9/13 Lesson Plan - Kent School District

Advisory Lesson Plan
Grade 9
September 13, 2007
Theme: Building School Community and Getting Involved
Essential Question: What makes a good community?
Materials Needed:
- Smart Board Bubble Map Template (T:\All Staff\Workspace\07-08
Advisory\9th grade advisory lesson plans\1-September)
- ROYALS Community Bingo
- KM Promo Video (T:\All Staff\Workspace\07-08 Advisory\9th grade
advisory lesson plans\1-September)
-KM fall sports info/ KM activities and clubs -----In Planner
Guiding Questions:
What is a community?
What do communities need?
How can you contribute to your community?
The purpose of this lesson is to create a strong foundation upon which to build classroom
culture and community. Students will learn how to work together as an effective team,
how to take responsibility for their own actions and help others, and how to apply these
skills inside and outside of the classroom.
1) Using the Smart Board build a bubble map starting with the word community. Have
students discuss the term and its meaning at KM and how it can be helpful to them.
2) Break your advisory into 4 groups and assign a secretary and group leader for each
group. Have the groups answer the following questions:
 What do communities need?
 What are some rules school communities have that help students achieve success?
 What do members of school communities have in common?
 What are members of communities responsible for?
3) Bring the groups back together as a whole and discuss definitions and contributions
from the bubble map and from small group discussions. (Talk about the fact that
communities can be neighborhoods, churches, schools, classrooms, friends at work. List
similarities between different types of communities to develop a list of community
characteristics. For example: people that feel they have something in common, work
together, have similar needs, etc. Talk about how a classroom can be a community. What
might they all have in common?)
4) Play the ROYAL Community Bingo Game to help student find what they have in
common with each other and what activities and sports they are interested in. Students
need to fill in the blanks and call out ROYALS when they have completed a row.
Students who get correct answers in a spaced associated with their “ROYAL row” get
extra points.
5) Play the KM Promo Video (T:\All Staff\Workspace\07-08 Advisory\9th grade
advisory lesson plans\1-September)
6) Information about fall Sports and Activities at KM. Planner page 4.
- Master ASB Schedule- attached
Bingo Card--- Scroll down to next page
Find a student born in
the same month as
you write their name
Find someone who
has your math
teacher, write their
Find someone who
can define
“community service”
Find someone who
went camping this
last summer. write
their name
Find someone who is
good in English,
write their name
Find someone who
can fill in the blank
with the correct job
title: “Mr. Wheeler is
KM’s (__________)”
Find someone who is
good science, write
their name
Find someone who
eats sushi, write their
Find someone who
can tell you their
counselor’s name,
write their name
Find someone who
participates in a fall
sport, write their
name (_________)
Find someone with
your same eye color,
write their name
Find someone who
speaks more than one
language, write their
name (_________)
Find someone who is
in music classes,
write their name
Find someone who
knows who knows the
KM mascot’s name,
write the mascots
name (_________)
Find someone who is
good in math, write
their name
Find someone who
can tell you the grade
requirement for sports
participation, write
the answer
Find someone who
knows a resource for
academic help, write
the resource
Find someone one
who has lived in
another country, write
their name
Find someone who
can fill in the blank
with the correct job
title: “Dr. Barringer is
KM’s( ________)”
Find someone who
has your English
teacher, write their
name (_________)
Find someone who
wears the same size
shoes you do, write
their name
Find someone who is
taking a world
language, write their
Find someone who
knows KM School
colors Write them
Find someone who
knows where tech
academy classes are,
Where are they?
Find Someone who
knows that Name of
KM’s Dance Team
write it down
Find someone who
knows where the
student store is?
Write it down
Find someone who is
in the Tech Academy
write their name.
Find someone who
participates in a KM
club, write the name
of the club.
Find someone who
knows, the name of
the group devoted to
freshman activities?
Find someone who
knows how many
lunches you can
attend at KM, Write
the number
Who do you say
“Help me” in
Find someone who
knows the ingredients
for “Borch” Write
them down
Find someone who
plans to go to a 4 year
college after
graduating HS, write
their name
Find someone who
know who to ask for
help with the e-folio,
Who is that person
Find someone who
knows the answer:
True or False Does
KM provider a
catering service?
Find someone who
can tell you the # of
credits required for
graduation, write the
amt (_________)