Letters To Parents 27th February

Great Kimble C of E Infant School
Dear Parents
Church Lane
Great Kimble
Nr. Aylesbury
Bucks. HP17 9TH
Telephone / Fax 01844 346189
E Mail office@greatkimble.bucks.sch.uk
Headteacher Mrs G Harrington
27th February, 2015
Special Week
This coming week we are holding a special Literacy week to celebrate all the wonderful literature that
enriches our lives. This will coincide with World Book Day on Thursday 5 th March. In Reception we have
chosen a focus on Space, using the storytelling method to share and write Whatever Next, and also
enjoying a range of books including Aliens In Underpants, Q Pootle, The Blue Balloon to name but a few.
In recent years the children have asked to dress up on World Book Day, so in Reception please can you
encourage them to come dressed as an alien, an astronaut or a character from a book that fits in with
our space topic. Please do not feel obliged to spend hours of time or money on a costume - improvisation
including a headband made of cardboard will suffice!
Year One pupils will spend the week enjoying the stories of Julia Donaldson, including Room on a Broom,
The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s child, Tabby McTatt, Sharing a Shell, Stickman and many, many more.
Again on the Thursday of World Book Day we are hoping that your child will come to school dressed as a
character from one of her books.
Mrs Roberts has asked that the Year Two pupils come to school dressed as their favourite character
from their favourite book. They will need to bring the book into school on the Thursday, and be ready to
talk to the rest of the class about the story, the character and why they like it better than any other
At the end of World Book Day your child will bring home a £1.00 book token. There are a number of
books written costing £1.00 that are on sale in local shops: alternatively you can put the £1.00 towards
a different book of your child’s choice.
Head Lice
It is always tricky to ensure that the school is free from head lice, especially with so many siblings at
other pre-schools and junior schools! We have been advised that a child has been treated for head lice
this week. It would be INCREDIBLY helpful if every family checked their child’s hair this week-end
please and treat if necessary: thank you.
We are taking a team of Year One & Two boys and girls to Haddenham Junior School on Monday
afternoon to participate in the HASSP Cross Country Competition. We are delighted to take them out
for the afternoon, as competitions contribute towards children recognising the importance of regular,
physical activity; they have to try hard at activities they find physically and emotionally challenging; it
is a further opportunity for them to treat others with respect and they learn to recognise and applaud
A member of the Risborough Liaison Group
the achievements of others, regardless of how this compares with their own. For many children
competing out of school gives them a pride in themselves, appreciating that a ‘can-do’ attitude is a really
positive attitude for life. The school is very grateful to the following parents for helping with
transport on this occasion:
Mrs Johnson, Mrs Caffrey, Mrs Watkins, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Norie, Mrs Usher & Mrs Walsh.
Timings are: collection from Great Kimble: 12.50 PROMPT.
Races start 1.15pm.
Children will be brought back to school for 3.10pm.
If your child is running they MUST have trainers in school for Monday. If your child is being
transported by another family, please could I ask you to send in a NAMED car seat. Thank you.
The Speen Cross Country competition has been rescheduled for THURSDAY 23rd April, so letters for
that will come out before the end of term.
Dance Festival: Monday 9th March and Thursday 12th March
The families of those children participating in this dance festival will find a separate paper letter in
their child’s book bag tonight, plus a form to be returned to our school office for tickets. If you have
any queries please see Mrs Harrington
Basketball Competition at Princes Risborough
A team of 8 pupils have been invited to join a Basketball competition at Princes Risborough School on
Tuesday 17th March. The children will need to arrive at Princes Risborough School for 12.45pm for a
1.00pm start. I am just waiting confirmation as to whether this is solely an invite for Year 2 pupils, or
for Year One as well. We will send out letters regarding this, asking for support with lifts to and from
the venue, as soon as we can.
Clubs next term
I am delighted to inform you that Mrs Cole (Issy & Oscar’s mum) has offered to run a Recorder Club in
the Summer Term. This will take place on a Thursday after-school – forms will be sent out later. The
maximum number of pupils who can participate in this club is 8. All pupils will need a specific recorder,
the Aulos 205A (Black and white) recorder. The school intends to purchase these in advance: when the
form for recorder club comes out the cost of the club will include the purchase of this recorder for
your child. The school already has the music books that each child will need for this club. We are very
grateful to parents who volunteer their talents in this way – if you would like to run a club and share
your talent with our pupils please do come and speak to Mrs Harrington.
Sainsbury vouchers
We are now collecting the Sainsburys vouchers. Vouchers can be posted into the collection box by the
front office.
Mothering Sunday Service at St Nicholas’ Church
There will be a special service on Sunday 15th March at 10.45 at St Nicholas’ Church. Reverend
Henderson would be delighted if one or two children would say some special prayers (that will be
provided by Reverend Henderson). If your child would like to participate in this celebration of mothers,
please will you contact Jan on 01296 612855. Thank you.
With kind regards
Gillian Harrington