Skeletal System: The skeleton is a framework of structures, made of bones and cartilage that support and protect the body. Axial Skeleton: includes the skull, vertebrae, ribs, and sternum. • Skull – many plates of bone fused together. The soft spot on top of the skull is called a fontanel. • Vertebrae – have five distinct regions: 1. Cervical – vertebrae of the neck region Atlas – called “C1”, the first cervical vertebra. Forms the joint that lets you nod “yes”. Axis – called “C2”, the second cervical vertebra. Forms the joint that lets you nod “no”. There are seven cervical vertebrae in all mammals – even the giraffe! 2. Thoracic – vertebrae of the body region, always have a rib attached and a spine on top. “True ribs”: directly attach to sternum with cartilage “False ribs”: connect to each other with cartilage, not the sternum, “Floating ribs”: seen in the dog, have cartilage on the tips but do not attach to anything. 3. Lumbar – vertebrae of the lower back Carnivores generally tend to have more – perhaps to lend greater flexibility. Herbivores need to have a short, strong back to support large digestive and reproductive organs. 4. Sacral – vertebrae of the pelvic region Fused together on the ventral side. Herbivores generally tend to have more to add strength and support to the back. Carnivores tend to have less for flexibility. 5. Coccygeal – vertebrae of the tail region Used for balance. Become smaller at the end of the tail. Appendicular Skeleton – the fore and hind limbs • Forelimb 1. Scapula – “shoulder blade” attached with muscle 2. Clavicle – the cat is the only domestic animal with a clavicle! 3. Humerus – forms the upper arm 4. Ulna – forms the elbow joint, fused with the radius in herbivoires 6. Carpus – commonly called the “knee” in horses, the “wrist” in dogs and humans 7. Metacarpals – commonly called the cannon region of the forelimb. Number depends on species: a) Humans: 5 b) Horses: 1 plus 2 accessory metacarpals, called “splint bones” c) Dogs and cats: 4 plus the dewclaw d) Cattle: 1 that splits at bottom into a cloven hoof and two dewclaws e) Pigs: 4 (2 toes and 2 dewclaws) 8. Proximal phalanx (P1) – bones of the finger, hoof, and claw 9. Intermediate phalanx (P2) 10. Distal phalanx (P3) – the coffin bone in horses 11. Proximal sesamoids – tucked in behind P1 12. Distal sesamoid – tucked in underneath P3, (called the navicular bone in horses) • Hind limb 13. Pelvis a) Tuber coxae – part of pelvis that forms the “point of hip” b) Ischiatic tuberosity- part of pelvis that forms the “seat bones” 14. Femur 15. Patella – forms the “stifle” joint in horses, sometimes called the “knee” in dogs, equivalent to the human knee 16. Tibia – main bone of the gaskin of the horse 17. Fibula – fused with the tibia & considered vestigial in herbivores 18. Tarsus – commonly called the “hock”, equivalent to the human “ankle” 19. Metatarsal – cannon region in the hind limb. Number depends on species. 20. P1 21. P2 22. P3 23. Proximal and distal sesamoids Classification of Bones: • Short bone – cube shaped, i.e. carpus and tarsus • Flat bone – plate of bone, i.e. scapula, rib, skull • Irregular bone – complex shaped, i.e. vertebrae • Sesamoid – small, seed-shaped bone, i.e. proximal and distal sesamoids, patella • Long bone – bone is longer that it is wide, i.e. femur, tibia, humerus, etc. Bone Anatomy: • Diaphysis – body of a long bone • Epiphysis – enlarged ends of long bones • Metaphysis – joining point of diaphysis and epiphysis • Periosteum – thin outer protective layer of bone • Medullary cavity – space within bone filled with marrow • Endosteum – thin inner protective layer lining the medullary cavity Bone Growth: • Occurs in the epiphysis of long bones. • Epiphyseal growth plates produce cartilage, which gradually turns into bone via a process called ossification. Fractures: Major categories • Simple – bone does not break skin. • Compound – bone breaks through skin, much more serious. • Complete – fracture goes completely across the bone. • Incomplete – fracture does not go completely across bone. Classifying fractures • Fissure fracture: incomplete break, along the long axis of the bone • Greenstick fracture: incomplete break on one side of a bone, usually due to a bending force • Transverse fracture: break across the bone • Comminuted fracture: bone shatters into many pieces Healing fractures Bone cells lay down a material called fibrocartilage, which gradually turns into bone in a process called calcification.