Child Protection Policy

Named personnel with designated responsibility for Child Protection
P Gaskell
P Gaskell
P Gaskell
J Tiffany
J Tiffany
J Tiffany
S Livesey
S Livesey
A Farquharson
Mr M Pitts
Mr M Pitts
Mr M Pitts
Policy Review Dates (to be reviewed annually and discussed with staff)
Review Date
Jan 2006
Nov 2007
May 2009
April 2010
Changes made
see policy
See policy
See policy
See policy
By Whom
P Gaskell
P Gaskell
P Gaskell
P Gaskell
Date shared with staff
Sept 2009
Dates of Staff Training and details of course title and training provider
10 Jan 2006 *
16 May 2006 *
Course Title
Child Protection
Child Protection for
Designated Person
Child Protection for
Designated Person
Pete Roberts LEA
Pete Roberts LEA
Staff Involved
All Staff
P Gaskell
Pete Roberts LEA
P Gaskell
P Gaskell
All Staff
P Gaskell
All staff inc (inc
P Gaskell
All staff
Farquharson, Mary
Grunwell, Alan Hill
March 2008
April 2008
March 2009
Sept 2009
Looked after Children
Update of policy
Social Services
P Gaskell
March 2010
March 2010
March 2010
Child Protection
Child Protection
Child Protection
Pam Gaskell
Pam Gaskell
2 Day training inter-agency update every 2 years.
Child Protection Policy
Lindhead School places the protection of children in its care as one of its major
priorities and responsibilities. We are committed to the safety and well being of our
pupils. Accordingly we will: follow the Area Child Protection Committee’s guidelines;
always refer to Social Services Department when appropriate; work together with
other agencies to protect the children of the school, attend and provide reports for
Child Protection conferences and contribute where appropriate to any Child
Protection Plan.
“persistent or severe neglect…or failure to protect a child from exposure to
any danger, or extreme failure to carry out important aspects of care, resulting
in the significant impairment of the child’s health or development, including
non-organic failure to thrive”
Physical Abuse
“actual or likely physical injury…or failure to prevent physical injury or
Sexual Abuse
“actual or likely sexual exploitation of a child or adolescent. The child may be
dependent and/or development immature”
Emotional Abuse
“actual or likely severe adverse effect on the emotional and behavioural
development of a child caused by persistent or severe emotional ill-treatment
or rejection. All abuse involves some emotional ill treatment. This category
should be used where it is the main or sole form of abuse”
Note that these categories may overlap.
Lindhead School recognises and accepts that teachers, along with other adults
associated with the school, because of their unique position, are well placed to
observe children and note any emotional, behavioural or physical signs which may
be suggested of child abuse. It recognises that the relationship between teachers
and pupils, which fosters respect, confidence and trust can lead to the disclosure of
Recognising the necessity and nature of good relationships with parents of children
in its care and attempting to preserve these wherever possible. The school,
however, acknowledges that the child’s protection is paramount.
The designated teacher will undertake regular child protection training. All staff will
complete Level 1 Basic Child Protection training (on-line) and DSP will keep a record
of this.
In order to prepare staff for their responsibility in relation to the protection of children,
staff have received basic child protection awareness training by DSP. The school
stresses the availability of the support networks which exist within school, as outlined
in the school’s procedures for staff. Advice and support is also available from the
Education Social Work Service.
Where an allegation is made against any person working in or behalf of the school
that he or she has:
a) behaved in a way that has harmed or may have harmed a child.
b) Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child or
c) Has behaved towards a child or children that indicates that he or she is
unsuitable to work with children.
We will apply the same principles as in the rest of this document. We will always
follow NYCSB procedures –
Child Protection – Procedures
1. Any concerns, however minor, about a child’s physical or mental condition
should be noted in the PSHE record. This will be checked regularly and shared
with others on a ‘need to know’ basis. Teaching Assistants should inform a
classteacher. MSAs should inform the Senior MSA. All other adults must inform
the Designated teacher or Headteacher.
2. If these concerns continue, or if there is a more serious incident, then the adult
involved must inform the Designated teacher (Mrs P Gaskell) or the
Headteacher in writing, using the appropriate form (attached). This information
will be kept in a locked filing cabinet.
3. The Headteacher/Designated teacher will then make the decision whether to
involve outside agencies.
Review Date – Annually (summer term)
Relevant Policies:
Equal Opportunities
Anti Bullying
Meeting Medical Needs
Health and Safety
Useful Contact Numbers:
Lead LEA Officers
01723 508458/07715540739
Education Social Work Service
01723 508460
Education Personnel
01609 533322
Social Care
08459 501555
0845 0349410
Children and Families
01723 508117
01723 364701
01723 380000
01723 373891
Central Database
01609 774298
I. Attendance register of stakeholders attending Child Protection Update.
II. Roles and Responsibilities of Governing Body/Headteacher/Designated
III. Safer Recruitment and Selection.
IV. Disclosure Monitoring Form.
List of Staff
Mrs J Tiffany
Mrs J Hartley
Mrs S Foster
Mrs C Grimmett
Mrs G Hardwick
Mrs P Gaskell
Mrs R Thompson
Mr N Wrigley
Mrs M Parkins
Mrs P Jackson
Mrs J Brown
Mrs H Jackson
Mrs A Henderson
Mrs L Maddison
Mrs T Atkin
Mrs J Miller
Mrs F Yates
Mrs J Arnold
Mrs C I’Anson
Mrs K Murray
Mrs A Thompson
Mrs L Muldowney
Mrs D Arey
Mrs R Sweetlove
Mrs M Pritchard
Mrs A Cooper
Mr A Oxley
Mr D Oxley
Date Read