field Trip to Bureau of Economic Geology—“Virtual Imaging as an Integrated Tool in
Earth Science Research: Demonstrations of Outcrop Studies, Coastal Processes, and Aquifer
Modeling,” Scott D. Rogers, Manager of Media Technologies and John Andrews,
GIS Specialist, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin ..................................... 6
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Harry A. Wagner, The Victoria College
Friday: “Texas, Textbooks, and Titans of the Past: How New Techniques in Paleontology Allow
Us to See Ancient Life as Never Before,” Louis L. Jacobs, Professor of Geological Sciences,
Southern Methodist University ............................................................................................................ 25
“New Techniques in Using Global Positioning Systems: An Opportunity for Hands-On
Practice,” Ashok Wadwani, GPS Specialist ........................................................................................ 12
Saturday: Field Trip to Invertebrate Fossil Sites in the Fort Worth Area Leader: Charles Finsley,
Author and (Retired) Curator, Dallas Museum of Natural History ...................................................... 25
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Harry Wagner, The Victoria College
Friday: "A Dynamic View of the Paleontological History of the Austin Area as Evidenced by its
Fossil Record," Ann Molineux, Collections Manager, Non-Vertebrate Paleontology, Texas
Memorial Museum, University of Texas at Austin .............................................................................. 18
Open Forum: "Textbooks, Lab Manuals, GPS, and Other Topics of Interest" ...................................... 7
Saturday: Field Trip to Mount Bonnell: "Regional Physiography and Stratigraphy of Lower
Cretaceous Glen Rose, Walnut, and Edward's Strata," Eddie Collins, Research Geologist,
Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin ............................................................ 23
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Osborne Nye, Houston
Community College
Friday: “New Applications of GIS in Geology and Geography Education,” Ann Johnson, Higher
Education Manager, Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ............................................. 11
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Rhonda Reagan, Blinn College
Friday: “The Genius of Geography: The ‘Geographical Where’ in International Awareness,” Joseph
P. Dymond, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Geography, George Washington University ................... 13
“Customizing Content in Geology: Get the Right Content to Motivate Your Students,” C. Reid
Ferring, Professor, Department of Geography and Institute of Applied Sciences, University of
North Texas ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Saturday: “The Power of Geographic Science in a Time of Global Change,” Robert W.
Christopherson, Professor Emeritus of Geography, American River College ..................................... 18
Saturday: “Workshop on Applications of GIS in Geology and Geography Classrooms,” Ann
Johnson ................................................................................................................................................ 10
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Susan Slowey, Blinn College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Evelyn F. Ballard, Houston
Community College
Friday: “The 1996 Election—What are the Issues?” Karen O’Connor, Professor of Government,
American University ............................................................................................................................ 84
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Gabriel Ume, Palo Alto
Friday: “Elections ’96: The Secret of Clinton’s Success,” Stephen J. Wayne, Chair, Department
of Government, Georgetown University
“The End of the Republican Era?” Theodore J. Lowi, John L. Senoir Professor of American
Institutions, Cornell University ...............................................................................................................
Saturday: “Media Coverage of the 1996 Presidential Race,” Thomas E. Patterson, Distinguished
Professor of Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship, Syracuse University ....................... 102
Saturday: “The Morning After: The Aftermath of the ’96 Elections,” George Edwards, Director, Center
for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University
“Millennial Politics: Where Do We Go From Here?” Larry Sabato, Robert Gooch Professor
of Government and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia ....................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Robert S. Trotter, El Centro College
Friday: “What Is? What’s Right? What Works? A Methodology for Teaching American Politics,”
David Edwards and Alessandra Lippucci, Professors of Government, The University of Texas at
Austin .................................................................................................................................................. 37
Saturday: “Why Judicial Reform Has Failed in Texas,” Anthony M. Champagne, Professor of
Government and Political Economy, The University of Texas at Dallas ............................................. 27
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Manoucher R. Khosrowshahi, Tyler
Junior College
Friday: “The News Media and the White House in the Context of the Lewinski Scandal,” Thomas E.
Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government and Press, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University ............................................................................................................................ 150
“Fulbright Grants and Global Education at the Community College,” Manoucher Khosrowshahi,
Instructor of Government, Tyler Junior College, Judy Turman, Instructor of English, Tyler
Junior College, Dale Foster, Professor of Government, Houston Community College–Northwest ........
College, and Barry Baker, Instructor of Archaeology, Hill College ........................................................................................................................... 40
Saturday: “Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy,” Paul Light, Douglas Dillon Fellow and
Founding Director of the Center for Public Service, Brookings Institution ........................................ 40
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
M. Theron Waddell, Jr., Galveston
Friday: “The Long, Bumpy Road to the White House,” Stephen J. Wayne, Professor of
Government, Georgetown University .................................................................................................. 80
“Demonstration of Redistricting Software Used by the Texas Legislature,” Field Trip to
Legislative Council Office, State Capitol ............................................................................................ 42
Saturday: “The Politics of Hollywood,” David Prindle, Professor of Government, University of
Texas at Austin ........................................................................................................................................
2001 / Dallas
Friday: “The 2000 Elections: It’s Not Who Won That’s Important—It’s What Won,” Theodore J.
Convention Registration: 2,867
Gabriel Ume,Palo Alto College
Lowi, Professor of Government, Cornell University
“Election 2000: The Role of the Media in the Presidential Election,” Stephen Rockwell,
Professor of Government, University of Michigan ............................................................................ 150
“Why America is Not Ready for a Woman President,” Karen O’Connor, Professor of
Government, American University ...................................................................................................... 78
Saturday: “Texas Politics in the 21st Century,” Anthony Champagne and Edward Harphian,
Professors of Government, University of Texas at Dallas ................................................................... 50
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Mary Lewis, Jacksonville College
Friday: “The Vanishing Voter: Will the Terrorist Threat Bring Americans Back to the Polls?”
Thomas E. Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government and the Press, John F. Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University ........................................................................................ 65
“Political and Economic Effects of the Events of September 11, 2001,” Hossein Razi,
Professor of Political Science, University of Houston ........................................................................ 89
Saturday: “The War on Terror: A New Kind of War or the Same Old Thing?” Barbara
Jancar-Webster, Distinguished University Professor, State University of New York,
International Science Exchange ........................................................................................................... 39
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Eric Miller, Blinn College
Friday: “The American Mind after 9/11,” Barbara Bardes, Dean and Professor of Political
Science, Raymond Walters College, University of Cincinnati ............................................................ 68
“Do Texas Governors Keep their Campaign Promises?” William Stouffer, Professor of
Political Science, Southwest Texas State University ........................................................................... 35
Saturday: “The Texas Budget,” Debbie Baisden, Senior Analyst, Legislative Budget Board .................... 25
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Gabriel Ume, Palo Alto College
Friday: “Clear and Present Danger: Bush’s Preemptionism and Public Opinion,” Thomas E.
Patterson, Professor of Government and the Press, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University ............................................................................................................................ 130
“The War on Terrorism: Is it Working For or Against Us?” Paul C. Light, Senior Fellow for
Governance Studies, Brookings Institution ......................................................................................... 90
Saturday: “Critical Elections, Two-Party Competition, and the Wizard of Oz,” Edward I. Sidlow,
Professor of Political Science, Eastern Michigan University .............................................................. 50
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Robert Glen Findley, Odessa College
Friday: "A Divided America: Lessons from the 2004 Election," Steffen Schmidt, Professor of
Political Science, Iowa State University ..................................................................................................
"Campaigning and Governing in Texas and the Nation," Cal Jillson, Professor of Political
Science, Southern Methodist University .................................................................................................
Saturday: "The Governor of Texas is Not Just Chopped Liver," Willard B. Stouffer, Professor of
Political Science, Texas State University, San Marcos ............................................................................
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
John Forshee, San Jacinto
Friday: “Problems Facing Texas and the Likelihood of Viable Solutions,” F. Scott McCown,
Executive Director, Center for Public Policy Priorities ....................................................................... 42
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Gabriel Ume, Palo Alto College
Friday: “Perspectives on George H.W. Bush’s Presidency,” Thomas E. Patterson, Bradlee Professor
of Government and the Press, JFK School of Government, Harvard University ............................... 112
“The United States After the Republican Hegemony and the Aftermath of the Bush Administration,” Theodore J. Lowi, John L. Senior Professor of American Institutions, Cornell
University ............................................................................................................................................ 97
Saturday: “Guns or Butter: Is the United States Ready for Madam President?” Karen O’Connor,
Jonathan N. Helfat Distinguished Professor of Political Science, American University, and
Saturday: “Polling and the Media: The Effect Upon Government and the Public,” Richard Murray,
Professor of Political Science, University of Houston ......................................................................... 38
Stephen J. Wayne, Government Field Chair, Georgetown University ................................................. 67
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Theron Waddell, Galveston College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Coleena Jackson, College of
the Mainland
Friday: “Designer Tricks for Finishing and Bindery,” Sandra Devall, Retired Professor of
Graphic Arts, College of the Mainland ....................................................................................................
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Richard Arredondo, San Antonio
Friday: “Animation: Education and Its Application in the Workplace,” Nancy Wood, Instructor
of Electronic Media, San Antonio College ......................................................................................... 29
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Lloyd Lacey, Howard
Friday: “Setting Up a Multimedia Lab: What Does It Involve?” Sailaja Athyala, Instructional
Designer, and Lloyd Lacy, Curriculum Specialist, Howard College ................................................... 16
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Sailaja Athyala, Howard College
Friday: “Evolving Multimedia Software: Is it Affordable?” Sailaja Athyala, Instructional
Designer, Howard College ................................................................................................................... 10
Saturday: “New Media Pathways,” Butch Ellis, Vice President of Technology and Production
Development, Hill Graphics, Inc. ............................................................................................................
Saturday: “Troubleshooting in the Computer Classroom,” Andrew McIntosh, System Engineer,
Campus Technology Solutions .............................................................................................................. 7
Saturday: “Technology, Training, and Faculty: Which Comes First?” Sailaja Athyala and Lloyd
Lacy ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Evolving Multimedia Software: Classroom Applications” Sailaja Athyala, Instructional
Designer, Howard College ................................................................................................................... 17
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Nancy Wood, San Antonio College
Friday: “Interactive Design and Development for E-Learning,” Tanya Heins, Senior Product
Manager, Macromedia ......................................................................................................................... 32
“Preparing Files for the Service Bureau Using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign,” Tom Dent,
Education Manager and Trainer, Adobe Software ............................................................................... 25
Saturday: “How to Break the Fear Factor for Creative Students,” Linda Smarzik, Coordinator,
Visual Communication Design, and Sarah Farr, Assistant Professor of Visual Communication
Design, Austin Community College .................................................................................................... 10
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Pat Webb, Tarrant County College Northeast
Friday: “Making Your Classroom Interactive: the Classroom Performance System,” Randy
Brown, President, I-Classroom ................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Cutting Edge Multi-media Classrooms: Theory and Reality,” John R. Martin,
Associate Dean of Learning Resources, Tarrant County College–Northwest Campus ............................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2284
Friday: "Entertainment Animation," Mike Stephens, Instructor of Animation, Austin Community
College and Director, Shut Up Entertainment, Austin ......................................................................... 19
David Tobey, Austin Community
Saturday: "Color Theory: How to Apply and Manage Color in the Pressroom," Garth Oliver,
Lecturer, College of Technology, University of Houston ...................................................................... 3
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
David Tobey, Austin Community
Friday: “Public Service Announcements: Pre-production, Post-production, and How This Project
Works to Create Community Relationships,” and “Making 3-D Images in Photoshop,”
Reg Reynolds, Instructor of Art and Graphic Arts, Angelina College ................................................... 5
Saturday: “Enhance Your Graphic and Multimedia Students’ Success by Integrating Real World
Experiences Inside and Outside the Classroom,” Donna Monteferante, Professor of
Visual Communication, and Jason Ford, Associate Professor of Visual Communication,
Kingwood College ................................................................................................................................. 5
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Reginald Reynolds, Angelina
Friday: “Using Adobe Illustrator To Create Hyper-Realistic Images,” Reginald Reynolds,
Media Laboratory Director, Angelina College ........................................................................................
Saturday: “Teaching How New Technologies Affect Human Communication: The Classroom
Approach,” Suzi Honeywell, Instructor of Speech and Theater, Angelina College .................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Reginald Reynolds, Angelina
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
James T. Matlock, San Jacinto
College–Central Campus
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: Live Demonstration: “Telemedicine and Distance Learning in Health Occupations,”
Michael Henderson, Senior Account Executive, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company;
Todd Mapes, Southwest Area Director, View Tech, Inc.; Joseph Marcinkowski, President,
Laser Professor of Clear Lake, Inc.; Ron Philo, Senior Lecturer of Neurobiology and
Anatomy, University of Texas Health Science Center; and Ron Bertanzi, Health Care
Equipment Manager, PictureTel, Inc. .................................................................................................. 60
Saturday: “Telemedicine and Distance Learning Infrastructure Funding,” Michael Henderson,
Senior Account Executive, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; Todd Mapes, Southwest
Area Director, View Tech, Inc.; Joseph Marcinkowski, President, Laser Professor of Clear Lake,
Inc.; Ron Philo, Senior Lecturer of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Texas Health
Science Center; Ron Bertanzi, Health Care Equipment Manager, PictureTel, Inc.; and Paul Voltz,
Program Analyst, Harris County Housing and Community Development Agency ............................. 20
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Cecile M. Sanders, Austin
Community College
Friday: “Making Clinical Teaching Effective,” John H. Kleffner, Educational Development
Specialist, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio ........................................ 60
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Jackie R. Porter, Bill J. Priest
Friday: “Invasive Cardiovascular Program,” Randy Christian and Kathy Moriarty, Instructors of
Health Occupations, El Centro College ............................................................................................... 10
“Medical Coding for Reimbursement and Diagnosis Purposes,” Patrice Morin-Spatz, author ............. 4
Saturday: “Customer Service,” Joe D. Granberry, Senior District Commander, Emergency Medical
Services Department, City of Austin ..................................................................................................... 4
Saturday: “Core Curriculum,” Sondra Flemming, Dean of Continuing Education, El Centro College ........ 5
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
James Matlock, San Jacinto College–
Central Campus
Friday: “Health Care Providers’ Liability in a Clinical Setting,” John Serpe, Attorney at Law ................. 63
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
James T. Matlock, San Jacinto
Friday: “Women’s Health Issues,” Sue Coté, Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner ........................... 47
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Deborah Durham, Temple
Friday: “Changes in the Health Arena: Shortages and Employer Expectations,” Paulette Standefer,
Executive Vice President, Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council .......................................................... 28
Saturday: “What’s New, What’s Not in Workforce Education,” Camille Pridgen, Program Director
and Health Professions Specialist, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher ..........
Education Coordinating Board .................................................................................................................... 30
Saturday: “Documentation of Clinical Deficiencies,” Thena Parrott, Director of Associate
Degree Nursing Program, Blinn College ............................................................................................. 44
Saturday: “Screening of Healthcare Workers,” Bob Miller, Director of Marketing for Group One,
Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council ...................................................................................................... 4
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Tomye E. Geringer, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Ethical Issues in the Genetic Revolution,” Dr. Laurence McCullough, Center for
Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Baylor College of Medicine ......................................................... 24
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Gaynell Gainer, St. Philip's College
Friday: “Teaching Medical Terminology Online: A Learner-Centered Approach,” Jan Johnson,
Director of Product Development and Instructional Design, EMC/Paradigm Publishing .......................
Saturday: “Delivering Allied Health Curricula via Distance Education: What it Takes,” Bess Porter,
Assistant Professor, Health Information Systems and Donna Laird, Instructor of Radiography,
St. Philip’s College
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Deborah Durham, Temple College
Friday: “Health Literacy,” Deborah Durham, Chair, Department of Dental Hygiene,
Temple College
............................................................................................................................... 6
Saturday: “Campus Life Safety,” Charles McDonald, Instructor of Fire Science, Trinity
Valley Community College .....................................................................................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Tomye Geringer, Houston Community
Friday: "Jump Start a Heart: An Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Mini-Session, Part I," Naomi
Carroll, Program Director, Health Professions Institute, Austin Community College, and
Antonio C. Martinez, Lead Instructor, Emergency Medical Attendant Program, Austin
Community College ............................................................................................................................... 8
Saturday: "Jump Start a Heart: An Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Mini-Session, Part II,"
Naomi Carroll and Antonio C. Martinez ............................................................................................... 4
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Tomye Geringer, Houston Community
Friday: “How to Identify Traumatized and Abused Individuals,” Rick Parrott, Instructor of Human
Service Technology, Houston Community College ............................................................................. 20
Saturday: “Stress-Buster Massage 101,” Deborah Kelly, Program Director, Massage Therapy,
Houston Community College .............................................................................................................. 16
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Catherine Hatfield & Jan Myers, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Generational Differences in the Classroom,” Peggy Blake Gleeson, Associate Professor
and Director of Clinical Education, Texas Woman’s University
“The Economics of Health Care,” James Henderson, Professor of Economics, Baylor University.
This is a joint meeting with the Economics Section. ........................................................................... 10
Saturday: “Motivating and Managing the Generations in the Classroom,” Peggy Blake Gleeson ............... 7
Saturday: “Stress and Anxiety Related to Terrorism Threats,” Richard Rosing, Chair, Department
of Human Service, Houston Community College .................................................................................. 4
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Bill Cornelius, Temple College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Garry L. McGregor, Frank
Phillips College
Friday: An Invitation to Health,” Susan Ward, Professor of Health Education, Texas Woman’s
University ............................................................................................................................................ 31
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Judy W. Bryant, South
Plains College
Friday: “Customer Service: Whose Job Is It Anyway?” Paula Brown, Director of Staff Development and Recruitment, King’s Daughters Hospital, Temple ............................................................... 18
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Ann E. Leach, South Plains
Friday: “Exercising Across the Ages: Prepubescent Weight Training to Exercise for the Elderly”
John Rutigliano, Wellness Coordinator, Lee College .......................................................................... 28
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
DeeDee Ninemire, South Plains
Friday: “Innovative Extramural Programming,” Butch Sutton, Professor of Physical Education,
San Jacinto College–Central Campus .................................................................................................. 11
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Carol Hirsh, Austin Community
College–Riverside Campus
Friday: “How to Get and Keep a Course in Fitness and Wellness,” Charles Corbin, Professor of
Health and Kinesiology, Arizona State University .............................................................................. 18
“Certified Fitness Professionals: Who’s Qualified for—and Who Needs—State Licensure?”
Susan Cooper, Owner, Body Business; Kirk Leavell, Owner, Wild Basin Fitness; Michelle
Milkerson, General Manager, The Hills Fitness Center; Tinker Murray, Director of Exercise
and Physiology Laboratory, Southwest Texas State University; Joanna Williamson,
Research Specialist, Professional Licensing and Certification Division, Texas Department of
Health; Pam Soto, Coordinator of Physical Fitness Technology Program, Austin Community
College................................................................................................................................................. 12
Saturday: “Cooperation of College and Community: The Borger Community Activity Center,”
Garry L. McGregor, Athletic Director, Frank Phillips College ........................................................... 13
Saturday: “Improving Student Motivation,” John E. Roueche, Professor and Director, Community
College Leadership Program, The University of Texas at Austin ........................................................ 57
Saturday: “All Stressed Out? It’s Time to Chill Out! How to Physically and Mentally Relax,”
Anne Solomon, Assistant Professor of Reading, South Plains College ............................................... 23
Saturday: “Heart Disease: What is Your Risk?” DeeDee Ninemire, Natatorium Director, South Plains
College................................................................................................................................................... 7
Saturday: “State Licensing Follow-Up,” Carol Hirsh, Instructor of Physical Fitness, and Pam
Soto, Coordinator of Physical Fitness Technology Program, Austin Community College.................... 6
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Timothy Jay Johnson, Tarrant
County College–South
Friday: “Slow Down the Aging Process,” Susan Johnson, Director of Continuing Education and
Certification, The Cooper Institute ..........................................................................................................
Saturday: “Physical Activity for Health and Fitness: An Individualized Approach,” Allen W.
Jackson, Regents Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation, and James
R. Morrow, Chair of the Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation,
University of North Texas .......................................................................................................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Susan F. Evans, Collin County
Community College – Spring
Friday: “Fit Mind, Fit Body: Integrating Concepts of Fitness and Wellness with General
Psychology,” Sherry Frazier, Physical Education Coordinator, and Barbara Lusk,
Psychology Coordinator and Professor, Collin County Community College ..........................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Susan F. Evans, Collin County
Community College
Friday: “Developing Physical Education Courses Online,” Sherry Schumann, Professor and
Coordinator of Physical Education, Collin County Community College ............................................ 11
Saturday: “Over the Counter Performance Enhancing Supplements: Help or Harm?” Sally
Bowman, Registered and Licensed Dietician, Central Texas Nutritian Consultants and The
Hills Fitness Center ............................................................................................................................. 20
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Timothy J. Johnson, Tarrant County
College – South
Friday: “CVD Risk Modification as a Result of Lifetime Physical Activity,” Kyle D. Biggerstaff,
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Texas Woman’s University ............................................................
Saturday: “Faculty/Staff Wellness on Your Campus,” Timothy J. Johnson, Instructor and Chair,
Department of Health and Physical Education, Tarrant County College, Moderator ..............................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Pamela Soto, Austin Community College
Friday: "How to Prepare Our Community for a Life of Fitness," Paul Carrozza, Owner, RunTex, Inc. .... 14
Saturday: "Strengths and Weaknesses of Physical Fitness Tests," Phil Stanforth, Lecturer and
Director, Fitness Institute of Texas, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, University
of Texas at Austin .................................................................................................................................. 8
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Staci J. Smith, Tarrant County
College – South
Friday: “The Use of Technology in Fitness and Wellness Education,” Gregory J. Welk, Assistant
Professor of Health and Human Performance, Iowa State University ................................................... 8
Saturday: “Promoting Health at the School Work Site: Old Barriers, New Visions,” Danny Ramsey
Ballard, Professor of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University ................................................ 4
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Sara Carrasco, Laredo Community
Friday: “Weight Training for Life,” James L. Hesson, Professor of Physical Education, Black Hills
State University, South Dakota ............................................................................................................ 20
Saturday: “Weight Training in the Classroom,” James L. Hesson ..................................................................
Saturday: “Over-the-Counter Performance Enhancing Substances,” John T. Pichot, Associate
Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and South Texas
Veterans Health Care System ..................................................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Sara Carrasco, Laredo Community
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Blanche M. Brick, Blinn College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Refocusing Historians: Use of Multimedia in a Traditional Discipline,” Jere Jackson,
Director of Center for East Texas Studies and Professor of History, Stephen F. Austin State
University; Steve Drummond, Marketing Manager for History and Political Science, Harcourt
Brace Publishers .................................................................................................................................. 75
Saturday: “The Rise of Realism in American Culture,” David E. Shi, President, Furman
University ............................................................................................................................................ 75
1997 / Austin
Friday: “The Arts and Culture: An Historical Perspective on the American Experience,” James A.
Convention Registration: 3,380
Henretta, Priscilla Alden Burke Professor of American History, University of Maryland–College
Susan F. Hult, Houston
Community College
Saturday: “First Ladies: Political Role and Public Image,” Edith Mayo, Curator, Division of Political .......
History, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution .....................................................................................................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Matthew W. Coulter, Collin County
Community College-Spring
Friday: “Why the South Lost: Recent Interpretations,” James L. Roark, Samuel Candler Dobbs
Professor of History, Emory University............................................................................................... 99
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Dianne Lewis Heafer, San Jacinto
College–North Campus
Friday: “Women in the American Revolution,” Carol Berkin, Professor of History, Baruch College,
City University of New York ............................................................................................................... 66
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
James Sparks, Houston
Community College
Friday: “The Year 2000 and the Reinvention of American History,” James A. Henretta,
Professor of History, University of Maryland ...................................................................................... 76
“The Fate of Books in the Digital Age,” David Shi, President, Furman University ............................ 60
Saturday: “History in the Interdisciplinary Learning Community,” David Clinkscale, Professor of
History and Government, and Loy Taylor, Associate Professor of English, Tarrant County
Junior College–South Campus; Larry Collins, Professor of History, and Gordon O’Neal,
Professor of English, Collin County Community College–Central Park Campus; Fred
Schneider, Associate Professor of History, and Joan Weston, Professor of Sociology,
Brookhaven College ............................................................................................................................ 23
Saturday: “History and Multimedia: Exploring Teaching and Learning with New Media,” Karen Fritz, .....
Instructor of History, The Victoria College; Roger Griffin, Instructor of History, Austin
Community College; Jonathan Lee, Instructor of History, San Antonio College; and Carol A.
Keller, Instructor of History, San Antonio College, moderator ........................................................... 62
Saturday: “Co-Op Learning for the Millenium,” Kenneth Weatherbie, Chair, Department of
History, Del Mar College .................................................................................................................... 10
2001 / Dallas
Friday: “Teaching American History Through the Prism of Diversity: Texas and the American
Convention Registration: 2,867
Blanche Brick & Cathy Lively
Blinn College
West,” John Mack Faragher, Arther Unobskey Professor of American History, Yale
University ................................................................................................................................................
“How Slavery Began in the United States,” Edward Countryman, Professor of History,
Southern Methodist University ................................................................................................................
Saturday: “The Electronic America: The Use of Multimedia and the Internet in the Classroom,”
Steve Hoge, Associate Director of Electronic Media, W.W. Norton and Company ................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Matthew W. Coulter, Collin County
Community College
Friday: “A Tale of Three Cities: How the United States Won World War II,” David M. Kennedy,
Donald S. McLachlan Professor of History, Stanford University ........................................................ 81
“The Denmark Vesey Slave Insurrection Conspiracy: What Really Happened?” Michael P.
Johnson, Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University ................................................................... 43
Saturday: “Integrating Feature Films into the Teaching of History,” Matthew W. Coulter,
Professor of History, Collin County Community College ................................................................... 31
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Peter Myers, Palo Alto College
Friday: “How Revolutionary was the American Revolution?” Pauline Maier, William R. Kenan,
Jr., Professor of American History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ........................................ 83
“The Rise and Fall of the Radical Mastectomy: Breast Cancer, Modern Medicine, and
American Popular Culture,” James S. Olson, Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department
of History, Sam Houston State University ........................................................................................... 24
Saturday: “The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War,” Edward L.
Ayers, Hugh P. Kelly Professor of History and Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University
of Virginia ........................................................................................................................................... 54
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Peter Hacker, Tarrant County CollegeNortheast
Friday: “Nature’s Nation: Integrating Environmental History into the American History Survey
“Historical Trials: A New Approach to Teaching Western Civilization,” Brian P. Levack,
John E. Green Regents Professor, University of Texas at Austin ............................................................
Saturday: “Degradation and Discrimination in Texas: The National Archives–Southwest Region
Experience,” Margaret H. Hacker, Director of Archival Operations, Barbara Rust and
Rodney Krajca, Archivists, National Archives, Southwest Region .........................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Carol Keller, San Antonio College
Peter Myers, Palo Alto College
Friday: "The Story of American Freedom, 1776-2005," Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of
History, Columbia University ............................................................................................................ 119
"The Global Impact of the American Civil War," James McPherson, Professor Emeritus,
Princeton University .......................................................................................................................... 105
Saturday: "The Difficult Birth of American Democracy," H.W. (Bill) Brands, Dickson Allen
Anderson Centennial Professor, Department of History, University of Texas at Austin ..................... 62
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Sandra Harvey & Robert Coyle,
Cy-Fair College
Friday: “How the World Civilized the West,” Bonnie Smith, Professor of History, Rutgers
University ............................................................................................................................................ 66
“Integrating Mass Consumption into Twentieth Century U.S. History,” Lizabeth Cohen,
Saturday: “The Legacy of the Cold War at Home,” Elaine Tyler May, Professor of American Studies
and History, University of Minnesota .................................................................................................. 40
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
James Seymour & Alex Smith, Cy-Fair
Friday: “The Rise and Decline of American Liberalism,” James Henretta, Priscilla Alden Burke
Professor of History, University of Maryland ...................................................................................... 83
“Jackie Robinson and the Racial Integration of Baseball,” David Oshinsky, Professor and
Chair, Department of History, University of Texas at Austin .............................................................. 43
Saturday:“An Inclusive Texas History: Starting at the Top,” J.F. de la Teja, Chair, Department of
History, Texas State University, San Marcos ...................................................................................... 32
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Robert Findley, Odessa College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Course,” David Shi, President, Furman University
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
David Hurley, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: “Native Plants,” Doug Williams, Director, Mercer Arboretum, Humble ....................................... 20
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Mark A. Storey, Texarkana
Friday: Tour of National Wildflower Research Center “From the Ground Up: Plant Production
and Establishment at the National Wildflower Research Center,” Denise D. Delaney, Gardens
Manager and Senior Horticulturist, National Wildlife Research Center ..................................................
Saturday: “Herbs and Their Many Uses,” Barbara Ownby, Master Gardener, Harris County Extension
Service 30
Saturday: No Meeting Held
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
William K. “Sam: Hurley,
Trinity Valley Community
Friday: Tour of Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Garden ............................................................................. 39
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Mark J. Schusler, Tarrant County
Junior College–Northwest
Friday: Tour of Turkey Creek Wholesale Nursery Farms ........................................................................... 13
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
William K. (Sam) Hurley, Trinity
Valley Community College
Friday: Tour of Austin Botanical Garden ................................................................................................... 49
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Mark J. Schusler, Tarrant
County College – NW
Friday: “Behind the Scenes at Six Flags Over Texas: Talk and Tour of Landscaping Operations
at Six Flags Over Texas,” Lowell McKinzie, Landscape Foreman, Six Flags Over Texas.................... 9
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Alex Warren, Houston Community
Friday: “Tour of the Horticulture Operation of the City of Houston,” Dee Howell, Horticulture
Operations Manager, City of Houston ................................................................................................... 5
Saturday: No Meeting Held
Saturday: No Meeting Held
Saturday: “Murderous Plants: Poisonous Herbs Through the Ages,” Barney Lipscomb, Assistant
Director, Botanical Research Institute of Texas .................................................................................. 16
Saturday: “Teaching Horticulture in a Correctional Facility,” Alexander C. Warren and Ted Hurse,
Instructors of Horticulture, Houston Community College .......................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Dwight Bohlmeyer, Blinn College
Bryan Campus
Friday: “Xeriscaping,” Robert “Skip” Richter, Travis County Extension Horticulturist ............................. 23
Saturday: “Trends in Water Gardening,” Duane Eaton, Technologist, Water Garden Gems ..................... 12
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Mark Schuesler, Tarrant County
College - Northwest
Friday: “Back Door Tour: Inside the Fort Worth Botanic Garden,” Steven Chamblee, Educational
Director, Fort Worth Botanic Garden ................................................................................................. 32
Saturday: “A Quick, Easy, Economical, and Effective Test for Plant Viruses,” Mike Tiffany,
Agdia, Inc. ...............................................................................................................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration:
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration:
2007 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
C. Sue Poor, Wharton County
Junior College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Internationalizing the Curriculum: Model and Resources,” Susan Cummings, International
Education Coordinator, Lee College ................................................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Fulbright Opportunities: Fellowships and Grants,” Bruce Kieler, Grant Writer and
Fulbright Scholar, Wharton County Junior College ............................................................................ 22
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration:
Susam Cummings, Lee College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Charles W. (Bill) Bane, McLennan
Community College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Distance Learning: Instructional Proficiencies and Technological Needs,”
Maria Mouzes, Coordinator, Distance Learning Certification Program, Texas A&M
University ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Saturday: Beware of Technology,” Tim Gottleber, Professor of Computer Information Processing,
North Lake College ............................................................................................................................. 14
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Charles W. (Bill ) Bane, McLennan
Community College
Friday: “Multimedia/Distance Education Classroom Presentations: Software, Hardware, Support
Staff,” Greta B. Hecker, Coordinator of Video Productions, Texas State Technical
College–Waco .........................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Distance Education Issues: Barriers and Implementation,” Dixon Bailey, Director of
Economic Development and Industrial Training, Texas State Technical College–Sweetwater ...............
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Charles W. (Bill) Bane, McLennan
Community College
Friday: “The Distance Learning Classroom,” Greta Hecker, Coordinator of Video Productions,
TSTC–Waco ........................................................................................................................................ 35
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Charles W. (Bill) Bane, McLennan
Community College
Friday: “Distance Learning Techniques That Can Be Used Effectively in the Classroom,” Greta
Hecker, Coordinator of Video Productions, Texas State Technical College–Waco ............................ 45
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
David R. Hoyt, Collin County
Community College District
Friday: “Collaborative Administration: Web Support with Little Staff,” David R. Hoyt, Chief
Informations Systems Officer, Collin County Community College District ........................................ 20
Texas Association of Community College Chief Information Officers Business Meeting .................... 3
Saturday: “The Paperless Office: Document Imaging in Administrative Offices,” Janie Neighbors,
Registrar and Director of Admissions, North Central Texas College .................................................... 5
Saturday: “Using Institutional Research and Instructional Evaluations to Become More Effective
in the Classroom,” Paul Illich, Senior Director of Institutional Effectiveness, McLennan
Community College ............................................................................................................................. 10
Saturday: “Update on Windows 2000,” Douglas Mazina, Senior Technology Specialist,
Microsoft Corporation ......................................................................................................................... 13
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Dennis Sever, Midland College
Friday: “Creating Dynamic Lessons Using Voice and Video,” Dave Perry, Solutions Architect,
3Com, Inc. ........................................................................................................................................... 19
“Tools for the Classroom: LAN Phones and Mobile Classrooms,” Emile Imberman, Network
Consultant, 3Com, Inc. ........................................................................................................................ 13
Saturday: “Preparing Students for Careers in the Technology Industry,” Ken Wiginton,
Education Specialist, 3Com, Inc. ......................................................................................................... 17
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Dennis Sever, Midland College
Friday: “Wireless WAN (PZP and Roaming) for Campuses,” Russell V. Buras, President,
COO and Co-Founder, DATACentric Broadband ............................................................................... 18
“Network Security Issues,” Larry Leibrock, Associate Dean for Technology, College and
Graduate School of Business, the University of Texas ........................................................................ 15
Saturday: “Information Technology Issues Surrounding the Anti-Terrorism Act and the National
Infrastructure Protection Center,” Jeff Binney, Agent and NIPC Manager, Federal Bureau of
Investigation ........................................................................................................................................ 20
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Dennis Sever, Midland College
Friday: “Planning for Today’s Wireless Enterprise,” Bill Lawless, Manager, Telecommunications
and Projects, Key Energy Services ..........................................................................................................
“Security for Today’s Wireless Enterprise,” Bill Lawless .......................................................................
Saturday: “Adobe Site License and the Contractual Licensing Program,” Tom Dent, Education
Manager and Trainer, Adobe Corporation ...............................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
David Wissore, Tarrant County College
Friday: “The Adobe Licensing Plan” and “Acrobat Forms and Business Practices,” Tom Dent,
Education Sales Representative, Adobe Systems, Inc. ........................................................................ 12
“Innovations in Campus Commerce Applications,” Brian T. Allan, Vice President, Central
Region, Informed Decisions Corp. Reception will follow, hosted by Informed Decisions. .................. 2
Saturday: Business Meeting ............................................................................................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Robert Sloger, Amarillo College
Friday: "Acrobat Case Study Showcase: How Trinity Valley Community College is Using Acrobat
to Streamline Their Business Process," Tom Dent, Education Sales Representative, Adobe
Systems, Inc. .......................................................................................................................................... 4
"CASHNet: Interface Integration Simplifed!" Bob Danielson, Vice President of Sales and
Marketing, and Mark Tancil, Director of Information Technology, CASHNet ..................................... 8
"LEARN's Broadband Network: Funding the Last Mile," Mickey Slimp, Executive Director,
Northeast Texas Network (NetNet) ....................................................................................................... 8
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration:
Robert Sloger, Amarillo College
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Sue Cummings, Lee College
Friday: “The Money Hunt: Perfectly Legal Ideas for Funding Educational Learning Experiences
Abroad,” Linda Bryan, International Center Director and Professor of English, Tomball
College, and Susan Cummings, International Education Coordinator and Instructor of
Humanities, Lee College..........................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Best Practices: How to Start an International Center,” Linda Bryan ............................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Richard G. Heyser, Tarrant County
Junior College - South
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Preservation—It’s Everybody’s Business: A Discussion of Basic Principles, Practical
Treatments, Workflow, and Supplies for the Smaller Library,” Kenneth Lavender, Curator,
Rare Book and Texana Collections, University of North Texas .......................................................... 17
Saturday: “Developing Information Literacy in the New Library,” Peggy Whitley, Reference
Coordinator, Kingwood College, and Ruth McDonald, Reference Librarian, Tomball College ......... 25
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Alan M. Berecka, McLennan
Community College
Friday: “Digital Libraries: Texas State Libraries Electronic Library Services,” Lisa DeGruyter,
Manager, Electronic Library Services, Texas State Library
“Power Up! Evaluating Information Sources Found Through the Internet and World Wide
Web,” Pamela Perry, Reference Librarian, and Julie Todaro, Head Librarian, Austin Community
College................................................................................................................................................. 31
Saturday: “Create Your Own Web Site Using HTML,” Margaret Peloquin, Chief Librarian, Austin
Community College–Riverside Campus .............................................................................................. 33
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Melinda Townsel, Austin
Community College
Friday: “Copyright Issues in the Information Age,” Ruth M. McDonald, Coordinator of Reference
and Instructional Services, Tomball College ...................................................................................... 30
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Peggy J. Whitley, Kingwood College
Friday: “Audio-Visual Development: Where Are We Now?” Melinda Townsel, Reference
Librarian, Austin Community College; Ruth McDonald, Reference Librarian, Tomball College;
and Peggy Whitley, Reference Librarian, Kingwood College .................................................................
Saturday: “Creating a Partnership for Learning: Collaborating with the Library,” Honora Diaz,
Professor of Economics, Kingwood College ....................................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Copyright and the Web,” George Teoh, Library Chair, Houston Community College ................
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
George M. Teoh, Houston Community
Friday: “Creating CD-ROMs from Scratch: Equipment, Programs, and Know-How,” George
Teoh, Houston Community College–Northwest College..................................................................... 18
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Joe X. Shaughnessy, Hill College
Friday: “Introduction to NetLibrary E-Books,” Jeff Downing, Manager, A+ Services, Amigos
Library Services ................................................................................................................................... 19
Saturday: “Learning Opportunities for Faculty: Electronic Information Literacy,” Pamela Perry,
Reference Librarian, Austin Community College ................................................................................ 15
Saturday: “New SACS Guidelines for Libraries: Initial Reactions,” David Drake, Director, Library
Services, South Plains College ............................................................................................................ 12
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Linda Wells, McLennan Community
Friday: “Designing an Information Literacy Program that Works,” Alice Fulbright,
Instructional Services Librarian, Richland College ............................................................................. 19
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
George Teoh, Houston Community
Friday: “Multimedia Magic: Using Digital Cameras, Scanners, and Burning CD-ROMs,”
George Teoh, Librarian, Houston Community College ....................................................................... 40
Saturday: “Online Instruction Using BLACKBOARD,” Linda Wells, Librarian, McLennan
Community College ............................................................................................................................. 10
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Zeny Jett, Panola College
Friday: “Emerging Technologies: Coping With Change,” Florence Mason, Library Management
Consultant, F. Mason and Associates .................................................................................................. 11
Saturday: “So You Want Your Handouts to be Available 24/7!” Zeny Jett, Director of Library
Services, M.P. Baker Library, Panola College, and Jennie Hance, Regional Manager,
Docutek Information Systems................................................................................................................ 5
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Sherri S. Baker, Panola College
Friday: "Grant Proposals: Stay on Top of the Pile," Myra Arrendondo, Special Services Consultant,
Texas State Library and Archives Commission ................................................................................... 13
Saturday: "Continuing Education Credit at Your Desktop," Steve Seale, Special Services
Consultant, Northeast Texas Library System ....................................................................................... 12
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
George M. Teoh, Houston Community
Friday: “To Russia With Love: The People to People Library Ambassador Program,” George Teoh,
Library Chair, Houston Community College–Northwest .................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Getting a Foot in the Door: Reaching Out to Distance Education Students,” Michelle
Drumm and Barret C. Havens, Public Service Librarians, Houston Community College ................... 10
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Joe Jackson, Paris Junior College
Friday: “The Voice of Texas Regionalism—Prairie Time: A Blackland Portrait,” Matt White,
Instructor of History, Paris Junior College ..............................................................................................
Saturday: “Intellectual Property and Academic Freedom in the Two-Year College,” Gretchen
McCord Hoffman, Attorney, Fulbright and Jaworski, Austin..................................................................
Saturday: “Bridging the Gaps: Improving Library Support for the Distance Learner,” Maryhelen
Jones, Director of Library Services for Distance Education, University of Houston; and
Jonathan Buckstead, Reference Librarian and Adjunct Instructor, Austin Community College ......... 16
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
George Teoh, Houston Community
College; Jon Luckstead, Austin
Community College–Northridge
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Irma Bakenhus, San Antonio
Friday: “Mathematics at a Crossroads,” Shoko Brant and Edward Zeidman, Professors of
Mathematics, Essex Community College, Baltimore........................................................................... 92
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
P. Doug Proffer, Collin County
Community College–Spring
Friday: “Tomorrow’s Textbooks: Print or Electronic?” Ronald E. Larson, Professor of
Mathematics, Penn State University at Erie....................................................................................... 114
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Sharon K. Sledge, San Jacinto
Friday: Panel Discussion: “Distance Education,” Jay Abramson, SCATE Coordinator, Instructor
of Mathematics, Amarillo College; Steven J. Davidson, Instructor of Mathematics, San
Jacinto College–Central Campus; Roger L. Jay, Professor of Mathematics, Tomball College;
Shirley Thompson, Professor of Mathematics, North Lake College .................................................... 88
Saturday: “Catastrophe Theory: Mathematical Modeling in the Physical, Social, and
Behavioral Sciences,” Christopher Zeeman, Fellow of the Royal Society and Retired
Principal, Hartford College, Oxford University................................................................................. 101
Saturday: “Mathematics for the 21st Century,” Sheldon P. Gordon, Professor of Mathematics,
Suffolk County Community College, Riverhead, New York ............................................................... 76
Saturday: “An Elements of Statistics Class Investigates the Texas Lottery Commission,” Gerald
Busald, Professor of Mathematics, San Antonio College .................................................................... 38
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Judy B. Matlock, Collin County
Community College–Spring
Friday: “Towards Responsible Reformism: Proponents from Both Ends of the Spectrum,”
Chris Bolt, Professor of Mathematics, Eastfield College; David Sanchez, Professor of
Mathematics, San Antonio College; Kichoon Yang, Chair, Mathematics Department,
The University of Texas–Pan American; William Waller, Professor of Mathematics,
University of Houston; and Susan Geller, Professor of Mathematics, Texas A&M
University, moderator ........................................................................................................................ 104
Saturday: “The Role of the Community College in the Mathematics Preparation of Teachers,”
Mary Hannigan, Professor of Mathematics, Austin Community College; Jamie Whitehead
Ashby, Instructor of Mathematics, Texarkana College; Margaret Crider, Instructor of
Mathematics, Tomball College; Jim Polito, Instructor of Mathematics, North Harris College;
Marilyn Mays, Professor of Mathematics, North Lake College; David Molina, Associate
Director, Charles A. Dana Center, The University of Texas at Austin, moderator .............................. 46
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Anna Maria Mendiola, Laredo
Community College
Friday: “Interactive Software: Its Use in Enhancing Mathematics and Science Instruction,”
Danny Gremillion, Product Marketing Manager, TI Interactive Software, Texas Instruments,
Inc. ....................................................................................................................................................... 99
Saturday: “We Now Know What Makes Students Successful in College,” Omar S. Lopez, Program
Director, Center for College Readiness, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ...................... 59
2001 / Dallas
Friday: “Casio A22 Computer Extender and Maple for Windows CE,” Susan Bendele, Education
Convention Registration: 2,867
Mark R. Dillman, Navarro
Support Specialist, Casio, Inc., and Sultan Saini, Technical Advisor, Services Group,
Waterloo Maple, Inc. ........................................................................................................................... 61
Saturday: “Motivation for Mathematics: The Service Learning Option,” William D. Stark, Assistant
Professor of Mathematics, Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland ........................... 53
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Roy N. Tucker, Palo Alto
Friday: NOTE: The following sessions are combined meetings of the TCCTA Mathematics
Section and TexMATYC.
“Partnerships to Address Critical Shortages in Math and Science Careers,” Marie Dalton,
Executive Vice President, Aerospace Adademy for Engineering and Teacher Education ................... 78
“NASA Johnson Space Center: Exploring Educational and Career Opportunities,” Linda
Smith, Program Coordinator, Texas Aerospace Scholars Community College Program, and
Duane Ross, Manager, Astronaut Candidate Selection and Training, Johnson Space Center,
Breakout Session I: “Formula for Reform: Curriculum, Communication, and Courage,”
Marilyn Mays, Mathematics Program Coordinator; Shirley Thompson, Faculty Coordinator;
and Robert Agnew, Division Dean, North Lake College
Breakout Session II: “Generating Randomized Tests with MAPLE,” Otto Wilke, Chair,
Department of Mathematics, TSTC-Waco
Breakout Session I: “The Math Super Block,” Jim Polito, Professor of Mathematics, North
Harris College
Breakout Session II: “It Takes a Woman…,” Joanne Peeples, Professor of Mathematics,
El Paso Community College ................................................................................................................ 80
Saturday: “A Classification of Quadric Surfaces and Corresponding Critical Points Reinforced
by Implementing the TI-89 and/or TI-92 Graphing Calculator,” Antonio F. Castillo,
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Palo Alto College ...................................................................... 38
“Making Applications Come Alive,” Pat McKeague, XYZ Textbooks, San Luis Obispo,
California ............................................................................................................................................ 57
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Roger L. Jay, Tomball College
Friday: NOTE: The following sessions are combined meetings of the TCCTA Mathematics
Section and TexMATYC.
“Math History: Beauty and Order in Numbers and Geometry,” Chip Galloway,
Professor of Mathematics, Collin County Community College ........................................................... 80
“A Few Interesting Problems with Unique Twists (Most Requiring Only Algebra Skills),”
Dick Aufmann, Professor of Mathematics, Palomar College, San Marcos, California ........................ 75
TexMATYC Meeting
“They Starred in the Lone Star State (a Fun Look at Baseball Statistics of Texas Stars),”
Steve Krevisky, Professor of Mathematics, Middlesex Community College, Middletown,
“A Practical Look at Some Concepts of Infinity,” Will Schrank, Instructor of Mathematics,
Angelina College ................................................................................................................................. 65
“Thinking of Teaching Online? Don’t Reinvent the Wheel,” Irene Doo, Chair, Professional
Development Subcommittee, AMATYC Distance Learning Committee, Austin Community
“The Pythagorean Theorem Applied to Integral Facets of 3-D Right Simplexes,” John Edgell,
Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Southwest Texas State University ................ 50
Saturday: “Teaching and Writing with Maplets,” Philip B. Yasskin, Associate Professor of
Mathematics, Texas A&M University ................................................................................................. 40
“Using an Online Digitizer to Connect with College Algebra and Precalculus Students,”
Don Allen, Professor of Mathematics, Texas A&M University .......................................................... 35
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration:
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Friday: NOTE: The following sessions are combined meetings of the TCCTA Mathematics
Section and TexMATYC.
Kristin Stoley, Blinn College
Mathematics Section meeting and "Using Group Activities for Comparison of Methods
in Calculus," Molly O'Neill, Professor of Mathematics, Daytona Beach Community College,
Florida ................................................................................................................................................. 87
"High School, Community College, and University Mathematics Courses: Discrete and
Isolated or Avenues for Collaboration?" Susan Hudson Hull, Mathematics Director, Charles
A. Dana Center, University of Texas at Austin .................................................................................... 45
TexMATYC Official Meeting ............................................................................................................. 69
Breakout Session I: "Perspectives on Mathematics in Art History," James (Chip) Galloway,
Instructor of Mathematics, Collin County Community College .......................................................... 88
Breakout Session II: "Hook-em Horns! History and Statistics on Texas Football," Steve
Krevisky, Professor of Mathematics, Middlesex Community College, Middletown,
Connecticut .......................................................................................................................................... 45
Breakout Session I: "Lies My Graphing Calculator Told Me," Ron Larson, Professor of
Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University at Erie............................................................................ 37
Breakout Session II: "Unorthodox Alternatives on Teaching Mathematics," Irie Glajar,
Professor of Mathematics, Austin Community College ..........................................................................
Breakout Session I: "Using Clickers in a Beginning Algebra Class," Angela Lawrenz,
Instructor of Mathematics, Blinn College, Bryan Campus ......................................................................
Breakout Session II: "Edges are of Fundamental Importance," John J. Edgell, Jr., Professor
of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Texas State University .....................................................
Breakout Session I: "The New Mexico Math Reform Project," Dr. Bill Pletsch, Professor
of Mathematics, Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute ................................................................
Breakout Session II: "Issues in Teaching Calculus," Ben Brink, Instructor of Mathematics,
Wharton County Junior College ..............................................................................................................
Saturday: "Math in Color!" Paula Wilhite, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Texas A&M
University-Texarkana and Northeast Texas Community College
"Determining the Value of a Stock Option," Bruce Lowe, Associate Professor of Mathematics,
Texas A&M University-College Station .............................................................................................. 58
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration; 2327
Teresa Smith, Blinn College
Friday: Mathematics Section Business Meeting and “Humor in Mathematics: An Effective Teaching
Tool,” John Coburn, Professor of Mathematics, St. Louis Community College at Florissant
“Quantitative Literacy: A Science Literacy Perspective,” George “Pinky” Nelson, Director
of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, Western Washington University
TexMATYC Official Meeting
“Active Learning in the Mathematics Classroom,” Shirley Thompson, Mathematics
Coordinator and Instructor, North Lake College
Breakout Session I: “A Quadratic Project for All Levels—Algebra through Calculus II,” Kristin
Stoley, Instructor of Mathematics, Blinn College
Breakout Session II: “Astros in Flight! History and Statistics on the Houston Astros!” Steve
Krevisky, Professor of Mathematics, Middlesex Community College, Massachusetts
Breakout Session III: “Bright Ideas to Retain Math Students,” Michael Holtfrerich, Professor
and Chair, Department of Mathematics, Glendale Community College
Breakout Session I: “Achieving the Dream by Opening the Gate to Student Success,” Mary Kay
Best, Chair of Mathematics and Physics, Coastal Bend College
Breakout Session II: “A Personal Mission Statement,” Sandra Villas, Instructor of
Developmental Mathematics, South Texas College, Mid Valley Campus
Breakout Session III: “Applications of the Coefficients of [(x^m - 1)/(x-1)]^n,” John Edgell,
Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Texas State University, San Marcos
“Integrals of Products ARE Products of Integrals!” William Heierman, Instructor of
Mathematics, Wharton County Junior College .................................................................................... 94
Saturday: Mathematics Section Meeting and “Mayan Exploration into Mathematics,” Andra
Buxkemper, Instructor of Mathematics, Blinn College–Bryan Campus
“Slope Fields and Calculus,” Ron Larson, Professor of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State
University at Erie ................................................................................................................................. 48
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Roy Tucker, Palo Alto College
Friday: “Visualization of a Second Degree Polynomial (Parabola) That Intersects Three Distinct R
Points in the Descartes Plane (Quadratic Interpolation),” Antonio F. Castillo, Professor of
Mathematics, Palo Alto College
“Crafting Creative Thinkers,” Edward Burger, Professor and Chair of Mathematics, Williams
College, Williamstown, Massachusetts
TexMATYC Official Meeting
“Base 2? Where Did It Come From?” Joanne Peeples, Professer of Mathematics, El Paso
Community College
Breakout Session I:
“Active Student Learning: Why and How?” Richelle Blair, Professor of Mathematics,
Lakeland Community College, Concord, Ohio
Breakout Session II:
“Fun With Functions,” Ron Larson, Professor of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University
Breakout Session I:
“Make it Real: Using Technology to Model Real World Data,” Frank Wilson, Professor of
Mathematics, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Mesa, Arizona
Breakout Session II:
“Emily’s Webs and Polygonal Numbers,” John Edgell, Professor of Mathematics Education,
Texas State University, San Marcos
Breakout Session I:
“How Can a Digital Immigrant Teach Digital Natives? By Embracing Technology,” Susan Fife,
Professor of Mathematics, Houston Community College
Breakout Session II:
“Finally! Factoring Made Easy!” Marisol Montemayor, Professor of Mathematics, Houston
Community College
Saturday: “Increasing Student Success in Mathematics,” Elayn Martin-Gay, Professor of
Mathematics, University of New Orleans
“College Algebra Across Texas: Survey Results,” Don Allen, Professor of Mathematics,
Texas A&M University, Linda Zientek, Instructor of Mathematics, Blinn College, and Mel
Griffin, Senior Lecturer, Texas A&M University
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Phil Anderson, South Plains College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
James L. Lee, Coastal Bend College
Friday: “The General Education Core and the Field of Study Curriculum,” Julie Leidig,
Director of Instructional Programs, Division of Community and Technical Colleges,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ........................................................................................ 7
“A Sixty Minute Course in Leadership for the Musician, Teacher, or Administrator,” Kenneth
Raessler, Professor Emeritus and Director, School of Music, Texas Christian University .................... 3
Saturday: “Current Bills in the Legislature that Affect the Arts in Education,” Bill Haley, Lobbyist,
Austin .................................................................................................................................................... 2
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Linda Zientek, Blinn College
Friday: Mathematics Section meeting and “Curve Fitting Can Rejuvenate Algebra,” Jay Lehmann,
Associate Professor of Mathematics, College of San Mateo, California
“The Role of Two-Year Colleges in Mathematics Reform,” P. Uri Treisman, Professor of
Mathematics and Director, Charles A. Dana Center, University of Texas at Austin ........................... 90
TexMATYC Board Meeting
TexMATYC Official Meeting and “Introduction to Heronian Simplexes,” John Edgell,
Professor of Mathematics, Texas State University, San Marcos
Breakout Session I: “A Cornucopia of Dallas Cowboys Football Statistics,” Steve Krevisky,
Professor of Mathematics, Middlesex Community College, Middletown, Connecticut
Breakout Session II: “Teaching Row-Reduction,” Ben Brink, Instructor of Mathematics,
Wharton County Junior College
Breakout Session I: “Pump Up the Volume with Project Assignments,” Jay Lehmann,
Associate Professor of Mathematics, College of San Mateo, California
Breakout Session II: “Teachers can get an Applet!” Raul Aparicio, Instructor of Mathematics,
Blinn College, Brenham Campus ........................................................................................................ 45
Saturday: Mathematics Section meeting and “Student Understanding of Integer Exponents,” Peg
Crider, Chair, Department of Mathematics, Tomball College
“Geometry and Honeybees,” Barbara Shipman, Assistant Professor of Mathematics,
University of Texas at Arlington ......................................................................................................... 51
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration:
Kristin Stoley, Blinn College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Joyce L. White, College of
the Mainland
Friday: “Telecommunications and the Internet,” Julie McMahon, Professor of Computer Information Systems, University of Houston–University Park Campus........................................................... 50
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Patricia B. Dennis, South
Plains College
Friday: “Considerations in Developing a Multimedia Program,” Kay Pallavicini, Program
Coordinator, Multimedia Development, and Sue Mahoney, Instructor of Multimedia and
Desktop Publishing, North Harris College .......................................................................................... 60
Saturday: “Connecting Content to Context,” Jan Johnson, Instructional Design Manager, EMC
Paradigm Publishing............................................................................................................................ 20
Saturday: “Microsoft Office ’97 and Corel WordPerfect: Understanding the Genesis of the Golden
Age of Software Suite Products,” Joseph W. Habraken, Developmental Editor, EMC/Paradigm
Publishing ............................................................................................................................................ 55
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Deloris M. Nsonamoah, Houston
Community College-Central
Friday: “Microsoft Word 97 and WordPerfect 8—How Do They Compare?” Nita H. Rutkosky,
Instructor of Office Technology, Pierce College, Puyallup, Washington ............................................ 69
“Using the Power of Technology in Keyboarding,” Arlene Rice, Professor of Office
Administration, Los Angeles City College .......................................................................................... 50
Saturday: “Microsoft Office Professional 97: Powerhouse of Productivity,” Nita H. Rutkosky,
Instructor of Office Technology, Pierce College, Puyallup, Washington ............................................ 54
1999 / Houston
Registration: 3,250
S. Joann Snider, Western Texas
Friday: “The Information Technology Age and Its Impact on Office Systems Curriculum,” Rosemary Convention
Fruehling, President, College Division, EMC Paradigm ..................................................................... 55
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
S. Joann Snider, Western Texas
Friday: “What’s New in Office 2000?” Meredith Flynn, Author ............................................................... 55
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
JoAnn Snider, Western Texas
Friday: “Keyboarding at at Distance,” Jack E. Johnson, Interim Dean, Richards College of
Business, State University of West Georgia ........................................................................................ 65
Saturday: “Introduction to Computers: Unveiling the Textbook of the Future and the Instructional
Power of Technology,” Theresa Taggart, Technology Specialist, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Publishers ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Saturday: “On-Line Courses,” Gary Shelley, Author ................................................................................. 30
Saturday: “Teaching Web-Based Courses: Inspiring Active Learning,” Robert Galvin and Jan
Johnson, Authors ................................................................................................................................. 50
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Elizabeth Cheatham, Central
Texas College
Friday: “Windows and Office XP Features,” Denise Seguin, Acting Chair, Information
Technology, Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology, London, Ontario .......................... 65
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Elizabeth Cheatham, Central
Texas College
Friday: “SimNet: The Latest and Greatest in MOUS and MS Office XP Assessment and
Tutoring,” Tony Weber, National Technology Consultant, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ............................ 30
Saturday: “Microsoft Office Tips and Tricks,” Lloyd Brooks, Professor, Management Information
Systems, University of Memphis ......................................................................................................... 36
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Elizabeth Cheatham, Central
Texas College
Friday: “Integrating Assessment Tools and Tutorials in Your Computer Concepts and
Applications Courses,” Robert Galvin, Vice President, EMC/Pardigm College Division .................. 44
Saturday: “Tools for Teaching Online,” Anne Fry, Regional CIT Specialist, McGraw Hill
Technology .......................................................................................................................................... 27
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Elizabeth Cheatham, Central
Texas College
Friday: "Soft Skills: Telling Your Story," Susie VanHuss, Executive Director of Foundations,
University of South Carolina
This is a joint meeting with the Computer Information Technology Section.
"The Texas Shootout: Assessment and Training Software for Microsoft Office 2003,"
Bill Bayer, Director of New Media Strategies, McGraw-Hill Technology Education, Matt
Denham, Director of Sales Programs, Computing and Information Technology Division,
Pearson Prentice Hall Publishing, Beverly Fite, Professor of Computer Information Science,
Amarillo College, and David Gibson, Technology Consultant, Course Technology ........................... 42
Saturday: "Increasing Enrollment Through Daily Flex Entry," Linda Thompson and Mary Jane
Tobaben, Instructors of Office Systems Technology, Collin County Community College ................. 19
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Elizabeth Cheatham, Central
Texas College
Friday: “Paradigm’s New Web-Based Keyboarding: It’s a Snap!” Robert Galvin, National Sales
Manager, EMC/Paradigm Publishing .................................................................................................. 26
Saturday: “Going Medical?” Nina Thierer, Instructor of Medical Terminology, Ivy Tech State
College, Fort Wayne, Indiana .............................................................................................................. 16
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Genevieve Allison, San Antonio College;
Elizabeth Cheatham, Central Texas
Friday: “What’s New for Office 2007 and Keyboarding,” Susie H. VanHuss, Author, and Jane
Phelan, Acquisitions Editor, Thomson South-Western ....................................................................... 48
Saturday: “Digital Publishing: Designing Creatively,” Karen Bean, Instructor of Information
Management, Blinn College ................................................................................................................ 33
Saturday: “Teaching Methodologies Using Microsoft Office XP,” Sharon Fisher-Larson, Professor
Emeritus, Office Administration and Technology, Elgin Community College, Elgin, Illinois ............ 18
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Genevieve Allison & Murat Tas, San
Antonio College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Bernard J. Mahoney, Houston
Community College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “The American Dream and Moral Values: Issues and Concerns in the Election of 1996,”
Bernard J. Mahoney, Instructor of Philosophy, David M. Wilcox, Instructor of History,
Janice Greco, Instructor of Psychology, and Leslie West, Instructor of English, Houston
Community College ............................................................................................................................. 50
Saturday: “Writing Our Own Introduction to Philosophy Text,” Hap Lyda, Professor of
Philosophy and Religion, Tarrant County Junior College–South Campus ............................................ 4
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Rex C. Peebles, Austin Community
Friday: “Critical Thinking and Ethics,” Danney Ursery, Associate Professor of Philosophy,
St. Edward’s University ....................................................................................................................... 30
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Sidney Chapman, Richland
Friday: “Can We Get Along? A Review of Five Books on Race Relations,” Jana Flowers, Instructor
of Psychology; Rachael Barber, Instructor of ESL; and Scott Shepherd, Instructor of English,
Richland College; Elva Allie, Dean of Instruction, Tarrant County Junior College–Northwest
Campus; James Kirk, Instructor of Philosophy, Collin County Community College; Sid
Chapman, Instructor of Philosophy, Richland College, Moderator ..................................................... 29
Saturday: “Philosophy as an Essential College Subject,” Robert Solomon, Quincy Lee Centennial
Professor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin ............................................................... 14
Saturday: Roundtable Discussion: “Distance Learning: Prospects, Possibilities, and Problems for
Teaching Philosophy”............................................................................................................................ 7
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Bernard J. Mahoney, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Faith and Reason: Friends or Enemies? A Discussion of the Relation Between Science
and Religion,” Marjorie Nash, Professor of Philosophy, University of Houston; Bernard J.
Mahoney, Professor of Philosophy, Houston Community College–Northwest College; and
Susan Goll, Houston Community College–Southwest College, moderator ......................................... 62
Saturday: “Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum: Computer Application in the Instruction of
Philosophy” Abdura Rahman, Instructor of Clinical Nursing, Prairie View A&M College of
Nursing, and Marjorie Nash ................................................................................................................ 11
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Susan Goll, Houston Community
College–Southwest Campus
Friday: “Wisdom, Knowledge, and Information: Making Moral Judgments in the Information
Age,” David L. Hildebrand, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin ...............................
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Hap Lyda, Tarrant County College –
Friday: “Quantum Mechanics Explained: How Those Elusive Electrons Affect You, Your World,
and Your Immortality,” Rayford L. Ball, Professor of Physics, Tarrant County College–South
Campus ....................................................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Integrating Web Technologies into the Philosophy Curriculum,” Susan Goll,
Professor of Philosophy, Houston Community College–Southwest College ..........................................
Sidney Chapman, Richland College
Saturday: “How Do You Possibly Teach Introduction to Philosophy?” Roundtable Discussion,
Hap Lyda, Moderator ..............................................................................................................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,752
Matthew Daude, Austin Community
College – Rio Grande
Friday: “The Theory and Practice of Obligation to Future Generations: The Theory,” Rex C.
Peebles, Dean, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Austin Community College .........................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Sidney Chapman, Richland College
Friday: “The Value of Philosophy,” Robert C. Solomon, Quincy Lee Centennial Professor of
Business and Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin..................................................................... 21
Saturday: “Teaching Business Ethics: Procedures and Problems,” Cooper Henson, Systems
Analyst, University of Texas at Austin ................................................................................................ 11
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Hap Lyda, Tarrant County
Friday: “What Philosophies Beyond Western Should We Teach?” Hap Lyda, Professor of
Philosophy, Tarrant County College–South Campus .......................................................................... 20
Saturday: “How Do We Integrate Non-Western Philosophies into Our Courses?” Hap Lyda .................... 10
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Rex C. Peebles, Austin Community
College-Rio Grande
Friday: "Can Virtue Be Taught? An Aristotelian Reappraisal," Matthew Daude Laurents, Chair,
Department of Philosophy, Humanities, and Religion, and Rex C. Peebles, Dean, Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Austin Community College ............................................................................... 35
Saturday: "Enriching Ethical Discourse on Campus: A Not-So-Modest Proposal," Matthew Daude
Laurents and Kitty Henderson, Director, Ethics Resource Center, Austin Community College ......... 15
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Rex C. Peebles, Austin Community
Friday: “The Philosophy Classroom: Promoting Critical Thinking Skills,” Matthew Daude Laurents,
Chair, Department of Philosophy, Religion, Humanities, and Women’s Studies, Austin
Community College ............................................................................................................................. 18
Saturday: “Utilitarianism: Does It Add Up?” Matthew Daude Laurents, and Rex C. Peebles, Vice
President of Instruction, Midland College ........................................................................................... 11
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Matthew Daude-Laurents, Austin
Community College
Friday: “Maxims in East Texas: Teaching Kant in the College Classroom,” Madeleine Ross, Instructor
of Philosophy, Tyler Junior College
“The Uses and Abuses of Skepticism: Hume and Principled Skepticism,” Matthew Daude
Laurents, Professor of Philosophy, Austin Community College
Saturday: “Roundtable: Philosophy and the Community College,” Rex Peebles, Vice President
of Instruction, Midland College, Moderator
Saturday: “The Theory and Practice of Obligation to Future Generations: The Practice,” Rex C.
Peebles .....................................................................................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Jess T. Dowdy, Northeast
Texas Community College
Friday: “Demonstration of Phenomena in Physical Optics Using Everyday Objects,” Eugene
Hecht, Professor of Physics, Adelphi University ................................................................................. 23
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Jeffrey B. Watson, Navarro College
Friday: Tour of the Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory at The University of Texas at Austin
“Interaction of Molecules with Solid Surfaces,” Gregg Sitz, Professor of Physics, The University
of Texas at Austin ................................................................................................................................ 22
Saturday: “The Changing Role of the Two-Year College in the United States Physics
Community,” Mary Beth Todd Monroe, Instructor of Physics, Southwest Texas
Junior College...................................................................................................................................... 13
Saturday: “Industry-Education Partnerships,” Mike Kukuk, Training Foreman, Sterling
Chemical Corporation............................................................................................................................ 7
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Mary Beth Monroe, Southwest Texas
Junior College
Friday: “Using ‘CASTLE’ to Teach Electricity,” Marvin Nelson, Professor of Physics, Green
River Community College, Auburn, Washington ................................................................................ 30
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Marles L. McCurdy, Tarrant County
Junior College–Northeast Campus
Friday: “International Space Station Operations,” Chirold D. Epp, Operations Manager,
International Space Station Program, Johnson Space Center .............................................................. 22
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Mary Beth Monroe, Southwest
Texas Junior College
Friday: “Integrated Math and Physics in Technical Courses,” Denise M. Wetli, Instructor of
Physics, and Robert L. Kimball, Chair, Arts and Sciences Division, Wake Tech
Community College, Raleigh, North Carolina .........................................................................................
Continuation of morning session .............................................................................................................
Saturday: “‘Powerful Ideas in Physical Science’: A Program of the American Association of
Physics Teachers,” Donald F. Kirwan, Professor of Physics, Louisiana State University ................... 25
Saturday: “Teaching Introductory Astronomy: Tricks of the Trade,” Roger A. Freedman, Lecturer
in Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara .......................................................................... 15
Saturday: “Relevant Physics for Everyone,” Art Hobson, Professor of Physics, University of
Arkansas–Fayetteville ..............................................................................................................................
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Paul Williams, Austin Community
Friday: “Teaching Engineering Physics With Physics Tutorials,” Daryl Pedigo, Chair, Department
of Physical Sciences, Austin Community College ............................................................................... 11
“NASA’s Reduced Gravity Student Flights,” Donn Sickorez, University Affairs Officer, Johnson
Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and William Moose, Professor
of Physics, San Antonio College ........................................................................................................... 6
Saturday: “Practical Applications for Physics Education Research for Conceptual Courses,”
Richard P. Olenick, Chair, Department of Physics, University of Dallas .............................................. 7
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Mary Beth Monroe, Southwest Texas
Junior College
Friday: “Developments in Curriculum in the SWTSU Physics and Technology Programs,”
James Crawford, Chair, and David Donnelly, Professor, Department of Physics, Southwest
Texas State University .............................................................................................................................
Saturday: “Quantum Optics and Your Physics Program,” Thomas O’Kuma, Instructor of Physics,
Lee College ..............................................................................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Gene Byrd, Lamar State
College – Port Arthur
Friday: “NASA Opportunities for Community College Students in the Aerospace Scholars
and Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Programs,” Linda Smith, Program
Coordinator, Community College Aerospace Scholars, and Deanna Wilmore, Program
Coordinator, KC-135 Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program, Johnson
Space Center ............................................................................................................................................
“Collaborative Learning Activities in Introductory Astronomy for Non-Science Majors,
Using Research on Student Understanding as a Guide,” Ed Prather, Research Scientist,
Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona ...................................................................................
Saturday: “A Look at Introductory College Physics in the 21st Century: A Modular College
Curriculum Based on the Learning Cycle and Physics Education Research,” Alexander K.
Dickison, Professor of Physics, and Chair, Department of Physical Science, Seminole
Community College, Sanford, Florida .....................................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Gene Byrd, Lamar State College - Port
Friday: “Community College Teacher Preparation, Pre-Service, and In-Service in Math, Physics,
and the Sciences,” Arthur Schneider, Chair, Division of Sciences and Engineering, Amarillo
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Gene Byrd, Lamar State College
Port Arthur
Friday: "Teaching With an Individual Response Technology," Anne Fry, eLearning Consultant,
McGraw Hill Higher Education ........................................................................................................... 10
Saturday: "TIPERs (Tasks Inspired by Physics Education Research): Their Use in Introductory
Physics," Thomas O'Kuma, Instructor of Physics, Lee College ............................................................. 6
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Otis Byrd, Lamar State College
Port Arthur
Friday: “Linking Community Colleges with University Engineering Programs,” Denise Martinez,
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering, Tarleton State University ................... 6
Saturday: “Teaching Physics Using Goals and Objectives with Ranking Tasks, Physlets, and Other
Teaching Tools,” Otis Byrd, Assistant Professor of Physics, Lamar State College–Port Arthur ........... 4
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Otis Byrd, Lamar State College
Port Arthur
Friday: “Modeling and Discourse Management in the Two-Year Physics Classroom,” Dwain
Desbien, Professor of Physics and Chair, Division of Science and Mathematics, Estrella
Mountain Community College, Phoenix, Arizona ............................................................................... 10
Saturday: “In the Heat of the Night: Understanding the Cosmos with Infrared Astronomy,” Dan
Lester, Research Scientist, McDonald Observatory and Department of Astronomy, University of
Texas at Austin .................................................................................................................................... 10
College ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
“Strategies for Interactive Learning in Astronomy,” T.F. Slater, Associate Professor of
Astronomy, and Ed Prather, Assistant Staff Scientist, University of Arizona, and Rhonda
Jones and Michael W. Green, Representatives, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration .................................................................................................................... 10
Saturday: “Developing and Using a New Textbook,” Alan Giambattista, Senior Lecturer,
Department of Physics, Cornell University .............................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Otis Byrd, Lamar State College–
Port Arthur
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Dolly L. Saulsbury, Wharton
County Junior College
Friday: “The Future is Now: New Approaches to the Teaching of Psychology,” Robert S.
Feldman, Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts ........................................................ 60
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Saundra Y. Boyd, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Developmental and Multicultural Issues as Psychology Enters the 21st Century,”
Kathleen Stassen Berger, Professor of Psychology, Bronx Community College, City
University of New York
“Deep in the Heart of Psychology: What Are the Key Concepts that Should Be Part of
Every Introductory Psychology Course?” Dennis Coon, author ..............................................................
Saturday: “Mindful Teaching in Hostile Times,” Jane Halonen, Professor of Behavioral Science,
Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ............................................................................................ 40
Saturday: “Let Me Tell You a Story: The Role of Narrative in the Classroom,” Josh R. Gerow,
Professor of Psychological Services, Indiana University and Purdue University at Fort Wayne ............
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Genevieve D. Stevens, Houston
Community College-Central
Friday: “Using Stories to Teach Psychology,” Spencer Rathus, Professor of Psychology,
Montclair College, Upper Montclair, New Jersey ............................................................................... 57
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Martha M. Ellis, Collin County
Community College–Courtyard
Friday: “Integrating a Multicultural Perspective into the Teaching of Psychology,” Karen H.C.
Huang, Professor of Psychology, Lehigh University ........................................................................... 57
“Teaching Introductory Psychology and Involving Students in Psychology Club Activities,”
Peggy W. Nash, Senior Professor of Behavioral Sciences, Broward Community College .................. 28
Saturday: “When Your Favorite Findings Flop—and How You Can Teach About Them Anyway,”
Carole Wade, Dominican College of San Rafael, California ............................................................... 20
Saturday: “Using Technology While Teaching Psychology: Possibilities and Pitfalls,” Robert
Feldman, Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts ........................................................ 41
2000 / Austin
Convention Program: 3,030
Richard Miller, Navarro College
Friday: “Toward a Teaching of a Psychology of Tolerance,” Spencer Rathus, Professor of
Psychology, Montclair State University .............................................................................................. 41
“From Astrology to Aliens: Using Pseudoscientific Claims to Motivate Students to Think
Scientifically,” Don H. Hockenbury, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Tulsa Community
College, and Sandra F. Hockenbury, author ........................................................................................ 40
Saturday: “Gender in the Classroom: What and Why We Should Know About Gender,” Lester A.
Lefton, Professor of Psychology, George Washington University....................................................... 45
2001 / Dallas
Convention Program: 2,867
Barbara H. Lusk, Collin County
Community College–Central
Friday: “The Nature of Wisdom,” Robert J. Sternberg, Professor of Psychology, Yale
University ............................................................................................................................................ 35
“Engaged Scholarship: Ways to Initiate and Sustain Service Learning and Learning Community
Programs on Campus,” John Creech, Professor of Psychology; Deborah White, Professor of
Sociology and Psychology; Barbara Lusk, Professor of Psychology; Tracey Elliott, Professor
of Sociology; Gordon O’Neal, Professor of English; and Sam Tullock, Professor History, Collin
County Community College ................................................................................................................ 22
Saturday: “The New Positive Psychology in Pursuit of Happiness,” David G. Myers, Professor
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Deann C. Merchant, Amarillo
Friday: “Bullies Across the Lifespan: From Babies to Big Men,” Kathleen Stassen Berger,
Chair, Social Sciences Department, Bronx Community College ....................................................... 120
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Shirley Pritchett Clay, Northeast Texas
Community College
Friday: “The Development of Violent Behavior,” Ben Lahey, Professor of Psychiatry,
University of Chicago .......................................................................................................................... 74
“The Myths of Memory,” Jim Nairne, Professor of Psychological Sciences, Purdue
University ............................................................................................................................................ 78
“Pills, Profits, Sex, and Science: The Invention of Female Sexual Dysfunction,” Carol
Tavris, Social Psychologist and Author ............................................................................................... 40
Saturday: Psi Beta Sponsors and Potential Sponsors Breakfast (hosted by Thomson
“Active Learning with Results!” Karen Huffman, Professor of Psychology, Palomar
College, San Marcos, California .......................................................................................................... 33
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Carol Barbay, Lamar State College –
Port Arthur
Friday: “Psychology Live! Drama and Insight in the Classroom,” Dennis Coon, Author ........................... 47
“Using Digital Video-Conferencing and Other Web-Based Technology to Enhance Online
Learning,” Carol Barbay, Associate Professor of Psychology, Lamar State College–Port
Arthur, and Irene Doo, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics, Austin Community College and
Joliet (Illinois) Junior College ............................................................................................................. 28
Saturday: Psi Beta Advisors and Potential Advisors Breakfast (sponsored by Wadsworth/Thomson)
“Stranger Than Truth: Student Excuses and What To Do About Them,” Douglas A. Bernstein,
Professor of Psychology, University of South Florida and University of Surrey................................. 37
Saturday: “Believing Without Evidence: Yielding to Temptation,” James W. Kalat, Professor
of Psychology, North Carolina State University .................................................................................. 33
2005 / Austin
Friday: "Neurobiological Psychology," James W. Kalat, Professor of Psychology, North Carolina
Convention Registration: 2,284
State University ................................................................................................................................... 65
Joyce M. Bateman-Jones, Central
"Forensic Psychology," Randall E. Osborne, Chair, Department of Psychology, Texas State
Texas College & Jennifer O’Loughlin- University .................................................................................................................................................... 35
Brooks, Collin County Community
Psi Beta Psychology National Honor Society Reception: "Engaging in Undergraduate Research,"
Collin County Community College Psi Beta Research Group (sponsored by Wadsworth
Publishing Co.) .................................................................................................................................... 27
Saturday: "Teaching Undergraduate Human Sexuality: A Course, a Week, or a Lecture?" Janet Hyde,
Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison ........................... 32
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Carol Barbay, Lamar State College–
Port Arthur & Benetha Jackson,
Angelina College
Friday: “Being Learning Centered: The Inclusive Classroom,” Ellen Pastorino, Developmental
Psychologist, Orlando, Florida ............................................................................................................ 42
“Positive Sport Psychology: Enhancing Athletes’ Well-being and Performance,” Ronald
Smith, Professor of Psychology, University of Washington ................................................................ 19
Saturday: “Why Students Fail: A Moderated Discussion and Teaching Tip Exchange,” Benetha
Jackson, Instructor of Psychology, Angelina College, and Bich Magdaleno, Adjunct Instructor
of Psychology, Angelina College, Moderators .................................................................................... 31
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Benetha Jackson & Ron Naramore,
Angelina College
Friday: “Sleep and Dreaming Research: What’s New?” Don Hockenbury, Assistant Professor of
Psychology, Tulsa Community College, and Sandra Hockenbury, Adjunct Instructor, Tulsa
Community College ............................................................................................................................. 29
“Using Psychology to Teach Psychology: Classroom Tips for Effective Learning,” Jeffery S.
Nevid, Professor of Psychology, St. John’s University, New York ..................................................... 30
Saturday: “Incorporating High Impact, Low Cost Technology in Teaching: A Beginner’s Guide,”
Robert S. Feldman, Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean, College of Social and
Behavioral Sciences, University of Massachusetts at Amherst ............................................................ 25
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Dina Neal, Vernon College & Carol
Barbay, Lamar State College
Port Arthur
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Glenn C. Currier, El Centro
Friday: “Sociology, Critical Thinking, and Mass Media,” Bill Thompson, Professor of Sociology,
East Texas State University ................................................................................................................. 25
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Diana Kendall & Jerry W. Shepperd,
Austin Community College
Friday: “Bridges Between Sociologists at Community Colleges, Universities, and
Professional Associations,” Teresa A. Sullivan, Vice President and Graduate Dean, The
University of Texas at Austin .............................................................................................................. 28
Saturday: “Different Voices: Integrating Race, Class, and Gender in Sociology Courses,” Diana
Kendall, Chair, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Austin Community College–Rio
Grande Campus ................................................................................................................................... 18
Saturday: “Dealing With Problems of Diversity Among College Students: Classroom Teaching and
Textbook Writing,” Richard P. Appelbaum, Professor of Sociology, University of California
at Santa Barbara, and William Kornblum, Professor of Sociology, Graduate School of the City
University of New York ...................................................................................................................... 30
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Julia W. Lam, Richland College
Friday: “Integrating Internet Resources into the Classroom,” Phyllis Flott, Teaching Fellow, and
Lisa Zottarelli, Graduate Student, University of North Texas ............................................................. 24
Saturday: “High Technology and Learning: Preparing for the Classroom of the 21st Century,”
John Macionis, Professor of Sociology, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio .......................................... 15
1999 / Houston
Friday: “Applied Sociology: The Quest for Relevance and Change,” The Honorable Barbara Crews,
Convention Registration: 3,250
Former Mayor, City of Galveston ........................................................................................................ 13
Billie J. Hoskins, Galveston College
Saturday: Roundtable Discussion: “Sociologists and Anthropologists Exchange” ..................................................................................................... 4
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Pamela Gaiter, Collin County
Community College–Central
Friday: “Understanding the United States By Standing in Japan: Learning and Teaching Across
Cultures,” Richard T. Schaefer, Chair, Department of Sociology, DePaul University ........................ 16
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Deborah White, Collin County
Community College – Central
Friday: “Information Revolution and Education,” John J. Macionis, Professor of Sociology,
Kenyon College ................................................................................................................................... 25
“Engaged Scholarship: Ways to Initiate and Sustain Service Learning and Learning
Community Programs on Campus,” John Creech, Professor of Psychology; Deborah White,
Professor of Sociology and Psychology; Barbara Lusk, Professor of Psychology; Tracey
Elliott, Professor of Sociology; Gordon O’Neal, Professor of English; and Sam Tullock,
Professor History, Collin County Community College ....................................................................... 40
Saturday: “Community-Based Learning and Service Learning: What We Know About Teaching
and Learning,” Garry Hesser, Professor of Sociology and Urban Studies, Augsburg College,
Minneapolis ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Saturday: “The Significance and Challenge of Diversity: Strategies for Classroom Success in the
21st Century,” Kay Coder, Professor of Sociology, and LaQueta Jenkins, Visiting Instructor
of Sociology, Richland College ........................................................................................................... 15
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Patricia R. Johnson, Houston
Community College
Friday: “Globalization and Human Rights: Focus on Women in the Developing World,” Linda
Lindsey, Professor of Sociology, Maryville University ....................................................................... 14
“Anthropology: A Holistic Approach to Understanding Human Behavior,” Barbara Miller,
Professor of Anthropology, George Washington University ............................................................... 23
Saturday: “Families in America: Myths and Realities,” Nijole V. Benokraitis, Professor of
Sociology, University of Baltimore ..................................................................................................... 14
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Mary Strickland, Lamar Institute
Of Technology
Friday: “Terrorists Among Us: A Crosscultural View of Ethnic Relations and Discrimination,”
Robert Brym, Professor of Sociology, Centre for Russian and Eastern European Studies,
University of Toronto ..............................................................................................................................
“The Many Facets of Discrimination: Classism, Sexism, Racism, Ageism, Looksism,”
Diana Kendall, Professor of Sociology, Baylor University .....................................................................
Saturday: “Culture Shock: Lessons in Cultural Diversity,” James Henslin, Professor of
Sociology Emeritus, Southern Illinois University ...................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Mary K. Strickland, Lamar
Institute of Technology
Friday: “Race, Class, and the Bell Curve in America,” Howard F. Taylor, Professor of Sociology,
Princeton University ............................................................................................................................ 62
“Teaching Tips for Teaching Sociology from a Global Perspective,” Joan Ferrante, Professor
of Sociology, Northern Kentucky University ...................................................................................... 23
Saturday: “Sex Offenders in Your Neighborhood: Increasing Awareness of Communities,” Ira
Wilsker, Instructor of Management, Lamar Institute of Technology ..................................................... 7
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Catherine Steinhauer, South Plains
Friday: "Things Are Not What They Seem: Sociology and the Media," William E. Thompson,
Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice," Texas A&M University-Commerce ............................ 39
Saturday: "Biology and Culture, Face to Face, in the Study of Humanity," Barbara D. Miller,
Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs, George Washington University ....................... 25
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Jana Daniel, South Plains
Friday: “Crime, Race, and Kids,” James Fagin, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, East
Stroudsbug University ......................................................................................................................... 13
Saturday: “Myths and Misconceptions about Rape,” Kathy Moss, Youth Educator, Lubbock Rape
Crisis Center .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Randy Jarvis, South Texas College
Friday: “Things Are Not What They Seem: Sociology and the Media,” William Thompson, Director
of Mayo College and Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Texas A&M University,
Commerce............................................................................................................................................ 30
Saturday: Tour of the Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin ......................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Dawn Tawwater, Austin Community
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Raymond C. Puchot, Lee College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Effective Fund Raising in the Arts and Its Need in the 21st Century,” David Gottlieb,
President and CEO, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Center for the Performing Arts,
The Woodlands .................................................................................................................................... 17
Saturday: “The Dynamic Impact of Visual Aids in the Communication Process,” Cheryl L.
Hamilton, Associate Professor of Interpersonal Communication, Tarrant County Junior
College–Northeast Campus ................................................................................................................. 24
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Raymond C. Puchot, Lee College
Friday: “Innovations in Educational Communication,” George Rodman, Professor of
Speech Communication, Brooklyn College, City University of New York .............................................
Saturday: “Kidding Around in Theater,” James Mammarella, Director of Theater and Professor of
Speech Communication, and Jo May, Theater Assistant, San Antonio College ......................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Raymond C. Puchot, El Paso
Community College
Friday: “Communication for the 21st Century: A Distance Learning Perspective,” Jana Holt Day,
Associate Professor of Speech, South Plains College ..............................................................................
1999 / Houston
Registration: 3,250
Raymond C. Puchot, El Paso
Community College
Friday: “Impactive Rhetoric for the 21st Century,” Robert Stewart, Professor of Speech, Texas Tech Convention
University ............................................................................................................................................ 21
“Distance Learning: An Introspective Evaluation,” Linda Brown, Professor of Speech, El
Paso Community College; Sandra Holt Day, Instructor of Speech, South Plains College; Cynthia
Carley, Professor of Speech, Amarillo College; and Randy Schormann, Director of Extended
Campus Education, McLennan Community College ........................................................................... 35
Saturday: “Critical Thinking in Theater,” Linda Brown, Instructor of Speech, Southwest Texas
Junior College, and Jackie Spradley, Instructor of Drama, El Paso Community College ........................
Saturday: “Contemporary Creative Dynamics,” Shellie O’Neal, Instructor of Theater and Dramatic
Arts, The University of Texas at Tyler; and Mary Ellen Wright, Lecturer in Theater, The
University of Texas at Tyler ................................................................................................................ 17
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Raymond C. Puchot, El Paso
Community College
Friday: “How to Incorporate Theater Improvisation in Your Productions and in the Classroom,” James Mammarella, Director of Theater and Professor of Speech Communication,
San Antonio College............................................................................................................................ 22
“How to Avoid Student and Employee Lawsuits,” Leigh Ann Mammarella and Deborah Welch
Kenner, Attorneys at Law, Texas Careers, San Antonio ...................................................................... 58
Saturday: “Overcoming Performance Anxiety in the World of Theater,” Shellie O’Neal,
Instructor of Theater and Dramatic Arts, University of Texas at Tyler ................................................ 17
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Friday: “A Cyberspace Odyssey of Opportunity: The Virtual College of Texas, Interactive
Video Conferencing, and Video Streaming a Public Speaking Course Over the Internet,”
Mark Butland, Austin Community
Janna Holt-Day, Associate Professor of Speech, South Plains College; Ron Thomson,
Director of Operations, Virtual College of Texas; Mary Lou Cummings, Director of
Distance Learning, Austin Community College; and Mark Butland, Professor of Speech,
Austin Community College ................................................................................................................. 17
“Multicultural Teaching in Speech and Drama,” Raymond Puchot, Professor of Forensics and
Debate, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, California; Claude Caffee, Executive Dean of
Student Development, Brookhaven College; and Mary Katherine Homer, Instructor of
Developmental English, Panola College.............................................................................................. 15
Saturday: “Rethinking Public Speaking: 2001 New Ideas for Teachers and Speakers,”
Dan O’Hair, Professor of Communications, University of Oklahoma ................................................. 13
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Janna Holt-Day, South Plains
Friday: “Generation Y: Who Are These People and What Are They Doing in MY Classroom?”
Jani A. Rogers, Chair, Department of Speech and Drama, Tarrant County College–Southeast
Campus ................................................................................................................................................ 53
Saturday: “Integrating Interactivity and Technology in the Classroom,” Mark Butland, Professor
of Speech, Austin Community College; Julie Johnson, Assistant Professor of Speech, South
Plains College; and Janna Holt-Day, Assistant Professor of Speech, South Plains College ................ 21
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Janna Holt-Day, South Plains
Friday: “Slam! Bam! Thank you, Ma’am!: A Demonstration of Performance Poetry,” Austin
Poetry Slam ......................................................................................................................................... 62
“Field of Study Curriculum for Communication,” Danny Moss, Assistant Professor of
Speech, Northeast Texas Community College; Danita McAnally, Director of Institutional
Effectiveness and Advancement, Amarillo College; and Mary Smith and James Goeman,
Program Coordinators, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ................................................ 24
Saturday: “Teaching Public Speaking as Public Dialogue: Encouraging More Meaningful Speeches
in the Basic Course,” Cindy L. Griffin, Professor of Speech Communication, Colorado State
University, and T.M. Linda Scholz, Professor of Speech Communication, Front Range
Community College, Fort Collins, Colorado ....................................................................................... 17
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Jamie Walters, Midland
Friday: “Getting Your Graduate Degree Online: The Nationwide Frenzy,” Panel
Discussion “An Online Graduate Student’s Perspective,” Billy Feeler, Dean, Division of
Fine Arts, Midland College
“What Are the Options?” Dee Dee Ogrin, Instructor of Speech, Midland College ............................. 11
“Relating to Today’s Students: Does Your Communication Style Differ From Theirs?”
Cheryl Hamilton, Professor of Speech, Tarrant County College ......................................................... 43
Saturday:“Collaborative Learning and Teaching Communities,” Panel
Discussion “Learning Communities: Where Do I Begin?” Barbara Mayo, Professor of
Speech, South Texas Community College
“Collaborative Learning Within the Community College Classroom,” Stephen Furlich,
Doctoral Student, Texas Tech University
“A Pilot Study on Public Speaking and Reading as a Learning Community,” Linda Webb,
Instructor of Reading, Midland College .............................................................................................. 15
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Jamie L. Walters, Midland College
Friday: "Using Video in the Classroom: A Multi-Disciplinary Panel," Panelists: Christina Michura
(Speech), Melissa Richardson (English), Les Ledger (Business Administration), Gordon
Bacon (Early Childhood), and Lisa Volle McQueen (Spanish and Anthopology), Central Texas
College................................................................................................................................................. 32
"Interpersonal Communication and Close Relationships," Mark Knapp, Jesse H. Jones
Centennial Professor of Communication and Distinguished Teaching Professor, University of
Texas at Austin .................................................................................................................................... 35
Saturday: "Issues in Teaching Communication: Are We Teaching Students What They Really Need
to Know?" Steven A. Beebe, Professor and Chair, Department of Communication Studies,
Texas State University ......................................................................................................................... 29
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Katherine Allen, Midland College
Friday: “See It to Get It: Visual Communication Techniques for Better Student Learning,” Ann
Duncan, Instructor of Speech Communication, McLennan Community College ................................ 30
“Teaching Communication Online,” Pam Speights, Instructor and Chair, Department of
Speech Communication, Wharton County Junior College, and Audrey Curry, Associate Professor
of Speech Communication, Odessa College ........................................................................................ 18
Saturday: “The Power of an Encouraging Word,” Pam Speights ................................................................ 14
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Alma Martinez-Egger, Tarrant County
Friday: “Click for Speech Credit: Innovative Approaches to Distance Learning,” Brandy Fair,
Professor of Speech, Grayson County College, and Michelle Orcutt, Instructor of
Speech Communication, Amarillo College.......................................................................................... 18
Saturday: “Serving to Learn and Learning to Serve,” Bobbi Stringer, Professor of Speech
Communication, Tarrant County College–Northwest, and Lisa Benedetti, Instructor of Speech,
Tarrant County College–Northeast ...................................................................................................... 13
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Alma Martinez-Egger, Tarrant County
Survey of Section Meetings, 2005
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Dan Porter, Amarillo College
Friday: "The New AAT Degree," Susan Hetzler, Program Director for Educator Preparation,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ...................................................................................... 39
Saturday: "Associate of Arts in Teaching Curriculum Development," Mindy Adams, Director,
Teacher Center, Amarillo College ....................................................................................................... 31
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Mindy Adams, Amarillo College &
Annette Davis-Smith, South
Plains College
Friday: “Organizing Your AAT Program,” Mindy Adams, Assistant Professor and Director, Teacher
Center, Amarillo College, and Annette Smith, Teacher Education Certification Specialist, South
Plains College ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Saturday: “Developing EDUC 1301 and EDUC 2301,” Mindy Adams and Annette Smith ...................... 35
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Mindy Adams, Amarillo College &
Annette Smith, South Plains
Friday: “New Directions in Teacher Education and Associate of Arts in Teaching Programs,”
Annette Smith, Faculty/Program Advisor, AAT-Teacher Education Program, South Plains
College................................................................................................................................................. 23
Saturday: “Is Your AAT Program Connecting Online?” Mindy Adams, Director and Assistant
Professor, Community College Teaching Scholars Program, Amarillo College .................................. 18
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Brenda Gordon, North Central
Texas College
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Jerry W. Wesson, Northeast
Texas Community College,
Program Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE), Texas
Association of Junior and Community College Instructional Administrators (TAJCCIA),
and Texas Administrators of Continuing Education for Community/Junior Colleges
(TACEC/JC); “Texas in Transition: Responding to Demographic and Economic
Revolutions,” Stephen Klineberg, Professor of Sociology, Rice University; The
Workforce Educational Manual,” Panel Discussion: Michael Cady, Chair of
Educational Programs, Continuing Education and Community Service, College of the
Mainland; Lindle Grigsby, Dean of Continuing Education, Brookhaven College; Charles
M. Cook, Director of Instructional Programs, and Kay Hale, Program Director, Division
of Community and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board;
Deana Lusk, Associate Vice President of Instruction, Midland College; Laurelyn Carlisle,
Dean of Instructional Services, Central Texas College ............................................................................
Saturday: TACCCSAA Business Meeting......................................................................................................
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Jerry W. Wesson, Northeast
Texas Community College
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE),
Texas Association of Junior and Community College Instructional Administrators (TAJCCIA),
and Texas Administrators of Continuing Education for Community/Junior Colleges (TACEC/JC)
“Looking to the Future for Community Colleges,” Kenneth H. Ashworth, Texas Commissioner
of Higher Education
Panel Discussion: Linda Timmerman, Dean of Academic Services, Navarro College; Deana
Lusk, Associate Vice President for Instruction, Midland College; David Wells, Provost, Tarrant
County Junior College District; and Jerry Wesson, Executive Dean of Student Services, Northeast
Texas Community College ......................................................................................................................
Saturday: TACCCSAA Business Meeting
Joint Meeting with Texas Association of Junior and Community College Instructional
Administrators (TAJCCIA) and Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE)
Coordinating Board Update, Robert E. Lahti, Assistant Commissioner, Division of
Community and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and Don
Hudson, Director of Research and Policy Analysis, Texas Association of Community Colleges ...........
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Rudy Duarte, Del Mar College
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE), Texas
Association of Junior and Community College Instructional Administrators (TAJCCIA), and
........... Texas Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs Administrators (TACCCSAA)
“Technology Lowdown: What’s New, What’s Cool, What’s the Future, and What Should I
Do Tomorrow?” Richard J. Varn, Director of Information Technology Production Services,
University of Northern Iowa ................................................................................................................ 11
Saturday: TACCCSAA Business Meeting
“Coordinating Board Update/Legislative Update,” Glenda Barron, Assistant Commissioner,
Division of Community and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board,
and Rey Garcia, Executive Director, Texas Association of Community Colleges ................................. 8
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Rudy Duarte, Del Mar College
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Administrators of Continuing Education for Community/Junior
College (TACEC/JC), Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE), and Texas
Association of Junior and Community College Instructional Administrators (TAJCCIA)
“New Designs for 21st Century Community Colleges,” George Copa, Professor of Education,
Oregon State University .................................................................................................................... 125
Saturday: “Coordinating Board Update/Legislative Update,” Charles Cook, Director of
Instructional Programs, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board, and Don Hudson, Associate Director, Texas Association of
Community Colleges ........................................................................................................................... 81
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Rudy Duarte, Delmar College
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE),
Texas Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs Administrators
(TACCCSAA), and Texas Association of Junior and Community College Instructional
Administrators (TAJCCIA)
“Virtual College of Texas: How It’s Working, Where It’s Going,” Carolyn Robertson,
Chair, Distance Learning Advisory Committee, Texas Association of Community Colleges;
Mickey Slimp, Director, Virtual College of Texas; Suzette Chapman, Director of Distance
Education, Central Texas College; John Ray, Dean of Information and Communication
Resources, Brazosport College; Alma Adamez, Director of Education Services, Coastal
Bend College; Jim Walker, Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Education, South
Plains College; Bud Joyner, Chief Executive Officer, Virtual College of Texas, moderator...................
Saturday: Board Meeting ................................................................................................................................
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Steve Middlebrooks, Texarkana
Friday: Joint meeting with the Texas Administrators of Continuing Education of Community/Junior
Colleges (TACEC/JC), Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE), and the
Texas Community College Instructional Administrators (TCCIA)
Panel Discussion: “Seamless Higher Education: Myth or Reality?” Richard Bailey, Vice
President of Instruction, San Jacinto College–North Campus; Keith Baird, Assistant Director,
Office of Admissions, University of Texas at Austin; Julie Leidig, Director of Instructional
Programs, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board; Jean Schaake, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Texas;
Lee Sloan, Dean of Occupational Education and Technology, Del Mar College; Mark Tengler,
Articulation and Transfer Specialist, Houston Community College; Ray Williams, Dean of
Academic Education, Trinity Valley College; and Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for
Educational Development, Houston Community College System, moderator ........................................
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Sue Blair, Odessa College
Friday: Joint Meeting with the Texas Community College Instructional Administrators
Panel Discussion: “Core Evaluation and Transfer Issues,” Ann Lopez, Dean, Division of
Arts and Sciences, Del Mar College; Julie Leidig, Director of Instructional Programs,
Community and Technical College Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board;
and Mark Tengler, Transfer and Credentialing Analyst, Houston Community College ..........................
Saturday: Section Business Meeting ..............................................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Lynn Abernathy, McLennan Community
Friday: “Teacher Education Initiatives” (Joint Meeting with the Texas Community College
Instructional Administrators)
Presiding: Dwight Chaney, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Paris Junior College, and Betty
A. McCrohan, President, Wharton County Junior College
Panelists: Dennis Brown, Vice President of Instruction, El Paso Community College;
Susan Hetzler, Director of Educator Preparation, Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board; Gloria Ann Lopez, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Del Mar College; Ellen Marshall,
Associate Professor of Child Development, San Antonio College; Robert Starke, Director,
Texas State Leadership Consortium for Professional Development; Sue Poor, Instructor
of English and Coordinator of Core Curriculum Assessment, Wharton County Junior
College; and Pam Tackett, Consultant, Texas Association of Community Colleges
Moderator: Bonnie Longnion, Associate Vice Chancellor for Educational Programs and
Services, North Harris Montgomery Community College District ..........................................................
Saturday: Business/Planning Meeting ...........................................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Richard Jolly, Midland College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE), Texas
Association of Junior and Community College Instructional Administrators (TAJCCIA),
and Texas Administrators of Continuing Education for Community/Junior Colleges
(TACEC/JC); “Texas in Transition: Responding to Demographic and Economic
Revolutions,” Stephen Klineberg, Professor of Sociology, Rice University; The
Workforce Educational Manual,” Panel Discussion: Michael Cady, Chair of
Educational Programs, Continuing Education and Community Service, College of the
Mainland; Lindle Grigsby, Dean of Continuing Education, Brookhaven College; Charles
M. Cook, Director of Instructional Programs, and Kay Hale, Program Director, Division
of Community and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board;
Deana Lusk, Associate Vice President of Instruction, Midland College; Laurelyn Carlisle,
Dean of Instructional Services, Central Texas College ............................................................................
Saturday: TAJCCIA Business Meeting; Coordinating Board Update, Robert E. Lahti, Assistant
Commissioner, Division of Community and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board; Rey Garcia, Executive Director, Texas Association of Community
Colleges ...................................................................................................................................................
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
John David Mueller, Texarkan
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE), Texas
Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs Administrators (TACCCSAA), and
Texas Administrators of Continuing Education for Community/Junior Colleges (TACEC/JC)
“Looking to the Future for Community Colleges,” Kenneth H. Ashworth, Texas Commissioner
of Higher Education
Panel Discussion: Linda Timmerman, Dean of Academic Services, Navarro College; Deana
Lusk, Associate Vice President for Instruction, Midland College; David Wells, Provost, Tarrant
County Junior College District; and Jerry Wesson, Executive Dean of Student Services, Northeast
Texas Community College ......................................................................................................................
Saturday: TAJCCIA Business Meeting
Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE) and Texas
Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs Administrators (TACCCSAA)
Coordinating Board Update, Robert E. Lahti, Assistant Commissioner, Division of Community
and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and Don Hudson, Director
of Research and Policy Analysis, Texas Association of Community Colleges ........................................
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Jan W. Huffstutler, Trinity Valley
Community College
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE), Texas
Administrators of Continuing Education for Community/Junior Colleges (TACEC/JC), and
........... Texas Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs Administrators (TACCCSAA)
“Technology Lowdown: What’s New, What’s Cool, What’s the Future, and What Should I Do
Tomorrow?” Richard J. Varn, Director of Information Technology Production Services,
University of Northern Iowa .............................................................................................................. 175
Saturday: TAJCCIA Business Meeting
“Coordinating Board Update/Legislative Update,” Glenda Barron, Assistant Commissioner,
Division of Community and Technical Colleges, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board,
and Rey Garcia, Executive Director, Texas Association of Community Colleges ............................... 75
1999 / Houston
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Administrators of Continuing Education for Community/Junior
Convention Registration: 3,250
Jan Huffstutler, Trinity Valley
Community College
Colleges (TACEC/JC), Texas Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs
Administrators (TACCCSAA), and Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE)
“New Designs for 21st Century Community Colleges,” George Copa, Professor of Education,
Oregon State University .................................................................................................................... 125
Saturday: “Coordinating Board Update/Legislative Update,” Charles Cook, Director of
Instructional Programs, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board, and Don Hudson, Associate Director, Texas Association of
Community Colleges ........................................................................................................................... 81
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Douglas Crawford, Northeast
Texas Community College
Friday: Joint Meeting with Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE),
Texas Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs Administrators
(TACCCSAA), and Texas Association of Junior and Community College Instructional
Administrators (TAJCCIA)
“Virtual College of Texas: How It’s Working, Where It’s Going,” Carolyn Robertson,
Chair, Distance Learning Advisory Committee, Texas Association of Community Colleges;
Mickey Slimp, Director, Virtual College of Texas; Suzette Chapman, Director of Distance
Education, Central Texas College; John Ray, Dean of Information and Communication
Resources, Brazosport College; Alma Adamez, Director of Education Services, Coastal
Bend College; Jim Walker, Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Education, South
Plains College; Bud Joyner, Chief Executive Officer, Virtual College of Texas, moderator...................
Saturday: Board Meeting ................................................................................................................................
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Gloria Ann Lopez, Del Mar College
Friday: Joint meeting with the Texas Administrators of Continuing Education of Community/Junior
Colleges (TACEC/JC), Texas Association of Community College Chief Student Affairs
Administrators (TACCCSAA), and Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE)
Panel Discussion: “Seamless Higher Education: Myth or Reality?” Richard Bailey, Vice
President of Instruction, San Jacinto College–North Campus; Keith Baird, Assistant Director,
Office of Admissions, University of Texas at Austin; Julie Leidig, Director of Instructional
Programs, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board; Jean Schaake, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Texas;
Lee Sloan, Dean of Occupational Education and Technology, Del Mar College; Mark Tengler,
Articulation and Transfer Specialist, Houston Community College; Ray Williams, Dean of
Academic Education, Trinity Valley College; and Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for
Educational Development, Houston Community College System, moderator ........................................
Saturday: Board Meeting
2002 / Houston
Friday: Joint Meeting with the Texas Association of Community College Chief Student
Convention Registration: 2,753
Bonnie Longnion, North Harris Montgomery
Affairs Administrators (TACCCSAA)
Community College District
Panel Discussion: “Core Evaluation and Transfer Issues,” Ann Lopez, Dean, Division of
Arts and Sciences, Del Mar College; Julie Leidig, Director of Instructional Programs,
Community and Technical College Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board;
and Mark Tengler, Transfer and Credentialing Analyst, Houston Community College ..........................
Saturday: Board Meeting .................................................................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Friday: “Teacher Education Initiatives” (Joint Meeting with the Texas Association of
Convention Registration: 2,113
Community College Chief Student Affairs Administrators)
Bonnie Longnion, North Harris Montgomery
Presiding: Dwight Chaney, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Paris Junior College, and Betty
Community College District
A. McCrohan, President, Wharton County Junior College
Panelists: Dennis Brown, Vice President of Instruction, El Paso Community College;
Susan Hetzler, Director of Educator Preparation, Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board; Gloria Ann Lopez, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Del Mar College; Ellen Marshall,
Associate Professor of Child Development, San Antonio College; Robert Starke, Director,
Texas State Leadership Consortium for Professional Development; Sue Poor, Instructor
of English and Coordinator of Core Curriculum Assessment, Wharton County Junior
College; and Pam Tackett, Consultant, Texas Association of Community Colleges
Moderator: Bonnie Longnion, Associate Vice Chancellor for Educational Programs
and Services, North Harris Montgomery Community College District ............................................... 44
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Donetta Goodall, Austin
Community College
Friday: “Collaborative Degrees as a Strategy for Closing the Gaps,” Panel Discussion, Donetta
Goodall, Associate Vice President for Academic Programs, Austin Community College,
Moderator ................................................................................................................................................
Reception for TCCIA Members Sponsored by Red Hat Academy
Saturday: TCCIA Business Meeting ................................................................................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
Russell D. Kunz, Collin County
Community College - Spring
Creek Campus
Program Topic / Speaker
Thursday: Luncheon Meeting—“Quality Management,” Jackson L. Grayson, American
Productivity and Quality Center, Houston; Tour of University of Houston College of
Hotel and Restaurant Management
Friday: “Students in Free Enterprise,” Dick Laird, Director of University Relations, University
of Houston; Luncheon Meeting. The Honorable Huey McCoulskey, State Representative,
27th Representative District of Texas; Panel Discussion. Kay Hale, Program Director,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ..........................................................................................
Saturday: TJCMEA Annual Business Meeting ; Roundtable Discussion: “Forming Partnerships
With Four-Year Schools,” .......................................................................................................................
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Russell D. Kunz, Collin County
Community College Preston Ridge Campus
Thursday: Tour of Motorola, Incorporated
Friday: “Improving Teaching Effectiveness,” Bill Pride, Professor of Marketing, Texas A&M
University, and Robert Hughes, Instructor of Business Administration, Richland College ................ 34
Saturday: “Workforce Education Course Manual and How It Will Affect Management Development
and Other Program Areas,” Dorothy McNutt, Project Director, Workforce Education Course
Manual, and Kay Hale, Program Director, Division of Community and Technical Colleges,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ...................................................................................... 28
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
James M. Jones, Del Mar
Friday: “Building Recruitment and Retention of Students,” James McHugh, Professor of
Management, St. Louis Community College
Open Discussion of Problems and Opportunities ....................................................................................
Saturday: Association Business Meeting ........................................................................................................
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Lowell A. Boudreaux, Lamar University–Port Arthur and Randy
Busch, Lee College
Friday: “Distance Learning Education, Web-Based Learning, and Telecourse Instruction for
Management Application,” Afasaneh, Nahavandi, Professor of Management, Arizona State
University–West .................................................................................................................................. 23
“Marketing, Management, and Positioning of an Image,” JoAnn Henry, Director of
Marketing, The Galleria ....................................................................................................................... 32
Saturday: “Implementation of Changes Within WECM,” Alan Rasco, Director of Instructional
Programs, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board ................................................................................................................................................... 32
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Lowell A. Boudreaux, Lamar
State College–Port Arthur
Friday: “Marketing in the New Millenium,” Steven W. Hartley, Professor of Marketing, Daniels
College of Business, Denver ................................................................................................................ 25
“The New Millenium Grocery Store: How HEB’s Central Market Became a Tourist
Attraction,” Tour of Central Market
This function will be held in conjunction with the Tourism Educators and Culinary
Hospitality Management Section. ........................................................................................................ 15
Saturday: “Using Story-Telling and Technology in Teaching,” Charles R. Williams, Associate
Professor of Management, M.J. Neely School of Business Association Business Meeting ................ 20
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Lowell A. Boudreaux, Lamar State
College – Port Arthur
Friday: “Innovative Teaching Tools,” Lowell A. Boudreaux, Instructor of Management and
Economics, and Jimmie Adams, Instructor of Substance Abuse Counseling, Lamar State
College–Port Arthur
“Convention and Tourism Sales: How to Do Marketing the Adam’s Mark Way,” Danna
Holck, General Manager, Adam’s Mark Hotel, Dallas
This function will be held in conjunction with the Tourism, Hospitality, and Culinary
Arts Section. ............................................................................................................................................
Saturday: Association Business Meeting
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Anne Nail, Amarillo College
Friday: “What the World Needs Now: Entrepeneurship!” Steven C. Currall, Associate Professor
of Management and Psychology and Director, Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepeneurship,
Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University
This function will be held in conjunction with the Tourism Educators and Culinary
Hospitality Management Section (TEACHM). A “walking” field trip near the Galleria
will follow the session to visit two local entrepeneurs in their places of business. ..................................
Saturday: “Section Business Meeting and Discussion of Transfer Issues,” Bernadette Hence,
Program Director, WECM, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board ................................................................................................................
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Anne Nail, Amarillo College
Friday: “Communicating Across Cultures: Learning What We Need to Know!” Kitty O. Locker,
Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University (Joint Meeting with Tourism
Educators and Culiinary Hospitality Management) ............................................................................... 6
Saturday: “TCCMEA Business Meeting and WECM Update,” Bernadette Hence, Program
Director, WECM, Community and Technical Colleges Division, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board ............................................................................................................................... 8
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Ira Wilsker, Lamar Institute of
Friday: “Teaching Using Current Events,” Louis Boone, Professor of Marketing, University of
South Alabama, and David L. Kurtz, Professor of Marketing, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville ..............................................................................................................................................
“Current Trends and Issues in Business and Management,” Tom Duening, Visiting Assistant
Professor, College of Business, University of Houston–Downtown, and John Ivancevich,
Professor of Management, University of Houston ...................................................................................
Saturday: “Web Based Articulation Agreements,” David Burris, Articulation Coordinator and
Professor of Computer Science, Sam Houston State University..............................................................
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Ira Wilsker, Lamar Institute of
Friday: TCCMEA Breakfast (sponsored by Thomson Learning) ................................................................ 19
"Small Business Management," Chuck Bamford, Associate Professor of Strategy and
Entrepreneurship, University of Richmond ......................................................................................... 19
Saturday: TCCMEA Business Meeting and Officer Elections ................................................................... 12
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Ira Wilsker, Lamar Institute of
Friday: “Using Popular Films in Teaching Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior,
and Human Resource Management,” Joseph E. Champoux, Professor of Management, University
of New Mexico .................................................................................................................................... 21
“Old Myths and Modern Realities of Small Business Education,” Richard P. Green, Associate
Professor of Accounting, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio .......................................... 19
Saturday: TCCMEA Business Meeting and Elections................................................................................. 16
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Ira Wilsker, Lamar Institute
Of Technology
Friday: “The Importance of Relationships in Marketing,” Vernon Stauble, Professor of
International Business and Marketing, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona .................. 16
“Freeload Press: A Novel Approach to Marketing Textbooks,” John M. Ivancevich, Hugh Roy
and Lillie Cranz Cullen Research Chair of Organizational Behavior and Management, C.T.
Bauer College of Business, University of Houston ............................................................................. 14
Saturday: TCCMEA Business Meeting
“Using Film and Video to Teach Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship,” Leslie
E. Palich, Ben H. Williams Professor of Entrepreneurship and Associate Director, Entrepreneurial
Studies Program, Baylor University .................................................................................................... 20
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Ira Wilsker, Lamar Institute of
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Candy R. Berkley, St. Philip’s
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Our First Section Meeting! Discussion of Section’s Structure and Purpose,”
Candy Rowan Berkley, Assistant Professor of Tourism, Hospitality, and Culinary
Arts, St. Philip’s College, moderator ................................................................................................... 16
Saturday: Roundtable Discussion ............................................................................................................... 14
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Candy R. Berkley, St. Philip’s
Friday: “Marketing in the New Millenium,” Steven W. Hartley, Professor of Marketing,
Daniels College of Business, Denver................................................................................................... 26
Section Business Meeting
“The New Millenium Grocery Store: How HEB’s Central Market Became a Tourist
Attraction,” Tour of Central Market
This function will be held in conjunction with the Texas Junior College Management
Educators Association ......................................................................................................................... 45
Saturday: Roundtable Discussion ............................................................................................................... 10
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Candy R. Berkley, St. Philip’s
Friday: Section Business Meeting ............................................................................................................... 12
“Convention and Tourism Sales: How to Do Marketing the Adam’s Mark Way,” Danna Holck,
General Manager, Adam’s Mark Hotel, Dallas
This function will be held in conjunction with the Texas Community College
Management Educators Association. ................................................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Food Trends,” Roundtable Discussion with Dallas Area Chefs and Food Professionals–Ali
Zoubi, President, Dallas Chefs Association, moderator ...................................................................... 12
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
M. T. Hickman, Richland College
Friday: “What the World Needs Now: Entrepeneurship!” Steven C. Currall, Associate Professor
of Management and Psychology and Director, Rice Alliance for Technology and
Entrepeneurship, Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University
This function will be held in conjunction with the Texas Community College Management
Educators Association (TCCMEA). ................................................................................................... 13
Saturday: “Statewide Articulation Program (SWAP),” Carrie H. Brown, Director, P-16 Partnerships,
Statewide Articulation and Tech-Prep, Region V Education Service Center ...................................... 13
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
M. T. Hickman, Richland College
Friday: WECM Maintenance Report and Officer Nominations ......................................................................
“Communicating Across Cultures: Learning What We Need to Know!” Kitty O. Locker,
Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University (Joint Meeting with Texas
Community College Management Educators Association) .....................................................................
Saturday: Officer Elections.............................................................................................................................
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Friday: “Review of WECM Course Changes and Their Effect on Hospitality Instruction,” Brian
Hay, Associate Professor of Hospitality Management, Austin Community College ............................. 7
Brian Hay, Austin Community College
Saturday: TEACHM Business Meeting
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Brian Hay, Austin Community
College — Eastview
Friday: Round Table Discussion: "Hospitality and Culinary Programs in Texas Today, Part I," Brian
Hay, Associate Professor of Hospitality Management, Austin Community College, Moderator.............
Saturday: "Hospitality and Culinary Programs in Texas Today, Part II" and TEACHM Business
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Brian Hay, Austin Community College
Friday: “The Changing Instructional Dynamics Used in Hospitality Programs,” Brian Hay,
Associate Professor of Culinary Arts, Austin Community College, and Leonard Pringle,
Program Coordinator of Culinary Arts, San Jacinto College ...................................................................
TEACHM General Session ......................................................................................................................
Saturday: TEACHM General Session .............................................................................................................
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Leonard Pringle, San Jacinto College–
Friday: “Current Trends in the Industry,” Leonard Pringle, Chair, Department of Culinary Arts,
Restaurant Management, and Dietetic Technology, San Jacinto College–Central ..................................
Saturday: TEACHM Business Meeting ..........................................................................................................
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Betty E. Sims, Coastal Bend College
Program Topic / Speaker
Friday: “Stress Management: Taking Care of Yourself,” Noemi Peterson, RN, BSN,
Research Assistant, Oncology Department, M. D. Anderson Hospital ................................................ 43
Saturday: “Legal Aspects for the Vocational Nurse Educator,” Jaime Richardson, Attorney at Law,
Fulbright & Jaworski, San Antonio ..................................................................................................... 25
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
Betty E. Sims, Coastal Bend
Friday: “Software for Vocational Nursing,” Sherrie Goff, Instructor of Vocational Nursing,
Blinn College ....................................................................................................................................... 45
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Betty E. Sims, Coastal Bend
Friday: “The Courage to Teach: Marching Type II Diabetes Information into the 21st
Century,” Lois Basenfelder, Pharmacist .............................................................................................. 32
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Mary E. Arnold, Blinn
Friday: “Keeping Your Love of Teaching Alive,” Carolyn Reese, Instructor of Vocational Nursing,
Blinn College ....................................................................................................................................... 27
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
Varonica (Vicki) Dickerson, Panola
Friday: “Advanced Directives and the Texas Out-of-Hospital DNR,” Lee Ann Harry, Professional
Liaison, Houston Hospice.................................................................................................................... 35
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Mary F. Johannessen, Panola College
Friday: “Rabies: Exposure and Prophylaxis,” Eric Fonken, Zoonosis Control Veterinarian,
Zoonosis Control Division, Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, Texas Department
of Health .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Saturday: “Tobacco Prevention and Smoking Cessation Education,” Janie Dykes, Public
Health Technician III and Texas Tar Wars Coordinator, Office of Tobacco Prevention and
Control, Texas Department of Health .................................................................................................... 6
Saturday: “Applying Technology to the Classroom Setting,” Vangie DeLeon and Betty Sims,
Instructors of Vocational Nursing, Coastal Bend College ................................................................... 35
Saturday: “The Courage to Care for Yourself,” Noemi Peterson, Oncology Nurse Educator,
City of Houston ................................................................................................................................... 16
Saturday: “Teaching Ostomy Care in the Clinical Setting,” Lois Brokenbourgh, Instructor of
Associate Degree Nursing, Blinn College ........................................................................................... 15
Saturday: “Colorectal Cancer,” Kathy Froiland, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse Education
Program Director, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center ............................................................................... 29
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Tammy Risinger, Panola College
Friday: “Recognizing Indicators of Abuse and Neglect,” Kim Hunter, Investigations Supervisor,
Child Protective Services..................................................................................................................... 14
Saturday: “Healthy People: 2010,” Kay Shaw, LVN Instructor, Panola College .......................................... 9
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
Pat Recek, Austin Community College
Friday: "Concept Mapping: A Critical Thinking Approach to Navigating the Nursing Care Plan,"
Tiffany Wright, Associate Professor of Vocational Nursing, Austin Community College, and
Nina Almasy, Assistant Professor of Vocational Nursing, Austin Community College ...................... 45
Saturday: "Embracing Cultural Diversity in the Classroom: A Practical Approach," Marti Rickel,
Associate Professor of Vocational Nursing, Austin Community College, and Paige Fletcher,
Associate Professor of Vocational Nursing, Austin Community College ............................................ 28
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
Bertha L. Almendarez, Del Mar
Friday: “A New Paradigm for Nursing Competence Assessment: Implementation of the Performance
Based Development System,” Nora Frasier, Vice President and Chief Nurse Executive, Christus
Spohn Health System........................................................................................................................... 20
Saturday: “Using Classroom Technology to Engage and Coach Nursing Students to Success,” Jane
Mathis, Director of Nursing Programs, Montgomery College ............................................................. 20
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
Bertha Almendarez, Del Mar College
Friday: “Closing the Gap Between Academia and Practice = Competency,” Bonnie Higgins,
Professor of Nursing, Tarrant County College, Jean Flick, Director of Nursing, Shelby
Garner, Professor of Nursing, and Lorinda Wall, Health Science Lab Coordinator, Grayson
County College. (This is a joint meeting with the Associate Degree Nursing Section.)
Vocational Nursing Section Organizational Meeting
Saturday: “Curriculum Changes for Safe Patient Handling,” Marian Crawford, Back Injury
Resource Nurse, University Health Center of Tyler. This is a joint meeting with the
Associate Degree Nursing Section.
“An Alternative Clinical Education Model: Providing Precepted Experiences Throughout
the Curriculum,” Debra L. Fontenot, Instructor of Associate Degree Nursing, and Sally
Durand, Director of Associate Degree Nursing, Alvin Community College. (This is a joint
meeting with the Associate Degree Nursing Section.)
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Survey of Section Meetings, 1996-2007
Year / City
Convention Registration
Section Chair
Program Topic / Speaker
1996 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,005
James Owens, Houston
Community College
Friday: Industry Tour: Stewart and Stevenson Manufacturing Company to observe the operation
of automated welding on production line ............................................................................................ 10
1997 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,380
Hamp Drew, St. Philip’s College
Friday: “National Skills Standards for Training and Qualification of Welding Personnel,” Eddie
Lee, Procedure Development, Qualification, Welder Testing, and Qualification Specialist,
Texas A&M University Engineering Extension Service...................................................................... 16
Saturday: “Impact of NAFTA on Technical Education in Texas,” Farouk G. Attia, Associate
Professor and Chair, Civil, Mechanical, and Related Technologies,
University of Houston .......................................................................................................................... 7
Saturday: Continuation of Friday Program ................................................................................................. 12
1998 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 3,180
Roger J. Barrera, St. Philip’s
Friday: “Preparing for Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Program Review,” Federico
Zaragoza, Dean of Administration, St. Philip’s College ........................................................................ 8
1999 / Houston
Convention Registration: 3,250
James Owens, Houston Community
Friday: “Educational Seminar and Training,” Jim Appledorn, Second Vice-Chair, American
Welding Society .................................................................................................................................. 20
2000 / Austin
Convention Registration: 3,030
Robert Medina, Jr., St. Philip’s
Friday: “PowerPoint Presentations in Welding,” Yolanda L. Vargas, Computer Technology
Support Manager, St. Philip’s College .................................................................................................. 7
2001 / Dallas
Convention Registration: 2,867
Larry F. Jeffus, Eastfield
Friday: “The Art of Welding,” Dewayne Roy, Chair, Welding Department, Mountain View College ....... 10
2002 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2,753
James Owens, Houston
Community College
Friday: “The Advantages of Automated Orbital Welding,” Tito Karlson, Territory Manager,
Texas Office, Arc Machines, Inc. ........................................................................................................ 20
Saturday: Continuation of Friday Program ................................................................................................... 9
Saturday: Continuation of Friday Program ................................................................................................. 16
Saturday: “Multi-Media in the Welding Classroom,” Yolanda L. Vargas.................................................... 8
Saturday: “Welding Practice Versus Welding Projects,” Larry Jeffus, author .............................................. 5
Saturday: “The Advantages of Automated Orbital Welding” (continued), Tito Karlson............................. 18
2003 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,113
Robert Medina, St. Philip's
Friday: “The American Welding Society’s Services to Students Seeking Welding Careers,”
John L. Mendoza, Certified Welding Inspector, American Welding Society ........................................ 7
Saturday: “Promoting the Image of Welding,” John L. Mendoza ................................................................ 6
2004 / Fort Worth
Convention Registration: 2,233
Dewayne Roy, Mountain View
Friday: “The Jackson Jump Instructor Program,” Ray Moore, Sales Representative, Jackson
Products, Inc. ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Saturday: “Training the Next Generation of Welders,” Ernest D. Levert, Past President, American
Welding Society .................................................................................................................................... 4
2005 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2,284
James Owens, Houston Community
Friday: "Advancements in Automatic Orbital Welding in Various Industries: Fusion and Wire
Feed, Part I," Tito Karlson, Territory Manager, Arc Machines, Inc., Texas Office ............................. 15
Saturday: "Advancements in Automatic Orbital Welding in Various Industries: Fusion and Wire
Feed, Part II," Tito Karlson ................................................................................................................. 13
2006 / Houston
Convention Registration: 2327
James Owens, Houston Community
Friday: “Regulated Metal Deposition and Induction Heating, Part I,” Jerald Miller, Account
Manager, Miller Electric Co. ............................................................................................................... 16
Saturday: “Regulated Metal Deposition and Induction Heating, Part II,” Jerald Miller .............................. 14
2007 / Austin
Convention Registration: 2314
James Owens, Houston Community
Friday: “Visual Examination For Dummies, Part I,” Ronald G. Hancock, Instructor of Welding,
Tyler Junior College ............................................................................................................................ 22
Saturday: “Visual Examination For Dummies, Part II,” Ronald G. Hancock............................................. 16
2008 / Dallas
Convention Registration:
Sergio Sanchez, Northeast Texas
Community College