UCSF EPAC Description for First Year Medical Students This information is for those of you who are considering a career in Pediatrics. We want you to be aware of an educational opportunity called Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum (or EPAC). The continuum is the educational journey on which you now embark, extending through medical school, residency, and even, into fellowship and your professional career. The vision of EPAC is to create a new model of medical education and training that seamlessly spans your time in medical school and your future time in residency. We are proud to be one of four institutions, in collaboration with the Association of American Medical Colleges, offering this longitudinal pediatric training opportunity. Additionally EPAC receives sponsorship through a grant from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. You should consider EPAC if you want a training experience with a pediatric focus. As one of the elite medical schools in this country, UCSF medical school prepares students excellently for careers in pediatric care. However, acknowledging that much of medical school is adult care-centric, the EPAC program would add more of a ‘pediatric lens’ to your experience. Additionally, EPAC focuses on longitudinal relationships that extend from medical school through internship and residency at UCSF. Students accepted into the final phase of the UCSF EPAC medical school program will be guaranteed a position in the UCSF pediatric residency training program. UCSF EPAC has three parts. The first part of EPAC occurs in year one and part of year two of medical school. It is called EPAC EXPLORE. EPAC EXPLORE will include a combination of three main components: a series of supplementary pediatric teaching cases linked to the core curriculum, pediatric selectives or interactive pediatric elective involvement within year one of the FPC course, and mentor sessions to discuss pediatric career options and considerations. Taking part in EPAC EXPLORE is optional for UCSF students, and is an excellent opportunity for determining if a formal commitment to EPAC is right for you. EPAC EXPLORE is open to students interested in pediatrics considering continuing on further in EPAC, and we hope that 10-20 of you will be interested in EPAC EXPLORE. Updated on 9/8/2014 9:39:00 PM The second part of EPAC, called EPAC FOCUS, starts at the end of your second year of medical school. EPAC FOCUS continues to emphasize a pediatric lens, longitudinal experiences, and mentorship. Based on our experience as educators and on data of past medical students interested in pediatrics, we anticipate that fewer than half of the students in EPAC EXPLORE will choose to continue on to the EPAC FOCUS. We understand that some of you may develop non-pediatric interests or alternate pediatric-related interests (such as pediatric surgery) and we want to be able to give you as much choice as possible to pursue the career path of your choosing. We also know from experience that even though you may be ready to commit to pediatrics, not all of you will want to commit to staying here at UCSF for residency. Inclusion in EPAC FOCUS may include an application process. The final part of EPAC is called EPAC MATCH. It starts in the middle of the third year of UCSF Medical School and continues through the end of Pediatric Residency training. Again EPAC MATCH emphasizes longitudinal clinical experiences and spans UCSF Medical School and the UCSF Pediatric Residency program. We anticipate that approximately 4 of you will ultimately be selected for the first EPAC MATCH class during the third year of medical school and will ultimately become members of the UCSF Pediatric Residency Program. Inclusion in EPAC MATCH may include an application process. In summary, EPAC provides opportunities for mentorship and preceptorship throughout your medical school and residency training, continuity with pediatric patients in longitudinal clinical experiences through both medical school and residency, and continuity with medical school faculty, like myself, who are part of EPAC. You will form partnerships to acquire the skills that will enable you to become a skilled pediatrician. Finally, in addition to standard medical school and residency advancement, EPAC students will focus throughout training on individual achievement of defined competencies and milestones which constitute the professional activities of a pediatrician. If you want to learn more about EPAC, please contact michele.long@ucsf.edu. Updated on 9/8/2014 9:39:00 PM