TABLE OF CONTENTS DISTRICT PHILOSOPHY AND OBJECTIVES (Series 0000)........................... 1 POLICY NO. ................................................................ 1 0100 Statement of Philosophy .......................................... 1 0200 Expectations and Standards for Schools ........................... 3 0201 Equity ........................................................... 6 0202 Acceptable Internet Use ......................................... 11 0203 Prevention of Harassment ........................................ 15 0300 Educational Objectives .......................................... 19 0400 Environment ..................................................... 21 0500 Health and Safety ............................................... 22 0501 District Health and Safety Committee ............................ 25 0502 Safety Sub-Committees ........................................... 27 0503 Universal Precautions ........................................... 29 0504 Tobacco Use ..................................................... 33 0505 Personal Safety and Security .................................... 35 0505.1 School Visitors Protocol ........................................ 37 0506 Working Alone/Traveling Alone (Within the District) ............. 40 0507 Employee Access to District Facilities .......................... 44 0600 Commitment to Employees Health and Well-Being ................... 45 1101 Community Relations (Series 1000) ............................... 46 1101.1 School Board Meetings - Delegations ............................. 49 1102 Annual Report on Educational Programs ........................... 51 1201 School Facilities and Equipment ................................. 53 1202.1 Technology Services – Private Schools ........................... 58 1202.2 Technology Services – Regional Colleges ......................... 60 1301 District Advisory Council ....................................... 62 1302 Parents’ Advisory Council ....................................... 63 1302.1 Parents’ Advisory Councils - Insurance .......................... 65 1303 School Planning Councils ........................................ 71 EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION (Series 2000)................................... 78 2101.1 Functions – Superintendent of Schools ........................... 78 2101.2 Functions - Assistant Superintendent of Schools ................ 84 2101.3 Functions – Director of Instruction ............................. 86 2101.4.Functions – Director of Special Education ....................... 88 2101.5 Functions – District Principal of the Resource Centre ........... 91 2101.6 Functions – Outdoor Education Coordinator ....................... 92 2102.1 Administrative Officers – Workers’ Compensation ................. 94 2102.2 Administrative Officers – Leaves of Absence ..................... 95 2102.3 Administrative Officers – Early Retirement Incentive Payment .... 96 2102.4 Emergency Situations – On-Site Vehicle ......................... 100 2201 Trespassing and Maintaining Order .............................. 101 FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Series 3000)....................... 103 3101.1 Functions – Secretary-Treasurer ................................ 103 3101.2 Functions – Assistant Secretary-Treasurer ...................... 109 3101.3 Functions – Maintenance Supervisor ............................. 111 3101.4 Functions – Transportation Supervisor .......................... 112 3101.5 Functions – Supervisor of Safety Services ...................... 114 3201 Annual Operating Budget ........................................ 118 3203.1 Transportation – Independent Contractors/Contract Drivers ...... 122 3203.2 Transportation Operating Costs – Contract Drivers .............. 125 3204 Project Planning when Support from Board required .............. 127 3301 Purchasing Procedures .......................................... 128 3302 Standardization of Equipment and Supplies ...................... 136 Table of Contents 3303 Purchasing Procedures Protocol - Technology .................... 138 3401.1 School Funds - Administration .................................. 141 3401.2 School Funds - Audit ........................................... 143 3402 Parent/Community/Corporate Sponsorships/Donations .............. 145 3501.1 Land Use – Skating Rinks ....................................... 150 3501.2 Land Use/Disposal of District Owned Lands ...................... 151 3502 Maintenance of Facilities ...................................... 152 3503.1 Alterations, Renovations, or Additions ......................... 155 3503.2 Facilities – Architectural Service ............................. 156 3503.3 Facilities – Capital Planning .................................. 159 3503.4 Facilities – Murals – Exterior Walls ........................... 161 3504.1 Security of Buildings and Grounds - Halloween .................. 163 3505 Back-up Warning Devices for District Vehicles .................. 164 3506 Surplus Assets ................................................. 166 3601 Designation of Info.and Privacy Head and Coordinator ........... 170 3602 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy – Fee Schedule 174 3603 Retention and Destruction of Records ........................... 177 PERSONNEL (Series 4000)................................................... 183 4101 Definitions .................................................... 183 4102.1 Recruitment and Selection – Employment of Relatives ............ 184 4102.2 Recruitment and Selection – Reimbursement of Candidates ........ 185 4102.3 Recruitment and Selection – Welcoming Committee ................ 186 4103.1 Administrative Officers – Recruitment and Selection Process .... 187 4103.2 Administrative Officers - Reports .............................. 191 4103.3 BC Principal & Vice-Principal Executive ........................ 193 4104.1 Teachers – Moving Allowance/Temporary Accommodation ............ 194 4104.2 Teachers – District Initiated Transfers ........................ 196 4105.1 Part-Time Teachers – Job Sharing ............................... 199 4106.1 Teachers On-Call – Non-Certified ............................... 200 4106.2 Teachers On-Call – Sports Events ............................... 201 4201 Employee Computer Purchase Plan ................................ 202 4202 Salary Deductions .............................................. 204 4203.1 Benefits - Retirement .......................................... 205 4203.2 Benefits – Early Retirement .................................... 206 4203.3 Benefits – Leaves of Absence (without pay) ..................... 208 4204.1 Absences, Leaves, and Vacations - Application .................. 209 4204.2 Annual Vacation ................................................ 211 4206.2 Teachers – Early Retirement Incentive Payment .................. 223 4206.3 Teachers - Insurance ........................................... 227 4206.4 Teachers – Sick Leave Credit ................................... 228 4206.5 Teachers – Leaves (With Pay) ................................... 230 4206.6 Teachers – Leaves (Without Pay) ................................ 231 4206.7 Teachers – Leaves (Less Cost of T.O.C.) ........................ 232 4206.8 Teachers – Professional Leaves ................................. 233 4206.9 Teachers – Professional Development Committee .................. 236 4207.1 Support Staff – Annual Vacation ................................ 244 4207.2 Support Staff – Benefits (Weekly Indemnity/LTD) ................ 245 4301 Tuberculosis Testing ........................................... 247 4302.1 Physical Examination – Bus Drivers ............................. 249 4303 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Training ...... 251 4304.1 Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol – Employees & Contract Drivers ...................................................................... 253 4304.2 Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol - Volunteers ............... 256 4305 Criminal Records Checks ........................................ 257 4306 Level II First Aid ............................................. 261 Table of Contents 4401 Travel ......................................................... 4402.1 Insurance – Personal Property .................................. 4402.2 Insurance – Excess Liability ................................... 4402.3 Insurance – Business Insurance on Private Vehicles ............. 4403 Private Use of Facilities ...................................... 4404 Personal Long Distance Telephone Calls ......................... 4405 Public Interest ................................................ 4406 Repair of Personal Computers ................................... 4407.1 Employee Conduct ............................................... 4407.2 Employee Conduct – Dealing with Students ....................... 4408 Employee Records ............................................... 4500 Recognition of Service ......................................... PUPILS (Series 5000)...................................................... 5101 School Admission and School Choice ............................. 5102 Adult Attendance ............................................... 5103 Home Schooling ................................................. 5104.1 Student Placement – Kindergarten to Grade 7 .................... 5105 Early Entry .................................................... 5202.1 Student Reports - .............................................. 5301 Dress .......................................................... 5302 Discipline ..................................................... 5303 Discipline Committee ........................................... 5401 School Fees .................................................... 5402 Busing ......................................................... 5402.1 Busing – Regular Routes and Services ........................... 5402.2 Busing - Conduct ............................................... 5402.3 Busing – Transportation of Equipment ........................... 5402.4 Busing – Students with Special Needs ........................... 5402.5 K-3 Busing ..................................................... 5501.1 Student Council – Management of Funds Raised ................... 5502 Musical Instruments ............................................ 5503 Swimming ....................................................... 5504 Athletics Coaches .............................................. 5601 Communicable Diseases .......................................... 5602 Substance Abuse Prevention ..................................... 5603.1 Medical Assistant/Admin. Of Medication to Students ............. 5603.2 Emergency Situations – Inclement Weather ....................... 5604 Head Lice ...................................................... 5605 Anaphylaxis .................................................... 5606 Nutritional Foods in Schools .................................. 5701 Boarding Allowance ............................................. 5702 Transportation Allowance ....................................... INSTRUCTION (Series 6000)................................................. 6203 Travel and Exchange Program .................................... 6204 Outdoor Education Program ...................................... 6205 Correspondence School .......................................... 6206 Integration .................................................... 6207 Dogwood Certificate ............................................ 6208.1 Secondary Course - Challenge ................................... 6208.2 Secondary Course - Audit ....................................... 6208.3 Secondary Course - Equivalency ................................. 6301 Curriculum Development ......................................... 6302 Local Educational Initiatives .................................. 6303 First Nations Education ........................................ 6304 First Nations Education Advisory Committee ..................... Table of Contents 262 269 270 271 273 275 276 277 278 281 283 286 288 288 294 295 299 302 303 309 310 314 316 320 322 325 327 330 332 333 334 335 337 339 340 342 345 348 353 358 359 361 364 364 366 372 377 381 383 386 388 391 396 399 401 6305 Curricular/Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities ........... 6305.1 Activities - Fundraising ....................................... 6305.2 Activities - Transportation .................................... 6306.1 Instruction – Sensitive Content ................................ 6307 Extra-Curricular Activities – Student Participation ............ 6401 District Assessment ............................................ 6500 Support to Instruction ......................................... 6601 Selection of Learning Resources ................................ 6602 Libraries ...................................................... 6602.1 Libraries – Materials Selection and Challenge .................. 6603 Laser Pointers ................................................. 6603.1 Equipment – Home Use of Auditory Training Equipment ............ BOARD ADMINISTRATION (Series 7000)........................................ 7101 Boundaries of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) ....... 7102 Zonal Boundaries ............................................... 7201 Trustee Representation ......................................... 7202 Trustee Indemnity .............................................. 7203 Trustee Participation and Reporting ............................ 7204.1 Benefits – Accidental Death and Dismemberment/Weekly Indemnity . 7204.2 Computer Purchase Plan ......................................... 7301 School Board Duties and Authority .............................. 7302 Board Member Authority ......................................... 7401 Disclosure of Conflict of Interest ............................. 7402 Code of Ethics ................................................. 4/05 Trustee Election Bylaw ........................................ 7/05 Business Company .............................................. INDEX ................................................................... Table of Contents 403 413 415 418 420 421 425 429 439 442 449 451 453 453 455 459 460 462 464 466 467 469 471 473 492 501 503 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) DISTRICT PHILOSOPHY AND OBJECTIVES (Series 0000) POLICY NO. 0100 Statement of Philosophy POLICY NO.: 0100 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Statement of Philosophy 1987-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the purpose of the Public Education System in School District No. 60. Policy The prime purpose of the Public Education System in School District No. 60 is to give all children the opportunity to receive an education. Therefore, we will: Teach the skills and understandings identified in the BC Curriculum and the community. Provide programs for those students who are handicapped (either mentally, physically, or emotionally) or gifted. Help students to develop confidence and self respect. Provide an atmosphere in our schools that will allow students to become responsible, healthy, thinking adults capable of learning independently and making mature decisions. Objectives To outline the areas of responsibility and leadership role of School District No. 60. Revised: 1992-08 Policy No. 0100 2 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0100 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Statement of Philosophy 1987-06 Areas of Responsibility 1. The responsibility for education in School District No. 60 is shared with the public. 2. The District accepts primary responsibility to equip students with the basic concepts and methods of inquiry in the arts and sciences. The district accepts responsibility for the promotion and encouragement of effective teaching, for fiscal accountability, and for making the best use of available resources. 3. The District accepts shared responsibility with the home, churches, media, etc. for encouraging the social, moral, emotional, physical, and cultural development of each student, leading to an individual sense of dignity and self-worth. 4. The District accepts limited responsibility in the area of career preparation and vocational training. Our commitment in this area includes exploration of careers, information about career opportunities, and the encouragement of positive attitudes and work habits. Leadership Role 1. The District accepts responsibility for establishing and maintaining good relationships between the partners in education. 2. We believe the community should have access to our facilities. 3. We will aim for excellence in both teaching and learning, and for the development of attitudes that will lead to a lifelong love of learning. 4. We will strive to establish a secure and positive environment in each school. Revised: 1992-08 Policy No. 0100 3 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0200 Expectations and Standards for Schools POLICY NO.: 0200 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Expectations and Standards for Schools 1984-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the need to outline expectations and standards for schools in School District No. 60. Policy The Board, with the assistance of the community, will strive toward high expectations and standards for schools in School District No. 60. Objectives 1. To emphasize the importance and raise awareness of the expectations and standards for schools in School District No. 60. Revised: 1992-08 Policy No. 0200 4 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0200 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Expectations and Standards for Schools 1984-06 The following represents the expectations and standards for schools in School District No. 60.: 1. Teach respect for fellow students, teachers, parents, and people in authority. a) b) c) d) e) Encourage acceptance of others, stressing mutual respect. Encourage respect for human and property rights. Encourage respect for people's roles and contributions in the home, community, and country. Encourage positive inter-relationships. Encourage cleanliness, both personal and environmental. 2. Structure learning environments. a) Plan carefully for systematic, sequential learning. b) Encourage development of worthwhile goals, their understanding and their attainment. c) Encourage positive attitudes to learning, ensuring that adequate effort is made in the learning process. d) Stress punctuality and attendance. 3. Teach concern for others. a) Oppose and condemn physical violence, ridicule, prejudice, rudeness, course and inappropriate language. b) Support and applaud helpfulness, cooperation, harmony, tolerance, politeness, kindness, and gentleness. c) Apply the principle that "we should treat others the way we would like to be treated". 4. Develop self-worth. a) Develop the unique contribution possible from each child. b) Develop appreciation for such concepts as beauty, truth, creativity, and sensitivity. Revised: 1992-08 Policy No. 0200 5. Administer appropriate discipline 5 a) Be fair, firm, loving, consistent, and purposeful. b) Make discipline adequate to deter inappropriate behavior. c) Insist upon obedience to reasonable rules and requests. 6. Provide adult models for students. a. Encourage high expectations and standards through discussion and modeling. Revised: 1992-08 Policy No. 0200 6 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0201 Equity POLICY NO.: 0201 SUBJECT: Equity DATE APPROVED: 1995-11-22 Preamble The Board recognizes the diversity of its district students, staff and community members and will be sensitive to and endeavor to ensure equity for all individuals. Policy The Board encourages the recognition and appreciation of a society of varied individuals. The Board is committed to providing a learning and working environment in which the dignity of all people is valued and respected. The Board recognizes that the successful implementation and administration of a policy which reflects the ideal of equity (based on such things as gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnic background, religion, etc.) requires sensitivity and commitment from personnel and students at all levels. Objectives 1. To provide an education which meets the needs of all students, staff, parents and the communities of School District No. 60 2. To implement policies and guidelines which both respect diversity and oppose discrimination. Policy No. 0201 Originally Approved 1995-11-22 7 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0201 SUBJECT: Equity DATE APPROVED: 1995-11-22 In order to broaden and enrich education and life experience of those served by this school district, the Board will work to improve understanding among cultures, promote respect for diversity and oppose racism and discrimination. The Board will not condone any expressions of bias in any form by trustees, administrators, staff and students nor by any persons who are involved in programs and activities in the district. Policy No. 0201 Originally Approved 1995-11-22 8 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 0201 SUBJECT: Equity DATE APPROVED: 1995-11-22 Incidents of Expressed Bias and Discrimination The Board expects employees to take immediate action to deal with incidents contrary to this policy. By definition, "incident" refers to a verbal or physical expression of bias which exhibits a negative attitude toward an individual or group. Discussions held pertaining to this Policy will be handled with all possible confidentiality and dispatch. 1. Employees a) Any employee of School District No. 60 is encouraged to recognize and approach fellow employees when he/she feels the other's action appears to be contrary to Board policy. b) Any employee of School District No. 60 is requested, after informing a fellow employee (under a) above) or student of his/her intent, to report the incident to the immediate supervisor within five (5) working days of the occurrence of the incident. c) Any supervisor to whom such a report is made will discuss the incident fully with the persons involved and if all parties agree, no further action will be taken. d) Any employee who is not satisfied that the discussion referred to in (c) has resolved the issue, may appeal that decision with the Superintendent of Schools or the SecretaryTreasurer within five (5) working days. e) Any employee who is not satisfied with the decision made by the Superintendent of Schools or the Secretary-Treasurer may continue the appeal process by taking the matter to a committee of three which will include a representative of the North Peace Multi-Cultural Association, a Trustee, and one other party mutually acceptable to the other two groups. The alleged offender, with a representative, if desired, will have the opportunity to present his/her case to the committee of three. f) The committee of three shall, within ten (10) working days, make recommendations to the Board. Policy No. 0201 Originally Approved 1995-11-22 9 g) All committee members must be in attendance to conduct an inquiry into the alleged case. The committee of three may call, at its discretion, any other party deemed to have relevant information. However, the committee of three only will be involved in the decision making process and recommendations. The offender and the offended will be at the inquiry unless otherwise requested and mutually agreed to by the committee of three. h) The time limits aforementioned may be extended upon permission of the Board. i) If a complaint is sustained, the employee will receive a verbal reprimand on the first incident. Any further complaints may result in the suspension of the employee. j) If a complaint is found to be malicious, the employee will receive a verbal reprimand on the first incident. Any further complaints may result in suspension of the employee. 2. Students a) Students are requested, upon observing or experiencing any form of prejudice expressed by other students, employees or non-employees, to report such an incident to a teacher or administrator in his/her school, who will attempt to resolve the complaint by discussing the matter with the student(s) involved. b) If the student is not satisfied that the complaint in (a) has been resolved by the teacher or school administrator, the student should be encouraged to report the incident, in writing, to the principal or the school within five (5) working days. The student may be encouraged to request the assistance of a parent/guardian, or School District No. 60 employee to write such a report. The principal will attempt to resolve the complaint. c) If the student, or his/her parents/guardians, is not satisfied that the principal has resolved the complaint in (b), the matter should be referred to the Superintendent or designate. d) Any student who continues to act in a prejudicial manner may be suspended. e) It shall be part of the code of conduct for each school that expressions of prejudice are contrary to the policy of School District No. 60. 3. Non-Employees / Volunteers All persons who are involved in activities and programs of School District No. 60 are encouraged to recognize and report actions contrary to this Board policy to the person in authority in their building, who will be expected to deal with the matter accordingly. 4. Trustees The Board of Trustees undertakes to comply with this policy. Policy No. 0201 Originally Approved 1995-11-22 10 5. Classrooms a) The Board encourages classroom/school: emphasis being placed on the following within each b) recognition of the multi-cultural makeup of the school, of the local community, and of Canada; c) appreciation of the variety and richness of all cultures around the world; d) acceptance and understanding of different race, culture, and religion, and; e) appreciation of the contribution of different cultures to Canadian society. Policy No. 0201 Originally Approved 1995-11-22 11 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0202 Acceptable Internet Use POLICY NO.: 0202 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Acceptable Internet Use 1999-09-08 Preamble The Board recognizes the educational opportunities provided through the use of the Internet. Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure that staff and students understand and practice proper and ethical use of the Internet. Objectives 1. To outline the rules and conditions for acceptable usage of the Internet by both staff and students as per the attached Regulations. Policy No. 0202 Revised: 1999-09-15 12 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0202 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Acceptable Internet Use 1999-09-08 Acceptable Use 1. Schools provide access to the Internet for educational and research purposes and to provide opportunities for collaborative work in furtherance of those purposes. To remain eligible as a user, access must be in support of and consistent with the educational objectives of the District and School. 2. Transmission, printing, communication or publication of any information or material in violation of any Court Order of any Federal, Provincial, Municipal, Common or other law including, without limitation, any law relating to copyright, trade-marks, trade secrets, government security, obstruction, obscenity, threats, defamation, harassment, privacy, conspiracy, promotion of hatred or discrimination is prohibited. 3. School or District use of the Internet for commercial activities is generally not acceptable. Use for product-service advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited. School or District provided email accounts must not be used to send chain letters or to harass other users with unwanted e-mail messages. 4. E-mail accounts shall be used only by the authorized owner of the account. Account holders are responsible for all activity within their accounts. Privilege The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, Inappropriate use, including any violation of these conditions and rules, may result in cancellation of the privilege. Schools, under this agreement, are delegated the authority to determine appropriate use and may deny, revoke, suspend or close any user privileges at any time based upon its determination of inappropriate use of an e-mail account or by an Internet user, without prior notice and without any liability whatsoever to the e-mail account holder or user. Monitoring Schools and the District reserve the right to review any material on user e-mail accounts and to monitor log files and file server space in order for the School and District to make determinations on whether specific uses of the network are inappropriate. Since the use of District provided access is only for educational and research purposes, Schools and the District will not be bound to maintain confidentiality of any information in user-accounts, transaction logs of file server space, and users should not use access for any purpose they consider confidential. Policy No. 0202 Revised: 1999-09-15 13 Network Etiquette 1. With respect to e-mail accounts, all users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following: 2. Be polite. Do not get abusive in your messages to others. Do not criticize the spelling, writing or keyboarding of others. 3. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate or potentially offensive language. Do not engage in activities which are prohibited under Canadian law. 4. Do not reveal your personal address or phone number, or those of other students or colleagues. 5. Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system do have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities and may result in the loss of user privileges. 6. Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users. 7. Treat all communications and information accessible via the network as private property. Do not repost personal e-mail that you receive to public forums (e.g., listservs, newsgroups) without the permission of the author. No Warranties - User Accepts All Risk and Liability Schools and School District No. 60 (Peace River North) make no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the service it is providing. Schools and School District No. 60 (Peace River North) will not be responsible for any damages a user suffers or causes. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user=s own risk. The user shall indemnify and save Schools and School District No. 60 (Peace River North) harmless from any cost, damage or liability either may suffer as a result of or in any way relating to the user=s access to the network. Schools and School District No. 60 (Peace River North) specifically deny any responsibility for: 1. The accuracy or quality of information or advice obtained through its services, or any costs or charges incurred as a result of seeing or accepting such advice. All users need to consider the source of any information they obtain, and consider how valid that information may be; 2. Any costs, liability or damages caused by the way the account holder chooses to use his/her access; 3. Any consequences, including the loss of data, resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the School and School District No. 60 (Peace River North’s) negligence, default action or inaction or by the user’s errors or omissions; 4. Privacy of electronic mail cannot be guaranteed. Policy No. 0202 Revised: 1999-09-15 1. 14 Security a) Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. Users must never allow others to use their e-mail password. Users should also protect their password to ensure system security and their own privilege and ability to continue to use the system. b) Do not impersonate anyone or attempt any unauthorized access or violation of any security feature of Schools, School District No. 60 (Peace River North), or anyone else on the network. If you feel you can identify a security problem on Internet, you must notify a system administrator. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. c) Do not use another individual’s e-mail account or network access privilege. d) Attempts to access services as a system administrator may result in cancellation of user privileges. e) Any user identified as a security risk for having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to Internet by Schools and School District No. 60 (Peace River North). 2. Vandalism and Harassment a) Vandalism and harassment will result in cancellation of user privileges. b) Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm, modify or destroy any data, program or system of another user, or the agencies or other networks that are connected to the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creating of computer viruses. c) Harassment is defined as the persistent annoyance of another user, or the interference of another user’s work. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, the sending of unwanted mail. 3. Encounter of Controversial Material Users may encounter material that is controversial and which users, parents, teachers or administrators may consider inappropriate or offensive. However, on a global network it is impossible to control effectively the content of data and an industrious user may discover controversial material. It is the user’s responsibility not to initiate access to such material. School District No. 60 (Peace River North) may, but shall not be obliged to, restrict access to network material, but in any event shall have no duty to regulate the content of material on the network or the user’s access to that material. Penalties for Improper Use Any user violating these rules, Canadian laws or posted classroom and district rules is subject to loss of network privileges and any other District disciplinary options. Policy No. 0202 Revised: 1999-09-15 15 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0203 Prevention of Harassment POLICY NO.: 0203 SUBJECT: Prevention of Harassment DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-10 Preamble The Board and its employees recognize the right of employees, volunteers, and students to work, to learn, to conduct business and to associate in an environment which is free from harassment. Policy The Board considers harassment in any form to be totally unacceptable and does not condone its occurrence. Proven harassers may be subject to disciplinary actions. Objectives 1. To emphasize the importance of maintaining an environment free from harassment. 2. To ensure, in so far as possible, that employees, volunteers, and students may work, conduct business, learn and associate in an environment free from harassment. 3. To cooperate in the prevention of harassment in the workplace. Policy No. 0203 Originally Approved: 1995-05 16 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0203 SUBJECT: Prevention of Harassment DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-10 Definition: Employee - means any person in the employ of the Board in any capacity, including contracted services, management staff and individual trustees. Harassment: 1. Harassment means any improper behavior by an employee, volunteer, or student that is directed at and offensive to any person and which the violator knew or ought reasonably to have known would be unwelcome. Harassment comprises objectionable conduct, comment, materials or display made on either a one-time or continuous basis that demeans, belittles, or causes substantial distress, personal humiliation or embarrassment. Harassment does not include behavior within the bounds of acceptable professional practice. 2. Harassment means the improper use of power and authority to undermine performance or in any way interfere with career or success. This does not restrict Supervisory and Management personnel from carrying out their job functions, including disciplinary actions. 3. Without limiting the foregoing, harassment includes "harassment" within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act, ie. harassment on the basis of the following prohibited grounds of discrimination: race, color, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, age, or because that person has been convicted of a criminal or summary conviction offense. Policy No. 0203 Originally Approved: 1995-05 17 Sexual Harassment: 1. For the purposes of this Policy and Regulations, "sexual harassment" means any conduct, comment, gesture, or contact of a sexual nature, whether on a one-time basis or continuous series of incidents, that might reasonably be expected to cause offense or humiliation; or that might reasonably be perceived as placing a condition of a sexual nature on employment or on any opportunity for training, promotion, grades, etc. Process: 1. Sometimes a person does not realize that a particular habit, action, reaction, or attitude is unwelcome. An open and honest communication may be welcome and effective. Therefore, it is recommended that the complainant speaks or corresponds directly with the alleged harasser to express his/her feelings, if appropriate. 2. If Step 1 is not utilized or is unsuccessful, the complainant shall report the alleged harassment through the procedure described in the current Collective Agreement (where applicable). Where an employee is not covered by a Collective Agreement, complaints of alleged harassment are to be reported to the immediate supervisor, Secretary-Treasurer, or Superintendent of Schools, as appropriate. 3. Complaints of alleged harassment will be handled with all possible confidentiality and dispatch. 4. The Board agrees to deal with any retaliation caused by lodging a complaint under this policy. Resolution: 1. The Board will inform the complainant of action(s) that are being taken in response to the complaint. 2. Where it has been found that harassment has occurred, the violator will be subject to disciplinary actions up to, and including, suspension and/or expulsion of a student or suspension and/or dismissal of an employee. Consideration will be given to ensure due process has been followed. 3. The perpetrator(s) of harassment may be required to attend counseling. Programs may be made available for the victim/harasser through utilization of community programs or resources. Policy No. 0203 Originally Approved: 1995-05 18 4. Where possible or practical, the Board may provide an alternate work setting if working together is found to be intolerable. Consideration would be given only during circumstances where investigation/hearing is prolonged. 5. Any person who registers a complaint which is found to be malicious shall be subject to disciplinary actions up to, and including, expulsion or dismissal. Policy No. 0203 Originally Approved: 1995-05 19 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0300 Educational Objectives POLICY NO.: 0300 SUBJECT: Educational Objectives DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the value of developing educational objectives. Policy A statement outlining School District No. 60 educational objectives for the school year shall be developed annually. Objectives 1. To provide an annual outline of educational objectives and to enable schools to develop their School Plan in accordance with District Objectives. Policy No. 0300 Revised 1992-08 20 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0300 SUBJECT: Educational Objectives DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 1. The annual objective statement shall be developed in conjunction with the District Philosophy Review. 2. The annual objective statement for the next school year shall be approved by the Board by March 31st of every year. Policy No. 0300 Revised 1992-08 21 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0400 Environment POLICY NO.: 0400 SUBJECT: Environment DATE APPROVED: 1990-12 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of awareness of concerns and developments related to the changing environment and the effects these will have on future generations. Policy The Board encourages its employees to contribute to the health of the environment. Objectives 1. To work towards eliminating products that are harmful to the environment. 2. To support the 3 R's of an environmentally sensitive policy Reduce Re-use Recycle Policy No. 0400 Revised 1992-08 Reviewed 1994-04 22 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0500 Health and Safety POLICY NO.: 0500 SUBJECT: Health and Safety DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy working environment and implementing practices which reduce the risk of accidents. Policy The Board will maintain safe and healthy working conditions and operating practices for its employees, students, and the general public and will ensure that its practices and procedures conform to applicable occupational health and safety legislation. Objectives 1. The Board will establish and maintain a program of occupational health and safety as an integral part of its operations. The program will include appropriate safety education and training, the enforcement of regulations, rules, and procedures, the provision of safe work areas, and the promotion of safe working practices among all employees. Policy No. 0500 23 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0500 SUBJECT: Health and Safety DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 1. The Superintendent of Schools and the Secretary-Treasurer are responsible for the implementation and continuation of an effective safety program in the School District. They delegate this responsibility for implementation of the program as follows: a) The school principals for implementation of the safety program in their respective schools. b) The District Principal - Technology Services, the Director of Student Support Services and the Principal - Northern BC Distance Education School for implementation of the safety program in their respective departments. c) The Maintenance Supervisor, Transportation Supervisor, and Custodial Supervisor/Safety Officer for implementation of the safety program in their respective departments. Supervisors will also ensure that their staff is trained in proper work procedures to obtain optimum output without accidents or health risks to the employee or to others, and that such training is recorded. d) Teachers for the safe conduct of all activities under their control. e) Employees are required to know and observe safety rules and procedures and to make effective use of safety practices and equipment in the performance of their work. 2. A District Health and Safety Committee shall be established as required by the Workers' Compensation Board Regulations. 3. All accidents will be investigated and reported in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Board Regulations. 4. A copy of the Workers' Compensation Board Industrial Health and Safety Regulations will be available in each work location. Policy No. 0500 24 5. An "Employee Safety Handbook", which outlines safety rules and guidelines and promotes an accident-free environment will be available in each work location. 6. Pupil Accident Insurance will be made available to every student. Policy No. 0500 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0501 District Health and Safety Committee POLICY NO.: 0501 DATE APPROVED: 2001-09-126 SUBJECT: District Health and Safety Committee Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy working environment and implementing practices which reduce the risk of accidents. Policy A District Health and Safety Committee shall be established in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Board Regulations. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for the operation of the District Health and Safety Committee. Policy No. 0501 Revised 1992-08, 1995-04, 1998-12, 2001-06 26 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0501 SUBJECT: District Health and Safety Committee DATE APPROVED: 2001-09-12 1. The District Health and Safety Committee will consist of persons representing all worker groups: Two (2) individuals from Local 2397, The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Two (2) individuals from Peace River North Teachers' Association. One (1) Administrative Officer Representative One (1) Trustee. One (1) Supervisor of Safety Services Secretary-Treasurer [or designate] 2. Not more than one (1) person from each facility will sit on the Committee. Each member will sit on the committee for a two (2) year term except the Secretary-Treasurer [or designate] and the Supervisor of Safety Services who will be standing members. Committee members representing each Union group shall commence their two-year term in alternating years. Committee members representing the Administrative Officers and the Trustees shall commence their two-year term in alternating years. Committee members may stay on the committee for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. 3. The District Health and Safety Committee will meet the second Thursday of October, January and April.Copies of the minutes of the meetings of the District Health and Safety Committee will be sent to: Prevention Services Department of the Workers' Compensation Board; The Board of School Trustees, School District No. 60; Labour Organization involved; All work sites. 4. Where general training is required, the District Health and Safety Committee will approach appropriate people to conduct the training. Policy No. 0501 Revised 1992-08, 1995-04, 1998-12, 2001-06 27 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0502 Safety Sub-Committees POLICY NO.: 0502 SUBJECT: Safety Sub-Committees DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy working environment and implementing practices which reduce the risk of accidents. Policy A Safety Sub-Committee will be established at each work site. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for the operation of the Safety Sub-Committees. Policy No. 0502 Revised 1992-08 28 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0502 SUBJECT: Safety Sub-Committees DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 1. Each Safety Sub-Committee will consist of the Principal/Supervisor or his/her designate and at least one other worker. Principals/Supervisors will keep in mind that the Safety SubCommittee represents all employees. 2. Safety Sub-Committees will perform regular inspections of premises, equipment, work methods, work practices, and safety procedures, at appropriate intervals to ensure that prompt action is taken to correct any hazardous conditions found. 3. Safety Sub-Committees will report once a month to the District Health and Safety Committee and submit an Industrial Health and Safety Inspection Form. Items submitted will be prioritized to make the most effective use of available funds. 4. Safety Sub-Committees will investigate accidents. 5. Safety Sub-Committees will maintain records and statistics to enable individuals to obtain information about the safety program. This ensures that areas requiring follow-up are identified and program effectiveness can be measured. These records and statistics will be available to the District Health and Safety Committee. Policy No. 0502 Revised 1992-08 29 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0503 Universal Precautions POLICY NO.: 0503 SUBJECT: Universal Precautions DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 Preamble The Board recognizes the need to provide guidelines for effective precautions against transmitting disease. Policy All school staff and students shall exercise the following precautions in order to reduce the risk of transmitting disease through spilled body fluids or hypodermic needles and syringes. Objectives 1. To provide effective precautions against transmitting disease. 2. To provide guidelines for the safe handling and disposal of spilled body fluids. 3. To provide guidelines for the safe handling and disposal of hypodermic needles and syringes. Policy No. 0503 30 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0503 SUBJECT: Universal Precautions DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 The following Regulations apply to ALL persons potentially exposed to body fluids. No distinction is made between body fluids from persons with a known disease and those from persons without symptoms or with an undiagnosed disease. Body Fluids The term body fluids includes: blood, urine, drainage from scrapes and cuts, feces, vomit, respirator and nasal secretions, and saliva. The body fluids of all persons are considered as containing potentially infectious agents. In most instances, the risk is low and depends on the type of fluid involved, the kind of contact made with it, and the stage of infection of the carrier. When possible, avoid direct contact with body fluids. Hand Washing Proper hand washing techniques should be employed. Jewelry Jewelry should not be worn when working with students who require repeated physical contact and care. Micro-organisms can become lodged in settings or stones. Gloves 1. Wear disposable, Latex gloves when direct hand contact with body fluids is anticipated: i.e. treating a cut or bloody nose, changing a soiled diaper etc. 2. Wear gloves to handle any soiled items. 3. Wash hands after removing gloves. washing. Gloves do not eliminate the need for good hand Soiled Laundry 1. Clothing soiled with body fluids should be washed separately from other items. Policy No. 0503 31 2. Pre-soaking may be required for heavily soiled clothing. If material is bleachable, add 1/2 cup household bleach to the wash cycle. If material is not color fast, add 1/2 non-chlorine bleach (i.e. Clorox or Borateem) to the wash cycle. Disposals 1. Contaminated disposable items (gloves, paper towels, tissues, bandages, diapers, etc.) should be placed into a white-colored plastic garbage bag so that it is identifiable to all staff, then immediately placed into the garbage cart in the custodial room. 2. Non-disposable items, such as clothing, should be rinsed and placed in plastic bags. Presoaking in cold water may be required to remove blood or stains. Safe Handling of Spilled Body Fluids 1. When a body fluid spill is discovered, students should be kept away until clean-up is complete. 2. The staff member should put on rubber gloves before starting the clean-up. Chemical-splash goggles are also recommended. 3. The staff member should prepare a solution of D.I.N. disinfectant/sanitizer. 4. The custodian should be made aware of the spill in case further clean-up is required. 5. Wipe up as much of the body fluid as possible with paper towels. Soiled paper towels should be disposed of directly into a colored garbage bag. 6. Gently pour D.I.N. (disinfectant) solution onto the body spill and allow the solution to decontaminate the site for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES - resilient flooring (carpeted areas should be extracted as soon as possible). 7. The area should then be mopped or sponged with clean water. 8. Equipment used such as mops or sponges must be soaked in a solution of disinfectant or bleach. Contact with Body Fluids 1. If you accidentally come into contact with body fluids and you have open sores or wounds on the skin that come into contact with the body fluids: a) b) c) d) Wash hands immediately and thoroughly with soap and water. Apply antiseptic to wound. Notify physician of the incident. Disinfect or remove contaminated clothing. Policy No. 0503 32 2. If you accidentally come into contact with body fluids and you do not have open sores or wounds on the skin that come into contact with the body fluids: a) Wash hands immediately and thoroughly with soap and water. b) Disinfect or remove contaminated clothing. 3. If you are going to provide assistance to someone who is bleeding: a) Put on disposable rubber gloves before providing assistance. b) Dispose of gloves (see disposals) and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after giving assistance. Safe Handling of Hypodermic Needles and Syringes 1. Needles and syringes must NOT be picked up by students. 2. When needles or syringes are discovered, students must be kept away from the site until disposal is complete. 3. Arrange to have the garbage collection tongs and the "sharps container" brought to the site. (An empty bleach bottle that has been clearly re-labeled and which can still be closed with its original lid makes an appropriate "sharps container"). 4. Using the garbage collection tongs and extreme caution to prevent needle sticks, a staff member should transfer the needle or syringe into the sharps container. DO NOT pick up needles or syringes with bare hands. (Rubber gloves may be used to pick up needles or syringes but rubber gloves do not provide any protection against needle stick injuries. Use of garbage collection tongs is recommended). 5. Return the sharps container to a secure location in the school. 6. Staff members who dealt with the needles or syringes should then follow the procedures for "How to Wash Hands Properly." 7. Advise the Health and Safety Officer of unusual and repeated incidents. IF A STUDENT OR STAFF MEMBER SUFFERS A NEEDLE STICK INJURY, THE WOUND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY BE WASHED WITH SOAP AND WARM, RUNNING WATER AND THE PERSON SHOULD BE REFERRED TO IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Policy No. 0503 33 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0504 Tobacco Use POLICY NO.: 0504 SUBJECT: Tobacco Use DATE APPROVED: 1987-02 Preamble The Board recognizes that research has linked Tobacco use and smoke-filled environments with illness such as lung and heart disease. Policy School District No. 60 schools and facilities are required to develop policies which cater to the rights of non-smokers. Objectives 1. To eliminate Tobacco use from School District No. 60 schools and facilities, and to provide role models for students. Policy No. 0504 34 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0504 SUBJECT: Tobacco Use DATE APPROVED: 1987-02 1. The Board endorses the use of effective programs which encourage students to refrain from Tobacco use. Policy No. 0504 35 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0505 Personal Safety and Security Policy No.: 0505 Subject: PERSONAL SAFETY AND SECURITY Date Approved: 1995-12 Preamble Adult and student behavior is governed variously by the School Act, Board policies and regulations, contractual agreements and standards of behavior acceptable within the community. The Board believes any violence in schools or workplace sites is a serious problem and acknowledges its responsibility to contribute to the personal safety and security of the students and adults working in the District. The Board recognizes that prevention education is a prerequisite to having violence free schools and accepts the important leadership role that the District maintains in the wider community to impart the values of respect, dignity and courtesy. The Board expects that all individuals - adults and students - will treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy, and conduct themselves in a manner that will promote order, safety and security for all. Policy The Board will foster and endeavor to maintain a safe working environment for all students, staff and parents through the implementation of measures to prevent and to deal with violence in schools. Objectives 1. To promote student, staff and parent awareness of personal safety and security. 2. To contribute to the personal safety and security of the students and adults working in School District No. 60. 3. To minimize the potential for violence within School District No. 60 through education (i.e. Violence Prevention Manual, training offered by the Justice Institute). 4. To impart appropriate values accepted and expected by the wider community through the leadership of district administrators and other district employees. Policy No. 0505 36 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS Policy No.: 0505 Date Approved: 1995-12 Subject: PERSONAL SAFETY AND SECURITY 1. Each school will develop a school-based student code of conduct. 2. Each school/facility will conduct a risk assessment. 3. Each school/facility will develop strategies to prevent violence. 4. Each school/facility will make provision for appropriate early intervention strategies. 5. Each school/facility will ensure administration of the School Act and Board policies with respect to student conduct as well as the application of any Federal or Provincial legislation pertaining to safety and security in schools. 6. As a leadership responsibility of the Principal, in consultation with students, parents and staff and while operating within the applicable policies of the Board, will set standards of acceptable behavior and communicate these standards to student, parents and staff on an ongoing basis. It is also the responsibility of the Principal to enforce the consequences for violating these standards within existing Board policies and regulations. Policy No. 0505 37 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0505.1 School Visitors Protocol POLICY NO.: 05051 SUBJECT: School Visitors Protocol DATE APPROVED: 1999-09-08 Preamble The Board recognizes the important role that parents, older siblings and other members of the community can have in the education of children and youth, and encourages them to become active participants in both the curricular and extra-curricular activities provided in the district. The Board also recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment, one in which all visitors to the school are appropriate role models. Policy Parents, older siblings and other members of the community are encouraged to participate in the education programs (curricular, extra-curricular) offered to students in the district provided that the protocols detailed in the regulations are observed. Objectives To encourage the active participation of parents, older siblings and other members of the community in both the curricular and extra-curricular programs provided for students throughout the district. 1. To establish protocols that must be observed if such participation is to be permitted. 2. To assure teachers, support staff and administrators that they have the full support of district administration and the Board when faced with visitors who become abusive either with them or students. 3. To provide guidelines for administering this Policy. Policy No. 0505.1 Revised 1999-09-15 38 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 0505.1 SUBJECT: School Visitors Protocol DATE APPROVED: 1999-09-08 1. When older siblings, parents or other community members visit schools they must: a) recognize the need to make prior arrangements with the school and classroom teachers when the intent is to visit specific classrooms; b) recognize the authority vested by the Board in both individual classroom teachers and the school’s administration to deny access to classrooms when visitations become excessive or simply are not appropriate. However, such access should not be unreasonably denied; c) recognize the authority vested in the Principal, or other person in authority under the School Act and the Board to deny individuals access to the school and school grounds; and d) first advise office staff of their presence in the building and the purpose of their visit. 2. In the event that an older sibling, parent or other community member becomes abusive (e.g., body language, verbal, physical), the staff member should: a) cease the meeting immediately. Quietly, but firmly, offer to meet with the individual at another time and perhaps more appropriate place, when emotions have had a chance to settle. Inform the individual that a colleague will be attending that meeting with them; b) arrange to have a member of the administration or other colleague on staff accompany him/her to that meeting; and c) refer the matter to the administration. 3. Every effort should be made by staff and the administration to solve issues that develop at the classroom and/or school level. In the event that a solution can not be found and the individual is not content to Aagree to disagree,@ that matter should be: a) referred to the appropriate member of district staff; and/or Policy No. 0505.1 Revised 1999-09-15 39 b) the individual should be advised of his right to appeal the decision taken by an employee of the Board directly to the Board under Section 11 of the School Act. Application to appeal is made through either the Superintendent’s Office or the SecretaryTreasurer’s Office, whichever is appropriate. Policy No. 0505.1 Revised 1999-09-15 40 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0506 Working Alone/Traveling Alone (Within the District) POLICY NO.: 0506 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Working Alone / Traveling Alone (Within the District) 2000-05-10 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of providing safe working conditions and implementing procedures which reduce risks. Policy The Board will endeavour to provide safe working conditions by implementing procedures for employees who work and/or travel alone within the District. Objectives 1. To provide safe working conditions for employees who work and/or travel alone. Policy No. 0506 Originally Approved 2000-05-10 41 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 0506 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Working Alone / Traveling Alone (Within the District) 2000-05-10 RESPONSIBILITY Supervisors/Administrative Officers are responsible for ensuring employees are familiar with the safety procedures appropriate to their duties. Employees are responsible for ensuring they follow the procedures developed for their protection. Failure to comply with the relative procedures is a serious violation of School District No. 60 safety policy. COMMUNICATION Where two-way telephone communication is the designated means of checking on the well-being of employees, the schedule for contacting the designated personnel must be strictly adhered to. In case of emergencies, employees are reminded that use of the school alarm system, the fire alarm system, or the school telephone system is available to summon emergency assistance. WORKING ALONE When an employee is required to work alone for more than two hours of their normal shift, the following District procedure will apply: 1. Use of Emergency Response Pendants: a) An emergency response pendant will be issued to all employees who are required to work alone for more than two hours of a normal shift. b) The employee will be trained in the use of the emergency response pendant. c) The employee will be required to wear the emergency response pendant at all times while working alone. d) The Supervisor/Administrative Officer will instruct Casual or Replacement employees in the use of the emergency response pendant. 2. Performing Duties Where a Higher Risk of Injury Exists a) Work that is considered to be higher risk will be scheduled, when possible, when there is more than one person in the building. Policy No. 0506 Originally Approved 2000-05-10 42 b) Examples of higher risk work include, but are not limited to: working from a ladder operating a single disc floor machine heavy lifting moving large items 3. Entering Facilities Outside of Normal Operating Hours a) If a Supervisor/Administrative Officer authorizes an employee to enter or use a facility outside of normal operating hours, and no other person will be present in the facility, the following procedures will apply: The employee will be required to sign in and out of the facility using a designated log book. The Joint Health & Safety Committee or Worker Health & Safety Representative at each facility will develop guidelines detailing a procedure for checking on the well being of employees who enter facilities outside of normal operating hours. TRAVELING ALONE (Within the District) 1. Employees Traveling to Rural Sites: a) Before leaving for the school, the employee will inform the designated contact person where they are traveling to and their estimated time of arrival. A record will be maintained by the designated contact person in the travel log book. b) Once the employee has reached the school site, they will phone back to the designated contact person to advise of their safe arrival. c) If a phone call is not received within 30 minutes of the expected arrival time, the school will be contacted and a search may be started. d) When the employee is preparing to leave the rural school, they will again phone the designated contact person advising they are leaving and their expected time of arrival. Once they have arrived back, they will confirm their safe arrival with the contact person. e) If the employee will be returning after normal working hours, the employee will contact City Answering Service before leaving the site with an estimated arrival time. Once back, the employee will confirm their arrival with City Answering Service. Policy No. 0506 Originally Approved 2000-05-10 43 f) If travel is required outside of normal working hours (ie. emergency call-out), the employee will use City Answering Service as the point of contact for travel in both directions. COLLECTING GARBAGE AFTER NORMAL WORKING HOURS 1. Respective employees will carry a cellular phone for emergency use. 2. At the end of the garbage run, City Answering Service will be used as the point of contact. Confirmation must take place no later than 8:00 p.m. that evening. 3. If due to a non-emergency, the employee is unable to return to the Maintenance Shop by 8:00 p.m. they will notify City Answering Service of the situation and the new arrival time. CONFINED/ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY -Employees who are assigned to enter confined/enclosed areas will follow the established work procedures for these areas. Policy No. 0506 Originally Approved 2000-05-10 44 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0507 Employee Access to District Facilities POLICY NO.: 0507 SUBJECT: Employee Access to District Facilities DATE APPROVED: 2001-12-12 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy working environment and implementing practices which reduce the risk of accidents. Policy School District No. 60 buildings will be available to staff from the hours of 6:00 a.m. 12:00midnight during instructional and professional development days. Between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. the district buildings will be secured and only emergency personnel will be authorized to enter. Use of Facilities Outside of Normal Work Days: On weekends, statutory holidays and normal school break periods, School District No. 60 buildings will be available to staff from 7:30 am until 11:00 p.m.. Each School District No. 60 work sites will establish, through its Joint Health and Safety Committee or Worker Representative, an adequate sign-in and man-check procedure to ensure the safety and well being of staff using these facilities outside of normal work days. Staff entering the buildings outside of normal work days must comply with the established sign-in and man-check procedures. Objective To provide guidelines to insure the safety and well being of School District No. 60 staff while in our buildings. Policy No. 0507 Originally Approved 2001-12-12 45 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 0600 Commitment to Employees Health and Well-Being POLICY NO.: 0600 SUBJECT: Commitment to Employees Health and Well-Being DATE APPROVED: 1996-09 Preamble The Board recognizes that absenteeism because of illness is unavoidable and that employees may be absent from work from time to time. The Board realizes the workplace and the environment can influence the well-being and performance of its employees and is committed to assisting the employees in managing their health and well-being. Policy The Board will endeavor to assist employees with their timely return to work and/or assist employees in the exploration and management of other occupational/career opportunities. Objectives 1. To assist employees in their return to health and well-being 2. To assist the Board in managing the cost of sick leave. 3. To assist employees with their early return to work. Policy No. 0600 Originally Approved 1992-04 Revised 1992-08, 1996-09 46 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) COMMUNITY RELATIONS (Series 1000) 1101 Community Relations (Series 1000) POLICY NO.: 1101 SUBJECT: School Board Meetings DATE APPROVED: 1973-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of open communication in School District No. 60. Policy Regular Board Meetings will be held at 8:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month, unless otherwise specified. Policy No. 1101 Originally Approved 1973-06 Revised 1990-04 47 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1101 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Policy No. 1101 Originally Approved 1973-06 Revised 1990-04 48 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 1101 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Policy No. 1101 Originally Approved 1973-06 Revised 1990-04 49 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1101.1 School Board Meetings - Delegations POLICY NO.: 1101.1 SUBJECT: School Board Meetings Delegations DATE APPROVED: 1998-12-09 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of open communication with the public. Policy The public may address the Board, in accordance with the attached Regulations. Objective To encourage open communication with the public. Policy No. 1101.1 Originally Approved 1998-12 50 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1101.1 SUBJECT: School Board Meetings Delegations DATE APPROVED: 1998-12-09 1. Where a member of the public knows in advance he/she wishes to address the Board, a request in writing should be made to the Secretary-Treasurer one week in advance of the Board Meeting. The request must indicate the subject of the presentation and, if possible, include a copy of any handouts that are intended for distribution at the Board Meeting. 2. In the case of time constraints or where there is no opportunity to provide the Board with advance notice, the Board will consider adding the item to the agenda. The Board Chair will consider such factors as time, agenda, and the urgency of the proposed request in making a determination to add the item to the agenda. 3. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes unless, due to the nature of the presentation, more time is allotted on the agenda. 4. There shall be no undue interruption of any presentation, except by the Board Chair to advise of time limitations or if the presentation is out of order. 5. On conclusion of the presentation, the Board or its officials may ask questions for clarification of aspects of the presentation. Policy No. 1101.1 Originally Approved 1998-12 51 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1102 Annual Report on Educational Programs POLICY NO.: 1102 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Annual Report on Educational Programs 1993-04 Preamble The Board believes that the relationship between the District and parents, parents’ advisory councils, and the community at large must be one of cooperation with effective communication, if optimum conditions are to exist in schools in the District. Keeping these groups informed of the state of education in the District is one of the effective means of maintaining a positive relationship with the community. Policy Annual reports to the Minister regarding the general effectiveness of educational programs in the District and other related matters shall be made freely available to parents and other interested parties in the District. Objective 1. To keep parents, employees, and other community members informed on school matters. Policy No. 1102 Originally Approved 1993-04 52 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1102 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Annual Report on Educational Programs 1993-04 1. The Board’s annual report to the Minister regarding the general effectiveness of educational programs in the District and other related matters shall be submitted to the Minister for the previous school year on or before December 31. 2. Copies of the annual report shall be made freely available, simultaneously, to parents, parents’ advisory councils, employees and employee groups, residents, and to any other interested groups in the community, through the Superintendent’s office. Policy No. 1102 Originally Approved 1993-04 53 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1201 School Facilities and Equipment POLICY NO.: 1201 SUBJECT: School Facilities and Equipment DATE APPROVED: 2002-02 Preamble The Board recognizes the value of providing community access to school facilities and equipment. Policy The Board encourages the use of school facilities by responsible individuals or groups, furthering the educational, civic, recreational, or cultural interests of the community. 1. Persons using the facilities will in the following three groups: Group A Educational organizations such as classes, clubs, and athletic teams will be allowed free use of any school facilities. Group B School groups sponsoring activities to which the general public pays admission and non-profit organizations which promote sportsmanship and good citizenship in our community, or whose aim is in some way to improve the city or district, will be allowed free use of any school facilities, provided that no additional expenses are incurred. In the event that additional costs are incurred, the organization concerned will be responsible for these costs. Examples: Organizations such as parent-teacher organizations, School District employee organizations, 4-H clubs, Scouts and Cubs, Girl Guides, Brownies, Cadets, Night School classes and similar organizations. Note: Any group or organization in which the instructor, leader, or coach receives remuneration for their services will be excluded from Group B and is subject to rental fees under Group C. Group C Persons renting on a commercial or private basis or not included in Group A or B. Rentals: For this group, rentals will be set according to the circumstances. Policy No. 1201 Originally Approved 1970-11 Revised 1992-05, 1997-04, 2002-12, 2006-05 Prospective tenants are asked to take particular note of the following conditions of rental: 54 1. Facilities will be available only to properly organized groups or responsible groups in the process of organizing. 2. Facilities are not available for political, religious or Non School District Employee Union Meetings, except where no other rentable facilities are available. 3. School facilities will not be rented for church or Sunday School purposes except in rural areas, where no other community center is available. 4. Schools are not available to any group for public dances or jamborees, except at the discretion of the Board of School Trustees. 5. Rates for Group C tenants will be established by the Board of School Trustees and will be reviewed annually by District Staff. USE OF SCHOOL EQUIPMENT BY OUTSIDE GROUPS 1. School equipment such as chairs, projection equipment, sports equipment, etc., may not be used by any outside group without the express permission of the Principal or the SecretaryTreasurer or his/her designate. 2. School Principals may authorize the loan of equipment to another school by regulations set out by the Board of School Trustees and said regulations form part of this Policy. 3. The Board does not compete with private halls, gymnasiums, and the like. Where such facilities are available, the Board may refuse to lease to any groups except non-profit or charitable organizations. 4. The recreational programs sponsored by the City Recreation Department, the Regional District and/or other local governments may make use of School District playgrounds after appropriate advance planning with the District Staff. 5. In exceptional circumstances, the Board of School Trustees retains the right to vary policy. Policy No. 1201 Originally Approved 1970-11 Revised 1992-05, 1997-04, 2002-12, 2006-05 55 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1201 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Use of School Facilities and Equipment 1970-11 1. All requests for use of school facilities must be made on an Application for Rental of School Facilities form to the Principal of the School concerned. 2. The principal will agree on a responsible person, named by the organization, to be responsible for that group during the time they wish to use the school facilities. 3. The Principal is directly responsible for the school. At his/her discretion, activities scheduled for hours when regular staff is not on duty may have to be supervised by School District staff. All extra costs to the District will be charged to Groups B and C scheduling such use. 4. When supervision by School District staff is not deemed necessary, during the times the school building is closed, (i.e. weekends and holidays), the Principal will supply to the responsible person named by the group, a key, which must be returned to the Principals by the next school day after use by the said group. 5. When the use falls during school days, the group will not need a key as custodians are on duty until 11:30 p.m. each school day. 6. The group using school facilities will be responsible for the following: a) Cleaning up the facilities used. b) Policing the facilities used and ensuring that the members of their group remain in the area rented only, the balance of the school being out of bounds to the members of the group c) Ensuring that no liquor is consumed on School District premises unless it is permitted by special approval of the Board. Before the Board will consider granting permission to serve alcohol on school property, proof of User Group Liability Insurance coverage is required. d) Ensuring that all equipment approved for use of the group is returned to its rightful place. e) Agreeing to pay any damage to school property caused by use of the facility by their group. Policy No. 1201 Originally Approved 1970-11 Revised 1992-05, 1997-04, 2002-12, 2006-05 56 7. Local Fire Codes must be followed at all times. Smoking inside school premises is prohibited, unless in an area approved by the Board and the Principal. All scenery used on stage must be flameproof or be treated to retard flame spread. Inspection by the local Fire Department may be demanded by the School district. 8. Any alteration or relocation of items or components, mechanical or otherwise, are expressly forbidden unless prior approval has been granted. 9. The Principal has the authority to refuse to any group or organization the use of school facilities. These groups or organizations may appeal to the Board of School Trustees against such refusal. 10. Rates for Group C tenants shall be as follows: One-time Rentals City Schools - $200.00 per rental. For commercial use, an additional chare or 10% of the gross gate. Other Schools - $100.00 per rental. For commercial use, an additional charge of 10% of the gross gate. Ongoing Rentals When a service is being provided and a profit is being realized the rates shall be 10% of the gross gate. Chair loan for non-school organizations from Group B or Group C shall have a processing fee of $.75/chair with a minimum charge of $25.00. Policy No. 1201 Originally Approved 1970-11 Revised 1992-05, 1997-04, 2002-12, 2006-05 57 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 1201 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Use of School Facilities and Equipment 1997-04 1. All requests for use of school facilities must be made on an Application for Rental of School Facilities form to the principal of the school concerned. 2. The principal will agree on a responsible person, named by the organization, to be responsible for that group during the time they wish to use the school facilities. 3. The principal is directly responsible for the school. At his/her discretion, activities scheduled for hours when regular staff are not on duty may have to be supervised by School District staff. All extra costs to the District will be charged to Groups B and C scheduling such use. 4. When supervision by School District staff is not deemed necessary, during the times the school building is closed, (ie. weekends and holidays), the principal will supply to the responsible person named by the group, a key, which must be returned to the principal by the next school day after use by the said group. Policy No. 1201 Originally Approved 1970-11 Revised 1992-05, 1997-04, 2002-12, 2006-05 58 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1202.1 Technology Services – Private Schools POLICY NO.: 1202.1 SUBJECT: Technology Services Private Schools DATE APPROVED: 1982-11 Preamble The Board recognizes the value of providing private schools access to the Technology Services. Policy All Ministry of Education supported schools with school-aged children in School District No. 60 will have access to materials at the Technology Services located at the Administration building. Rural private schools are permitted to use Technology Services learning materials subject to the following regulations. Policy No. 1202.1 Originally Approved 1982-11 Reviewed 1997-12 59 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1202.1 SUBJECT: Technology Services Private Schools DATE APPROVED: 1982-11 1. Loan periods to be as per scheduled for School District No. 60. Teachers, with priority bookings to School District No. 60 teachers. 2. Rural private schools who are permitted the use of the Technology Services learning materials are subject to the following regulations: a) all equipment will be excepted from borrowing b) all materials will be lent on a two week loan period only. Policy No. 1202.1 Originally Approved 1982-11 Reviewed 1997-12 60 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1202.2 Technology Services – Regional Colleges POLICY NO.: 1202.2 SUBJECT: Technology Services Regional Colleges DATE APPROVED: 1982-11 Preamble The Board recognizes the value of providing regional colleges access to the Technology Services. Policy The Fort St. John Campus of Northern Lights College will have access to the Technology Services materials with School District No. 60 having priority. Policy No. 1202.2 Originally Approved 1982-11 Reviewed 1997-12 61 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1202.2 SUBJECT: Technology Services Regional Colleges DATE APPROVED: 1982-11 1. Loan periods to be as per scheduled for School District No. 60 teachers, with priority bookings to School District No. 60 teachers. Policy No. 1202.2 Originally Approved 1982-11 Reviewed 1997-12 62 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1301 District Advisory Council POLICY NO.: 1301 SUBJECT: District Advisory Council DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 Preamble The Board values the input of parents and other members of the community. In order to facilitate this communication and coordinate the communication between the Parents’ Advisory councils at individual schools, the Board encourages the establishment of a District Advisory Council. This council may advise the Board on any matter relating to the School District. Policy When requested in writing, the Board shall recognize the establishment of a District Advisory Council. There shall be only one District Advisory Council. Objectives 1. To provide communication links between parents and the Board and between community groups and the Board. 2. To advise the Board on matters relating to education in the District. 3. To survey parent opinion through Parents’ Advisory Councils. 4. To provide information to school Parents’ Advisory Councils. 5. To provide input in Board decision making and Policy formulation. Policy No. 1301 Originally Approved 1993-05 63 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1302 Parents’ Advisory Council POLICY NO.: 1302 SUBJECT: Parents’ Advisory Council DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 Preamble The Board recognized parents’ right and responsibility to provide input into the determination of educational goals and Policies for individual schools and the District. Moreover, the Board encourages parents to use Parents’Advisory Councils as a forum to discuss matters of interest and concern. Policy When requested in writing, the Board shall recognize the establishment of a Parents’ Advisory Council. There shall be only one Parents’ Advisory Council per school. Objectives 1. To encourage cooperation between home and school. 2. To provide a forum in which parents and teachers can discuss matters of interest and concern. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 64 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1302 SUBJECT: Parents’ Advisory Council DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 1. In consultation with the school principal, the Council shall make Bylaws governing its meetings, its business, and the conduct of its affairs, including Bylaws governing its dissolution. 2. Opportunities to participate on a Parents’ Advisory Council shall be widely advertised; such opportunities shall be open to all parents of students attending the school. 3. Through its elected officers, a Parents’ Advisory Council may advise the Board and the principal and staff of the school respecting any matters relating to the school. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 65 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1302.1 Parents’ Advisory Councils - Insurance POLICY NO.: 1302.1 SUBJECT: Parents’ Advisory Councils Insurance DATE APPROVED: 1997-06-25 Preamble In order to provide uniform coverage for Parent Advisory Councils across the province, Parent Advisory Councils will be covered under the School Protection Program. Policy Parent Advisory Councils and members are covered for third party liability to the extend that liability arises from activities in connection with the School District. Objectives 1. To ensure uniform coverage for Parent Advisory Councils across the province. 2. To ensure protection for Parent Advisory Councils while carrying out their volunteer activities. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 66 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 1302.1 SUBJECT: Parents’ Advisory Councils Insurance DATE APPROVED: 97-06-25 1. Parent Advisory Councils/District Parent Advisory Councils and members are covered to the extent that liability arises from activities in connection with the school district. Risks such as property damage or embezzlement of PAC funds are not covered. 2. It is the responsibility of PAC’s to direct all risk management inquiries through the office of the Secretary-Treasurer. 3. It is the responsibility of PAC’s to follow the District’s incident and claim reporting procedures as outlined in attached Procedures. 4. All requests for use of school facilities must be made on an School Facilities form. 5. Pac’s are responsible to communicate with Principals regarding the and operation of their activities. 6. Principals are responsible to communicate with PAC’s regarding: Application for Rental of organization a)Liability risk management practices which the school utilizes with respect to the type of activity planned by the PAC; and b)The district’s reporting procedures for any incidents which may occur and any claims which may arise. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 67 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 1302.1 SUBJECT: Parents’ Advisory Councils Insurance DATE APPROVED: 97-06-25 1. Principal Approval If: a) Principal considers a proposed PAC activity to be unacceptable due to its nature or inherent risks; b) is unsuccessful in influencing the PAC to modify the proposed activity; and c) the Superintendent concurs with the concern; then the Principal shall disassociate the PAC activity from the School District by refusing to provide access to facilities and resources and refuse to accept funds generated by the activity. 2. Incident Reports Schools Protection Program (SPP) Incident Reports contain three main sections. Complete Sections 1 and 3 for all incidents; then complete either Section A or B, depending on the nature of the event. Section 1 - General Name of School: Fill this in completely. Everybody in your community might know that certain initials are routinely used to describe your school, but these initials might not mean anything to the SPP employees who must read and make sense of the report. S.D. Number and Facility Code: Put both in. If you do not know your facility code, you can get it from your School District office. School Phone Number: We need this so that we can call your school to speak with those who can answer questions about the event. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 68 Name of Supervisor/Teacher/Instructor Involved: If the Incident Report relates to an injury, the individual named should be the one most directly responsible for the injured person at the time of the incident. If no one was responsible for the injured person, or if the incident relates to damage to your facility, provide the name of the individual who has the most knowledge of the event. Date and Time: Fill these out as precisely as possible. Description of How Incident Occurred: This is one of the most important parts of the form, yet it is often left incomplete or even blank. Please describe the facts in detail. For example, it is not enough to say Susan fell in playground. You should also describe how the incident happened; was she tripped by another child? Did she fall over her own feet? Did she trip over or fall off equipment? If you do not know how the accident occurred, ask questions and find out. It is better to question people immediately after an incident than years later, when someone presents a claim. Witnesses: Fill this in as completely as possible. Name all those who know what was happening at the time of an incident and/or injury. Do NOT ask witnesses whether they mind having their names on the form; their names MUST be included. A witness is not just a person who actually saw the event take place, but anyone, child, or adult, who can give information about the incident, how it took place, and/or the follow-up to the occurrrence. Do not check the line Athere were not witnesses to the accident@ unless ther is leterally nobody who knows anything about the incident. Location of Incident: Please pick out the phrase on the form which best described the area where the incident took place. Section 2A - Bodily Injury or Damage to the Property of Others This section must be completed for every incident involving an injury to a student, visitor or parent. Remember, an Ainjury@ can be emotional and/or psychological as well as physical. Name of Person Involved in Incident: Provide the injured person=s name in full, together with any other name that the person uses, such as a legal name, or the name of a stepBparent. Age, Gender, Grade: Fill all these in. Home Address: Fill in complete information, including the city where the injured person resided. We receive thousands of Incident Reports every year and it is often difficult for us to know whether the injury occurred in Kitimat, Kimberly, or Kamloops, if the name is not set out clearly. Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact Name: Please write this name out in full and give the information we need relating to notification and the notified person’s comments or instructions. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 69 First Aid Treatment Required? Type of Treatment Provide. By Whom? Advised to Seek Medical Treatment? Was Hospital Care Provided? If YES, please identify type of care. Treatment. How was the Patient Transported?: Fill all these in. If the school gave advice about obtaining medical treatment and it appears that the parent or guardian failed to follow the advice, not that here. Carefully note down information relating to the care and treatment received by the injured person, it will help the SPP to determine if an injury is minor or serious. For example, if a child received a back injury, it is useful for us to know whether the injury was a minor strain or a fractured vertebrae requiring lengthy hospitalization. It is appropriate to delay submitting the Incident Report by one or two days if the delay enables the school to ascertain the seriousness of an injury and proved the information on the form. If an injury which initially appeared minor later turns out to be serious, fill out a second Incident Report and submit it with a note stating that this is a supplemental report. Alternatively, you could telephone the SPP at 356-2881 and proved the follow-up information directly. Nature of Injury, Body Area Injured, Cause of Injury, Activity at Time of Incident: In all cases involving injuries, it is important you proved this information as completely as possible. In most cases just check off the most appropriate space. If you need to elaborate, add an entry to the Description of How Incident Occurred area in Section 1, or the Comments field in Section 3, or attach an additional sheet to the form. If the injury resulted from the activities of another person, including a student, particulaly in a situation of horseplay or assault, please ensure that the names of the others involved are set out in the ACause of Injury or Damage@ filed, or on an attached sheet. Section 2B - Property (of School District) Fill this section out whenever the school sustains property loss or damage and the estimate of the loss is greater than the deductible of $3,000.00. The SPP will then contact the School District regarding the claim. Use this section also when a loss is due to crime, theft, burglary or arson, no matter what its value, and include information about the crime in your report. Provide any knowledge you have of the person responsible, for in most cases the SPP will assist the District to take steps to recover the loss from the perpetrator (s). If a student has willfully damage school property, the School Act makes the child’s parents jointly liable for the damage. Section 3 Make sure that you fill in the name of the person completing the report and the full name of the School Administrator. The SPP may call on these people to answer questions relating to the incident during review of the form. Other information/Comments: You may use this field for any miscellaneous comments you wish to make in connection with the report. For example, you might indicate the seriousness of an injury; advise that the parents of ta student have expressed concern about the incident, or want to present a claim; provide other information; or request assistance. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 70 Notes It is important that School districts retain their copies of Incident Reports on file and keep them confidential. Do not disclose them to anyone outside the District or the SPP without specific permission from the SPP. If you have questions at any time about how a form should be filled out, about the way a particular injury or accident should be described, or if you just want to talk to us about anything to do with claims, call or fax the SPP, Risk Management, directly at 356-2881 or (fax) 953-3050. We welcome your calls. Policy No. 1302.1 Originally Approved 1997-06-25 Reviewed 1998-09-08 71 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 1303 School Planning Councils POLICY NO.: 1303 SUBJECT: School Planning Councils DATE APPROVED: March 12, 2003 Policy The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) (“the School Board”) supports the establishment of School Planning Councils for the purposes set out in the School Act. Where a school is able to supply volunteer representatives as contemplated by the Act, the School Board will establish a School Planning Council for that school. Where no teacher or parent representatives are put forward within a reasonable period, the School Board shall consider whether it will make appointments to a School Planning Council for that school. No remuneration to members shall be provided other than reasonable and necessary expenses and normal salary. The School Board shall consult with the School Planning Council as required by the School Act. The School Board recognizes its responsibility to ensure that School Planning Councils function effectively and in accordance with ethical standards and the School Act to represent the school community in the process of school planning. Policy No. 1303 Originally Approved 2003-03-12 Reviewed 2004-02-11 72 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 1303 SUBJECT: School Planning Councils DATE APPROVED: 2003-03-12 1) Purpose and Role of School Planning Councils i) The role of a School Planning Council is: (a) Preparation of a proposed school plan (b) Consultation on matters referred to it by the School Board, the superintendent or the superintendent’s designate. (c) Consultation on matters referred to it by the principal (d) Consultation on matters referred to it by the Parent Advisory Council (e) Functions assigned in these procedures (f) Functions that are ancillary to the above. ii) The following are not within the mandate of the School Planning Council: (a) Personal and confidential information on students, parents, teachers and other employees (b) Performance or conduct of individual employees, students and parents (c) Terms and conditions of individual employment contracts (d) Activities beyond the advisory and consultative roles set out in the School Act and this policy 2) Support i) The Superintendent shall designate a board officer to act as district liaison for School Planning Councils. This District Liaison Officer will have the right to attend any meeting of a School Planning Council or a School Planning Council sub-committee, and may designate another board officer or employer to attend in his or her place. School Planning Council meeting dates should be sent to the School Board Office (attention: Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent) 3) Establishment i) If no School Planning Council is in place in a school that is not a provincial resource program, the principal shall proceed as in (4.) below to obtain named representatives and shall report to the board when all representatives have been named. The board shall then establish a School Planning Council for that school. Policy No. 1303 Originally Approved 2003-03-12 Reviewed 2004-02-11 73 4) Membership i) The principal of the school, one teacher representative and three parent representatives comprise the membership of the School Planning Council for the school. At secondary schools a student will also be elected to the council. ii) The principal shall consult with the Parent Advisory Council on its bylaws for the election of representatives to the School Planning Council to ensure that the bylaws safeguard the rights of parents to participate in this decision. iii) By September 30, the principal of each school shall advise the Parent Advisory Council, if one exists, and the teachers in the school, of the need to elect representatives and the required process. School Planning Council members will be elected for one year terms (January to January). iv) If there is no parent advisory council in the school, the principal shall notify parents and shall consider whether he or she is prepared to make any recommendations to the School Board for appointments of parent representatives, and shall report to the School Board within one week of the election. v) If an insufficient number of parent representatives are elected by the Parent Advisory Council by November 30, the principal shall notify parents and shall consider whether he or she is prepared to make any recommendations to the School Board for appointments, and shall report within one week of the election. vi) The principal shall coordinate the holding of the election for the teacher representative and shall ensure that the election is carried out by secret ballot and in accordance with the School Act. vii) If no teacher representative is named by November 30, the principal shall notify teachers and shall consider whether he or she is prepared to make any recommendations to the School Board for appointments, and shall report to the School Board within one week of the election. viii) Teachers and parent advisory councils may elect alternate representatives. In the event that a member of the School Planning Council resigns or moves away during the school year a replacement member will be elected. If no replacement is identified the principal may appoint a parent/teacher member. ix) The principal may designate a vice-principal to act as his alternate for one or more meetings. 5) Inaugural meeting i) When the representatives have been named, the principal shall call the inaugural meeting of the School Planning Council. The inaugural meeting shall decide a schedule of future meetings and may outline future agendas. Policy No. 1303 Originally Approved 2003-03-12 Reviewed 2004-02-11 74 6) Chair i) The School Planning Council will elect a chair to preside over all meetings. Where the chair is unable to attend a meeting in his or her stead, the principal shall perform the functions of chair for that meeting. 7) Meetings i) School planning councils may invite others to attend and /or participate in their meetings but no such guest shall have a vote. ii) Except when dealing with confidential matters, meetings shall be open to members of the School Planning Council, alternates, invited guests and the public. iii) The chair may require anyone to leave, other than a member, if he or she is disrupting the functioning of the council. iv) Alternates, when they are present but not functioning as the designated representatives, are observers. v) A School Planning Council shall meet at least 3 times per school year, as decided at the inaugural meeting. vi) Quorum shall be the principal (or a vice-principal alternate) and two other members or their alternates. vii) The School Planning Council may meet by telephone or electronically, so long as all members can communicate with each other, and other participants can observe or audit proceedings. viii) Additional meetings may be convened at the call of the chair, upon at least one week’s notice. Notice may be waived unanimously. An additional meeting must be called if requested by 3 members. ix) Any member may place an item on the proposed agenda of the next meeting by request to the chair. Agendas shall be provided at least one week in advance, but this shall not prevent members from adding matters to the agenda for discussion without prior notice, and posted in the school in a public place. Principals shall endeavor to inform all stakeholders of upcoming meetings. x) The chair shall ensure that a record is kept in the custody of the school of meetings held and subjects discussed (in general terms) and decisions made. 8) Decision-making i) School Planning Councils shall operate on consensus. Votes are not taken except on the approval of a proposed School Plan. On matters other than the School Plan referred to the Council in accordance with 1.1, if the members of the Council cannot agree on a response, the Council will so report. Members may submit individual reports. Policy No. 1303 Originally Approved 2003-03-12 Reviewed 2004-02-11 75 ii) A vote shall be held to approve the proposed School Plan before presentation to the School Board as required by the School Act. Each member shall have one vote. The chair shall vote at the same time as other members. Alternates may vote if they are the designated representatives for that meeting. iii) A School Planning Council may create sub-committees to explore matters within the Council’s jurisdiction and may invite additional participants to join the subcommittees. 9) Non-retaliation i) Teacher representatives on the council are not subject to the direction of administration and will not suffer any discipline or retaliation through the employer for their participation in the council or for positions taken with respect to council business. ii) Any retaliation by administration or school staff members against parent representatives or their children for their participation in the council or for positions taken with respect to council business will not be permitted. 10) Financial i) Meeting expenses are the responsibility of the school. ii) Members may claim reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses in accordance with the school board policy governing employee expenses (Policy #4401). Expense claim forms (other than the principal(s)) must be approved by the principal. iii) A School Planning Council has no power to raise or expend money. 11) Annual School Plan i) The Council is responsible for the preparation of a proposed annual school plan, to be presented to the School Board by September 30. This time may be extended by the superintendent. ii) Any member may present a minority report to the School Board. iii) Schools are expected to have draft school plans completed by May 31. iv) A School Planning Council must consult with the school’s Parent Advisory Council during preparation of the school plan. Consultation shall be at a minimum a presentation at a Parent Advisory Council meeting, of which notice has been given to parents in accordance with Parent Advisory Council bylaws. The School Planning Council shall provide the Parent Advisory Council with a reasonable opportunity for input into the school plan and consider such input when deciding on the school plan. Policy No. 1303 Originally Approved 2003-03-12 Reviewed 2004-02-11 76 v) A School Planning Council will also consult with other members of the school community regarding preparation of the school plan. Such consultation shall at a minimum provide notice of the draft proposed school plan to employees in the school. The School Planning Council shall provide employees with a reasonable opportunity for input into the school plan and consider such input when deciding on the school plan. The School Planning Council will consider what other groups and individuals who are important to the life of the school should be included in the consultation and how to communicate with them. 12) Confidentiality and Conduct i) From time to time, the School Planning Council may be provided with information by or on behalf of the School Board that has been designated as confidential. The members of the Council are expected not to disclose such information without permission given by or on behalf of the School Board and to abide by any restrictions or conditions placed on disclosure of the information. ii) It is expected that parent representatives and teacher representatives will function as representatives of all school families and staff respectively. iii) Members are expected to be collaborative and respectful in the conduct of Council business and to abide by the rulings of the chair. iv) Any member of a School Planning Council may request the district liaison officer appointed under s. 2.1 to assist the School Planning Council in resolving internal disputes or problem-solving or improving its processes. v) Any complaint about the functioning of the School Planning Council should be made to the Council through its chair. If the complaint is not resolved, then the complainant may address the complaint to the district liaison officer. vi) If it appears to the School Board, following investigation, that a member of a School Planning Council has been guilty of misconduct, including but not limited to breach of confidentiality, the School Board may discharge the member and request that a new member be elected, or may appoint a new member if elections are not feasible. Before making such a decision, the School Board shall ensure that the member has had the opportunity to respond to the allegations. The School Board will not be required to provide an oral hearing, but shall take into account any written representations. 13) School Board Consultation with School Planning Councils i) The School Board must consult with the School Planning Council in respect of (a) allocation of staff and resources in the school; (b) matters contained in the School Board’s accountability contract relating to the school; (c) educational services and educational programs in the school. ii) A School Planning Council may provide the School Board with input on any of these matters at any time. Policy No. 1303 Originally Approved 2003-03-12 Reviewed 2004-02-11 77 iii) By May 1, the School Board shall provide the School Planning Council with draft proposals for the educational services and educational programs in the school and the projected allocation of staff and resources in the school for the upcoming year and the draft matters contained in the board’s accountability contract relating to the school; the School Planning Council will have until May 15, to respond. The superintendent may adjust these dates if necessary to integrate with the school district planning cycle, and may set different dates for different components of the consultation process. 14) Acceptance, Rejection, Modification of School Plans i) In order for the proposed school plan to be adopted by the School Board, it must be consistent with the educational objectives, strategic directions and policies of the School Board, meet legal requirements, be supportable from available resources, and be reasonably likely to achieve its goals. ii) If the School Board rejects or modifies a proposed school plan, it shall provide reasons to the School Planning Council. Policy No. 1303 Originally Approved 2003-03-12 Reviewed 2004-02-11 78 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION (Series 2000) 2101.1 Functions – Superintendent of Schools POLICY NO.: 2101.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1981-02 Functions Superintendent of Schools The Superintendent of Schools will be responsible to the School Board for the operation of the School District as it pertains to the education of students. He/she will work jointly with the Secretary-Treasurer for the management of the School District as a whole. This will involve the following major areas: RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE MINISTRY General Objective Interprets and ensures execution of the Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Education as outlined in the Schools Act, the Schools Act Regulations, and official Ministry statements, in cooperation with the Secretary-Treasurer. Specific Objectives 1. Advises the Board in exercising their duties and powers as specified in the Act, Regulations, and Ministry statements. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Informs Board of changes in the Act and Regulations. Ensures consistency of Board Policies with the Act and Regulations. Prepares orientation activities for the Board dealing with the Act and Regulations. Provides for an interpretation service of the Act and Regulations as required. Performs such duties and exercises such powers as are assigned to the Superintendent in the Act, Regulations, and Ministry statements. Policy No. 2101.1 Indicators a) b) 79 Complies with Section 9 of the Act, and with appropriate sections of the Regulations. Assumes responsibility for the supervision of instructional programs within the Superintendency and for working towards the attainment of the standard of public education required by the Minister. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) f) Ensures that the authorized curriculum is available to pupils in the District. Facilitates the implementation of provincial learning assessment programs in the District. Facilitates the designing of local learning assessment programs to monitor pupil achievement and to provide diagnostic information. Ensures access for pupils to programs and services that are appropriate. Provides information to the Ministry as required. Provides such other assistance to the Ministry as may be required, and performs such duties as requested by the Minister. Indicators a) b) c) d) Investigates any matter and reports thereon. Reports on the general efficiency of any school in the Superintendency. Writes a report, or causes a report to be written on any teacher in the public and independent school system. Serves on Ministry Committees and Evaluation Teams. RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE BOARD General Objectives 1. Assists the Board of School Trustees in carrying out its responsibilities as outlined in the Act and Regulations and in local Board Policies, in cooperation with the SecretaryTreasurer. Specific Objectives 1. Assists Trustees to develop Policies and to arrange for review and revision of these Policies as required. Indicators a) b) c) d) Prepares Policy proposals for Board consideration. Works with the Policy Committees of the Board. Consults with various referent groups in the school system. Recommends to the Board an organizational structure which will ensure that educational and administrative functions are carried out, and that resources are utilized efficiently and effectively. Indicators a) b) Ensures awareness of the organizational structures. Lines of authority and responsibility are clearly delineated. Reviews and evaluates organization structures according to programs and service needs. Policy No. 2101.1 80 c) Supervises the operation of schools and regularly provides appropriate information to the Board. Indicators a) b) c) d) Makes reports regularly. Responds to Board inquiries and provides information. Employs a planned program for supervision. Assists the Board in the development of District Operational and Capital Budgets and assumes responsibility for translating these into educational programs and services. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Understands budgeting processes. Makes recommendations on appropriate sections of the budget. Ensures that school administrators are aware of their budgetary responsibilities. Presents regular progress reports to the Board on programs and services. Recommends to the Board, District-wide programs that are consistent with the School District and Ministry goals. Indicators a) b) c) Establishes procedures for evaluating program proposals. Ensures adequate attention to all program and service areas. Supervises the recruitment, selection, assignment, and evaluation of the educational staff in a manner which facilitates effective performance. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Ensures that personnel matters are handled in a consistent and systematic manner. Ensures fair consideration for applicants for District positions. Ensures availability of appropriate background information on all candidates. Establishes evaluation processes for administrative and instructional staff. Assists Board in matters relating to its meetings. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Prepares background material for Board meetings. Makes recommendations on matters under consideration. Follows up on Board actions. Ensures implementation of Board Policies as promptly as possible. Assists the Board to develop short-term and long-range plans. Policy No. 2101.1 81 Indicators a) b) Recommends long-range plans and the procedures for systematic review. Assures that short-range plans are consistent with long-range plans. RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP General Objective Provides educational leadership in the District. Specific Objectives 1. Maintains an effective relationship with professional staff in matters related to the provision of educational services to schools. Indicators a) b) c) d) Conducts regular meetings with central staff and school administrators. Develops procedures that encourage input from professional staff at all levels. Ensures orientation of new personnel to their responsibilities. Maintains an effective relationship with the non-professional and non-certified professional staff. Indicators a) b) c) d) Attends regular meetings with Division Heads, i.e.: Maintenance, Custodial, Transportation, Secretary-Treasurer. Develops procedures that encourage input from non-professional and non-certified staff. Ensures that appropriate procedures are adopted for the orientation of new personnel to their responsibilities. Develops programs with administrators to assist in the supervision of schools. Indicators a) b) c) d) Develops an effective plan of supervision of instruction for the District. Ensures the development of procedures for the evaluation of administrative and instructional personnel. Provides procedures for the Principal to report regularly on the overall management of the school. Supervise the appropriate assignment of School Administrators, and establishes procedures for the identification and promotion of staff members with administrative potential. Policy No. 2101.1 82 Indicators a) b) c) Recommends to the Board the assignment of personnel to specific administrative positions. Develops criteria for the identification and selection of potential School and District Administrators. Ensures supervision of plans, programs, and services in all schools. Indicators a) b) c) Makes periodic visits to schools in the District. Reviews periodically the effectiveness of supervisory services. Encourages programs and practices which develop a sense of pride and accomplishment in the system. Indicators a) b) Recognizes individual school achievements in an appropriate manner. Promotes in-service education for all professional staff. Indicators a) b) Establishes priorities and assists with the coordination of an effective in-service program for the professional staff. Participates regularly in activities intended to upgrade his own effectiveness. RESPONSIBILITIES IN EDUCATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS General Objective 1. Establishes continuing relationships with various individuals, groups, and associations. Specific Objectives 1. Maintains an involvement in the educational community Indicators a) b) c) d) e) f) Participates in Ministry workshops and seminars. Attends meetings of professional associations. Maintains liaison with officials in other School Districts. Maintains liaison with members of University Faculties of education with particular reference to teacher and School Administrator training. Maintains contact with national and international educational organizations. Establishes and maintains a climate of cooperation and communication with representatives of employee organizations. Policy No. 2101.1 83 Indicators a) b) Meets regularly with representatives of employee organizations. Encourages harmony between School Board Officials and instructional and noninstructional staff. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES General Objective 1. Maintains an effective public relations program and assists the Board and professional staff in developing effective support for the school system. Specific Objectives 1. Maintains a climate of cooperation and communication between the schools and community. Indicators a) b) c) d) Utilizes community resources in educational programs and services. Utilizes various lines of communication such as personal contact, attendance at meetings, community functions, written releases, and radio-TV appearances. Consults with groups interested in education. Provides the public with access to information about the educational system. Indicators a) b) c) d) Ensures the application of regularized procedures for addressing complaints, criticisms, and concerns. Provides procedures to deal with inquiries. Provides information to the public on a regular basis. Act as spokesperson for the District and Ministry as required. Policy No. 2101.1 84 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2101.2 Functions - Assistant Superintendent of Schools POLICY NO.: 2101.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1986-01 Functions Assistant Superintendent of Schools The Assistant Superintendent will be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools and will act as the Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools. The responsibilities of the Assistant Superintendent will include the following: (a) Assumption of the role of Superintendent of Schools when delegated to do so, or when the Superintendent is not available. This includes advisory, support, and initiating functions in the following areas: (b) Policy development and revision. (c) Organization. (d) Utilization of resources. (e) Curriculum supervision. (f) Information to Board. (g) Curriculum development. (h) Staff selection, utilization and assessment. (i) Board meetings. (j) Planning. (k) Application of the Act, Regulations. (l) Educational leadership. (m) Communications. (n) Inter-agency cooperation. (o) In-service and professional development. (p) Preparation of forms for the ministry. 1. Specific points of delegated responsibility: a. b. c. d. e. f. Personnel: Selection, appointment, allocation, evaluation, and transfer of teachers. Evaluation of designated schools, teachers, and programs. Substitute teacher services. Student teacher services. Writing of reports on staff as designated. g. Coordination of evaluation - District testing. h. Budget planning and control. One and two-room schools. French Program. Policy No. 2101.2 85 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 2101.2 DATE APPROVED: 1986-01 SUBJECT: Functions Assistant Superintendent of Schools The Assistant Superintendent will be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools and will act as the Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools. The responsibilities of the Assistant Superintendent will include the following: 1) Assumption of the role of Superintendent of Schools when delegated to do so, or when the Superintendent is not available. This includes advisory, support, and initiating functions in the following areas: i) Policy development and revision. ii) Organization. iii) Utilization of resources. iv) Curriculum supervision. v) Information to Board. vi) Curriculum development. vii) Staff selection, utilization and assessment. viii) Board meetings. ix) Planning. x) Application of the Act, Regulations. xi) Educational leadership. xii) Communications. xiii) Inter-agency cooperation. xiv) In-service and professional development. xv) Preparation of forms for the ministry. 2) Specific points of delegated responsibility: i) Personnel: (a) Selection, appointment, allocation, evaluation, and transfer of teachers. (b) Evaluation of designated schools, teachers, and programs. (c) Substitute teacher services. (d) Student teacher services. (e) Writing of reports on staff as designated. ii) Coordination of evaluation - District testing. iii) Budget planning and control. (a) One and two-room schools. (b) French Program. Policy No. 2101.2 86 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2101.3 Functions – Director of Instruction POLICY NO.: 2101.3 SUBJECT: Functions Director of Instruction DATE APPROVED: 1988-09 Within his/her area of responsibility, the Director of Instruction shall assist the Superintendent of Schools and the Assistant Superintendent of Schools in performing the following duties: 1) Encouraging the improvement of instruction (teaching methods, techniques, and content of instructional programs, etc.) throughout the District. 2) Reviewing the in-service needs of teachers throughout the District and, as directed by the Superintendent of Schools, assist in the development of programs addressing these needs; including providing liaison with post graduate institutions. 3) Making recommendations on the improvement of curriculum, kindergarten through grade twelve. 4) Being responsible for coordinating District based curriculum development and professional development activities. 5) Supervising the work of the District's "Helping Teacher". 6) Issuing reports on the performance of those teachers assigned by the Superintendent of Schools. 7) Being responsible for the supervisions and coordination of District programs such as Elementary Band, Family Life, Pacific Rim, and Teacher Exchanges. 8) Providing the liaison necessary with programs co-sponsored by the District such as the Alaska Highway Consortium of Teacher Education, the Professional Development Program, and other Student Teacher placements. 9) Assuming the duties and responsibilities of a principal in coordinating the operation of the District's small rural schools. 10) Serving on such District Committees as the Curriculum Development Steering Committee, the Professional Development Committee, the Scholarship Committee, the Computer Committee, the Family Life Committee, and the Publicity Committee. 11) Being responsible for publicizing the District. Policy No. 2101.3 87 12) Serving as an alternate member of the District's External Evaluation Team in the absence of either the Superintendent of Schools or the Assistant Superintendent of Schools. 13) Providing input into District staff decisions. 14) Carrying out other duties, as assigned. Policy No. 2101.3 88 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2101.4.Functions – Director of Special Education POLICY NO.: 2101.4 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Functions Director of Special Education 1989-01 The District Director of Special Education is responsible for the coordination of all programs and services for pupils with special needs in School District No. 60 (Peace River North). He/she carries out his/her function in cooperation with School Principals, and under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools. Specific duties include: 1) Administration: i) To assist the Superintendent in the assessment of Special Education needs in the District. ii) To assist the Superintendent in the planning, development, and evaluation of major changes in school organization, administration and curriculum regarding Special Education. iii) To assist the Superintendent and School Principals' in the development of additional services to schools as the needs become apparent. iv) To assist the Superintendent in the preparation of Ministry of Education Special Education forms and the School District's Annual Budget regarding Special Education. v) To provide the Superintendent with up-to-date information on all Special Education programs currently in operation. vi) To be responsible for the administration of the School District No. 60 Special Education Budget, under the supervision of the Superintendent. vii) To assist the Superintendent in the development of Policies, Regulations, Guidelines and Procedures for Special Education. Policy No. 2101.4 89 2) Personnel i) To assist the Superintendent in the recruitment, selection, evaluation, transfer and release of Special Education personnel. ii) To provide support and assistance to all Special Education personnel in the performance of their duties. iii) To support and assist all teachers who enroll pupils with special needs. iv) To assist Principals and Teachers in the planning of special facilities programs for pupils with special needs. 3) In-Service i) To be directly responsible for initiating and carrying out certain aspects of in-service education on a continuing basis for Special Education personnel. ii) To assist with in-service programs arranged by the Peace River North Teachers' Association. iii) To manage the Special Education In-Service budget by: (a) Organizing and administering In-Service Special Education programs for Administrators, Teachers, Pupils, and Special Education personnel involving resource persons from outside the School District No. 60 staff. (b) Seeking approval for and answering requests made by Special Education personnel to attend conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., outside the District. 4) Pupils i) To assist the Teachers, Parents, Special Education personnel and outside agencies by working directly with pupils to assess their educational abilities and needs. ii) To provide direct services to pupils, when necessary, in the area of counseling. 5) Parents i) To assist School Principals, Teachers and Special Education personnel in interpreting special programs to Parents. ii) To provide information to Parents or Parent Groups on any aspect of Special Education in School District No. 60. iii) To furnish Parents with available data on special programs outside the schools-both local and provincial. iv) To inform Parents about local auxiliary services in the District. Policy No. 2101.4 90 6) Outside Agencies i) To be knowledgeable about all local agencies and their roles in dealing with pupils with special problems. ii) To work closely with all agencies in the provision of services to children. iii) To facilitate the meeting of School District personnel and outside agencies to coordinate services for pupils. iv) To be a resource person in the School District. re:- Local services for children. v) To assist School District personnel in referring pupils to outside agencies. Policy No. 2101.4 91 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2101.5 Functions – District Principal of the Resource Centre POLICY NO.: 2101.5 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Functions District Principal of the Resource Centre 1986-06 The District Principal of the Resource Centre shall be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools and will provide services to District and School staff. Specific duties include: 1) Maintenance of the Resource Centre catalogue and the resources and services to support it. 2) Coordination of the Credit Allocation Plan. 3) Maintenance of libraries for rural, one and two-room elementary schools. 4) Continuation of the review of new audio-visual resources and dissemination of information to all personnel as appropriate. 5) Maintenance of existing links with Ministry and other agencies. 6) Providing in-service and advice to school and District personnel as it relates to teaching resources. 7) Serving as a member of the District Curriculum Advisory Committee and the Computer Committee. 8) Assistance in the recruitment, selection, evaluation, transfer and release of Resource personnel. 9) Other duties as assigned by the Superintendent. Policy No. 2101.5 92 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2101.6 Functions – Outdoor Education Coordinator POLICY NO.: 2101.6 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Functions Outdoor Education Coordinator 1990-09 The Outdoor Education Coordinator will report to the Assistant Superintendent of Schools. He/she shall provide leadership in the development and implementation of a quality outdoor education program in the District and be responsible for its safe and effective operation. The Coordinator shall contribute to the development of the site and meet both the expectations of the Outdoor Education Committee, and the needs of the Curriculum. On all matters related to the physical development of the site, the coordinator shall consult with, and be guided by the advice of the Maintenance Supervisor. Coordinator Duties and Responsibilities: 1) Being an active member of the Outdoor Education Committee. 2) Administering/managing the facilities: i) Access, user groups, booking procedures, collection of artifacts, equipment management, preparation of budget submission, annual report, etc. 3) Developing, implementing, and maintaining safety, risk and emergency procedures: i) Health (sickness and administration of medication), fire, dangerous materials, and hazardous equipment. 4) Conducting an annual review and identifying areas of concern for referral to the Outdoor Education Committee: i) Operational practices, inventory, insurance coverage, instructor qualifications. 5) Developing appropriate materials/procedures for the in-service of user groups, teachers, members of the public, and undertaking such in-service. 6) Updating and implementing handbook and curriculum as required. 7) Leading activities: i) Canoeing instruction, etc. Policy No. 2101.6 Revised 1997-03 93 8) Preparing the site for occupancy by user groups; i) Start the generator, heat or air buildings, unlock doors, shovel snow from entrance ways, groom the cross country ski trails. 9) Overseeing and instructing user groups on use of the facilities. 10) Performing light maintenance duties and yard work: i) Advise District Maintenance Staff of repairs requiring attention. 11) Ensuring that clean-up by user groups is acceptable, and advise the Maintenance Supervisor if otherwise. 12) Ensuring that the heating is turned down/off, the generator is shut down, and the buildings are secure, etc. when the site is not in use. 13) Monitoring access to the site and survey perimeters to safeguard the premises and discourage vandalism and theft: i) Report all infractions or concerns to the appropriate authorities. 14) Promoting appropriate outside usage. Policy No. 2101.6 Revised 1997-03 94 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2102.1 Administrative Officers – Workers’ Compensation POLICY NO.: 2102.1 SUBJECT: Administrative Officers Workers' Compensation DATE APPROVED: 1988-04 It is the Policy of the Board that where an Administrative Officer suffers from a disease or illness, or incurs personal injury (which disease, illness or injury is hereinafter called the "disability"), he/she is entitled to use his/her sick leave credits for time lost, during the first twelve months, by reason of any such disability. All monies payable to an Administrative Officer by the Workers' Compensation Board will be paid to the School Board. In return, the School Board will pay to the Administrative Officer his/her regular monthly salary for a period of up to one (1) year. After that period, the salary paid to the Administrative Officer will reduce any sick leave credits that he/she has accumulated on a proportionate basis. Policy No. 2102.1 95 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2102.2 Administrative Officers – Leaves of Absence POLICY NO.: 2102.2 SUBJECT: Administrative Officers Leaves of Absence DATE APPROVED: 1988-04 Preamble: The following Leaves of Absence are available to Administrative Officers (in addition to leaves provided for in the Administrative Employment Agreement). Policy: Leave of Absence for Political Purposes Leave without pay up to a maximum of five (5) days in any school year, if required, shall be granted upon application to the Superintendent of Schools to any Administrative Officer seeking election in a Civic, Provincial, or Federal election. Public Interest Leave with pay for tending to public interests, providing the absence is for reasons involving students and teams composed of youths* may be granted upon written notification to the Superintendent of Schools. *The youths may either be students or non-students. Objective: To indicate leaves available to Administrative Officers for community and public interest. Policy No. 2102.2 Revised 1995-04 96 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2102.3 Administrative Officers – Early Retirement Incentive Payment POLICY NO.: 2102.3 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Administrative Officers Early Retirement Incentive Payment 1995-01 Preamble The Board recognizes the desire of Administrative Officers to have available an Early Retirement Incentive Plan. Policy In accordance with the attached regulations, the Board will pay an allowance to Administrative Officers who resign from the school district and retire from administrative and/or teaching duties before reaching age sixty-five (65). Objectives 1) To make available an Early Retirement Incentive Plan. 2) To provide guidelines for administering this Policy. Policy No. 2102.3 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 1995-01 97 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 2102.3 DATE APPROVED: 1995-01 SUBJECT: Administrative Officers Early Retirement Incentive Payment A maximum of three (3) Administrative Officers per year may be eligible for the early retirement incentive plan. In any one year 0 to 3 Administrative Officers may be approved under this policy. The Superintendent of Schools will have the right to limit the number of Administrative Officers approved under this policy in any given year. Applicants must: a) have rationale for their application b) be age fifty-five (55) or over c) be on the maximum step of the salary scale d) retire from administrative/teaching duties. Administrative Officers who receive the Early Retirement Incentive Payment will b eligible for the Teacher-On-Call list, however, work in one position will be limited to a maximum of five (5) consecutive days. From time to time, the Board may deem it necessary to alter the regulations to provide classroom continuity and/or accommodate teacher-oncall requirements. The allowance will be paid in no more than two (2) installments as requested by the Administrative Officer and will be calculated as a percentage of the Administrative Officer’s salary scale, in the following amounts: Age in Month of Retirement 60 and under 61 62 63 64 Percentage of Annual Salary 75% 60% 45% 30% 15% Part-time Administrative Officers will receive the allowance pro rata to the percentage of time actually worked averaged over the five years of service prior to retirement. Policy No. 2102.3 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 1995-01 98 The Board will also pay one-half (1/2) the premium cost of the following fringe benefits, if applicable, to age sixty-five (65) or for five (5) years after retirement, whichever is the earlier: a) Dental b) Extended Health Benefits c) Group Insurance (if plan permits for retirees). Coverage options available: a) Employees must make their election for coverage at least ninety (90) days prior to their retirement date. b) Employees are not eligible for disability coverage. c) Life coverage and dental coverage to remain as current, some limits to apply to extended health coverage. The Administrative Officer will provide the Board with relative information necessary to make a decision on his/her application. Application deadlines and selection criteria procedures will be developed by the Board in consultation with the North Peace Administrators Association. Policy No. 2102.3 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 1995-01 99 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 2102.3 SUBJECT: Administrative Officers Early Retirement Incentive Payment DATE APPROVED: 1995-01 1) To be considered for the Early Retirement Incentive Payment, Administrative Officers must: i) ii) detail their rationale for applying in writing to the Superintendent of Schools by March 15th, and; attach any other relevant information. 2) To access the Early Retirement Incentive Payment, the following criteria will be considered: i) Reason for wanting early retirement (based on the information provided in the individual's application and supporting documents). ii) Age (minimum 55 years of age). iii) Length of service in the District. iv) Board's financial position. 3) The Superintendent of Schools will forward copies of the applications to a Joint Committee (two representatives each from the Board and North Peace Administrators Association) for its recommendations. 4) The Joint Committee will make its recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools by March 30th. 5) The Superintendent of Schools will make his recommendation to the Board by April 15th. In making that recommendation, the Superintendent will consider, but not be obligated to accept, the recommendation(s) put forward by the Joint Committee. 6) Final approval of applications rests with the Board. 7) The Superintendent shall advise all applicants, both approved and not approved, by May 1st. Policy No. 2102.3 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 1995-01 100 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2102.4 Emergency Situations – On-Site Vehicle POLICY NO.: 2102.4 SUBJECT: Emergency Situations On-Site Vehicle DATE APPROVED: 1994-04-13 Preamble The Board recognizes that emergencies do arise and that it is sometimes necessary for Administrative Officers to utilize their personal vehicles for that purpose. Policy Administrative Officers are required to have a vehicle on-site at all times to provide for an emergency situation. Objectives 1) To ensure that a vehicle is on-site at all times to provide for an emergency situation. Policy No. 2102.4 101 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 2201 Trespassing and Maintaining Order Policy No. 2201 Subject: Trespassing and Maintaining Order Date Approved: 1995-12-13 Preamble The Board is responsible, under the School Act, for the custody and safekeeping of school property, including lands, buildings, fixtures, and equipment in schools. When members of the public come onto school property with either the expressed or implied permission of the Board, they do so subject to the condition that they conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the purpose for which permission has been granted. The Board expects that all individuals - adults and students - will treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy, and conduct themselves in a manner that will promote order, safety and security for all. Moreover, the School Act prescribes that no person shall disturb or interrupt the proceedings of a school or an official school function. Policy The principal, District Staff, or designated employees of the Board are empowered to maintain order on all school district property and at all school district functions. Objectives 1) To protect school property. 2) To maintain order at all school functions. 3) To protect students and employees from unnecessary disturbances or interruptions in the normal day to day operations of the district. Revised: 2007-03-12 Policy No. 2201 102 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS Policy No. 2201 Date Approved: Subject: Trespassing and Maintaining Order 1995-12-13 1) Any person interrupting or disturbing a school or a school function, wherever it is held, shall be directed to leave the premises by the principal or designate. Neither force nor any physical contact should be used. 2) If the person so directed does not leave the premises immediately, the authorized person shall request assistance from the R.C.M.P. 3) The person so directed shall not enter on the premises again unless prior approval is given by the administrative officer authorized to give that approval. 4) Groups permitted to use school premises shall accept responsibility for maintaining order. In the event of interruption or disturbance, groups are to follow Regulations 1 and 2. 5) Any suspicious person(s) on school property should be observed, their activity should be recorded, identification may be made, if safe, and they may be asked to leave at the discretion of the principal or designate. A warning of trespass may be issued at the discretion of the principal or designate. No attempt whatsoever shall be made to detain or apprehend the person. 6) If there is any suspicion of irregularity, the RCMP shall be promptly advised. 7) The principal shall maintain a record of names, dates, and times of incidents of trespassing. 8) Designated employees include head and designated custodians, District Staff, supervisors, head teachers or staff designated by the site principal, and.or teachers in charge. Revised: 2007-03-12 Policy No. 2201 103 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Series 3000) 3101.1 Functions – Secretary-Treasurer POLICY NO.: 3101.1 SUBJECT: Functions- Secretary Treasurer DATE APPROVED: 1981 The Secretary-Treasurer shares with the Superintendent of Schools the responsibility for the efficient management of the School District as a whole. Recognizing that School District No. 60 (Peace River North) is an education institution, all decisions made will give paramount consideration to the education implications. The Secretary-Treasurer is governed by Section 90 of the School Act as well as by special duties prescribed by the Act and by regulations, rules and orders made under the Act. In addition, the Secretary-Treasurer is required to perform such duties as the Board may properly prescribe. The Secretary-Treasurer will team with the Superintendent of Schools in planning for, and in management of the operation of the School District. In the corporate role of this office, the Secretary-Treasurer will report directly to the Board. RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE BOARD General Objectives Assists the Board of School Trustees in carrying out its responsibilities as outlined in the Act and Regulations and in local Board Policies, in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. The Secretary-Treasurer is the Chief business and financial officer and as such, maintains overall responsibility for the coordination, direction and accomplishment of all financial and business administrative affairs of the School District, and compatible with, and in support of, the educational program and the Superintendent of Schools. Specific Objectives 1) Assists Trustees to develop Policies, and to arrange for review and revision of these Policies as required. Indicators a) b) c) d) Prepares Policy proposals for Board consideration. Works with the Policy committee of the Board. Consults with various referent groups in the school system. Administers Board Policy in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. Policy No. 3101.1 104 e) Recommends to the Board an organization structure which will ensure that administrative and educational functions are carried out and that resources are utilized efficiently and effectively. Indicators a) Ensures awareness of the organizational structures. Lines of authority and responsibility are clearly delineated. b) Reviews and evaluates organization structures according to programs and service needs. c) Supervises the Administration, Maintenance, Busing and Custodial operations of schools and regularly provides appropriate information to the Board. Indicators a) b) c) d) Makes reports regularly. Responds to Board inquiries and provides information. Communicates regularly with all departments. Assists the Board in translating educational programs and services into the development of District operational and capital budgets, and assumes responsibility for application of same, in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Understands budgeting processes. Makes recommendations on appropriate sections of the budget. Ensures that administrators are aware of their budgetary responsibilities. Presents regular progress reports to the Board on programs and services. Maintains the full compliment of Non-Teaching Staff to fill positions covered by Union Agreement and Non-Teaching, Non-Union Board Policy, except Supervisors, and recommends the appointment of personnel required to fill supervisory Non-Teaching positions - the actual appointments to be made by the Board. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Ensures that personnel matters are handled in a consistent systematic manner. Ensures fair consideration for applicants for District positions. Ensures availability of appropriate background information on all candidates. Establishes evaluation processes for Non-Teaching Staff. Assists the Board in matters relating to its meetings. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Prepares background material for Board Meetings. Makes recommendations on matters under consideration. Follows up on Board actions. Ensures implementation of Board Policies as promptly as possible. Assists the Board to develop short-term and long-range plans in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. Policy No. 3101.1 105 Indicators a) Recommends long-range plans and the procedures for systematic review. b) Assures that short-range plans are consistent with long range plans. RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE MINISTRY General Objective Interprets and ensures execution of the Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Education as outlined in the Schools Act, the Schools Act Regulations, and official Ministry Statements, in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. Specific Objectives 1. Advises the Board in exercising their duties and powers as specified in the Act and Regulations and Ministry statements. Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Informs the Board of changes in the Act and Regulations. Ensures consistency of Board Policies with the Act and Regulations. Prepares orientation activities for the Board dealing with the Act and Regulations. Provides for an interpretation service of the Act and Regulations as required. Performs such duties and exercises such powers as are assigned to the SecretaryTreasurer in the Act, Regulations, and Ministry statements. Indicators a) Complies with Section 90 of the School Act and with appropriate sections of the Regulations. b) Provides such other assistance to the Ministry as may be required and performs such duties as requested by the Minister. Indicators a) Prepares budget forecasts and reports thereon. b) Explains proposals and requests for financing when questions arise. c) Keeps accounts in accordance with accounting procedures prescribed by the Ministry. RESPONSIBILITIES AS THE CORPORATE OFFICER OF THE BOARD 1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the corporate officer of the Board, and in addition to exercising such powers and duties as prescribed by the Schools Act or which may be delegated by the Board, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall: 2. Have custody of the corporate seal and cause it to be affixed as required by the Board, and sign contracts on behalf of the Board. Policy No. 3101.1 106 3. Have supervisory authority of all non-instructional Board employees and submits to the Board of School Trustees recommendations regarding the hiring and termination for cause of senior department heads, while retaining direct responsibility for the effective assignment of their duties. 4. Advise any official of the Board in matters involving the corporate affairs of the Board, and to inspect any records pertaining to such transactions and to report to the Board. 5. Be empowered to administer oaths and take and receive within the School District, affidavits, declarations and affirmations required to be taken by or under the School Act or any other Act relating to the corporate affairs of the Board. 6. Be responsible for the preparation, maintenance, and safe preservation of the minute books, books of account, and any records or transactions and business of the Board and its' Committees. 7. Be responsible for the annual financial statements as required by the School Act or any other Act or by Ministerial directive. 8. Be responsible for the preparation of annual estimates of revenue and expenditures, in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools, in accordance with directions by the Board and as prescribed by the School Act and by the requirements of the Ministry. 9. Be responsible for all funds, securities and assets of the Board. 10. Be responsible for the receiving and disbursing of all funds of the School District in accordance with the provisions of the Act and instructions and procedures issued by the Ministry. 11. Be responsible for informing the Board of unauthorized expenditures or expenditures for which funds are not provided in the annual estimates or from any other source. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER'S OFFICE 1. Be responsible for the general business administration of the School District. 2. Arrange all Board and Committee Meetings, except Education Committee and Student Suspension Committee Meetings. 3. Be responsible for the taking of minutes of all meetings of the Board and Board Committees and forwarding of copies to Trustees and others as may from time to time be decided by the Board, except Education and Student Suspension Committee Meetings. 4. Prepare the agenda, in consultation with the Superintendent of Schools, for all regular Board Meetings. 5. Deal with all business and corporate correspondence addressed to School District No. 60 (Peace River North). 6. Present a financial statement to the Board periodically. Policy No. 3101.1 7. Prepare the annual budget for presentation to the Board incorporating priorities identified by the Superintendent of Schools. 107 8. Assure that all business/corporate reports are promptly and accurately submitted. 9. Assume full responsibility for payment of all accounts and payrolls in accordance with budget control. 10. Be responsible for budget control of all departments. 11. Assure that all purchasing is done by authorized purchase orders. 12. Arrange all matters pertaining to pupil transportation and bus routes. 13. Deal with all legal matters involving the corporate affairs of the Board. 14. Deal with all insurance matters. 15. Deal with all rental matters in accordance with Board Policy. 16. Coordinate business and corporate matters with Northern Lights College. 17. Keep in safety all moneys, bonds, deeds, titles, and other legal documents. 18. Issue all official business and corporate correspondence on behalf of the Board. 19. Acquire and dispose of all sites, buildings and equipment in accordance with Board Policy. 20. Supervise election procedures, as required. 21. Supervise all Non-Teaching personnel. 22. Exercise supervisory authority, maintaining liaison with the Superintendent of Schools, over the business, maintenance, custodial and transportation departments. 23. Assist in salary negotiations for Collective Agreements. 24. General liaison with Municipal officials, auditors, architects, as well as teacher representatives on business matters on behalf of the District and in conjunction with the Superintendent of Schools. 25. Perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Board. RESPONSIBILITIES IN PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS General Objective Establishes continuing relationships with various individuals, groups, and associations. Specific Objective 1. Maintains an involvement in the financial administration community. Policy No. 3101.1 108 Indicators a) b) c) d) e) Participates in Ministry, BCSTA, and other workshops and seminars. Attends meetings of professional associations. Maintains liaison with officials in other School Districts. Maintains contact with national and international educational organizations. Establishes and maintains a climate of cooperation and communication with representatives of employee organizations. Indicators a) Meets regularly with representatives of employee organizations. b) Encourages harmony between School Board Officials and instructional and noninstructional staff. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES General Objective Maintains an effective public relations program and assists the Board and professional staff in developing effective support for the School system. Specific Objective 1. Serves as the School District's senior and principal administrative spokesman and representative to both the Board of School Trustees and to outside governmental, municipal and community organizations, groups and individuals on matters within his/her sphere of concern in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. Indicators a) Maintains a climate of cooperation and communication between the schools and community in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. b) Provides the public with access to information about the educational system in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools. Policy No. 3101.1 109 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3101.2 Functions – Assistant Secretary-Treasurer POLICY NO.: 3101.2 SUBJECT: Functions Assistant Secretary-Treasurer DATE APPROVED: 1981 The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer will be responsible to the Secretary-Treasurer and primary duties will be to assist the Secretary-Treasurer in the expedient and efficient execution of the regular daily operations of School District No. 60 (Peace River North). The responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer will include the following: 1. Assumption of the role of Secretary-Treasurer when delegated to do so, or in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer. This includes advisory, support, and initiating functions in the following areas: Communications. Public Relations Planning Board advisor Administration Budget preparation Media coordination Project supervision Consultation with Principals Communication with the PRNTA and Carpenters & Joiners. Specific points of delegated authority: 1. Office management of administration office for recruitment, selection, training, appointment and supervision and assignment of duties for all personnel in business administration. 2. Accounting functions and preparation of G/L on a regular basis including: a) Control of purchasing for the District, including processing of purchase orders, accounts payable invoices, payment of invoices and distribution of cheques. b) Processing payrolls for the District in accordance with established Union Agreements, Board Policy and other Provincial and Federal Statutes. c) Preparation of financial statements regularly and as requested for all schools and departments within the District as well as the District as a whole. d) Billing and collection of accounts receivable. Policy No. 3101.2 110 f) Bank reconciliations and cash flow forecasts, bank deposits. f) Arranging insurance coverage and processing claims for vandalism, theft or accident. g) Analysis of the General Ledger. h) General ongoing audit of all accounts, including School Trust Accounts. i) Interpretation of contracts for payroll. j) Trustee election procedures. Policy No. 3101.2 111 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3101.3 Functions – Maintenance Supervisor POLICY NO.: 3101.3 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Functions Maintenance Supervisor 1981 The Maintenance Supervisor is responsible to the Secretary-Treasurer for all aspects encompassed by his/her position, but maintains jurisdiction over his/her own departments, with power to hire and fire within the limits of his/her authorized personnel, excepting Supervisors who hold or require Board appointments. He/she has authority to expend operating funds for upkeep and maintenance, as authorized by the budget. He/she is expected to maintain close liaison with the Secretary-Treasurer before authorizing expenditures in any variation of budgetary allocations. All capital expenditures must be authorized by the Secretary-Treasurer. Board Relationship The Maintenance Supervisor shall attend Building Committee Meetings of the Board. Functions and Responsibilities 1. To maintain direct responsibility for the coordination and direction of the Maintenance Department, encompassing: a) b) c) d) e) f) Management of physical plant. (i.e. buildings, grounds and maintenance equipment.) To itemize specific work and assist in setting up the budget for this department. Assume responsibility for purchasing within the limits of the budget. To set up and maintain an inventory of all equipment for this department. To be responsible under Section D1 and D2 of the budget for the repair and maintenance of grounds and buildings within the District. To take the responsibility with respect to: g) h) Snow removal within the District. The landscaping and repair of grounds. Responsible for the supervision of the Custodial Supervisor/Safety Officer and maintains a close liaison with the Custodial Supervisor/Safety Officer with respect to all building maintenance. Will be expected to work with architects and the Secretary-Treasurer on plans for new buildings. Policy No. 3101.3 112 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3101.4 Functions – Transportation Supervisor POLICY NO.: 3101.4 SUBJECT: Functions Transportation Supervisor DATE APPROVED: 1981 The Transportation Supervisor is responsible to the Secretary-Treasurer for the operation of his/her department. Functions and Responsibilities 1. To maintain direct responsibility for the coordination and direction of the Transportation Department, encompassing: a) To assist with setting up the Annual Budget for this Department. b) Responsible for ensuring adequate insurance coverage and licensing of all District vehicles. c) Assume responsibility for purchasing within the limits of the Operating Budget. d) Responsible for capital purchases of buses. e) Set up and maintain an inventory of all shop equipment and parts. f) Responsible for hiring and termination of personnel. g) The assignment of duties and supervision of staff. h) Responsible for overseeing of contract driver operations. i) Schedule and maintain a regular maintenance program for all School District vehicles. j) Responsible for overall safety of the students. k) Set up and maintain up-to-date route maps and schedules of all school bus routes within the District and provide information for submission to the Ministry of Education. Policy No. 3101.4 113 l) To inspect roads with respect to: Standard and condition of roads where route extensions are being considered. Condition of roads within existing routes and to recommend for upgrading to the Ministry of Highways. To keep the Ministry of Highways informed of planned school bus route extensions. Policy No. 3101.4 114 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3101.5 Functions – Supervisor of Safety Services POLICY NO.: 3101.5 SUBJECT: Functions Supervisor of Safety Services DATE APPROVED: 2000-01-12 The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) will employ a Supervisor of Safety Services who is directly responsible to the Secretary-Treasurer for District Health and Safety Issues. Functions and responsibilities are outlined in the attached Regulations. Policy No. 3101.5 Originally Approved 1986-05 Revised 1993-04, 1998-09, 1999-12 115 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3101.5 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Functions Supervisor of Safety Services 2000-01-12 This position is responsible to the Secretary-Treasurer and will encompass the planning, developing, and implementing of programs to create a healthy and safe environment in all operating units of the District. Functions and Responsibilities will include: 1. Health and Safety a) Acts as a resource person to the Board and Senior Management on all health and safety issues including issues related to collective bargaining. b) Assists in increasing health and safety awareness at all levels within the District. c) Coordinates the District’s: - d) Instructs student safety programs: - e) f) School Protection - Risk Management Program Emergency Preparedness Program School Bus Safety Program WHMIS and TDG Programs First Aid requirements at each location Violence Prevention Program Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Program Hearing Loss Prevention Program WHMIS TDG Young Workers - Safety Program Completes safety inspections of facilities and grounds with respect to insurance/risk management, safety and security, making recommendations to the appropriate authorities. Assists supervisory staff with all investigations of employee accidents, occupational diseases, and reports of unsafe working conditions. Policy No. 3101.5 Originally Approved 1986-05 Revised 1993-04, 1998-09, 1999-12 116 g) Maintains the W.C.B. AIRS reporting program. - 2. 3. 4. Assists in the area of claims management h) Coordinates the development and distribution of all appropriate safety materials to staff and students. i) Acts as liaison between the District and all Regulatory and related Governmental Bodies relative to Health and Safety. j) Is an active member of the District Health & Safety Committee, and represents the District at Provincial Health & Safety meetings. k) Coordinates the District’s Asbestos Abatement Program. l) Coordinates the District’s removal of hazardous waste materials. Custodial a) Oversees the purchases of custodial supplies and equipment. b) Oversees the repair of custodial equipment. c) Tenders and supervises the contracts for custodial services. d) Provides custodial training workshops when required. e) Tenders for security and safety response services. Financial a) Prepares an annual budget to cover operating expenses of the health and safety function; monitors the budget and recommends authorization of expenditures. b) Prepares an annual budget to cover operating expenses for areas of custodial supervision as outlined above. Other a) Performs other related duties as assigned. Policy No. 3101.5 Originally Approved 1986-05 Revised 1993-04, 1998-09, 1999-12 117 Qualifications: 1. Knowledge of health and safety regulations for the workplace and familiarity with the full range of Safety considerations. 2. The ability to conduct training sessions. 3. The ability to communicate both verbally and in written form with all levels of employees and employee groups and to liaise with outside agencies. 4. The ability to function positively and effectively in a collective bargaining environment. 5. Related knowledge and experience. Policy No. 3101.5 Originally Approved 1986-05 Revised 1993-04, 1998-09, 1999-12 118 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3201 Annual Operating Budget POLICY NO.: 3201 SUBJECT: Annual Operating Budget DATE APPROVED: 1999-12-08 Preamble The annual operating budget is the financial plan for implementing the educational and operational goals and objectives of the School District in a way which provides safe, accessible, relevant and equitable educational opportunities to students. This requires the optimum use of all staff, programs and supplies, and the maintenance of facilities and busing services. Policy The Board requires an annual review of educational and operational services within the district to determine whether the programs being offered meet the changing needs of students and provide them with optimal opportunities and support from the available resources. Accordingly: a) b) an expanded Education Committee will review educational programs annually an expanded Operations, Finance and Governance/Administration Committee will review operational and support services annually Objectives 1. To provide all learners with opportunities for success and to support the changing educational needs of society using the available resources. 2. To provide the most appropriate and effective resources in the most efficient and expeditious manner. Policy No. 3201 Originally Approved 1990-09 Revised 1999-12 119 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 3201 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Annual Operating Budget 1999-12-08 Development An accumulation of requirements is identified through the expanded Education, Operations, Finance and Governance/Administration committees of the Board. These requirements are refined and developed further by the district administration with input from other staff. In developing the annual operating budget, the Board will normally approve specific details relative to the expansion (other than through enrolment growth), alteration or deletion of educational and operational programs, where these programs have a financial impact. Where such details are not included in the approved budget, the Administration may make nominal changes, including expansion, within funds available, but any proposed expansion of educational programs must be discussed with the Board. Significant Adjustments Significant adjustment and/or new programs shall be reviewed by the Board prior to the commitment of funds. Priorities within the existing financial framework will be discussed by the Board. A significant adjustment is defined as the transfer of allocated funds from one general appropriation category to another, an anticipated over-expenditure of funds, or a reallocation of the use of funds from the intent of the original budget. Timelines October 5th Assistant Superintendent provides final enrolment figures to Accounting for final school budget preparation. Director of Student Support Services provides Accounting with Student Support allocations for school budgets. 2nd Wedneday in October Budget Committee Meeting October 15th Final School Budgets delivered to schools. October 15th Annual review of operational and educational services within the District. Supervisors and District Staff) 1st Wednesday in November Budget Committee Meeting (Operational Policy No. 3201 Originally Approved 1990-09 Revised 1999-12 120 November 15th Review of information for Years I and II prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer’s office. Information to include: a) expenditures for current year (where we are at relative to percentage of year gone, etc.) (Year I); b) estimated figures for final budget for current year (Year I); c) projection of our funding and expenditures for the coming year (Year II) (Preliminary). November 15th December 15th Budget Committee continues to meet with regard to Year II Budget preparation. 3rd Wednesday in November Budget Committee Meeting 1st Wednesday in December Budget Committee Meeting December 20th Receive final revenue figures from Ministry for Year I (final). 1st Wednesday in January Budget Committee Meeting January 15th Review of Final Budget Estimates for Year I before submission to Ministry of Education January 15th February 15th Year II Budget work and review by District Committee. 3rd Wednesday in January Budget Committee Meeting 1st Wednesday in February Budget Committee Meeting February 15th Board review and 3 Readings of By-Law - Year I (Final) 3rd Wednesday in February Budget Committee Meeting February 28th Submission of Year I Budget 1st Wednesday in March Budget Committee Meeting March 1st Receive revenue information from Ministry of Education - Year II (Preliminary) March 1st April 15th Year II (Preliminary) work continued by Budget Committee. March 10th Ministry forwards Budget Instruction Manual to school districts. Policy No. 3201 Originally Approved 1990-09 Revised 1999-12 121 3rd Wednesday in March Budget Committee Meeting March 20th Receive preliminary school budget information and Student Support Services school budget information from Assistant Superintendent and Director of Student Support Services respectively. March 30th Preliminary School Budgets sent to schools. Implementation of information into District Budget for Year II. April 3rd Decision on referendum, to meet legislative requirement of at least two weeks prior to referendum being held. 1st Wednesday in April Budget Committee Meeting April 4th April 16th Referendum particulars must be advertised once each week for two weeks. April 15th Board Review and 3 Readings - Year II (Final). April 17th Referendum vote. April 30th Budget Bylaw or Budget and School Referendum Tax Rate Bylaw together with detailed budget forms and schedules to Ministry. May 1st October 15th Continued review and monitoring of budget status and continued review of services in the District. 1st Wednesday in May Budget Committee Meeting May 4th School tax rates set by Order in Council. 3rd Wednesday in June Budget Committee Meeting Policy No. 3201 Originally Approved 1990-09 Revised 1999-12 122 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3203.1 Transportation – Independent Contractors/Contract Drivers POLICY NO.: 3203.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Transportation Independent Contractors/ Contract Drivers June 9, 2004 Preamble The Board recognizes the need for a policy to determine the roles and responsibilities of contract drivers and the relationship of the contractors to the Board and vice-versa. Policy To clarify the roles and responsibilities between the Board and the contractors who provide contracted school bus transportation services to the School District. Objectives 1. To clarify the roles between the Board of School Trustees and the contractors. 2. To stipulate the retirement requirements. 3. To clarify how the succession or bidding will work when the contractor is retiring or leaving the area. 4. To keep the busing a local operation. Local shall be defined as the North Peace Region of British Columbia. Policy No. 3203.1 Originally Approved 2004-06-09 123 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3203.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Transportation - Independent Contractors/Contract Drivers June 9, 2004 1. Contractors will not be permitted to sell their bus contracts (in whole or in part) without first receiving Board approval. Should the Board decide not to approve the sale, the Board shall state its reason(s). 2. The number of buses allowed per contractor shall not exceed five. 3. If a contractor leaves the North Peace area, he must give up his bus contract. 4. Before purchase of a new bus, the contractor must consult with the Transportation Supervisor to determine future busing needs which could indicate the size and need for a bus. 5. The Board of School Trustees expects all employees and/or contractors of the School District to retire at the age of 65. a) Retirement shall normally be at the end of the school year in which the contract driver attains the age of 65. b) A contract driver who reaches retirement age may be offered a term contract where the Board determines that the contractor’s continued services are deemed to be in the best interests of the School District. c) A retirement date may be extended on a year by year basis by a specific resolution of the Board of School Trustees, but not to exceed age 67. The Board will require a recommendation from the Transportation Supervisor on the ability to continue in the position. 6. The Board considers safety to be paramount - it is expected that all safety aspects will be enforced. Policy No. 3203.1 Originally Approved 2004-06-09 125 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3203.2 Transportation Operating Costs – Contract Drivers POLICY NO.: 3203.2 DATE APPROVED: 1994-02 SUBJECT: Transportation Operating Costs Contract Drivers Preamble The Board recognizes the need for guidelines to determine annual increases applicable to contract drivers. Policy Annual increases for contract drivers will be reviewed and based on the guidelines in the Regulations attached to this Policy. Objectives 1. To determine allowable increases based on the increased costs in the district’s existing operating costs which include rate increases given to Local 2397 drivers in accordance with the Regulations. Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 126 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3203.2 DATE APPROVED: 1994-02 SUBJECT: Transportation Operating Costs Contract Drivers The following chart will be used as a guideline to determine annual increases applicable to contract drivers. % of Total Operations Fuel and Oil % Increase to the School Districts= operation % Applicable to Contract Drivers 8.4% Maintenance Repair Parts Benefits 18% Wages 57% Insurance 2% Capital Costs 14.6% TOTAL COSTS 100% Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 127 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3204 Project Planning when Support from Board required POLICY NO.: 3204 DATE APPROVED: 1996-10 SUBJECT: Project Planning by Schools/Departments when Support from Board required Preamble It is necessary that the Board be involved in the initial planning process of any project that the Board will be asked to support through direct funding or through manpower. This includes projects within the School District and also with those involving outside agencies (i.e. Regional District, Municipality, and others). Policy Schools/Departments are to involve the Board in the initial planning process of any project that the Board will be asked to support either financially and/or through the use of district manpower or projects in which the School District may be asked to match future funding. Objectives 1. To ensure the Board is aware of School/Department initiated projects. 2. To ensure the Board has opportunity to consider priority to do necessary budget planning. 3. To ensure the Board has the resources available to embark on the project. Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 128 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3301 Purchasing Procedures POLICY NO.: 3301 SUBJECT: Purchasing Procedures DATE APPROVED: 1985-03 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of providing guidelines for purchasing assets, materials, and services and will endeavor to ensure good value in purchasing, probity in purchasing, and equitable treatment of suppliers while endeavoring to encourage local suppliers. Policy The Board of School Trustees requires that assets, materials, and services needed for the enhancement of education, and the operation of the School District, be purchased in the most economical and expeditious manner possible, at the lowest available cost for the quality of the product or service required, while maintaining relationships with suppliers on a fair and ethical basis. Objective 1. To provide guidelines for economical purchasing of assets, materials and services meanwhile ensuring good value. To ensure fairness and equity to suppliers and to be seen as being upright and honest in dealing with suppliers. Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 129 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3301 SUBJECT: Purchasing Procedures DATE APPROVED: 1985-03 GENERAL 1. The authority to issue a Purchase Order in the name of the School District shall be delegated to the following:a) b) Schools - Administrative Officers Departments - Supervisor or Coordinator in charge. 2. Purchasing delegates are responsible for ensuring that good value is obtained and budget provisions are met. 3. Purchasing delegates must comply with the prescribed "Method of Acquisition" as set out in these Regulations. 4. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, priority will be given to local business firms. See item 2 under "Tenders and Quotations". 5. Use of the School District purchasing procedures to acquire goods and services for personal use will not be permitted except where specifically allowed to do so as per Policy 4201 "Employee Computer Purchase Plan". 6. When replacing equipment, items replaced are to be traded or removed for disposal by issuing a work order to the Maintenance Department for pickup. In the event the replaced equipment is considered satisfactory for use elsewhere within the School District, it will be issued to that school or department. District staff may also initiate re-allocation of resources from school to school according to educational need and extent of use after first discussing with appropriate school administrators. 7. Purchasing will be done in accordance with Policy 0400 "Environment". Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 130 SPECIFICATIONS 1. Product specifications shall be determined by: a) b) c) d) e) Suitability Quality Availability of parts and service Economy Delivery time 2. Wherever possible, equipment and supplies shall be standardized in order to achieve maximum purchasing economy and quality goods. Consideration shall be given to future maintenance of equipment and availability of parts and service. COOPERATIVE PURCHASES 1. Cooperative purchasing will be done with other school districts and other government bodies for purchasing of items in common where it is felt that prices are better, quality control is better and there is a savings of administrative time or where the extra administrative time is warranted because of the overall savings. BULK PURCHASES 1. To achieve maximum purchasing economy, orders for common items will be consolidated into one School District order whenever possible. The responsibility with regard to the bulk ordering will vary depending on the type of purchase. TENDERS AND QUOTATIONS 1. All responsible bidders shall be given equal consideration and the assurance of unbiased judgment in determining whether their product meets specifications and the needs of the School District. 2. Where quality, price, availability and service are equivalent, preference is to be given to Canadian manufactured goods, supplied by firms established in Fort St. John, British Columbia, or Canada, in that order. 3. Purchasing delegates are expected to ensure that competition for the School Districts' business is maximized and, in particular, that local vendors are given every reasonable opportunity to bid on School District contracts. 4. Purchases shall be made at the lowest tendered or quoted price (written or phone-in) consistent with the required quality and service; provided that the School District shall reserve the right to accept or reject the whole or part of any tender. 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be consulted prior to awarding a tender to other than the low bidder. 6. Copies of written or phone requests for tenders or quotations on major items and bulk orders shall be provided to the Secretary-Treasurer (refer to Tender/Quote Worksheet attached). 7. Copies of written or phone requests for tenders or quotations on other than major items shall be recorded and kept on file at the school or department involved for a minimum of three (3) years (refer to Tender/Quote Worksheet attached). 8. Each bidder shall be notified of the tender result and the amount of the successful tender and upon inquiry information will be provided on other tenders received. Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 131 9. Tendering for major building projects shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education. METHOD OF ACQUISITION Through Purchase Order A Purchase Order must be issued for all purchases of goods or services with the exception of purchases made through petty cash. Through Petty Cash Purchases Petty Cash funds may be used to purchase miscellaneous supply items. Through Tender Format The attached tender format or a similar format covering details pertinent to the purchase must be used. PROBITY The Board understands probity to mean that: -all activities are undertaken in a visibly fair, ethical and prudent manner. -all transactions are handled with integrity and honesty. - all purchasing within the district is seen as being handled with fairness and honesty and is, in fact, being done in that manner. EXPECTATIONS The Board expects that: -Public tendering be done in all cases where reasonable and practical to do so. * -Reasonable rules of fair play consistently be applied to all purchasing transactions. - Qualified suppliers are provided with equal opportunity to provide goods and services to the District. - Issues which might be seen as a conflict of interest are avoided (unless special permission is sought from the Board). Such issues might include: - -employees selling goods to the School District employees purchasing used items from the District without the school or department first gone through a disposal process employees purchasing directly from friends or relatives without first going through a fair process which would allow other qualified suppliers to submit a tender employees having a vested interest in who receives the tender and are involved first-hand in awarding tenders, etc. * Purchasing is an important aspect, of the roles for Administrative Officers/Supervisors/Department Staff, as are all other responsibilities facing management and accordingly priorities must be established. Time invested should be proportional to the dollars saved. Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 132 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 3301 SUBJECT: Purchasing Procedures DATE APPROVED: 1985-03 1. Invitations to tender may be advertised in a local newspaper and such other newspapers as may be deemed appropriate. Copies of requests for tenders may also be delivered in writing to known suppliers of the items or service required. In addition, phone tenders may be used for smaller items and where time does not permit use of written format. 2. All tenders and quotations will be stamped with the date and time of receipt and initialed by the person receiving same. 3. A minimum of two School District staff members shall be present at the opening of tenders. 4. All tenders are considered to be public and accordingly, all persons entering a bid are entitled to attend the tender opening. 5. Each bidder is entitled to receive notification of the successful bid, and upon inquiry, information will be provided on other tenders received. 6. The Board shall reserve the right to accept or reject the whole or any part of the tender. The lowest tender is not necessarily accepted. 7. Tenders will be called for the following supplies, services and equipment purchases: Annually toilet paper Every 2 years custodial contracts (rural schools) Every 3 years propane and gasoline for District vehicles banking business financial auditing services Every 5 years propane for heating District facilities Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 133 As deemed necessary new vehicles and buses benefit coverage light bulbs and ballast's major construction projects (or portions) sale of assets School Supplies and Equipment Will be tendered at the discretion of District Staff, after first considering the time involved for coordination, distribution and accounting of bulk order and tendering. WRITTEN TENDERS Sealed tenders will be accepted at the Administration Office for supplying School District No. 60 with "Item" for the period "start date to end date". "Provide details useful to the tender" The successful tender will be responsible for "Provide pertinent details and specifications". The following is a sample procedure: 1. Develop specifications sheets listing quantities and sizes. 2. Establish tender deadline. (Many use 12:00 noon local time to eliminate confusion). 3. Publish tender. (Use media that will permit widest coverage) or in the case of minor purchases phone tenders are acceptable. 4. Advise current suppliers by mail in addition to publishing in the newspaper. (Ensures that they are aware of the tender call). 5. Close tenders at the time published. (Never accept a late tender, or allow a revision to a tender after acceptance). 6. Check specifications of tendered products carefully. (Size and quantities as well as delivery dates). 7. Select and advise successful tenders in writing. 8. Advise unsuccessful tenders in writing. In publishing a tender it is wise to include wording similar to the following to protect yourself. " the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted." Please mark envelope - Tender - "Item" and submit to: Secretary-Treasurer - School District No. 60 (Peace River North) 9803 - 102nd Street Fort St. John, BC. V1J 4B3 Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 134 Before approving any tender it is wise to ask the following questions: 1. What are the guarantees/warranties offered? 2. From where will the supplier service the suppliers/equipment? 3. Does the supplier have trained service reps? 4. What is the supplier's service/support record like? 5. Is in-service training provided? Are instructions clear and complete? 6. Are replacement parts available? 7. Do the tendered products meet all regulatory codes? (CSA, ULC, etc., as applicable)? 8. When can they guarantee delivery? 9. Did we receive enough bids to ensure competitive prices? Re-tender if you are not satisfied that the prices are competitive. Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 135 TENDER/QUOTE WORKSHEET (for purchasing) Item to be purchased: Quote: (Supplier 1) Name Address Telephone Number Contact Name Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Notes: (quality, guarantee and other things which ensure quality, effectiveness and efficiency) Quote: (Supplier 2) Name Address Telephone Number Contact Name Notes: (quality, guarantee and other things which ensure quality, effectiveness and efficiency) Quote: (Supplier 3) Name Address Telephone Number Contact Name Notes: (quality, guarantee and other things which ensure quality, effectiveness and efficiency) Please attach: quotes from all suppliers other documentation used in making the purchasing decision copy of purchase order form The attached quotes and supporting documentation referred to above must be retained for a minimum of 3 years. Policy No. 3301 Revised 1989-10, 1990-01, 1994-01 Reviewed 1992, 1995-01, 1997-12 136 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3302 Standardization of Equipment and Supplies POLICY NO.: 3302 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1981-04 Standardization of Equipment and Supplies Equipment purchases in the District will be standardized as much as practical in all areas. Policy No. 3302 Reviewed 1997-12 137 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3302 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Standardization of Equipment and Supplies 1981-04 Microcomputers 1. Microcomputer purchases in School District No. 60 will be based on the program (curriculum) being used. Apple and IBM hardware should be the first choice for purchase No. "clones" or "compatibles" will be permitted. 2. Educational applications requiring alteration of the above require the approval of the Superintendent, based upon the recommendation of the Computer Committee. 3. The technology department may recommend certain products or otherwise establish parameters for the purchase of hardware and software. Policy No. 3302 Reviewed 1997-12 138 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3303 Purchasing Procedures Protocol - Technology POLICY NUMBER: SUBJECT: 3303 DATE APPROVED: 1999-03-10 Purchasing Procedures Protocol - Technology Preamble With the development of local and wide area networks, our District is now at the stage of technological interdependence. Decisions taken at one school/department level may have an impact on others. Standards of hardware and software as it relates to serviceability, downstream maintenance and repair costs, and staff training are necessary. Policy The Board of Trustees requires that technology purchases be done in the most economical and expeditious manner possible, at the lowest available cost for the quality of the product or service required, while maintaining relationships with suppliers on a fair and ethical basis. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for technology purchases in accordance with the attached Procedures. Policy No. 3303 139 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO: 3303 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Purchasing Procedures Protocol - Technology 1999-03-10 Planning The costs associated with the implementation of technology are such that appropriate planning must be done both at the school and district level. To ensure that school plans are consistent with the parameters established in the District’s Plan, schools should consult with the District Principal of Technology Services. Goals When purchasing technology, there is a need to ensure that: a) appropriate planning is done; b) all activities related to purchasing technology are undertaken in a visibly fair, ethical and prudent manner; c) the consultation necessary to ensure that the needs of individual schools/departments and the interdependent needs of the district are met while at the same time maximizing the District’s ability to provide the necessary support; and d) the intent of Board Policy 3301: Purchasing Procedures and Policy 3302: Standardization of Equity and Supplies is addressed when soliciting price questions, formally or otherwise. Consultation Process It is expected that schools/departments planning changes particularly with respect to networked hardware and software, will consult with the District Principal of Technology Services during their planning process. Consultation should include but not be limited to, the standards of hardware and software, which are intended to support school programs in a networked situation. As part of his role, from time to time, the District Principal of Technology Services may, on behalf of the District, recommend certain products or otherwise establish parameters for the purchase of technology. Schools that make purchases outside these parameters will be responsible for any downstream maintenance, repair, and staff in-service related costs. Policy No. 3303 140 Tendering Process In accordance with Board Policy 3301: Purchasing Procedures, it is particularly important that any purchasing be undertaken in a visibly fair, ethical and prudent manner. However, some judgement is required when determining just how price quotations should be solicited. Sometimes good old fashioned “wheeling and dealing” proves to be most cost effective. When quotations are solicited over the telephone, a minimum of three contacts is recommended and details concerning the quotes must be recorded. Consultation with the District Principal of Technology Services will help to ensure that you are indeed getting the best price for the value sought. When it is advisable to use the more formal tendering process, schools/departments must ensure that the process is consistent with the direction provided in Board Policies 3301: Purchasing Procedures and Policy 3302: Standardization of Equipment and Supplies. To achieve maximum purchasing economy, orders for common items will be consolidated into one School District order whenever possible. The responsibility with regard to the tendering for bulk orders will vary depending on the type of purchase, but should be done in consultation with the District Principal of Technology Services. The tendering process for school-based purchases may be co-ordinated by school-based administrators, or their delegates, again in consultation with the District Principal of Technology Services. Once available, quotations will be reviewed by the school principal and input sought from the District Principal of Technology Services. Should there be no consensus, the Principal and the District Principal of Technology Services have the responsibility to advise district staff. District Staff will render a decision after consulting with the principal, the computer service department and the District Principal of Technology Services. Policy No. 3303 141 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3401.1 School Funds - Administration POLICY NO.: 3401.1 SUBJECT: School Funds Administration DATE APPROVED: 1994-04 Preamble The Board acknowledges that large sums of money are received and disbursed in any school, particularly where there is a parents’ advisory council (if funds are included in school Trust Accounts) and an active extra-curricular program. The Board also acknowledges that it and its employees must be held accountable for the administration of these funds. Policy Principals shall administer all funds, public or non-public, which are collected or disbursed at the school, depositing them in bank accounts designated as Trust Accounts. Objectives 1. To ensure that schools are accountable for all funds entrusted to their care. Policy No. 3401.1 142 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3401.1 DATE APPROVED: 1994-04 SUBJECT: School Funds Administration 1. All public and non-public funds shall be kept in separate trust accounts. Remittance to the School Board for re-sale, textbooks, and any other remittance must be made by cheque. 2. Each school should be equipped with a safe for the safekeeping of money overnight. Banking must be done frequently in order that large amounts of cash are not kept on the school premises. Purpose of Trust Fund: 1. Funds are raised primarily through the efforts of pupils and are to be spent for the benefit of students. Record Keeping: 1. A record of all banks, account numbers, and investments should be available. 2. A copy of the signing authorities should be maintained on file. 3. Two signatures are required on each cheque, one of which must be the Principal or designate. 4. A record of all receipts must be maintained showing date, received from, amount, and reason. This must be balanced to deposits when made. 5. All disbursements shall be clearly documented: substantiated, referenced, and filed. All receipts shall be clearly marked with the reason for the receipt. All documents shall lead a clear audit trail. 6. Appropriate records shall be maintained for both accounts receivable and for disbursements. The records shall be kept in a manner which shows clearly that funds are being expended on the projects for which they were received, or paying off obligations such as, supplies for resale. 7. Items reimbursable to or from the Trust must be clearly indicated and followed up. 8. Bank accounts shall be reconciled monthly. Policy No. 3401.1 143 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3401.2 School Funds - Audit POLICY NO.: 3401.2 SUBJECT: School Funds Audit DATE APPROVED: 1994-02 Preamble For the protection of all employees who administer school funds and to assure the Board that funds are used for the purpose for which they are intended, all accounts must be open to audit. Policy All funds administered by a school, including students' council and parents' advisory council funds, (if funds are included in school Trust Accounts) shall be audited annually by the SecretaryTreasurer and from time to time by an external auditor appointed by the Board. Objectives 1. To safeguard all funds administered by schools. Policy No. 3401.2 144 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3401.2 SUBJECT: School Funds Audit DATE APPROVED: 1994-02 1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall establish protocols in each school in the District for the accounting of all funds it administers. 2. Reports on both internal and external audits, including any recommendations made by the auditor, shall be filed with the Board. 3. Each principal shall prepare an annual report on June 30 showing the opening balance, receipts by source, expenditures under the same categories, and the closing balance. 4. Upon change of Principal, the Trust Account shall be audited. Policy No. 3401.2 145 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3402 Parent/Community/Corporate Sponsorships/Donations POLICY NO.: 3402 DATE APPROVED: 1997-04-23 SUBJECT: Parent / Community / Corporate Sponsorships/Donations Preamble The Board recognizes the opportunities provided for both students and the community through outsie donations an sponsorships. Policy The Board welcomes and encourages support from parents, the community, and corporate sponsors in the form of donations of equipment and funds to assist schools in the district to support teaching and learning. Objectives 1. To give students access to opportunities that without donations/sponsorships may not otherwise be possible. 2. To ensure donations/sponsorships enhance the image of the school(s) and its students. 3. To enhance the quality of education for our students. Policy No. 3402 Originally Approved 1997-04-23 Revised: 2002-08-20 146 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3402 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Parent / Community / Corporate Sponsorships/Donations 2002-08-20 Definition "Donation" means a gift to a school or the district without expectation or reciprocal provision of goods or services to the donor. 1. The Principal reserves the right at any time to review and, if deemed appropriate, require that the terms of a sponsorship arrangement be revised or terminated. 2. Sponsors may support school teams, bands, clubs, drama productions and other school activities as well as district-wide events, programs and activities. 3. The terms of the sponsorship will be as agreed between the sponsor and the principal(s) of the school(s) in receipt of the sponsorship. 4. All donations must enhance the image of the school and its students. 5. Subject to the following limitations, the principal of a school may accept or decline a donation of equipment and/or funds. a) A donation from any enterprise identified with products that relate to alcohol or tobacco or other enterprise deemed to be harmful to the health and/or morals of youth shall be referred to the Board. b) Proposals for donations of a unique nature may be referred to the Board for consideration. c) Total donations exceeding $7,500 from one source must have prior approval of the Board in accordance with Board Policy 6305.1. 6. If accepted, donations shall become the property of School District No. 60. 7. The Board must give approval prior to acceptance of any donation which requires the Board to contribute or to match any contribution. Policy No. 3402 Originally Approved 1997-04-23 Revised: 2002-08-20 147 8. Sponsors may be recognized in programs, press releases, school newsletters, assemblies, or posters as mutually agreed upon by the sponsor and principal. Pressure to compel students or the school community to support the commercial enterprise is unacceptable. 9. No cash may be directly paid to any players, team, coach or club/activity sponsor. No such funding may be used in any way to entice or reward athletes or coaches or to recruit players for the school. 10. New and used equipment, whether for in-school or playground use, must be of a standard acceptable for use in classrooms and schools and must meet district specifications. 11. The school and/or district must consider costs for installation, where applicable, to ensure that funds are available. 12. Equipment must be installed according to the current practices and standards of School District No. 60. 13. Should a donation involve a district-wide sponsorship, the Board sponsorship guidelines shall be followed (Appendix A). Policy No. 3402 Originally Approved 1997-04-23 Revised: 2002-08-20 148 SCHEDULE 'A' - District-Wide Sponsorship Guidelines For District-Wide Sponsorships, the parties to the agreement will be the sponsor and the Superintendent of Schools. School District No. 60 supports District-wide fund-raising that: enhances the quality and relevance of education for learners; mutually benefits all partners consistent with these guidelines; treats fairly and equitably all those served; provides opportunities for all partners to meet their shared social responsibilities toward education; acknowledges and celebrates each partner's contributions through appropriate, non-commercial forms of recognition; is consistent with the School District No. 60 Mission Statement and Board Policies relating to this issue; is based on shared objectives and expectations; allocates resources to complement and not replace public funding for education; does not compete with or replace PAC or school-based fund-raising; measures and evaluates partnership performance; identifies clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders; involves individual participants on a voluntary basis; and, ensures that donated goods and services meet the standards outlined in Board Policy. Policy No. 3402 Originally Approved 1997-04-23 Revised: 2002-08-20 149 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 3402 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Parent / Community / Corporate Sponsorships/Donations 1997-04-23 1. Upon notification that a parent, community agency or group wishes to present an item valued at more than $1,000 to the school, the principal will notify the Superintendent of Schools. 2. If the purchase involves installation of equipment, a plan for the installation must be submitted to ensure that it meets the specifications approved for the type of installation being considered, i.e. playground equipment. 3. All cash donations are to be properly accounted for in accordance with Policy 3401.1. Policy No. 3402 Originally Approved 1997-04-23 Revised: 2002-08-20 150 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3501.1 Land Use – Skating Rinks POLICY NO.: 3501.1 SUBJECT: Land Use - Skating Rinks DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 Consideration for skating rinks will be done during the normal development of new school sites. Policy No. 3501.1 Revised 1994-12-14 151 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3501.2 Land Use/Disposal of District Owned Lands POLICY NO. 3501.2 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Land Use - Disposal of District Owned Land Preamble The Board recognizes that there may be no justification in retaining district owned land when there is no longer an educational need for its use, or where the area is less than the current minimum required for an elementary school of fewer than one hundred (100) students. Policy The Board may dispose of district owned land either upon its own initiative or in response to an application from an individual interested in purchasing the property, if there is no longer an educational need for its use and/or the area is less than the minimum required for an elementary school of fewer than one hundred (100) students. Any sale of district owned land shall be by public tender, and be subject to the procedures required by the Ministry. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for the disposal of district owned land. Policy No. 3501.2 152 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3502 Maintenance of Facilities POLICY NO.: 3502 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1976-07 Maintenance of Facilities Preamble The Board recognizes the necessity for preventative maintenance and upkeep to both buildings and grounds. Policy Preventative maintenance and upkeep to both buildings and grounds shall be a continuous process within the confines of the budget, subject to the Regulations attached to this Policy. Objectives 1. To ensure efficient scheduling and coordination of maintenance work throughout the District. 2. To provide controls for the maintenance process. 3. To ensure that any emergency maintenance work receives immediate attention. Policy No. 3502 153 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3502 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1976-07 Maintenance of Facilities 1. Telephone requests for routine repairs and maintenance of property must be followed up immediately in writing to the Maintenance Supervisor. 2. There will be an ongoing grounds beautification program contingent upon the availability of funds. 3. All staff are encouraged to do their part to ensure the highest possible standards for both grounds and buildings. 4. Motorized vehicles, automobiles and livestock are prohibited from crossing any school grounds of this School District other than on roadways or parking areas adjacent to them. 5. Planned programs for the enhancement to buildings and grounds will be done in conjunction with schools. 6. District Staff will endeavor to consult with school administration on budgets for buildings and grounds. Policy No. 3502 154 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 3502 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1976-07 Maintenance of Facilities 1. The School Principal is responsible for submitting work orders to the Maintenance Supervisor for non-budgetary items for both grounds and buildings. 2. For beautification projects, requests will be submitted, along with sketch plans, for approval by District Staff. Policy No. 3502 155 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3503.1 Alterations, Renovations, or Additions POLICY NO.: 3503.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1976-07 Alterations, Renovations, or Additions Requests for cost estimates or other information on alterations, renovations or additions to property, will be referred directly to the Maintenance Supervisor. Policy No. 3503.1 156 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3503.2 Facilities – Architectural Service POLICY NO: 3503.2 SUBJECT: Facilities - Architectural Service DATE APPROVED: 1994-01 Preamble The Board recognizes the necessity for guidelines in retaining architectural services for new facilities, additions, and renovations. Policy Architectural services for new facilities, additions, and renovations will be retained according to the regulations to this Policy. Objectives 1. To provide consistency and fairness in retaining architectural services for new facilities, additions, and renovations. Policy No. 3503.2 157 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO: 3503.2 SUBJECT: Facilities - Architectural Service DATE APPROVED: 1994-01 Definitions: Major Addition/Renovation: . Using the nominal capacity of existing facility, the following will serve as a guide as to when a renovation/addition is considered major: Nominal capacity of under 125 Any alteration of the present facility considered major Nominal capacity of under 225 Any alteration over 45% considered major Nominal capacity of under 325 Any alteration over 35% considered major Nominal capacity of under 425 Any alteration over 25% considered major Nominal capacity of 425 or over Any alteration over 20% considered major Minor Addition/Renovation: An addition or renovation that will not alter more than that percentage of the facility prescribed in a major addition/renovation and will not substantially alter the appearance or usage of those areas of the building. New Facilities: Proposals for architectural services will be invited through a competition. Policy No. 3503.2 158 Minor Addition/Renovation: Architectural services may be handled by the architectural firm engaged for the original drawings of a facility and/or major renovations, or in-house (as required). Major Addition/Renovation: Proposals for architectural services may be invited from the architectural firm engaged for the original drawings of a facility and/or major renovations, and others interest. Other Considerations: Age, operational and structural integrity may also be considerations in regard to retaining architectural services for new facilities, additions and renovations. Policy No. 3503.2 159 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3503.3 Facilities – Capital Planning POLICY NUMBER: SUBJECT: 3503.3 DATE APPROVED: 1994-12-14 Facilities - Capital Planning Preamble The Board recognizes the need for a planning process for facilities. Policy The Board of School Trustees requires that the planning process for facilities be in accordance with the following Regulations. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for the planning process for facilities. Policy No. 3503.3 160 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NUMBER: 3503.3 DATE APPROVED: 1994-12 SUBJECT: Facilities - Capital Planning Planning Process: 1. Determine the school's inventory from which to assess current and future capital requirements (including capacities, design, age, and condition). 2. Assess the demand on existing facilities and the intended use of the facility considering the programs to be offered over the next eight years using enrollment projection data. 3. Develop long-term capital strategies that maintain a balance of supply and demand and that efficiently merge the demand for additional facilities (or the disposal of surplus facilities) with the demand for rejuvenated facilities. (This will include completion of Facilities Audit Level I Forms). 4. If the supply of existing facilities is in a deteriorated state, develop a capital rejuvenation program to return the stock to a satisfactory condition. 5. Complete a Capital Project Request form and Five-Year Capital Plan Summary for the required capital projects scheduled in the five year period. Policy No. 3503.3 161 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3503.4 Facilities – Murals – Exterior Walls POLICY NO.: 3503.4 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Facilities Murals - Exterior Walls 1999-11-10 Preamble The Board recognizes the artistic talents and creativity of the District’s students and staff. Policy The Board encourages the use of exterior walls of schools to display murals done by the District’s students and staff, within the parameters of the procedures provided. Objectives 1. To give opportunities for the District=s students and staff to display their work. 2. To enhance the exterior of the our buildings. 3. To share artistic work with the community. Policy No. 3503.4 Originally Approved 1999-11 162 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 3503.4 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Facilities - Murals - Exterior Walls 1999-11-10 1. Paintings must be done on 4' x 8' sheets of signboard. 2. Murals must be fastened to the upper portion of exterior walls. 3. Materials used and location of murals on exterior walls must be approved by the Maintenance Supervisor. 4. The Maintenance Department will assist in fastening murals to the exterior walls. Policy No. 3503.4 Originally Approved 1999-11 163 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3504.1 Security of Buildings and Grounds - Halloween POLICY NO.: 3504.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 Security of Buildings and Grounds - Halloween Halloween night watchmen shall be employed to supervise the Districts' schools as deemed necessary. Policy No. 3504.1 164 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3505 Back-up Warning Devices for District Vehicles POLICY NO.: 3505 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1990-05 Back-up Warning Devices for District Vehicles It is the policy of the Board that certain classifications of vehicles will be equipped with audible back-up warning devices. Policy No. 3505 165 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3505 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1990-05 Back-up Warning Devices for District Vehicles The following classifications of vehicles owned or leased by School District No. 60, shall be equipped with audible back-up warning devices. These devices will be installed in such a manner that they will be automatically activated when the vehicle is shifted into reverse gear, and will be maintained in good working condition: 1. Back-hoe and Bob-cat. 2. Vehicles used primarily for mail-delivery purposes within the District. 3. Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight in excess of three-quarter (3/4) ton capacity. District school buses used exclusively for the transportation of students will be exempted from this Policy. Policy No. 3505 166 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3506 Surplus Assets POLICY NO.: 3506 SUBJECT: Surplus Assets DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 Preamble The Board recognizes the need to dispose of surplus assets in a fair and consistent manner. Policy a) Subject to the School Act, assets and supplies surplus to requirements may be disposed of without incurring costs for sale or storage. b) In general, surplus assets and supplies shall be sold publicly or, if valueless, shall be scrapped. c) Administrative Officers or Supervisors may determine if an asset is surplus and the means of disposal. d) Declaration of any land and building as being surplus shall be made by the Board. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for the fair and consistent disposal of surplus assets. Policy No. 3506 167 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3506 SUBJECT: Surplus Assets DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 An asset may be declared surplus if: 1. As a result of changing curriculum, Regulations, or School District Policy, it is no longer required for use in District schools. 2. Because of age or technological advances, it no longer meets educational specifications. 3. After a standardization program has been implemented, it is of a type that is not compatible with other units in use. 4. The condition of the asset is such that the cost of repair is not warranted and/or because of an increasing incidence of lost time for repairs, the decision is made to replace it. All items of this nature should be inspected by the Maintenance Department, as designated by the Superintendent’s Office. Policy No. 3506 168 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 3506 SUBJECT: Surplus Assets DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 Disposal of Surplus Assets Any asset declared surplus shall be disposed of by the Administrative Officer or Supervisor in the following manner (after consultation with the Secretary-Treasurer): 1. Offered for tender among all other schools and departments within the District at a reasonable price. If a bid is accepted, a transfer of money within school or department accounts will take place. 2. If the asset cannot be disposed of as in 1) above, it shall be disposed of by: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Offered for sale to other School Districts Public sealed tender Auction - general or on consignment Fixed or variable price public sale Trade-in Private sale Scrapping Return to original vendor The Administrative Officer or Supervisor shall consider the following factors: a) Whether the potential gain to the District will offset advertising and other related costs of a public sale, either by tender or fixed price. b) Whether there is sufficient volume and variety of assets to be disposed of to warrant an auction or other major public offering. c) Whether the amount offered on trade-in reasonably represents the net recovery to the District under other means of disposal. d) Whether the asset has any significant residual value and whether any market exists for it. Policy No. 3506 169 3. Private sale of surplus assets shall be restricted to those assets considered to be relatively valueless or items which have been previously offered unsuccessfully for public disposal. 4. It is the responsibility of the Administrative Officer or Supervisor to ensure that assets are removed from District premises within a reasonable period of time after bids have been accepted. Proceeds from Disposal 1. All proceeds from the disposal of surplus assets are credited to the school or department budgets for replacement of equipment. 2. All sales of surplus assets are on a cash-and-carry basis, with no warranties or guarantees being provided or implied. Employee Purchases 1. District employees may bid on surplus assets in the same manner as any other member of the general public. 2. Bids received from employees prior to a public offering will be considered as a reserved bid when disposal action is initiated. Only this reserved bid is the highest received, would the asset be sold to the District employee. Retention of Surplus Assets 1. Nothing in this Policy or Regulations shall make it mandatory to dispose of surplus assets. Policy No. 3506 170 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3601 Designation of Info.and Privacy Head and Coordinator POLICY NUMBER: 3601 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 96-06-12 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY - Designation of Information and Privacy Head and Coordinator Preamble The Board acknowledges the requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Policy As required under Section 76.1(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Board of Trustees designates the Secretary-Treasurer as the official head of the school district for the purposes of the Act. As permitted under section 76.1(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Board authorizes the Personnel/Administrative Assistant as the information and privacy coordinator for the purposes of the Act. Objectives 1. To appoint an Information and Privacy Head and Coordinator in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Policy No. 3601 171 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NUMBER: 3601 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 96-06-12 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY - Designation of Information and Privacy Head and Coordinator The following schedule outlines the responsibilities of the Secretary-Treasurer (Head) and the Personnel/Administrative Assistant (IPC) in regards to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Transaction Section(s) DecisionMaking Implementation Decide on severing a record 4 Head IPC Decide on duty to create a record 6 Head IPC Decide on content of a response 8 Head IPC Decide how access will be given 9 IPC IPC Extend time limit up to 30 days 10 IPC IPC Request Commissioner's approval of extension 10 Head IPC Transfer a request 11 IPC IPC 12-22 Head IPC Third Party Notice 23 IPC IPC Notice of Decision 24 Head IPC INFORMATION RIGHTS Decide to apply exceptions NOTICE TO THIRD PARTIES Policy No. 3601 172 Other Notices 22,23,25 Head IPC 25 Head IPC Purpose for which personal information may be collected 26 IPC IPC How personal information is to be collected 27 IPC IPC Correction of personal information 29 IPC IPC 28,30,31 IPC IPC Uses of personal information 32 IPC IPC Disclosure of personal information 33 IPC IPC Approve disclosure of personal information for research or statistical purposes 35 Head IPC Make representations to Commissioner 56 IPC IPC Burden of Proof 57 Head IPC Disclosure on order of Commissioner 59 Head IPC Annual statistical report to Information and Privacy Branch 68 IPC IPC Maintain SD#60's information in FOI Directory 69 IPC IPC Make copies of directory available 69 IPC IPC Make policy manuals available 70 IPC IPC Maintain SD#60's Directory of Personal Information Banks 69 IPC IPC PUBLIC INTEREST PARAMOUNT Disclosure in the Public Interest PROTECTION OF PRIVACY Accuracy, protection and retention of personal information REVIEWS and COMPLAINTS REPORTS Policy No. 3601 173 Prescribe categories of records available without request 71 IPC IPC Assess fees, give fee estimate, require fee deposit 75 IPC IPC Approve waiver of fees 75 Head IPC FEES Policy No. 3601 174 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3602 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy – Fee Schedule POLICY NO. 3602 DATE APPROVED: 96-06-12 SUBJECT: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY - Fee Schedule Preamble The Board acknowledges the requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Policy As permitted by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Board of Trustees of School District No. 60 will charge fees for applicants under the Act. No fees shall be charged to individuals who are accessing their own personal information. Objectives 1. To clarify the fee schedule for applications under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Revised 1997-01-06 Policy No. 3602 175 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO. 3602 DATE APPROVED: 96-02-12 SUBJECT: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY - Fee Schedule The maximum fees to be charged applicants under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act shall be as outlined below. Fees may be waived under the conditions outlined in the Act. Revised 1997-01-06 Policy No. 3602 176 For applicants other than commercial applicants: for locating and retrieving a record $7.50 per 1/4 hour after the first 3 hours for producing a record manually $7.50 per 1/4 hour for preparing a record for disclosure and handling a record $7.50 per 1/4 hour for shipping copies actual costs of shipping method chosen by applicant for copying records: photocopies, computer printouts 254 per page (8.5 x 11" or 14") 304 per page (11 x 17") floppy disks $10.00 per disk microfilm to paper duplication 504 per page photographs (colour or black and white) $5.00 to produce a negative plus actual cost of prints photographic print of textual, graphic or cartographic record (8x10" black and white) $12.50 each hard copy of laser print, black and white - 300 dots/inch 254 each hard copy of laser print, black and white - 1200 dots/inch 404 each slide duplication 954 each plans $1.00 per square meter audio cassette duplication $10.00 plus $7.00 per 1/4 hour of recording For commercial applicants, for each service listed in item 1, fees may be the actual cost of providing that service, if the actual cost is significantly higher than the listed fees. No fees shall be charged to individuals who are accessing their own personal information. Revised 1997-01-06 Policy No. 3602 177 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 3603 Retention and Destruction of Records POLICY NO.: 3603 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy - Retention and Destruction of Records 1996-06-12 Preamble The Board acknowledges the requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Policy Records held by School District No. 60 will be retained while they are of use in the operations of the District and in compliance with pertinent federal and provincial legislation. A retention procedure outlines the minimum period of time which specific records must be retained. One records are past the applicable retention period, the principal of the school or the supervisor of the department responsible for the records is authorized to destroy them if he/she is satisfied that the records are of no further use and that they have no historical or archival value. Records which contain personal or confidential information should be destroyed in a manner that retains the confidentiality of the records. Objectives 1. To clarify the Board’s record retention and destruction policies. Originally Approved:1996-06 Revised: 1997-01 Policy No. 3603 178 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 3603 DATE APPROVED: 1997-01-06 SUBJECT: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy - Retention and Destruction of Records The following retention schedule outlines the minimum amount of time that School District No. 60 records must be retained and who is responsible for their retention and destruction. Board Records Board Policy Permanent Agendas of Regular and Special Board Meetings Permanent List of Electors 2 years after the year of creation Minutes Permanent Notice of Meetings 1 year Oaths and Declaration of Trustees For term of office School Trustees List While current Debenture and by-law register Permanent Debenture and coupons redeemed 6 years after the year redeemed Contracts with Senior District Staff 6 years after the year employee leaves Employee WCB forms 6 years after the year employment ceases Originally Approved:1996-06 Revised: 1997-01 Policy No. 3603 179 Administrative Records Freedom of Information Requests 2 years after the calendar year of creation Requests to review Freedom of Information decisions 5 years after investigation, review, inquiry or adjudication is complete and order has been issued Freedom of Information requests to correct personal information 2 years after the personal information has been updates, annotated, or request has been transferred to another public body Annual Report as required by the School Act Permanent District publications and newsletters Permanent Rental of facilities 1 year after the year of rental Appraisal and inventory records 6 years after the year of asset disposal Authorization for expenditure of capital funds 6 years after the year capital plan completed Building plans and specifications (with related changes, guarantees, bonds, liens and valuable correspondence) 6 years after the year of asset disposal Land titles, deeds and plans 6 years after the year of asset disposal Mortgages and leases 6 years after expiration of term Referenda Data (subsequent changes, order-incouncil, etc.) 6 years after the year of asset disposal General correspondence 2 years after the year of creation Incident reports 1 year or until finalized Claims 6 years after claim settled for adults; 2 years after age of majority is reached for individuals under 19 years Insurance policies Permanent Quotations and relative correspondence 6 years after the year of creation Purchasing contracts 6 years after the year of creation Originally Approved:1996-06 Revised: 1997-01 Policy No. 3603 180 Requisitions and purchase orders 6 years after the year of creation Financial Records Annual budget and summary supporting documents Permanent Auditor's reports Permanent Cancelled cheques 6 years after the year of creation Cheque duplicates, invoices, requisitions, purchase orders 6 years after the year of creation Employee travel claims 6 years after the year of creation Ministry of Education financial information reports Permanent General Ledger Permanent Invoices billed 6 years after the year of creation Subsidiary ledgers and journals 6 years after the year of creation Receipts issued 6 years after the year issued Bank statement, debit and credit notes 6 years after the year of creation Deposit books 6 years after the year of creation Loans, authorization 6 years or term of loan, if longer Loans, cancelled notes 6 years after the year of creation Stop payment orders 1 year after the year of creation Personnel Records Applications and job competitions 1 year after position is filled Collective Agreement with Unions Permanent Contracts with individual employees 4 years after the year employee leaves district Employee files 4 years after the year employee leaves district Originally Approved:1996-06 Revised: 1997-01 Policy No. 3603 181 First Aid Certification 4 years after the year employee leaves district Leave records 4 years after the year employee leaves district Individual grievance files Permanent Letters of discipline According to collective agreement or 4 years after the year employee leaves district Personnel file 4 years after the year employee leaves district Reference checks 1 year after position is filled Seniority Lists Permanent Support staff subs 1 year Unsolicited resumes 6 months Violent incident reports 4 years after the year of creation Employee payroll register 4 years after the year employee leaves district Employee attendance records 4 years after the year employee leaves district Payroll benefits 4 years after the year employee leaves district Payroll deductions 4 years after the year employee leaves district Student Records Student information system data 55 years after student has withdrawn or graduated Permanent Student Record 55 years after student has withdrawn or graduated Attendance reports and registers 55 years after student has withdrawn or graduated Cross boundary attendance requests 1 year after decision is made Provincial scholarships and district awards 55 years after student has withdrawn or graduated Senior Secondary School statements 55 years after student has withdrawn or graduated Originally Approved:1996-06 Revised: 1997-01 Policy No. 3603 182 Student School File 2 years after student has withdrawn or graduated Other student records Useful life of the record Transportation Data Student bus registration forms 1 year after the year of creation Transportation assistance forms 1 year after the year of creation School bus behaviour report 1 year after the year of creation School bus video tapes 1 year after the year of creation Originally Approved:1996-06 Revised: 1997-01 Policy No. 3603 183 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PERSONNEL (Series 4000) 4101 Definitions POLICY NO.: 4101 SUBJECT: Definitions DATE APPROVED: 1988-04 Relative A relative will be grandparent, parent, sibling, spouse, including common-law spouse, child, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or a relative living in the same household. Immediate Family Immediate Family will be mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son and spouse, including common-law spouse. Originally Approved: Revised: 1988-04 Policy No. 4101 184 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4102.1 Recruitment and Selection – Employment of Relatives POLICY NO.: 4102.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1975-08 Recruitment and Selection - Employment of Relatives In the event that School District No. 60 (Peace River North) should be considering for employment any relatives of any member of the Board or Senior Administration Staff, consideration should be brought to the attention of the Board in Committee. Policy No. 4102.1 185 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4102.2 Recruitment and Selection – Reimbursement of Candidates POLICY NO.: 4102.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 Recruitment and Selection - Reimbursement of Candidates The senior administrative staff may authorize reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by employment candidates from outside the District. Policy No. 4102.2 186 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4102.3 Recruitment and Selection – Welcoming Committee POLICY NO.: 4102.3 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1976-07 Recruitment and Selection - Welcoming Committee The Board will reimburse the Welcoming Committee for the expenses it incurs, in the amount set annually in the budget. Policy No. 4102.3 187 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4103.1 Administrative Officers – Recruitment and Selection Process POLICY NO.: 4103.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Administrative Officers - Recruitment and Selection Process 2000-05-10 Preamble The recruitment and selection of Administrative Officers is a responsibility delegated to the Superintendent of Schools by the Board of School Trustees, subject to the Board’s approval. The Board supports a process which, to the extent practical and possible, includes consideration of information received from trustees, district staff, school staffs and parent advisory committees. On occasion, these groups may be asked to provide profiles in which they identify the leadership characteristics successful candidates should possess. When practical and possible, interested stakeholder groups will have the opportunity to meet applicants. However, there will be times when the Superintendent of Schools will simply bring recommendations on the recruitment and selection of Administrative Officers directly to the Board for its approval. On those occasions, it will be inherent on the Superintendent to satisfy the Board that the appropriate research has been done. Policy While it is the Superintendent of School’s responsibility to recommend administrative appointments to the Board, the recruitment and selection of administrative officers may be accomplished by striking a District Selection Committee or by the Superintendent of Schools making recommendations directly to the Board, or a combination of both processes. When a District Selection Committee is struck, trustees and district staff will be responsible for the identification, interviewing and selection of appropriate candidates for the Administrative Officer positions that become available. Objectives 1. To ensure that the most suitable candidates are selected for all available administrative positions. 2. To ensure that all qualified candidates have an opportunity to indicate interest in available administrative positions. 3. To ensure that the recruitment and selection of administrative officers is done by March 30th of any school year unless there are extenuating circumstances. Originally Approved: Revised: 2000-05 1991-01 Policy No. 4103.1 188 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4103.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Administrative Officers - Recruitment and Selection Process 2000-05-10 Accountability The selection of administrative officers is a primary responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent will ensure that appropriate opportunity is provided for trustee involvement and that information is disseminated. Responsibility for short listing candidates rests with the Superintendent's office. Information will be shared with members of the District Selection Committee, if that is the process followed, and, upon request, the trustees not on the committee. District Selection Committee Membership When a District Selection Committee is used, membership on that committee will normally include: a) The Superintendent's office (i.e. the Superintendent and/or the Assistant Superintendent); b) The Chairperson of the Personnel Committee; c) The Chairperson of the Education Committee or his/her delegate; d) The Secretary-Treasurer or his/her delegate; and e) resource people (Administrative Officers, Parent Advisory Council representatives, etc.), as required. When both a principal and vice-principal for the same school are to be selected, the principal will be selected first. When a vice-principal is to be selected, the principal of the school will sit as a non-voting member of the selection committee. Originally Approved: Revised: 2000-05 1991-01 Policy No. 4103.1 189 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 4103.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Administrative Officers - Recruitment and Selection Process 2000-05-10 The District Selection Committee Process a) Vacancy identified (resignation, request for transfer, District initiated, etc. b) Position posted. c) Position advertised. d) District Leadership Profile reviewed. e) School Leadership Profile reviewed. f) Long list prepared by Superintendent's Office (in consultation with the principal when a vice-principal is being selected). Spreadsheet of information distributed to all Trustees. g) Short list prepared by Superintendent's Office. Only candidates qualified to do the job will be considered. Spreadsheet of information distributed to all members of the District Selection Committee and, upon request, to other trustees. h) Short listed candidates advised. i) Interview date set. j) Staff/trustee/candidate social interaction event(s) (i.e. wine, cheese, coffee and questions) scheduled, as appropriate, prior to a candidate’s interview by the District Selection Committee. k) Input from school (assessment of candidates), as requested by Superintendent's office, reviewed by the District Selection Committee. l) Interview Process scheduled. Originally Approved: Revised: 2000-05 1991-01 Policy No. 4103.1 190 m) Under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, the District Selection Committee interviews each candidate. n) Interview Process: Superintendent is Chairman designate of District Selection Committee. All candidates are asked to respond to the same set of questions. Committee deliberates all inputs: o o o o o Answers to interview questions School leadership profile District leadership profile Staff input References o) The District Selection Committee reaches consensus on the selection of a candidate. p) Completing this process in one day is preferred. q) Board members are informed of the District Selection Committee=s recommendation by the Superintendent of Schools. r) With the concurrence of a majority of the trustees, the successful candidate is informed. s) Unsuccessful candidates are informed. t) Report to Board The Superintendent of Schools’ Recommendation Process a) b) The Superintendent of Schools schedules spring visits with each current Administrative Officer. During that visit Administrative Officers: are given the opportunity to share their professional goals and career aspirations; and are made aware of any existing or new administrative opportunities that are potentially available. The Superintendent of Schools will ensure that all Administrative Officers are aware of administrative opportunities that subsequently become available as the Board begins to fill those initially available. Originally Approved: Revised: 2000-05 1991-01 Policy No. 4103.1 191 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4103.2 Administrative Officers - Reports POLICY NO.: 4103.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1990-09 Administrative Officers Reports The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 recognizes the need for reports on Administrative Officers to be handled in the strictest confidence through the office of the Superintendent of Schools. Policy No. 4103.2 192 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4103.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1990-09 Administrative Officers - Reports 1. Information relevant to any Administrative Officer's report anticipated to be written in any year will be made available to the Human Resources Committee early in the teaching year. 2. Copies of an Administration Officer's Report will be sent to the Minister of Education and College of Teacher, whenever one is requested under the School Act. 3. Trustees may request a copy of a written report on an administrative officer or a written summary of same by Board Motion. 4. Detailed oral summaries of all "less than satisfactory" reports or reports which may require action of the Board will be presented to the Board at the earliest opportunity. 5. Trustees may view written reports of Administration Officers upon request to Superintendent of Schools. Policy No. 4103.2 193 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4103.3 BC Principal & Vice-Principal Executive POLICY NO.: 4103.3 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1988-04 Administrative Officers BC Principal & Vice Principal Executive Preamble The Board recognizes the value of the involvement of its Administrative Officers in their professional organizations. Policy The Board will permit release time to an Administrative Officer elected to the BC Principal and Vice Principal Executive upon approval of the Superintendent of Schools, and at no additional cost to the Board. (This would include Chapter Council Meetings). Policy No. 4103.3 Revised 1992-02 194 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4104.1 Teachers – Moving Allowance/Temporary Accommodation POLICY NO.: 4104.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Teachers - Moving Allowance / Temporary Accommodation 2000-04-12 For new teachers hired outside the District, the Board will pay moving allowance and accommodation in accordance with the attached Regulations. Originally Approved:1987-08 Revised: 2004-04 Policy No. 4104.1 195 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4104.1 DATE APPROVED: 2000-04-12 SUBJECT: Teachers - Moving Allowance / Temporary Accommodation Moving Allowance Teachers appointed to this School District will be paid a moving allowance, on request, to assist in their travel and moving expenses to this District as follows: Teachers new to the District will be paid temporary accommodations in Fort St. John for a maximum of three (3) days upon presentation of receipts from a local hotel or motel (room and taxes only). Originally Approved:1987-08 Revised: 2004-04 Policy No. 4104.1 196 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4104.2 Teachers – District Initiated Transfers POLICY NO.: 4104.2 SUBJECT: Teachers - District Initiated Transfers DATE APPROVED: 1984-05 Preamble The Board recognizes that District Initiated Transfers are sometimes necessary. Policy District Initiated Transfers should be viewed positively and address needs identified by the individual and by the district. Objectives 1. 2. 3. To promote an opportunity for professional growth. To contribute to the needs of a particular school or program. To consider the best interest and needs of the individual. Originally Approved:1984-05 Revised: 1994-01, 1994-05 Policy No. 4104.2 197 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4104.2 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Teachers - Assignment and Transfer 1994-05 The transfer process will include the following phases: Phase I Factors which might initiate the transfer process: a) Evidence of specific strengths need in another position. b) Evidence of *complacency in the present position. c) Evidence of a serious personality conflict. A feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug-satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc. Something that gives satisfaction; a cause of pleasure or joy; a comfort. Friendly civility. Phase II a) b) c) d) Phase III a) Individual discussion (stressing confidentiality and intended to reduce anxiety.) Consideration will be given to the following criteria: Needs and direction of the District. The individual's training and experience. Personal goals of the individual. Stages of program development within the school(s) concerned. Joint discussions: The objectives of this phase are to explore the feasibility of the proposed transfer and to enhance the transition, should the transfer occur. Discussions will occur between the Superintendent and those individuals directly connected with each position. Phase IV Board decision: a) This decision shall be based primarily on educational factors and will consider relocation, financial and other implications. Phase IV shall include an opportunity for the individual to be heard by the Board. This individual may be accompanied by another person for support. Originally Approved:1984-05 Revised: 1994-01, 1994-05 Policy No. 4104.2 198 Phase V a) Notification of Transfers: Announcements shall be made to all individuals concerned immediately after the Board decision. Originally Approved:1984-05 Revised: 1994-01, 1994-05 Policy No. 4104.2 199 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4105.1 Part-Time Teachers – Job Sharing POLICY NO.: 4105.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1986-01 Part-Time Teachers - Job Sharing 1. A teacher with a continuing full-time appointment may without prejudice to that appointment, apply for a part-time assignment for the purpose of job sharing, specifying the fraction of time preferred and the length of time for which the part-time assignment is requested. The Board shall not unreasonably refuse such a request, unless it is felt by Senior Administration that the job sharing arrangement will have a detrimental effect on the classroom situation, or that the partners are not compatible or available, or that such a vacancy does not exist. 2. When the request under Section 1 of this article is granted by the Board, the teacher may return to a full-time assignment on an earlier date or may extend the period of part-time teacher, by agreement with the Board, if reasonable notice of the request for earlier or later return has been given. 3. Appointments to available continuing contracts shall first be offered to applicants currently on temporary contract and part-time continuing contract in the District, provided that such applicants possess the necessary qualifications, performance record and general suitability for the positions available. 4. The Board will provide benefits on a prorated basis for teachers sharing jobs, including statutory benefits. Policy No. 4106.1 200 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4106.1 Teachers On-Call – Non-Certified POLICY NO.: 4106.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1985-06 Teachers On-Call - Non-Certified Non-Certified teachers will be paid at 85% of the following: 1 / 250 of the lowest step on category four(4) of the current Teachers Salary Grid. NOTE: The above calculations to include vacation allowance and all other statutory holidays and sick leave benefits. Policy No. 4106.1 201 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4106.2 Teachers On-Call – Sports Events POLICY NO.: 4106.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1986-01 Teachers On-Call - Sports Events The Board shall bear the cost of the teacher on-call when covering for sports events for secondary students in the following schools, up to the amount budgeted per annum. North Peace Secondary School Dr. Kearney Junior Secondary School Bert Bowes Junior Secondary School Hudson's Hope School Prespatou Elementary Junior Secondary School Clearview Elementary Junior Secondary School Policy No. 4106.2 Revised 1989-01, 1992-04 202 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4201 Employee Computer Purchase Plan POLICY NO.: 4201 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Employee Computer Purchase Plan 1997-05 Preamble The Board recognizes the increasing importance of computer technology in society and encourages its employees in the mastery of this technology by providing them with the opportunity to participate in an Employee Computer Purchase Plan. Policy It is the Policy of the Board to provide employees with the opportunity to purchase computers through an Employee Computer Purchase Plan at the educational price offered the District. Objectives 1. To promote computer literacy amongst employees. 2. To enhance the use of computer technology within the District. 3. To maximize opportunities for employees to purchase computers by assisting in the payment of and by offering the educational price. Policy No. 4201 Originally Approved 1991-11 Revised 1997-05 203 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4201 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Employee Computer Purchase Plan 1997-05 1. The Computer Purchase Plan is available to all employees wishing to purchase a personal computer. 2. On an annual basis, the Ad Hoc Computer Committee will determine a maximum per person within budget guidelines. The issuance of applications along with the acceptance, processing and notification of approval will be handled by the District Office. 3. The amount of funding for the Computer Purchase Plan is dependent upon available funding and subject to budget restrictions. 4. Applications will normally be approved on a first come basis. District staff may, from time to time, implement a priority system to ensure fairness and/or to address specific needs within the District. 5. Employees terminating employment with the Board prior to making full payment shall pay out the balance of the plan on or before their last day of employment with the Board. 6. All warranties, servicing and delivery of equipment purchased shall be the responsibility of the vendors. 7. The District will not "buy back" equipment or assume any responsibility for finding another interested party to assume the payments should the employee decide not to continue in the plan for whatever reason. Note: A taxable benefit will be calculated in lieu of interest as per Revenue Canada Regulations. Policy No. 4201 Originally Approved 1991-11 Revised 1997-05 204 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4202 Salary Deductions POLICY NO.: 4202 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1984-05 Salary Deductions The Board will not engage in the establishing of or the holding of monies in trust for staff members. Policy No. 4202 205 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4203.1 Benefits - Retirement POLICY NO.: 4203.1``` SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1988-11 Benefits - Retirement Upon request by the retiree, a three (3) month grace period will be allowed for retiring employees to arrange for their own MSP and extended health coverage during which time the Board will maintain the coverage. Advance notice of thirty (30) days must be received in order that the appropriate deductions be made from the employee's final pay. Payment for both the employee's and employer's portion of the premium is the responsibility of the employee. Policy No. 4203.1 206 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4203.2 Benefits – Early Retirement POLICY NO.: 4203.2 SUBJECT: Benefits - Early Retirement DATE APPROVED: 1988-11 Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of health care for retiring employees. Policy A retiring employee who is a least fifty-five (55) years old and his/her surviving spouse, if any, may retain benefit coverage. The retiring employee must have completed ten (10) or more years of service with the Board. The full cost must be borne by the retiring employee and full premiums must be paid in advance. Objectives 1. To make available benefit coverage for a retiring employee and his/her spouse. 2. To provide guidelines for administering this Policy. Policy No. 4203.2 Originally Approved 1988-11 Revised 1992-06, 1994-05 207 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4203.2 SUBJECT: Benefits - Early Retirement DATE APPROVED: 1988-11 1. The retiring employee must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age and have ten (10) or more years of service with the Board. Benefit coverage may be purchased for a maximum of five (5) years or to age sixty-five (65), whichever is earlier. 2. The full cost of premiums must be borne by the retired employee. 3. Premiums must be paid in advance. Paid in advance means that payment must be made three (3) months in advance of the effective date of benefit coverage. Payment must be made for the full year in each year that coverage is requested. (i.e.) For an employee retiring in July 1, 1992 and requesting benefit coverage from July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993, premiums must be paid by April 1, 1992. 4. Coverage options available: All Employees a) Employees must make their election for coverage at least ninety (90) days prior to their retirement date. b) Employees are not eligible for disability coverage. c) Life coverage and dental coverage to remain as current, some limits to apply to extended health coverage. Non-Teaching Employees a) 5. Employees who wish to elect coverage for either life insurance or extended health coverage must take both. Where similar coverage is provided by a pension plan, the retired employee, and his/her spouse, may choose one plan, but may not enroll in two plans. Policy No. 4203.2 Originally Approved 1988-11 Revised 1992-06, 1994-05 208 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4203.3 Benefits – Leaves of Absence (without pay) POLICY NUMBER: 4203.3 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1995-06-14 BENEFITS - Leaves of Absence (without pay) Preamble The Board recognizes the need to ensure that employees have adequate life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage during leaves of absence. Policy Employees are required to carry Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefits during a leave of absence. Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefits may be waived during a leave of absence only if comparable insurance has been obtained through another employer and written proof is provided to the Board. The Board must be provided with written notification each time insurance coverage is changed or discontinued during the leave of absence. If requested, the Board will also maintain coverage of dental, medical, and extended health benefits during a leave of absence. The employee is responsible for both his/her and the employer's share of the premiums prior to commencement of the leave. Objectives 1. To ensure that employees have adequate life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage during leaves of absence. Policy No. 4203.3 Revised 1996-05-22 209 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4204.1 Absences, Leaves, and Vacations - Application POLICY NO.: 4204.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1993-06 Absences, Leaves, and Vacation - Application Policy Where no clause exists in the Contracts for each employee group, an application for absence, leave, or vacation shall be made in accordance with the Regulations attached to this Policy. Policy No. 4204.2 210 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4204.1 SUBJECT: 1. DATE APPROVED: 1993-06 Absences, Leaves, and Vacation - Application ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Apply to the Superintendent of Schools. 2. TEACHERS Apply to the Superintendent of Schools through the Principal. 3. SUPPORT STAFF Apply to the Secretary-Treasurer through the Principal or Supervisor. 4. EXEMPT STAFF Apply to the Superintendent of Schools or the Secretary-Treasurer, as applicable. Note: Except for special circumstances, leaves will be considered only after all vacation entitlement has been exhausted. Policy No. 4204.2 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4204.2 Annual Vacation POLICY NO.: 4204.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1993-06 Annual Vacation Preamble The Board values its employees and acknowledges the importance of having time away from the workplace. Policy Employees are normally required to take their full annual vacation entitlement as actual time away from the workplace. Payouts are an unfunded liability which will not be considered, except in an emergency and only with the approval of the Board. Objectives 1. To ensure that employees have time away from the workplace. Originally Approved: 1983-06 Policy No. 4206.1 Revised: 1995-10, 1996-06, 1997-09, 1999-12, 2001-11, 2004-06, 2004-10, 2006-06 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4204.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1993-06 Annual Vacation 1. The annual vacation entitlement is calculated from July 1 to June 30 inclusive. 2. Any vacation entitlement outstanding as at June 30th must be taken as actual time away from the workplace prior to June 30th of the following year. Originally Approved: 1983-06 Policy No. 4206.1 Revised: 1995-10, 1996-06, 1997-09, 1999-12, 2001-11, 2004-06, 2004-10, 2006-06 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 4206.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Teachers - Employment-Related Accommodation 1983-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the need to provide teacher accommodation in outlying areas where no other accommodation is available. Policy The Board may provide teacher accommodation in outlying areas where no other accommodation is available in accordance with the attached Regulations. Objectives 1. To assist teachers with housing in areas where housing is not readily available. 2. To assist the Board in recruitment and retention of qualified teachers in outlying areas. Originally Approved: 1983-06 Policy No. 4206.1 Revised: 1995-10, 1996-06, 1997-09, 1999-12, 2001-11, 2004-06, 2004-10, 2006-06 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4206.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Teachers - Employment-Related Accommodation 1983-06 Accommodation: 1. Teacherages will contain a fridge, stove and window coverings and these items are not to be moved from one teacherage to another without the express permission of the Maintenance Supervisor. 2. Teacherages will be unfurnished (Note: Any furniture in the units as of June, 1995 will remain for the length of the life of the furniture). 3. Any teacherages within 56 kilometers (35 miles) of Fort St. John which remain vacant for two complete school years will cease to be offered as an accommodation and will be removed from the site or converted to other use. 4. Where available, teacherages may be rented to teachers on temporary appointments for the term of their appointment. 5. Teacherages will be rented to Teachers only 6. Prior to accepting occupancy, the tenant will inspect the teacherage with the Maintenance Supervisor, or designate, and will sign and receive a copy of the Inspection Sheet. (copy attached) Rental Schedule: 1. Teacherage rent will be established by the Board to reflect the condition and type of accommodation supplied. 2. Effective February 1, 2005 the rental/utility schedules will be reviewed every two years to reflect adjustments in the markets. 3. The tenant is responsible for utility costs. The Board will maintain estimated utility costs for teacherages which will be updated annually in July to reflect supplier increases. Any increase/decrease will take effect in January. 4. Teachers will be charged rent and utilities for the months of July and August. Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 5. The monthly rental and utilities for the months of September to June will be deducted directly through the payroll system. The monthly rental and utilities for the months of July and August shall be payable by post-dated cheques. Two cheques dated July 31st and August 31st respectively are to be submitted to the Board Office prior to June 30th. 6. Teachers will be allowed to leave their personal belongings in teacherages during the months of July and August providing that: 1. the teacher does not reside in the teacherage during July and August: 2. payment in the amount of $150.00 per month is submitted by the teacher to the Board Office prior to June 30th; 3. the premises are left clean; and 4. the teacherage keys are turned into the School Principal. Allocation of Teacherages Teacherages are intended to provide accommodation to those teachers who are new to the school and who are unable to find other suitable accommodation. From the Board’s perspective teacherages shall provide a vehicle to attract and retain teachers to remote areas and are not intended to supplement the employee’s income through below market rental rates. From the employee’s perspective the benefit of teacherages is that an employee new to an area can reside in a teacherage when no private accommodation is available and to serve as a buffer until they become established in a community. Once teachers have established themselves in a community they are encouraged to take up private residence where such exists. Where private accommodation is a viable alternative any teachers residence in teacherage accommodation shall be limited to no more than two years. Permission for any teacher to reside longer than the prescribed two years must be provided by the Secretary Treasurer. Vacating Teacherages: 1. Teachers leaving the District at the end of the school year must vacate their teacherage by July 15th. 2. All keys must be turned in to the Principal or the District Office. 3. Upon notice of intent to vacate, the Maintenance Supervisor, or designate, and the tenant will compare the Inspection Sheet with the actual condition of the teacherage. Costs for repairs and/or cleaning will be charged to the teacher. 4. The Board will post a notice when a teacherage is vacant, thus giving all teachers at that school a chance at the available teacherage. Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 Vacating Teacherages for the Months of July and August 1. No teacherage rent will be charged for July and August provided the teacher occupying the teacherage: a) b) 2. Provides the Board with written notice to vacate by May 31st annually; and, Removes all belongings, including furniture, from the unit. The teacher will not be guaranteed return to the same unit. Pets: 1. No pets shall be housed on School Board property without the express permission of the Secretary-Treasurer, or designate. 2. Pets, if allowed, must be kept under control at all times and not be allowed to run loose on school grounds. It is preferred that no animals be allowed inside teacherages. Any damage caused by pets will be charged to the tenant. Responsibilities of Parties: 1. Tenants a) Damages The tenant will be held responsible for any damages to teacherages, beyond normal wear and tear (including damage cause by pets). b) General Housekeeping - The tenant shall always maintain the teacherage in a clean condition. c) Removal of Garbage - The tenant shall be responsible for the disposal of all garbage and refuse in and about the teacherage and non-burnable refuse shall not be placed in school incinerators. d) Keys - All keys providing access to the teacherage shall be returned by the tenant to the School Principal or District Office on the last day of occupancy. Failure to do so may necessitate a change of locks at the tenant's expense. e) Renovations - The tenant shall not undertake or cause to be undertaken any renovations in or about the teacherage without the express approval of the Board. Decorating f) Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 - Responsibilities such as hanging pictures, curtains, shower curtains, clotheslines, and repairs, etc. will be that of the tenant. 2. Board a) Heating System Water System Electrical ) ) Maintenance and Malfunction ) b) Furnaces will be inspected annually at which time the filters will be changed and preventative maintenance will be done. c) The Board will endeavor to keep teacherages in a good state of repair. Preventative maintenance will be done on a regular basis pending the availability of funding. d) An annual inspection will be done by the Maintenance Supervisor to determine the overall condition of the teacherage from a Maintenance perspective. Items found to be unacceptable will be repaired. If there is damage and/or certain other conditions found unacceptable, the tenant will be given an eviction notice in accordance with the Residential Tenancy Act. e) Permission must be sought from the tenant before any officer of the Board enters an occupied teacherage. Tenants will be given the notice required under the Residential Tenancy Act (which at this time specifies not less than 24 hours and not more than 72 hours notice). f) The Secretary-Treasurer will meet with teachers residing in teacherages periodically for ideas and suggestions relating to their accommodation. g) The Board will replace the fridge, stove and window coverings as required with medium quality merchandise. Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4206.1 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED:2004-10-13 Teachers -Employment-Related Accommodation RENT AND UTILITY COSTS FOR TEACHERAGES Monthly teacherage rental/utility rates shall be in accordance with the following, effective February 1, 2005. LOCATION Buick Creek Buick Creek UNIT # M-1-04 T-79-6 SIZE 840 840 RENT $418.00 $358.00 UTILITIES $ 92.00 $101.00 TOTAL $510.00 $459.00 Clearview Clearview A-1 H-92-1 528 1060 $305.00 $532.00 $ 62.00 $106.00 $366.00 $638.00 Hudson’s Hope Market Prespatou Prespatou Prespatou Prespatou Prespatou Prespatou D-92-C D-92-D D-93-E D-93-F D-93-G D-93-H 1028 1028 960 960 960 960 $464.00 $464.00 $418.00 $418.00 $418.00 $418.00 $106.00 $106.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $570.00 $570.00 $518.00 $518.00 $518.00 $518.00 Upper Halfway Upper Halfway Upper Halfway B-1 B-2 H-67-2 760 B-2 H-67-2 $305.00 $305.00 $390.00 $ 83.00 $ 86.00 $100.00 $387.00 $390.00 $490.00 Wonowon TOTALS T-80-15 1152 $426.00 $113.00 $540.00 $6992.00 Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 TEACHERAGE (INSPECTION SHEET) FORM A Name: Unit #: Location: This Inspection Sheet must be completed by both the Maintenance Department and the Teacher prior to moving into the teacherage and must be submitted to the, Maintenance Supervisor. All scratches, scuffs, holes, etc. must be clearly indicated on this sheet or the teacher may be held responsible for that beyond normal wear and tear. Also, it must be noted if any curtains, screens, etc. are missing. Kitchen/Dining Room: Floors Stove Walls Fridge Lights Sink Cabinets Towel Racks Vanity Other Living Room: Floors Lights Walls Other Hallways: Floors Lights Walls Other Bedrooms: Floors Closets Walls Windows Lights Other Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 Bathrooms: Walls Sink Floors Toilet Lights Bathtub Cabinets Other Miscellaneous: Window Coverings Doors Closets Windows Other Describe the overall cleanliness Date Teacher Signature Maintenance Department Signature TEACHERAGE (NOTICE OF VACATE) Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 FORM B Name: Unit #: Location: We are in receipt of your notice advising us that you will be vacating unit number on or before . Your unit must be cleaned, inspected and keys returned to the Maintenance Department. Attached is a list of things we will be checking for when you have moved out of your unit. NOTE: The facility and any furniture owned by the district will be inspected in accordance with Policy 4206.1 for damage which goes beyond normal wear and tear. 1 Reviewed: 2006-06 1997-09 (No revisions), 1999-02 (No Revisions), 2001-01 Revised: 2001-11, 2004-10, Policy No. 4206.1 Item Completed Walls washed Doors washed Windows washed inside and out. Window sills and tracks wiped Floor boards wiped Vents cleaned Light covers cleaned Closet doors, shelves, walls, rods cleaned Floors washed (bathroom floors disinfected) Light bulbs working (including appliance bulbs - fridge, stove, etc.) Kitchen cupboards washed (inside and outside) Fridge cleaned inside and outside (including racks, crisper shelf and drawers). Pull fridge out to clean sides and floor underneath. Sinks washed Range hood washed (top and underneath). Do not use oven cleaner on range hood - it will remove the enamel. Stove cleaned inside and outside (including racks, drip pans, and drawer). Pull stove out to clean sides and floor underneath. Rugs vacuumed Drapes cleaned Drapery rods washed Toilet cleaned inside and outside Bathtub cleaned inside and outside (including tiles, wall and soapdish) Shower curtain rod cleaned Vanity cleaned inside and outside (including mirror) Towels racks cleaned Bathroom cupboards washed inside and outside All garbage removed All nails and hooks removed Yard is clean and free from garbage Policy No. 4204.2 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4206.2 Teachers – Early Retirement Incentive Payment POLICY NO.: 4206.2 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Teachers - Early Retirement Incentive Payment 1981-11 Preamble The Board recognizes the desire of teachers to have available an Early Retirement Incentive Plan. Policy In accordance with the attached regulations, the Boar will pay an allowance to teachers who resign from the school district and retire from teaching before reaching age sixty five (65). Objectives 1. To make available an Early Retirement Incentive Plan. 2. To provide guidelines for administering this Policy. Policy No. 4206.2 Originally Approved 1981-11 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 2002-03 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4206.2 SUBJECT: Teachers - Early Retirement Incentive Payment DATE APPROVED: 1981-11 1. On an annual basis, the Board will establish an Early Retirement Incentive Fund in the amount of $30,000 to be divided equally among eligible applicants. 2. In order to qualify for the Early Retirement Incentive Payment, applicants must: a) b) c) d) e) be age fifty-five (55) or over by June 30th of the current School year. be on a continuing contract be on the maximum step of any category have completed 10 or more years of service with the District retire from teaching (see paragraph 7 below) 3. The total Early Retirement Incentive Payment will be pro-rated based on the number of teachers accepted. 4. The Early Retirement Incentive Payment will be paid as a one-time payout or transferred directly into an RRSP at the option of the retiree. 5. In accordance with Revenue Canada Regulations, tax will be withheld as required. 6. The Board will pay one-half of premium costs for the following benefits, if applicable, for one year after the date of retirement. a) b) c) 7. Dental Extended Health (Medical Referral portion only) Group Life (excluding Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment) Teachers who receive the Early Retirement Incentive Payment will be eligible for the Teacher On-Call list, however, work in one position will be limited to a maximum of five consecutive days. From time to time, the Board may deem it necessary to alter the regulations to provide classroom continuity and/or accommodate Teacher On-Call requirements. Policy No. 4206.2 Originally Approved 1981-11 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 2002-03 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 4206.2 SUBJECT: Teachers - Early Retirement Incentive Payment DATE APPROVED: 2002-03 1. Correspondence will be sent to eligible teachers by March 15th (sample attached as Schedule A). 2. Teachers must respond by April 5th. 3. The Board will advise applicants by April 10th. Policy No. 4206.2 Originally Approved 1981-11 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 2002-03 SCHEDULE A (Applicable Date) Eligible Teacher Dear Eligible Teacher, In accordance with Board Policy 4206.2, the Board is offering an Early Retirement Incentive Payment to those teachers between the ages of 55 and 64 who have a minimum of 10 years of service with the District. To qualify for this incentive, teachers must be on a continuing contract and be on the maximum step of any category. Also, teachers must retire from teaching. Teachers will be eligible for the Teacher On-Call list, however, work in one position will be limited to a maximum of five consecutive days. The Board will carry and pay one-half of benefit premiums for one year after the date of retirement. The deadline to apply for the Local Early Retirement Incentive Payment is (applicable date). Please advise of your interest in the Local Plan through completion of the form below. Yours truly, BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Secretary-Treasurer :sh cc: Superintendent of Schools Principal, (applicable school) President, PRNTA ====================================================== YES I wish to apply for the local early retirement incentive (name - please print) NO I incentive (name - please print) Date do not wish to apply for the local early retirement Signature Please RETURN THIS FORM to, Personnel/Administrative Assistant by (applicable date). Policy No. 4206.2 Originally Approved 1981-11 Revised 1992-06-24, 1994-05-10, 2002-03 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4206.3 Teachers - Insurance POLICY NO.: 4206.3 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 Teachers - Insurance Preamble The Board recognizes the need to insure each teacher against legal liability for damage to property or personal injury. Policy The Board shall effect and keep in force an adequate Policy or Policies of insurance, except automobile insurance, insuring each teacher in its employ when acting in the course of each teacher's employment, against any legal liability in respect of any claim for damage to property or personal injury. Policy No. 4206.3 Revised 1983 Reviewed 1995 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4206.4 Teachers – Sick Leave Credit POLICY NO.: 4206.4 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 Teachers - Sick Leave Credit Preamble Realizing that illness can affect anyone at any time, the Board wishes to provide newly appointed teachers with a credit for sick leave. Policy Upon appointment, sick leave credit shall be advanced to a teacher. Objectives 1. To provide coverage for newly appointed teachers and to ensure that the health or welfare of students and staff is maintained. Policy No. 4206.4 Revised 1982-04, 1988-06, 1991-01 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4206.4 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 Teachers - Sick Leave Credit 1. Each teacher shall receive, upon appointment, fifteen (15) days credited from the first year in the district. Should the teacher who has utilized fifteen (15) days leave the employ of the district before the completion of a full year, compensation will be made to the Board. No further sick leave will be granted until the start of the second year in the district, at which time fifteen (15) days will be granted, if required; otherwise sick leave entitlement will be credited at one and onehalf (1 1/2) days per month. 2. The Board will provide, upon request, to each teacher, within thirty (30) days of his leaving the employ of the Board, a statement of unused sick leave credits. 3. For teachers on Letters of Permission, sick leave shall be granted on the basis of one and onehalf (1 1/2) sick days per month, allowable in advance for the ensuing period of appointment. Policy No. 4206.4 Revised 1982-04, 1988-06, 1991-01 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4206.5 Teachers – Leaves (With Pay) POLICY NO.: 4206.5 DATE APPROVED: 2001-09 SUBJECT: Teachers - Leaves (With Pay) ____________________________________________________________________________ Leave of one-half (1/2) day or less - Such leave may be granted by the Principal, provided no substitute is required. All leave for regularly-scheduled events (biweekly, weekly, etc.) is not included and requires Board approval by application through the Superintendent of Schools and Principal. University Convocation - A Teacher may take a maximum of one day for his/her own Convocation. Policy No. 4206.5 Revised: 1986-10, 1990-01, 1992-04, 2001-09 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North 4206.6 Teachers – Leaves (Without Pay) POLICY NO: 4206.6 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1978-11 Teachers - Leaves (Without Pay) ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Appropriate Board Authorization is required prior to taking a leave without pay. 2. Appropriate Board Authorization is defined as the Board of School Trustees and its authorized officials: 3. Superintendent of School's office Director of Instruction Administrative Officers Any teacher in the employ of School District No. 60 who is absent from school without Appropriate Board Authorization is subject to immediate suspension in accordance with the School Act. Policy No. 4206.6 Revised: 1989-09 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4206.7 Teachers – Leaves (Less Cost of T.O.C.) POLICY NO.: 4206.7 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Teachers - Leaves (Less Cost of Teachers on Call) 2000-09-13 1. Teachers may be granted leave of absence in this category for tending to public interest providing the absence is for reasons involving students, teams composed of youths or students and nonstudents. 2. Apply in writing to the Superintendent of Schools through the Principal. 3. For the purpose of calculating leaves of absence, with pay, less the cost of TOC, the deduction shall be two hundred and twenty-five dollars ($225.00). The above calculation shall be used for all teachers when leave of absence, less cost of a TOC, is granted. Policy No. 4206.7 Originally Approved 1983-12 Revised 2000-09, 2006-10 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4206.8 Teachers – Professional Leaves POLICY NO.: 4206.8 DATE APPROVED: 1978-11 SUBJECT: Teachers - Professional Leaves ___________________________________________________________________________ At the discretion of the Board, Leave-of-Absence for professional growth may be granted to teachers. Policy No. 4206.8 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4206.8 DATE APPROVED: 1978-11 SUBJECT: Teachers - Professional Leaves ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. To be eligible for a Professional Leave, a teacher must be on the permanent teaching staff of School District No. 60. 2. He/she must have completed a minimum of two (2) consecutive years in the District at the time of the leave. 3. The Board of School Trustees, through the Superintendent of Schools, will approve absences and leave from duty in accordance with established regulations and subject to the following conditions: a) The welfare of the learning situation. b) Staffing needs of the school system. c) Provided applications are received before the end of February. d) Each case will be considered separately. District seniority will be a factor. e) Preference will be given according to the following priorities: Leave to assume teaching duties as recognized in the PRNTA Contract. Leave to study or gain educational experience helpful to present teaching post. Leave for travel or other personal reasons. f) Leave will be granted either: or or - g) From and to a particular school. From an administrative position to a teaching position in that school. From an administrative position to an administrative position. Teachers should expect notification of acceptance or rejection of their request following the first Board Meeting in March. Policy No. 4206.8 h) Teachers granted leave under this policy must confirm their intention to return by March 15th if a position is to be made available the following September. Failure to do so may result in the School District no longer having a position available. i) A teacher on a temporary appointment will be utilized to fill the leave period. Policy No. 4206.8 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4206.9 Teachers – Professional Development Committee POLICY NO.: 4206.9 DATE APPROVED: 1986-05 SUBJECT: Teachers - Professional Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________ Defined as educational activities related to teacher development that occur after certification. Substitutes and teacher training programs Visitations (to classes, schools, district) Summer school, short courses, etc. Out-Of-District. Workshops (day-week), local and out-of -District Speakers (District and for individual schools). Extension courses (University) (within District). Travel (out-of-District and within) Broadly speaking, Professional Development includes all activities that teachers engage in during their services, designed to contribute to their improvement and effectiveness on their assignment. Education in-service, training in-service, growth activities while in service, staff development, and professional growth are all terms used frequently and often interchangeably when referring to the continuing educational activities of professional school personnel. The PRNTA policy for Pro-D as revised from time to time will serve as regulations for this policy. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4206.9 DATE APPROVED: 1986-05 SUBJECT: Teachers - Professional Development Committee ______________________________________________________________________________ The PRNTA Professional Development Committee believes in the continued professional growth of teachers. This will be accomplished by addressing the following priorities: 1. 2. 3. Providing opportunities for individuals to engage in professional growth. Supporting the formation and development of Local Specialist Associations. Supporting district and school-based Professional Development activities through professional development networks and training. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND GUIDELINES A. THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND EXECUTIVE: A1 This Committee operates in accordance with PRNTA Policy and the School District No. 60 Collective Agreement. A2 The Professional Development Committee shall consist of the elected officers and one representative from each school. This committee shall be known as the Professional Development Committee and will meet regularly to address professional development matters. A3 There will be four Executive members elected by the PRNTA. So that there may be some continuity on the Committee, Executive members will be elected for two year terms; two Executive members shall be elected at each AGM of the PRNTA. The Chairperson will be selected internally by the Executive. A4 School representatives shall be elected in June or September by the school staff. A5 Sub-committees may be founded at the discretion of the Committee. A6 The PRNTA President is an ex-officio of the Professional Development Committee. A7 A non-voting PRNTA member may be appointed by the Executive Committee to provide financial accountability or other administrative support. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 A8 B. C. One member of the Executive Committee should be a representative member to the District Curriculum Development Steering Committee. APPLICATION FOR FUNDING: B1 Prior approval is mandatory for any professional development activity. Without PRIOR approval there will be no funding. B2 The Professional Development Executive will process out-of-district conference applications a maximum of four weeks prior to the planned activity. B3 All requests must be made on the Professional Development Application form available in each school. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS: C1 As a guideline, the main categories will be budgeted in the following manner: .4 .3 .3 to Local Professional Development to Out-of-District Conferences to Courses A maximum funding allocation to allow two participants to attend all PSA Conferences for the year will be set aside at the beginning of each year so that funding requests can be filled for attendance at PSA Conferences throughout the year. Moneys not requested by members for this purpose will be returned to general funds after the date of each conference. D. C2 Maximum dollar allocation per person per school year (September 1st to August 31st) will be $700.00. The maximum approved dollar allocation may not be exceeded. C3 Costs of substitutes, when incurred, shall not be considered part of maximum allocations. C4 Funds allocated in the present school year are charged against the current year. C5 Curriculum implementation is not funded by the Committee. FINANCE: D1 The Committee shall, according to School District No. 60 Collective Agreement, "provide a statement to the Board and the Association annually detailing expenditures of this fund and showing that interest earned on this principle amount is used for professional development in the district." This report shall also be presented to the PRNTA's AGM. To this end, the Committee shall maintain a Professional Development account at a local financial institution. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 E. D2 As per the Collective Agreement, "the fund and any interest earned is to be administered by the Association's Professional Development Committee and the Director of Instruction or his/her appointee. The signing officers shall be the Professional Development Chairperson, the Director of Instruction, and one other member of the Professional Development Executive. D3 Full financial records shall be kept, including a list of non-support items. LOCAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: E1 The Professional Development Committee will recommend to the Board, through the Superintendent, the date of the district-wide Professional Development Day. E2 The district-wide Professional Development Day will be organized by the Professional Development Committee. E3 Outside Speakers: Standard Honorarium should not exceed $300.00 per day. Meals, accommodation and travel expenses are to be paid at BCTF rate of 100%. E4 PRNTA Speakers: E5 a) District Staff and Itinerant Staff are expected to provide ongoing professional development as part of their role description, without additional support. b) Other PRNTA speakers may be offered a token honorarium of $50.00 per session to a maximum of $100.00 per day and the payment of sub costs for 1/2 day release time for workshop preparation. Any one person will normally be permitted two individual days for local professional development (i.e. visitation or demonstration lesson). Visitations will normally include the Peace River area (including Peace River North, Fort Nelson, Peace River South, and Grande Prairie) without mileage. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 E6 LSA Support: As a grant to promote LSA's, those submitting written plans for the year's activities, with an Application for Funding form, will be eligible for up to $100.00 annually. Requests for local professional development sponsored by a LSA will receive additional consideration, separate from requests for group allocations. E7 Travel Assistance for an approved activity with School District No. 60 involving more than 50 km. round trip may be applied for at the rate of 28 cents/km. A centrally located "District Day" would thus cost up to $789.04, since people from rural schools more than 25 km. from Fort St. John may apply, in advance, as follows: Teachers must apply for payment using an Application for Funding form. School No. of Cars Permitted Round Distance Trip Amount Car Per Total Amount Buick Creek 1 142 km $ 39.76 $ 39.76 Clearview 3 97 km $ 27.16 $ 81.48 Hudson's Hope 6 173 km $ 48.44 $290.64 Osborn 1 145 km $ 40.60 $ 40.60 Prespatou 3 183 km $ 51.24 $153.72 Upper Halfway 1 245 km $ 68.60 $ 68.60 Upper Pine 3 77 km $ 21.56 $ 64.68 Wonown 1 177 km $ 49.56 $ 49.56 TOTAL: F. $789.04 OUT-OF-DISTRICT CONFERENCES: F1 Applications should be received ONE MONTH PRIOR to the conference. Applications will not be considered prior to the one month interval or at the Pro-D Executive meeting date closest to this time frame. F2 Applicants should attach conference programs to application forms. F3 Receipts must be submitted to the Committee prior to reimbursement. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 F4 Decisions will be based on the following factors: a) b) c) d) e) f) rationale for attending conference; overall costs submitted (may be amended by Committee); other applications; area of special need (i.e. personal goals, school goals, district goals); previous support of applicant; amount of support already given during the current year according to established priorities. F5 For conferences where more than one person applies, a maximum group allocation of $900.00 may be made. F6 Each LSA may apply for the funding described below; in order to send members to their PSA Conference, once a year: 0 - 20 21 - 40 41 - 60 61 + $ 1,500 $ 2,000 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 Full funding to a maximum $700.00 will be provided for two (2) PRNTA members to attend their PSA conference if they are unable to form a LSA group. F7 Professional Development funding will not include PSA or other membership fees. Per diem rates for accommodation and meals will be at current BCTF rates: for 1991/92: Hotels: Meals: Taxi, etc. F8 G. At cost Breakfast Lunch Dinner $ 7.00 $ 9.00 $16.00 $25.00 per conference, per person A host allotment of $20.00 per conference may be granted, upon request, when staying with friends or relatives. COURSES: G1 With approval prior to the beginning of the course(s), teachers will be reimbursed 75% of tuition costs for courses completed. Claims must be submitted within three (3) months of finishing the course(s), with: a) written notification of course completion, and b) proof of tuition paid. G2 Payment will only be made to those teaching in School District No. 60 after successful completion. G3 75% support will be given to BCTF sponsored workshops endorsed by the local association and held within the district, i.e. Project Teach. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 G4 H. POLICY AND GUIDELINES: H1 I. The Professional Development Committee should report on its activities monthly to the PRNTA executive. THE ACCOUNTS: J1 K. The Professional Development Policy and Guidelines may be reviewed at each year's AGM. REPORTING: I1 J. With prior approval, certified teachers, who are substituting in School District No. 60 and who are members of the PRNTA, are eligible for an education grant of $25.00 for each one-and-a-half (1 1/2) unit credit course successfully completed, to a maximum of $75.00 per contract year. The accounts of the Committee should be audited as of August 31st each year by an external auditor recommended by the Professional Development Committee and approved by the PRNTA Executive at their December meeting. The fiscal year is September 1st to August 31st. CLAIMS: K1 Advances may be requested for travel expenses and registration fees. K2 Cheques will be mailed through the School Board mail. K3 All claims are INVALID THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER COMPLETION OF ACTIVITY. Invalidated claims may be appealed upon application in writing to the Professional Development Committee citing reasons and circumstances. Procedures to follow: K4 In the event plans are canceled after prior approval has been received, the Professional Development Committee should be notified immediately. L. K5 Economizer rates should be utilized wherever possible. K6 Educational Leave: Subject to prior approval, teachers on leave of absence will be reimbursed for education courses, (as per the guidelines), upon returning to a teaching position in School District No. 60. RELEASE TIME: L1 Ten (10) release days should be made available to the Professional Development Committee and allocated at the discretion of the Chairperson. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 M. FUND DEPLETION: M1 Members of the PRNTA will be notified through the executive when funds for the fiscal year have been depleted. The PRNTA has the option to contribute additional funding. Policy No. 4206.9 Revised 1993-05-18 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4207.1 Support Staff – Annual Vacation POLICY NO.: 4207.1 DATE APPROVED: 1992-04 SUBJECT: Support Staff - Annual Vacation (10 and 11 month employees) Preamble The board believes that the goal of providing quality education and services in the District and vacation entitlement earned as a benefit must not conflict with one another. Policy For ten and eleven month employees, annual vacation entitlement will apply during July and/or August as their services are not required during these months. Exceptions to this will be considered on an individual basis only and may be granted providing the absence for vacation does not conflict with the goal of providing quality education and services within the District. Ten or eleven month employees will not be permitted to take their annual vacation entitlement during the school year in order to make themselves available for work with the District during July and/or August. The summer month are not intended to provide an opportunity for additional work for employees whose work year plus vacation time makes up twelve months of pay. Objectives 1. To prevent the disruption of services during the school year and provide continuity. 2. To ensure staffing levels are in place to meet the “seasonal” aspects related to various duties. 3. To prevent any employee from gaining advantage over another employee and thereby ensure all employees receive the same entitlements. Policy No. 4207.1 Officially Approved 1992-04 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4207.2 Support Staff – Benefits (Weekly Indemnity/LTD) POLICY NO: 4207.2 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Support Staff - Benefits (Weekly Indemnity / Long Term Disability) 1988-11 Preamble The Board recognises the need to ensure that employees have adequate benefit coverage while on Weekly Indemnity or Long Term Disability. Policy The Board will continue to pay its portion of existing* Medical and Dental coverage for those employees who are on Weekly Indemnity or Long Term Disability for a period of up to six months from the date disability coverage commenced. If an employee remains on Long Term Disability after the above noted six month period and wishes to retain Medical and/or Dental coverage, full premium costs will be the responsibility of the employee. Medical and Dental coverage may continue for a maximum of two years, providing full costs are paid by the employee. The Board will continue to pay its portion of existing* Extended Health and Travel Rider coverage for those employees who are on Weekly Indemnity or Long Term Disability for a period of up to two years from the date disability coverage commenced. * “Existing” benefit coverage refers to the benefits the employee was carrying prior to commencement of Weekly Indemnity / Long Term Disability. Objectives 1. To provide employees with adequate benefit coverage while on Weekly Indemnity/ Long Term Disability. 2. To outline maximum time periods that employees may carry benefits. Policy No. 4207.2 Revised 1991-04, 1998-11 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO: 4207.2 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Support Staff Benefits (Weekly Indemnity / Long Term Disability) 1998-11 1. Sick Leave and Vacation entitlement will accrue while on Weekly Indemnity but will not accrue while on Long Term Disability. 2. Life Insurance coverage will be continued for the duration of the disability. The Board will pay the first six (6) months of premiums, after which time the benefit carrier will absorb the cost. 3. The employee will pay the physician’s fee for filling out all required forms while on Weekly Indemnity and the first required form while on Long Term Disability. The Board will pay the physician’s fee for filling out all additional required forms (other than the initial required form) while an employee is on Long Term Disability. 4. Employees are required to pay Union Dues while on Weekly Indemnity, but are not required to pay Union Dues while on Long Term Disability. Policy No. 4207.2 Revised 1991-04, 1998-11 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4301 Tuberculosis Testing POLICY NO.: 4301 DATE APPROVED: 1988-11 SUBJECT: Tuberculosis Testing ______________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the significance of tuberculin testing for the protection of students and staff members. Policy As and when required by the Medical Health Officer, all persons employed or assisting the district on an ongoing voluntary basis (with the exception of temporary or casual employees) require tuberculosis testing as a protection to the students and staff members, according to the attached Regulations. Objectives 1. To provide a safe environment for students and staff members. 2. To provide guidelines for administering this Policy. Policy No. 4301 Revised 1995-02 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4301 DATE APPROVED: 1988-11 SUBJECT: Tuberculosis Testing ______________________________________________________________________________ When deemed necessary by the Medical Health Officer: 1. The standard tuberculin test shall be required upon entry into employment with the District unless evidence can be produced of a previous test completed not more than one (1) year prior to employment with the District. 2. Unless advised otherwise, by the Medical Health Officer, the standard tuberculin test will be the basic screening requirement. 3. Employees and volunteers requiring follow-up testing shall comply with the recommendations of the Division of Tuberculosis Control. 4. Complying with this Policy is a condition of employment. The Board may summarily dismiss an employee or volunteer who has been given reasonable time and opportunity to comply and does not. 5. Records of screening procedures for tuberculosis shall be maintained for as long as the employee remains in the employment of the School Board. These records shall be filed in the employee's personnel file. Policy No. 4301 Revised 1995-02 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4302.1 Physical Examination – Bus Drivers POLICY NO.: 4302.1 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Physical Examination - Bus Drivers ______________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of school bus drivers completing annual medical examinations for the protection of students and staff members. Policy All Regular and Relief School Bus Drivers, including Contract Drivers, are required to take a Medical Examination every year. Objectives 1. To provide a safe environment for students and staff members. 2. To provide guidelines for administering this policy. Policy No. 4302.1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4302.1 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Physical Examination - Bus Drivers ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. The Board agrees to pay for the medical examination. 2. A Bus Driver's Medical Examination form may be obtained from the Transportation Supervisor prior to the examination. 3. Completed forms are returned to the Transportation Supervisor for review of the Assessment. 4. The Transportation Supervisor advises the employee of any conditions or restrictions he/she must meet. 5. Forms are retained by the Transportation Supervisor and are considered confidential. Policy No. 4302.1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4303 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Training POLICY NO.: 4303 DATE APPROVED: 1994-01 SUBJECT: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Training ______________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board acknowledges Federal Law requirement for all School District No. 60 employees to have WHMIS training. Policy All School District No. 60 employees are required to have WHMIS training. Objectives 1. 2. To ensure School District No. 60 complies with Federal Law. To provide a safe environment for students and staff members. Policy No. 4303 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4303 DATE APPROVED: 1994-01 SUBJECT: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Training ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. WHMIS training sessions will be provided by the District in November and March of each school year. 2. All new employees will be registered in the first available District WHMIS training session. 3. Any employee who fails to attend the District WHMIS training session will be personally responsible for obtaining WHMIS training. 4. A new employee who has taken WHMIS training within the past two years, and evidence can be produced, will not be required to take training again. Policy No. 4303 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4304.1 Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol – Employees & Contract Drivers POLICY NO.: 4304.1 DATE APPROVED: 1994-10-26 SUBJECT: Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol - Employees and Contract Drivers _____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes that employees and contract drivers serve as models for students and that illicit drugs and alcohol have no place in the learning environment. Policy Employees and contract drivers shall not be under the influence of or in possession of illicit drugs or alcohol while students are under their care, while on school property, at school sponsored functions, on extra-curricular trips or at any activities involving students (whether during or outside of working hours). Refer to Policy No. 5602 regarding substance abuse prevention for students. Objectives 1. To promote and support a positive model for students. 2. To ensure that student safety is not endangered by the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol. Policy No. 4304.1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 4304.1 DATE APPROVED: 1994-10-26 SUBJECT: Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol - Employees and Contract Drivers ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes that employees and contract drivers serve as models for students and that illicit drugs and alcohol have no place in the learning environment. Policy Employees and contract drivers shall not be under the influence of or in possession of illicit drugs or alcohol while students are under their care, while on school property, at school sponsored functions, on extra-curricular trips or at any activities involving students (whether during or outside of working hours). Refer to Policy No. 5602 regarding substance abuse prevention for students. Objectives 1. To promote and support a positive model for students. 2. To ensure that student safety is not endangered by the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol. Policy No. 4304.1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 4304.1 DATE APPROVED: 1994-10-26 SUBJECT: Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol - Employees and Contract Drivers ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes that employees and contract drivers serve as models for students and that illicit drugs and alcohol have no place in the learning environment. Policy Employees and contract drivers shall not be under the influence of or in possession of illicit drugs or alcohol while students are under their care, while on school property, at school sponsored functions, on extra-curricular trips or at any activities involving students (whether during or outside of working hours). Refer to Policy No. 5602 regarding substance abuse prevention for students. Objectives 1. To promote and support a positive model for students. 2. To ensure that student safety is not endangered by the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol. Policy No. 4304.1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4304.2 Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol - Volunteers POLICY NO.: 4304.2 DATE APPROVED: 1994-10-26 SUBJECT: Non-Use of Illicit Drugs or Alcohol - Parents/Guardians Acting as Volunteers _________________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes that parents/guardians acting as volunteers* are responsible for students under their care and that illicit drugs and alcohol have no place in the learning environment. Policy Volunteers shall not be under the influence of or in possession of illicit drugs or alcohol while students are under their care, while on school property, at school sponsored functions, on extra-curricular trips or at any activities involving students. Refer to Policy No. 5602 regarding substance abuse prevention for students. Objectives 1. To promote and support a positive model for students. 2. To ensure that student safety is not endangered by the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol. * Volunteer - Parent/Guardian approved by an Administrative Officer to act as a Volunteer Policy No. 4304.2 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4305 Criminal Records Checks POLICY NO.: 4305 DATE APPROVED: 95-01-10 SUBJECT: Criminal Records Checks _____________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board acknowledges the Criminal Records Review Act requirements. Policy All School District No. 60 employees, independent contractors and volunteers who work with children are required to have a Criminal Records Check in accordance with the Criminal Records Review Act. Objectives 1. To ensure that employees, independent contractors and volunteers working with children have a criminal records check in accordance with the Criminal Records Review Act. Revised 96-05, 97-06-25,02-11-04 Policy No. 4305 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4305 SUBJECT: Criminal Records Checks DATE APPROVED: 95-01-10 1. As a condition of hire, all School District No. 60 employees, and independent contractors who work with children are required to complete a Criminal Records Check completed. 2. All School District No. 60 volunteers who work with children are required to complete a Criminal Records Check. 3. Employees having convictions of the nature of those listed on the attached "Relevant Offenses" listing (Schedule 1 of Criminal Records Review Act), will be ineligible for employment with School District No. 60 (Peace River North). 4. Any fees charged for completion of a Criminal Records Check will be paid by the individual applying. Revised 96-05, 97-06-25,02-11-04 Policy No. 4305 Excerpted from the Criminal Records Review Act SCHEDULE 1 (Section 1, definition of "relevant offenses") RELEVANT OFFENSES 1. The following sections of the Criminal Code (Canada) are designated as relevant offenses: section 151: (Sexual Interference); section 152: (Invitation to Sexual Touching); section 153: (Sexual Exploitation): section 155: (Incest); section 159: (Anal Intercourse); section 160: (Bestiality); section 161: (Order of Prohibition); section 163.1 (Child Pornography); section 170: (Parent or Guardian Procuring Sexual Activity); section 171: (Householder Permitting Sexual Activity); section 172: (Corrupting Children); section 173 (1): (Indecent Acts); section 173 (2): (Exposure); section 177: (Trespassing at Night); section 179: (Vagrancy); section 212 (1): (Procuring a Person for the Purposes of Prostitution); section 212 (2) (Living Off Avails of Child Prostitution); section 212 (4) (Attempting to Obtain the Sexual Services of a Child); section 215: (Duties of Persons to Provide Necessities); section 218: (Abandoning Child); section 220: (Causing Death by Criminal Negligence); section 221: (Causing Bodily Harm by Criminal Negligence); section 229: (Murder); section 235: (Punishment for Murder); section 236: (Punishment for Manslaughter); section 237: (Punishment for Infanticide); section 238: (Killing Unborn Child in Act of Birth); section 239: (Attempt to Commit Murder); section 240: (Accessory after Fact to Murder); Revised 96-05, 97-06-25,02-11-04 Policy No. 4305 section 242: (Neglect to Obtain Assistance in Child Birth); section 243: (Concealing Body of Child); section 244: (Causing Bodily Harm with Intent); section 245: (Administering Noxious Thing); section 246: (Overcoming Resistance to Commission of Offense); section 264: (Criminal Harassment); section 264.1: (Uttering Threats); section 266: (Assault); section 267: (Assault with a Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm); section 268: (Aggravated Assault); section 269: (Unlawfully Causing Bodily Harm); section 271: (Sexual Assault); section 272: (Sexual Assault with a Weapon, Threats to a Third Party or Causing Bodily Harm); section 273: (Aggravated Sexual Assault); section 273.3: (Removal of Child from Canada); section 279: (Kidnapping/Forcible Confinement); section 279.1 (Hostage Taking); section 280: (Abduction of Person under Sixteen); section 281: (Abduction of Person under Fourteen); section 282: (Abduction in Contravention of Custody Order); section 283: (Abduction); section 372: (False Messages/Indecent Telephone Calls/Harassing Telephone Calls); section 810: (Where Injury or Damage Feared); section 810.1 (Where Fear of Sexual Offense). 2. The following sections of the Food and Drugs Act (Canada) are designated as relevant offenses: section 39: (Trafficking in Controlled Drug); section 48: (Trafficking in Restricted Drug). 3. The following section of the Narcotic Control Act (Canada) is designated as a relevant section 4: (Trafficking). Revised 96-05, 97-06-25,02-11-04 offense: Policy No. 4305 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4306 Level II First Aid POLICY NO.: 4306 SUBJECT: Level II First Aid DATE APPROVED: 2000-12-13 Preamble In accordance with WCB Regulations, Designated First Aid Attendants at sites with over 50 employees are required to have Level II First Aid. Policy A maximum of three Designated First Aid Attendants at sites which require Level II First Aid will receive an allowance of $100.00 per month. Objectives 1. To recognize the commitment of employees who act as Designated First Aid Attendants at sites which require Level II First Aid. Policy No. 4306 Originally Approved 2000-12-13 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4401 Travel POLICY NO.: 4401 SUBJECT: Travel DATE APPROVED: 2000-04-12 Preamble It is desirable that Trustees and employees have the opportunity to travel and participate in local and provincial programs or affairs that are relevant to their responsibilities. The value of this input is recognized and the opportunity is provided through this policy. Policy Authorized personnel and Trustees will be reimbursed or expenses will be paid for travel and associated costs in accordance with the Regulations to this Policy. Objectives 1. To provide an opportunity for Trustees and employees to travel on behalf of the School District. 2. To provide guidelines for administering this Policy. 3. To ensure travel costs are relevant and within the allotted budget. Original Approved: 1983-03 Revised: 1989-02, 1990-02, 1991-05, 1994-06, 1998-04, 2000-04, 2000-11 2003-06-11, 2005-10-12, 2006-04-29 No. 4401 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4401 SUBJECT: Travel 1. DATE APPROVED: 2000-04-12 AUTHORIZATION TO TRAVEL All travel will be authorized in advance by either the Board or the immediate Supervisor. 2. CLAIMS 3. Receipts must be submitted for all expenditures. In all cases, the least expensive alternative should be chosen, if reasonable. The onus is on the claimant to justify expenses. Only the authorized forms should be used for submitting claims. APPROVED EXPENSES a) Transportation Airfare: Economy Class Personal Vehicle: In cases where the claimant chooses to drive and/or circumstances dictate, the lesser of airfare or mileage will be paid to those driving a personal vehicle. Reimbursements/Assistance: The District uses the BC School Trustees’ travel expense rate as its benchmark rate; that is, when the BCSTA changes its mileage rate, School District No. 60 will change its rate correspondingly. The mileage rate is set out in Schedule A attached. A Mileage Report form is to be uses. Original Approved: 1983-03 Revised: 1989-02, 1990-02, 1991-05, 1994-06, 1998-04, 2000-04, 2000-11 2003-06-11, 2005-10-12, 2006-04-29 No. 4401 Car Rental: Where no other form of travel is available, or no less expensive form of travel is available, car rental may be approved upon presentation of receipts. Bus-Taxi See Schedule A attached. b) Accommodation Hotel: Group 1 - The conference rate for the room and tax will be paid as confirmed by telephone or actual receipt (regardless of actual cost). Groups 2 and 3 - The actual cost of the room and tax will be paid as confirmed by telephone or actual receipt. Groups 4 to 6 - Must submit receipt for reimbursement. The least expensive, acceptable accommodation should be sought (Acceptable means it is in keeping with one's style of living). Telephone: Local and long distance calls on School District business will be reimbursed - the onus is on the claimant to justify these calls. c) Meals: Meals will be paid as per Schedule A attached. d) Entertainment: Groups 1, 2 and 3 only will be allowed entertainment expenses. The details of who was entertained and the reason for such entertainment must be provided. The onus is on the claimant to provide justification and to ensure that the expenses incurred are reasonable. Entertainment expenses for groups 4, 5, and 6 may be approved upon submission of request to immediate supervisor. 4. REGISTRATION & FEES Shall be paid for approved travel. Original Approved: 1983-03 Revised: 1989-02, 1990-02, 1991-05, 1994-06, 1998-04, 2000-04, 2000-11 2003-06-11, 2005-10-12, 2006-04-29 No. 4401 5. ADVANCES Advances for estimated expenditures for travel may be approved. A completed travel claim (enclosing receipts) must be received within five (5) days after the conclusion of the trip. 6. Travel expenses will not be paid for spouses/significant others. 7. TRAVEL TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO OUTSIDE AGENCIES If required to provide services for the Ministry of Education and/or outside agencies, expenses incurred will be at no cost to the District, unless approved in advance by immediate supervisor. Original Approved: 1983-03 Revised: 1989-02, 1990-02, 1991-05, 1994-06, 1998-04, 2000-04, 2000-11 2003-06-11, 2005-10-12, 2006-04-29 No. 4401 SCHEDULE A SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO: 4401 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 2000-04-12 Travel GROUP 1 Board Meals: Taxi: Mileage: Daily $52.00 $40.00 .50 km. GROUP 2 Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer. Meals: Maximum Taxi: Mileage Breakfast Lunch Dinner $10.00 $18.00 $24.00 $52.00 $40.00 .50/km Original Approved: 1983-03 Revised: 1989-02, 1990-02, 1991-05, 1994-06, 1998-04, 2000-04, 2000-11 2003-06-11, 2005-10-12, 2006-04-29 No. 4401 GROUP 3 Transportation Supervisor, Supervisor of Safety Services, Maintenance Supervisor, Administrative Officers, Principal-Northern B.C. Distance Education School, District Principal-Technology Services, Director of Student Support Services, Director of Instruction. Meals: Breakfast $10.00 Lunch $18.00 Dinner $24.00 Maximum $52.00 Taxi: $40.00 Mileage: .50/km GROUP 4 Accountant/Systems Analyst, Personnel/Administrative Assistant, Confidential Secretary, Payroll Officer, Outdoor Education Coordinator, Aboriginal Education/Cultural Coordinator Meals Breakfast $10.00 Lunch $18.00 Dinner $24.00 Maximum $52.00 Taxi: Request must be accompanied by receipt Mileage .50/km GROUP 5 Teachers, Support Staff Meals: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Maximum $10.00 $18.00 $24.00 $52.00 Taxi: Request must be accompanied by a receipt Mileage .50/km Original Approved: 1983-03 Revised: 1989-02, 1990-02, 1991-05, 1994-06, 1998-04, 2000-04, 2000-11 2003-06-11, 2005-10-12, 2006-04-29 No. 4401 GROUP 6 Itinerants Meals: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Maximum $10.00 $18.00 $24.00 $52.00 Taxi: Request must be accompanied by a receipt Mileage: .50/km NOTES: 1. Airfare equivalency or mileage, whichever is less, will be paid for all groups when an individual chooses to drive his/her personal vehicle. 2) Out of town mileage will not be paid when District vehicles are used and/or a vehicle allowance is paid. Original Approved: 1983-03 Revised: 1989-02, 1990-02, 1991-05, 1994-06, 1998-04, 2000-04, 2000-11 2003-06-11, 2005-10-12, 2006-04-29 No. 4401 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4402.1 Insurance – Personal Property POLICY NO.: 4402.1 DATE APPROVED: 1988-11 SUBJECT: Insurance - Personal Property ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of informing employees, volunteers and visitors that all deductibles and other costs will be the responsibility of the employee, volunteer and visitor if personal property is damaged while on School District premises or while traveling on School District business. Policy The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) will not be responsible for deductibles or other costs if personal property is damaged while on School District premises or while traveling on School District business. Objectives 1. To inform employees, volunteers and visitors that all deductibles and other costs will be the responsibility of the employee, volunteer and visitor if personal property is damaged while on School District premises or while traveling on School District business. Policy No. 4402.3 Revised 1995-02 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4402.2 Insurance – Excess Liability POLICY NO.: 4402.2 DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 SUBJECT: Insurance - Excess Liability _____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the need to provide insurance coverage for employees who may become involved in an accident while acting on behalf of the Board. Policy An Excess Liability Insurance Policy shall be maintained by the Board to provide coverage for employees who may become involved in an accident while acting on behalf of the Board. Policy No. 4402.3 Revised 1995-02 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4402.3 Insurance – Business Insurance on Private Vehicles POLICY NO. 4402.3 SUBJECT: Insurance - Business Insurance on Private Vehicles DATE APPROVED: 1993-10 Preamble The Board recognizes the need to provide business insurance coverage for specified employees who are required to use or operate private vehicles for business purposes. Policy The Board will provide business insurance coverage for employees in any of the employee/management groups below while those employees are using or operating a private vehicle for business purposes on behalf of and with the approval or authority of the Board. Employee Categories: Trustees District Staff Administrators Teachers Support Staff (both Union and Exempt) Objectives 1. To provide adequate business insurance coverage for specified employees who are required to use or operate private vehicles for business purposes. Policy No. 4402-3 Revised 1995-02 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO. 4402.3 DATE APPROVED: 1993-10 SUBJECT: Insurance - Business Insurance on Private Vehicles ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. The distance traveled per employee may not exceed 1600 kilometers per year. 2. Section 55(2)(a) of the Regulations pursuant to the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act is waived insofar as it applies to the use or operation of the vehicles for business purposes within the terms and conditions of this policy. 3. The employee must hold a valid vehicle license and owner's certificate of insurance. Policy No. 4402-3 Revised 1995-02 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4403 Private Use of Facilities POLICY NO.: 4403 DATE APPROVED: 1971-08 SUBJECT: Private Use of Facilities ___________________________________________________________________________________ Preamble While the private use of facilities by employees is not encouraged, it is recognized that there may be circumstances which warrant such use. Policy This Policy will allow building administrators to approve the private use of facilities, if deemed warranted, and in accordance with the attached regulations. Objectives 1. To discourage the private use of facilities by employees. 2. To recognize that there may be circumstances which warrant discretionary use. 3. To empower specified people with the ability to make a decision on the use of facilities. Policy No. 4403 Revised 1992-02, 1992-04 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4403 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1971-08 Private Use of Facilities An employee may use school facilities or equipment under the following conditions: 1. Prior approval is requested from the administrator. 2. The administrator has considered the circumstances and feels approval is warranted. Administrators are asked to consider precedent setting and the impact on facilities or equipment prior to granting approval. 3. It is understood that damages and/or expenses incurred due to the private use is the responsibility of the user. 4. The administrator may assess a small maintenance fee if he/she feels that the equipment may require additional maintenance as a direct result of personal employee use. 5. Any concerns arising may be handled by the Superintendent of Schools or the SecretaryTreasurer in consultation with the administrator. Policy No. 4403 Revised 1992-02, 1992-04 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4404 Personal Long Distance Telephone Calls POLICY NUMBER: SUBJECT: 4404 DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 Personal Long Distance Telephone Calls PREAMBLE Telephones are installed in school premises for administrative purposes. POLICY Personal long distance telephone calls are not to be charged to the school / department. These calls must be charged to the individual’s calling card or home number. OBJECTIVES: 1. To reduce costs incurred by the District. Policy No. 4404 Revised 1997-04-23 276 School District No. 60 (Peace River North) 4405 Public Interest POLICY NO. 4405 DATE APPROVED: 1994-10-12 SUBJECT: Public Interest ___________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes that employees who are involved in the community on a civic, provincial, or federal level may require time away from the workplace. Policy Employees who require time away from the workplace to attend to civic, provincial or federal duties may be granted leave without pay to a maximum of five days per school year, subject to approval of the immediate supervisor. Requests for leave without pay over five days will be subject to Board approval. Employees should make every effort to attend to these duties in a manner least disruptive to the District. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for time away from the workplace for employees who are involved in the community on a civic, provincial or federal level. . 276 Revised 2006-11 Policy No. 4405 277 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4406 Repair of Personal Computers POLICY NO. 4406 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1995-01 Repair of Personal Computers Preamble The computer repair department is responsible for the repair of all computers and equipment (other than those covered by a maintenance contract) which are owned by, or under the direct control of, School District No. 60. Policy The repair of computers, other than those owned by School District No. 60, will not be done by the computer repair department. Objectives 1. 2. To avoid an unnecessary work load for the computer repair department. To avoid an inconvenience to employees awaiting service on district-owned equipment. 277 Revised 2006-11 Policy No. 4405 278 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4407.1 Employee Conduct POLICY NO: 4407.1 DATE APPROVED: 1995-01 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE CONDUCT - Protocol for Reporting Alleged Child Abuse Involving a School District Employee ____________________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes its responsibility to respond as efficiently and effectively as possible when there is an allegation made that an employee of the District has abused a student. Policy When a School District No. 60 employee has reasonable grounds for suspecting another employee is abusing a student or if a student discloses and makes an allegation naming a School District employee, the employee shall follow the steps as outlined in the Regulations attached to this policy. Objectives 1. 2. To endeavor to ensure the safety of students. To provide a step by step process for reporting. Policy No. 4407.1 279 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NUMBER: 4407.1 DATE APPROVED: 1995-01 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE CONDUCT - Protocol for Reporting Alleged Child Abuse Involving a School District Employee ____________________________________________________________________________________ When a School District No. 60 employee has reasonable grounds for suspecting another employee is abusing a student or if a student discloses and makes an allegation naming a School District employee, the employee shall proceed with the following steps: 1. Report to the administrative officer/supervisor. (Note - In the case where the administrative officer/supervisor is the alleged perpetrator, the employee will report directly to the Superintendent of Schools.) 2. The administrative officer/supervisor will report directly to the Superintendent of Schools/Secretary-Treasurer. If the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer is unavailable, the Assistant Superintendent / Accountant/Systems Analyst shall be notified. Information which the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer will require includes: a) b) c) d) e) 3. name, age, grade and telephone number of the student names of the parents/guardians details regarding the incident name and telephone number of the employee reporting name and telephone number of the employee accused The Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer or designate will: a) Notify any other people who may be appropriate, such as presidents of local employee organizations or associations involved. b) Investigate to determine whether or not suspension of the employee is warranted. (Section 15(4) and (5) of The School Act). An administrative officer/supervisor may be asked to assist in this task. The alleged perpetrator and the student making the allegation may or may not be notified/involved. Policy No. 4407.1 280 c) Be responsible for notifying the parents/guardians of any students who may have been affected. d) Notify the R.C.M.P. if it has been determined there are grounds for a criminal investigation. Administrative officers/supervisors, by law, must cooperate with police in criminal investigations. e) Notify the Superintendent of Family and Child Services if necessary to ensure the protection of students. Typically, protection would be assured by the temporary suspension from duties of the alleged offender. Policy No. 4407.1 281 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4407.2 Employee Conduct – Dealing with Students POLICY NUMBER: 4407.2 DATE APPROVED: 1995-06-14 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE CONDUCT - Dealing with Students _____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board acknowledges the responsibility of district schools to provide stable, safe and secure environments for students and staff. When dealing with students, all employees are expected to act in a manner similar to that of a kind, firm and judicious parent. Policy The Board will support employees in their efforts to maintain a stable, safe and secure environment and to deal with student behaviour which is unacceptable, with the expectation that discipline is to be applied in a fair and non-physical manner. Objectives 1. To support employees in their efforts to provide stable, safe and secure environments. 2. To ensure the Board meets its responsibilities to both students and staff. Policy NO. 4407.2 282 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NUMBER: 4407.2 DATE APPROVED: 1995-06-14 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE CONDUCT - Dealing with Students ______________________________________________________________________________ The School Act and Regulations will be observed when dealing with student behavior. 1. In accordance with School Act Regulations, the principal of a school is responsible for, "the general conduct of students, both on school premises and during activities that are off school premises and that are organized or sponsored by the school, and shall, in accordance with the policies of the board, exercise paramount authority within the school in matters concerning the discipline of students." 2. In accordance with the School Act, "The discipline of a student while attending an educational program made available by a board or a Provincial school shall be similar to that of a kind, firm and judicious parent, but shall not include corporal punishment." 3. In accordance with School Act Regulations, duties of teachers include the following: "providing such assistance as the board or principal considers necessary for the supervision of students on school premises and at school functions, whenever and wherever held" "ensuring that students understand and comply with the code of conduct governing their behaviour and with the rules and policies governing the operation of the school" Policy NO. 4407.2 283 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4408 Employee Records POLICY NO. 4408 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE RECORDS DATE APPROVED: 96-06-12 Preamble The Board acknowledges the necessity to have guidelines in place regarding Employee Records Policy Employee records shall be maintained in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information may only be obtained as authorized by the Act and used for the specific purpose for which it is gathered. An employee shall have access to all personal information which the District holds about him/herself. Objectives 1. To clarify the procedure for maintaining employee records. Policy No. 4408 284 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO. 4408 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE RECORDS DATE APPROVED: 96-06-12 Guidelines 1. The employee record consists of all personal information collected or maintained by the District pertaining to the employee. The employee file shall be maintained by the Secretary-Treasurer's Office (non-teaching) or Superintendent's Office (teaching), but employee records may exist in other locations, as outlined in the District's list of Personal Information Banks. 2. Access to an employee's personal information can be gained during normal business hours upon appointment with the Payroll Officer (non-teaching) or Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (teaching). An employee's personal information is available to: a) the employee, in the presence of designated staff; b) other parties, such as legal counsel of the employee with the specific written consent of the employee; c) an employee's supervisor (on an "as-needed" basis). 3. Confidentiality must be protected by each employee who is authorized to have access to the personal information of other employees. Removal or Correction of Employee Record Entries The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act gives employees the right to request that personal information on file be removed or corrected. This procedure is not intended to be in conflict with, or supersede, an employee's rights outlined in a collective agreement. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: 1. To correct an inaccuracy in an employee's record, an employee may request correction through the Secretary-Treasurer (non-teaching) or Superintendent of Schools (teaching). 2. If the request is complied with, no record of the request should be retained in the employee file. 3. If the request is denied, the employee shall be informed. A record of the request and of the decision should be filed in the employee file with a copy forwarded to the Information and Privacy Coordinator. The employee should be informed of his/her right to make a formal written request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Policy No. 4408 285 Retention of Records Employee records shall be maintained for the periods outlined in Board Policy and Regulations. Policy No. 4408 286 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4500 Recognition of Service POLICY NO.: 4500 DATE APPROVED: 1992-01 SUBJECT: Recognition of Service ______________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board appreciates the contribution that is made to the quality of educational services by their employees and wishes to recognize that contribution. Policy Employees with twenty and thirty years' service to the District will be recognized by the Board of Trustees at an annual, appreciation dinner and presented with pins in honor of their service. The term "employees" will also include bus contractors and contract drivers. Objectives 1. To recognize employees with twenty and thirty years' service to the District. 2. To include their spouse or a guest. 3. To provide an opportunity for trustees and management to meet with those being honored. Policy No. 4500 287 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 4500 DATE APPROVED: 1992-01 SUBJECT: Recognition of Service ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. An annual, appreciation dinner will be hosted by the Board of Trustees in honor of employees with twenty and thirty years' service. 2. The appreciation dinner will be held annually on the first Thursday in April. 3. Employees will be honored for service during the school year in which they will have worked twenty or thirty years. An employee whose start dates falls during the months of May through August will be honored in April. Both continuous and accumulative service will be recognized. 4. Invitations will be extended to the following in respect to the employee being honored: a) b) c) d) Spouse or a guest. Principal or immediate supervisor. District Administrative staff. Others that may be deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees 5. Pins in honor of service will be presented at the dinner. 6. Arrangements for the appreciation dinner will be made by the office of the Secretary-Treasurer. Policy No. 4500 288 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PUPILS (Series 5000) 5101 School Admission and School Choice POLICY NO.: 5101 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: SCHOOL ADMISSION AND SCHOOL CHOICE 1980-02 Policy Student admission in School District No. 60 (Peace River North) is to be guided by the following principles: - - Access to neighbourhood school: The admission process should maximize the number of students able to attend their catchment area school in accordance with their wishes Choice: The admission process should maximize the student’s and parent’s ability to choose the school and educational program which best meets the student’s educational needs. Efficient resource allocation: The admission process should enable school and district staffs to plan the allocation of space and instructional resources to best accommodate demand and minimize adjustments required at the beginning of the school year. The Board will endeavor to provide programs that meet the interests and needs of district students. Policy No. 5101 Revised 2003-06-25 289 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5101 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: STUDENT ADMISSION AND SCHOOL CHOICE 2003/06/25 1. Definitions 1.1 “catchment area child” means a person (a) of school age, and (b) resident in the catchment area of the school 1.2 “district choice programs” are programs established with a particular educational focus, offered at specific schools, for which application to the school district must be made. They may have special program entrance criteria and special catchment areas. 1.3 “feeder schools” and their associated “receiving schools” are as described by the board’s catchment areas, where the class from the highest grade offered by the feeder school would be enrolled the next year in a designated receiving school unless an application for enrolment elsewhere (variance) is accepted, under the district’s enrolment process for continuing students. 1.4 “non-catchment area child” means a person (a) of school age, (b) resident in the school district and (c) not resident in the catchment area of the school 1.5 “non-school district child” means a person (a) of school age, (b) resident in British Columbia, and (c) not resident in the school district. 1.6 “parent” includes a guardian of the person appointed by court order or under the will of a deceased parent, and does not include a non-custodial parent. 1.7 “place of residence”: For purposes of this policy, a student’s place of residence is deemed to be that of the student’s parent, unless satisfactory evidence is produced that the student’s ordinary place of residence during the school year is elsewhere. Policy No. 5101 Revised 2003-06-25 290 1.8 “previous school year” means the school year previous to the school year for which the person is applying to enroll in an educational program. 1.9 “school district child” means a catchment area child, a non-catchment area child or a student from outside the district given special permission to enroll by the Board. 2. Determination of Available Space and Facilities 2.1 For purposes of section 74.1(6) and (7) of the School Act, space and facilities are available in a school to enroll a student or applicant if there is expected, based on reasonable enrolment projections, to be capacity to provide the student or applicant with an educational program appropriate to his or her needs, taking into account physical and educational resources. 2.2 The board of trustees delegates to the Superintendent of Schools or his or her designate, the decisions whether space and facilities are available in individual schools and educational programs for purposes of section 74.1(6) and (7) of the School Act, in accordance with paragraphs 2.1 and 2.3. 2.3 Decisions on space and facilities availability will be made in consultation with the principal of the affected school and will be based on program capacity, including consideration of the following factors: the operating capacity of the school as defined by the Ministry of Education staff assigned to a school by the district the physical space in which instructional programs operate in the school the ability of the school to provide appropriate educational programs for the applicant and other students the needs of other programs located in the school the number of students in the classroom. 2.4 If space and facilities are determined to be available, enrolment in educational programs in the school will be offered in the following priority order, provided that application deadlines and requirements are met: catchment area child who attended the school during the previous school year other catchment area child i. who is a sibling of a child currently enrolled in the school ii. child who has moved into the catchment area but has not yet attended catchment school) non-catchment child who has attended the school for three (3) consecutive years is considered to become the equivalent of a catchment area child non-catchment child who attended the school during the previous school year non-catchment area child non-school district child. Policy No. 5101 Revised 2003-06-25 291 2.5 The School Board reserves the right to alter and adjust catchment areas based on enrollment, facilities, staffing and current resources. In this event students will be assigned enrollment on the following basis: catchment area child who attended the school during the previous school year other catchment area child i. who is a sibling of a child currently enrolled in the school ii. child who has moved into the catchment area but has not yet attended catchment school) non-catchment child who has attended the school for three (3) consecutive years is considered to become the equivalent of a catchment area child non-catchment child who attended the school during the previous school year non-catchment area child non-school district child. 2.6 Waitlists will be established for those not accepted. These waitlists are to be maintained throughout the school year and parents (in order of registration) will be notified as space becomes available. 2.7 Re-evaluation of space availability will take place throughout the school year to ensure that the maximum numbers of requests are met at the earliest time possible. 3. Tie-breaking 3.1 When applications made within time have the same priority, priority as between them will be determined by time and date of application. 4. Enrolment process for school district children 4.1 School district children who will be continuing at the same school or the related receiving school without a change of educational program are not required to apply. They will be automatically enrolled in the applicable educational program or school, subject to space availability and to meeting program requirements, unless transferred or withdrawn. Those applying first in their category will be given priority. 4.2 Parents of school district children who are applying to transfer from one school in the district to another school in the district or to a different educational program may apply through the school of origin or to the school of choice (variance). It is expected that the school receiving the application will forward a copy of the application to the other school that is affected by the application. Policy No. 5101 Revised 2003-06-25 292 5. Dates for Applications to Enroll and Enrolment 5.1 Before 1st of February in each school year, the board will establish dates for submission of applications to enroll and for enrolment. The board may establish different dates for different grades, educational programs, schools, or categories of applicant. Applications to enroll and for enrollment (variance requests) should be submitted by March 15 prior to the pending school year. The board will give active consideration to the allocation of facility space and staff in an attempt to accommodate these requests. This consideration is to be complete by May 1 with possible approval of requests at that time. Those non-approved requests and those requests received after March 15 will be considered on a space available basis on the first Wednesday of September following the school opening. 6. Guarantee of educational program 6.1 School district children who apply for enrolment in an educational program will be provided with an educational program in the district, unless a parent of the student consents to a placement outside the school district. 7. Commitment 7.1 The district process shall encourage students (if of appropriate age) and their parents to jointly consider the student’s educational needs before requesting an assignment to a school other than the current school or the catchment area school. 7.2 Applicants may apply for more than one educational program but may only be enrolled in one. When the applicant is offered and accepts enrolment in an educational program (in or out of the school district), applications for all other programs become invalid. 7.3 The superintendent or designate is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with other school districts to review wait lists and enrolment information in order to enforce this policy. 8. Program Requirements Applicants for enrolment must meet all program requirements for the requested educational program. Policy No. 5101 Revised 2003-06-25 293 9. Discretionary Acceptance: Suspended or Expelled Non-School District Children 9.1 Enrolment applications from non-school district children may be refused if the child: (a) is under suspension from a BC public school or school district, or (b) has been refused an educational program by a BC public school board under s. 85(3) of the School Act for refusing to comply with the code of conduct and other rules and policies of the board or has failed to apply himself or herself to his or her studies. 9.2 Such applications will be referred to the superintendent or designate for a decision on admission. Admissions may be made subject to terms and conditions. 10. Sibling Preference It is the intent of the board that families (sibling students) be kept together in the same school whenever this request can be accommodated (see 2.4). 11. Communication Application periods and enrolment dates will be communicated to the school communities and to the community at large and may also be communicated to other communities within and outside the school district. 12. Transportation The board does not provide transportation to accommodate requests to enroll students outside of the appropriate catchment area indicated by the parents address. Exceptions to this policy will be considered on a space available basis on the board’s regularly scheduled buses. Policy No. 5101 Revised 2003-06-25 294 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5102 Adult Attendance POLICY NO.: 5102 SUBJECT: Adult Attendance DATE APPROVED: 1970-11 Adult pupils may be admitted to District Schools as daily pupils at the Principal=s discretion. Such pupils are required to bear usual costs incurred by any regular pupil. Policy No. 5102 Originally Approved 1970-11 295 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5103 Home Schooling POLICY NO.: 5103 SUBJECT: Home Schooling DATE APPROVED: 1990-05 The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) recognizes the right of parents to educate their children at home or elsewhere and to provide them with an educational program. Policy No. 5103 Originally Approved 1970-05 296 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5103 SUBJECT: Home Schooling 1. DATE APPROVED: 1990-05 Registration: a) Parents who wish to provide a child, resident in this School district, with an education program at home must register that child with a school of the parent’s choice operating in the district, the regional correspondence school providing services to this district or an independent school operating in British Columbia, by September 30th of each school year. b) Parents of home schoolers who wish to register a child in School District No. 60 also have the option of registering him/her through the hospital homebound/home school itinerant teacher. c) A school or the hospital homebound/home school itinerant teacher that registers a child under sections A or B must offer free of charge: Evaluation and assessment services sufficient to enable the parents of the child to determine the educational progress achieved by the child in relation to students of similar age and ability. The loan of educational resource materials tha are authorized and recommended by the Minister which, in the Board’s opinion, are sufficient to enable the child to pursue his/her educational program, and which will be offered to the child on a similar basis to the offer of such educational resource materials to students. In addition, with the permission of the Board, a child registered under this section may attend educational programs offered by the Board subject to any terms and conditions established by the Board, including the Board subject to any terms and conditions established by the Board, including the payment of any fee. Policy No. 5103 Originally Approved 1970-05 297 2. Acquisition of Services: a) The responsibility for maintaining contact with the school registering a home schooler or the hospital homebound/home school itinerant teacher rests with the parent of the home schooler. b) The parent of a home schooler wishing to make application for service should do so, by appointment, with the principal of the school registering his/her child or the hospital homebound/home school itinerant. c) Determination of the specifics/extent of the assessment and evaluation needed lies within the discretion of the principal of the registering school or the hospital homebound/home school itinerant teacher. d) Should the assessment and/or evaluation require the employment of other district personnel, that employment will be made available on a time available basis only and/or, with the approval of the Board, on a fee for service basis 3. Content: a) Assessment: S Professional staff in the School district will assist parents of home schoolers with the assessment and evaluation of academic progress of their children only. S Registering schools or the hospital homebound/home school itinerant teacher will make available an assessment program which is integrated into the School District’s ongoing assessment program. b) Resources/Materials: S Textbooks will be made available to home schoolers directly from the Ministry. S Teachers’ editions of any program materials, not provided free of charge under the above will be made available to parents of home schoolers on an actual cost basis. Policy No. 5103 Originally Approved 1970-05 298 S 4. Programming: s 5. With the approval of the Board, parents of home schoolers may be charged either a nominal fee and/or deposit for other program materials which, in the opinion of the Board, should be made available to home schoolers. In consultation with School Administrative Officers, home schoolers are invited to participate in cultural and other special events sponsored by the district and/or registering school, providing that such involvement does not add unduly to the workload of the organizers. Special Services: As approved by the Board and accessed through the Director of Special Education, some special services may be made available to home schoolers on a time available and/or fee for services basis. Such services may include: School Psychologist Recommended fee for full assessment: Speech Pathologist Recommended fee: Physiotherapist Recommended fee: $400.00 TBA TBA Teacher of the Hearing Impaired Recommended fee $25.00/hour Teacher of the Visually Impaired Recommended fee $25.00/hour Policy No. 5103 Originally Approved 1970-05 299 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5104.1 Student Placement – Kindergarten to Grade 7 POLICY NO.: 5104.1 SUBJECT: Student Placement - Kindergarten to Grade 7 DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-24 Preamble The Board recognizes the diverse needs of students and endeavors to provide opportunities for students to experience success in their educational development. The Board acknowledges that: $ The Kindergarten to grade 12 Education Plan supports the Principles of Learning, which state: learning requires the active participation of the student people learn in a variety of ways and at different rates learning is both an individual and a group process Guidelines for Student Reporting for the Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan discusses the issue of Promotion and Retention and the research related to this issue. The guidelines support the following: research on retention generally support promotion with intervention, over retention there may be special circumstances where, in the judgment of both the parents and educators, retention or some other course of action is in the student’s best interest. $ Through collaborative planning, each school staff make decisions to realize the bet possible organization for students. $ Students should progress through their programs in a manner that supports positive learning experiences and the development of healthy self-image. Teachers continuously adjust the learning environment to accommodate the needs of each student so that children progress with the greatest opportunity for success. $ Individual Educational Plans may need to be developed in consultation with the classroom teacher, learning assistant, and parents. Some students with special needs will require modifications (see Red Book, 1995 Draft) to their programs. This might include changes in teaching strategies, instructional style and pace, and the use of special materials and equipment. $ Student placement is determined at the school level, in consultation with parents. Consideration will be given to each student’s needs, the programs, personnel, and facilities available at the school, and local priorities. Originally Approved: 1995-05-24 Revised: Policy No. 5104.1 300 Policy Students should be placed in educational programs which offer the greatest opportunity for success. Students are expected to spend eight (8) years in an elementary school setting (grades K to 7). Under special circumstances a student’s placement in a grade or program may vary. This will only be done when there is a consensus among the school-based team (administrator, learning assistant teacher, classroom teacher, and the student’s parents of guardians) that a variance in the student’s placement will be in the best interests of the student. Objectives 1. To provide opportunity for successful learning experience for every student. 2. To promote optimum development of healthy self-esteem for every student. Originally Approved: 1995-05-24 Revised: Policy No. 5104.1 301 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5104.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Student Placement - Kindergarten to Grade 7 1995-05-24 The school principal will establish procedures to ensure the application of the policy to best achieve the policy objectives. Originally Approved: 1995-05-24 Revised: Policy No. 5104.1 302 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5105 Early Entry POLICY NO.: 5105 SUBJECT: EARLY ENTRY DATE APPROVED: 1997-09-24 Preamble Except for a brief period of Adual entry,@ public schools in British Columbia could not register children for kindergarten in September unless they had reached their fifth birthday on or before December 31st of that year. However, while Section 3(1) of the School Act states that: subject to subsections (2) and (3), a person who is a resident in British Columbia shall enroll in an educational program by a board on the first school day of September of a school year if, on or before December 31st of that school year, the person will have attained the age of 5 years it does not prohibit Boards from registering students who have not yet reached their fifth birthday by December 31st. This, together with the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training=s position that while Boards may now register these traditionally under-aged students, districts will receive no provincial funding for them, is creating confusion. Policy To be registered for kindergarten on the first school day of September in any one year in School District No. 60, a child must have reached five years of age on or before December 31st of that school year. Objective 1. To clarify the minimum age a child can qualify for entry to kindergarten in School district No. 60. Originally Approved: 1997-09-24 Revised: Policy No. 5105 303 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5202.1 Student Reports POLICY NO.: 5202.1 SUBJECT: Student Reports - In Progress Symbol DATE APPROVED: 1995-10-11 Preamble The Board recognizes and supports the principle of continuous learning. Policy In keeping with and promoting this principle, the Board approves the use of the In Progress symbol (IP) on student reports at Grade levels 8 through 12 which are to be implemented on the following schedule: 1995-96 Mandatory for Grade 8's Optional for Grade 9 and 10 1996-97 Mandatory for Grade 9-12 IP's will be permitted to be carried forward in accordance with Ministry guidelines. Objectives 1. To be consistent with the requirements of the School Act Regulations requiring the Board to approve the optional use of IP on student reports. Originally Approved: 1995-10-11 Revised: Policy No. 5202.1 304 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 5202.2 DATE APPROVED: 09-11-06 SUBJECT: Student Records Policy The Board of School Trustees regards documents which the District has received or which it has prepared as the property of School District No. 60 (Peace River North). The Board of School Trustees will maintain a cumulative record for each student enrolled in the District. This record shall contain only information that is in the legitimate interest of the District and the individual student concerned. Student records will be maintained in a manner which will allow students and parents a right of access to information and which will prevent the unauthorized collection, use or disclosure of personal information about students and their families, in accordance with the School Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIPPA”). Originally Approved: Revised:2006-09 1996-06-12 Policy No. 5202.2 305 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5202.2 SUBJECT: Student Records 1.0 2.0 3.0 DATE APPROVED: Definition 1.1 Current student records are defined as the information in written or electronic form pertaining to a student while he/she is attending any school within School District No. 60 (Peace River North), including the permanent student record and other information included in the student file in accordance with this policy and regulation. A student record does not include a student’s work and related documentation which a teacher uses during the school year for the purposes of assessing and evaluating the student’s progress. 1.2 Permanent Student Record; information on each student which is required to be retained under the Permanent Student Record Order. Presentation 2.1 A separate cumulative file folder shall be kept for each student. 2.2 This file shall be kept up-to-date at all times. Content of Student Records 3.1 Cumulative file folders shall include a permanent record card (Ministry form), on which shall be recorded attendance and grades achieved in school subjects. 3.2 Cumulative files may include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) standardized test scores and District Assessment Results medical alert information Special Education Assessment Reports report cards records of awards or scholarships individual education plans (IEPs) or behaviour intervention plans (BIPs) letters of suspension or exclusion and related documentation information on student discipline and appropriate interventions student learning plan immigration papers, and court orders relating to custody and access Originally Approved: Revised:2006-09 1996-06-12 Policy No. 5202.2 306 3.3 4.0 The Principal shall ensure that student records are maintained in a professional manner and in accordance with this policy and regulation and applicable legislation. As part of this requirement, the principal or his/her designate will review the cumulative file annually to determine if the material in the file is current and continues to be relevant. Discipline records should be forwarded to the secondary school to the extent that such information continues to be relevant (e.g. to plan for the student’s needs, to ensure the safety of other students or staff). Access to Student Records 4.1 Access to student records shall be restricted to: (i) school district personnel; school staff are not entitled to review student records generally but only as required in the proper performance of their duties in relation to the student or to the school, on a need to know basis, (ii) parents in respect of their own child, Note: A “Parent” means 4.2 4.3 4.4 (a) the guardian of the person of the student (b) the person legally entitled to custody of the student (c) the person who usually has the care and control of the student (iii) the student, whose record that is, provided that the student is accompanied by his/her parent unless the student is independently capable of exercising the right to access to his/her record, (iv) a person providing health services, social services or other support services under Section 79 of the School Act, access to information and student records required to carry out that service. Unless a court orders otherwise, a spouse who has been granted access to a child of the marriage has the right to make inquiries and to be given information as to the health, education, and welfare of the child (Section 16(5) Divorce Act). Information shall therefore normally be provided to access parents and to custody parents equally. Authorization to make such records available shall only be provided by: (i) the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designate, and (ii) the Principal of the school, or his/her designate In all cases, the parent, student or other person who is authorized to have access to student records shall be accompanied by the principal or a person designated by the principal to interpret the records. This requirement does not apply to teaching staff. Originally Approved: Revised:2006-09 1996-06-12 Policy No. 5202.2 307 5.0 6.0 4.5 A log shall be maintained as part of each file, recording each person other than school personnel allowed access to the file, the date of access, and the name of the person interpreting the records. 4.6 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Superintendent or Principal may disclose personal information in a student record in accordance with the FOIPPA or as may be required by a court order or other body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information. Confidentiality 5.1 Report cards, academic transcripts and statements of standing, once prepared, will be provided to the students or their parents acting on their behalf. 5.2 When standardized test scores, district assessment results, and special education assessment reports are entered into a student’s file, the Principal shall ensure that access to such information is provided in conference with professional staff qualified to interpret the data in its proper and intended context. (a) Reports by physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, or other special education professionals that contain sensitive information shall be stored in an envelope clearly marked “confidential” and retained in the cumulative file folder. Only one additional copy of such reports shall exist in the district, housed in the student’s confidential central file at the office of Student Support Services as required for Ministry Special Education designation requirements. (b) The Superintendent has the authority to withhold providing copies of such reports when he judges that their release may be detrimental to and not in the best interests of the child. 5.3 A student’s permanent record and/or notarized copy thereof shall only be disclosed by the School District to persons not otherwise authorized in this Policy, upon the written consent of the student or his/her parent, which consent will specify to whom the information is to be disclosed and how it may be used, or where the permission has been explicitly granted by a statutory declaration or by court order. 5.4 Principal or designate, who is asked to disclose student records will make every reasonable effort to assist these parents and students and to respond without delay, openly, accurately and completely. Employee Breach of Confidentiality Any employee who knowingly breaches the provision of access (Paragraph 4.0) or confidentiality (Paragraph 5.0) shall be subject to the discipline. 7.0 Retention of Student Records 7.1 The Principal of each school shall be responsible for the removal of material which is not necessary to be retained on the file (e.g. it is no longer current and no longer useful to the planning and delivery of instruction) before it is transferred to another school as provided in section 3 or to storage. Originally Approved: Revised:2006-09 1996-06-12 Policy No. 5202.2 308 8.0 9.0 7.2 One (1) year after a student graduates, only the Permanent Record Card (Ministry form) and a copy of the senior secondary school statement (Ministry form) shall be retained. 7.3 Student records referred to in paragraph 7.2 herein are to be maintained for 55 years from the date the student withdraws or graduates. 7.4 For individual students, documents which would defend the District in the event of future litigation (e.g. student injury report, sexual assault allegation, special education assessment reports, IEPs or BIPs), shall also be retained for a period of 20 years. 7.5 Student records are to be maintained in locking file cabinets or other similarly secure locations. Transfer of Student Records 8.1 Student achievement records shall be forwarded to prospective employers or others, only upon the written request of the student or former student. 8.2 When students are transferring from one school to another school board or an independent school within the province, the permanent student record, the current student learning plan, and the current IEP will be transferred upon the request of the receiving Principal. A confidential file shall be transferred upon written consent of the parent or guardian. 8.3 In the case of a student transferring to a school outside British Columbia or independent schools, only a copy of the permanent student record will be sent upon the request of the receiving Principal, but the original Permanent Record Card must remain within the District. 8.4 Under no circumstances shall original student records be transferred by handing them to a student, or his or her parent. 8.5 Schools are obligated to produce all records pertaining to a student when required by a Court Order or other body with jurisdiction to compel production of information. In such cases, the Superintendent of Schools will be notified immediately. Appeal of Content of Student Records 9.1 A parent who has reason to question the validity/relevancy of information retained in his/her child’s file, may request that the information be corrected or removed. If agreement cannot be reached regarding the removal of information from a file, the parent should appeal to the Superintendent of Schools and failing resolution, to the Board of School Trustees under the provision of School District No. 60 (Peace River North), ByLaw No. 2/91 (Appeal Procedure). Originally Approved: Revised:2006-09 1996-06-12 Policy No. 5202.2 309 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5301 Dress POLICY NO.: 5301 SUBJECT: Dress DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 It is the Policy of this Board that pupil attire be respectable and appropriate according to the judgement of the Principal of the School. Originally Approved: 1977-06 Revised: Policy No. 5302 310 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5302 Discipline POLICY NO.: 5302 SUBJECT: Discipline DATE APPROVED: 1977-06 Preamble The Board of School Trustees for School district No. 60 recognizes the requirement for district schools to provide stable, safe and secure environments in which students and staff may work and learn, and the responsibility of principals to establish disciple policies/procedures for their schools. Policy The Board will support principals in their efforts to deal constructively and humanely with pupils whose behaviour is unacceptable. Originally Approved: 1977-06 Revised: Policy No. 5302 311 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5302 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1977-06 Discipline In extreme cases, such as where the behavior of a pupil is in open opposition to the authority of a Principal or teacher, or where it is such that it has a harmful effect on the character or persons of other pupils, or where the pupil is willfully disobedient to a Principal or teacher, the Principal is expected to follow the procedures outline in Sections 115 and 117 of the School Act and Regulations 38 and 39 of the School Act which provide for dismissals, suspensions and expulsions. Whenever a complaint is made to the Board regarding the conduct of a pupil, the board shall request the Superintendent of Schools to investigate the complaint and be guided by his recommendations. In less extreme cases, the Principal may, in keeping with Regulation 93, exercise his authority by requesting that a pupil leave the school until the parents or guardians have met with the Principal to plan remedial action. During the time that these discussions are continuing, the pupil will be expected to continue his studies at home as directed by the Principal and, he will be maintained on the school=s registers. If arrangements for the improved behavior of the pupil, satisfactory to the Principal have not been made with the provision of Regulation 38 or 39 of the School Act. Principals or their designate are the only authorized personnel in School District No. 60 to suspend or dismiss a pupil from school in accordance with provisions of the School Act. It will be the Policy of this Board to delegate its responsibilities for discipline to the Discipline Committee of the School Board.* The Principal Will: Dismiss pupil from school and where possible inform parents by telephone. Inform parents by double registered letter of dismissal with copy of letter to the Superintendent and the pupil. Send written report on the pupil to the Superintendent: S Outlining offence in detail, showing as clearly as possible where the behaviour of a pupil was in open opposition to the authority of a Principal or Teacher, or where it was such that it had a harmful effect on the character or persons of other pupils or; Originally Approved: 1977-06 Revised: Policy No. 5302 312 S Showing how the pupil was willfully disobedient to a Principal or Teacher, and; S Include in report a recommendation for expulsion or a recommendation for giving dates of commencement and termination of the suspension. suspension, Form of letter referred to above: RE: (Name of Pupil) Birthdate: This is to inform you that (stae reason in general terms) your child_____________has been suspended from school as of this date. Regulation 38 of the School Act Regulations states that: Where the behavior of a pupil is in open opposition to the authority of a Principal or Teacher, or where it is such that it has a harmful effect on the character or persons of other pupils, or where the pupil is willfully disobedient to a Principal or Teacher, the Principal or Head Teacher shall dismiss the pupil and immediately report such actions, and the reasons therefore to the parents or guardians of the pupil and to the Board, who shall take such action as may be required under the Act@. If you wish further information or wish to discuss this matter, please contact the Superintendent of Schools. Yours truly,@ 1(A) Administrative Officers and teachers authorized by an administrative officer or the board (hereafter called Aauthorized teacher@) may suspend a student in accordance with the Policy when the Administrative Officer or authorized teacher concludes that: S A student is willfully disobedient to a teacher or any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board. S The behavior of the student has a harmful effect on the character or persons of other students. S A student fails to apply himself or herself to his or her studies. S A student fails to comply with the school code of conduct. S A student causes willful damage. 1(B) The maximum duration of a suspension permitted under these regulations shall be five (5) days. 1(C) The Administrative officer or authorized teacher shall forthwith report the circumstances and duration of the suspension to the superintendent and, by double registered letter, to the parent or guardian of the student and shall, where possible, report the circumstances and duration of the suspension to the parent or guardian in person or by telephone. 1(D) In cases where the Administrative officer or authorized teacher believes that a suspension should be longer than five (5) days, the matter should be referred to the Discipline Committee of the Board. Originally Approved: 1977-06 Revised: Policy No. 5302 313 1(E) The Administrative officer or authorized teacher shall make provision for assignments being provided to a student at the time of the suspension and may condition the removal of the suspension on the Administrative officer’s and/or authorized teacher’s assessment of the student’s work done in relation to these assignments, and such conditions shall be considered by the discipline Committee in the event that the matter is refereed to that committee. 2(A) Where a student sixteen (16) years or more fails to apply himself or herself to his or her studies, or fails to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, the administrative officer or authorized teacher shall: s s s s s 2(B) Give the student warning. cord the date of the warning and the reasons therefore (computer disc is acceptable) for that purpose/ Inform the parents of the student by letter that the student has been warned. Send a copy of the letter to the superintendent. Arrange, when practical, for an interview with the parents or guardian of the student at school. If, within a reasonable period of time after the warning, the student fails to make a reasonable effort to reform, the Administrative Officer or authorized teacher shall consult with the superintendent and may forward a joint recommendation to the Discipline Committee of the Board. The student shall remain suspended until a decision on the matter has been reached. Originally Approved: 1977-06 Revised: Policy No. 5302 314 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5303 Discipline Committee POLICY NO.: 5303 SUBJECT: Discipline Committee DATE APPROVED: 1979-01 Policy The Board delegates its responsibilities for discipline to the Discipline Committee of the Board. Policy No. 5303 315 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5303 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1979-01 Discipline Committee 1) When the behavior of a pupil is such that it is clearly detrimental to the teaching and learning process of the school and where his/her application to his/her studies is such that the Principal and teacher (a) conclude that he/she is gaining little or nothing from the school and where all sincere attempts to rectify the situation have been to no avail, the Principal shall write a letter to the Superintendent referring the situation to the Discipline Committee of the Board. 2) Where the Discipline Committee of the Board upholds a Principal’s recommendation to withdraw a pupil from school, but does not wish to deny the pupil access to further education, it may take one of the following: a) b) c) d) e) 3) Transfer of the pupil to another school. Provide for the education of the pupil through the Correspondence Branch of the Ministry of Education. Allow the pupil to return with or without extra duties. Refer the pupil to a work experience situation with academic instruction occurring for a portion of the day. In the case of an older pupil, refer him/her to Northern Lights College for upgrading. The Board will be informed in each case of such action taken. Policy No. 5303 316 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5401 School Fees POLICY NO.: 5401 SUBJECT: SCHOOL FEES DATE APPROVED: March 12, 2003 Preamble The Board believes that no student will be denied participation in required education programs and activities for financial reason. School principals, after consultation with teachers, students and parents, will recommend to the Superintendent a schedule, with rationale, for the fees for goods and services, deposits and rentals to the Superintendent. After reviewing the school fee schedule, the Superintendent will recommend each school’s schedule to the Board for approval. To ensure that fees and deposits do not become a barrier to student participation in educational programs, the Board will facilitate fair and confidential procedures, which will allow participation in activities by students who would otherwise be excluded due to financial hardship. Policy and regulations on pupil charges will be reviewed annually in order to make recommendations to the Board regarding the extent to which the Board will find any portion or portions of the pupil charges and fees for goods and services during the following fiscal year. Policy School District No. 60 (Peace River North) provides free instruction and free educational resource materials to students, as indicated in the School Act and Orders. In keeping with the provisions of the School Act, its accompanying Regulations and/or Orders of the Minister, the Board of School trustees authorizes the charging of fees for goods and services, and the requiring of deposits for educational resource materials. Approved fees and deposits are not to become a barrier to participation in required educational activities or programs. Originally Approved: 2003-03-12 Revised: Policy No. 5401 317 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: SUBJECT: 5401 DATE APPROVED: SCHOOL FEES ESTABLISHMENT OF SCHOOL FEES The principal of a school: is responsible for establishing school fees as provided in this policy. shall consult with appropriate teachers, students and/or parental organizations prior to establishing a fee. shall ensure that all fees are established at the minimum level necessary to recover the cost of an activity, course or program. shall make certain that there is a fair and confidential procedure for waiving a fee, in whole or in part, for cases where a student would not be able to participate in activities due to financial hardship. shall prepare a schedule of fees and provide this schedule to the Superintendent: o North Peace Secondary School – by January 15 of each school year o Elementary Schools and other Secondary Schools - by March 1 of each school year The Superintendent: shall review annually the schedule of fees for all schools to ensure that fees are consistent throughout the School District. shall prepare a schedule of fees for all schools in the School District and provide this to the Board for information and approval: o North Peace Secondary School - by February 15 of each school year. o Elementary and other Secondary Schools – by April 1 of each school year. PUBLICATION OF SCHOOL FEES The principal of each school is responsible for making students and parents aware of fees established under this policy. A schedule of fees shall be published in school handbooks, school course selection guides, or school newsletters, prior to or upon school opening in September. Publicity regarding fees shall include a reference to the possibility of a fee waiver in cases of financial hardship and the means by which such a waiver may be obtained. Originally Approved: 2003-03-12 Revised: Policy No. 5401 318 FINANCIAL HARDSHIP Principals are responsible for establishing procedures to facilitate participation in school activities by students who would otherwise be excluded due to financial hardship. Insofar as possible, Principals will consult with teachers, students and parents in the development of such procedures. The procedure must incorporate the principles of fairness, respect, dignity, confidentiality and sensitivity. Students, parents and staff will be advised of the procedure. All communications with students and parents regarding fees must include a statement explaining that fees will not be a barrier to student participation in school activities. No student will be denied Ministry mandated educational opportunities offered at the school due to financial hardship. In secondary schools, the statement explaining that no student will be denied participation in Ministry mandated educational opportunities offered at the school will be published along with the fee schedule in the school course selection handbook. The procedure for addressing financial hardship will also be included in the handbook. ALTERNATE PAYMENT School personnel dealing with parents experiencing financial difficulty should be prepared to, where appropriate: waive fees to ensure no student is denied access to required programs or activity. make parents aware that if fee payment is a problem they may approach the school and be assured that confidences will be respected. ensure that staff needing to know of the alternative payment provision is so informed. ACCOUNTING All monies collected and distributed by a school are public funds and are subject to an audit by the Secretary-Treasurer. proper accounting procedures shall be maintained at each school. the principal shall be responsible for authorizing all expenditures. COURSE CHALLENGE OR EQUIVALENCY, DISTANCE EDUCATION COLLEGE CREDIT COURSES The Board may charge students for costs incurred when students challenge a course or seek course equivalency. The Board will pay for students to enroll in Distance Education courses when such courses are required and unavailable within any of its schools. Such payment will be provided upon successful completion of the course. Originally Approved: 2003-03-12 Revised: Policy No. 5401 319 EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Students might be charged for participation in some extra-curricular activities. It is expected that these costs will be kept to a minimum. These charges will be determined by the actual cost. Examples of these charges include travel, hotel accommodation and where the use of equipment, uniforms, and supplies are expended (e.g. sports team such as football.) Originally Approved: 2003-03-12 Revised: Policy No. 5401 320 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5402 Busing POLICY NO.: 5402 SUBJECT: Busing DATE APPROVED: 1987-11 Preamble The Board recognized that school-age children are entitled access to educational programs in School District No. 60 and that a means of transportation may be required. Policy It is the policy of the Board to provide reasonable access to busing for students enrolled in district schools where there is no access to public transportation. Objectives 1) To provide busing to all school-age children in public schools in a manner that is as fair as possible. 2) To ensure that the busing of children is carried out in the safest manner possible. 3) To operate a busing program that is economical and feasible, while servicing a vast area. 4) To assist in providing alternatives such as correspondence, boarding allowance, transportation allowance, etc. where it is neither economical nor feasible to provide busing. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: Policy No. 5402 321 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5402 SUBJECT: Busing DATE APPROVED: 1987-11 1) Transportation services may be provided except in cases where: I. In the opinion of the Transportation Supervisor the roads involved are not suitable for buses. II. Buses must leave main routes and suitable turnarounds are not available. III. Proposed variations in bus routes would result in unacceptable pick up and/or riding times for other students. 2) All transportation services are subject to financial limitations as determined by the Board. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: Policy No. 5402 322 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5402.1 Busing – Regular Routes and Services POLICY NO.: 5402.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Busing - Regular Routes and Services 1987-11 The priority for providing transportation will be: Firstly: All school-age children attending public schools and residing in areas where transportation is deemed necessary within the attendance area of their school. Secondly: Those students attending accredited schools will be transported on a no-extra-distance, space-available basis. Those schools are as follows: Immaculata Dorse Prosser Westwind Academy (Elementary) Christian Life Academy Rose Prairie Academy Westwind Academy (Secondary) Hilltop Academy Maranatha Christian Academy Thirdly: Those attending non-accredited schools will be transported on a no-extra distance, space available basis. College students may be transported only with the express permission from the Transportation Supervisor and on a no-extra-distance, space available basis. Except when an individual is in trouble, no one other than students, school board officials and contractor officials shall be allowed to ride on a school bus without the special permission of the Trnaposrtation Supervisor. Boarding allowance students may be allowed to ride on the school bus to and from home on weekends, with special permission, and on a no-extra-distance, space available basis. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: Policy No. 5402.1 323 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5402.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Busing - Regular Routes and Services 1987-11 Walking Distances Walking distances shall be calculated as distances walked from student residences. Walking distances as published by the Ministry of Education may be utilized in the School District: Ministry: To Nearest School Year 1-4 Year 5-13 4 km (22 miles) 4.8 km (3 miles) To Nearest Bus Stop Year 1-13 1. 3.2 km (2 miles) To/From School Except in the following cases, students living within city or town limits will not be entitled to school bus service, regardless of walking distances to schools: a) Students with special needs may be supplied with transportation service from their residence to school and return. b) Transportation may be provided for students attending special needs classes at a school outside their own attendance area. c) At the discretion of the Board, students living within city/town limits may board buses at schools near their homes and be transported to other schools within city/town limits. Such student passengers shall ride on a space available basis and no extra stops or distances shall be incurred. d) Due to safety reasons which may include busy highway, busy railroad crossing, fog, etc. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: Policy No. 5402.1 324 2. Walk Limits - For Establishing Bus Routes Except for students living within city or town limits, transportation may be provided when distances exceed the following guidelines: To Nearest School Year 1-8 Year 9-13 1.6 km (1 mile) 3.2 km (2 miles) To Nearest Bus Stop Year 1-13 3. 1.6 km (1 mile) Bus Routes In the establishment and/or deletion of bus routes, consideration will be given to the average cost, the catchment area and the availability of funding. 4. Special Cases Special cases may be made where: a) b) 5. Students are disabled, ill or injured and are unable to walk Extreme weather conditions prevail Winter Legs For the purpose of this regulation, winter bus services shall be in effect from November 1 st to March 31st of each year. Where practical, bus service may be provided for students walking distances of more than .8 km (2 mile) from their residence. 6. Transportation Assistance as an Alternative to Busing Should the district not be able to provide transportation and students choose to attend school, transportation assistance shall be made available in accordance with existing regulations. 7. Bus Schedules The Transportation Supervisor shall establish schedules and bus stops ensuring maximum safety and service to the greatest number of students. Schedules and stops may change from time to time to ensure safety and efficiency of service. Schedules must be run in such a manner that buses do not leave their stops before the scheduled time. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: Policy No. 5402.1 325 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5402.2 Busing - Conduct POLICY NO.: 5402.2 SUBJECT: Busing - Conduct DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 Bus Drivers have immediate authority for pupils at all times while being transported to and from school. The pupils as passengers shall maintain the same standards of conduct while in a school bus that prevail in the classroom. Pupils may be denied tha privileges of bus transportation for breach of this Policy. Principals of schools have complete authority over their pupils from the time that they board the bus on the way to school to the time they leave the bus on returning home, an to this degree bus drivers and/or the Transportation Supervisor will report to them on matters which relate to the servicing, scheduling or conduct of such pupils as per attached regulations. Originally Approved: 1982-06 Revised: Policy No. 5402.2 326 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5402.2 SUBJECT: Busing -Conduct DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 1. The Bus Driver is responsible for the safety and welfare of the pupils while the pupils are on the bus. If a pupil becomes a problem on the bus, the pupil is to be given a written warning to be taken home. Parents and Principal concerned are advised by copy that the pupil=s behavior is not satisfactory, and that, if it continues unsatisfactory, that pupil may lose the privilege of riding the bus. 2. If the Problem continues after the initial warning, the Bus Driver will issue a written memo through the pupil, to the parent of a suspension and copy will be sent to the Principal. The pupil and parents will be required to meet with the School Principal to straighten the matter out before transportation of the pupil will be resumed. 3. In extreme circumstances, the Driver will issue the discipline memo to the pupil without prior warning. 4. A Driver may not use physical violence in dealing with a pupil. 5. A pupil shall not be put off a bus until his or her normal loading point has been reached. 6. Bus rules apply to pupils on special trips as well. The Driver is in charge of the bus. Teachers on special trips are to enforce the rules and keep order. Originally Approved: 1982-06 Revised: Policy No. 5402.2 327 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5402.3 Busing – Transportation of Equipment POLICY NO.: 5402.3 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Busing - Transportation of Equipment 1987-11 Preamble The Board recognizes the need for guidelines regarding the transportation of equipment on buses to ensure the safety of students and staff members. Policy To ensure the safety of students and staff members, equipment will be transported on buses in accordance with the attached guidelines. Objectives 1. To ensure the safety of students and staff members during the transportation of equipment. 2. To provide guidelines for administering this policy. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: 2002-12 Policy No. 5402.3 328 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5402.3 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Busing - Transporting of Equipment 1987-11 1) REGULAR RUNS The following items may be carried on buses on regular runs if these items are required for school or organized activities after school. i) Hockey Sticks, Curling Brooms (a) Hockey sticks and curling brooms must be stowed in such a manner that they cannot dislodge and become airborne in case of an impact. The driver shall make sure that they are stowed properly. ii) Skates (b) Skates must have guards and be carried in a sturdy, closeable bag and be stowed under the owner’s seat. Paper bags, plastic shopping bags or boxes or any kind will not be accepted as containers for skates. iii) Small Musical Instruments (c) Small musical instruments must be carried in the manufacturer’s case or in a suitable bag made from strong material. The instrument should be securely held in the owner’s lap and must at no time be placed on an empty seat. Instruments shall not be taken out of their covers while in the bus. iv) Other Items (d) Equipment for campouts will be carried, subject to field trip rules, on a room-available basis. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: 2002-12 Policy No. 5402.3 329 The following items will not be allowed on regular runs: (e) Firearms of any description (f) Ski’s and poles, sleights or toboggans (g) Radios and recorders other than miniature types which require head phones to operate. (h) Furniture or other large items built in school shops. (i) Large musical instruments that cannot be held in the owner’s lap. (j) Any equipment unrelated to school activities or organized activities after school. 2) FIELD TRIPS i) Large Musical Instruments (k) Large musical instruments will be allowed if they can be fitted into seats without obstructing the aisle or protruding above the back of the seat. Music stands will have to be carried in the luggage compartment. ii) Radios and Recorders (l) Radios and recorders (other than the miniature types with headphones) must be stowed with the baggage. At no time should they be unpacked while on the bus. iii) Overnight Camping Equipment (m) May be carried on the bus if stowed as above. Iron grills and other heavy objects and objects with sharp corners or points, are not allowed. (n) Acceptable items shall be stowed in the seats closest to the front of the bus, preferable on the right side. The aisle must be kept clear at all times. No equipment of any kind may be stowed on or between seats by an emergency window. (o) No passenger shall sit in front of , beside, or in any seats that have equipment or luggage stowed in them. iv) Other Items (p) Application to carry items not covered in these regulations must be made to the Transportation Supervisor; not to the bus driver. (q) If the equipment that is normally allowed on the bus cannot be stowed due to shortage of room or luggage compartments, a separate vehicle must be used to transport the equipment. Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: 2002-12 Policy No. 5402.3 330 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5402.4 Busing – Students with Special Needs POLICY NO.: 5402.4 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Busing - Students with Special Needs 1993-10 Preamble The Board recognizes that school-age students with special needs are entitled access to educational programs in School District No. 60 and that a means of transportation may be provided. Policy It is the policy of the Board to provide, where practical and appropriate, bus service for students with special needs. Objectives 1) To provide busing to students with special needs in public schools in a manner that is as fair as possible. 2) To ensure that the busing of students with special needs is carried out in the safest manner possible. Originally Approved: 1993-10 Revised: Policy No. 5402.4 331 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5402.4 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Busing - Students with Special Needs 1993-10 TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Via the Bus for Students with Special Needs Students with special needs in town and within a 5 kilometer radius of downtown Fort St. John, may be transported via the school bus for students with special needs, provided that the equipment and time are available. It is desirable that this bus not be on the road more than one hour before delivery at school and one hour after pick-up at school. The specially equipped bus may include the services of a Teaching Assistant and/or Personal Care Attendant. Students with special needs shall not be left unattended while riding the bus. It is expected that parents are responsible for having their child ready when the bus arrives and for assisting their child in boarding the bus. They must ensure that a responsible person meets the bus after school. If no responsible adult is in attendance when the student arrives home after school, then the student will be returned to the school and parents will be responsible for picking the student up at the school. Parents may be required to assist with any extra costs resulting from no one being available when the student was returned home. Parents are expected to notify the Transportation Department at least 30 minutes before normal bus times if the student is not attending school that day. Parents are expected to maintain their driveways and walkways in safe conditions at all times, including prompt removal of snow in winter. Originally Approved: 1993-10 Revised: Policy No. 5402.4 332 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5402.5 K-3 Busing POLICY NO.: 5402.5 SUBJECT: K-3 Busing DATE APPROVED: 2001-12-12 Preamble: The Board recognizes the importance of providing guidelines regarding the transportation of kindergarten to grade three students on school buses. Policy: Parents or guardians of kindergarten to grade three students riding school buses will be notified that it is their responsibility to insure that these students are met at the school bus stop by a responsible person. Objective: To provide guidelines to insure the safety and well being of kindergarten to grade three students being dropped off at scheduled school bus stops. Originally Approved: 2001-12-12 Revised: Policy No. 5402.5 333 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5501.1 Student Council – Management of Funds Raised POLICY NO.: 5501-1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Student Council - Management of Funds Raised 1982-06 1) Each school will be required to have a bank account and all funds collected must be deposited in this school account. Remittance to the School Board for re-sale, textbooks, and any other remittance must be made by cheque. 2) Cash in schools overnight must be centralized, secured, and minimal (maximum of $100.00). Originally Approved: 1982-06 Revised: Policy No. 5501.1 334 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5502 Musical Instruments POLICY NO.: 5502 SUBJECT: Musical Instruments DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 Where musical instruments are supplied by the school, a damage deposit should be levied. Originally Approved: Revised: 1987-11 Policy No. 5502 335 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5503 Swimming POLICY NO.: 5503 SUBJECT: Swimming DATE APPROVED: 1996-05-22 Preamble The Board recognizes the lifelong benefits for students to participate in swimming, however, the Board also recognizes that precautions need to be taken because of the dangers involved. Policy Swimming, when permitted, will be done in accordance with the attached regulations. Objectives 1) To facilitate the development of students’ swimming skills 2) To ensure safety is of paramount concern when students are swimming. Originally Approved: 1996-05-22 Revised: Policy No. 5503 336 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5503 SUBJECT: Swimming DATE APPROVED: 1996-05-22 In order to ensure the safety of students is paramount, the following regulations apply: 1. Public Supervised Swimming Pools Trained lifeguard personnel must be on duty when students are swimming in swimming pools. 2. Public Unsupervised Swimming Pools Posted rules must be obeyed. In the event no rules are posted, the supervisor involved must ensure adequate supervision. 3. Outdoor Education Site As per the teacher’s handbook: a) Swimming must only take place within the roped off area b) For students under 10 years old, the rope must be set at a depth of 0.5 metre. For student 10 year old and up, the rope must be set at a depth of 1 metre. c) An adult supervision ratio of 1:10 will be on supervision at all times when students are in the water or in the beach area. d) Students mus use the buddy system while in the beach area. e) The life preserving ring must remain in the beach area at all times. f) Swimming outside of the rope is not allowed unless it is part of an organized canoeing lesson, in which all the canoeing regulations apply. 4. Rivers/Lakes All precautions must be taken to ensure student safety. If there is any concern (depth, current, mirky water, etc.) Students should not be permitted to swim. Originally Approved: 1996-05-22 Revised: Policy No. 5503 337 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5504 Athletics Coaches POLICY NO.: 5504 SUBJECT: Athletics Coaches DATE APPROVED: 1998-11-12 Preamble The Board recognizes that athletics programs contribute towards the improvement of the health, fitness and general welfare of all individuals involved. The Board also recognizes the need to provide guidelines for athletics coaches. Policy 1. Wherever possible, schools are strongly encouraged to use teaching and/or support staff members as sponsors for all teams 2. Where it is not possible to find such a sponsor, or where the opportunity exists to use a community coach of proven ability, schools may use a community coach in accordance with the attached Regulations.. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for designating athletics coaches. Originally Approved: 1998-11-12 Revised: Policy No. 5504 338 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5504 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Athletics Coaches 1998-11-12 1) A community coach may be used, provided that: i) The sponsoring principal accepts all responsibility for the conduct and actions of the community coach; ii) The community coach has completed a Criminal Records Check and provided a current Driver’s Abstract; iii) The sponsoring principal has received approval from the Board to use the community coach. Written requests are to be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools. Such approvals continue from year to year unless there is a break in service. iv) The sponsoring principal has provided the community coach with a copy of the Coaches Code of conduct as printed by B.C. School Sports. v) The principal has notified other schools involved that a community-coaching situation exists. 2) The sponsoring principal must ensure that the community coach is aware of: 3) Safety rules; 4) Student medical situations, including authority to administer medications. Originally Approved: 1998-11-12 Revised: Policy No. 5504 339 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5601 Communicable Diseases + DATE APPROVED: POLICY NO.: 5601 SUBJECT: Communicable Diseases 1986-10 School district No. 60 recognizes the need for all children to be provided with an educations; however, should a child contract a communicable disease, the Board wishes to protect unaffected pupils. In such cases, the pupils should be kept out of the school until the medical officer for health is informed and a decision can be made about the affected child=s attendance. In all instances, strict confidentiality must be maintained. Originally Approved: 1986-10 Revised: Policy No. 5601 340 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5602 Substance Abuse Prevention POLICY NO.: 5602 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Substance Abuse Prevention 1986-10 Preamble The Board is responsible for the maintenance of a positive, safe, and secure learning environment. The maintenance of good conduct of all students is a responsibility shared by students, school personnel, and parents. The Board supports the concept that substance abuse affects everyone and that illicit drugs and alcohol have no place in the schools. Policy The code of conduct shall reflect the fact that illicit drugs and alcohol are not permitted on school property, at school sponsored activities, or at any activities involving students on school teams or on extra-curricular trips. Students shall not be under the influence of or in possession of illicit drugs or alcohol while on school property, while attending or participating in school sponsored activities, or while involved in any activities involving school teams or extra-curricular trips. Objectives 1) To promote and support a positive learning environment for students. 2) To provide a safe and secure environment for students. 3) To address the needs of students experiencing difficulty with substance abuse. 4) To prevent substance abuse. Originally Approved: 1986-10 Revised:1989-09, 1993-06 Policy No. 5602 341 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5602 SUBJECT: Substance Abuse Prevention DATE APPROVED: 1986-10 1) A student violating the Substance Abuse Prevention Policy will be referred to the school principal who may on reviewing the case suspend the student and/or take other appropriate disciplinary action and shall ensure that a referral for appropriate school, district or substance abuse counseling occurs. 2) A student violating the Substance Abuse Prevention Policy may be referred to the Discipline Committee of the Board of School Trustees. 3) The Discipline Committee will review each referred case on merit and may set conditions that must be met for the student to be allowed to return to school. 4) The Discipline Committee will have latitude in setting the conditions for the student to return to school and may decide not to allow a student to return to school. Originally Approved: 1986-10 Revised:1989-09, 1993-06 Policy No. 5602 342 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5603.1 Medical Assistant/Admin. Of Medication to Students POLICY NO.: 5603.1 DATE APPROVED: 1999-05-12 SUBJECT: Emergency Situations -Medical Assistant/Administration of Medication to Students Preamble The Board recognizes the need for guidelines for the administration of medications to students. Policy School personnel will render medical assistance to students, including the administration of medication (or the supervision of self-administration of medications) in accordance with the attached Regulations. Objectives 1) To ensure a reasonable level of safety and well-being for students. 2) To ensure an adequate number of school personnel are trained in the administration of medications. Originally Approved: 1999-05-12 Revised: Policy No. 5603.1 343 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5603.1 DATE APPROVED: 1999-05-12 SUBJECT: Emergency Situations - Medical Assistance / Administration of Medication to Students The Principal will designate school personnel who will administer medications (or supervise the self administration of medications) to students, as long as the following conditions are met: 1) The parents/guardians advise the Principal (in writing) of any health conditions which their child has which may require medical attention or the administration of medications during the school day. 2) If the school is required to store medication, the parent/guardian shall deliver the medication to the school in a properly labeled prescription container. 3) School staff will administer medications only upon receipt of instructions from public health personnel. In order to secure a reasonable level of safety and well-being for students, the following procedures are to be adhered to: 1) If required, the Board will arrange for appropriate training of school personnel. In all such cases, more than one staff member shall be trained in the administration of medication in order to provide an alternative person in cases of absence or unavailability. 2) The Principal, in conjunction with the student, parent/guardian, family physician and school nurse shall develop an individual plan for the administration of medication to the student. 3) Where a student requires supervision by Public Health, the Principal shll notify the Public Health Supervisor of the administration of medication. 4) A log shll be kept in the school in which all pertinent information is recorded (ie. Date, time, dosage, etc.). 5) Medications shall be stored in a safe and secure locations. 6) Where a student is a bus student, the Principal shll notify the Transportation Supervisor of the medical condition and needs of the student. Originally Approved: 1999-05-12 Revised: Policy No. 5603.1 344 7) Where a student may require medication in an emergency situation, for example, an injection of adrenaline for an allergic reaction, the Principal shall make all teachers who normally have contact with that student aware of the steps to be taken should such an emergency occur. 8) Where a student is involved in a Field Trip, a trained designated person shall also be on the field trip and the parent/guardian must complete a Consent Form in accordance with Board Policy 6305. 9) The Board does not supply non-prescription drugs. Non-prescription drugs will not be administered without specific written instructions from the parent/guardian. Originally Approved: 1999-05-12 Revised: Policy No. 5603.1 345 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5603.2 Emergency Situations – Inclement Weather POLICY NO.: 5603.2 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Emergency Situations -Inclement Weather 1982-06 Preamble The Board recognizes the need for guidelines for school closure and bus service during inclement weather. Policy Regardless of temperature, schools will remain in session and, if roads permit, bus service will be maintained. Objectives 1) To provide a level of safety for students during inclement weather. Originally Approved: 1982-06 Revised:1997-12 Policy No.5603.2 346 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5603.2 SUBJECT: Emergency Situations - Inclement Weather DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 1) In the case in inclement weather conditions or unsafe road conditions developing during the night, the Transportation Supervisor or his designate, in consultation with the bus driver, shall assess the situation and decide whether or not buses should be canceled. i) If a bus is canceled, the bus driver must, wherever possible, phone the students on his/her run to notify them of the cancellations. ii) The Transportation Supervisor or his designate, only, shall notify the local radio station. 2) In the case of stormy conditions developing during the day, the bus driver and the principal concerned may decide to return students to their homes early. i) The principal of his designate shall notify the Transportation Supervisor. If the Transportation Supervisor is not available, the Secretary-Treasurer shall be notified. ii) Parents must be notified if students are dismissed prior to their regular dismissal time. 3) It is the responsibility of the bus driver to see that his passengers can get home safely. i) Students may need to be driven closer to their home than the regular routes normally allow. ii) The bus driver shall see that the school bus does not arrive at a stop ahead of schedule and may require that pupils be at the bus stop at least five minutes ahead of the scheduled arrival of the bus. iii) Under extreme weather conditions where it is doubtful that the driver can deliver his riders to their homes safely, the driver should leave students with a neighbor or at the school and notify parents as soon as possible. Originally Approved: 1982-06 Revised:1997-12 Policy No.5603.2 347 4) The bus driver may, after an initial written warning, refuse to transport students who are not adequately dressed for prevailing winter weather conditions. i) If the bus driver can ascertain that the student can find immediate shelter at his/her home or school, the initial warning may be waived. ii) The bus driver must notify the Transportation Supervisor of the school principal who will make arrangements for the students’ safe return home. 5) Winter legs may be added on roads that would not normally be traveled during the summer months. Originally Approved: 1982-06 Revised:1997-12 Policy No.5603.2 348 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5604 Head Lice POLICY NO.: 5604 SUBJECT: Head Lice DATE APPROVED: 1999-09-08 Preamble Head Lice, or pediculoisis, can be a very difficult organism to eradicate. Even when precautions are taken, outbreaks of head lice can occur. When steps are not taken immediately to treat the condition, the situation soon leads to frustration on the part of parents of children with head lice, parents of unaffected children in affected classrooms, and school staff. Policy Schools must be proactive in implementing procedures to contain the spread of head lice. Objectives 1. To minimize the occurrence of head lice in classrooms throughout the district. 2. To encourage parents of children affected with head lice to have the condition treated as soon as possible. 3. To provide school staffs with general guidelines for dealing with head lice when outbreaks occur. 348 Policy No. 5604 349 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5604 SUBJECT: Head Lice DATE APPROVED: 1999-09-08 1) Preventative School Environment i) Basic precautions which generally prevent the transmission of lice from one child to another should be taken at each school. These include the following: (a) Children should place their hats and mitts in the sleeves of the coats as opposed to cubbyholes and ledges. (b) Coats should not be piled up. (c) Students should be reminded not to share headgear. (d) Clothing in drama centres must be regularly cleansed. (e) When students are registered, parental permission should be sought for head checking should outbreaks occur. (f) Staff members should be aware, and understand, the reason for this protocol. ii) Staff, parent and student awareness. (a) The staff: - - should participate with the Public Health Nurse in the development of a school plan for the control of head lice; develop an understanding of the symptoms of head lice infestation in order to notify parents or refer for follow-up; distribute letters and treatment information to parents of identified cases of head lice; cooperate with the Public Health Nurse in bringing parents together for group presentations in order to educate the parents about head lice. Sample letters are attached; and work with the Public Health Nurse in identifying motivational methods for noncompliance situations. (b) Staff handbooks should contain the most relevant information regarding head lice and the highlights of this protocol. (c) A similar level of information should be provided to parents in the schools’ handbooks for parents. 349 Policy No. 5604 350 (d) Schools should communicate with each other and their school communities when problems do arise. 2. The Board advises parents: (a) to be aware of the symptoms of head lice and the treatment procedures. (b) to check the heads of all family members periodically. Increase this to daily head checks when one of the family members has been in contact with head lice. (c) to notify the school when head lice have been identified in a school age child. (d) to treat the infested heads appropriately. Do not send the child to school until treatment has occurred and nits have been removed. 3. When the presence of head lice is identified:. (a) The Principal should use discretion with respect to any general parental notification that he/she considers warranted. (b) The Principal advises the parent of the student(s) with lice that these children will be sent home until: - the condition has been treated; - all the nits have been combed out; and - the parent is committed to administrating a second treatment, if necessary, and ensuring that any new nits are removed (c) Strategies are taken to prevent transmission within the classroom. These may include: - washing any paint shirts; - washing any Adress up@ items, putting them in a freezer for twentyfour hours or storing them in plastic bags for two weeks; - washing classroom pillows/mats or putting them in a freezer for twenty-four hours; - washing gym bibs/pinnies; and - storing any stuffed toys in a freezer for twenty-four hours or isolating them from the classroom for two weeks. 350 Policy No. 5604 351 (On School Letterhead) Important Notice to Parents Re: Head Lice Dear Parent: In the last few weeks there have been several cases of head lice in our school(s). During a recent head check at school, your child was found to have head lice. Head lice do not carry disease and do not have anything to do with cleanliness. However, it is important that your child is treated before coming back to school or playing with friends in order to stop the lice from spreading. Please follow the steps provided in the information attached. Check the heads of all other members of your family. Treat only those who have lice or nits. If you are unsure contact the Peace River Health Unit and talk with a Public Health Nurse. Yours truly, Principal 351 Policy No. 5604 352 (On School Letterhead) Important Notice to Parents Re: Head Lice Dear Parent: A case of head lice has occurred in your child’s classroom. Head lice do not carry disease and do not have anything to do with cleanliness. Please check your child’s hair carefully for head lice or nits. Check all other members of the family for head lice as well. Treat only those who have lice or nits following the steps contained in the information attached. Let the school know if you do find any head lice or nits. You should now increase the head checks of your family from periodic to daily. Thank you for helping us stop the spread of head lice. Yours truly, Principal 352 Policy No. 5604 353 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5605 Anaphylaxis POLICY NO.: 5605 SUBJECT: Anaphylaxis DATE APPROVED: 2000-04-12 Preamble Anaphylaxis, also known as Aallergic shock or Ageneralized allergic reaction, is a severe allergic reaction that can lead to rapid death if left untreated. Common causes include food, latex, insect stings, medication and exercise. This policy is developed with the understanding that there is no such thing as an allergen free school. Within this context this policy is designed as an enabling framework of strategies and responsibilities for the development and maintenance of a safer learning environment for all students. Policy The Board recognizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy learning environment. This includes a safer environment for all those who suffer from anaphylaxis. While it is impossible to create a risk free environment, important steps can be taken to minimize the potential of life threatening allergic reactions. School staff, parents/guardians, and students should work together to create a safe and healthy environment for all within the limits created by legislation, school configuration, available staff and resources. Objectives 1. To provide a safer learning environment for anaphylactic students. 2. To promote a broad understanding of the needs of anaphylactic students. 3. To facilitate the voluntary cooperation of staff, parents/guardians, and students to develop a safe learning environment for anaphylactic students. 4. To provide a reasonable Afoundation@ that enables the development of individual school plans for dealing with life threatening allergies. Originally Approved: 2000-04-12 Policy No. 5605 354 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5605 SUBJECT: Anaphylaxis DATE APPROVED: 2000-04-12 It is understood that anaphylactic students have needs which are specific to their medical condition. Therefore it is necessary to develop plans that meet the specific needs of each situation. The parent and the child share primary responsibility for avoiding the allergen. However, the development and maintenance of a safer environment for anaphylactic students are dependent on the cooperation and expertise of a variety of people. There are two parts to this section. The first part provides suggestions of reasonable expectations for the many contributors to a safer environment. The second part is a suggested list of concerns to be considered in the development of a school policy providing for a safer learning environment. Contributors to a Safer Learning Environment Parent Have the child diagnosed by an allergy specialist. Maintain open communication with the classroom teacher and school administration. Inform the school of the child’s allergies. Provide the school with physician’s instructions for the appropriate handling of the child. Provide the school with up to date medication. Check the condition and expiration date of the medication. Ensure that the medication is taken home at the end of the school year. Welcome other parents’-questions regarding safe foods. Cooperate with the school in providing a safer learning environment for their child. Meet with appropriate school personnel at the beginning of the school year. Consider participation in parent advisory groups if requested. Attend field trips and/or arrange for a backup vehicle when deemed necessary. Review the child’s responsibilities with the child frequently. Originally Approved: 2000-04-12 Policy No. 5605 355 Anaphylactic Student Take as much responsibility as possible for avoiding allergens. Eat only foods brought from home or approved by parents/guardians. Take responsibility for checking labels and monitoring intake (older students). Wash hands before and after eating. Learn to recognize symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction. Promptly inform an adult, as soon as an accidental exposure occurs or symptoms appear. Physician Diagnose the child with anaphylaxis. Prescribe the specific treatment protocol. Public Health Nurse Assist the teacher/school personnel to facilitate communication with the anaphylactic student and his/her parents. Provide education and training to school personnel so that they may respond adequately and confidently to an anaphylactic emergency (Example: auto-injector training). Assist with education to students and parents to increase awareness and understanding of anaphylaxis so that they may more readily participate in preventive activities (Example: hand washing before and after eating foods such as nuts, fish, etc.). Assist with parent/teacher/principal to develop emergency response plans. School Administration Maintain lines of open communication with parents/guardians. Provide for appropriate medical alert cards with appropriate medical information. Secure appropriate signatures affirming the accuracy of information. Host meeting with appropriate personnel and students= parents to establish individual care plan. This meeting should be held at the beginning of the school year. Consider the posting of medical alert posters in appropriate places (office, classroom, medical room, etc.) in consultation with parent. Make appropriate staff aware of and be able to visually identify students who have potentially life-threatening allergies. This may include: teacher, custodians, school bus drivers, teacher on call, first aid attendant, parent volunteers, coaches and food services personnel. Provide for an annual training session to appropriate personnel. Develop an appropriate emergency response plan. Store medications in easily accessible locations and ensure that staff is familiar with these locations. Establish procedures for off site and extra curricular activities. Establish disciplinary procedure (approach) for dealing with bullying and threats to affected student. Provide opportunity to practice the emergency response plan. Maintain an up to date list of emergency contacts and telephone numbers. Inform parents/guardians that a student with life threatening allergies is attending the school and ask for their support. Originally Approved: 2000-04-12 Policy No. 5605 356 Teacher Facilitate communication with the student and his/her parents/guardians. Facilitate communication with other parents. Help in the building of support for the anaphylactic child with her/his peers. Maintain current information on the medical needs of the student. Encourage students not to share lunches or trade snacks. Select allergy free foods for classroom events. Establish procedure for checking foods brought into the classroom. Leave information in an organized, prominent and accessible format for teacher on call and other personnel including volunteers. Participate in appropriate first aid training. All Parents Respond cooperatively to requests from school to eliminate allergens from packed lunches and snacks. Participate in parent information sessions. Encourage their children to respect the anaphylactic student and the school policies. Work with parents of anaphylactic students and outside resources to obtain information regarding foods for lunches and snacks. All Students Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction. Avoid sharing food especially with anaphylactic students. Follow school rules about keeping allergens out of the classroom and washing hands. Developing a Safer Environment Implementation Plan The following suggestions should be reviewed in the creation of a safer learning environment for an anaphylactic student. Inside the Classroom Anaphylactic students only eat the foods they bring from home. Trading and sharing of food, cups, or straws is not allowed in the classroom. Hand washing is encouraged before and after eating. Desks or other eating surfaces are washed with soap and water before and after eating. The teacher encourages students to follow the request to refrain from bringing allergenic foods. Allergens brought into the classroom, by students or others, to be removed. Students who bring allergenic foods to school be requested to eat those foods in another classroom. The practice of bringing food to the classroom that is not in individual lunches be discouraged. Allergenic foods or products not be used in crafts and activities. Originally Approved: 2000-04-12 Policy No. 5605 357 Outside the Classroom Specific questions on the field trip permission form should address the existence of anaphylactic reactions. Review of emergency plans with all appropriate personnel (teachers, school bus drivers, volunteers, etc.) prior to the field trip. Parents/guardians be encouraged to attend the activity. Appropriate medicine(s) should be carried on all field trips involving anaphylactic students. School bus drivers must be alerted about the existence of anaphylactic students and consideration given to providing appropriate training. Students restricted from eating or drinking while travelling on the bus. Plans are in place to provide emergency transportation. Request of ingredient list if foods are ordered in from commercial sources. Food handling/preparation areas are kept clean. The anaphylactic student does not eat anything that is not from the student’s home without written authorization by parents/guardians. Anaphylactic student excused from involvement with clean-up duties. Originally Approved: 2000-04-12 Policy No. 5605 358 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 5606 5606 Nutritional Foods in Schools DATE APPROVED: 03/12/07 SUBJECT: Nutritional Foods in Schools Preamble The Board believes that a relationship exists between healthy nutrition and the academic and physical achievement of our students; that well nourished students are able to concentrate better, retain and apply information more effectively, and are more likely to demonstrate positive behaviors and relationships with peers. The Board acknowledges that learning about healthy eating requires a balance between the theory that students learn through a formal curriculum and the practices that schools engage in to model healthy eating. Policy The Board believes that it has a shared responsibility with parents/guardians and the community to ensure that students develop healthy lifestyles that include a focus on healthy nutrition. Therefore, students should be offered food and beverages of sound nutritional value in the school environment. Objectives By June 2007, all schools will create a “Healthy Food Team”. The team will identify school issues, respond to the Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools, develop their own school policy on promoting and encouraging healthy choices, and provide support to the school in transitioning present programs to meet the Guidelines. By September 2008, all schools where food and beverages are offered for sale or distribution during the school day must offer mostly nutritious food choices for students following the Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools. By September 2008, schools will use variable pricing and serving size to help make more “healthy choices” more attractive. ‘Choose most/choose sometimes’ food and beverages will be competitively priced and, whenever possible, less expensive than the ‘choose least’ choices. By September 2008, all beverages sold in school will be chosen for sale based on the Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools nutrition criteria of no less than ‘choose sometimes’. None will be sold from the “not Recommended’ list and only 10% from the ‘choose least’ list. By September 2008, schools hold food-based fundraisers should assess the types of food they are selling and model healthy eating practices for students. By January 2008 the district, with the assistance of the Community Nutritionist for Northern Health, will report to schools’ Healthy Food Teams about the possibility of a coordinated effort for the purchase and distribution of healthy food choices. Originally Approved: 2007-03-12 Policy No. 5606 359 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5701 Boarding Allowance POLICY NO.: 5701 SUBJECT: Boarding Allowance DATE APPROVED: 1999-11-10 Preamble The Board recognizes that school-age children are entitled to access educational programs in School District No. 60 and that a boarding residence may be required. Policy Upon application, and approval, boarding allowance will be paid to the owner of a boarding residence in accordance with the regulations to this policy. For students who have educational facilities at their grade level in their communities, boarding allowance may be approved only under very exceptional circumstances. Objectives 1. To provide an alternative for students who do not have educational facilities at their grade level in their community. 2. To provide assistance to the owner of a boarding residence. Originally Approved: 2007-03-12 Policy No. 5606 360 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5701 SUBJECT: Boarding Allowance DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 Application Application forms are available at the School Board Office. Payment will be made to the owner of the boarding residence. A monthly claim form must be submitted thereafter. Eligibility For students who have educational facilities at their grade level in their communities, boarding allowance may be approved only under very exceptional circumstances. Eligibility is determined by location of the residence in respect to the closest bus stop or school. If a school bus serving such a facility operates within 16 kilometers of the student=s residence, the appropriate education facility shall be deemed to be available. Payment Payment is payable in arrears to the owner of the boarding residence in an amount of $350.00 (effective September 1, 2003) per month per student in respect of approved applications. Parents must board their children within walking distance of the school attended, boarding allowance being an alternate only to transportation allowance and school bus transportation. In addition to the above allowance, transportation allowance will be paid to the parents for transporting students to and from the boarding residence on weekends. This is payable at the same rate as daily transportation upon approved application. Retroactive Payment Retroactive payment is limited to September 1st or January 1st of the school year in which claimed. Policy No. 5702 Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: 1993-11, 1994-07, 1999-11, 2000-06, 2002-12, 2005-10 361 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 5702 Transportation Allowance POLICY NO.: 5702 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Transportation Allowance 1999-11-10 Preamble The Board recognizes that school-age children are entitled to access educational programs in School District No. 60 and that a means of transportation may be required. Policy Upon application, and approval of same, and subject to the accompanying regulations, transportation assistance will be paid to parents or guardians of students (a) (b) attending public schools with special needs who cannot ride the regular bus and who do not reside within the pickup area of the specially equipped bus. Objectives 1. To provide assistance to parents who are required to transport students to and from educational facilities or School District No. 60 transportation services. 2. To provide an alternative for students with special needs where it is neither economical nor feasible to provide busing. Policy No. 5702 Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: 1993-11, 1994-07, 1999-11, 2000-06, 2002-12, 2005-10 362 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 5702 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Transportation Allowance 1999-11-10 Application Application forms are available at the School Board Office. Payment will be made only to the parent or guardian of the student. A monthly claim form must be submitted by the parent or legal guardian. Eligibility Eligibility is determined by the walking distance from the point where the private driveway meets the public access to the closest appropriate bus stop or school (whichever is nearer). In the case of students with special needs, eligibility will be determined in accordance with Board Policy and Regulations 5402.4. For students who have educational facilities at their grade level in their communities, transportation assistance may be approved only under very exceptional circumstances. Payment Transportation allowance will be paid at the rate of 404 per kilometer. The maximum transportation allowance per day is $40.00 (effective September 1, 2005). The distance is calculated from the home of the student to the closest applicable bus stop or school (whichever is nearer to the residence). When in receipt of boarding allowance, transportation allowance is only payable on weekends to and from the boarding residence at the same rates applicable for daily transportation and in areas where a school has been closed and parents drive students into Fort St. John. Policy No. 5702 Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: 1993-11, 1994-07, 1999-11, 2000-06, 2002-12, 2005-10 363 Students with Special Needs In the event that parents transport students with special needs who have been determined ineligible to ride the regular bus and who do not reside within the pickup area of the specially equipped bus, transportation assistance will be paid at 404 per kilometer to a maximum of $40.00 per day. Retroactive Payment Retroactive payment of transportation allowance will be limited to September 1 st or January 1st of the school year in which it is claimed. Insurance Automobile owners must check the adequacy of their own personal insurance coverage. It is illegal for the School District to pay insurance or to accept any liability for such conveyance of a student. Policy No. 5702 Originally Approved: 1987-11 Revised: 1993-11, 1994-07, 1999-11, 2000-06, 2002-12, 2005-10 364 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) INSTRUCTION (Series 6000) 6203 Travel and Exchange Program POLICY NO.: 6203 DATE APPROVED: 1986-10 SUBJECT: Travel and Exchange Programs ____________________________________________________________________________ The Board recognizes the value of travel and exchange programs and encourages participation in such, with appropriate planning. Policy No. 6203 365 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 6203 DATE APPROVED: 1986-10 SUBJECT: Travel and Exchange Programs ____________________________________________________________________________ The Board recognizes the value of travel and exchange programs and encourages participation in such, with appropriate planning. Policy No. 6203 366 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6204 Outdoor Education Program POLICY NO.: 6204 DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 SUBJECT: Outdoor Education Program _____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes that safe, enjoyable learning opportunities are gained through an outdoor education program. Policy The outdoor education program is available to provide a safe learning experience which cannot be offered in a classroom setting and teachers, staff and students are encouraged to utilize the outdoor education facilities. Use by outside non-district groups is encouraged to make the operation of these facilities more viable. Objectives 1. To offer outdoor learning opportunities. 2. To broaden usage of the outdoor education facilities to include appropriate outside users. 3. To promote self-supporting operation. Policy No. 6204 Revised 1997-03, 1997-12 367 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6204 DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 SUBJECT: Outdoor Education Program _____________________________________________________________________________ The program shall be developed at the Cameron Lake site in conjunction with the Outdoor Education Committee and district curriculum guide and shall include the following objectives: - to provide an enhancement to the curriculum with learning experience not available in the school/classroom setting. - to increase pupils awareness of the environment and to help pupils develop an appreciation and understanding of the outdoor and ecological principles. - to encourage social interactions and individual growth through activities designed to challenge and learn respect for safety and risk under the direction of qualified, assigned staff. All activities shall comply with Board Policy and in accordance with the Outdoor Education Site Handbook. Coordinator: A Coordinator shall be responsible for the effective and safe operation of the outdoor education program. Cross reference to Policy No. 2101.6. User Groups: Priority for use of the Outdoor Education Site will be as follows 1. All district pupils and staff are eligible to use the facilities for uses within the compatible outdoor education curriculum objectives. 2. Scouts/Cubs/Beavers, Pathfinders/Guides/Brownies and business educational retreats. Policy No. 6204 Revised 1997-03, 1997-12 368 3. Private Use a) Private groups requesting use of the Outdoor Education Site must: present an agenda or plan to the Site Coordinator/Outdoor Education Committee for review; sign a statement absolving School District No. 60 (Peace River North) for any legal liability including vicarious liability; designate a person of responsibility for leadership of the group; pay a damage/clean-up deposit of $_____ for damage and clean-up of facilities. The amount required to be determined by the Outdoor Education Coordinator based on the numbers and risks as per his assessment. b) The facilities shall not be used by groups where alcohol is involved. Such usage is prohibited. c) The Outdoor Education Coordinator may deny usage or limit access to outside users. d) Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the Outdoor Education Site. NOTE: Groups shall be granted use of the facilities on a first come first served booking basis, provided the above criteria has been met. Policy No. 6204 Revised 1997-03, 1997-12 369 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 6204 DATE APPROVED: 1989-06 SUBJECT: Outdoor Education Program _____________________________________________________________________________ STIPULATIONS FOR USER GROUPS 1) Common to All: i) Parental/guardian consent is required for all participants under the age of nineteen (19) and living at home. ii) Emergency information is required for all participants on site. iii) All participants, supervising teachers and parents/guardians must be fully aware of the nature of the activities to be engaged. iv) An application has been submitted to the Outdoor Education Committee outlining program objectives and activities and approval granted. v) Records will be kept of: bookings users (who/dates/times etc.) students-medical consent emergency incidence log activities pursued vi) All user groups shall receive the teacher and pupil outdoor recreation site handbook and agree to comply with the rules and regulations contained therein. vii) There shall be a minimum of one adult supervisor in attendance who has a first aid certificate dated within the past five (5) years. Because activities range from low to high risk, consideration shall be given to the number of adult supervisors in attendance (example: canoeing 1:8, general camp 1:16 minimum ratio). Policy No. 6204 Revised 1997-03, 1997-12 370 viii) A certified first-aid person with accompanying first-aid kit shall accompany all activities involving an unfamiliar environment of medium to high risk. ix) There shall be at least two vehicles and drivers in attendance during an outing to allow for the transport of one or more individuals should the need arise. 2) Applicable to District User Groups: i) Approval must be granted to the teacher by the administrative officer. ii) There shall be a minimum of one teacher in attendance who has completed an inservice related to the facilities and programs. 3) Applicable to Non-District User Groups: i) A waiver must be signed releasing the Board from Liability for injury or damage suffered by the group or any participant. ii) Damages to property and/or equipment will be the responsibility of the user group. iii) A user fee of $_________ shall be levied and is payable in advance. 4) A Handbook Has Been Developed Which Includes: i) District policy and expectations ii) Flow chart outlining reporting relationship and authority of personnel iii) Maps (site, boundary markers and surrounding area) iv) Local wildlife v) Facilities management: access, user groups (district and non-district), booking procedures, fees, collection of artifacts from the environment, garbage and sewage, parking, annual review of operational practices, annual inventory, insurance coverage, updating handbooks. vi) Safety, risk and emergency procedures: health (sickness and administration of medication), emergency: first-aid, procedures, transportation, and reporting, fire, dangerous materials and hazardous equipment, activities/standards for risk ventures, first-aid requirements, instructor qualifications, equipment specifications and inspections. vii) Duties expectations of users: conduct (including no smoking or alcohol), supervision requirements, general adult/pupil ratio and degrees of supervision, damage, first-aid qualifications. Policy No. 6204 Revised 1997-03, 1997-12 371 viii) General road and weather conditions. ix) Sample forms, application for booking, parent/guardian consent, medical information, waiver of liability (non-district users). 5) In Service Training i) In-service training shall be provided and include: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) an orientation to the facilities an overview of the expectations of the program a study of the handbook tips for planning, conducting and evaluating programs training in use of facility equipment. legal interests Policy No. 6204 Revised 1997-03, 1997-12 372 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6205 Correspondence School POLICY NO.: 6205 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Correspondence School _____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Correspondence should not become an alternative for classroom instruction. 2. Correspondence courses may be made available for certain pupils, when: i) ii) iii) iv) 3. the course is not offered in the School timetable conflicts or a full class prevents a pupil from obtaining the course required there are special circumstances as determined by the Superintendent of Schools if a course or grade is not offered in a school and where space is available, correspondence pupils will be permitted to utilize classroom space in order to complete his studies Correspondence pupils will be accepted in a rural school, in grades that are not approved for that school, only where there is sufficient space and with the written approval of the Superintendent of Schools. Policy No. 6205 373 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6205 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Correspondence School ____________________________________________________________________________ Fees: 1. Effective February 1988, the School District established a central fund for a school based correspondence course fees. The School District will cover correspondence course fees which are deemed to be the responsibility of the school and/or the district. 2. The district fund will cover the course fees. The local Correspondence School will initiate the journal entry which will be charged to the district accounts. ( or 3. Parents will continue to pay the fees for those courses which are deemed to be the responsibility of the individual. For example, courses which are felt to be above and beyond what would be considered as regular school programs, and also repeated failure of a course. 4. Payment for correspondence textbooks will be the responsibility of the pupils. Pupils will be fully refunded when the textbooks are returned to the local Correspondence School. 5. For the purpose of school monitoring, schools will receive a copy of the monthly statement sent by the local Correspondence School to the School District office. 6. The pupils should use the school textbooks available to them at the school. When this is not possible, the pupils will then pay for the textbooks, for which they will receive reimbursement upon return to the Correspondence School. Policy No. 6205 374 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 6205.1 DATE APPROVED: 2006-12-12 SUBJECT: Northern BC Distance Education School – Out-of-Province Students Preamble The intent of this policy is to outline the parameters by which School District 60, Peace River North provides distributed learning for students who are residents of another province. Policy The Board acknowledges that all students who are not residents of British Columbia but residents of other Canadian Provinces or Territories must be served in compliance with the Distributed Learning Agreement and the agreement with the jurisdiction as provided to the Deputy Minister. Statutory References: BC Residency Policy for Distributed Learning: Section 168(3) of the School Act Distributed Learning Agreement Deputy Minister’s Approval Letter Objectives For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions and limitations apply: Distributed Learning: the method of delivery is in part or wholly at a distance. Ariginal approved 2006-12 Policy No. 6205.1 375 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6205.1 DATE APPROVED: 2006-12-12 SUBJECT: Northern BC Distance Education School – Out-of-Province Students 1. Distributed learning programs for students outside of British Columbia will be included in the Northern BC Distance Education School’s accountability activities and also the school district accountability contracts. 2. The distributed learning program provided to students will follow the requirements for assessment and provision of services for students, as per the Ministry of Education guidelines found in The School Act. 3. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) must follow Ministry of Education guidelines found in Special Education Services: Manual of Policy, Procedure and Guidelines. These educational programs (IEPs) are developed by the School-Based Team to meet individual student needs. 4. If the distributed learning program is in part or wholly electronic, the Board is responsible for ensuring appropriate technical support is available. 5. Qualified teachers must provide distributed learning programs. Technical Assistance may be provided to assist the home facilitator with the delivery of the educational program. This assistance will comply with the goals as outlined in the IEP. 6. A parent, guardian, or an individual designated by the parent, acts in the capacity of the home facilitator, and remains present in the home during any school visits by the Distance Education School personnel. This individual provides custodial care, personal care and behavior management for the student when the student is at home. The school board is NOT responsible for providing custodial care, personal care or behavior management for the student when the student is at home. 7. If the parent appoints a designate home facilitator, advanced notice in writing must be provided to the Distance Education School. 8. The parent/guardian or designate will comply with the role of the home facilitator as stated below: The Home Facilitator is responsible for overseeing the student’s work. The Home Facilitator is familiar with the technology and program materials the student has been provided. A permanent workspace, work schedule and daily supervision for the student is provided. Ariginal approved 2006-12 Policy No. 6205.1 376 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 6205.1 DATE APPROVED: 2006-12-12 SUBJECT: Northern BC Distance Education School – Out-of-Province Students 1. Documentation is kept on file recording the frequency and duration of student/program and/or service provider contact as a measure of student participation. 2. When students with special needs require specialized instruction, assessment and/or assistive technologies, this is done in consultation with the school or district team, the parents, and, when appropriate, the student. 3. Home facilitators and students are asked to sign and comply with NBCDES Internet usage agreement and thus to abide by SD60 Policy . 4. In considering the appropriateness of a program delivered at a distance, the teacher assesses the learning needs and familiarity with technology of each student. The teacher informs the parent/student of: required access to technologies technical competence required by the student in the program the components and expectations of the program the learning and support services available through the program and/or the school board. 5. Instruction and learning resources are provided in a format that meets the student’s needs. 6. Frequent opportunities are provided for individualized and timely interactions between teachers and students and among students. References “Home Instructor’s Role in the Elementary Program”, Ministry of Education, Distance Education Guidebook. Open School BC, July 2003. p. 8 Requirements and Guidelines for Students with Special Needs taking an Electronic Distance Education Program, Ministry of Education, July 2003. Policy Document: BC Residency Policy for Distributed Learning Policy Document: International Students Ariginal approved 2006-12 Policy No. 6205.1 377 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6206 Integration POLICY NO.: 6206 DATE APPROVED: 1991-06 SUBJECT: Integration _____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble In light of the widely varying needs of pupils in the public school system, it is imperative that appropriate services be provided for special needs students. School District No. 60 believes that as many of these services as possible should be provided in an integrated setting. Policy Appropriate educational programs will be delivered to special needs students in the least restrictive environment possible. Maintaining the dignity of the students is essential. Objectives 1. To ensure appropriate placements and services for all special needs students. Ariginal approved 2006-12 Policy No. 6205.1 378 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6206 DATE APPROVED: 1991-06 SUBJECT: Integration ____________________________________________________________________________ Philosophy Three basic philosophical stances underlie policies regarding special needs students in School District No. 60. 1. All children have a right to obtain an appropriate public education. 2. With appropriate support services from the education system or from other resources, students should be placed in the least restrictive educational environment from which they can benefit. Further, students should not be placed in an educational environment on the basis of a categorical label. 3. When placed in programs in regular school buildings, special needs students should have facilities at least equivalent to those available for regular classes, and should have equal access to facilities and services within those buildings. Definitions The term integration does not mean necessarily that all special needs students will be served continuously in the regular classroom or even in the neighborhood school. Utilizing the policy of the least restrictive environment ensures that students with special needs remain an integral part of the total school program while being provided with the most appropriate level of support services which the Board is able to provide. Some students have needs which are so intense that even with physical and curricular adaptations and/or supplemental aides and services, the regular classroom or neighborhood school may not be the least restrictive placement for the child. The placement of a special needs student in a regular classroom must not be so intrusive as to seriously interfere with the right of all children to a safe and orderly learning environment. The principle of normalization emphasizes the necessity for attending to the unique needs of each student; it does not place all students into the same mold. What is "normal" and appropriate for one student does not necessarily apply to others. It is necessary to look at all students in the school system with expectations of normalization contingent upon their needs and developmental level. For the purpose of this paper, the term "special needs class(es)" refers to programs such as but not limited to Resource Room I, Elementary Learning Centre, Primary SLD, etc. Ariginal approved 2006-12 Policy No. 6205.1 379 Intent The Special Services Integration Program is intended to: 1. Assure a range of placement options to suit the level of severity of a handicapping condition; 2. Ensure special programming from entry level to exit level for students with special needs; such special programming should include goals leading to increased integration; 3. Provide support services to regular classroom teachers and ancillary staff who have children with special needs in the form of workshops or readings which provide information on the handicap; consideration should be given for planning time and IEP meetings for low incidence students; 4. Make available specialized support staff for service at school and district levels; 5. Encourage regular classroom teachers to become advocates for special needs students by increasing opportunities to attend workshops and make visits to classroom where successful integration is taking place. Service Delivery Model Special education provides services which may be conceptualized along a continuum, ranging from intensive support in self-contained classrooms to special assistance provided to students enrolled in regular classroom settings. The following model shows that the most integrated plans will serve the majority of special needs students. Service delivery becomes more segregated for students whose needs are so specialized they require unique programs delivered partially or fully outside the regular classroom. Ariginal approved 2006-12 Policy No. 6205.1 380 The main objective of this model is to maintain regular classroom placements as much as possible, provided the special needs child and the class as a whole continue to benefit from that placement Regular classrooms with special education instructional materials and/or aide. Regular teacher retains full responsibility for each student's IEP and progress. Regular classrooms with special education's instructional materials, plus school-based special education consultative services to regular teacher. Regular teacher retains full responsibility for each student's IEP and progress. Regular classroom with consultation and/or direct service from a district itinerant. Regular teacher retains full responsibility for each student's program and progress (i.e. hearing impaired). Regular classroom plus learning assistance service. Regular teacher retains full responsibility. Student receives assistance as outlined in IEP. Regular classroom plus part-time special needs class. Responsibility is shared according to time spent in classroom. Student may receive long-term support in a special needs class. Full-time special needs class. Teacher of the special needs class has full responsibility . Integration whenever appropriate. Procedure The School-based team, in consultation with the school psychologist and the Director of Special Services will determine if the placement in a regular classroom is hindering the progress of nonhandicapped students in the same classroom. Ariginal approved 2006-12 Policy No. 6205.1 381 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6207 Dogwood Certificate POLICY NO.: 6207 DATE APPROVED: 1991-09 SUBJECT: Dogwood Certificate ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board of Trustees of School District No. 60 supports making educational programs available to persons 19 years of age and older, resident in the district, who enroll in schools in the district. Policy Subject to the Regulations attached, persons 19 years and older will be able to attend district schools to work towards receipt of a "Dogwood Certificate". Objectives 1. To ensure that educational programs are made available to students 19 years and older, working towards a Dogwood Certificate. Policy No. 6207 382 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6207 DATE APPROVED: 1991-09 SUBJECT: Dogwood Certificate ____________________________________________________________________________ Philosophy Underlying this policy are three philosophical considerations: 1. In its' discretion, the Board may permit a person 19 years and older (older than school age) to attend educational programs provided by the Board. 2. The person should be resident in the district. 3. Funding for students 19 years and older, working towards a "Dogwood Certificate", is expected to be continued by the Ministry. Definition "School age" means the ages between the date on which a person is permitted under Section 31 of the Act to enroll in an educational program provided by a Board, and the end of the school year in which the person attains the age of 19 years. Intent This policy is intended to: 1. Continue the unlimited access to educational programs for persons of school age. 2. Provide access to educational programs to person 19 years and older, providing that they enroll in programs leading to a "Dogwood Certificate" and that costs incurred by the Board do not exceed funding provided by the Ministry for such enrollees. Policy No. 6207 383 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6208.1 Secondary Course - Challenge POLICY NO. 6208.1 DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-24 SUBJECT: Secondary Course - Challenge ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the diverse needs of students and endeavors to provide opportunities for students to experience success in their educational development. The Board acknowledges that changes in education have fostered a re-examination of how we recognize student learning and that: The Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan supports the Principles of Learning which state: learning requires the active participation of the student people learn in a variety of ways and at different rates learning is both an individual and a group process. The Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan and the Guidelines for the Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan supports: increasing student involvement in their own education decision making recognizing and granting credit for learning that has occurred outside the school system. Policy Learning that takes place outside formal public schooling may be recognized towards completion of a student learning plan and/or credit towards meeting the requirements for graduation program completion. Objectives 1. To provide opportunity for successful learning experiences for every student. 2. To promote increasing student involvement in their own education decisions. 3. To enable recognition for learning that has occurred outside the school system Policy No. 6208.1 384 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO. 6208.1 DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-24 SUBJECT: Secondary Course - Challenge ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. The school principal will establish procedures to ensure the application of the policy to best achieve the policy objectives. 2. A student who believes he/she has already mastered the learning outcomes of a course offered by the school may challenge the course for credit by applying in writing to the principal. The school principal may review the challenge and set conditions for challenge, including: setting time frames when challenges may take place. (course challenges are normally to take place during the regular evaluation cycle). establishing fees (non-refundable and refundable) to offset any cost associated with a challenge process consultation with parents, the student, or other individuals or groups consistent fit with the student's learning plan and the impact of the challenge on the student meeting graduation requirements other factors that emerge, as appropriate. 3. The student will be required to demonstrate that he/she has achieved satisfactory competencies in the expected learning outcomes for the course. Demonstrations of expected learning outcomes could include: Term and Final Exams (school based) Provincial Exams Oral Examinations Interviews Demonstrations Documented learning Policy No. 6208.1 385 4. A student may challenge a course only once. An unsuccessful challenge will normally require a student to complete the course successfully in order to receive credit. 5. The principal must ensure any credit granted under the challenge process will be consistent with the provincial guidelines for challenge and requirements for graduation, and that the student and/or parent(s) /guardian(s) is aware of how any credit granted under this process will influence graduation. 6. The school principal will notify the student, in writing, of any decision. Policy No. 6208.1 386 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6208.2 Secondary Course - Audit POLICY NO. 6208.2 DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-24 SUBJECT: Secondary Course - Audit ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the diverse needs of students and endeavors to provide opportunities for students to experience success in their educational development. The Board acknowledges that: The Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan supports the Principles of Learning which state: learning requires the active participation of the student people learn in a variety of ways and at different rates learning is both an individual and a group process. The Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan and the Guidelines for the Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan supports: increasing student involvement in their own education decision making Policy A student may audit a course to gain experience or to improve his/her knowledge or skills. Objectives 1. To provide opportunity for successful learning experiences for every student. 2. To promote increasing student involvement in their own education decisions. Policy No. 6208.2 387 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO. 6208.2 DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-24 SUBJECT: Secondary Course - Audit ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. The school principal will establish procedures to ensure the application of the policy to best achieve the policy objectives. 2. A student may apply to the principal to audit a course. The school principal may decide to allow the audit. The principal may consider various factors and set conditions for audit, including: 3. available space in the course/classroom establishing fees (non-refundable and refundable) to consist of costs associated with an audit process consultation with parents, the student, or other individuals or group consistent fit with the student's learning plan and the impact of the audit on the student meeting graduation requirements other factors that emerge, as appropriate The school principal will notify the student, in writing, of any decision. Policy No. 6208.2 388 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6208.3 Secondary Course - Equivalency POLICY NO. 6208.3 DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-24 SUBJECT: Secondary Course - Equivalency ______________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognized the diverse needs of students and endeavors to provide opportunities for students to experience success in their educational development. The Board acknowledges that changes in education have fostered a re-examination of how we recognize student learning and that: The Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan supports the Principles of Learning which state: learning requires the active participation of the student people learn in a variety of ways and at different rates learning is both an individual and a group process The Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan and the Guidelines for the Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education Plan supports: increasing student involvement in their own education decision making recognizing and granting credit for learning that has occurred outside the school system. Policy Learning that takes place outside formal public schooling may be recognized towards completion of a student learning plan and/or credit towards meeting the requirements for graduation program completion. Objectives 1. To provide opportunity for successful learning experiences for every student. 2. To promote increasing student involvement in their own education decisions. 3. To enable recognition for learning that has occurred outside the school system Policy No. 6208.3 389 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO. 6208.3 DATE APPROVED: 1995-05-24 SUBJECT: Secondary Course - Equivalency __________________________________________________________________________________ 1. The school principal will establish procedures to ensure the application of the policy to best achieve the policy objectives. 2. The parent or student may apply in writing to the principal to receive recognition for learning that occurs outside the school system. 3. If credit toward graduation is being requested, the parent or student will be required to produce documentation, credentials, or certification of learning that has been completed. 4. The school principal may recognize any learning by awarding standing in a program or credit towards graduation or may consult with a district credentialing committee which may review the documentation and make recommendations to the school principal. 5. In granting equivalency, a wide variety of factors may be considered including: Provincial learning outcomes which would normally be required to earn standing or credit. Fit with the student's learning plan and/or requirements for graduation. Consultation with parents, the student, or other individuals or groups as appropriate. Approximate match with the Independent Studies Equivalency Framework designations. Methods of assessment and evaluation of student growth are appropriate and in place. Other factors that emerge as appropriate. 6. Where significant learning is identified and an exact match to provincial curriculum is not available, the principal may use the Independent Studies Equivalency Framework to award standing or credit. 7. The principal must ensure any credit granted under equivalency will be consistent with the provincial requirements for graduation and that the student and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) is aware of how any credit granted will influence graduation requirements. 8. The school principal will notify the parent and/or student, in writing, of the decision. Policy No. 6208.3 390 Independent Studies Equivalency Framework Principals may consider using this framework in granting equivalency standing or credit where an exact match to provincial curriculum is not possible but significant learning has taken place. This may be considered an extension of provincial learning outcomes in a curricular areas. The learning must fit within the student learning plan. When this occurs a locally developed Independent Studies course standing or course credit may be given. Independent Studies for various areas - Artistic/Aesthetic Development, Physical Development, Intellectual Development, and Career Development are outlined below in an Independent Studies Equivalency Framework. Independent Studies Equivalency Framework Artistic/Aesthetic Development Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies 8 9 10 8 12 Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Music Music Music Music Music Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies 8 9 10 11 12 Graphic Arts Graphic Arts Graphic Arts Graphic Arts Graphic Arts Painting Painting Painting Painting Painting Design Design Design Design Design Pottery Pottery Pottery Pottery Pottery 8 9 10 11 12 Competitive Sports Competitive Sports Competitive Sports Competitive Sports Competitive Sports Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics 8 9 10 11 12 Language Language Language Language Language Math Math Math Math Math Science Science Science Science Science 8 9 10 11 12 Entreprenuership Entreprenuership Entreprenuership Entreprenuership Entreprenuership Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing Physical Development Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Intellectual Development Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Political Science Political Science Political Science Political Science Political Science Career Development Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Independent Studies Policy No. 6208.3 391 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6301 Curriculum Development POLICY NO.: 6301 DATE APPROVED: 2000-11-22 SUBJECT: Curriculum Development ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board of School Trustees for School District No. 60 continues to support the development and implementation of curriculum to support classroom instruction. Policy A Curriculum Development Committee shall be established annually by the Superintendent of Schools. The structure and membership of this committee shall be subject to the attached regulations. Objectives 1. To assist the Superintendent of Schools to promote and monitor curriculum development and implementation throughout the district. Originally Approved: 1991-06 Revised: 1997-12, 2000-11 Policy No. 6301 392 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6301 DATE APPROVED: 2000-11-22 SUBJECT: Curriculum Development ____________________________________________________________________________ Definition The purpose of the Curriculum Development Committee is to assist the Superintendent of Schools to organize, support, and monitor the implementation of both provincial and locally developed curriculum. Intent It is intended that: 1. Initiatives in the following areas should fall under the umbrella of the Curriculum Development Committee. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Assessment of the need for new/revised curriculum. Implementation of provincial curriculum. Development and implementation of locally developed curriculum. Development of relevant teaching materials. Need/use of curriculum itinerants. Assessment of learning resources not provincially recommended. Challenges to learning resources. Liaison between schools and programs. 2. The Curriculum Development Committee should meet on a regular basis to organize, support, and monitor the implementation of provincial and locally developed curriculum. 3. Subject to the procedures attached to this policy, ad hoc committees be formed for specific curriculum development initiatives. All such committees would report to the Curriculum Development Committee. 4. The Curriculum Development Committee would make recommendations to the Superintendent of Schools with respect to curriculum mandated by the province and to locally developed curriculum. Originally Approved: 1991-06 Revised: 1997-12, 2000-11 Policy No. 6301 393 STRUCTURE GUIDELINES AND FUNCTION OF THE CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Members of the Curriculum Development Committee shall be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Superintendent of Schools Director of Instruction (Chairperson) Director of Student Support Services District Principal - Technology Services Administrative Officer (Secondary) Administrative Officer (Elementary) Teacher (Secondary) Teacher (Elementary) Teacher (Professional Development Representative) District Aboriginal Educator Member Role Chairperson Coordinate all functions of the committee. Develop and set agendas. Recommend locally developed courses to the Superintendent for consideration and submission to the Board. Recommend learning resources not provincially recommended to the Superintendent for consideration and submission to the Board. Delegate responsibilities to members of the committee. Superintendent of Schools Provide support to the committee as required. Approve curriculum development initiatives and present same to the Board for its consideration. Approve learning resources and present same to the Board for consideration. Director of Student Support Services Serve as a resource person on the committee. District Principal - Technology Services Serve as a resource person on the committee. Administrative Officer (Elementary) Represent elementary Administrative Officers on the commitee. Liaise with colleagues. Administrative Officer (Secondary) Represent secondary Administrative Officers on the committee. Liaise with colleagues. Originally Approved: 1991-06 Revised: 1997-12, 2000-11 Policy No. 6301 394 Teacher (Elementary) Serve as a teacher resource person on the committee. Teacher (Secondary) Serve as a teacher resource person on the committee. Teacher (Professional Development Committee) Liaise with the Professional Development Committee. GUIDELINES FOR AD HOC CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEES In recognition of the fact that there are generally unlimited demands but limited resources in the area of curriculum development, the following guidelines are for use by the Curriculum Development Committee in setting up Ad Hoc (subject or level) Curriculum Committees. All district funded curriculum development projects will be subject to these guidelines. Guidelines 1. Each Ad Hoc Curriculum Committee will have clearly-defined objectives, together with proposed timelines. 2. Once approved, these objectives should not be varied without consulting the Curriculum Development Committee. 3. Membership of Ad Hoc Curriculum Committees will be established at the outset of each project. 4. In determining the membership of Ad Hoc Committees, consideration will be given to: a) b) c) the travel time involved the need for level/subject/group representation district staffing needs. 5. Subject to budget restrictions, Ad Hoc Curriculum Committees may invite other advisors/resources persons to attend their meetings. 6. Each Ad Hoc Curriculum Committee will have a chairperson to call meetings and to provide leadership in organizing the activities of the committee. Originally Approved: 1991-06 Revised: 1997-12, 2000-11 Policy No. 6301 395 7. When preparing to initiate a project, each Ad Hoc Curriculum Committee will submit an overview to the Curriculum Development Committee. That overview should include: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 8. the proposed objectives the proposed timelines a projection of the number, frequency, and location of meetings an outline of the interim steps anticipated to achieve the objectives identified an overview of the roles of individual committee members a list of materials, resources, etc., needed to achieve the objectives the proposed budget (ie. materials, release time, travel, printing costs) In addition to interim reports that may be required by the Curriculum Development Committee, Ad Hoc Curriculum Committees will prepare summary reports. 9. Members of Ad Hoc Curriculum Committees may be called upon to provide in-service in the district. Originally Approved: 1991-06 Revised: 1997-12, 2000-11 Policy No. 6301 396 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6302 Local Educational Initiatives POLICY NO.: 6302 SUBJECT: Local Educational Initiatives DATE APPROVED: 96-09-11 Preamble The Board welcomes proposals for educational initiatives from individuals and groups within the community. Occasionally, these initiatives generate considerable community discussion. During these times it is often prudent for the Board to generate a firm indication of the amount of community support and level of commitment for any project proposed. Policy The Board welcomes and will consider community proposed educational initiatives. To facilitate discussion and consideration of a proposal the Board requires the provision of specific information. Objectives: 1. To assist in the development of local educational initiatives. 2. To provide a forum for discussion. 3. To determine the amount of community support for the project proposals. 4. To ensure that the available information to the Board is as comprehensive as possible. 5. To expedite the Board’s decision whether or not to proceed with the proposal. Policy No.6302 397 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6302 SUBJECT: Local Educational Initiatives DATE APPROVED: 96-09-11 The Board will consider community initiated educational proposals when the following requirements are met: 1. the proposal contains a statement of philosophy and objectives 2. the proposal meets the requirements of the School Act and Regulations, Ministerial Orders, Board Policy and the Provincial prescribed and District approved curriculum. 3. the proposed program or school will be open for application by any students in the attendance area, or district, as directed by the Board. 4. the proposal will provide opportunity for students, parents and staff to participate in discussions where appropriate about the philosophy and curriculum included within the proposal. 5. the proposed program or school is able to maintain enrollment without the need for special transportation from the District. 6. the proposed program or school can be sustained with funding levels consistent with similar District programs. Within the context of its deliberations the Board may commission fact finding opportunities. Policy No.6302 398 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 6302 SUBJECT: Local Educational Initiatives DATE APPROVED: 96-09-11 1. The Board may request district administration to determine the level of community support for any proposal. 2. The Board may provide specific direction on the implementation of the survey process. 3. The Board may determine a required level of community commitment before pursuing any proposal. Policy No.6302 399 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6303 First Nations Education POLICY NO.: 6303 DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 SUBJECT: First Nations Education ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the value (importance) of cooperating with local First Nations organizations and bands in order to provide educational opportunities to First Nations students in the district. Policy All First Nations education curriculum material will be developed and edited in cooperation and consultation among local First Nations organizations and bands, the school district, and the school district's First Nations Education Advisory Committee. Policy No. 6303 400 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6303 DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 SUBJECT: First Nations Education ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. First Nations language and cultural programs will be available to both First Nations and non-First Nations students. 2. Curriculum development, language, and cultural programming will include a focus on local dialects such as Beaver and Cree. Policy No. 6303 401 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6304 First Nations Education Advisory Committee POLICY NO.: 6304 DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 SUBJECT: First Nations Education Advisory Committee ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the need for advice and assistance in the implementation and development of First Nations education, language, and cultural programs. Policy The First Nations Education Advisory Committee will provide advice and assistance in the implementation and development of First Nations education, language, and cultural programs. Policy No. 6304 402 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6304 DATE APPROVED: 1993-05 SUBJECT: First Nations Education Advisory Committee ____________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: To advise and assist School District No. 60, through the Superintendent of Schools, in the delivery and development of language, culture, and general education of students of First Nation ancestry. Committee Structure: The Committee will consist of membership from, but not be limited to, the Fort St. John Friendship Society, the Treaty 8 Tribal Association, the Metis Association, the B.C. Native Women's Association, the Doig Band, the Blueberry Band, the Halfway River Band, resource personnel from School District No. 60, and representatives of other organizations as agreed to by the Committee. Committee Function: 1. To assist and advise in the implementation and development of First Nations education, language, and cultural programs. 2. To devise and monitor a long term action plan for First Nations students. Support in the District: The Committee will hold regular meetings, to be decided in consultation with the members of the Committee. Policy No. 6304 403 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (PEACE RIVER NORTH) 6305 Curricular/Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities POLICY NO.: 6305 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Curricular / Co-Curricular / Extra-Curricular Activities ___________________________________________________________________________ Preamble Out of school learning experiences are supported by the Board. Policy Curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular trips and activities will be organized in the safest way possible and will be available to students providing there is appropriate supervision using both School District No. 60 staff and volunteers and according to the regulations and procedures attached. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular trips and activities. Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 404 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (PEACE RIVER NORTH) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6305 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Curricular / Co-Curricular / Extra-Curricular Activities ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. DEFINITIONS a) Curricular: Refers to activities that occur as a direct result of specific educational program goals emphasizing a curriculum instructional focus. Class field trips, physical education class trips, band and drama class trips, and the Intermediate 1 swim programs, are examples of this type of travel. b) Co-Curricular: Refers to activities that supplement specific programs and objectives of the school; normally involving school time. Activity days, special events, and cultural travel would be examples of this type of involvement. c) Extra-Curricular: Refers to activities that are in addition to the school instructional program; normally held outside of school time. Inter-school sport activities, band and club travel, would be examples of this type of involvement. Please note that although many of these activities involve travel/participation during school time, the base of the organization for meeting and practice are held outside of the school timetable. d) Seasons: "Seasons" means the three sports seasons as defined by the BC Secondary School Sports Association. e) Peace River Block: "Peace River Block" means that region bounded by Fort Nelson, Grande Prairie, Chetwynd, Tumbler Ridge and Fairview. Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 405 2. Drivers will consist of School District No. 60 drivers and/or licensed public carrier drivers, except in 'special case areas' and for elementary schools (in town and rural) where the use of volunteer drivers may be permitted. Volunteer drivers must complete a Volunteer Driver Application and have the application approved by the principal. A new Driver’s Abstract must be submitted to the Principal each school year. The use of volunteer drivers shall be limited to travel only within the Peace River Block. All drivers including volunteers must adhere to all Motor Vehicle requirements in addition to licensing requirements below. Motor Vehicle Branch Drivers License Requirements: Class 5 Private passenger vehicle with occupant capacity of 9 or less (including driver). Class 4 Private passenger vehicle or school buses with capacity of up to 25 occupants (including driver). Class 2 3. School buses with a capacity greater than 25 occupants. MODES OF TRAVEL In order to ensure the safety of the students, curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular travel should be carried out in permitted school buses and/or highway coaches. The use of private vehicles should be the exception for out-of-town highway travel and permitted only after due consideration by the principal. The fewest number of vehicles possible will be used to transport the traveling group when using private vehicles (not to exceed the lessor of 3 cars or 12 students. Students under the ages of twelve (12) must not be seated in an airbag protected seat. 4. SPECIAL CASE AREAS Special case areas are deemed to be the Hudson's Hope, Prespatou Elementary-Junior Secondary, Clearview Elementary-Junior Secondary and Upper Pine Elementary-Junior Secondary and small rural schools where secondary students will be permitted to travel within the Peace River Block. 5. ELEMENTARY STUDENT TRAVEL (within School District No. 60) Volunteer drivers are permitted for elementary student travel for competition within the district. Students traveling for events involving more than 12 students (or requiring use of more than 3 vehicles) must be transported in school bus or coach driven by School District No. 60 drivers and/or licensed public carrier drivers. 6. ATHLETIC TRIPS a) Junior and Senior Secondary Teams These cover Junior and Senior Secondary teams and individual competition outside the Peace River Block -- including all leagues, tournaments and zone events. Provincial competition will be over and above these limits. The BC Winter Games and the Northern BC Winter Games are considered community events and are therefore not a part of these limits, but are to be considered on an Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 406 individual basis. season: The limits available are per team individual and coach per Grade 8 Teams Remain within the Peace River Block Grade 9/10 and Individual Teams A maximum of 2 trips outside the Peace River Block. Senior Teams A maximum of 4 trips outside the Peace River Block Elementary Teams Are restricted to local travel within the district except in special cases. 7. OTHER Special cases not covered in the above guidelines will be considered on their merits, upon written request to the Superintendent. Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 407 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (PEACE RIVER NORTH) PROCEDURES POLICY NO. 6305 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 Curricular / Co-Curricular / Extra-Curricular Activities General Procedures 1. All principals are to submit to the Superintendent, by the end of September or at the beginning of each season, a list of all anticipated extra-curricular travel for the school year or season. 2. All trips not listed by the end of September or at the beginning of each season must receive permission from the Superintendent prior to the event. 3. Trips for one day during school time require the approval of the Principal only. The Principal must be assured of the educational value, adequate supervision, transportation arrangements, and safety arrangements. 4. Each school’s travel account (from District or locally raised funds) is to support the travel (including the accommodations) of students and coaches/supervisor plus other expenses for coaches/supervisors. 5. Administrative officers shall facilitate and co-ordinate travel among schools. 6. Travel itineraries and modes of travel must be approved by the Administrative Officer prior to leaving. 7. Travel must be limited to the Hours of Service as required by the National Safety Code. 8. All trips must be arranged for a time deemed reasonable for a safe and convenient arrival home. 9. Administrative Officer approval is required for exceptions which arise as a result of time delays during the trip. 10. A list of passengers and their phone numbers must accompany the traveling group and a copy must also be on file at the school each time a trip is taken. 11. A Consent Form must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the school prior to the commencement of the activity. Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 408 VOLUNTEER DRIVER APPLICATION SCHOOL: DRIVER: NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER VEHICLE: CAPACITY MAKE PASSENGER _ YEAR LICENSE PLATE NUMBER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: In agreeing to transport students, I am aware of the School District regulations as follows: 1. Vehicles volunteered for student transportation must be insured and must be properly equipped with seat belts. Each occupant must have a separate seat belt properly secured when traveling. Students under the age of 12 must not be seated in an airbag protected seat. 2. The School District has excess third party liability coverage for volunteer drivers; therefore drivers do not require special insurance coverage to transport students. 3. The School District does not accept responsibility for the deductible portion of collision insurance in the event of an accident. 4. The volunteer driver must ensure that, to the best of his/her knowledge, the vehicle used for student transportation is in good mechanical condition. 5. Volunteer drivers must be at least 21 years of age and in good health. 6. Secondary school students cannot be volunteer drivers. 7. In winter, the vehicle must have winter tires B or all-season tires. 8. For safety and health reasons, volunteer drivers are not to allow smoking in their vehicles while transporting students. 9. A driver operating a vehicle carrying more than nine (9) occupants must have a minimum of a Class 4 drivers license. 10. Drivers must submit a new copy of a Driver's Abstract from the Motor Vehicle Branch to the Principal each school year. * 11. All volunteers must complete a Criminal Records Check.* * All results remain confidential to the office of the Principal. VOLUNTEER'S DECLARATION: Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 409 I have read the above information regarding transportation of students for school activities and agree to follow these district regulations. VOLUNTEER'S SIGNATURE: ______ PRINCIPAL'S SIGNATURE: ______ DATE: DATE: NORTH PEACE SECONDARY SCHOOL Permission Form for Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities within the Pre-Employment Program The Pre-Employment Program at NPSS involves numerous outings throughout the school year. Students will be involved in educational field trips to various sites in the community and will be participating in recreational activities such as bowling, swimming, and skating. Rather than sending permission slips home to be signed for each outing, I ask that you complete the form below. Students will be supervised by a teacher during these activities. Mrs. Laurie Shuster Pre-Employment Program Teacher Name of Student: Terms and Conditions: I, following terms and conditions. Parent/Guardian to the above-named student agree to the 1. I am aware of the risks involved in these activities and consent to him/her taking part in these activities. 2. Should a medical emergency arise, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered to him/her 3. If your son/daughter has a medical condition or if he/she is taking medication, please indicate the situation: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Telephone Number: Care Card Number: Parent/Guardian Signature: Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 410 Telephone Number: Date: LIMITATIONS TO LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE Students should not bring expensive or fragile personal property with them on school activities. Students are liable for the safeguarding of their personal property. The School Board does not assume responsibility for any damages or losses that might occur while the student is participating in a District authorized activity outside of the normal school setting. Date: Parent Guardian Signature: Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 411 NORTH PEACE SECONDARY SCHOOL Permission Form for Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities within the Life Skills Program The Life Skills Program at NPSS involves integrating the students into community life. Each student will have an opportunity to visit a variety of establishments in town; learning how to do things such as shopping, paying bills, mailing envelopes and packages, and other important tasks. Rather than sending permission slips home to be signed for each outing, I ask that you complete the form below. The students will be with a TA/PCA during these outings. Mr. G. Stock Life Skills Program Teacher Name of Student: Terms and Conditions: I, following terms and conditions. Parent/Guardian to the above-named student agree to the 1) I am aware of the risks involved in these activities and consent to him/her taking part in these activities. 2) Should a medical emergency arise, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered to him/her 3) If your son/daughter has a medical condition or if he/she is taking medication, please indicate the situation: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Telephone Number: Care Card Number: Parent/Guardian Signature: Telephone Number: Date: LIMITATIONS TO LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE Students should not bring expensive or fragile personal property with them on school activities. Students are liable for the safeguarding of their personal property. The School Board does not assume responsibility for any damages or losses that might occur while the student is participating in a District authorized activity outside of the normal school setting. Date: Parent Guardian Signature: Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 412 Policy No. 6305 Revised 1991-10, 1997-01 413 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6305.1 Activities - Fundraising POLICY NO.: 6305.1 DATE APPROVED: 96-09-25 SUBJECT: CURRICULAR / CO-CURRICULAR / EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Fundraising Preamble The Board acknowledges the necessity of fundraising projects to ensure an active extra-curricular programme and for the enhancement of curricular programmes. Policy Fundraising projects (including PAC fundraising) must meet the criteria outlined in the Regulations attached to this policy. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for fundraising projects. 2. To assist in making extra-curricular programs viable. Policy No. 6305.1 414 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO: 6305.1 DATE APPROVED: 96-09-25 SUBJECT: CURRICULAR / CO-CURRICULAR / EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Fundraising Criteria 1. Funds shall be subject to the conditions outlined in Board Policy 3401.1 (School Funds Administration) 2. Fundraising projects must have prior approval of the School Principal. 3. Fundraising projects involving changes to school district property or structures must have prior approval of the Board. 4. Fundraising projects where prizes or revenues exceed $7,500.00 must have prior approval of the Board. Approval for ongoing projects will be required only once (i.e. NPSS Musical Theater, Truck Raffle, etc.). Specifications for the Sale of Advertising for Fundraising Purposes 1. Advertising must be of the size and shape as set out by the Principal/Supervisor of the location involved. 2. Advertising materials must be non-flammable. 3. Less than 20% of the wall area may be covered by advertising materials (Fire Code) 4. The advertiser is responsible for installation and removal costs (including costs of any repairs to return the space to its original condition). 5. Advertisers may be excluded at the discretion of the Board (i.e. cigarettes, liquor, condoms, etc.). Policy No. 6305.1 415 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6305.2 Activities - Transportation POLICY NUMBER: 6305.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: CURRICULAR/CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Transportation Preamble The Board recognises the need to make coaches available for the sole purpose of field trips in order for students to participate in curricular and extra-curricular out of town trips. Policy In accordance with the Regulations attached to this Policy, Field Trip Coaches will be assigned for the sole purpose of transporting students to participate in curricular and extra-curricular out of town trips. Objectives 1. To provide economical transportation for curricular/extra-curricular activities. 2. To establish guidelines for the repayment, operation and maintenance of the Field Trip Coaches. 3. To establish guidelines for maintaining student discipline on the Field Trip Coaches. Policy 6305.2 416 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NUMBER: 6305.2 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: CURRICULAR/CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Transportation Purchase 1. Field Trip Coaches shall be in operation by September, 1997. 2. The School District will advance funds to schools involved to cover the initial purchase price of the coaches. Repayment 1. The schools making use of the coaches, primarily North Peace, Bert Bowes and Dr. Kearney, will be responsible for repayment of the initial purchase price, with interest, over a five year period. One-fifth of the monies advanced by the School District, plus interest, shall be repaid in 10 equal instalments annually. 2. Participating schools shall remit $75,000.00 to the School District prior to the coaches being ordered. 3. Interest rates shall be the Prime Interest Rate as set by the Bank of Nova Scotia and shall be reviewed quarterly. 4. Participating schools shall submit a plan by April 30th of each year outlining the fund-raising activities which will be undertaken to meet the commitments for the next school year. Fund-raising activities must be in accordance with Policy 6305.1. Operation and Maintenance 1. Coaches will be owned, operated and maintained by the School District with first option for usage to the schools referred to above. 2. Coaches will be available to other schools on a per mileage basis when not in use. 3. The cost of operating and maintaining the coaches will be born solely by the secondary schools involved in addition to the repayment of the purchase price. 4. The charge-out rate to schools will include the driver's wages and benefits, fuel and maintenance costs and the driver's food and lodging on out of town trips. Policy 6305.2 417 5. A percentage, based on the cost per kilometre, shall be built into the charge-out rate for coach replacement, calculated on a 15 year life span of the coaches. Monies accumulated for coach replacement shall be kept in a separate account. 6. The charge-out rate will be reviewed semi-annually in August and February to ensure the rate is keeping pace with associated costs. 7. Drivers will be selected in accordance with the Letter of Understanding between Local 2397 and the Board. (draft copy attached) Student Discipline/Safety 1. The individual in charge of the trip is responsible for maintaining student discipline and order on the coach. If this individual fails to do so, the driver has the right and responsibility to enforce the rules and to restore order. 2. A Code of Conduct for riders shall be developed and posted on each coach. 3. Drivers are required to adhere to all safety rules and government regulations and trips will be scheduled in such a manner that they do not contravene these rules and regulations. Policy 6305.2 418 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (PEACE RIVER NORTH) 6306.1 Instruction – Sensitive Content POLICY NO: 6306.1 DATE APPROVED: 97-11-10 SUBJECT: INSTRUCTION Sensitive Content ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes the importance of the partnership between home and school in the education of our students. Parents are entitled to a central role in their children’s education. The views of parents should be solicited, particularly where the subject matter of the curriculum is sensitive for some students and their parents. In teaching the personal development components of the Personal Planning Grades K-7 curriculum, and the Career and Personal Planning Grades 8-12 curriculum, parents should be provided the opportunity to share responsibility for the prescribed learning outcomes for students. Policy Teachers are expected to provide instruction in accordance with learning objectives of the prescribed curriculum. Sensitive issues such as those involving sexual orientation should be addressed by teachers in the context of the learning outcomes of the prescribed curriculum and in accordance with the recommended guidelines for dealing with sensitive issues in the Personal Planning and Career and Personal Planning Integrated Resources Packages. Questions regarding sexual orientation which may arise from time-to-time should be answered in an age-appropriate manner and in a manner which demonstrates tolerance and respect for the dignity of all students and for the values of all members of the school community. Objectives 1) To promote each student’s right to dignity and respect. 2) To continue to promote a positive and inclusive school environment with quality educational opportunities for all individuals in the system regardless of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical and mental disability, sex or sexual orientation. Revised 2003/06/25 Policy 6306.1 419 3) To remind parents and students that: parental views will be solicited when sensitive subject matters in personal development components of the Personal Planning and Career and Personal Planning are to be addressed; the family life component of the Personal Planning and Career and Personal Planning Programs will provide opportunities to a self-directed studies option; the Board will continue its practice of screening sensitive curriculum resources through the CAPP Advisory Committee. Revised 2003/06/25 Policy 6306.1 420 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6307 Extra-Curricular Activities – Student Participation POLICY NO.: 6307 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Extra-Curricular Activities - Student Participation Preamble The Board recognizes the value of extra-curricular activities for their contribution to the physical, social and emotional development of students. While on occasion preference may be given to students in full time attendance, the Board encourages all students, including those in the Open Learning Program, to participate. Policy The Board encourages the active involvement of students in the extra-curricular programs provided throughout the District. Objectives 1. To recognize the importance of extra-curricular activities in the physical, social and emotional development of students. 2. To encourage maximum participation by students, including those registered in the Open Learning Program. Originally Approved: Revised: Policy No. 6307 421 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6401 District Assessment POLICY NO.: 6401 SUBJECT: DATE APPROVED: 1984-06 District Assessment The District Staff shall have mechanisms in place to monitor school and program effectiveness. It is recognized that an essential component of any ongoing improvement process is regular monitoring to provide feedback. The Assessment Policy outline in the attached regulations is designed to provide such feedback to the district, the schools, and individual teachers. Policy No. 6401 Revised 1989-06 422 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6401 DATE APPROVED: 1984-06 SUBJECT: District Assessment ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. The assessment program shall be consistent with provincial guidelines. The program is designed to: a) b) c) d) e) 2. assess the extent to which district educational goals are met assess the growth and/or achievement of pupils assess curriculum assess need for teacher in-service complement Provincial Assessment and school based evaluation The assessment program shall have guidelines which describe: a) b) c) d) the roles and responsibilities of professional staff the recording procedures of assessment results the means to maintain confidentiality of individual student records the process for evaluation of results along with a follow-up 3. The assessment results will be used to: a) diagnose individual pupils progress b) assist in reporting to parents c) provide data for program evaluation d) provide data to assist in pupil placement and course selection, especially at the Secondary Level e) assist in the diagnosis and remediation of weakness in learning as well as identifying specific strengths 4. The Superintendent shall provide the Board of School Trustees with assessment information annually. Policy No. 6401 Revised 1989-06 423 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO.: 6401 DATE APPROVED: 1984-06 SUBJECT: District Assessment ____________________________________________________________________________ Interpretation of Terms: 1. "Assessment" refers to system-wide measurement programs conducted at provincial, district, school and classroom levels. 2. "Evaluation" refers to value placed on information obtained and judgments made after consideration of data. 3. "Professional Staff" refers to all district personnel employed as teachers as defined in the School Act. Roles and Responsibilities of Professional Staff: 1. District Staff shall ensure that an assessment program is in place and that it functions regularly as needs determine. District Staff shall keep the Board of School Trustees informed and will cause the program to be periodically reviewed. 2. District Staff, in consultation with school staffs, shall develop/select testing instruments, establish procedures for their use and make evaluative analysis of data. District Staff and school staff will also integrate and analyze provincially mandated instruments. 3. School Staff shall develop school testing policy in assessment, evaluation and reporting of pupil achievement. Such policy will be consistent with district and provincial guidelines. School Staff are responsible for communicating student progress to parents and students at regular intervals throughout the school year. The teacher is responsible for specifying what the school, parent, and student can do to promote learning. The District Assessment Program: 1. Elementary: Will include Language Arts Levels Tests (Levels 1-9) and CTBS (grades 3-7). 2. Secondary: Will include a combination of district and provincial assessments. Policy No. 6401 Revised 1989-06 424 3. Special Education: As outlined in District Special Services Policy. Evaluation of Assessment Results: 1. Elementary: By school and District Staff. 2. Secondary: An Evaluation Committee with the purpose of evaluating the assessment data and making recommendation to the Superintendent. The Evaluation Committee will consist of: a) b) c) d) the Director of Instruction a member of the District Assessment Committee three (3) or four (4) subject teachers selected from the secondary schools a Secondary Administrative Officer Policy No. 6401 Revised 1989-06 425 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6500 Support to Instruction POLICY NO. 6500 DATE APPROVED: 1991-06 SUBJECT: Support to Instruction ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board of Trustees of School District No. 60 continues to endorse the concept of support to instruction. Depending on the size of a class, combination of the special needs of students in a class, or some extenuating circumstance that may impede the progress of individual or groups of students in a class, the Board may provide additional assistance to the teacher in the form of instructional support. Policy On the recommendation of the Superintendent's Office, and as provided for in the Regulations hereto attached, the Board may provide additional support for instruction. Objectives 1. To provide support for instruction, as required, for students and teachers. Policy 6500 Reviewed 1997-12 426 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO. 6500 DATE APPROVED: 1991-06 SUBJECT: Support to Instruction _____________________________________________________________________________ Philosophy Instructional support is provided to improve learning and enhance student opportunity to attain the goals of education. Definition Support to instruction is defined as any strategy that the Board may employ to enhance teaching/learning situations throughout the District. Intent It is intended that support to instruction: a) b) c) d) e) be learner focused be teacher centered be flexible take many forms be manageable in terms of the resources required Administration The Board of School Trustees will make every effort, through the Superintendent of Schools, to provide all necessary support to instruction. In determining the support for instruction that may be required, the following factors, consistent with the philosophy underlying present and proposed Year 2000 initiatives, will be considered. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) types of students (i.e. socioeconomic status, special needs, etc.) student learning styles (i.e. students learn in a variety of different ways and at different rates) size of the class classroom organization (i.e. multi-age, multi-grade, family grouping, etc.) integration of special needs students student achievements levels student attitudes instructional delivery models Policy 6500 Reviewed 1997-12 427 i) j) k) implementation of new curriculum teacher workload cost Implementation Support Support to instruction may include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: 1. Ensuring that class sizes do not exceed the following guidelines: Entry level Primary Intermediate/graduation Technology Education Science Laboratories Home Economics Laboratories Cafeteria 22 25 30 24 24 24 24 2. Where numbers warrant, and it is practical and feasible to do so, hiring additional teaching staff. 3. Ensuring the equitable assignment of students, within and among schools. 4. Deploying staff appropriately (i.e. specialist teachers, helping teachers, principals, vice-principals, special education itinerants, primary and intermediate facilitators, elementary counselors, teaching assistants, personal care attendants, etc.). 5. Applying technology (i.e. computer managed learning, pathfinder, etc.). 6. Implementation of different instructional delivery methods (individual/group instruction, team teaching, cooperative learning, peer coaching, tutoring, work experience, alternate school, etc.). 7. Sponsoring professional development activities (i.e. seminars, workshops, lectures, etc.). 8. Making facilities as functional as possible (i.e. maintenance, renovations, etc.). 9. Maximizing the use of facilities (i.e. gymnasiums, shops, specialty labs, outdoor education centre, etc.). 10. Enhancing the acquisition of resources (school libraries, Northern BC Distance Education School, etc.). 11. Providing district administrative support (i.e. Superintendent's Office, Secretary-Treasurer's Office, Director of Instruction, Director of Student Support Services, District Principals, etc.). Policy 6500 Reviewed 1997-12 428 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) PROCEDURES POLICY NO. 6500 DATE APPROVED: 1991-06 SUBJECT: Support to Instruction ____________________________________________________________________________ The need for instructional support should most appropriately be identified at the school level. Normally the process would be as follows: 1. The teacher consults with the administrative officer (s) in his/her school. 2. The administrative officer may consult with district level support personnel: a) Director of Student Support Services b) Director of Instruction c) District Principal, Technology Services d) Principal, Northern BC Distance Education School 3. The administrative officer may consult with the Assistant Superintendent of Schools if/when additional staff is deemed necessary. Policy 6500 Reviewed 1997-12 429 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6601 Selection of Learning Resources POLICY NO: 6601 DATE APPROVED: 2001-12-12 SUBJECT: Selection of Learning Resources _____________________________________________________________________________ Policy The Board is committed to providing a wide range of learning resources to meet the educational needs of all students. Learning Resources will be selected according to the regulations attached. Policy 6601 430 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO: 6601 DATE APPROVED:2001-12-12 SUBJECT: Selection of Learning Resources / Learning Resources Reconsideration ______________________________________________________________________________ Selection of Learning Resources 1.0 Definition 1) Learning resources@ refers to any person (s) or material, whether acquired or locally produced, with instructional content or function that is used for formal or informal teaching/learning purposes. 2) Learning resources include textbooks; other books; supplementary reading and informational materials; charts; community resource people, agencies, and organizations; dioramas; filmstrips; flash cards; games; globes; kits; computer software applications; maps; microfilms; models; motion pictures; periodicals; pictures; realia; slides; sound recordings; transparencies; and video recordings; as well as access services to telecommunications (Internet). 2.0 Principles of Learning Resources Selection 1) In selecting resource materials for students and teachers, schools must consider a wide variety of educationally appropriate materials which will provide for a range of teaching and learning styles. 2) It is not expected that any single resource will be sufficient to teach a course; rather a multimedia approach is encouraged. 3) Materials selected will be consistent with the goals and curricula of the Ministry of Education and with the policies of the Board. 4) Responsibility for selecting learning resources rests with the appropriate educational staff employed by the Board. Policy 6601 431 5) Although schools may have committees for learning resources selection, it is the school principal, who has statutory authority for the school’s instructional program, and who may, therefore, exercise a veto in resource selection. 3.0 Provincially Recommended Learning Resources Selection 1) Curriculum implementation schedules and grade collections should guide resources selection. It is expected that learning resources referred to as authorized or recommended by the Ministry of Education should be given first consideration. 2) Selection is an ongoing process which includes the removal of materials which are no longer authorized nor recommended by the Ministry of Education. 4.0 Selection of Learning Resources which are not Provincially Recommended 1) Learning Resources which are not provincially recommended must be locally approved for use in schools. 2) The criteria outlined in the Ministry of Education’s Guide to Evaluating, Selecting and Managing Learning Resources, will guide schools when selecting learning resources not provincially recommended. 3) When selecting learning resources not provincially recommended, a school must consider the learning resource based upon the above criteria, then using district forms, (Learning Resources Selection Evaluation Form or the Novel Evaluation Form), submit a request for local approval to the Director of Instruction. 4) These requests will be reviewed and given approval by the Director of Instruction. 5) The Superintendent of Schools, or designate, and School Principals have general responsibility for ensuring that the approved criteria are known and appropriately applied. 6) Gift materials shall also be judged and shall be accepted or rejected by the criteria outlined in 4.2. 5.0 Selection of Learning Resources for the Career and Personal Planning Program 1) Learning Resources which may be of a controversial nature must be referred to the CAPP Advisory Committee. 2) This Committee will meet as needed and make recommendation on learning resources. 3) These recommendations will be taken forward to the Board. Policy 6601 432 Learning Resources Reconsideration 1.0 Learning Resources Reconsideration Request 1) Any resident of the Peace River North School District may formally request reconsideration of learning resources used in the district’s educational program. 2) A request for reconsideration of a learning resource shall be referred to the school first, if a resolution cannot be found at that level, the request will be forwarded to the District level. 2.0 Request for Reconsideration B School Level 1) The school receiving a complaint regarding a learning resource will try to resolve the issue informally. 2) The principal or designate shall explain to the questioner the district=s resource selection procedure and criteria. 3) The principal and appropriate educational staff will explain the particular place that the reconsidered resource occupies in the education program and its intended educational usefulness. 4) If the questioner wishes to file a formal request for reconsideration, they will be provided with a copy of this policy and the District Request for Learning Resources Reconsideration form. 3.0 Request for Reconsideration - District Level 1) The principal of the school will forward, within five working days, the Request for Learning Resources Reconsideration form to the Director of Instruction. Policy 6601 433 2) Within one month of receiving a request for reconsideration, the Director of Instruction will form and meet with an Ad Hoc Learning Resources Review Committee. The committee will consist of people who have not been involved in the school where the request for reconsideration has originated and will consist of: i. Chairs of the Board's Education Committee; ii. the Director of Instruction (chair); iii. a teacher/librarian; iv. an administrative officer; v. a parent representative; and vi. a teacher representative. 3) The Ad Hoc Learning Resources Review Committee will review the reconsidered resource and judge whether it conforms with: i. the principles of resource selection outlined in the Selection of Learning Resources Regulations 2.0; and ii. the criteria for Selection of Learning Resources outlined in the Ministry of Education's Guide to Evaluating, Selecting and Managing Learning Resources. 4) Within twenty (20) working days of conducting the review, the committee will submit a report to the Superintendent of Schools, recommending the appropriateness of the material for its intended educational use. 4.0 Procedure for Ad Hoc Committee to follow in reviewing a Reconsidered Learning Resource 1) Examination of the reconsidered resource. 2) Consideration of the concerns outlined by the questioner. 3) Determination of professional acceptance by reading critical reviews of the resource. 4) Consideration of the learning resource as a whole, rather than on passages or sections taken out of context. 5) Consideration of the relevancy of the learning resource in terms of curricular learning outcomes. 6) Preparation of a written report to the Superintendent of Schools which will include the procedures followed, minutes of committee meetings, and the rationale for the decision made by the committee. Policy 6601 434 Policy 6601 435 Policy 6601 436 Policy 6601 437 Policy 6601 438 Policy 6601 439 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6602 Libraries POLICY NO.: 6602 DATE APPROVED: 1981-02 SUBJECT: Libraries ____________________________________________________________________________ This library Policy, premised on the concept of inquiry-centered education, is outlined here for use by, and guidance of, all personnel in School District No. 60. 1. The School Library's Media Collection: a) Pupils and teachers need to have ready access to a wide range of learning materials, both print and non-print, that enrich and support the educational program of the school and meet the needs, interests, and abilities of individual pupils. b) Keeping in mind the total programming of the school, the selection of media items will normally be made by the librarian. Administrators, teachers, and pupils will be encouraged to suggest materials to be added to the collection. c) Selection and acquisition of resources should follow an established procedure (see criteria for selection). d) Systematic and continuous evaluation of the collection must occur so that worn-out, inaccurate, and obsolete material may be withdrawn. e) All media will be classified and cataloged according to established library practices. f) All media material purchased by the school should be indexed in the school's library. If they are not located in the central facility, the location should be indicated on the catalogue card. 2. The School Library Facility, Furnishings and Equipment: a) Library facilities should be designed to provide: -Reading, listening, viewing and small group areas, including their related furnishings. -Storage areas for A.V. equipment and supplies. Policy 6601 440 -Shelving and storage for print and non-print materials and related equipment. -A workroom which allows visual supervision and contains areas for such as typing, processing, and production of materials (including sink), plus a telephone -Sufficient lighting, ventilation, electrical outlet, heating and floor covering conducive to reading and working. b) The library should be self-contained (not a "corridor"), expandable and provided with an appropriate security system. c) The library should have an adequate supply of audio-visual and electrical equipment to support the program of the school. 3. Funding and the Media Collection: a) All schools in the district should have a basic media collection of 20-print and non-print titles per pupil or a minimum of 4,000 titles, whichever is greater. Small school (2-room or less) should have a minimum collection of 1,500 titles. b) Funding should be provided to reach and maintain the above level. c) Where new grades are being added to existing schools, funding should be provided to upgrade the collection. Funds should allow the purchase of an adequate number of titles. d) Part of the B-3 Budget should be used to provide library materials in a proportion as determined by the Superintendent of Schools from time to time. e) New libraries should be funded by $35,000 (elementary) or $40,000 (secondary), not including furnishings. (1981 dollars). 4. The School Library Service Program: a) The school library should be open to serve its clientele throughout the school day. b) Flexible scheduling is recommended to promote optimum use of materials and staff. c) Cooperative planning between teachers and librarians is encouraged. d) The services of paraprofessional staff will be sought to allow teacher-librarians to perform professional duties. Policy 6601 441 5. Qualifications of Library Personnel: a) Teacher-librarians should have training in school librarianship, preferably a major or concentration as defined by the University of British Columbia. Teaching experience is also desirable. b) New appointees to school library positions will be expected to obtain courses in cataloguing, classification, selection and reference (U.B.C. equivalent) within five years of their appointment. c) Clerical staff in the school library should support the professional work of the teacherlibrarian as outlined in Sources and Resources. 6. District Resource Centre: a) A District Resource Centre should be maintained to provide backup services to school librarians. b) The Resource Centre will provide emergency and establishment advice and leadership for new or rebuilding libraries. Policy 6601 442 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6602.1 Libraries – Materials Selection and Challenge POLICY NO.: 6602.1 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Libraries - Materials Selection and Challenge ____________________________________________________________________________ There will be criteria for selection of library materials and provisions for challenge of materials. Policy No. 6602.1 443 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6602.1 DATE APPROVED: 1982-06 SUBJECT: Libraries - Materials Selection and Challenge ____________________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF MATERIALS AS LEARNING RESOURCES 1. Learning Resources Include: a) Books b ) Periodicals and their supporting indices c ) Newspaper and/or news digest service d) Pamphlet and picture files e) Maps, atlases, globes f) Filmstrips, slides, transparencies, motion picture films. g) Recordings and audio tapes h) Videotapes i) Microfilm material j) Museum objects or replicas k) Realia of various kinds 2. Objectives of Selection: a) b) c) d) Resources should implement, enrich and support the curriculum, considering the varied interests, abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds and maturity levels of pupils. Resources should enhance growth in factual knowledge, literacy appreciation, aesthetic values, ethical standards. Resources should be varied, to stimulate critical analysis and pupil judgments. Resources should represent the many religious, ethnic and cultural groups in local, regional, national and international communities. Policy No. 6602.1 444 3. Criteria for Selection*: a) Resource selection should take into account the existing collection: advice of professionally prepared selection aids- recommendations of subject/grade specialists overall purpose timelines or permanence importance of the writing/production readability and popular appeal appropriate reading level authoritativeness reputation of the publisher/producer reputation and significance of the author/composer/producer format price Canadian sources, where available and applicable either self explanatory or having appropriate guide b) "Selection" should also include: getting multiple copies of items as appropriate replacing worn or missing items withdrawing out-dated or now-inappropriate resources c) Selection should place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice to bring a comprehensive collection that is appropriate for users. * See appendix for more detailed criteria 4. Personnel of Selection: Librarians/Resource coordinator will be responsible for selection in their respective areas. In selecting resources, each will be expected to consult/work with and be responsible to the appropriate principal (librarians) and the Superintendent of Schools. Through the review process noted below, there will be final responsibility to the Board through the Media Review Committee. 5. Review Process: a) Despite all care taken to select valuable materials for pupil and teacher use and the qualifications of persons who select the materials, occasional objections will be made to an item in the media collection. Objections may be made by members of the public or by members of the staff. The principles of the freedom to read reasonable material and of the professional responsibility of the staff must be defended, rather than the materials. b) As a matter of Policy , any learning resource used in a school may be challenged. Policy No. 6602.1 445 c) It is the responsibility of the principal and teacher or teachers to endeavor to resolve informally any complaint received by the school and, to that end, information should be provided concerning the selection, criteria and use of the resource and the procedures to follow in a formal review is requested. d) If a review and decision by the Board is requested, the request shall be made in writing and must include the name of the person or persons, the name or description of the particular resource in question, any specific aspects to which objection is taken and the reasons for the objections (Using the form attached). e) Upon receipt of request for formal consideration, the Board will refer the request to a Media Review Committee, made up as follows: Superintendent or nominee Member of the School Board School Principal Nominee of the complainants One librarian (from a school other than the one involved in the dispute) f) In considering the request, the Committee will recognize: That no parent or group of parents has the right to determine reading, viewing or listening matter for pupils other than their own children. The Board, does, however, recognize the right of an individual parent to request that his/her child not have access to a given item, provided a written request is made to the appropriate principal. g) The Committee will: Read and examine materials referred to it. Check general acceptance of the materials by reading reviews. Meet to discuss the material and prepare a report on it. The Committee shall confer with the complainant and teacher or school librarian and principal involved following the completion of the review, and shall explain its findings. Submit its final report and decisions to the School Board and the Education Committee of the Board. Policy No. 6602.1 446 APPENDIX CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF RESOURCES Points of Quality (Accept) Points of Inferiority (Reject) LOOK FOR AUTHENTICITY: Accurate facts. Facts impartially presented. Up to date information. Other acceptable works of producer. Inaccurate facts. Facts distorted by bias. Fake revised version: date only changed , no up-dating of contents. Consistent rejection of other works of producer APPROPRIATENESS: Vocabulary at user's level. Concepts at user's level. Useful data. Media subject correlation (i.e. art prints to art, specimens to science). Titles, captions, etc. related subject. Individual and/or group use suitability. Vocabulary too easy or difficult. Extraneous data. Media does not add to subject communication. Titles, captions, etc., confuse subject concepts. Narration, dialogue, sound effects unrelated to subject. Limited individual and/or group use suitability. SCOPE: Full coverage as indicated. Superior concept development by this means content to satisfy demands for current subjects Gaps in coverage. Better concept development by other means. Irrelevance to current topics. INTEREST: Relationship to user's experience. Intellectual challenge. Curiosity satisfaction. Credibility. Imagination appeal. Human appeal. Sensory appeal. No relationship to user's cultural environment. No intellectual challenge. No satisfactory answers. Implausibility. Prosaic presentation. Negative human values. No stimulation. Policy No. 6602.1 447 POINTS OF QUALITY (Accept) POINTS OF INFERIORITY (Reject) ORGANIZATION: Logical development. Pertinence of all sequences. Balance in use of narration and dialogue; music and sound effects; background elements. Confused development; excessive repetition. Unrelated sequences. Ineffective or overpowering use of the same elements. TECHNICAL ASPECTS: Tone fidelity. Clarity. Intelligibility. True size relationships. Unified composition. Effective color sue. Complete synchronization of sound and image. Tone distortion. Extraneous sounds, visual too detailed. Difficulty in following image and/or sound. Unreal size relationships. Confused composition. Color is less effective than black and white. Uneven synchronization of sound and image. SPECIAL FEATURES: Descriptive notes, teachers and/or user's guide. Pertinent accompanying material. Absence of useful notes, guides. Unrelated materials packaged together. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Ease in handling, for user, for storage. Minimum instruction for individual use. Attractive packaging. Durability. Ease of repair. Difficulty in handling. Special training requirements for use. Unattractive packaging. Flimsy construction. Difficulty in repairing damage. Policy No. 6602.1 448 POINTS OF QUALITY (Accept) POINTS OF INFERIORITY (Reject) LIBRARY POTENTIAL: Relevancy that promotes communication. Flexibility for many uses. No furthering of communication. Features which limit use. SELECTION AIDS: Recommendation in evaluation sources. Rejection in evaluation sources. COST: Conformity to budget. No less expensive for satisfactory substitutes. Inexpensive or already purchased equipment. Economy if purchased. Average supplemental costs for replacement, repair, physical processing, storage. Too costly for budget. Satisfactory substitutes cheaper. Expensive equipment needed. Greater expense to rent. Too expensive to replace, repair, process for use. Policy No. 6602.1 449 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6603 Laser Pointers POLICY NO.: 6603 SUBJECT: Laser Pointers DATE APPROVED: 1999-12-08 Preamble The Board recognizes the desire of teachers to use laser pointers as a teaching tool. Policy Laser pointers may be used as a teaching tool, in accordance with the attached Regulations. Objectives 1. To provide guidelines for the use of laser pointers. Policy No. 6603 Originally Approved 1999-12-08 450 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6603 SUBJECT: Laser Pointers DATE APPROVED: 1999-12-08 1. Laser pointers must be kept within the classroom setting. (Possession of a laser pointer by a student outside the classroom setting should be treated as possession of a weapon and the pointer confiscated.) 2. Laser pointers must be Class 2 pointers. Class 3a laser pointers must be removed and replaced with Class 2 pointers. 3. Laser pointers with a green beam are not to be used. Policy No. 6603 Originally Approved 1999-12-08 451 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 6603.1 Equipment – Home Use of Auditory Training Equipment POLICY NO.: 6603.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Equipment - Home Use of Auditory Training Equipment ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board recognizes that school-aged students with special hearing needs are entitled access to educational programs in School District No. 60 (Peace River North) and to do so may require Auditory Training equipment in the school setting. Some students may wish to take the auditory training equipment home for use in the home setting. Policy It is the policy of the Board that Auditory Training Equipment which has been provided by the Ministry of Education & Ministry Responsible for Multiculturism & Human Rights remain at school if the student is not using it for school sponsored activities. Objectives 1. To provide Auditory Training equipment to students who need the equipment to participate in an educational setting. 2. To ensure the equipment is available for school use. 3. To provide a process whereby equipment is made available for home use. Policy No. 6603.1 452 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 6603.1 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Equipment - Home Use of Auditory Training Equipment ____________________________________________________________________________ In cases where the Ministry of Health, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Ministry Responsible for Multiculturism & Human Rights, has provided Auditory Training devices such as, but not limited to, hearing aides and FM Loop systems, to students, the Board of School Trustees, School District No. 60 (Peace River North) has the right to determine where the equipment will be used. If parents wish the student to use the equipment at home, approval and arrangements must be made with the Director of Special Services. The Parent must be willing to assume responsibility for the safety of the equipment when the equipment leaves the school building, and will be held financially responsible for any repairs which are needed because of mistreatment, accidental or otherwise, to the equipment. Parents will also be held financially responsible in case of theft or loss of the equipment. Definitions: Auditory Training Equipment - any auditory equipment needed by a student who is deaf or hardof-hearing. Policy No. 6603.1 453 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) BOARD ADMINISTRATION (Series 7000) 7101 Boundaries of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) POLICY NO.: 7101 DATE APPROVED: 1989-03 SUBJECT: Boundaries of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) The boundaries of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) shall be in accordance with the regulations to this policy as reported in order in council No. 3967 dated November 2, 1971. Originally approved: 1989-03 Policy No. 7101 454 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7101 DATE APPROVED: 1989-03 SUBJECT: Boundaries of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Boundaries of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) are as reported in Order-in-Council No. 3967 dated November 2, 1971. Commencing at the point of intersection of the easterly boundary of the province with the middle line of Peace River; thence northerly along said boundary to the 58th parallel of north latitude; thence westerly along said parallel to the easterly boundary of the water-shed of Finlay River; thence northerly, westerly, and southerly along the easterly, northerly, and westerly boundaries of the water-shed of Finlay River to the southerly boundary of the water-shed of Mesilinka River; thence easterly along said boundary to the confluence thereof with Omineca River; thence southwesterly to the right bank of Omineca River;, thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the water-shed of Omineca River and that of Manson River above the mouth of Munro Creek to a point on the left bank of Manson River opposite the mouth of Munro Creek; thence easterly across Manson River to the right bank of Munro Creek; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of the water-shed of Williston Lake; thence northerly along said boundary to the mouth of Manson River, being a point on the westerly shore of Williston Lake; thence N. 450 East in a straight line to the easterly shore thereof; thence southeasterly along the easterly boundary of the water-shed of Eauclaire (Clearwater) Creek; thence easterly along said boundary and the southerly boundary of the waters flowing northerly into Peace River above the mouth of Moberly River to a point due west of the southwest corner of Township 80, Range 24, Peace River Liard District; thence east to said corner; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of said Township 80, Range 24, to the southeast corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Townships 80, 81, and 82 in Range 24 to its intersection with the middle line of Peace River; hence easterly along said middle line to the point of commencement. Originally approved: 1989-03 Policy No. 7101 455 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7102 Zonal Boundaries POLICY NO.: 7102 DATE APPROVED: 1989-02 SUBJECT: Zonal Boundaries within School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Policy Zonal boundaries within School District No. 60 (Peace River North) shall be in accordance with the Regulations to this Policy as reported in Ministerial Order No. 273/96 dated July 11, 1996. Original Approved: 1989-03 Revised: 2002-10, 2002-11 Policy No. 7102 456 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7102 DATE APPROVED:1989-03 SUBJECT: Zonal Boundaries of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Zonal boundaries within School District No. 60 (Peace River North) shall be in accordance with Ministerial Order No. 273/96 dated July 11, 1996. Zone I - That area: Bounded on the north by the 58 North parallel of latitude; Bounded on the east by the British Columbia-Alberta border; Bounded on the south by the Peace River from the British Columbia-Alberta border westerly to the Beatton River; and Bounded on the west by the Beatton River from the Peace River northerly to Black Creek, then Black Creek from the Beatton River northerly to an intersection with a line running due North from the northeast corner of District Lot 1477, and then due North in the said line to the 58 North parallel. (Cecil Lake, Goodlow & Clayhurst areas) Zone II - That area: Original Approved: 1989-03 Revised: 2002-10, 2002-11 Policy No. 7102 457 Bounded on the south by St. John Creek from the Beatton River northwesterly to the north boundary of Township 84 Range 18, then westerly in the north boundary of Township 84 Range 18 and the north boundary of Township 84 Range 19 to Charlie Lake, then northwesterly along the easterly boundary of Charlie Lake to Stoddart Creek, then northwesterly along Stoddart Creek to the south boundary of Section 26 Township 85 Range 20, then westerly along the south boundaries of Sections 26, 27, 28 and 29 Township 85 Range 20 to the Alaska Highway; Bounded on the west by the Alaska Highway; Bounded on the north by the 58 North parallel of latitude from the Alaska Highway east to a point directly north of the northeast corner of District Lot 1477; and Bounded on the east by a line running from the point in the 58 North parallel directly North of the northeast corner of District Lot 1477 due South to Black Creek, then along Black Creek southeasterly to the Beatton River, then along the Beatton River southeasterly to St. John Creek. (Prespatou , Buick, North Pine, Montney, & Wonowon areas) Zone III - That area: Bounded on the north by the 58 North parallel of latitude; Bounded on the east by the 123rd West meridian of longitude from the 58 North parallel south to the Halfway River, then along the Halfway River southeasterly to the Peace River; and Bounded on the south and west by the boundaries of School District 60 as amended. (Hudson=s Hope, Upper Cache & Williston Lake areas) Zone IV - That area: Bounded on the east by the Beatton River from the 103 Road bridge southeasterly to the Peace River; Bounded on the south by the Peace River; and Bounded on the west by the west boundaries of Sections 21 and 16 Township 83 Range 18 from the Peace River north to the northwest corner of Section 21, then east along the northerly boundaries of Sections 21, 22 and 23 Township 83 Range 18 to the southeasterly corner of Section 26 Township 83 Range 18, then north to the Beatton River at the 103 Road bridge. (Taylor, Baldonnel, & Two Rivers areas ) Original Approved: 1989-03 Revised: 2002-10, 2002-11 Policy No. 7102 458 Zone V - That area: Bounded on the north by the 58 North parallel of latitude; Bounded on the South from the confluence of the Peace and Halfway Rivers Eastward to the West boundary of the Taylor zone (previously described). On the East the boundary shall be the West boundary of the Taylor Zone, thence North to the Beatton River, thence N.W. along the Beatton River to the confluence of St. John Creek and the Beatton River, in the vicinity of Sections 14 and 15, Twp. 84, Rge. 18, thence N.W. along the Southern boundary of Zone 2(previously described) to the Alaska Highway, thence North along the Alaska Highway to the 58N parallel of latitude. The Halfway River shall form the West boundary from the confluence of the Peace and Halfway Rivers North to 58N parallel (as previously described). (City of Fort St. John, the Upper Halfway , Wonowon, Charlie Lake and Pink Mountain areas and North to Mile 225 on the Alaska Highway) Original Approved: 1989-03 Revised: 2002-10, 2002-11 Policy No. 7102 459 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7201 Trustee Representation POLICY NO.: 7201 DATE APPROVED: SUBJECT: Trustee Representation 1989-04 Seven (7) members shall comprise the Board of School Trustees. Conduct governing the electors and the election of School Trustees is set out in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Municipal Act R.S.B.C. 1979, Chapter 290. Effective 1990 seven (7) members shall be elected to three (3) year terms, all of which will commence and expire at the same time. Trustee Zones shall be as follows: Zone I One (1) Trustee shall be elected Zone II One (1) Trustee shall be elected Zone III One (1) Trustee shall be elected Zone IV One (1) Trustee shall be elected Zone V Three (3) Trustees shall be elected Original Approved: Revised: 1989-04 Policy No. 7201 460 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7202 Trustee Indemnity POLICY NO.: 7202 SUBJECT: Trustee Indemnity DATE APPROVED: 2000-03-08 Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) shall be paid the annual trustee indemnity as provided in the School Act and its Regulations. If a Trustee resigns or is not re-elected at the expiry of his term, the Trustee shall reimburse the Board on a pro rata basis for any indemnity paid in advance. Legal Reference: Section 71(1)(2) & (3) of the School Act. Originally Approved:1989-03 Revised: 1990-02, 1990-04, 1992-02, 1993-01, 1993-03 1995-02, 1996-05, 1998-05, 2000-03, 2002-10 2003-02, 2006-02 Policy No. 7202 461 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7202 SUBJECT: Trustee Indemnity DATE APPROVED: 2002-02-05 Indemnity shall be paid to members of the Board as follows: Each Trustee $9,122 Vice-Chairperson $10,785 Chairperson $12,449 The annual indemnity shall be paid to each board member in twelve, equal installments, on the last day of each month, commencing in December of each year. One-third of the amounts paid as trustee indemnity shall be deemed to be for expenses normally incurred in the discharge of their duties. An annual indemnity adjustment will be made effective January 1st of each year. This adjustment will reflect the B.C. Consumer Price Index change less 1%. (Most recent December change over the previous December). (ie. December 2005 over December 2004 was 1.8% - 1% = .8%) Originally Approved:1989-03 Revised: 1990-02, 1990-04, 1992-02, 1993-01, 1993-03 1995-02, 1996-05, 1998-05, 2000-03, 2002-10 2003-02, 2006-02 Policy No. 7202 462 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7203 Trustee Participation and Reporting POLICY NO.: 7203 DATE APPROVED: 1989-11 SUBJECT: Trustee Participation and Reporting ____________________________________________________________________________ It is desirable that members of the Board become knowledgeable of school affairs and participate in the activities of provincial, branch and school trustees associations. Policy No. 7203 Reviewed 1997-12 463 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7203 DATE APPROVED: 1989-11 SUBJECT: Trustee Participation and Reporting ____________________________________________________________________________ This district shall maintain membership in the British Columbia School Trustees Association and the Northern Interior Branch thereof, and shall include in the budget each year the cost of fees, levies and dues incidental to membership therein. Trustees should represent the Board and/be encouraged to attend meetings or workshops and shall report back to the Board. If more than one Trustee is to attend the Chairman will designate a Trustee to report. Policy No. 7203 Reviewed 1997-12 464 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7204.1 Benefits – Accidental Death and Dismemberment/Weekly Indemnity POLICY NO.: 7204.1 DATE APPROVED: 1990-12 SUBJECT: Benefits - Accidental Death and Dismemberment / Weekly Indemnity ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble A provision for accidental death and dismemberment/weekly indemnity is granted to trustees. Policy Trustees will be covered by accidental death and dismemberment/weekly indemnity upon taking office. Objectives 1. To provide coverage to trustees or their beneficiaries. Originally Approved: 1989-02 Revised: 1990-12, 2002-10 Policy No. 7204.1 465 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7204.1 DATE APPROVED: 1989-02 SUBJECT: Benefits - Accidental Death and Dismemberment / Weekly Indemnity ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Trustees are covered for accidental death and dismemberment/weekly indemnity on a twenty-four (24) hour per day basis while in office. 2. A trustee will be considered to have taken office once all provisions of the School Act have been complied with (e.g. declaration by trustee and oath of allegiance). 3. Premiums will be paid by the School District. 4. Benefits: Principal Sum (in case of accidental death & dismemberment) $100,000 AD&D Weekly Accident Indemnity:Total Disability $200/week(104wks. Max) Partial Disability $100/week(52 wks. Max) Medical Expense Reimbursement $ 25,000 Accidental Dental Expense $2,000/accident 5. Principal sum payable in the event of loss of life of an insured person is payable to the estate of the insured person. 6. Accident reimbursement is payable only if the party has no other extended health coverage and only as the result of an accident. 7. Accidental dental expense covers injury to whole or sound teeth treated by a legally qualified dentist or dental surgeon within thirty (30) days from the date of the accident. 8. Except for Accident Reimbursement, benefits are payable in addition to any other personal coverage the Trustee may have. Originally Approved: 1989-02 Revised: 1990-12, 2002-10 Policy No. 7204.1 466 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7204.2 Computer Purchase Plan POLICY NO.: 7204.2 SUBJECT: Computer Purchase Plan DATE APPROVED: 1. The Computer Purchase Plan is available to all Trustees wishing to purchase a personal computer. 2. On an annual basis, the Ad Hock Computer Committee will determine a maximum per person within budget guidelines. The issuance of applications along with acceptance, processing and notification of approval will be handled by the District Office. 3. The amount of funding for the Computer Purchase Plan is dependent upon available funding and subject to budge restrictions. 4. Applications will normally be approved on a first come basis. District staff may, from time to time, implement a priority system to ensure fairness and/or to address specific needs within the District. 5. Trustees leaving the Board prior to making full payment shall pay out the balance of the plan on or before their last day with the Board. 6. All warranties, servicing and delivery of equipment purchased shall be the responsibility of the vendors. 7. The District will not “buy back” equipment or assume any responsibility for finding another interested part to assume the payments should the Trustee decide not to continue in the plan for whatever reason. Note: A taxable benefit will be calculated in lieu of interest as per Revenue Canada Regulations. Originally Approved: Revised: 1997-05 Policy No. 7204.2 467 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7301 School Board Duties and Authority POLICY NO.: 7301 DATE APPROVED: 1992-04 SUBJECT: School Board Duties and Authority ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble While the statutory powers and duties of the Board are set forth in the School Act, the Board wishes to incorporate key functions in policy. Policy This policy will address what are considered to be key functions of the Board and recognize that the rights, powers, duties, and liabilities of the Board of School Trustees rest only with the legally constituted Board, and not with committees of Trustees or individual Trustees. Objectives 1. To recognize that the Board fulfills its responsibilities by acting in accordance with the statutory powers and duties under the School Act. 2. To incorporate key functions of the Board in Policy. Policy No. 7301 468 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7301 DATE APPROVED: 1992-04 SUBJECT: School Board Duties and Authority ____________________________________________________________________________ The statutory powers and duties of the Board are set forth in the School Act. Reference to School Act is a generic reference and includes accompanying regulations, Orders in Council or directives from the Minister of Education who is charged with the administration of the School Act. The following are considered to be key functions of the Board: 1. Concerning itself with broad questions of policy rather than administrative operations. 2. Formulating and interpreting policies and by-laws. 3. Delegating administrative duties. 4. Approving the appointment of all staff members and prescribing their duties. 5. Making decisions on educational and budget matters. 6. Making continual appraisals of the educational, administrative, and planning process, in light of the Board's stated goals and objectives. 7. Administering public funds. 8. Communicating with the public of the district. 9. Providing information necessary in creating a well-informed public. Policy No. 7301 469 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7302 Board Member Authority POLICY NO.: 7302 DATE APPROVED: 1992-04 SUBJECT: Board Member Authority ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble While the statutory powers and duties of the Board are set forth in the School Act, the Board wishes to incorporate Board Member authority in Policy. Policy This Policy underlines the corporate nature of the Board, and the duty of each individual Board member to remain committed to reaching and supporting group decisions which represent the view of the Board as a whole. Objectives 1. To recognize that members of the Board exercise their powers and responsibilities as a matter of public trust. 2. To recognize that the Board is considered to be both a corporate and political body. 3. To establish guidelines for Board Member authority. Policy No. 7302 470 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7302 DATE APPROVED: 1992-04 SUBJECT: Board Member Authority ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Members of the Board exercise their powers and responsibilities as a matter of public trust, and only when the Board is officially in session. 2. The Board recognizes that the rights, powers, duties and liabilities of the Board rest only with the legally constituted Board as a whole, and not with committees of the Board or with individual Trustees. 3. The concept of Board membership as a public trust also implies, however, that the public frequently approaches individual Board members with specific requests or concerns. When dealing with public issues outside Board sessions, Board members at all times must strive to represent the Board to the public in a discerning manner. 4. a) If questioned by someone about a matter on which policy has been clearly defined, an individual Board member must answer based on Policy. b) If questioned about a matter on which the Board has no established policy, individual Board members must not commit themselves to any Board position or make any promises other than to discuss the matter with officials for possible Board consideration. c) If approached with complaints or requests directly or indirectly relating to personnel, instruction, or services, such complaints or requests are to be referred to the Superintendent of Schools or Secretary-Treasurer, who, as the Board's chief executive officers', are responsible for investigating such matters. It is understood that certain informal lines of communication exist, and this policy is not meant to interfere with these; nor is it meant to make all matters of communication between Board members, staff, and public needlessly bureaucratic. Policy No. 7302 471 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7401 Disclosure of Conflict of Interest POLICY NO.: 7401 DATE APPROVED: 1990-09 SUBJECT: Disclosure of Conflict of Interest ____________________________________________________________________________ Conflict of Interest legislation applies to all meetings (Board and Committee). In accordance with the School Act, each Trustee is responsible to: disclose conflicts of interest, refrain from voting, and refrain from taking part in discussion and from attempting in any way to influence voting. Revised 2003/06/25 Policy No. 7401 472 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7401 DATE APPROVED: 1990-09 SUBJECT: Disclosure of Conflict of Interest ____________________________________________________________________________ Each Trustee is responsible to review minutes of meetings from which he/she was absent to determine whether or not a conflict applies. The minutes of meetings open to the public shall record the disclosure and the general nature of the interest. The Trustee disclosing is responsible to ensure that the disclosure is recorded properly in the minutes. The minutes following a closed meeting must record that a disclosure was made at the closed meeting, but not the general nature of the interest (School Act). Revised 2003/06/25 Policy No. 7401 473 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7402 Code of Ethics POLICY NO. 7402 DATE APPROVED: 1992-04 SUBJECT: Code of Ethics ____________________________________________________________________________ Preamble The Board exercises its powers and duties as a matter of public trust and has a responsibility to the citizens of this community in handling the affairs of the District. Policy This Policy will establish a Code of Ethics for Trustees. Objectives 1. To establish a Code of Ethics for Trustees. 2. To recognize the responsibility and duty of each Trustee in representing the community of School district No. 60 (Peace River North) in the performance of his/her duties. Policy No. 7402 474 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) REGULATIONS POLICY NO.: 7402 DATE APPROVED: 1992-04 SUBJECT: Code of Ethics ____________________________________________________________________________ As a member of the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North), representing all the citizens of my community, I recognize: 1. That my fellow citizens have entrusted me with the educational development of the children and youth of this community. 2. That the public expects my first and greatest concern to be in the best interest of each and every one of these young people without distinction as to who they are or what their background might be. 3. That I should devote time, thought and study to the duties and responsibilities of office and should endeavor to attend and responsibly participate in all Board meetings. 4. That the future welfare of this community, of this province, and the nation depends in the largest measure upon the quality of education we provide in the public schools to fit the needs of every learner. 5. That the legal authority of the Board is derived from the province which ultimately controls the organization and operation of the school district and which determines the degree of discretionary power left with the Board and the people of this community for the exercise of local autonomy. 6. That the expenditure of funds is a public trust, and I shall endeavor to see that all such funds be expended efficiently, economically and for the best interest of the students. In view of the foregoing considerations, it shall be my constant endeavor: 1. To work with my fellow Board members in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that may arise during debate. I shall try to avoid rancor and bitterness, observe proper decorum and behavior, and treat fellow trustees with respect and consideration, not withholding or concealing from them any information or matter with which they should be concerned. 2. To maintain confidentiality of privileged information’ Policy No. 7402 3. 475 To base my personal decision upon all available facts in each situation, vote my honest conviction in every case, unswayed by partisan bias of any kind, and thereafter abide by and uphold the final majority decision of the Board. 4. To remember at all times that as an individual I have not legal authority outside the meetings of the Board, unless the Board has so delegated, and to conduct my relationships with school staff, local citizenry and all media of communication on the basis of this fact. 5. To bear in mind under all circumstances that the primary function of the Board is to establish the policies by which the schools are to be administered, but that the administration of school business shall be left to the Superintendent of Schools, the Secretary-Treasurer and respective staff. 6. To endeavor to be informed of provincial and national developments in education. 7. To resist every temptation and outside pressure to use my position as a school board member to benefit myself or any other individual or agency apart from the total interest of the school district. 8. Finally, to strive towards ideal conditions for most effective school board service to my community in a spirit of teamwork and devotion to public education as the greatest instrument for the preservation and perpetuation of our representative democracy. Policy No. 7402 476 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) BY-LAW NO. 1/90 "A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD". INAUGURAL MEETINGS: 1.1 Each electoral year, the first meeting of the Board shall be called by the SecretaryTreasurer and shall be as soon as possible after the general election, and, in any event, no later than December 30th of that year. 1.2 Until such time as the Board Chairperson has been elected, either the SecretaryTreasurer or Superintendent of Schools shall serve as the interim Chairperson. 1.3 Each Trustee will declare any relationship that exists which may be interpreted as a conflict of interest. 1.4 Following the swearing in of new Trustees, the interim Chairperson shall call for nominations by secret ballot for the position of Board Chairperson. The election shall be conducted by secret ballot. The person receiving a clear majority shall be declared Board Chairperson. If no person receives a clear majority, further secret ballots shall be taken until the same is achieved or, should a tie occur; the election shall be decided by drawing of lots. 1.5 Following the election of Board Chairperson, the order of business shall be election of a Vice-Chairperson. The election of Vice-Chairperson shall be conducted in the same manner as the election of Chairperson. 1991-05 An election of Provincial Councilor and alternate shall be conducted. 1.6 A majority of the Board may elect a new Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson at any time by proposing a motion to elect by secret ballot at the following meeting. CHAIRPERSON AND PRESIDING OFFICERS 2.1 The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be elected at the first meeting held after the general election, as referred to in Clause 1.1. In a non electoral year, the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be elected at the first meeting in December. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 477 2.2 The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board, but may vacate the chair in order to enter substantive debate. The Chairperson should vacate the chair to propose or second a substantive motion and should not resume the chair until his/her motion has been fully disposed of. 2.3 The vice-Chairperson shall preside in the absence of the Chairperson or when the Chairperson vacates the chair. 2.4 In the event that neither the Chairperson nor the Vice-Chairperson are able or willing to take the chair, the presiding officer shall be elected by the Board for that meeting. 2.5 The Chairperson shall rule on all points of order and shall state his/her reasons and the authority for ruling when making a ruling. The Chairperson's ruling shall be subject to appeal of the Board. An appeal may only be requested immediately after a ruling and before resumption of business. 2.6 The Chairperson shall vote in accordance with paragraph 11.3. MEETINGS - GENERAL INFORMATION 3.1 The Secretary-Treasurer must be present at the time that a decision of the Board is rendered and must record any decision. 3.2 If the Secretary-Treasurer is unable to attend meeting or if the meeting concerns the work performance for employment of the Secretary-Treasurer, the Board may designate another employee of the Board to attend the meeting in place of the Secretary-Treasurer to perform the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer at the meeting. 3.3 Minutes shall be a record of matters discussed and decisions reached. 3.4 All regular meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. If, in the opinion of the Board, the public interest so requires, persons other than Trustees and the SecretaryTreasurer may be excluded from meeting. 3.5 The Chairperson may expel and exclude from a Board Meeting any member of the general public or staff person who he/she considers has been guilty of improper conduct. 3.6 A majority of the Trustees present at a meeting of the Board may expel a Trustee from the meeting for improper conduct. REGULAR MEETINGS 4.1 A regular meeting shall be held at least twice a month, unless otherwise decided by a motion of the Board. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 478 4.2 The quorum for a regular meeting shall be a majority of Trustees holding office at that time. 4.3 All regular meetings shall stand adjourned at four hours after their commencement unless a resolution is passed by a two-thirds majority to extend the hour of adjournment. 4.4 At the appointed time for commencement of a meeting, the Chairperson shall ascertain that a quorum is present before proceeding to the business of the meeting. If a quorum has not been made within one-half hour after the appointed time, the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next regular meeting date or until another meeting shall have been called in accordance with these by-laws. 4.5 After a meeting has commenced, if notice is drawn to a lack of quorum, the Chairperson shall ascertain whether there is a lack of quorum and, if so found, adjourn the meeting to a time certain or to the next regular meeting date, at his/her discretion. 4.6 The order of business at all regular meetings, unless varied by motion, shall be as follows:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) call to order; adoption of agenda; approval of minutes of prior meetings and business arising from these minutes; receiving delegations/presentations - circulation of material with agenda. Material to be circulated with agenda, except in extraordinary cases or if no presentation is available. Limit of ten (10) minutes unless extended by two-thirds vote of the Board; reports of committees; correspondence; new business - available information to be provided in writing to the Board. If not available, to be introduced by motion carried by majority. questions from the press and public. 4.7 A change to the prescribed order of business may be proposed by the Trustee and shall be accepted by consensus. 4.8 The agenda and notice of meetings shall be prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer under the direction of the Chairperson. The proposed agenda must be available to each Trustee for pickup at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the meeting. 4.9 The Board may conduct its meetings communications is possible. electronically providing that two way SPECIAL MEETINGS Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 479 5.1 A special meeting of The Board may be called by the Chairperson or, upon request of a majority of the Trustees, may be called by the Secretary-Treasurer. No business other than that for which the meeting was called shall be conducted at the meeting. 5.2 (a) Notice, either written or verbal, of a special meeting shall be given to each Trustee at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. (b) Notwithstanding Section 5.2 (a) above, a special meeting of the Board may be held at any time without previous notice if every Trustee agrees to waive notice. CLOSED SESSION (The "In Committee" portion of regular or special meetings.) 6.1 The Board may conduct meetings without the public, or without the public and staff present, at which matters of a confidential nature shall be discussed. No Trustee shall disclose to the public the proceedings of a closed meeting unless a resolution has been passed at the closed meeting to allow disclosure. 6.2 Minutes of a closed meeting shall be kept in the same manner as a regular meeting but shall be approved only by the Board in closed meeting and shall be filed separately. In addition to the minutes, a record containing general statements of matters discussed and decisions reached shall be prepared. The record is open to inspection to anyone excluded from a meeting. 6.3 Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the following matters shall be considered in closed session: (1) Personnel Matters - (2) salary claims and negotiations evaluation, discipline or retirement of employees employee assignment, promotion or termination. Legal Matters - accident claims legal actions brought by or against the Board legal opinions respecting any matters which are to be considered in private session. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 480 (3) Student Matters - (4) indigent students student discipline. Property Matters - negotiations regarding purchase, lease or sale of property future site planning and designation investigations regarding possible school closures. (5) Auditors' Management Letter (6) Medical matters respecting individual students or employees (7) A statement referring to the safety, security or protection of students, personnel or Board property. (8) Such matters as the Board may in public session determine. (9) A member of the Board may make a motion to place a closed-session item of business onto the agenda of the public session and, upon the motion being seconded and discussed, a simple majority vote in favor of the motion shall be sufficient cause to move the item into the public session. RULES OF ORDER 7.1 Where these rules are silent and where not inconsistent with these rules, Robert's Rules of Order shall apply to the conduct of meetings, provided further that, where both these Rules and Robert’s Rules of Order are silent, the Standing Orders of the British Columbia legislature shall be followed. Where there is an inconsistency between these rules and the School Act, the School Act shall apply over the rule in question. 7.2 The Board may adopt a procedural rule for one or more meetings by resolution of a majority of two-thirds of the Trustees present at the meeting. A rule other than the requirement for notice of meetings may be suspended by unanimous consent of the Trustees present. 7.3 The rules may be amended by Bylaw only, at a meeting of which notice of intention to propose the amendment has been given at a previous meeting. The Chairperson's ruling on a point of order shall be based on rules of order as stated in paragraph 7.1 herein. 7.4 Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 481 7.5 An appeal of a ruling of the Chairperson shall be decided without debate by a majority vote of Trustees present. When an appeal is successful, it does not necessarily set a precedent. 7.6 All questions shall be decided by a vote on motion. MOTIONS 8.1 Motions shall be phrased in a clear and concise manner so as to express an opinion or achieve a result. A preamble does not form part of a resolution when passed. 8.2 The Chairperson may divide a motion containing more than one subject if he feels this would produce a fairer or clearer result and the same shall be voted on in the form in which it is divided. 8.3 No motion, other than to postpone consideration of a question or a procedural motion, shall be repeated during the calendar year except by the reconsideration process. 8.4 All motions shall be seconded. 8.5 All motions are debatable except the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) 8.6 All motions shall be subject to amendment except the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 8.7 Motion for adjournment of debate or for adjournment of a meeting unless such a motion contains a time for re commencement of debate or for a new meeting; Motion to fix time for adjournment of a meeting; Motion to proceed to the next business; Motion to go into committee of the whole or closed session. Motion that the question be now put; Motion for adjournment of debate or adjournment of a meeting; Motion to table unless such a motion contains a date for further consideration of the matter tabled; Motion to refer to committees; Motion to proceed to next business. An amendment to a motion does not require notice. Only one amendment to an amendment shall be allowed and the same shall be dealt with before the amendment is decided. Amendments must be strictly relevant to the main motion and not alter in a material way or be contrary to the principle embodied in the main motion. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 482 RECONSIDERATION 9.1 A question may be reconsidered only if notice of a request for reconsideration has been given at a previous meeting and if reconsideration is approved by a two-thirds majority. DEBATE 10.1 Debate shall be strictly relevant to the question before the meeting and the Chairperson shall warn speakers who violate this rule. 10.2 No Trustee shall speak more than once to a question except the mover of a motion, who shall have the right to speak first and to make a reply when all other Trustees who wish to speak have spoken. No Trustee shall speak for a period in excess of five minutes at one time. The Chairperson may caution a trustee who persists in tedious and repetitious debate and may direct him to discontinue if he persists. 10.3 A matter of privilege (a matter dealing with the rights or interests of the Board as a whole or a Trustee personally) may be raised at any time and shall be dealt with forthwith before resumption of business. 10.4 No Trustee shall interrupt another Trustee who has the floor except to raise a point of order to a point of privilege. VOTING 11.1 All Trustees present at a meeting must vote, although a Trustee must abstain from voting in the event that he has a conflict of interest by reason of having a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a vote. A trustee may also abstain from voting if he states at the meeting his reasons thereon. 11.2 Voting shall be by a show of hands and only the results recorded unless a Trustee requests recording of names. Where names are recorded, both positive and negative votes shall be recorded. 1992-03 Where a trustee is present at a meeting and abstains from voting without stating a reason that shall be deemed to be an affirmative vote. 11.3 The Chairperson shall vote at the same time as the other members of the Board and, in the case of equality of votes for and against a motion, the question is resolved in the negative and the Chairperson shall so declare. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 11.4 All questions shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the Trustees present and voting save as otherwise provided by these Bylaws. 483 COMMITTEES 12.1 At the inaugural meeting, or as soon thereafter as possible, the Chairperson shall establish standing committees. (a) (b) The Chairperson shall designate one member of each committee to act as Chairperson and one member of each Committee as the Vice-Chairperson; All trustees are members of the Committee of the Whole. The Chairperson shall ex-officio be a member of all committees. 12.2 The Chairperson shall appoint representatives to community organizations as required. 12.3 All members of the Board may attend the meetings of any of its committees and shall be allowed to take part in any discussion or debate; but do not have the right to vote. (a) A Trustee wishing to attend committee meetings as stipulated in 12.3 above should request, through the Chairperson, the appropriate documents for those portions of the meeting for which he wishes to attend. 12.4 The Committee Chairperson may invite resource persons as required. 12.5 Committees shall report to the Board on a regular basis. A minority of any committee may also report. 12.6 The Superintendent of Schools and/or Secretary-Treasurer shall confer with and keep all Chairperson of committees informed on matters within the jurisdiction of the committee and shall meet with the committee at such times as the committee may desire. 12.7 If a committee neglects to attend to its duties, the Board may intervene and order it to meet and report. 12.8 Standing committees shall have jurisdiction to consider and make recommendations to the Board in matters assigned to them or in other matters within their terms of reference. No action shall be taken on the report of any committee until the report has been formally approved by the Board. 12.9 Special or ad hoc committees for any purpose may be appointed by the Board Chairperson as required. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 12.10 484 Committees of the whole together with their Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall stand in office until such time as their membership and roles have been reassigned by consensus during a public Board meeting. BYLAWS AND RESOLUTIONS 13.1 All matters shall be dealt with by motion, notice of motion or by-law. Notice of motion shall have one reading and a by-law shall have three readings. 13.2 The following shall only be resolved by by-law: (a) (b) (c) amendments to by-laws; acquisition or disposal of property owned or administered by the Board. where required by the School Act or the Act gives the Board the power to develop. PROCEDURE ON BY-LAWS 14.1 1991-05 With the exception of School Loan Bylaws and Budget Bylaw and/or Budget and School Referendum Tax Rate Bylaw, written notice of intention to propose a by-law shall be given at the meeting prior to the first reading. 14.2 Every Bylaw shall be dealt as follows: (a) Before it is passed, a Bylaw of the Board must be given 3 distinct readings. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), at each reading of a Bylaw the must be read in full. Bylaw (c) If a written or printed copy of a Bylaw is in the possession of each trustee and is available to each member of the public in attendance at the meeting at which the Bylaw is to be read, a reading of a Bylaw may consist of a description of the Bylaw by: - its title, and a summary of its contents. (d) The board shall not give a Bylaw more than 2 readings at any one meeting unless the members of the board who are present at the meeting unanimously agree to give the Bylaw all 3 readings at that meeting. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 14.3 485 When a by-law has been amended, it shall be reprinted as amended and shall not be further proceeded with until the amended version has been distributed, except by vote of a two-thirds majority. 14.4 A by-law may be advanced two or more stages in one day by a two-thirds majority, or on urgent or extraordinary occasions, the determination of which shall be by the Chairperson. 14.5 The Secretary-Treasurer shall certify on a copy of each by-law that the by-law was read a first, second and third time, and shall note the date that the by-law was finally passed and adopted. Any amendments passed shall also be noted in the same manner. 14.6 The Trustee who introduces a by-law may withdraw the same at any stage with unanimous consent. PROCEDURE FOR NOTICES OF MOTION 15.1 A notice of motion permits the Board to consider and prepare for the question or questions that will be placed before them for consideration, thereby facilitating discussion and contributing to the efficient and satisfactory discharge of the matter. OR If a substantial issue is to be raised affecting the constitution, policies or procedures of the Board, notice will be given at one meeting that such issue will be introduced by motion at the next or a subsequent meeting. 15.2 The following shall only be resolved by notice of motion: - 15.3 election of Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson as defined in Section 1.6; policies; variances to the budget; items brought forward for closure at next meeting; amendments to Bylaw 1/90. Notices of motion shall be dealt with in the following stages: - notice of motion made by Trustee notice of motion brought forward to agenda of either public or committee meeting motion seconded and voted on unless referred for further consideration. If referred for further consideration, a date shall be given as to when the item is to be brought back. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 486 This by-law may be cited for all purposes as "School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Bylaw No. 1/90" - a by-law to provide for the conduct to meetings of the Board and is passed in compliance with the requirements of the School Act. Read a first time this 12th day of December , 1990. Reconsidered, Finally Passed and Adopted the 12th day of December , 1990. Original signed by Chairperson Original signed by Edna Barber Secretary-Treasurer This By-Law was reviewed and amended and; Read a first time this 14th day of November, 2006. Reconsidered, Finally Passed and Adopted the 14th day of November 2006. Original signed by Gary Gamble Chairperson Original signed by Ernie Inglehart Secretary-Treasurer Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 487 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) BY-LAW NO. 2/91 APPEAL PROCEDURE This By-Law is made pursuant to the School Act and the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) has all powers under Section II. The parent of the student or the student may appeal any decision which significantly affects the education, health or safety of the student. The failure of an employee to make a decision shall also be deemed to be a decision for the purpose of bringing an appeal. Administrative Procedures 1. When the parent of a student or a student wishes to question a decision made, the steps are as follows: (a) The matter first be discussed with the employee who made the decision. (b) If the matter is not resolved in consultation with the employee, the matter shall then be referred to: the person who has responsibility for that school, if it pertains to an employee working within the immediate school, OR the immediate supervisor, if it pertains to an employee working outside of the immediate school. (c) If the matter is still not resolved, the consultative process will continue with a member of the District administrative staff. (d) If the consultation fails to resolve the impasse, a request to hear an appeal may be made by the parent/student to the Board through the Superintendent of Schools or the Secretary-Treasurer. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 2. It is recognized that the parent of the student or the student may go directly to steps 1(c) or 1(d). 488 If steps 1(a) and 1(b) are bypassed, the member of the District staff consulted in 1(c) or the Superintendent or Secretary-Treasurer, as specified in 1(d), may request that steps 1(a) and 1(b) be followed before a written appeal is made to the Board. 3. The processes, as outlined in Items 1 and 2 above, must commence within fifteen (15) days of the decision being made and, if not, substantive reasons must be given. 4. A parent of a student or a student wishing to appeal a decision of an employee must complete a "Written Notice of Appeal" form. 5. If a student is bringing an appeal, the Board, at any time, may request that his/her: 6. a) parent be advised and/or b) parent be involved The Board may invite written or oral submissions from: a) the parent or student bringing the appeal and b) the employee(s) involved in the decision c) the person(s) with responsibility for the school d) any other district staff as deemed necessary. 7. The employee that made the decision will have the right to make a written response to all allegations. 8. The appeal may be heard in camera by the Board. 9. If a committee is established, the Board may: 10. a) appoint trustees, senior officials, administrative officers, teachers or any other person the Board considers appropriate b) make an interim decision it considers necessary pending the disposition of the appeal. The Board may consider any appeal notwithstanding any defect in form or other technical irregularity. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 This By-Law may be cited for all purposes as "School District No. 60 (Peace River North) By-Law No. 2/91 - a By-Law, in compliance with Section II of the School Act, to establish a procedure of appeal for students entitled to an educational program in School District No. 60". 489 Read a first time this 7th day of May , 1991 Reconsidered, finally passed and adopted the 7th day of May , 1991. Original signed by John Wetzel Chairperson Original signed by Edna Barber Secretary-Treasurer This By-Law was reviewed and amended and; Read a first time this 6th day of November, 2006. Reconsidered, Finally Passed and Adopted the 6th day of November 2006. Original signed by Gary Gamble Chairperson Original signed by Ernie Inglehart Secretary-Treasurer Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 490 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) BY-LAW NO. 3/92 INDEMNIFICATION BY-LAW This By-Law is made pursuant to the School Act and the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North). Indemnification The Board will indemnify a Trustee 1. Against a claim for damages against a Trustee, arising out of performance of his or her duties OR 2. Where an inquiry under Part 2 of the Inquiry Act or other proceeding involves the administration and conduct of the business of the School District. Powers and Duties The statutory powers and duties of the Board are set forth in the School Act; and Board duties and authority are elaborated on in policy. Conditions for Indemnification The Board will indemnify a Trustee against all legal costs actually and reasonably incurred by a Trustee 1. Provided that the Trustee acted reasonably and in good faith and, in the case of a criminal or administration action or proceeding, the Trustee had reasonable ground for believing that his/her conduct was lawful. and 2. Provided the Trustee informed the Board, in writing, of the course of events or incident leading to or that led to the legal proceedings or action against the Trustee. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 491 Counsel Retained by the Board The Board may retain legal counsel of its choice to defend an action or proceeding against a Trustee. The authority for the direction of the defense and for the acceptability of any compromise or settlement of any claim or action against the Trustee will lie in the sole discretion of the Board. In the event the Board chooses to retain such legal counsel, it has no obligation to indemnify the Trustee for any legal fees associated with any legal representation the Trustee may choose to obtain. Exclusions The Board will not pay a fine imposed on a Trustee as a result of his/her conviction. Board Action Against a Trustee A Board shall not seek indemnity against a Trustee in respect of any action of the Trustee that results in a claim for damages against the Board, but the Board may seek indemnity against a Trustee where the claim for damages arises out of the gross negligence of the Trustee. Appeals Any costs, charges or expenses associated with any appeal by a Trustee of any conviction, sentence, judgment or order are not covered by this By-Law. This By-Law was reviewed and amendedand; Read a first time this 14th day of November, 2006. Reconsidered, Finally Passed and Adopted the 14th day of November 2006. ___________________________ Chairperson ___________________________ Secretary-Treasurer Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 492 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 4/05 Trustee Election Bylaw BY-LAW NO. 4/05 TRUSTEES ELECTION BYLAW BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (PEACE RIVER NORTH) A By-Law to provide for the determination of various procedures for the conduct of trustee elections in every third year.. Under the School Act, the Board of School Trustees may, by By-Law, determine various procedures and requirements to be applied in the conduct of trustee elections. In School District No. 60 (Peace River North), in accordance with the School Act, Trustee elections in the following Trustee electoral areas are the responsibility of the School Board. Trustee electoral area Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Number of Trustees One (1) One (1) One (1) One (1) Three (3) Trustee elections which are the responsibility of the School Board may be conducted by the School Board directly or by a local government under an agreement with the School Board in accordance with the School Act. The Board of School Trustees wishes to establish various procedures and requirements under the authority of the School Act for Trustee elections. The Board of School Trustees, in an open meeting of the Board, enacts as follows: 1. Definitions The terms used shall have the meaning assigned by the School Act and Local Government Act, except as the context indicates otherwise. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 493 2. "Election" means the trustee elections. "Board" or "School Board" means the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North). "General Voting Day" means 3rd Saturday in November. Application This By-Law applies to the trustee elections carried out by the School Board. 3. Order of Names on the Ballot The order of names of candidates on the ballot will be in alphabetical order. 4. Resolution of Tie Votes after Judicial Recount In the event of a tie vote after a judicial recount, the vote will be resolved by conducting a lot in accordance with of the School Act and the Local Government Act 5. 6. Voting Day Registration Only (a) As authorized under the School Act and the Local Government Act, at each election, electors who wish to vote must register at the time of voting. (b) Registration as an elector under paragraph (a) is effective only for the election for which the voting is being conducted at that time. Advance Voting Opportunities As required by the Local Government Act and/or the School Act, mandatory advance voting opportunities will be established. 7. Additional General Voting Opportunities The School Board authorizes the chief election officer (CEO) to establish additional general voting opportunities for each election and to designate the voting places and voting hours, within the limits set out in the Local Government Act, for such voting opportunities. 8. Special Voting Opportunities (a) 9. As authorized by the Local Government Act and the School Act, the School Board authorizes the chief election officer to establish a special voting opportunity for each election and to designate the location, the date and the voting hours, within the limits set out in the Local Government Act, for the special voting opportunity. Number of Scrutineers at Voting Places. The maximum number of scrutineers for each candidate that may attend at an election is as authorized under the Local Government Act. Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 10. This bylaw may be cited as "School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Trustees Elections By-Law No. 4/05. 494 Read a first time this -14th day of September, 2005. Reconsidered, Finally Passed and Adopted the 14th day of September, 2005. ********************************* _________________________________ Chairperson of the Board __________________________________ Secretary-Treasurer Policy No. 3/92 1993-05 Revised 2006-11 495 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) BY-LAW NO. 5/94 “A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED IN CREATING A LOCAL SCHOOL CALENDAR” The School Calendar Regulation requires that certain approvals be obtained before the school board can take certain actions respecting school calendars. These actions are: (a) (b) (c) to make available a local calendar for a school in its district which varies from the provisions of the standard school calendar; to amend a school calendar; and to refrain from scheduling one or more non-instructional periods that the Minister of Education has ordered to be scheduled and used for a specific purpose. The procedures for obtaining approvals are required to be contained in a school board bylaw. THE SCHOOL BOARD, IN PUBLIC MEETING, THEREFORE ENACTS the following procedures for obtaining required approvals of school calendar proposals: 1. Definitions In this bylaw, “Act” means the School Act. “Regulation” means the School Calendar Regulation. “Representative” means the person or persons chosen by those employees of a school who are not represented by a union to represent them for purposes of this bylaw. “School calendar proposal” means a proposal of the school board to make available a local school calendar which departs from the standard school calendar established by the Regulation, or to amend a school calendar after it has been made available as required by the Act and Regulation, or to refrain from scheduling one or more non-instructional periods that the Minister of Education has ordered to be scheduled and used for a specific purpose. Words and expressions used in this bylaw have the same meanings as are assigned to them in the Act and Regulation. 2. Legal Requirements A proposal for a local school calendar for a school, or for an amendment to a school calendar, shall comply with the requirements of the Act, Regulation and any applicable ministerial orders. 3. Notice 1. If the board intends to adopt a school calendar proposal, the board shall, before seeking the required approvals, provide to the parents of students enrolled in the school, to employees of the By-Law No. 5/94 board assigned to the school, and to the employees’ unions and other representatives at least seven (7) days written notice of the board’s intention to seek that approval. 496 2. Notice to parents may be given by distribution of notices to students at school and by notice to the parent advisory council, if any. 3. Notice to employees may be given by posting on staff bulletin boards within the school, or by distribution of notices through internal mail. 4. Failure to provide notice to any individual employee or parent, unless bad faith is shown, shall not invalidate any action taken on a school calendar proposal. 5. Notice to an employees’ union shall be given to the presidents of the P.R.N.T.A. and Local 2397 as the case may be. 6. Notice to an employee representative shall be given in writing in accordance with the designation of the representative. 4. School Staff Approval 1. Approval of the employees of the board assigned to a school of a school calendar proposal affecting that school is to be determined and expressed by the employees through their union or representative, as the case may be, in the manner that the employees and their union or representative, as the case may be, may provide. 2. The representative of administrative officers and any other employees not represented by a union assigned to the school shall be the North Peace Administrators’ Association, unless an administrative officer or other employee notifies the Secretary-Treasurer of a different choice of representative, no later than seven (7) days after notice is given under Section 3, or within such longer time as may be stipulated by the Secretary-Treasurer. 3. Approvals or rejections shall be reported within thirty (30) days following notice of the proposal. If a proposal is not rejected by a union or representative within thirty (30) days following notice under Section 3, it is deemed to be approved by the employees represented by that union or representative. 4. Approval by employees for purposes of the regulation is constituted by the approval of a majority nhof employees assigned to the school represented by each union plus a majority of employees assigned to the school who are not represented by a trade union, as determined and expressed by the respective unions and representatives. 5. This section only applies where the Regulation requires employee approval of school calendar proposals. 5. Parental Approval 1. A school calendar proposal may be referred by the school board to the parent advisory council of the school, if one has been established. 2. (a) If there is no parent advisory council operating in the school, or if the school board does not refer the school calendar proposal to the parent advisory council, the school board shall notify parents of students in the school as required by Section 3 and convene a meeting to which parents are invited and approval will be sought. By-Law No. 5/94 497 (b) At least seven (7) days notice of the meeting shall be provided, in the same manner as notice under Section 3. (c) A quorum for the meeting shall be determined at the time of the meeting in consultation with the parent group. (d) Voting at the meeting shall be by secret ballot. (e) Each parent, present at the meeting, of a student enrolled at the school shall be entitled to one (1) vote. (f) Approval by a parent advisory council to which the school calendar has been referred under subsection (1), or approval by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting convened under subsection (2), constitutes approval of parents for purposes of the Regulation. 6. School Board Approval A school calendar proposal which has been approved by the school board, the parents, and if required, the employees, in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw, shall govern school operation in accordance with its terms. 7. Distribution 1. Following approval, a local school calendar, or a school calendar which does not schedule one or more of the non-instructional periods designated by the Minister, shall be made available to parents of students in the school on or before May 31, as required by the Act. 2. Following approval of an amendment to a school calendar, the board shall give written notice of the amendments to the school calendar and the date of which they are to take effect to: (a) the parents of the students enrolled in the school, and (b) the emplo 3. An amended school calendar or a local school calendar shall be filed with the Minister of Education within thirty (30) days after all approvals (parental, staff, and school board) have been obtained. 4. An amended school calendar shall not come into effect until at least twenty-eight (28) days after it has been filed with the Minister. 8. Effective Date This bylaw shall come into force on July 1, 1994. This By-Law was reviewed and amended and; Read a first time this 14th day of November, 2006. Reconsidered, Finally Passed and Adopted the 14th day of November 2006. By-Law No. 5/94 498 Original signed by Gary Gamble_ Chairperson Original signed by Ernie Inglehart Secretary-Treasurer By-Law No. 5/94 499 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) BYLAW No. 6/95 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy A BYLAW OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (PEACE RIVER NORTH) [hereinafter called the "Board"] NOW THEREFORE the Board enacts as follows: 1. As required under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy, the Board of Trustees designates the Secretary-Treasurer as the official head of the school district for the purposes of the Act and to be responsible for the administration of the Act and to make operational decisions. 2. The Secretary-Treasurer is authorized to issue procedures required to support the district's administration of the Act. 3. As permitted under the Act, the Board of Trustees adopts the schedule of fees as set out in Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 4. This bylaw may be cited as School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw. Original signed by Richard Broadbent Chairperson of the Board Original signed by Edna Barber Secretary-Treasurer I HEREBY CERTIFY this to be a true original of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw, adopted by Original signed by Edna Barber 4. This bylaw may be cited as School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw. Original signed by Gary Gamble Chairperson of the Board Original signed by Ernie Inglehart Secretary-Treasurer I HEREBY CERTIFY this to be a true original of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw, adopted by Original signed by Ernie Inglehart By-Law No. 6/95 Revised 2006-11 Secretary-Treasurer 500 By-Law No. 6/95 Revised 2006-11 501 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 (Peace River North) 7/05 Business Company BY-LAW NO. 7/05 “A BY-LAW TO INCORPORATE “SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 60 BUSINESS COMPANY” PURSUANT TO THE SCHOOL ACT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA” This By-Law is made pursuant to the School Act and provides authorization for the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 60 (Peace River North) to form a company by adoption of the following Articles: i) Notice of Articles; and ii) Articles of the Company. Notice of Articles of the Company 1. Company Name The name of the company shall be “School District No. 60 Business Company”; 2. Authorized Share Structure The authorized share structure of the company is one common voting share without par value; 3. Directors The following three (3) individuals shall be the first Directors: i) Ernest Carl Inglehart, 11307 – 109 Street, Fort St. John, BC V1J 6W3 ii) Ida Debra Campbell,10579-101 Street (Box 588), Taylor, BC V0C 2K0 iii) Bruce Earle Reid, 13317 Charlie Lake Crescent (Box 809), Charlie Lake, BC V0C 1H0. 4. The registered office of the company is located at Bull, Housser & Tupper, 3000 Royal Centre, 1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3R3 5. The records office of the company is located at Bull, Housser & Tupper, 3000 Royal Centre, 1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3R3. Office of the Secretary Treasurer Index 502 Articles of the Company Attached hereto as an addendum. *************************************** This By-Law may be cited as “School District No. 60 (Peace River North) Incorporation By-Law No. 7/05. Read a first and second time this __27th __ day of ____APRIL___, 2005 Read a third and final time this __ 11th __ day of ____MAY___, 2005. *************************** _Original signed by Linda Sewell Chairperson of the Board Original signed by Ernest Inglehart Secretary-Treasurer Office of the Secretary Treasurer Index INDEX 503 4 4206.1 Teachers - Employment-Related Accommodation ..................................................................................213 A Accounting – Parent/Community/Corporate Sponsorships/Donations ........................................ 145, 146, 149 Accounting – School Funds – Administration..................................................................... 141, 142, 149, 417 Accounting – School Funds – Audit....................................................................................................143, 144 Administration – Board Member Authority ........................................................................................472, 473 Administration – School Board Duties and Authority.........................................................................470, 471 Administrative Officers – Early Retirement Incentive Payment ..................................................... 97, 98, 100 Administrative Officers – Leaves of Absence ...............................................................................................96 Administrative Officers – On-site Vehicle ..................................................................................................101 Administrative Officers – Workers Compensation .......................................................................................95 Alterations, Renovations or Additions - Facilities.......................................................................................155 Anaphylaxis .........................................................................................................................................355, 356 Annual Report on Educational Programs ................................................................................................51, 52 Architectural Services - Facilities........................................................................................................156, 157 Assessment – District .................................................................................................................. 424, 425, 426 Athletics Coaches ................................................................................................................................339, 340 Attendance – Adult ......................................................................................................................................294 Attendance – Early Entry ............................................................................................................................302 Attendance – Home Schooling ............................................................................................................295, 296 Attendance – School Admission & School Choice .............................................................................288, 289 Attendance – Student Placement – Kindergarten to Grade 7 ..............................................................299, 301 B Back-up Warning Devices for District Vehicles .................................................................................164, 165 Boarding Allowance ............................................................................................................................362, 363 Boundaries – SD No. 60 ......................................................................................................................456, 457 Boundaries – Zonal within SD No. 60 ................................................................................................458, 459 Budget – Annual Operating .................................................................................................................119, 120 Budget – Project Planning by Schools/Departments ...................................................................................127 Budget – Transportation – Independent Contractors/Contract Drivers ...............................................123, 124 Budget – Transportation Operating Costs – Contract Drivers .............................................................125, 126 Busing.......................................................................... 322, 323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334 Busing – Conduct ................................................................................................................................327, 328 Busing – K-3 ...............................................................................................................................................334 Busing – Regular Routes & Services ..................................................................................................324, 325 Busing – Students with Special Needs ................................................................................................332, 333 Busing – Transportation of Equipment................................................................................................329, 330 C Capital Planning - Facilities ................................................................................................................159, 160 Code of Ethics .....................................................................................................................................476, 477 Commitment to Employees ...........................................................................................................................45 Communicable Diseases ..............................................................................................................................341 Compensation – Absences, Leaves & Vacation – Application ...........................................................209, 210 Compensation – Annual Vacation .......................................................................................................211, 212 Compensation – Benefits – Early Retirement .....................................................................................206, 207 Compensation – Benefits – Leaves of Absence...........................................................................................208 Office of the Secretary-Treasurer Index 504 Compensation – Benefits – Retirement .......................................................................................................205 Compensation – Employee Computer Purchase Plan ........................................................ 129, 202, 203 Compensation – Salary Deductions .............................................................................................................204 Conduct – Discipline ...........................................................................................................................312, 313 Conduct – Discipline Committee ........................................................................................................316, 317 Conduct – Dress ..........................................................................................................................................310 Conflict of Interest – Disclosure of .....................................................................................................474, 475 Correspondence School .......................................................................................................................375, 376 Councils – District Advisory Council ...........................................................................................................62 Councils – Parent’s Advisory Councils ................................................................................. 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 Councils – Parent’s Advisory Councils – Insurance .........................................................................65, 66, 67 Councils – School Planning Councils .....................................................................................................71, 72 Criminal Records Search .....................................................................................................................257, 258 Curricular/Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities ............. 146, 346, 406, 407, 410, 416, 417, 418, 419 Curriculum Development ....................................................................................................................394, 395 D Dogwood Certificate ...........................................................................................................................384, 385 Drugs - Non-Use of Illicit Drugs/Alcohol – Employees ............................................................. 253, 254, 255 Drugs - Non-Use of Illicit Drugs/Alcohol – Volunteers ..............................................................................256 E Educational Objectives ............................................................................................................................19, 20 Emergency Situations – Inclement Weather ........................................................................................347, 348 Emergency Situations – Medical Assistance .......................................................................................344, 345 Employee Access to District Facilities ..........................................................................................................44 Employee Conduct – Dealing with Students .......................................................................................281, 282 Employee Conduct – Protocol for Reporting Alleged Child Abuse ....................................................278, 279 Employee Records ...............................................................................................................................283, 284 Employment – A.O. B.C. Principal and Vice Principal Executive ..............................................................193 Employment – A.O. Recruitment and Selection Process ............................................................ 187, 188, 189 Employment – A.O. Reports ...............................................................................................................191, 192 Employment – Definitions ..........................................................................................................................183 Employment – of Relatives .........................................................................................................................184 Employment – Part-Time Teachers – Job Sharing ......................................................................................199 Employment – Reimbursement of Candidates ............................................................................................185 Employment – Teachers – District Initiated Transfers ........................................................................196, 197 Employment – Teachers – Moving Allowance/Temp. Accommodation ............................................194, 195 Employment – Teachers On-Call – Non-Certified ......................................................................................200 Employment – Teachers On-Call – Sports Events ......................................................................................201 Employment – Welcoming Committee .......................................................................................................186 Environment ..........................................................................................................................................21, 129 Equity ......................................................................................................................................................6, 7, 8 Expectations and Standards for Schools ......................................................................................................3, 4 F Fees (School) .......................................................................................................................................318, 319 First Aid - Level II .......................................................................................................................................261 First Nations Advisory Committee ......................................................................................................404, 405 First Nations Education .......................................................................................................................402, 403 Freedom of Information – Designation of Info & Privacy Head & Coordinator .................................170, 171 Freedom of Information – Fee Schedule .............................................................................................174, 175 Freedom of Information – Retention & Destruction of Records .........................................................177, 178 Fundraising ........................................................................................................................ 146, 416, 417, 419 Office of the Secretary-Treasurer Index 505 H Harassment ..............................................................................................................................................15, 16 Head Lice ............................................................................................................................................350, 351 Health & Safety .......................................................................................................................................22, 23 Health & Safety – District Committee.....................................................................................................25, 26 Health & Safety – Safety Sub-Committee ...............................................................................................27, 28 Health & Safety – Universal Precautions ................................................................................................29, 30 I Instruction – Sensitive Content....................................................................................................................421 Insurance – Business Insurance on Private Vehicles ...........................................................................271, 272 Insurance – Excess Liability ........................................................................................................................270 Insurance – Personal Property .....................................................................................................................269 Integration ...........................................................................................................................................380, 381 Internet Access ........................................................................................................................................11, 12 L Laser Pointers ...................................................................................................................... 452, 453, 454, 455 Libraries ...................................................................................................................................... 442, 445, 446 Libraries – Materials Selection and Challenge ....................................................................................445, 446 Local Educational Initiatives ....................................................................................................... 399, 400, 401 M Maintenance - Facilities .............................................................................................................. 152, 153, 154 Murals – Exterior Walls ......................................................................................................................161, 162 Musical Instruments ....................................................................................................................................336 N Northern BC Distance Education School – Out-of-Province Students .................................................377 Nutritional Foods in Schools ...................................................................................................................360 P Personal Safety & Security .......................................................................................................... 35, 36, 37, 38 Personnel – Assistant Secretary-Treasurer (not filled at present) ................................................................110 Personnel – Assistant Superintendent of Schools ....................................................................................84, 86 Personnel – Custodial Supervisor/Safety Officer ................................................................................115, 116 Personnel – Director of Instruction ...............................................................................................................87 Personnel – Director of Special Education ....................................................................................................89 Personnel – District Principal of the Resource Center ..................................................................................92 Personnel – Maintenance Supervisor...........................................................................................................112 Personnel – Residential Outdoor Education Coordinator/Caretaker .....................................................93, 370 Personnel – Secretary-Treasurer ..................................................................................................................104 Personnel – Superintendent of Schools .........................................................................................................78 Personnel - Transportation Supervisor ........................................................................................................113 Philosophy ...................................................................................................................................................1, 2 Physical Examination – Bus Drivers ...................................................................................................249, 250 Private Use of Facilities.......................................................................................................................273, 274 Progress – Student Records – In Progress Symbol ......................................................................................303 Public Interest ..............................................................................................................................................276 Purchasing Procedures Protocol – Technology ..................................................................................138, 139 Purchasing – Standardization of Equipment and Supplies .................................................. 136, 137, 139, 140 Purchasing Procedures................................................................................................. 128, 129, 132, 139, 140 Office of the Secretary-Treasurer Index 506 R Recognition of Service ........................................................................................................................286, 287 Repair of Personal Computers .....................................................................................................................277 Residential Outdoor Education Program ..................................................................................... 369, 370, 372 Resources – Instruction for Teachers ..................................................................................................432, 433 Responsibility – Trespassing and Maintaining Order ..........................................................................102, 103 S School Board Meetings ......................................................................................................... 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 School Board Meetings – Delegation ......................................................................................................49, 50 School Facilities and Equipment .......................................................................................................53, 55, 57 School Visitors’ Protocol ........................................................................................................................37, 38 Secondary Course – Audit ...................................................................................................................389, 390 Secondary Course – Challenge ............................................................................................................386, 387 Secondary Course – Equivalency ........................................................................................................391, 392 Security of Buildings and Grounds – Halloween ........................................................................................150 Skating Rinks ..............................................................................................................................................150 Smoking ........................................................................................................................................................33 Student Council – Management of Funds Raised ........................................................................................335 Substance Abuse Prevention .......................................................................... 253, 254, 255, 256, 342, 343 Support Staff – Annual Vacation.................................................................................................................244 Support to Instruction .................................................................................................................. 428, 429, 431 Surplus Assets ............................................................................................................................. 166, 167, 168 Swimming ...........................................................................................................................................337, 338 T Teachers – Early Retirement Incentive Payment ................................................................. 223, 224, 225, 226 Teachers – Insurance ...................................................................................................................................227 Teachers – Leave of Absence (Less Cost of Sub) .......................................................................................232 Teachers – Leaves (With Pay) .....................................................................................................................230 Teachers – Leaves (Without Pay) ................................................................................................................231 Teachers – Professional Development Committee ..............................................................................236, 237 Teachers – Professional Leaves ...........................................................................................................233, 234 Teachers – Sick Leave Credit ..............................................................................................................228, 229 Technology Services – Private Schools ...................................................................................................58, 59 Technology Services – Regional Colleges ..............................................................................................60, 61 Telephone Calls – Long Distance - Personal Use........................................................................................275 Tobacco use ...................................................................................................................................................33 Tobacco Use ..................................................................................................................................................34 Transportation Allowance ...................................................................................................................364, 365 Travel .................................................................................................................................... 75, 262, 263, 266 Travel and Exchange Programs ...........................................................................................................367, 368 Trustees – Benefits – Accidental Death & Dismemberment ...............................................................467, 468 Trustees – Indemnity ...........................................................................................................................463, 464 Trustees – Participation and Reporting................................................................................................465, 466 Trustees – Representation............................................................................................................................462 Tuberculosis Testing ...........................................................................................................................247, 248 W WHMIS Training ................................................................................................................................251, 252 Working Alone/Traveling Alone .............................................................................................................40, 41 Office of the Secretary-Treasurer Index