9th February 2010


Hoole St Michael CE Primary School

Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5JQ

Telephone/Fax: 01772 613219

Email: head@hoole.lancs.sch.uk

Website: www.hoole.lancs.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mrs J Duckworth B.Ed(Hons)

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs C Jackson B.A (Hons)

23 rd April 2014

To the parents of Harrison Christopher Coomer

Dear Parents

On behalf of the staff, governors and most importantly our children, I wish to offer you a very warm welcome to Hoole St Michael CE School. We are delighted that Harrison will start as one of the children admitted to our

Reception Class in September 2014. Some of our new reception are younger siblings of children already in school and some are from new families that we are welcoming for the very first time.


Induction Meeting: Tuesday 13 th May 2014 at 6pm

There will be a meeting for parents of new starters to outline induction arrangements in greater detail and also to provide you with further information about our school. You will also get the opportunity to meet the key staff members who will be working with Harrison during his first year in school. Representatives from

Kids’ Club (before and after school club) and our PTFA will also be there to answer questions, plus you will be given the opportunity to sample some of our school dinners! Please try and come along. If you are unable to attend, please contact school via the reply slip below and an information pack will be sent to you.

Taster Sessions

In order to prepare Harrison for life in school and a comfortable September start, we would like to invite him to attend some taster sessions. The dates for these sessions are as follows:

Wednesday 11 th June 2014 1.30pm - 3pm Parents invited

Wednesday 18 th June 2014 1.30pm - 3pm

Wednesday 25 th June 2014 1.30pm - 3pm

Wednesday 2 nd July 2014 1.30pm - 3pm

Wednesday 9 th June 2014 1.30pm - 3pm

Throughout the first session on Wednesday 11 th June, you are invited to remain with Harrison in a ‘stay and play’ session. During all other sessions, Harrison can be left with the class teacher (Mrs Lever) and teaching assistant (Mrs Patel). Each session ends at 3pm, but from 2.45pm each week, Mrs Lever will lead a ‘story and rhyme’ time. You are invited to join Harrison for ‘story and rhyme’ each week. Please do not bring Harrison earlier than 1.30pm as we will still be registering our current reception class and organising our current children into their new classes throughout the school.

Mrs Lever would like to meet with Harrison prior to the first taster session on Wednesday 11 th June. Please can you complete and return the attached form to indicate whether you would prefer a home visit or for Mrs

Lever to visit Harrison in his nursery setting. Once we have your response we will make the appropriate arrangements.

Starting in September 2014

Over the last few years, our Reception children have been gradually integrated into school over a period of three weeks and this arrangement has worked very successfully. As such, we will be offering the same period of induction this year. School opens on Thursday 4 th September 2014 with Reception children starting along with the rest of the school. The induction dates are as follows:

 Week 1: Thursday 4 th September 2014 all day

Week 2:

Friday 5 th September 2014 all day

Monday 8 th September 2014

Tuesday 9 th September 2014 all day all day

Wednesday 10 th September 2014 all day

Week 3: Monday 15 th September 2014

Tuesday 16 th September 2014 all day all day

Wednesday 17 th September 2014 all day

Thursday 18 th September 2014 all day

Week 4: Full time attendance from Monday 22 nd September 2014

During week 1, Harrison can arrive at school and come into class any time between 8.45am and 9.30am to ease his transition into full time school. From week 2 onwards, Harrison (as with all pupils in school) can come into class any time between 8.45am and 8.55am (the start of the school day).

Please can I also direct those of you with internet access to our school website www.hoole.lancs.sch.uk

Our website contains further information including up to date news and notices, and a link to our most recent OFSTED report (March 2012) which judged us to be a good school. If you wish to contact school, you may of course phone at anytime. You can also contact the headteacher using the e-mail address listed at the beginning of the letter.

Ms Barlow, our school business officer, is also contactable via the school details above and also by e-mail bursar@hoole.lancs.sch.uk


We would also like to invite you to our PTFA Summer Fair during the afternoon of Saturday 28 th June; lots of fun activities will be taking place and it will give you the opportunity for you and your family to meet the children and staff of Hoole St Michael.

We are also holding a school Sports’ Day on Monday 30 th June (pm) with a reserve Sports’ Day should there be rain, on Tuesday 1 st July. If you wish, you can come along so that Harrison can take part in a new starters’ race!

Finally, may I take opportunity to say how much I am looking forward to working in partnership with you over the next few years; ensuring that Harrison will enjoy, achieve and flourish during his time with us.

Please complete and return the attached form plus the enclosed forms, together with Harrison’s birth certificate. I look forward to meeting you on the 13 th May.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs J Duckworth


Hoole St Michael CE Primary School

Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5JQ

Telephone/Fax: 01772 613219

Email: head@hoole.lancs.sch.uk

Website: www.hoole.lancs.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mrs J Duckworth B.Ed(Hons)

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs C Jackson B.A (Hons)


Induction Arrangements for our reception class 2014/15

Name of child:

Name of Nursery



Nursery Address ___________________________________________

Nursery Telephone number ___________________________________________

Please tick one of the following two options:

I/We are able to attend the Induction Meeting on 13 th May at 6pm.

I/We are unable to attend the Induction Meeting on 13 th May at 6pm and would like to receive the information pack by post.

Please tick one of the following two options:


I/We would prefer a home visit from Mrs Lever and Mrs Patel

Home Telephone number/mobile _____________________________________

Please select from the following dates and times for a home visit

(Morning visits between 9am and 12; Afternoon visits between 1.15pm and 3.15pm)

Monday 2 nd June:

Tuesday 3 rd June:

Wednesday 4 th June:








I/We would prefer Mrs Lever to visit my child in their nursery setting.

Signed: _______________________________ Date:_____________________
