BENEFICIARY: Polish Customs Service

Detailed Twinning Light project fiche
Flexible reserve of unallocated institution building activities
Transition Facility 2005/017-488.01.08
PROJECT TITLE: Advanced Training in the Strategic and Operational Use of
Customs Patrols Boats PL2005/IB/FI/03 TL
BENEFICIARY: Polish Customs Service
PROJECT DURATION: 6 months + 3 months for start-up and closure.
Due to the nature of the planned activities, the implementation of the project
should start in the spring 2008.
To maximise the operational effectiveness of the Polish Customs Patrol Boat fleet on
the external EU Maritime border.
1. To consolidate a credible inshore maritime anti-smuggling force so that
informed decisions can be made regarding the future size, nature and
deployment of the Polish Customs Patrol Boat fleet.
2. To provide an assurance that the investment in capital equipment and training
is sustainable.
At the beginning of 2005 the Polish Customs Service took delivery of a fleet of three
Patrol Boats, one assigned to each Maritime Chamber (Szczecin, Gdynia and
Olsztyn). They are managed by the Head of the Law Enforcement Division in each
Chamber, and work very closely with, or a part of each Chamber’s Mobile Control
Teams. The boats are currently based at Szczecin, Gdansk and Elblag respectively.
The vessels are rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIB’s) with aluminium hulls, and an
overall length of ten metres. They have an all up displacement (weight) of seven
tonnes, and are powered by two 230 hp inboard diesel engines. They have an enclosed
wheelhouse, which can accommodate an operational maximum of eight persons. The
vessels were purchased at a total cost of €750,000, with 50% of the funding coming
from the EU PHARE budget (Phare 2002 project).
During the course of 2005, the crews of the vessels received extensive training in
boat-handling and seamanship delivered by other Polish Maritime agencies and
commercial sources. They also participated in a number of training exercises and drill
with other Polish agencies and law enforcement services.
Within the Twinning Project PL04/IB/FI/03 “Strengthening the Polish Customs
Service”, three activities consisting of four missions to Poland by United Kingdom
Short Term Experts in sub-Project 1 addressed the following areas;
1.1.2. Assessing the capabilities of the vessels and crews.
1.1.3. Basic operational training for the crews of all three boats.
1.1.4. Review of patrol boat operating procedures and Health & Safety systems
Observations and recommendations from the reports submitted at the conclusion of
activities 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 noted above have highlighted the need for further advanced
training and support in the following areas;
1. Enhanced boarding techniques, especially in relation to safe boarding
procedures followed by effective vessel control and containment.
2. Enhanced vessel search and rummage skills, especially of small vessels at sea.
3. Command and control procedures for multi-vessel / unit operations, including
target handover and maintenance of chain of evidence. Closer working
procedures with land based mobile units.
4. Enhanced and systematic information gathering techniques relating to vessels
boarded and their movements. Enhanced gathering, preservation and
presentation of evidence to detection level.
5. Detailed analysis of Coast and associated Risk Assessment. Building exercises
and assurance programmes to address, review and prioritise risks.
6. Developing security awareness including radio brevity, location codes and
operational call signs.
7. Night operations.
8. Longer range coastal patrol techniques.
The present provisions in force relating to the Polish Customs Service are those
contained in the Act of 24 July 1999 on the Customs Service (“the CSA”), which is
described as a consolidated text. Underpinning the CSA are various Ordinances of the
Finance Minister, for example the Ordinance dated 22 December 2004 relating to
direct restraint measures applied by customs officers, made under the provisions of
Chapter 1d, Article 6zn .2 and the Ordinance dated 28 December 2004 concerning
methods and procedures for customs officers in carrying out operational and
surveillance activities.
1. A credible, professional, well managed and effective in-shore Customs
maritime capability, to protect the Polish National coastline and external EU
maritime border.
2. Maritime control officers confident in their legal powers.
3. A coastal risk profile, regularly updated.
4. An established policy of succession planning to ensure sustainability of
training programmes.
Project Leader , maximum 1 month with key responsibility: participation in a kick-off
meeting, preparation of the time-schedule and project implementation plan; manage and
coach the progress of the project activity preparation according to the best practice.
Project Leader will be also responsible for coordinating all activities in MS connected
with project realization and agreeing all issues with the Project Leader from the
beneficiary side. He/she will be assisting the beneficiary through the whole project
implementation period, making recommendation concerning the organization, human
resources and equipment of PCS organizational unit fulfilling its task at maritime
border. This person will also prepare project reports, evaluate results and ensure that the
project remains on track.
Project Leader profile: experienced in maritime border control and project management
(minimum 5 years of personal experience in the area targeted by the twinning light
project). Good command of English.
Short Term Experts (STE) - Trainers and experts from EU customs administrations
who are specialists in below mentioned specific training subjects (minimum 5 years of
personal experience and practical skills in area of training subject):
2 STEs: with knowledge of legal issues related to operational activities in patrol boats
2 STEs : marine investigators
2 STEs: vessel search trainers
2 STEs: experienced operational maritime control officers/managers
2 STEs: senior managers with current experience of maritime operations and strategy
The working language of the project will be English.
Month 1
Activity no 1: Warsaw/Gdynia: 5 calendar days; 2 MS Short Term Experts Review of
changes in Law and ramifications on operational activities of patrol boats.
Month 2
Activity no 2: Maritime Chamber: 3 calendar days: 2 MS Short Term Experts (marine
2-day theory training course on identification, collection and security of evidence
including technical and forensic considerations.
Activity no 3: Gdynia Chamber: 10 calendar days; 2 MS Short Term Experts (vessel
search trainers).
Two-week theory/practical training on advanced vessel search techniques,
concentrating on small craft at sea.
Month 3
Activity no 4: Maritime Chambers: 10 calendar days; 2 MS Short Term Experts
(experienced operational maritime control officers/managers)
Advanced practical operational training phase 1, two weeks, operating with a
minimum of two BC patrol boats in at least 2 locations.
Month 3/4
Activity no 5: Maritime Chambers: 10 calendar days; 2 MS Short Term Experts
(experienced operational maritime control officers/managers)
Advanced practical operational training phase 2, two weeks, operating with a
minimum of two BC patrol boats in at least 2 locations.
Month 4
Activity no 6: Gdynia Chamber: 6 calendar days: 2 MS Short Term Experts
(experienced operational maritime control officers/managers).
Advanced practical operational training phase 3, six days of live operational exercises
utilising all three BC patrol boats within Gdansk Bay to test and assure training from
phases 1 and 2. To include at least one night operational exercise.
Experience gained from Twinning Project PL04/IB/FI/03 has demonstrated that
the level of intensity for this nature of training should only be maintained over a
period of 2 weeks at a time.
Month 5
Activity no 7: Maritime Chamber: 5 calendar days; 2 MS Short Term Experts (senior
managers with current experience of maritime operations and strategy).
Assurance mission with minimum 2-day senior BC management seminar, to
consolidate maritime strategy, risk assessment and establishing a policy of succession
planning to ensure sustainability of training and external support programmes.
Month 6
Activity no 8: Member State: 14 calendar days; Study Tour, three BC patrol boat
commanders (one from each Maritime Chamber).
To undertake a two week operational patrol on board an MS Customs Cutter as a fully
integrated member of the crew, participating in all operational activities; gaining
experience in the use of advanced technical equipment, to report on
feasibility/desirability of obtaining such equipment in BC. A good working
knowledge of the MS language required for BC participants to avoid the necessity
for an interpreter.
Notice: Having in mind the character of the activities (most of the training will be
carried out at the sea) the project can not be implemented during the winter time.
Direct Beneficiaries: The Minister of Finances (Customs Service – Maritime
Customs Chambers).
Final Beneficiaries: The final beneficiaries of the project shall be customs officers
who work in maritime customs chambers in Gdynia, Szczecin and Olsztyn.
Project Leader and contact person:
Agnieszka Marciniak, Ministry of Finance, Customs Service Departament,
tel. +48 22 694 44 69, fax. +48 22 694 56 95,
Project Manager:
Małgorzata Raczyńska, Customs Chamber in Szczecin, tel. + 48 91 480 57 32,
Implementing Agency - CFCU „Co-operation Fund”, Górnośląska 4 a, 00-444 Warsaw,
CFCU Director, Tel. +48 22 622 00 31, Fax +48 22 622 95 69.
Administrative Office – (Al. J.Ch. Szucha 23 Street, 00-580 Warsaw, phone: +48 22 455
52 41 , fax. +48 22 455 52 43).
Project Authorising Officer (PAO): Mr. Tadeusz Kozek, Under-secretary of State,
Office of The Committee for European Integration, (Al. J.Ch. Szucha 23 Street, 00-580
Warsaw, phone: +48 22 455 52 41, fax: +48 22 455 52 43)
TOTAL BUDGET AVAILABLE: 160,949 EUR Transition Facility Funds. ,
Cofinancing 24,850 EUR
Preparation of a preliminary report is anticipated after two months of project
implementation (presented in the third month) and a final report (templates and
requirements same as for standard Twinning). For the purpose of efficient project
coordination, the Steering Committee will be established by representatives of the
Ministry of Finance and the twinning partner. Both project partners shall be
responsible for holding a meeting of the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee shall meet at least twice during the project
implementation period, in order to discuss and approve of reports presented by the
project partners and decide about the schedule of training and achievement of project