The Music Theory Program at Pennsbury High School Did you know?? Pennsbury music theory students routinely receive honors in music compositions at local, national, and international levels. Music Educators National Conference chose the Pennsbury Music Theory Department to participate in its "Benchmarks for Music Composition Project." The purpose of this Project was to help establish the national standards in music composition. This honor was awarded to only twenty high schools nationwide, with one of our student's compositions chosen for the Project's publication. Students completing the entire theory curriculum test out of significant portions of music theory at the college/university level. Music Theory Electives 0818 Foundations of Music Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 No Prerequisite 0812 Music Theory I Prerequisite: Foundations of Music Grades 10, 11, 12 0813 Music Theory II Prerequisite: Music Theory I Grades 11, 12 0814 AP Music Theory III* Prerequisite: Music Theory II * weighted grade Grades 11, 12 Additional considerations… Music Theory Courses are elective courses that meet daily for 18 weeks. They do not alternate with gym for a full year as the various performing ensembles do. Students are encouraged to do both their performing ensemble(s) and music theory courses. When planning your course selections, keep in mind that it is not possible to take Music Theory II and AP Music Theory III during the same year. Students desiring to take the entire four levels of Music Theory Courses need to start scheduling their courses, preferably, in ninth grade to avoid possible schedule conflicts in the upper grades. AP Music Theory III students meeting specific criteria are eligible to be participants in our "Music Mentors Program," which made its debut during the 2001-2002 school year. The Music Mentors Program is a partnership between the AP Music Theory III students and the music teachers in our Pennsbury elementary and middle schools. Students grounded in a comprehensive knowledge of Music Theory find their performance, sight-reading, and over-all musicianship greatly enhanced and significantly improved. Questions??? Mrs. Suzanne Schmidt teaches all Music Theory Courses. Please feel free to contact her with questions at 215-949-6780, ext. 71686, or by e-mail at You may also reach Mrs. Schmidt on AOL Instant Messaging as "theorygodmom."