Morning session: 3 hours 10 minutes - Introduction to ICD-10

Morning session: 3 hours
10 minutes - Introduction to ICD-10-CM and Guidelines
20 minutes - A review of the key coding conventions for the ICD-10-CM and differences between iCD-9
and ICD-10
2 ½ hours - Diagnosis coding in ICD-10 by body part – at least one condition will be covered from the list
below; 5 to 10 minutes will be spent on each area.
Head and face
Neck & throat
Systemic conditions
Mental conditions
Sample ICD-10-CM books will be available for small group coding. Attendees will perform code look-up
and share their findings.
Sample ICD-10-CM discussion:
Head and face
Mucormycosis – any mycosis is a fungal infection. What is it?
Mucormycosis is an aggressive and life threatening disease caused by common fungi found it the soil. It
eats away at blood vessels, bones, and tissue of the face and head, including the roof of the mouth,
nostrils, eye sockets, and brain. Patients with underlying immune system disorders, cancer, or
uncontrolled diabetes are at risk.
Symptoms? These include face or eye pain, bulging eyes, black nasal discharge, a bloody cough, and
vision loss.
Specialists? Infectious disease, neurology, and/or an otolaryngologist
Treatment? Treatment by surgical debridement (removal) of dead or infected tissue. The patient might
also received IV antifungal medication.
Group participation - Let’s code it! Our murcormycosis codes to B46.5 if unspecified.
It could also be described as:
Pulmonary is B46.0
Rhinocerebral is B46.1
Cutaneous, skin, or subcutaneous which all codes to B46.3
It can also be disseminated or generalized as in B46.4
Attendees will be lead in further discussion about chapter 1 and chapter 1 specific coding guidelines.
A similar format will be used for all of the body areas/organ systems listed above.
Break for lunch
Afternoon session: 3 hours
Procedural coding in ICD-10
30 minutes - A review of the coding conventions for the ICD-10-CM, with emphasis on procedure root
Sample ICD-10-CM books will be available for small group coding. Attendees will perform code look-up
and share their findings.
Sample ICD-10-PCS discussion: 5 to 10 minutes will be spent on each root operation
Head and face
For our Murcormycosis, you might remember that we had treatment by surgical debridement (removal)
of dead or infected tissue. The patient might also received IV antifungal medication. Let’s code it!
Say our patient needs debridement of the skin of the face.
Discussion: what is the correct root operation? It will depend on the method of debridement! If it is by
laser, we would use destruction as our root word.
Group participation:
0H51 Skin, Face >
0H51X External >
0H51XZ No Device >
0H51XZD Destruction of Face Skin, Multiple, External Approach
0H51XZZ Destruction of Face Skin, External Approach
Other possible treatment options lead to other similar codes – the 3rd character is different but our
other characters are the same.
Excision of Face Skin, External Approach 0HB1XZZ
Repair? Repair Face Skin, External Approach 0HQ1XZZ
Remember the difference between EXCISION AND RESECTION
Excision is cutting off without replacement part of organ
Resection is cutting off without replacement all of organ
Each root operation will be reviewed in a similar manner using conditions from the ICD-9-CM discussed
in the morning session.