A November 1983 Miami Herald article reported: "I feel 1 have a

A November 1983 Miami Herald article reported: "I feel 1 have a very strong identification with the
Cuban revolution" she said. But she added that this does not preclude her from regarding herself as a good American. "I
would never consider myself a traitor to the United States,” she said.
The Herald also reported:
Reed made these remarks in Havana, after having been feted, along with 700 Cuban
construction workers, soldiers, and diplomatic staff who returned to Cuba as "heroes of
the revolution" for having opposed the US invasion of Grenada.
Reed told the Herald she met her future husband there [in Cuba]. She believed him to be
a Ministry of Foreign Affairs official working with the Venceremos Brigades.
Returning to the US, she enrolled at the University of Illinois and became a member of
the leftist group, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Reed became closer with Torres when he was assigned to the CMUN. By then, Reed
was studying at Columbia University in New York.
In 1978, when Torres's CMUN assignment ended, the couple returned to Cuba and
Reed “used to work for the weekly English-language version of Granma, the official
organ of Cuba's Communist Party.”
She told the paper she would now live with her husband and their three-year-old son at
the couple's three-bedroom apartment in Alamar, a suburban Havana apartment complex
Andres Oppenheimer’s entire article is at http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/grenada/reed.pdf
The bio of Gail A. Reed at The Grenada Revolution Online provided these salient points:
“Ambassador to Grenada Julián Rizo's wife Gail Reed, a journalist and writer for the
Cuban publication GRANMA, arrived in Grenada during August 1979.”
“Before Bishop's tour of the US in 1983, Gail Reed wrote to Maurice Bishop on tactics to
use with the U.S. press. Reed suggested Bishop liaison with Sanchez Parodi of the Cuban
Interest Section in Washington.”
o Note: The first chief of the Cuban Interests Section was Ramon Sanchez-Parodi.
This career intelligence officer subsequently served in Washington for 12
consecutive years.
“She is a contributor to the New York City-based organization publishing Cuba Update.”
o Note: This publication is produced by the Center for Cuban Studies, a former
“home-away-from-home” for her ex-husband.
See the full report: http://www.thegrenadarevolutiononline.com/gailreed.html
And these interesting tidbits on Gail Reed’s ex-husband from Accuracy in Academia:
“…veteran government investigator Herb Romerstein offers an interesting insight.
Romerstein’s decades of government service culminated with a stint as an expert on
Soviet forgeries at the U. S. Information Agency in the 1980s.
o “A group of the Weathermen went down to Cuba in the so-called Venceremos
Brigade, and some of them received training in terrorist activities,” Romerstein
has stated. “One of their instructors was named Julian Torres-Rizo.”
o “Rizo was an officer of the Cuban DGI, the intelligence service. He was assigned
to work with the young Americans who were coming down ostensibly to cut
sugar cane.”
o “They were really coming down for training. And we have one of Rizo’s speeches
in which he says, ‘You come from a society that must be destroyed. It’s your job
to destroy your society.’”
See the full report: http://www.academia.org/tenured-weathermen/
Or from the Julián Enrique Torres Rizo bio at The Grenada Revolution Online