ALL FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED. PLEASE COMPLETE PAGES 5 AND 6 RETAINING 1 COPY AND RETURN THE OTHER TO: SARAH DAVIES DEPUTY CENTRE MANAGER POSTGRADUATE DEPARTMENT ROYAL GWENT HOSPITAL 1 Postgraduate Medical Education is an important part of all training and career posts in the NHS. It can be divided into Vocational Training, often aimed at higher qualifications, and Continuing Medical Education, which will develop the knowledge, skills and practice of Medicine. The Quality of care by doctors is based on adequate and continuing education. This takes time and effort by both teachers and learners. This agreement represents our commitment to offering you, as far as we are able, training opportunities and experience appropriate to your needs. Much of the agreement would apply to anyone in your post, but we encourage you and your Educational Supervisor and College Tutors to incorporate further components which are specific to your needs. You are entitled to and you must attend at least 3 hours of protected teaching time each week. In addition to the teaching programme within your own department there is a monthly bulletin of meetings issued by the Postgraduate Department at the Friars. This is to enable you to attend meetings of interest organised by other departments. There is a well-equipped library with 24 hour access in Block 7 with reading rooms and a large computer room. Please make use of the library and introduce yourself to the Librarian and the library staff. All junior staff are eligible for study leave relevant to their training needs with the appropriate financial support from the Health Board. Please read the enclosed Study Leave Policy. The Study Leave budget is £600.00 per annum (£300.00 for a six month post) so do get advice from your educational supervisor on what is the most appropriate for your particular needs. Yours patients’ needs must be covered in your absence so do give enough notice (at least six weeks) and send requests for study leave to Lucy Hampton or Jessica Lewis, Study Leave Co-ordinators (ext: 8125 / 8142). * * PLEASE NOTE FP1 DOCTORS DO NOT RECEIVE A STUDY BUDGET * * Your attendance at educational events is protected time and you must attend unless you are on call. Your bleeps should be left with the ward nursing staff who should take messages for you. Obviously, urgent or unforeseen clinical problems may exceptionally require you to forego a session in the interests of patient safety. We expect you to take part in the educational programme and to be prepared to spend some time of your own in study. Please be punctual at all meetings. A register will be kept at all meetings and an overall attendance of less than 60% may well prejudice the allocation of study leave. There is a Postgraduate Notice Board in the Royal Gwent Hospital on the main corridor, opposite the Medical Mess. Please ensure you look at his regularly. 2 The Friars Education Centre Royal Gwent Hospital Assistant Medical Director (Teaching) & Honorary Sub Dean. Dr Hywel M Jones Local Faculty Lead Quality / Educational Governance Mr Ahmed Shandall Local Faculty Lead for Trainer &Trainee Support Dr Peter Neville Foundation Programme Director Dr Stuart Linton Deputy Foundation Director Dr Francis Richardson Service Development Manager (Medical Education) Miss Linda Coe Medical Education/Foundation Administrator PA to Dr H M Jones & Miss L Coe Mrs Caroline Newman Education Centre Manager Mrs Rosanna Carnevale Deputy Centre Manager/Postgraduate Administrator Mrs Sarah Davies Clinical Skills Manager Mrs Kerry James Postgraduate & Course Administrator Miss Lucy Hodkinson Dental & Study Leave Administrator Miss Lucy Hampton Study Leave & Postgraduate Administrator Miss Jessica Lewis Undergraduate Office Manager Ms Maria West Undergraduate Administrative Assistant Mrs Claire Anderson Undergraduate Work Placement Administrator Miss Laura Hodkinson GP VTS Programme Directors Dr Julie Keely/Dr S Robinson GP CPD Co-ordinator Dr Sian Williams Dental VTS Advisor Mr Bryan Webber Dental Postgraduate Organiser Mr Mick Allen Librarian Mrs Liz Hicks Assistant Librarian Miss Kate Bedborough Library Assistant Library Assistant Miss Hannah O’Brien Miss Kayleigh Cooper Hours of Opening Postgraduate Office Monday – Friday 7.30 am – 5.00 pm Gwent Clinical School Library & Undergraduate Centre, Block 7 Library Monday – Thurs Friday 8.30 am – 5.30 pm 8.30 am – 5.00 pm Undergraduate Centre Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 5.00 pm 3 College/Specialty Tutors and Educational Supervisors Aneurin Bevan Health Board Secretary’s Ext No: Specialty Specialty Tutor Medicine Dr S Ikram 4446 Surgery Ms Tamsin Boyce 4126 Orthopaedics Mr Sujit Kadambande 4838 ENT Mr M Preece 4145 Ophthalmology Mrs R Sengupta 8443 Paediatrics Dr D Hawkes 6093 A&E Mr F Richardson 4068 Radiology Dr J Haslam 4813 Obs. & Gynae. Ms R Goddard 4595 Anaesthetics Dr Kathy Woods 4167 Pathology Dr M Rashid 4513 Oral Surgery Mr J Llewelyn 8001 Urology Mr J Wilson 4986 Neurology Dr G Llewelyn 4453 Your College/Specialty Tutor is listed above Your Educational Supervisor is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 During your employment the Health Board will provide, where possible: 1 Approximately 2 – 3 hours a week of protected time for education. 2 An Educational Supervisor who will formulate an educational programme with you at the start of your post and who will oversee its implementation. He or she will provide you with assessments, at formal interview, of your progress at least every 6 months. 3 A structured, personal education plan, dependant on your needs and aspirations, which will be drawn up in consultation with your educational supervisor. 4 Regular bedside teaching by your consultant. 5 A well stocked library and service for your educational needs. 6 Study leave and expenses appropriate to your requirements within the guidelines laid down by the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Signed ………………………………………………………. (on behalf of the Health Board) In return the Health Board expects you to honour the following: 7. Participate in the formulation and implementation of your educational plan. 8. Give educational and counselling sessions with your educational supervisor a high priority and be punctual in your attendance. If you are unable to take part in a planned session, notify your educational supervisor as early as possible. 9. If you have any problems then do seek the help of your educational supervisor, Postgraduate Organiser or Royal College Tutor. 10. Complete your own educational plan in discussion with your educational supervisor and within the available resources. 11. Give adequate notice (at least 6 weeks) of all study leave so that cover can be organised here necessary and financial approval confirmed. 12. Remember that your departmental Colleagues have similar educational requirements. Make sure that your own educational plan integrates with those of your colleagues. Please sign and retain this copy. Educational Supervisor …………………………. Signed ……………………………………………. Please print name ………………………………. . Department ……………………………………… 5 During your employment the Health Board will provide, where possible: 1. Approximately 2 – 3 hours a week of protected time for education. 2. An Educational Supervisor who will formulate an educational programme with you at the start of your post and who will oversee its implementation. He or she will provide you with assessments, at formal interview, of your progress at least every 6 months. 3. A structured, personal education plan, dependant on your needs and aspirations, which will be drawn up in consultation with your educational supervisor. 4. Regular bedside teaching by your consultant. 5. A well stocked library and service for your educational needs. 6. Study leave and expenses appropriate to your requirements within the guidelines laid down by the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Signed ………………………………………………………. (on behalf of the Health Board) In return the Health Board expects you to honour the following: 7. Participate in the formulation and implementation of your educational plan. 8. Give educational and counselling sessions with your educational supervisor a high priority and be punctual in your attendance. If you are unable to take part in a planned session, notify your educational supervisor as early as possible. 9. If you have any problems then do seek the help of your educational supervisor, Postgraduate Organiser or Royal College Tutor. 10. Complete your own educational plan in discussion with your educational supervisor and within the available resources. 11. Give adequate notice (at least 6 weeks) of all study leave so that cover can be organised here necessary and financial approval confirmed. 12 Remember that your departmental Colleagues have similar educational requirements. Make sure that your own educational plan integrates with those of your colleagues. Please sign and return this copy. Education Supervisor ………………………. Signed ………………………………............. . Please print name…………………………… Department …………………………............. 6