Mrs. Battaglia’s Syllabus for
8 th Grade General Music
1 st Semester
Class Participation/ Effort…………………....60%
Quizzes/ Playing Exercises………………….10%
2 nd Semester
Class Participation/ Effort…………………....50%
Quizzes / Playing Exercises………………….10%
Students will be given a Music 8 level assessment as required by NYS education. These assessments will be given as two separate mid and end of the semester assessments. This will be a percentage of your class and test grades.
This is not to make you nervous in any way, simply a tool to monitor your learning growth in the subject of music.
8 th Grade General Music Units
Unit One: What is Music? (National Standards 8,9)
Curricular Goals: (Open Discussion)
The student will be able to discuss where music exists in student’s lives both in school and out of school
SWBAT create a definition of music (Organized sound)
SWBAT identify some of the roles music plays in other cultures
SWBAT define musical elements
Additional Content:
Events in Music/ Performing Artist Assignment:
Students will complete a project of a current event or favorite artist- see handout
Students will fill out listening logs for each student’s favorite artist
Artist Appreciation:
SW discuss a specific artist and their contribution to our music culture; artist TBA
(Ex. Elvis Presley, Beatles, Michael Jackson’s This Is It )
Unit Two (Notation) and Unit Three (Rhythm): A review of the fundamentals of music theory. (Standards 1,2,4,5,6, 7)
Curricular Goals:
SWBAT identify and create the following:
1. Note and Rest values
2. Bass and treble clef notation (accidentals)
3. Time signatures
4. Dynamic symbols
5. Tempo markings
6. Articulations
SWBAT count rhythms using standard counting methods
SWBAT identify, clap verbalize, count and notate rhythms up to sixteenth notes
SWBAT Aural identify and notate rhythms
Additional Content:
The student will discover the reasoning for a standard notation in music
Concepts learned and activities include: Activities dealing with steps and skips, whole and half steps, direction, accidentals, rhythm and melodic dictation and error detection.
Additional Projects:
Rhythm video: TBA
Unit Four: Popular Music throughout History (Standards 6,7,8,9)
Curricular Goals:
SWBAT study the history of Western popular music starting with the
Antiquity- present
SWBAT identify the relationship between the time periods and decades of the artists, composers, performers, and listeners that surfaced
Additional Project(s) :
SW view and discuss footage from The History of Rock N Roll CD collection
CD Project: SW combine into groups of three and design their own CD covers- see handout for requirements-
Unit Five: Influential Composers (Standards 6,7,8,9)
Curricular Goals:
SW study the history of composers who contributed to music history
SW identify the composers and their works (Bach, Mozart and Beethoven)
Additional Content:
SW watch and discuss the 1986 Academy Award movie: account of Mozart’s life)
Amadeus (an
SW learn about the Star Spangled Banner and the Falconer School Song , including the song lyrics for both
Unit Six: Musical Theater (Standards 6,7,8,9)
Curricular Goals:
SWBAT define musical/ theatre terms and definitions
SWBAT research, view and discuss a musical and its relevance to our music culture
Additional Content:
SW discuss and watch the musical Phantom of the Opera
Unit Seven: Careers in Music (Standards 7,8,9)
Curricular Goals:
SWBAT identify and define the different careers in the music industry
SWBAT identify the role of a producer and promoter
SWBAT promote a concert of a school function or a created concert
SWBAT research composers and performers that will appear on their concert
SWBAT create a promotional poster or powerpoint presentation
Additional Project(s) :
Music career project- Individual research into various music careers- using power point presentations
Garage Band project- if time permits
All units are subject to change at any time
Homework/Project Policy:
1. If the assignment is done on time; it is graded out of 100%
2. If the assignment is turned in anytime after the due date, the highest score it can receive is a 65%. (Exception: excused absence)
3. Homework will not be accepted 5 days after the issue of each progress report date. Progress report dates will run with eligibility (High school) dates. Teachers and students will work out a plan for late assignments.
4. Option: study hall, 9 th learning lab.
period, at home, study hall with other teacher, and
*** Some assignments such as projects and written assignments are handled differently due to their length and difficulty.