Velmead Junior School Velmead Road, Fleet GU52 7LG Tel: 01252 628704 ‘Excellence with Care’ Deputy Headteacher Appointment Group 3 NOR 350 Salary Range L8 – L12 Velmead Junior School ‘Excellence with Care’ MISSION The purpose of Velmead Junior School is to provide high quality education and care for the children of the community. AIMS It is our aim that all members of the school community should: actively encourage and expect the highest standards of teaching, learning and social interaction for every child; work in partnership with parents and the community, deploying resources effectively; care for others while taking full responsibility for achieving excellence. Velmead thrives on our TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More approach to all aspects of learning and personal development. VALUES AND PHILOSOPHY At Velmead we feel that children learn best when: the quality of relationships is good and children are happy and secure. they know they are respected and valued for who they are. the best quality teachers, materials and resources are employed. teaching is purposeful and focussed, meeting individual needs. teachers and parents work in partnership and mutual support. learning is underpinned by strong spiritual and moral values. learning is set within a framework of good discipline. expectations and standards are high in order to achieve excellence. they have many and varied opportunities to explore and extend their physical skills and abilities, in order to stimulate intellectual activity. concepts, knowledge and skills are taught within meaningful contexts. learning is enjoyable because it includes first hand, creative and practical experiences, within a stimulating environment. they have opportunities to collaborate with others. they are encouraged to investigate and think for themselves, developing independence they take responsibility for their learning outcomes. The following values have been adopted by the school as our core values: Nurture, Trust, Respect, Achievement, Enjoyment, Inclusion and Loyalty LOCATION Fleet is a prosperous commuter town, close to junction 4a of the M3 motorway. It lies adjacent to the borders of both Surrey and Berkshire and enjoys the benefits of excellent rail links to central London, whilst still maintaining a country town atmosphere. Fleet has a strong community spirit, good local shops, a sports centre and two excellent secondary schools. Velmead Junior School was opened on 19 November 1973 and is maintained by Hampshire Education Authority as a Community school. It is an extensive site set in attractive wood and natural heathland surroundings on the eastern edge of Fleet, adjacent to Fleet Infant School with whom we enjoy an excellent working relationship. SCHOOL ORGANISATION The school learning areas are divided into three sections or modules, accessed via the central and administrative areas of the school. This central area includes the hall, library, music studio and offices. The modules – Chestnuts, Pines and Oaks – each contain four classrooms and a central, open shared resource area. There is a Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 class in each module with an average class size of up to 32. These are all single year, mixed ability classes. The teaching time at Velmead is 23.5 hours a week excluding daily acts of worship, breaks and registration. Children enter school from 8.35 for the 8.45 start to the day which ends at 3.20. The daily sessions are:Morning 8.45 – 12.10 Afternoon 1.10 – 3.20 THE CHILDREN Children at Velmead are confident, articulate and talented, whilst at the same time well behaved, polite and caring. We have an active Pupil Council which has contributed to a variety of developments in the school, including a recent revision of our reward system and improvements to the school grounds. Pupils have also made significant contributions towards gaining many awards for the school. The children are seeking a Deputy Headteacher who is approachable, lively and is actively involved in their learning and development. THE STAFF Each class has a full-time equivalent teacher; in some classes this includes a teacher ‘job share.’ Teachers work in year group teams of 3, led by a Year Leader who takes responsibility for leading planning and improving standards. The Senior Management Team is comprised of the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher, SENCO and the four Year leaders; our Senior Admin Officer joins the start of these meetings. We have a team of 15 full and part time Teaching Assistants. There is also a part time Technician, full time Senior Admin Officer, full time Admin Assistant, part time Clerical Assistant, part time Librarian, two part time ‘extra-curricular music’ teachers and a full time Facilities Supervisor. PPA cover is provided through a combination of the use of Teaching Assistants and French lessons delivered by a specialist teacher. Healthy school meals are cooked on site by staff employed by a catering company, who work very closely with school staff. THE GOVERNING BODY We have a very supportive governing body of 18 governors, who take a lively interest in the school and its activities. Each governor has a place on one or more of the three main committees – Curriculum and Standards, Personnel and Resources. Every effort is made by the governing body to support the healthy work-life balance of the staff. THE CURRICULUM We cover the National Curriculum thoroughly and enrich it with a wide variety of practical and first-hand activities. Our fabulous and well-developed school grounds are used for both recreation and curriculum purposes. We manage a piece of wet heathland – a habitat more scarce than rainforest. Children are encouraged to learn a wide range of musical instruments taught by peripatetic staff during the school day. In addition, the school is committed to providing a wide range of extracurricular music activities, including an ensemble, choir and recorder group. Sport in a variety of contexts has a high profile within the school, both within and after the end of the school day. THE PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION The school is well supported by an active and talented Parents’ Association who regularly raise over £9,000 per year through a range of family centred activities, including Christmas and Summer Fairs. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT We take an active part in many aspects of community life, such as entering a float in the Fleet Carnival and entering the Rotary Club charity Pancake Race for example.We have close relations with a number of local churches and also with environmental rangers who help us with our heathland. Our sports teams regularly compete against local schools. OUR WEBSITE This has a vast amount of information about our school and its community, Including of course our recent OFSTED report; information about our success in SATs can be accessed on the DfE ‘Performance Tables.’ HAMPSHIRE LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY Hampshire LEA is a large authority with county offices in Winchester. It has strong networks that support and encourage quality and high standards across the curriculum. Fleet belongs to East Hampshire with offices in Alton. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Candidates should fully complete the application forms and return them by 12.00 Midday on 24th April 2014 to the School. You are advised to provide a statement in support of your application that should not restate the details you have supplied elsewhere on the application form. It can be typed or hand written and should explain how your experience has helped prepare you for the post of deputy headteacher, with particular reference to the expectations stated in the enclosed Job and Person Specifications. Applicants are warmly encouraged to visit the school. To arrange a visit, please contact the school office on 01252 628704 or by email to