State of Israel Board of Education The Department for Rural Education, Boarding Schools and Youth Aliya Villages REED – Rural English Education Department Summer 2010 In-service Conference at Mevuot Hayam Tuesday June 22 & Wednesday June 23 Full participation (both days) - 14 hours towards gmul There is a fee of 10 shekels for each day Day 1 08:30 – 09:30 09:30 – 09:45 09:45 – 10:45 Registration Dr. Avi Tsur : ~ LOTS of HOTS – so what's new?? Plenary 1: Dr. Judy Steiner / Dr. Judy Steiner / Chief Inspector for English Language Education: Open Discussion about the Literature Program 10:45 – 12:00 Plenary 2: Aharona Gvaryahu ~ 12:00 – 12:20 BREAK 12:20 – 13:20 Plenary 3: Dr. Debbie Lifshitz ~ LOTS and Breaking down Texts 13:20 – 14:00 LUNCH 14:00 – 15:30 Plenary 3: Adele & Avi ~ REED + Webcasts 2 Hashlosha Street Tel Aviv 61090 Tel.:(03) 689-8794 Fax: (03) 689-8840 website: REED State of Israel Board of Education The Department for Rural Education, Boarding Schools and Youth Aliya Villages REED – Rural English Education Department Day 2 09:00 – 09:30 Registration + BOOK EXHIBITION (exhibition will continue until lunchtime) 09:30 – 09:45 "Bokker Tov" ~ Avi 09:45 – 11:15 Higher Order Thinking Skills in other domains, for all levels. Adele Three easy steps to teaching higher order thinking skills. Using reflection as an effective tool in your EFL Classroom not only for literature The Meitzav - benefits, liabilities and challenges Aviva Diane Judie Guest speaker Dr. Melodie Rozenfeld 1130 – 13:00 Teaching and Relating to Individual Differences In this workshop, participants will be actively engaged with a very useful tool for helping teachers address learning differences in their EFL classrooms. Participants will first learn about themselves and then apply the Triarchic Abilities Model with English material. Teachers who use the Triarchic Model have reported that far more pupils succeed in their EFL classes. 12:45 – 13:30 13:30 – 15:00 Lunch Higher Order Thinking Skills in other domains, for all levels. Adele Three easy steps to teaching higher order thinking skills. Judie LOGS – What to do and what NOT to do.. and why to do a LOG ! Aviva 2 Hashlosha Street Tel Aviv 61090 Tel.:(03) 689-8794 Fax: (03) 689-8840 website: REED The 3 pointers' projects can be HOT(s), too! Pircha