Ch. 13 Lesson 1 Student Notes - Merrillville Community School

Chapter 13
Personal Health Care
Lesson 1 Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails
the ____________organ of the body
has 2 main layers:
o ______________ – the outer, thinner layer of the skin that is composed of __________
and ____________ cells
 cells in this layer make substances called ___________ which make the skin
 helps the body maintain a proper balance of ___________ and
 _____________, a pigment that gives the skin, hair, and iris of the eyes their
___________ and protects body from harmful _____________ radiation is also
produced here
o _____________ – the thicker layer of the skin beneath the epidermis that is made up of
connective tissue (gives skin its elasticity) and contains blood vessels (supply
cells with oxygenated ________and __________ and help remove __________
from body cells) and nerves
 _____________ glands – produce an oily secretion called ___________ →
helps keep skin and hair from drying out
o _____________layer – a layer of ______ and connective tissue below the dermis that
attaches the top two layers to muscle and bone
Functions of the Skin
 _________________
 from pathogens and internal damage
 acts as a barrier to prevent ___________ and ____________ from entering your system
 skin repairs itself
 _______________________
 body temperature increases → blood vessels in skin ___________, allowing heat to escape
through the skin’s _____________
 ________________ – structures within the dermis that release _____________ through
ducts to pores on the skin’s surface – cool the skin
 body temperature drops → blood vessels ______________, reducing the amount of heat lost
and helping to ________________ body heat
 ___________________
 body’s major sense organ
 ____________ cells in dermis act as receptors that are stimulated by changes in the outside
environment → enable you to feel ____________, ________, _______ and ___________
Keeping Your Skin Healthy
 Wash your face every ____________ and ____________ with mild soap and water.
 ___________ washing, bathing, or showering help remove and slow the growth of
_________________ that cause body odor.
Avoid touching your face with your ___________. This can introduce new ____________ to the
skin’s surface.
Choose personal skin care products carefully to avoid _____________and the chance of
____________ reaction.
Follow a _________________ eating plan that is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin
A. Milk, green and yellow vegetables, and liver are good for healthy skin.
UV Protection
 a suntan is a sign that the skin has been _______________by UV rays
 melanin production __________________when skin is exposed to UV rays → skin’s way of trying
to ___________ itself
 prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to _____________
 ways to protect yourself:
o Always wear sunscreen on exposed areas of skin
 use SPF ______ or higher that blocks UVB and UVA rays
 apply ___________ minutes before going outside
o wear protective clothing – hats, long-sleeved shirts and long pants
 UV rays most ____________ between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. – even stronger at
higher altitudes
o wear sunglasses
o ___________ using tanning beds
Body Piercing and Tattooing
 both carry potential risks because they ____________ the physical barrier of the skin
 can transfer a ____________ infection or blood-borne pathogen from viruses like ____________
B and C and HIV through _____________ needles
 oral piercings can ____________your mouth and teeth
 may impact social health by limiting future job _______________ and relationships
Common Skin Problems
 Acne
 ____________ in skin gets clogged, _____________ causes inflammation, pus forms
 treatment: wash face _________ daily, apply over-the-counter treatments, avoid using
_________products or too much makeup
 touching and picking may cause ____________
 extreme cases may require prescription meds
 Warts
 cause by a __________
 most commonly on hands, feet and face
 spread through __________ contact with another person’s wart
 Dermatitis, or eczema
 inflamed or scaly patch of skin, usually from an allergic reaction
 keep area ________________ to help reduce irritation
 prescription meds may be used to treat dermatitis
 Fungal infections
 ringworm and athlete’s foot can spread by contact with skin or infected clothing, or in
public showers
 keep infected area _______and _______and treat with over-the-counter medicines
 form when ________________ (sacs or cavities that surround the roots of hairs) become
 tissue is inflamed and pus forms
 bursting or squeezing them can __________ infection
 treatment: draining pus and taking ________________
 patches of skin lose melanin and have no pigment
 areas extremely susceptible to burning when exposed to ________________
 most are ___________________
 certain types may develop into ________________ – the most serious form of skin cancer
which can be deadly
 __________ detection and treatment are critical in controlling the spread of the cancer
 regularly check the appearance of moles looking for:
 A – ______________: no matching halves
 B – _______________: suspect moles have irregular edges
 C- _____________: intensely black , with possible bluish tint, uneven color
 D – ______________: wider across than a pea
_______________skin from UV radiation and helps maintain body heat
grows on every surface of skin except __________ and _______ of _________
more than _________________hairs on your head
although hair is composed of ___________cells, living cells in epidermis make new hairs and
cause hair growth
_____________ and _______________ protect eyes from dust and other particles
healthy hair begins with well-balanced diet
daily _______________ keeps dirt from building up and helps distribute natural oils
regular ________________ keeps hair healthy
limit harsh chemical treatments such as dyes, bleach, or permanents
avoid excessive use of heating irons or hot combs
Hair Problems
 ________________
 dead skin cells that are shed as sticky white flakes when the scalp becomes too dry
 usually can be treated with over-the-counter dandruff ______________
 Head lice
 tiny parasitic _____________ that live in the scalp hair of humans
 feed on ____________by biting through skin
 can infect anyone
 mainly ______________ by head-to-head contact or by using objects (brushes, hats,
combs) used by an infected person
 medicated shampoo is used to kill them
 _________ sheets, pillowcases, combs and hats with hot water and soap
 vacuum frequently
help ___________ fingers and toes
made up of closely packed dead cells containing ______________
cells beneath the root of the nail divide and multiply, causing the nail to _________
keep nails clean and evenly ______________ → helps prevent split nails, hangnails and
ingrown toenails
 cuts, splits, or breaks in the skin around the nail allows pathogens into the body and may
lead to ___________ and ingrown nails
 keep nails short to reduce risk of ____________________ under the nails