What is IPL hair removal

200 Beaullieu Dr Bldg 9A
Lafayette, LA 70508
(337) 456-3323 Office
(337) 456-4638
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatment
Care Instructions
Before your treatment:
Before treatment, patients are advised to avoid tanning and sunless tanners to have the
skin as fair as possible. Broad-spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreens with SPF 30 or higher
should be used, preferably one with zinc or titanium ingredients for at least two weeks prior.
The area must be shave or treated with depilatory cream before your treatment. No
plucking, waxing, or electrolysis should be done though.
Your skin must be clean and free of cosmetics.
You must let us know if you are prone to cold sores. A preventative oral antiviral
medication may be started the day prior to treatment to prevent an outbreak.
During the treatment:
A topical anesthetic cream or ice may be applied prior to treatment.
Everyone in the room must wear protective eyewear during the procedure.
The IPL pulses feel like the snapping of a rubber band or warm pinpricks against the skin.
Slight swelling, redness, or crusting on the skin appears within a few minutes. Ice packs
may be applied to the skin following treatment, and over-the-counter pain relief medicine
may be taken as needed before and after treatment. If localized blistering occurs, Vaseline
is applied once or twice daily until healed. A mild topical steroid cream (such as Cortaid or
prescription ointment) may be applied to reduce swelling and redness if needed.
After your treatment:
We will apply sunscreen for you in the office if your face was treated. Please bring a widebrim hat to protect your face if needed.
Cosmetics may be applied to the treated skin immediately.
Gentle cleansing and lotions may be applied immediately.
You MUST avoid sun exposure on the treated area and use a broad-spectrum (UVA/UVB)
sunscreen with SPF 30 after the laser treatment for one week. Try Neutrogena Dry Touch
with Helioplex SPF 100, Neutrogena sensitive skin, or Blue Lizard bought over-the-counter.
We have a medical-grade sunscreen with zinc and titanium to purchase in-office.
200 Beaullieu Dr Bldg 9A
Lafayette, LA 70508
(337) 456-3323 Office
(337) 456-4638
IPL (Intense pulsed light)
Photofacial Treatment
What is IPL and how does it work?
Dermatologists have been using lasers since the mid-1980s to treat rosacea and brown spots.
Today, a state-of-the-art non-laser light therapy called intense pulsed light (IPL) is available for
both of these medical conditions. IPL can safely and effectively reduce dilated blood vessels,
persistent redness or flushing, and acne-like breakouts. It also treats the brown spots of sundamage, called melasma and lentigines. It works by sending a low-energy beam of light directly
into the affected skin. For many patients frustrated with topical and/or oral medications to treat
rosacea or melasma, IPL is becoming the preferred treatment method for long-lasting results.
Patients are often amazed that IPL offers such dramatic results with no downtime!
What does it feel like? It is generally described as tolerable discomfort. Some patients say it
feels like warm pinpricks or rubber band snaps on the skin. We do offer topical numbing cream
and ice to make our patients feel more comfortable during treatment if needed.
How many treatments will I need? On average, most patients should expect 5 treatments
spaced about 4-6 weeks apart. A recent clinical study showed 83% of patients experienced
reduced redness, 75% had less flushing and improved skin texture, and 64% reported fewer
acne-like breakouts after five treatment sessions. As the above studies indicate, IPL is not
effective for everyone. However, most patients notice a marked reduction in dilated blood
vessels and brown pigmentation after only one or two treatments.
Am I a good candidate? Dr. Myers will evaluate your skin and treatment options with you
during your visit.
If you are considering IPL, it is important to keep a few points in mind.
1. While some patients experience dramatic results and these can be long lasting, IPL does
not cure rosacea or melasma. You still need to continue to see your dermatologist for
further IPL treatment and avoid your personal rosacea or melasma triggers. Sun
avoidance and daily sunscreen use are extremely important! Patients who have a clotting
disorder, keloid history, or insulin-dependent diabetes are not candidates for IPL due to
decreased wound healing and increased infection risk. Also, it is not recommended
during pregnancy.
2. Realistic expectations are essential. Most patients do see improvement; however, with
any medical procedure there is always the possibility that you will only see a minor
change or not see a response. Rosacea also may worsen temporarily. Your dermatologist
can determine if you are a good candidate. To date, dermatologists have found that
people with lighter skin who limit their sun exposure after the procedure tend to have
better results.
200 Beaullieu Dr Bldg 9A
Lafayette, LA 70508
(337) 456-3323 Office
(337) 456-4638
Why is sun avoidance so important? Sun exposure can dramatically cause or worsen both
rosacea and melasma. This is why some patients suffer from both conditions. IPL treatment
success depends on several factors —skin type, condition of your skin, lifestyle, and the amount
of sun exposure you get following the procedure. For example, not protecting your skin from the
sun after treatment can provoke a strong reaction and possibly worsen your skin condition.
Is Dr. Myers skilled at this procedure? Dr. Myers is a board-certified dermatologist with
specialized training and experience in all aspects of rosacea and sun damage treatment,
including the use of our state-of-the-art IPL system, called the Starlux®. Please see her
credentials and training experience. We treat patients on a daily basis with IPL and can
maximize your results by treating specifically for your subtype of rosacea or melasma
How much does it cost? Typically, IPL treatments are not covered by medical insurance. On
some occasions, insurance has covered IPL treatment for facial razor bumps, a condition called
pseudofolliculitis barbae in men. You can expect an average of 5 treatments spaced apart every
3-4 weeks for optimal results. Follow-up treatment may be necessary to maintain the results,
however, this usually is only once or twice yearly. Please call our office at 337-456-3323 with
any questions or concerns. We are here to help you make an informed, confident decision. Rest
assured that your investment in your skin would be well worth under the care of Dr. Jennifer
Myers and her skilled, friendly staff.
Current pricing schedule for Dr. Myers performing procedure:
(+ neck add $150)
(+ chest add $150)
Chest only
Neck only
Neck and chest
Current pricing schedule for certified IPL nurse performing procedure under direct
supervision of Dr. Myers:
(+ neck add $100)
(+ chest add $100)
Chest only
Neck only
Neck and chest
SPECIAL PACKAGE PRICING: Buy 4 treatments upfront, get your fifth treatment FREE!
This is a 20% savings!