Major Arteries - El Camino College

Human Anatomy
Circulatory System
Find these components on models or book pictures
Blood Components
1.Fluid component: Plasma
(water, proteins, nutrients,
2. Cellular component:
Erythrocytes (red blood cells)-4.8- 5.4Mill
Platelets 250-400 thousand
Leukocytes (white blood cells) 5,000-10,000
Neutrophils (60-70%)
Lymphocytes (20-25%)
Monocytes (3-8%)
Eosinophils (2-4%)
Basophils (.5-1%)
Layers of the Heart tissue
1. Pericardium-four layers
Fibrous pericardium
Parietal layer of serous pericardium
Pericardial cavity
Visceral layer of serous pericardium
2. Heart wallVisceral layer of serous pericardium
Myocardium (heart muscle)
Trabeculae carneae
Interior parts of the heart
1. Right and left atrium
2. Right and left ventricle
Atrioventricular valves (AV valves):
3. Tricuspic valve (right AV valve)
4. Bicuspid valve (mitral / left AV valve)
Semilunar Valves
5. Aortic semilunar valve
6. Pulmonary semilunar valve
7. Chordae tendinea
8. Papillary muscle
9. Interatrial septum
10. Interventricular septum
11. Crista terminalis
12. Pectinate muscles
13. Fossa ovalis
14. Apex and base
15. Pace maker cells
16. Opening of coronary sinus
External Heart Features
1. Right and left atrium
2. Right and left auricle
(formed when atria empty blood out)
3. Right and left ventricle
4. Apex and base
5. Ligamentum arteriosum
**a sulcus is a groove with fatty tissue &
blood vessels found in between chambers.
6. Coronary sulcus
7. Anterior interventricular sulcus
8. Posterior interventricular sulcus
Blood vessels entering/ exiting the heart
1. Ascending aorta
2. Descending aorta
3. Aortic arch
4. Left subclavian artery
5. Left common carotid artery
6. Brachiocephalic trunk
7. Inferior vena cava
8. Superior vena cava
9. Left and right pulmonary artery
10. Left and right pulmonary veins
Blood vessels of the heart surface (anterior)
1. Circumflex artery (coronary sulcus)
2. Left coronary artery
3. Right coronary artery
4. Anterior interventricular artery
5. Marginal artery
6. Small cardiac vein
7. Great cardiac vein
8. Anterior cardiac vein
Blood vessels of the heart surface (posterior)
1. Right coronary artery
2. Posterior interventricular aretery
3. Coronary sinus
4. Great cardiac vein
5. Posterior vein of left ventricle
6. Middle cardiac vein
Structures involved in heart rhythm
1. Sinoatrial node (SA node-right atria)
2. Atrioventricular node (AV node- internal septum)
3. Bundle of His (AV bundle)
4. Bundle branches
5. Purkinje fibers (conduction myofibers)
Layers of a blood vessel
1. Tunica Interna
-basement membrane
-internal elastic lamina
2. Tunica Media
-smooth muscle
-external elastic lamina
3. Tunica Externa
**Study the differences in layering of the
Capillaries, arterioles, arteries, veins, and venules
Major Arteries
1. Ascending Aorta
2. Aortic Arch
3. Descending Aorta
4. Thoracic Aorta
5. Abdominal Aorta
Abdominal Aorta
1. Celiac trunk
Common hepatic
Hepatic artery
Right gastric artery
Splenic artery
Left gastric artery
2. Superior mesenteric artery
(branches into intestnal areas)
3. Right & left renal and middle
suprarenal artery
4. Gonadal artery
5. Inferior mesenteric artery
(branches into intestinal areas)
6. Right & left common iliac
Right & left internal iliac
Right & left external iliac
Right & left femoral
Right & left popliteal artery
Anterior and posterior tibial
Arcuate artery
Brachiocephalic trunk
1. Right Subclavian
Right vertebral
Right Axillary
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Right Brachial
Deep artery of arm
Right Radial and ulnar
2. Right common carotid
Right internal & external carotid
Left Common Carotid
1. Left internal & external carotid
Left Subclavian
2. Left vertebral
Left Axillary
Left Brachial
Left Radial and ulnar
Arteries of the legs
1. Right and left common iliac
2. Internal and external iliac
3. Right and left Femoral artery
4. Popliteal artery
5. Anterior and posterior tibial artery
6. Fibular artery
7. Plantar artery
8. Dorsal artery
9. Deep artery of thigh
10. Lateral circumflex femoral artery
Arteries of the neck and head
1. Superficial temporal artery
2. Basilar artery
3. Vertebral artery
4. Internal Carotid artery
5. External Carotid artery
6. Common Carotid artery
7. Thyrocervical trunk
8. Costocervical trunk
9. Maxillary artery
10. Occipital artery
11. Facial artery
Arteries of the brain
1. Cerebral arterial circle (circle of willis)
anterior communicating artery
anterior cerebral artery
posterior communicating artery
posterior cerebral artery
2. Basilar artery
3. Internal carotid
4. Middle cerebral artery
Major Veins
1. Superior and inferior vena cava
2. Right Subclavian vein
Right internal & external jugular
Right cephalic
Right axillary
Right brachial
Right basalic
3. Brachioceplaic Vein
Internal and external
4. Left Subclavian
Left cephalic
Left axillary
Left brachial
Left basalic
5. Inferior vena cava
Right hepatic
Hepatic portal
Gastric veins
Splenic vein
Right & left renal (and suprarenal vein)
Right & left gonadal
Superior and inferior mesentery
Lumbar veins
Right and left common iliac
Right and left femoral
Veins of the head and neck
1. Superficial temporal vein
2. Occipital vein
3. Posterior arcuate
4. External jugular
5. Vertebral vein
6. Internal jugular
7. Facial vein
Veins of the brain
1. Internal jugular vein
2. Sigmoid sinus
3. Transverse sinuses
4. Straight sinus
5. Superior sagital sinus
6. Carnous sinus
Veins of the thorax
1. superior vena cava
2. azygos vein
3. hemizyos
4. posterior intercostals
5. ascending lumbar vein
Veins of the arm
*follow veins from upper to lower arm
1. Subclavian vein
a. Cephalic vein
b. Axillary
Basilic vein
Brachial vein
Median cubital vein
Median antebrachial vein (of the forearm)
Ulnar vein
Radial vein
c. Deep and superficial venus arches of the hand
Veins of the leg
1. Common iliac vein
2. Internal and external iliac vein
3. Femoral vein
4. Great saphenous vein
5. Small saphenous vein
6. Poplitieal vein
7. Posterior and anterior tibial vein
8. Fibular vein
9. Small saphenous
10. Posterior tibial vein
11. Dorsal vein
12. Plantar vein