Juniors Boys to Girls Ratio

Juniors Boys to Girls Ratio
Cindy Choi
English E
Boys, boys, boys…Can we find any in the junior hallways? The ratio of junior boys to junior
girls has constantly been questioned in the junior hallways. Surprisingly, junior girls had been accepted
the same amount as the new junior boys this year, making the ratio stay ever the same. The ratio
comparing the junior girls to the boys is surprisingly 3 to 1, meaning for every 3 girls, there is 1 boy. Due
to the clashing ratio of the junior grade genders, the boys and girls are in situations where equality is not
met. Since the difference is too extravagant, the ways where the girls are chosen over boys in classrooms
are effecting the education of the boys.
“Why are more girls accepted into KIS than boys?” asks a boy student in A block. Is it because
girls are smarter or is it because they don’t cause as much trouble as the boys. The fact that a male student
must question this already brings out the point that the male students are feeling lower than the girls.
Some classes have only 1 to 2 boys in a classroom. When asked how it felt a male student responded, “I
first thought it was great. However, when we did some school work I’ve come to realize that I felt left out
in situations.” It surely must be great for the boys to sit in a field of flowers, but in many situations the
boys are feeling left out. When given a question and a male student raises his hand, it is more likely for
the teacher to chose one of the girls that are raising their hands because that’s the percentage rate. The
male student can misunderstand this situation and think that he is being left out. Also, when boys are put
in to groups, many say that they feel uneasy to talk because they are the only male in the group, which
gives them the chills. Due to the way that students about their emotions in class, KIS should try to
balance the ratio of boys to girls. When students feel discouraged or is too shy to participate in certain
activities, their education will be highly affected. No student would like to have a low GPA and especially
not to the reason of feeling unequal in a classroom.
Not only are the junior boys being affected by this ratio, but the girls feel a need of change as
well. When too many girls are in a classroom, they start to become competitive with the other girls to be
better than the others. The more competition there will be, the more drama will fill the classroom.
Competition is already a big issue of KIS and having problems like these will not help any student.
The junior boys also stated that they have been hearing too many 'girl issues'. Since there are more girls in
a classroom, girls talk about their personal 'girl' issues, and the boys say they feel uncomfortable. Since
the boys are not interested in any girly issues, they feel uncomfortable in class. In no school do students
need to feel uncomfortable in a classroom because it would effect their education.
Many still question why the ratio of the junior girls to boys is 3 to 1. In no school can you find this ratio
since the balance is too extreme. The boys are feeling left out in classes because the girls are being too
‘dominant’ and this problem should be solved in a quick manner. In order to solve this solution, I
personally believe that KIS should now on accept more male students until the ration is somewhat
balanced. When one gender is too dominant over the other, the under gender would feel left out or
discriminated. When too many girls are in a class, they would also feel the need of competition to be
better than all the girls in their class. On top of all the homework that KIS gives, do the girls really need
to worry about finding a prom date?