Aim: How can we analyze the evidence the author


Today is October 7, 2013


SWBAT review for their key ideas and details quiz.

Today is October 7, 2014


SWBAT review for their key ideas and details quiz.

Major Elements of the Quiz

Central Idea

After gathering evidence and details to summarize the key ideas of the story, the central idea is what happens in the story that helps resolve the conflict.

The central idea should be a short, concise answer, that explains the major event that leads to the story’s ending.

Today is October 7, 2014


SWBAT review for their key ideas and details quiz.

Major Elements of the Quiz

Key Characters

Key Characters are those characters that play a role in the plot development of a story.

These characters “say” and “do” things that help contribute to the stories plot and central conflict.

Today is October 7, 2014


SWBAT review for their key ideas and details quiz.

Major Elements of the Quiz

Key Events

Key Events are the events in a story that help make the story more interesting, and help build suspense.

Without these events, the story would not make sense, and would get very boring after a while!

Today is October 7, 2014


SWBAT review for their key ideas and details quiz.

Major Elements of the Quiz

Central Conflict

The central conflict is the major struggle or problem that the main character is experiencing in the story.

This conflic is what drives the story, and is what the characters are trying to resolve.

Today is October 7, 2014


SWBAT review for their key ideas and details quiz.

Major Elements of the Quiz

Plot Structure – Significant Events


Rising Actions


Falling Actions

