DRESS REHEARSAL & RECITAL: Located at the Twin Valley High School 4851 N. Twin Valley Rd. Elverson, PA 19520. All students should arrive 5-10 minutes before their scheduled dress rehearsal time in full costume, hair and stage makeup. Dress rehearsal is MANDATORY so please make sure your child is on time as we cannot wait for late dancers. Predance, Kinderdance and Lil Breaker students may leave after they are done dancing on stage. All other dancers must be at Finale rehearsal at 6:20pm on their scheduled dress rehearsal night. If they are in both performances then they practice for finale on both dress rehearsal nights. On Friday June 17th, dancers must arrive at 6pm for the 6:30pm recital and on Saturday June 18th, dancers must arrive at 10:30am for the 11am recital. We will open the auditorium doors at 6pm on Friday and 10:30am on Saturday for everyone to take their seats. Seating is first come first serve as there is no assigned seating for performances. Friday June 17th Recital – Tuesday June 14th Dress Rehearsal DANCE RECITAL ORDER DRESS REHEARSAL DAY TIME 1. Monday Lyrical 1 Tuesday June 14th 5-5:20pm th 2. Tuesday Predance 1 Tuesday June 14 5-5:20pm 3. Tuesday Kinderdance 2 Tuesday June 14th 5:20-5:40pm 4. Tuesday Junior Hip Hop Tuesday June 14th 5:20-5:40pm 5. Wednesday Jazz 1 Tuesday June 14th 5:40-6pm 6. Monday Predance 2 Tuesday June 14th 5:40-6pm 7. Tuesday Tap 2 Tuesday June 14th 6-6:20pm th 8. Wednesday Ballet 2A Tuesday June 14 6-6:20pm FINALE REHEARSAL – ALL STUDENTS EXCEPT PREDANCE, KINDERDANCE AND LIL BREAKERS Tuesday June 14TH 6:20-7PM 9. Monday Kinderdance 1 Tuesday June 14th 7-7:20pm 10. Saturday Kinderdance 1 Tuesday June 14th 7-7:20pm 11. Thursday Ballet 1 Tuesday June 14th 7:20-7:40pm th 12. Wednesday Kinderdance 2 Tuesday June 14 7:20-7:40pm 13. Monday Tap 3 Tuesday June 14th 7:40-8pm 14. Thursday Junior Jazz Tuesday June 14th 7:40-8pm 15. Wednesday Tap 1 Tuesday June 14th 8-8:20pm 16. Tuesday Teen/Adult Hip Hop Tuesday June 14th 8-8:20pm 17. Wednesday Junior Ballet Tuesday June 14th 8:20-8:40pm 18. Monday Jazz 2A Tuesday June 14th 8:20-8:40pm Saturday June 18th Recital – Wednesday June 15th Dress Rehearsal DANCE NUMBER ORDER DRESS REHEARSAL DAY TIME 1. Monday Lyrical 1 Wednesday June 15th 5-5:20pm 2. Thursday Tiny Tots Wednesday June 15th 5-5:20pm 3. Saturday Predance 1 Wednesday June 15th 5:20-5:40pm th 4. Tuesday Junior Hip Hop Wednesday June 15 5:20-5:40pm 5. Thursday Morning Predance1 Wednesday June 15th 5:40-6pm 6. Thursday Lil Breakers Wednesday June 15th 5:40-6pm 7. Tuesday Tap 2 Wednesday June 15th 6-6:20pm 8. Wednesday Ballet 2A Wednesday June 15th 6-6:20pm FINALE REHEARSAL – ALL STUDENTS EXCEPT PREDANCE, KINDERDANCE AND LIL BREAKERS Wednesday June 15th 6:20-7PM 9. Thursday Youth Hip Hop Wednesday June 15th 7-7:20pm 10. Thursday Evening Predance 1 Wednesday June 15th 7-7:20pm 11. Thursday Junior Jazz Wednesday June 15th 7:20-7:40pm 12. Monday Tap 3 Wednesday June 15th 7:20-7:40pm 13. Thursday Beginner Breakers Wednesday June 15th 7:40-8pm th 14. Wednesday Junior Ballet Wednesday June 15 7:40-8pm 15. Monday Jazz 2A Wednesday June 15th 8-8:20pm