Wilberfoss CE Primary School Welcome to Wilberfoss School Induction booklet for Initial Teacher Training Child Protection We take the safety and welfare of our children very seriously and do everything within our power to keep them safe from all harm whilst they are in our care. Our Child Protection Co-ordinator is Mrs Janet Carter. Whilst you are on our staff we expect that you will be as vigilant as the permanent staff and that you will report anything that you feel to be a concern about any child to Mrs Carter. You will be briefed about Child Protection prior to starting your placement in the school. Induction: What to expect When you arrive at school, you will meet the Head teacher and your mentor. (This maybe the same person.) We will provide you with our Induction Booklet take you round the school, showing you where to find the staff room, toilets etc. explain routines, entry and exit points, resources etc introduce you to the staff. set out our expectations of you. talk through any concerns you may have about your practice with us. Useful Information about the school Head teacher Assistant Head teacher Chair of Governors Mrs Sue Monkman Mrs Rachel Hatter Ms Ann Gurnell Contacting us Address Wilberfoss Church of England Primary School Storking Lane Wilberfoss York YO41 5ND Telephone 01759 380327 Fax Email 01759 380327 wilberfoss.primary@eastriding.gov.uk No on roll (March 2008) 206 We are a primary school taking children aged 3 to 11 years. Children enter the Foundation Stage at the beginning of the term after their third birthday and are entitled to half day provision. They enter full time education at the beginning of the school year in which they will attain their fifth birthday. Our children transfer to Key Stage 3 at the end of Year 6. The majority of the pupils go on to attend Woldgate College, Pocklington but some transfer to other schools such as Pocklington School or All Saints RC Comprehensive School in York The School Day Foundation Stage Foundation 1 am 09:00 – 11:30 pm 13:00 – 15:30 Key Stage 1 09:00 – 15:30 Key Stage 2 08:55 – 15:35 Morning Break F2, KS1 and KS2 Afternoon Break F2 and KS1 10:40 – 10:55 14:30 – 14:45 Finding your way round You won’t need a map and a compass but there are one or two essential areas to locate: The Office all human life is frequently there! On Day 1, please leave your address and contact ‘phone number here. The Toilets These are located opposite the staff room. The disabled facility is at the end of the main corridor. Look for Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”! The Staff Room source of liquid refreshment, the occasional biscuit and (usually) light relief! Head teacher’s Office there’s life in there – but not as you know it!! Staff List Teaching Staff Mrs S M Monkman Mrs R Hatter Mrs J Horsman Head teacher/Geography Assistant Head teacher/Y6, Able Child, Maths Teaching and Learning Resp: Maths, Science and Technology Foundation Stage Coordinator T&L: Foundation Stage and the creative arts Miss C Dearing Mrs J Carter Foundation Stage Art and Design Year 1 PSHCE/ Child Protection TLR Literacy/Humanities and SEN Mr M Cobb Year 2 Science Miss C Stephenson Year 3 P E/Games Mr P Crawford Year 4/History/RE/Music Mr T Nevill Year 5 ICT/Design and Technology Mrs C Dearing (aka Miss Burn) Foundation Stage p/t Miss A Martinez-Atkinson Spanish p/t Support Staff Teaching Assistants (TA) Ms A Ames TA Years 2/4 Mrs J Dyer SEN TA Mrs J Grey HLTA Mr R Bruton ICT technician Mrs S Lockwood Nursery Nurse Mrs R McFetridge HLTA Mrs A Pattison TA Foundation Stage Mrs D Woodburn TA Years 1 / 2 Mrs D Leeming SEN TA Mrs A Ashton SENCO, ELSA Admin Mrs A Penton Mrs P Smillie Dr L Bryce School Business Manager Admin Assistant Admin Assistant Caretaking, Cleaning and Mid day Supervisory staff Mrs W Smith Mrs A Cleary Mrs R Riley Mrs J Romeniuk Dr L Brice Mrs D Salmon Mrs L Eckersley Miss A Cox Caretaker Cleaning and Midday Supervisor Cleaning and Midday Supervisor Midday Supervisor Midday Supervisor Kitchen Assistant Kitchen Assistant School Meals Delivery Photocopying Your class teacher has a number code for the office photocopier – and also a paper “budget”. You can photocopy anything that you need for your lessons. Private-use photocopies are charged at 5p a copy. (Words of friendly advice: Don’t even THINK about using someone else’s number!! It could damage your health!) Registers Attendance Registers These are kept in the main reception area alongside the front desk. They are brought to the classrooms at the start of each session and must be returned immediately after the register has been completed. This is important because in the event of an emergency evacuation, the registers must be available for checking. Dinner Registers These are also brought to the classrooms at the start of each day and are returned with the attendance register to the school office. (Messing up the dinner register can end in tears if Mrs Smillie is having a bad day!) Absence Notes These are placed in the plastic sleeve that covers the attendance register. Money, Reply Slips etc Send all money etc to the office with the registers. Emergency Evacuation of the building There is an escape route notice in every classroom. Please familiarise yourself with the point of exit and route to the main playground. You will be given your class register on arrival. The children must line up in silence to be registered. First aid All staff hold some level of First Aid qualification. The principal First Aider is Mrs Penton First Aid resources are kept in the main office. At lunch time, unwell or injured children should be taken to one of the mid day supervisors who may refer them to Mrs Penton if necessary. Red Letters are given to children who sustain head bumps and these are available from the office. Dress Code There is an unofficial dress code and staff (that means YOU!) are expected to come to work in clothing which is appropriate for the classroom. (This is particularly relevant to Summer clothes! Shorts and midriff baring tops are not appropriate!) We don’t wear denim jeans or trainers, either. Confidentiality When you work in a school you are party to a lot of information about children, some of it sensitive. Never repeat anything you hear in school or discuss other people’s children with anyone else. This is likely to land you in BIG trouble. Written comments in reading records or in any other book Even if your patience is at an end, never write negative comments about children’s efforts! At best, it’s thoughtless and, at worst, it’s unkind, hurtful and will invite anger from parents. If you can’t think of a positive comment – don’t write anything! Tea and Coffee Mrs Alison Pattison is in charge of the tea, coffee and milk service. Please talk to her about the weekly charge and pay promptly at the end of the week. School Meals The meals are not cooked on the premises but are brought from another school in thermoports. (Large insulated containers!) If you really feel that you can’t get through the day without a school dinner, please ask Mrs Penton about the cost of an adult meal. If you decide that this dining experience is for you, you will be given a menu and will need to order in advance. There is a village shop where snacks can be bought if you don’t “do” packed lunches!! Your Mentor Your mentor is your critical friend. (S)he is also the person who supports your work here, is your first port-of-call when there are problems - and the person who undertakes those allimportant lesson observations! (S)he is also the person who expects you to put in maximum effort and keep everything up to date. How to please your mentor … Treat the children kindly. Enjoy your work. Work hard. Plan your lessons with care. Reflect, and learn from what goes wrong. Use assessment to help your class progress. Keep your files up to date. Tell him/her how you’re feeling. Get to know the staff and treat everyone with respect. Join in with the life of the school. Ask for help or support before it’s too late! How to seriously upset your mentor … Treat anyone, regardless of height, disrespectfully. Fail to fulfil your role as a trainee teacher – and that includes the paperwork! Leave your classroom in an untidy state – including the floor. Add sugar to the Head teacher’s coffee!! (this won’t upset your mentor unless she happens to be the HT!!) It’s always worth remembering that your mentor might be the Head teacher!! Even if she isn’t, she will help in any way she can – including providing help with job applications, interview technique and likely questions/answers. And finally …. We are delighted that you are with us and want you to be happy and have a successful teaching placement. We take on trainees because we genuinely want to help you on your way into the profession. If you need help – ASK! If you’ve got a problem – SHARE IT! If you want tea and sympathy – TELL SOMEONE! If you want to know something – ASK! Remember, we’ve all been where you are now. We hope that, through us, you are able to see your future career path.