Return to Practice Policy - Portsmouth Hospitals Trust

Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing &
Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements within Portsmouth
Hospitals NHS Trust
Name of responsible (ratifying) committee
Nursing and Midwifery Learning Development
Committee (NMLDC)
Date ratified
21st October 2014
Document Manager (job title)
Jill Pallister - Practice Based Learning Manager
Date issued
26th November 2014
Review date
25th November 2017
Electronic location
Corporate Policies
Related Procedural Documents
See section 8 of this policy
Key Words (to aid with searching)
selection process; assessing; potential candidates;
return to practice; clinical placement; professional
portfolio; IELTS; Learning and Development Team
Version Tracking
Date Ratified
Brief Summary of Changes
October 2012
Changing of CRB to DBS. Adaptation programme is now
titled the Overseas Nurses Programme. Removal of the
interview questions from the document. Updating of
references. Changing NHS South Central to Health
Education Wessex. Removal of Midwifery being a
shortage category for recruitment.
Jill Pallister
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
INTRODUCTION........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
SCOPE………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES……………………………………………………………………5
TRAINING REQUIREMENTS………………………………………………………………………….6
EQUALITY IMPACT STATEMENT…………………………………………………………………….7
Appendix A:
Information for Return to Practice Nurses
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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This policy must be followed in full when developing or reviewing and amending Trust procedural
For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required. This does not negate the need
for the document author and others involved in the process to be aware of and follow the detail of this
1. This policy addresses the selection process that is adhered to when assessing
potential candidates for a return to practice clinical placement. It will also state the
processes involved if the candidate has been successful in securing a clinical
placement with Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.
2. All qualified nurses, midwives, and managers responsible for supporting and
managing students undertaking a return to practice programme for admission to the
NMC register have a duty to make themselves familiar with the ‘Standards to Support
Learning and Assessment in Practice: NMC Standards for Mentors, Practice
Teachers and Teachers’, 2008 Nursing and Midwifery Council. This is applicable to
return to practice candidates, as they are required to complete an assessment of
practice document, with a ‘Sign-off mentor’ signing to state whether the candidate is
eligible to enter on the Nursing and Midwifery register. Individuals wishing to return to
midwifery should make enquiries to the Head of Midwifery for Portsmouth Hospitals
NHS Trust and Bournemouth University.
3. At interview, candidates are asked to bring with them, their professional portfolio and
proof if International English Language Testing System (IELTS) if applicable.
4. A character reference will be required for each candidate either prior to or after
interview, before a decision is made to offer a clinical placement.
5. Two members of the Learning and Development Team, using a set criterion of
questions, will interview all candidates; the candidate will then be informed of the
outcome of this interview by letter.
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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This policy addresses the selection process that is adhered to when assessing potential
candidates for a return to practice clinical placement. It will also state the processes
involved if the candidate has been successful in securing a clinical placement within
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.
a. To ensure that there are clear and concise guidelines in place for accepting
return to practice candidates ensuring parity for all.
b. To ensure that there is a robust structure in place for the interview process.
c. To ensure clear guidelines are in place for successful candidates, and that there
are clear process in place for ensuring that the return to practice candidate is
covered to undertake their clinical placement.
d. For return to practice students to be aware of their responsibilities whilst on
clinical placement.
All staff that are involved in the selection process for return to practice candidates.
‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises
that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances,
staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to
maintain ongoing patient and staff safety’
a) Return to Practice – a programme that has been approved by the Nursing &
Midwifery Council (NMC), and meets the requirements of nurses who have not
complied with the post registration education and practice standards and who wish
to return to clinical practice.
b) When referring to a candidate, this refers to the nurse wishing to return to practice.
c) Overseas Nurses Programme – is where the candidate is required to undertake a
more extensive programme, to be eligible to enter on to the NMC register. The NMC
advise candidates as to which course they need to complete.
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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d) A mentor is a registered nurse/midwife who has successfully completed a
mentorship course that meets NMC Standards to support learning and assessment
in practice.
e) Sign-off mentors are more experienced mentors who meet the additional NMC
Standards to support learning and assessment in practice requirement. All
midwifery mentors are required to be sign-off mentors.
a) All qualified nurses, midwives, and managers responsible for supporting and
managing students undertaking a return to practice programme for admission to
the NMC register have a duty to make themselves familiar with the ‘Standards to
Support Learning and Assessment in Practice: NMC Standards for Mentors,
Practice Teachers and Teachers’, 2008 Nursing and Midwifery Council. This is
applicable to return to practice candidates, as they are required to complete an
assessment of practice document, with a ‘sign-off mentor’ signing to state whether
the candidate is eligible to enter onto the register.
b) Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust staff who are involved in return to practice are
aware of the Policy for the Criteria of Selecting Return to Practice Nursing &
Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS
c) The Lead Nurse for Return to Practice has a duty to ensure that all return to
practice candidates undergoing clinical placements within the trust have
successfully attained their Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance,
Personal Identification Number check and has occupational health clearance.
Individuals wishing to return to midwifery should make enquiries to the Head of
Midwifery for Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and Bournemouth University.
a) Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has a requirement under terms of the Learning
and Development Agreement to facilitate clinical placements for Health Education
Wessex commissioned student nurses, midwives and allied health professionals.
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has a duty to place these students accordingly,
meaning that there is limited capacity for return to practice placements.
b) Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust will aim to facilitate 5 return to practice clinical
placements at any one time, dependent on clinical placement availability.
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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c) All candidates will be made aware that Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust do not
fund return to practice courses, and that candidates will self-fund the course.
Whilst on clinical placement candidates are placed on an honorary contract,
meaning that they do not receive a salary.
d) Due to the increased demand for return to practice placements, a decision has
been made to prioritise potential candidates from the immediate Portsmouth area,
and the immediate boundaries.
e) Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust will however consider candidates from outside of
this area if we have not utilised the capacity from our local candidates.
f) Following an enquiry from potential return to practice candidates, the trust lead for
return to practice will ask the potential candidate to either send or e-mail a copy of
their CV and complete an application form; from this suitable candidates are
selected for interview.
g) University partners specify an IELTS of 7 (minimum score of 6.5 in each of the four
sections) where English is the not the first language of the applicant. To ensure
parity, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust require an IELTS of 7 (minimum score of
6.5 in each of the four sections) for clinical placement, where English is not the first
language. This is an NMC requirement for all non-EU registrants.
h) The Learning and Development Department will hold specified interview day/s for
all local applicants. If there is spare capacity for return to practice, after this initial
interview day, then a subsequent day will be held for non-local applicants.
i) At interview, candidates are asked to bring with them, their professional portfolio
and proof if IELTS if applicable.
j) A character reference will be required for each candidate either prior to or after
interview before a decision is made to offer a clinical placement.
k) All candidates will be interviewed by two members of the Learning and
Development Team, using a set criterion of values based questions candidates will
be informed by letter as to whether or not they have been successful.
l) The lead nurse for Return to Practice will:
a. Scope ward areas to see if they are able to facilitate a clinical placement.
b. Liaise with Human Resources, so that the candidates Personal Identification
Number can be verified, a DBS check is undertaken and an honorary
contact is created.
c. Occupational health questionnaires are sent out to the candidates, to
complete and send back to occupational health.
d. An information leaflet is sent out to all candidates. Appendix A.
m) A temporary ICT password will be created, so that the candidate can complete
Trust Induction on line, prior to commencing their clinical placement. This login will
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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last for 3 months, unless otherwise stated by the lead nurse for return to practice
or the ward manager for their clinical placement.
At least one member of staff involved in the selection process will have attended the
PHT’s recruitment and selection training
Nursing & Midwifery Council (2011)The Prep handbook. Available from:
[Accessed 09 October 2014]
Nursing & Midwifery Council (2014) Registering as a nurse or midwife in the UK: For
applicants trained outside the European Union and European Economic Area.
Available from:
[Accessed 09 October 2014]
Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Standards to support learning and assessment in
practice: NMC standards for mentors, practice teachers and teachers. 2nd edition. Available
learning-assessment.pdf [Accessed 09 October 2014]
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that, as far as is reasonably
practicable, the way we provide services to the public and the way we treat our staff reflects
their individual needs and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on any grounds.
This policy has been assessed accordingly
Our values are the core of what Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is and what we cherish. They
are beliefs that manifest in the behaviours our employees display in the workplace.
Our Values were developed after listening to our staff. They bring the Trust closer to its vision
to be the best hospital, providing the best care by the best people and ensure that our patients
are at the centre of all we do.
We are committed to promoting a culture founded on these values which form the ‘heart’ of our
Respect and dignity
Quality of care
Working together
No waste
This policy should be read and implemented with the Trust Values in mind at all times.
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements
within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3: 26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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Minimum requirement to
be monitored
Monitoring of Return
Practice Applications
Monitoring of first post
destinations for Return to
completion of their course
Jill Pallister
Data Collection
Frequency of Report
of Compliance
Reporting arrangements
Policy audit report to:
Jill Pallister
Data Collection
Jill Pallister
Education Governance
Policy audit report to:
Lead(s) for acting on
Jill Pallister
Education Governance
This document will be monitored to ensure it is effective and to assurance compliance.
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3:
26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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The effectiveness in practice of all procedural documents should be routinely monitored (audited) to ensure the document objectives are being
Policy for the Criteria of selecting Return to Practice Nursing & Midwifery Candidates for Clinical Placements within Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust: Issue 3:
26/11/2014 (Review date: 25/11/2017)
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Appendix A
Information for Return to Practice Nurses
Reporting Sickness and Absence
Phone or bleep ward area, where you will be asked a series of questions
to establish what is wrong and when you are due in again. You may be
asked to ring the ward area prior to your next shift to inform them that
you are definitely going to be on duty that day. Depending on what is
wrong with you, you may or may not be given advice by the ward staff.
If you have planned leave whilst you are on your clinical placement,
please inform the ward manager as soon as possible, so that you are not
allocated to work during that time.
Contact Details
Please give your contact details to you ward area in case of emergency
or if the ward needs to get hold you for any reason.
Please ensure that you arrive for you shift in good time. If you are going
to be late for a shift, please ensure that you contact the ward to inform
them. We do worry about you if you do not turn up for a shift.
Uniform Policy
The standard of dress and general appearance of all staff plays an
important part in promoting a professional image to patients and
members of the general public. Return to practice candidates must
adhere to Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust uniform policy.
Staff must ensure that they are clean, tidy and smart in appearance.
Long hair to be tied back. Nails must be kept short and clean, no nail
extensions to be worn.
All staff must be ‘naked below the elbow’ i.e. no watches or bracelets
and if wearing a ring, must be a plain band only.
ID Badges
ID application forms to be presented to security along with a personal
identity photo, these can be in the form of a Photo driving license,
Passport, Services ID card and any other photo ID.
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If you lose your ID card, this needs to be reported to security on 02392
286000 ext 6100 as soon as possible, so that the card may be cancelled
and is not misused.
ID cards must be worn at all times and be visible
A copy of the application form may be obtained from the Learning and
Development nursing lead for return to practice. You will need to get the
Ward manager from your clinical placement to sign it, prior to visiting the
hospitals security office.
Car Parking
All Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust staff are required to pay to park on
site or use the park and ride facility. The learning and development
department are not able to assist you with any parking issues. If you
would like to discuss parking then you would need to contact the car
parking team and explain to them that you are a return to practice nurse
and are on a clinical placement within the trust.
Policies and Procedures
All Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust policies and procedures can be
found on the PHT intranet, if you require any further information.
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