St John the Evangelist Church, Hook Annual Report And Financial Statement For the year ended 31st December 2013 St. John’s Church London Road Hook Hants RG27 9EG 01256 760169 Final Version 1 Page Final Version Contents 3 Annual Rector’s Report 5 Annual Church Wardens’ Report 11 Vision 2013 and Vision 2013 Teams 14 Other Groups and Activities 16 Finance Report 19 Independent Examiner’s Report 2 Annual Rector’s Report One of the most important events in the life of this Diocese (and yes! we are part of the Diocese of Winchester) was the Diocesan Conference at Swanwick early last autumn. The outcome was four strategic points which will, please God, enable all of us to become a more Mission focused Church reaching out to all who live in these parishes and beyond. This is not an entirely new initiative; I remember a similar vision being adopted by the Diocese of Gloucester entitled Mission and Ministry. One starting point might be to examine our own vocation – What is God calling me to do? Followed by, Which Ministry will equip us for Mission? ‘Sharing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ with all whom we meet.’ I firmly believe that all things must be undergirded by prayer………… Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified, hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. The year 2013 was marked with joys and sorrows as the Parish Families began to prepare for the forthcoming vacancy commencing in the Spring of 2014. St John’s Church celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of the dedication of the church in 1938. It was a joy to welcome Bishop Tim to preach and celebrate at the Festival Eucharist in June. Whilst Bishop Tim was with us I asked if he would sign the entrance to the church with the bishop’s mark of dedication (three crosses to show that the building had received the Trinitarian dedication) – something that was not recorded on the twentieth of June 1938. On the Feast of Pentecost we welcomed Bishop John Ellison to conduct a service of Confirmation in Rotherwick Church. The first occasion in living memory that a Confirmation service had taken place there. Lydia, Penelope, Raymond, Cheryl and Marcus were the candidates presented for Confirmation. I have thought of Confirmation as being the Ordination of the Laity; to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to enable them to live the Gospel of Christ. It is also a joy to witness members of our Parish Families growing in Faith and seeking God’s will as they share in the Church’s ministry. The Rev Mary Ashton, who had served her Title here, was appointed as the Incumbent for the Parish of Onslow Village on the outskirts of Guildford. John Spiers was ordained Deacon and is now serving his Title in the Parishes of Eversley and Darby Green. It is a great sadness that Margaret Gray was diagnosed with cancer on her return from holiday in the spring and died during the summer. Shortly after Margaret was licensed as a Reader I told her that we must always be open to God’s call for I believe that her vocation was to serve God as a Priest. With my departure just before Lent 2014 the ministry team will have changed significantly. We need more ministers! Is God calling you to be an accredited Minister in his Church? I will keep those whom I have encouraged in my prayers. It would be remiss of me not to give thanks to God for the wonderful ministry of The Open the Book teams who faithfully lead Collective Worship in Whitewater C of E Primary School and Hook Infants School. Going forward, the burden of maintaining the pattern of services in these parishes will be shared by Jennifer, Peter and to a lesser extent by Gordon, supported by the Area Dean and visiting Ministers. I have spoken about the death of dear Margaret, who had the gift of being able to enthuse everyone she met in worship and social events. I will remember her as a fellow minister of the Gospel, a loyal friend and those spectacular Burns Suppers in Rotherwick Village Hall. Shortly after Margaret’s funeral we were all stunned by the tragic deaths of Mark Robertson (our Honorary PCC treasurer) and his close friend, Rupert Beaumont in a helicopter crash in northern Russia. Among the faithful members of our Parish Families who died during the year were Frank Fowler (Organist at St Michael’s Church, Heckfield) Mavis Driscoll (a Sunday School teacher at St John’s for over fifty years) Gillian Morgan-Brown, Andrew Watson, Eric Ryall, Doris Seymour, Ivy Jarman and Francis Hancock who had celebrated his one hundredth birthday a few months beforehand. We give thanks to God for their lives and their ministries that enriched our worship and our own lives. We pray… Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon them. Part of the Lent course this year will be focussing on ‘Growing the Church’ or, ‘Doing Mission’. I have long since advocated that it’s imperative that our Liturgy (the way we do our services) is accessible to all who come to these churches. We need to constantly review our pattern of services and learn from best practice within the Church of England. Where we have witnessed growth in recent years has been in All Age Family Praise and Messy Church. Final Version 3 Recently All Age Holy Communion has been introduced on the third Sunday each month at St John’s. We are still learning, however, the service has been well received by the majority. During the forthcoming vacancy the Archdeacon is insistent that the pattern of services is maintained and no changes introduced. During my Incumbency it has been my policy to maintain existing services and bring in new ways of ‘doing Church’, such as Messy Church. One of the changes that have occurred in recent years is the growth of our Crib Service on Christmas Eve. Many people are attending these services as ‘their’ Christmas service. How the church wardens managed to squeeze well over three hundred and fifty people into St John’s last Christmas Eve is a miracle! I have always stressed the importance of the opportunity to minister to all who approach our churches for the Occasional Offices, that is, Holy Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Funerals. It is at these times when we, as Christians, have the opportunity to share the love of God with them, to make them aware that they are welcome and we value them sharing in our worship. Many people stay briefly and then move on. Hopefully this coming Lent we can find ways through mission to hold onto to these families so that they too become members of our Parish Families. Since being Ordained Deacon at Petertide 1995 I have kept a record of the number of Occasional Offices I have conducted. Since being collated as the Incumbent of Whitewater Benefice I have officiated at 133 Baptisms, 90 weddings and 159 funerals. Our Churches maintains records of all these people – what an opportunity for Mission! In 1972 Michael Ramsey (then the Archbishop of Canterbury) wrote these words to Ordinands that he was going to ordain the following day……….. It is to a ministry like that of the Lord himself that you are called. The Gospel you preach affects the salvation of the world, and you may help your people to influence the world’s problems. But you will never be nearer to Christ than in caring for the one man, the one woman, the one child. His authority will be given to you as you do this, and his joy will be yours as well. Each one of us has a God given vocation to serve his Church using the gifts he has given to us, to his praise and to his glory. Whatever your ministry, accredited minister, church officer, musician, sacristan, teacher, cleaner, administrator, treasurer, welcome, caterer, maintenance engineer, publisher, pastoral visitor,.. who have I left out? Whatever you do for your church, you have the authority of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit that you received at your Baptism and Confirmation. May your ministries be richly blessed. With my love and prayers Peter Quinnell Final Version 4 Annual Church Wardens’ Report Statement of Aims The Parochial Church Council [PCC] is to co-operate with the Ministry in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelical, social and ecumenical. The PCC meets generally every other month with the Standing Committee and Finance Committee in alternate months. Membership Members of the PCC are either ex-officio or elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) in accordance with Church Representation Rules. Following the APCM in April 2013 the membership was made up thus; Incumbent (Rector) The Rev’d Peter Quinnell Curate The Rev’d Mary Ashton (left parish May 2013) Church Wardens Martin Rudd Sue Steele Deanery Synod Representatives David French [Treasurer] Jennifer Martin John Lambert (resigned August 2013) Elected Members Kate Blackman Shirley Clancy Stephen Davies Kim Foster Heather Lambert (resigned August 2013) Ian Kenny Carole-Anne Morris Liz Wilson [Secretary] Chrissie Bridson was Diocesan Synod representative until October 2013 when she resigned. PCC Training & Induction There is a short induction program for new PCC members. Final Version 5 Building and Fabric As Wardens we are part of the ministry of the Whitewater Benefice, we also lead in ensuring that the buildings and fabric of our wonderful church of St John’s, Hook, is kept in good order. This does take a lot of time and an ever increasing amount of money. During 2013 the one major piece of work carried out was the redecoration of the Narthex, kitchen, coffee and parlour areas as well as the office, toilets and the two stairwells. This has really made the whole place look a lot brighter and neater. There was also a lot of activity around the outside at the front of the church to make us look more welcoming and inviting. We had the front hedge trimmed to waist height, the Japanese knot weed taken out and some old fir trees that were blocking the overall view of the church removed. However, the wind also played a part, and took down a couple of trees on the right of the pathway into the church, and although replacements were planted they have still to grow. There were no other major works carried out in 2013. We finally got the two ‘buzzing’ spot lights in the front of the church sorted out and all seems quiet for the moment! We will also need to replace some of the ‘chicken wire’ in the tower (a leftover from the previous Quinquennial Inspection in 2009) to stop the pigeons roosting. For 2014 and beyond we will need to decide about new notice boards and review our projection equipment. It would be quite wrong in this report not to mention the immense pressure we are currently experiencing on our funds at St John’s in keeping the church in the forefront of God’s work in the Parish. Many people perhaps are not aware that it takes an income of some £355 per week to keep the buildings of our church open, i.e. a total of £18,500 every year. Please read our Treasurer’s Report later in this review. The Wardens are very thankful for all the help and support we receive in looking after the fabric of our church. It is always difficult to single out people who have supported the work needed, but thank you to those who have helped in keeping the church gardens looking so neat and tidy, the ‘Holy Dusters’ for their work in the church itself and to Tara Steele, whom although paid, does do a great job as our friendly cleaner. Our Benefice Office located at St John’s is busier each year and Ruth Scott does a really great job. The combined Benefice Office has bought with it vastly improved fellowship between the churches in the Benefice. We are also pleased to see that the St John's Church Centre continues to be used for cross Benefice events, such as the Lent and Alpha Courses, which in turn brings the Benefice closer together to further God’s work. As leaders in mission, our thanks must also go to our Ministry Team in the Whitewater Benefice, led by our Rector, who tirelessly proclaims God’s message to the church families and beyond. Martin Rudd & Sue Steele - Church Wardens As this report goes to print, Peter & Jean move to Gloucester and we wish them well. Committees The PCC operates through committees which meet between full meetings of the PCC, their deliberations are received by the full PCC and discussed accordingly. Standing Committee This is the only committee required by law. It has the power to transact business of the PCC between meetings, subject to any directions given by the PCC. Final Version 6 Finance Committee This oversees the general financial work of St John’s by monitoring income and expenditure, budgeting, maintaining appropriate financial controls and co-ordinating a review of Christian stewardship of money, including planned giving. Chairman: Treasurer Mission Committee This committee supports the mission work of St John’s church including Odiham Deanery and Winchester agreed mission charities. Chair: Joyce Baldock Administrative Information St John the Evangelist Church is situated on London Road, Hook. It is part of the Diocese of Winchester within the Church of England and also part of the benefice of Heckfield and Hook with Mattingley and Rotherwick. The correspondence address is: The Church Office St John’s Church London Road Hook RG27 9EG. The PCC is a charity excepted from registration with the Charity Commission. The PCC is a corporate body established by the Church of England. The PCC operates under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure. Church Attendance figures During 2013, attendance figures for key services and a representative month at St John’s were as follows: Date Easter Sunday (March 31st) October 6th October 13th October 20th October 27th Christmas Service Attendance Both services 115 Both services 82 10.00am service 34 10.00am service 33 10.00am service 55 Christingle, Crib service, Midnight Mass 607 and Christmas Day 10.00am service Electoral Roll The Electoral Roll records the names and addresses of all those who consider their spiritual home to be St John the Evangelist, Hook. It is revised every year before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and a new roll prepared every six years. 2013 was such a year and as a result a completely new record was created for St John’s. The Electoral Roll is used for a variety of purposes including parish and diocesan communications, and it also determines the number of representatives the church has on the Deanery Synod. The PCC appreciates the help and support that roll members give to St John’s through their prayers, offerings and participation in church life. Final Version 7 The relevant numbers for St John’s for 2013 and 2014 are as follows: Composition of Electoral Roll 2014 Number 2013 % Number % Men Resident in parish 30 30 Resident outside parish 6 6 Sub-total 36 37.1 36 36.4 Women Resident in parish 54 56 Resident outside parish 7 7 Sub-total Total 61 62.9 63 63.6 97 100 99 100 Between the 2013 APCM and 2014 APCM, two new names were added to the roll and four names were removed. During the twelve months two of our roll members – Mrs Glenys Mullins and Mrs Doris Seymour – sadly passed away. One member requested that their name be removed from the roll and one member left the parish and ceased to worship at St John’s. Kim Foster - Electoral Roll Officer PCC Meetings May 2013: The first meeting of the new PCC began with a Eucharist followed by the formal PCC meeting. Appointments within the PCC were confirmed. Claire Abbotts who had accepted the role of Children, Young People and Families Offer attended the first part of the meeting and discussions included Praise and Play at St John’s. The progress of planning for the 75th Anniversary of St John’s was discussed. Consideration was given to introducing a more informal Eucharist service on the third Sunday of the month, and it was decided to trial this. Following the APCM it was decided to advertise the post of a Deputy Church Warden for St John’s once a job description and résumé of the duties had been written. July 2013: The success of Festival 2013, the 75th Anniversary of St John’s church, was discussed and thanks given to Dee French and her team for organising these events. It was reported that no one had applied for the post of Deputy Church Warden. David French said he was now part of the Deanery Working Party looking at Parish Share. The kind donation in memory of Doris Seymour was discussed. Messy Church was mentioned and the need to recruit additional helpers. The pattern of 10am services at St John’s was finalised: First Sunday - All Age Non Eucharistic Worship Second Sunday - Formal Eucharist Third Sunday - All Age Communion Fourth Sunday - Formal Eucharist Fifth Sunday - Benefice Sunday in accordance to the rota with HMR September 2013: David Wilson had sent round briefing notes to the PCC on behalf of the Communications Team explaining the research he had done into providers of a new website and invited the members of both Hook and HMR PCC’s to a presentation evening demonstrating the new website and the work that he and Anna Shergold had done. After consultation it had been decided to purchase a new copy of the Gospel Book for use in the Church and a Bible for use in the Lady Chapel with the donation in memory of Doris Seymour. It was agreed to call an Additional Parish Meeting to clarify the position of length of service of a Church Warden and the recommendation for continuity during the forthcoming vacancy. The need to get the church lights fixed was highlighted and the plans to get some parts of the church building redecorated. Final Version 8 November 2013: Decorating of the Narthex, two staircases, kitchen and toilets was now complete and there had been many positive comments. It was agreed to purchase new chairs for the Parish Hall. The Communications Team reported the success of the open night regarding the proposed new website and it was decided to go utilise Church Edit and Mail Chimp, aiming to go live at the beginning of December. It will be a Benefice website and a representative from HMR joined the Communications Team. The recent break in at St John’s was discussed and quotes for repairs to the doors and door furniture were submitted. A proposal to form a new Benefice Worship Group was put forward to organise Benefice services during the vacancy. David presented the draft budget showing a shortfall due to giving going down and expenses, particularly utilities, going up. January 2014: Parish Hall chairs have been ordered and the playgroup is purchasing some new children’s chairs for the hall. The financial situation is now getting critical and so all spending over £25 needs approval. Preparations for vacancy were discussed, the Rectory will be let and in February there will be a joint PCC meeting with HMR led by the Archdeacon. There was an update on the Benefice Worship Group and the impact on services and who would cover. The plans for a Benefice Service on 2nd March were agreed, to be followed by lunch as this will be Peter’s last service. Fundraising was mentioned and the success of Hook Christmas Cracker and ideas for future fundraising projects discussed. February 2014: Extraordinary Meeting of Joint PCC’s of HMR and Hook - this meeting was convened so the Archdeacon of Winchester the Ven. Michael Harley could address both PCC’s with regard to arrangements during the forthcoming vacancy. There was an explanation of the vacancy and who would cover. Then the appointment process was explained, firstly the need for a Benefice Profile and role description which would be led by a committee of a chairman and two representatives from each PCC. Then, when the Benefice Profile is complete, another meeting with the Archdeacon and both PCC’s will set up the Appointment Panel with two representatives from each PCC. The whole process will take approximately eight months. A second meeting was held after the Archdeacon retired to appoint a chairman for the Benefice Profile Team. Richard Blackmore was proposed and he accepted this position. February 2014: An extra PCC meeting was convened instead of Standing Committee to discuss the joint PCC meeting with the Archdeacon and appoint the two Hook parish representatives to the Benefice Profile Group. Sue Steele and Brigitte Maynes were selected and both have accepted the position. It was agreed to a Suspension of Presentation for a period of five years. It was also agreed to update the benefice website with photographs of recent events and pictures of the Church Officers. March 2014: Meeting not held at time of going to press. Liz Wilson - PCC Secretary Deanery Synod Report During 2013 St John’s Church was represented at Deanery Synod by Jennifer Martin, David French and John Lambert (resigned August 2013). The Deanery Synod is a diverse partnership of Anglican Christians in the Odiham Deanery working together where Every member aims to be a growing Christian Bringing others to God A growing and inviting community Transforming own neighbourhood In the Diocese of Winchester there has been a concerted move over recent years to give more responsibility to Deanery Synods. Two of the most significant functions that deaneries are now tasked with are developing and maintaining Deanery Pastoral and Mission Plans and agreeing the allocation of Parish Share. Meetings in 2013 have been interesting and varied, the agenda for each meeting is set by a Standing Committee made up of representatives from several churches. Final Version 9 Main items covered this year have been: Messy Church presentation, several churches in the deanery are undertaking this work The work of Christian Aid Finance - where the Parish Share goes Mission - which Missions are supported by churches The Diocesan Conference Open the Book and the work of the Mothers Union both nationally and Internationally For 2014 the expectation will be looking at the Deanery Pastoral Plans and continuing to fulfil the aims. Jennifer Martin - Deanery Synod Representative The Ministry Team The Ministry Team in 2013 for the Whitewater Benefice consisted of: the Revd Peter Quinnell Rector (Full Time and has a stipend), the Revd Peter Hewlett Smith (Non Stipendiary priest), Gordon Crowder (Reader Emeritus), Jennifer Martin (Licensed Reader) and Jonathan Bushman (Reader - Living and working abroad). We give thanks for the life and Ministry of Margaret Gray who died in the summer, her passing is a great loss to the benefice. A Priest is called to ‘lead God's people in the offering of praise and the proclamation of the gospel’. They share with the Bishop in the oversight of the Church, delighting in its beauty and rejoicing in its well-being. They are to set the example of the Good Shepherd always before them as the pattern of their calling. With the Bishop they are to sustain the community of the faithful by the ministry of word and sacrament, that we all may grow into the fullness of Christ and be a living sacrifice acceptable to God. A Reader may do many things but the most common are those associated with their calling; preach at church services, lead worship, assist at Holy Communion, conduct funerals, teach in groups, lead or enable Sunday School, Bible Study and confirmation classes, and undertake Baptism preparation. They may also visit people at home and in hospital, and administer communion to them, use gifts of organisation and administration in the church and community, explore the meaning of the gospel for everyday life, at home, at work and in the community, work collaboratively and imaginatively with clergy and other colleagues in ministry to build the church and finally, to identify and encourage the ministry of others. These roles and responsibilities have been undertaken during this year by all of the Ministry Team. For 2014 we will be in a vacancy and Peter Hewlett- Smith, Gordon and Jennifer will endeavour to maintain all that we are asked to do and to; live out our calling and to pray for others as well as ourselves. Jennifer Martin - Reader Final Version 10 Vision 2013 and the Vision 2013 Teams In May 2012 we had a difficult discussion as the setting of the 2012 Budget was very challenging. The PCC endorsed a plan – Vision 2013, to find out what we really liked about our church and what opportunities there were to improve, which would help us create a real plan and budget for 2013. The result was this Vision: GOD LED INCLUSIVE LOVING ACTIVE We welcome, accept and value everyone unconditionally. We are accessible, transparent and clear. We are serving God, each other and our community. We nurture through forgiveness, listening and trust. We are a vibrant church, reaching out to raise awareness and increase understanding. The plans were approved at the first PCC meeting in 2013 and Vision 2013 is now a reality. The Teams are as follows: Children, Youth and Family Ministry The main aim of the team is to encourage more children, young people and families into our Church family. Sue Steele Communication A group was set up following Vision 13 to help us improve the way we communicate across the church. One of the first things that was introduced was a new internal notice board to catch your eye as you enter church, followed quickly by a new external sign showing any passing visitors when our services are. The largest project undertaken was a benefice-wide initiative, rather than just St John’s, and involved widening the membership of this group to include our brothers and sisters in HMR. This initiative was to enhance the benefice website, making it more informative and lively, as well as increasing the functionality. We are now averaging over 25,000 web page viewings per month. We wanted to make things easy to distribute via mailing lists, with the first being the weekly pew sheet. We now have over 70 people receiving the weekly pew sheet in this manner, which helps us to reduce our costs. We now hope to roll out a Prayer Diary, in a similar manner, for those who are interested. If you have not visited the website, we encourage you all not only to visit, but also to contribute. If you feel you have an interesting article, photographs or other possible contribution, please let any member of the Communication Group know. David French Fabric See Church Wardens Report for details. Final Version 11 Fellowship The purpose of Fellowship is to build up the Church. “Fellowship” is groups of people with a common interest, carrying out God’s purpose. Our Parish’s Fellowship meetings include elements of socialising, prayer, pastoral support for each other, learning, and study and faith development. Existing groups include Living Flame Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Saturday morning Bible group, Tuesday afternoon Ecumenical Bible Study Group, Geffery’s House Bible study and Alpha. The groups have an established participants and also make new comers welcome. Themes discussed examine how biblical teaching applies in our parish and our lives today. Looking ahead to the next year, the Fellowship Vision includes supporting the establishment of new small groups that support the needs of the members of our church, as and when they arise. The Fellowships groups will continue to be involved with organising social and fund raising activities. Nikki Wild Festival 2013 A small committee was formed in July 2012 to plan and organise a series of events to mark the St John’s Church 75th anniversary festival. This festival was to take place between 20th June and 24th June 2013. We met monthly in the church hall to plan the events. The events that resulted were an open air Songs of Praise held in Hartletts Park, a beautiful flower display which filled the church with a riot of colour and scent, at the same time there was a display in the church hall of photos of the church events over the last 75 years. We held two tree plantings one with the dignitaries of Hook and one with the children of our local schools, a BBQ for the Benefice church family at which a local youth band called The Trap played and many sang along. We celebrated with a Festival Eucharist attended by the Bishop of Winchester and a bring and share lunch afterwards. In the end very many people helped to make this the success that it was. We look forward to the next one, but we will have to wait for another 25 years! Dee French Finance As part of Vision 2013 a new Finance Committee was established and a budget proposed to the PCC. The principal function of the Finance Committee is to manage the financial affairs of the church, including the preparation of accounts and budgets. The terms of reference are as follows: To manage the day to day financial affairs of the church, including the preparation of accounts and budgets. To ensure proper stewardship of finance. To review ways of promoting regular giving and Gift Aid. To consider longer term financial commitments, as directed by the PCC, and how to arrange financing of these projects if required. To ensure compliance with all applicable law and regulations relating to finance matters. The committee works in conjunction with all other Committees and Mission Teams formed under Vision 2013 and reports to PCC. David French Final Version 12 Outreach The aim is linked to the Vision statement: To be a welcoming, loving and inclusive Church There has been outreach carried out by many people, this has been through Ministry in the Hook schools with Collective Worship in the Junior School, and Open the Book in the Infant School. Open the book is also carried out in the Whitewater School with people from the benefice taking part. The main ministry of outreach was the 75th Anniversary of St John’s with the flower festival. People came from far and near to see the flowers and exhibitions. A large part of outreach is the Coffee Shop, there is a group of people who meet and spend a couple of hours socialising, and this is a very valuable ministry carried out by Shirley Clancy and her team of volunteers. Praise & Play was started, and was proving successful, but due to unforeseen circumstances the sessions had to be postponed, a new leader is required to take this forward. Hook Infant and Junior Schools held their Christmas nativity and Carol Services in the church. The Annual Service for Remembrance was held and this year saw a larger congregation. The Crib service, despite the appalling weather, saw a packed church and attendance was higher on Christmas Day too. Messy Church is also a valued ministry which continues to grow. The All age Communion Service commenced in 2013 and this is enjoyed by many, attendance is increasing. The All Age Service on the first Sunday is valued by many and continues to grow. The aim for 2014 is to sustain the valuable work being carried out and to grow new disciples. We will use the Winchester Diocesan Lent Course as a model to grow God’s Kingdom. We pray that we will continue to develop our outreach during the vacancy. Jennifer Martin Mission The Missions Group was set up to outline the mission work of Winchester Diocese and Odiham Deanery. The group meets approximately every 6-8 weeks, usually on a Monday evening. The group has continued its support for several charities and organisations. The group were allocated the sum of £1,000 (equal to around 2% of general income) to distribute between charities of their recommendation and, for 2013 were as follows: Q1 – Children’s Society; Q2 – Burma; Q3 – RITE (Rwanda); Q4 – St Michael’s Hospice. It is hoped that, for 2014, this will be increased to 3% of general income. In addition, the group focuses on various charities and organisations each month – during 2013 this has included the Children’s Society, Hart Foodbank, Royal British Legion, Urban Saints, Marie Curie, St Michael’s Hospice, Winston’s Wish, RNLI, Naomi House, RITE (Rwanda), Burma, and several others. 2014 will include St John’s Lunch Club, St Michael’s At Home, Christian Aid, May Place, Rose Road, RITE (Rwanda) and Burma. We are in the process of implementing a Prayer Chain during 2014. This is currently in its early stages. We have strengthened our links with Hart Foodbank and some of our St John’s members now work there on a voluntary basis. Joyce Baldock Final Version 13 Other Groups and Activities Messy Church Messy Church is a new way of creating church for people of all ages which has now reached right across the globe. The principles of Messy are based around hospitality, sharing and learning together as a church family. Here in this benefice we meet once a month on a Friday after school, our congregation is made up of children aged 0 to 11 years with their parents, child minder or grandparent. Our helpers range across three generations so no-one is too old or too young to be a Messy Christian! In 2013 we learnt about Joshua and Jonah, we celebrated Easter, Pentecost and Christmas and studied the great "I am..." sayings of Jesus. In 2014 we will continue to meet each month, this year our focus will be on the stories and teachings of Jesus. Ruth Scott St John’s Ecumenical Bible Study Group This is the longest running group within St John’s and the benefice and it is ecumenical. Until recently we met at St John’s, Hook, but now meet on Tuesday afternoons from 2.30-4.00pm in the church Hall of Sacred Heart Church. The group is open to all. The group has been running under several different leaders for approximately fifteen years. The aim of the group is: To study the bible to enlighten our understanding of God’s word and impart and share this understanding with others. To put into practice the Teachings of Christ into our Daily lives, and to enjoy friendship and prayer with each other. During 2013 we studied the Gospel of St Matthew, learned about several significant women in the Bible, and studied the prophet Amos. In Advent we held a two week session on Jesus the Light of the World. We have termly socials. In 2014 we have planned a one off session on forgiveness, studying the parables of Jesus and comparing these with other Gospel writers, and two sessions on prayer and fasting. There will be other themes and Books of the Bible studied. For the future we pray that God will guide and lead us to grow in faith and in numbers. Jennifer Martin St John’s Lunch Club The St John’s Lunch Club is now well into its second decade and is still flourishing due to the excellent home cooking skill provided by the kind volunteers, who each month produce mouth-watering classic favourite dishes. Our lunches are held on the second Tuesday of each month, and for special occasions, at 12.30pm in St John’s Narthex. Entertainment is also provided. The cost is only £4 and we are always pleased to welcome new diners to our lunches. Please book in advance. Kate Blackman Final Version 14 Living Flame There are two Living Flame groups, both meeting twice a month, one group on a Wednesday the other Thursday. Thursday Group Living Flame usually meets at St John’s with the occasional foray to someone’s living room. We aim to improve our knowledge of the Bible whilst enjoying the fellowship of others with a hot drink and of course biscuits. In the last year we have studied a variety of courses or had one- off evenings as the mood takes us. We have also had film nights. Recently we have been studying the Bible readings from the previous Sunday service. We have also undertaken group activities such as painting the parlour and more recently helping with organising of the church’s contribution to the Hook Christmas Cracker. At Christmas we visited a local pub for a festive evening which we all enjoyed. Carol-Anne Morris Coffee Shop Open each weekday morning, St John's Coffee Shop continues to be a very good outreach facility for local folks and those passing through, enabling them to enjoy some free time and refreshments in a comfortable environment, we also have a children's play area, giving parents/carers the opportunity for a chat with activities for their little ones. We offer a selection of hot and cold drinks and snacks, and, thanks to kind volunteers, delicious home-made cakes are regularly available. The Coffee Shop runs with a rota of much appreciated volunteer helpers, and there is always room for more to join us. Later this year, it is hoped to enhance our space with new carpet and new chairs, replacing the well-worn, much loved ones used for many years. Everyone is welcome, please come and join us sometime. Shirley Clancy Approved by the Parochial Church Council and signed on its behalf by Martin Rudd Signed: …………………………………………………………………………… Final Version 15 Date: 12 March 2014 Finance Report Annual Financial Report The statutory accounts for 2013 have been distributed this year as a separate document. The following is a report from the Treasurer for the year highlighting the key points. Income – Where our Money Comes From In 2013 our total income was £6,280 less than 2012. Voluntary income was down by £4,035. Two thirds of our income came from donations from our congregation or visitors. 74% of our planned income comes from 41 regular givers through a variety of schemes, e.g. Standing Order, in 2012 it was 85% from fewer contributors. 179 individuals gave us tax recoverable gifts. However following the introduction of the Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme by the HMRC we were able to recover an additional £753 from gifts placed in the Collection Plate. 22% of our income was raised by renting out the church or hall for various activities. The remainder of our income consists of fees payable to the church for Weddings and Funerals, the gross income from the Coffee Shop and Lunch and general fund raising. So Where Does Our Money Go? Our main expenditure was our payment of Parish Share to Winchester. In 2013 the Deanery recognising our financial position requested a reduced contribution of £44,775 [£51,731 in 2012] in Parish Share, which we met. This is 53% of our total expenditure; however it amounts to 68% of our General Income during 2013. Parish Share paid by our Benefice exceeds the level of actual costs and includes a significant contribution which helps the Diocese support parishes which cannot meet their actual costs. How Much Does it Cost To Run Our Church? Final Version 16 In 2013 it cost £18,495 in running costs to keep the church open and functioning. This is equivalent to £355.67 a week just for the buildings. Having delayed maintenance in 2012 the major cost incurred in 2013 was the cost of re-decoration of the Narthex areas. A small reserve is being built up in order to provide for planned future maintenance. Summary – What Does All This Mean? Over the last 3 years our income levels have fallen by 7.8% whilst we have only managed to reduce our costs by 2.8% and the deficit in 2013 represented 21.8% of our total expenditure. This meant that the total available resources, including investment funds, fell from £36,228 to £20,457 during 2013. The PCC recommend that we maintain a cash reserve equivalent of two months expenditure which equates to £14,134, this leaves us a mere £6,323 available for emergency use. 2014 will be a challenging year. Whilst we hoped that Vision 13 would revitalise our church we are now faced with the stark choice of either growing income or reducing expenditure or running out of money. Final Version 17 Finance Review 2013 was a challenging year, for whilst we came together with our Vision, our income declined during the year and we finished the year with a significant deficit position between Income and Expenditure. Total receipts on ordinary unrestricted funds were £64,999 being a 5% decline on the prior year with expenditure of £82,945 which was spent in providing the ministry of the church representing an increase of 6.9% against the previous year. The net result was a deficit of £18,644 which was met from reserves. The decline in income is a reflection of the reduced numbers attending regular Sunday worship and the general economic conditions. These are unlikely to change for the better during 2014 as we are facing a vacancy following the retirement of the Revd Peter Quinnell in March 2014. In 2013 Parish Share of £44,775 was paid to Winchester, being a 13.4% decrease on the amount paid in previous years. Parish Share provides the major part of the stipends and housing for the clergy. This was equal to 54% of all expenditure, and 68.9% of the total general income we received. At the end of December 2013 the PCC continues to hold monies in the CBF Church of England Investment Fund (£7,074) and the CBF Church of England Reserve Fund (£8,996), the remainder of church funds being held in the bank account maintained by the Cooperative Bank. The general outlook for 2014 continues to be challenging with little expectation of economic growth. The vacancy will make growth challenging but this is accepted as a priority by the PCC and Finance committees in order to attract increased numbers and subsequently an increase in giving. David French - Treasurer 17th January 2014 PCC Approval to Accounts These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 together with applicable accounting standards and the SORP 2005. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the valuation of the investment assets, which are shown at market value. The financial statements include all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body, nor those that are informal gatherings of church members. Approved by the Parochial Church Council on 12th March 2013 and signed on its behalf by Martin Rudd. Signed: …………………………………………………………………………… Final Version 18 Date: 12 March 2014 Independent examiner’s report to the PCC of St John The Evangelist, Hook, Hants. For the year ended 31 December 2013 This report on the financial statements of the PCC for the year ended 31 December 2013, which are set out on pages 1 and 2, is in respect of an examination carried out in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 (‘the Regulations’) and s.43 of the Charities Act 1993 (‘the Act’). Respective responsibilities of the PCC and the examiner As members of the PCC you are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements; you consider that the audit requirement of the Regulations and s.43(2) of the Act does not apply. It is my responsibility to issue this report on those financial statements in accordance with the terms of the Regulations. Basis of this report My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commission under s.43(7)(b) of the Act and to be found in the Church guidance, 2006 edition. That examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the PCC and a comparison of the accounts with those records. It also includes considering any unusual items or disclosures in the financial statements and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts. Independent examiner’s statement In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention: (1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the Act; and to prepare financial statements, which accord with the accounting records and comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations have not been met; or (2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached. Signed: …………………………………………………………………………… Cranleys Chartered Accountants Winton House, Winton Square, Basingstoke, Hants, RG21 8EN. Final Version 19 Date: 12th March 2014 Parochial Church Council of St John’s Hook Statement of Financial Activities For the Year Ending 31st December 2013 Note INCOMING RESOURCES Voluntary Income 2(a) Activities for 2(b) generating funds Investment Income 2(c) Church activities 2(d) Other incoming 2(e) resources TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES RESOURCES EXPENDED Cost of generation 3(b) voluntary income Church activities 3(a) Governance costs 3(c) Other resources TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED NET INCOMING RESOURCES BEFORE OTHER RECOGNIZED GAINS & LOSSES TRANSFERS Gross transfers between funds Gains on investments NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS BAL B/F 1 JANUARY BAL C/F 31 DECEMBER Final Version Unrestricted Funds £ Restricted Funds £ Endowment Funds £ 42,903 5,378 417 0 0 0 43,320 5,378 47,027 5,739 402 16,316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402 16,316 0 538 18,307 350 64,999 417 0 65,416 71,961 129 0 0 129 116 82,021 795 0 0 0 82,380 795 1,500 84,804 82,738 813 82,945 359 0 1,500 1,859 83,667 (17,946) (1,441) 0 (19,388) (11,706) 0 0 0 0 0 743 0 0 743 568 (17,203) (1,441) 0 (18,644) (11,138) 36,530 19,327 8,700 7,259 0 0 45,230 26,586 56,368 45,230 20 Total Funds 2013 2012 £ £ Parochial Church Council of St John’s Hook Balance Sheet For the Year Ending 31st December 2013 Notes FIXED ASSETS Organ CBF Investment CURRENT ASSETS Bank Account : Coop Bank Account : Lloyds CBF Deposit Account Accrued income Prepayments Cash in hand LIABILITIES Accruals Agency collections As at 31/12/2013 As at 31/12/2012 Total Fixed Assets 6,200 7,074 13,274 7,700 6,330 14,030 Total Current Assets 4,377 0 8,996 1,140 0 100 14,612 3,535 0 25,995 732 968 365 31,597 Total Liabilities 1,301 0 1,301 299 98 397 Net Asset Surplus 26,586 45,230 5(a) 5(b) 6 6 7 7 Represented by Funds Note Unrestricted Designated Restricted 8 Endowment Total The notes on pages 6 to 12 form part of these accounts Final Version 21 16,225 3,072 7,259 0 26,586 36,617 1,265 7,348 0 45,230 Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ending 31 December 2013 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 together with applicable accounting standards and the Charities SORP 2005. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the valuation of investment assets, which are shown at market value. The financial statements include all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body, nor those that are informal gatherings of church members. Funds General funds represent the funds of the PCC that are not subject to any restrictions regarding their use and are available for application on the general purposes of the PCC. Funds designated for a particular purpose by the PCC are also unrestricted. Restricted funds are those funds that must be spent on restricted purposes and details of the funds held and restrictions are provided in note 8. Incoming Resources Voluntary income and capital sources Collections are recognized when received by or on behalf of the PCC. Planned giving receivable under Gift Aid is recognized only when received. Tax recoverable on Gift Aid donations is recognized when the donation is recognized. Grants and legacies to the PCC are accounted for as soon as the PCC is notified of its legal entitlement, the amount due is quantifiable and its ultimate receipt by the PCC is reasonably certain. Funds raised by the fête, garden party and similar events are accounted for gross. Sales of books and magazines from the church bookstall are accounted for gross. Other income Rental income from the letting of church premises is recognized when the rental is due. Income from investments Dividends are accounted for when due and payable, and interest entitlements are accounted for as they accrue. Tax recoverable on such income is recognized in the same accounting year. Gains and losses on investments Realized gains or losses are recognized when investments are sold. Unrealized gains or losses are accounted for on revaluation of investments at 31 December. Final Version 22 Resources used Grants & Donations Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over, or when awarded, if that award creates a binding obligation on the PCC. Amounts received specifically for Mission are dealt with as restricted funds. All other expenditure is generally recognised when it is incurred and accounted for gross. Activities directly relating to the work of the Church The diocesan parish share is accounted for when due. Any parish share unpaid at 31 December is provided for in these financial statements as an operational (though not a legal) liability and is shown as a creditor in the balance sheet. Fixed assets Consecrated property and movable church furnishings Consecrated and beneficed property of any kind is excluded from the financial statements by s.96(2)(a) of the Charities Act 1993. Movable church furnishings held by the vicar and churchwardens on special trust for the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal are accounted for as inalienable property unless consecrated. They are listed in the Church’s inventory, which can be inspected (at any reasonable time). For inalienable property acquired prior to (2000) there is insufficient cost information available and therefore such assets are not valued in the financial statements. Items acquired since 1 January (2000) have been capitalized and depreciated in the financial statements over their currently anticipated useful economic life (initially over 15 years) on a straight-line basis. All expenditure incurred in the year on consecrated or beneficed buildings, individual items under (£3,000) or on the repair of movable church furnishings acquired before 1 January (2000) is written off. Other fixtures, fittings and office equipment Equipment used within the church premises is depreciated on a straight-line basis over four years. Individual items of equipment with a purchase price of £3,000 or less are written off when the asset is acquired. Investments Investments are valued at market value at 31 December. Current assets Amounts owing to the PCC at 31 December in respect of fees, rents or other income are shown as debtors less provision for amounts that may prove uncollectable. Short-term deposits include cash held on deposit either with the CBF Church of England Funds or at the bank. Final Version 23 2. INCOMING RESOURCES 2(a) Voluntary Income Planned Giving Tax recoverable Tax - GASDS Collections (Open Plate) Donations, appeals Donations for flowers Donations for candles Sub Totals 2(b) Activities for generating funds Fundraising Lunch Club Coffee Shop Courses Messy Church Bookstall Alpha Other events Sub Totals Unrestricted Restricted Endowment £ £ £ 0 28,385 6,889 753 5,854 29,011 7,408 0 4,083 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,155 0 284 5,743 315 467 42,903 417 0 43,320 47,027 1,052 1,375 1,916 210 0 130 387 308 5,378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,052 1,375 1,916 210 0 130 387 308 5,378 937 1,495 1,942 521 589 164 0 91 5,739 402 0 0 402 538 402 0 0 402 538 2(d) Income from church activities Church lettings Fees Sub Totals 13,470 2,846 16,316 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,470 2,846 16,316 16,099 2,208 18,307 2(e) Other income Insurance claim Other income Sub Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 0 350 64,999 417 0 65,416 71,961 2(c) Income from Investments Dividends and interest including tax recoverable Sub Totals Total Income Final Version 28,315 6,889 753 5,507 70 0 0 0 347 1,155 0 284 Total Funds 2013 2012 £ £ 24 3. RESOURCES EXPENDED 3(a) Unrestricted Restricted Endowment £ £ £ Church Activities Missionary & charitable giving Overseas RITE 250 Burma 250 Home Ascension Trust 0 St Michaels Hospice 250 Royal British Legion 238 Children’s Society 369 Others 79 Sub Totals 1,436 Total Funds 2013 2012 £ £ 0 0 0 0 250 250 250 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 238 369 79 1,436 250 250 271 0 0 1,271 44,775 0 0 44,775 51,731 4,332 2,342 21,445 359 0 0 0 0 0 4691 2,342 21,445 5,862 5,430 11,576 Ministry Diocesan Parish Share Other ministry costs Music costs Church running & maintenance Administration Lunch Club & Coffee Shop Festival 13 Others Depreciation Bank charges Sub Totals 3,751 1,381 0 0 0 0 3,751 1,381 3,192 1,366 1,674 885 0 0 80,585 0 1500 0 1,859 0 0 0 1,674 885 1500 0 82444 0 998 1,304 8 81,467 3(b) Fund Raising costs Sub Totals 129 129 0 0 0 129 129 116 116 3(c) Governance Costs I Examination Licences Sub Totals 330 465 795 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 465 795 324 489 813 Total Expenditure 82,945 1,859 0 84,804 83,667 Final Version 25 4. SELF EMPLOYED WORKERS Services Provided Services Provided Totals Unrestricted Restricted Endowment £ £ £ 5,503 5,503 0 0 Total Funds 2013 2012 £ £ 0 0 0 0 5,260 5,260 The PCC does not have any employees. The services of a Musical Director, Administrator and Cleaner were provided to the PCC by workers on a selfemployed basis. Together these workers equate to less than one full time employee. No payments were made to any PCC member, persons closely connected to them or related parties. 5. FIXED ASSETS (a) Tangible (all restricted) Organ Total Actual / Deemed Cost At 1/1/2013 Additions Disposals At 31/12/2013 22,080 22,080 22,080 22,080 Depreciation At 1/1/2013 Charge for year At 31/12/2013 14,380 1,500 15,880 14,380 1,500 15,880 Net Value At 1/1/2013 At 31/12/2013 7,700 6,200 7,700 6,200 (b) Investments (all unrestricted) £ Market value at 1/1/2013 Revaluation gain Market value at 31/12/2013 Final Version 6,331 743 7,074 26 6. DEBTORS (UNRESTRICTED FUNDS) Tax Recoverable Prepayments Debtors Total 2013 £ 2012 £ 0 0 1140 1,140 732 968 0 1,700 Debtors are outstanding invoices for Hall or Church hire and the contribution from HMR in respect of shared clergy costs.. 7. LIABILITIES Amounts falling due within one year 2013 £ 2012 £ Accruals for utility costs (Unrestricted) Accruals for Mission Payment RBL Other debtors (Agency Collections – Restricted) Accrual re purchase of new hall chairs Total 727 0 0 574 1,301 45 254 98 0 397 8. FUNDS The restricted funds at the 31/12/13 comprise the Organ Fund. & a Specific Restricted Collections [Rev’d Howe / Doris Seymour] that are restricted in their use. Fund Movements Restricted Collections Organ 0 1,000 418 359 1,059 7,700 0 0 1,500 6,200 Balance as at 1/1/13 Transfer post y/end Incoming resources Resources expended Balance as at 31/12/2012 In addition restricted funds are held in respect of Agency Collections where money has been collected on behalf of another party. The total held stands at £0[as at 31/12/2012- £98]. Final Version 27 9. ANALYSIS OF NET ASSETS BY FUND Tangible Fixed Assets Investment Fixed Assets Current Assets Designated Fabric Fund Liabilities Total Unrestricted funds £ 0 7,074 Restricted Funds Total 2013 £ 6,200 0 Endowment funds £ 0 0 10,482 3,072 1,059 0 11,541 3,072 (1,301) 0 0 (1,301) 19,327 7,259 0 26,586 £ 6,200 7,074 10. RESERVES The PCC considers that it is appropriate to hold reserves equal to two months expenditure, including Parish Share to cover the running costs – this equates to £14,134 based on the 2013expenditure levels. In addition a designated reserve was created in 2013 which is to cover the expected costs of redecoration over a 5 year period. This fund has a balance of £3,072, which is part of the Unrestricted Funds. Final Version 28