MINUTES OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT 8 ENNERDALE ROAD, BLYTH ON 27th JANUARY 2015 AT 2:00PM PRESENT: NIFCA Members: Mr G R Arckless (Chairman), Mr L Weller (Vice Chairman), Mr M Bould, Mr B Burdis, Mrs C Hedley, Mr D Herriott, Dr M Kitching, Mrs J Lee, Mr P Rippon (the successor to Mrs Lee as Environment Agency Representative) Mr A Ritchie, Mr N Robinson, Dr C Scott, Mr J Stephenson, Mr I Thomas, Mr D Watkin and Mr J Woodman. NIFCA Officers Present: M H Hardy (Chief Executive), Chief IFCO A B Browne and IFCO Sally Stewart Moore. 3.1 Apologies were noted from Mrs J Fearon, Ms L Grimshaw, Mrs E Simpson, Mr D Thompson and Deputy Chief IFCO (Environmental) Jon Green. The Chairman also welcomed Helen Spark and Andrew Gooding who have recently come into post/job sharing the Seafood Broker role at the Amble Development Trust. 3.2 Nephrop Fishery Apologies had been received from Mr Lee Arkle who had raised this subject for consideration by the Authority. This fishery is principally outside of the district but affects local fishermen. Michael Bould said the indigenous fleet is difficult to differentiate from the visiting one, most of whom have not built up track record and he thought that bringing in effective voluntary measures could be difficult. He also said the Authority should be involved if there is to be a consultation on this and he requested that it should considered by the Technical and Scientific Sub Committee. Neil Robinson said the MMO is considering the position and Mr Arkle’s comments and have some sympathy but it is unlikely that the local fleet can be favoured. Mr Ritchie said any assessment of the position needs to be done accurately and also that multi rig vessels are more user friendly in this fishery and cause less discards than single rigs. The Chief Executive was asked to write to Mr Arkle to confirm that this matter had been thus considered by the Quarterly meeting. 3.3.1 Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting on 28th October 2014 The minutes were approved as a true record of that meeting. 1 3.4 Chief Executive’s Report for Quarter ending 31st December 2014 The report was noted by the meeting. 3.5 Meetings Attended Throughout the Quarter The schedule of meetings attended was noted by the Quarterly meeting. At this point Professor Polunin joined the meeting. 3.6 Update on Projects and Surveys, including RSA and SEA The meeting noted and gave thanks through the Chair for the paper at 3.6 from Professor Polunin who confirmed that he is, as always, interested to discuss any possible research which the Authority/members may wish to have considered. He confirmed he has a lot of really able students in his school and they are keen to carry out work in the “real world”. Michael Bould asked, regarding Fabrice Stephenson’s work on potting impacts in the EMS, if there had been any practical work with fishermen to assist this project, as he felt would be beneficial? Professor Polunin said the project is funded by Natural England and relates to potting pressure and looks at data but he noted the concerns and suggestion made by Michael Bould and agreed that the project work should be as closely related to the commercial world as possible. Professor Polunin confirmed that he would raise this with Fabrice and Fabrice’s supervisor Professor Clare Fitzsimmons. Regarding this project, Catherine Scott said she thought the work done so far indicated that potting does not have an adverse impact. Mr Bould stressed the benefits of industry cooperation with the project and Professor Polunin said he was happy to hear that and Catherine Scott also confirmed that transec data had been given to the project. The Vice Chairman asked Professor Polunin about the project by Aisling Tinlin regarding winkles and lug worms. Dr Scott responded to say work had been undertaken around Lindisfarne and on other sites in the Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast SAC and there is now a preliminary/year one report. Thanks were given to Professor Polunin and the Chief Executive then outlined the current position in the absence of DC IFCO (Environmental) Green regarding the Authority Strategic Environmental Assessment and the national Project Inshore, as well as confirming the development of the Authority’s Recreational Sea Angling Strategy involving a new survey form and plans for making this available to sea anglers so that further information can be gathered. 3.7 Legacy Byelaw Review Update The short paper on this was noted by the meeting. Through the Chair it was confirmed that the process should continue as referred to in paper 3.7. Mrs Lee referred to the response to the statutory consultation by the Environment Agency and the Chief Executive confirmed that a reply would be sent to the Environment Agency, before all 2 of the papers were forwarded to the MMO with a view to ministerial approval of the byelaws. The Chief Executive also said that he understood the license condition regarding attending nets which the Environment Agency now have should deal with the concerns raised by the Environment Agency but Mrs Lee said the license condition had been challenged in Yorkshire. 3.8 Vessels Update – The Chief Executive confirmed, as had been reported to the Watch Committee, that the building of St Aidan at Goodchild Marine Boatyard continues satisfactorily except it is behind schedule. The Chairman therefore confirmed the Watch Committee recommendation to postpone the official launch date of 5th May and that was approved by this meeting and the Chief Executive confirmed he would speak to the Lord Lieutenant’s office on behalf of the Duchess of Northumberland regarding rearranging the date for the naming ceremony of St Aidan. Regarding St Oswald, it was confirmed that she had been sold for the best bid received in the sum of £168,080 (one hundred and sixty eight thousand and eighty pounds) to company Forth Logistics Marine Services with the sale due to complete and the vessel to be handed over on 9th February. Particularly with the other vessel capability available to the Authority it was noted that the gap before St Aidan is available (anticipated in April 2015) is unlikely to cause any difficulties to the Authority. 3.9 Marine Protected Areas Update The meeting noted the paper on this subject and the Chief Executive confirmed that he will be participating in a dial in to Defra with other IFCAs regarding this on the day after the Quarterly meeting. Regarding DC IFCO (Operations) Southerton’s paper in respect of the B&NNC EMS Survey update, this was noted by the meeting. Regarding future provision for fishing vessels to be able to use mobile gear in parts of the B&NNC SAC, Michael Bould asked if regulation based on gear type rather than use of iVMS could be considered, bearing in mind the low level of such possible activity. Regarding seagrass, the Vice Chairman asked if there was any news yet about additional areas which may be opened in the area of Lindisfarne for bait digging and Dr Scott said confirmation of the position regarding any unexploded ordinance was still awaited from the Ministry of Defence. Mr Weller said there was a promise that this would be done expeditiously and could that be by 2016? Dr Scott said this is interlinked with other work on Amber Risks being undertaken by the Authority. 3.10 Epitome of Correspondence Regarding item 3 personal floatation devices, Mr Ritchie said he was disappointed with the level of uptake. He continued that the Anglish Scottish Fishermen’s Association of which he is secretary has a remit to distribute these locally but if fishermen do not take up the use of these voluntarily then he thinks the MCA will make their use compulsory. The Chief IFCO also confirmed that NIFCA had offered help but so far heard nothing in reply. Regarding item 21 in the epitome, Mr Bould said that members should bear in mind that no take zones do not always produce benefits and in Northumberland he expected 3 IFCO McLoughney’s lobster project to confirm the belief of the industry that the stocks in the district are largely young as well as healthy and sustainable. Regarding item 16 in the epitome in respect of MMO appointees, both the Chairman and Vice Chairman recorded their concerns and referred to concerns also expressed by others about the process for member appointments or reappointments from 1st April next. The Chairman said he was glad that existing members whose appointments have been terminated from 31st March are applying to become members again from 1st April, particularly because they have all already demonstrated their commitment to the IFCA and he is sure that is supported by the elected members. The Vice Chairman said the whole process had been a disaster including the application form and public relation. He now understood following a lot of discussion that the survey which had been undertaken regarding the process has been discontinued. Michael Bould said he was incredulous as to the way the process has been gone about and the Chairman said he hoped that if there had to be appraisals in the future then they would be light touch as the MMO had indicated. Mr Bould said he was applying on the basis that membership terms and conditions will be the same. Mr Herriott said the form of application was a disgrace. 3.11 Oral Reports of Watch and Finance Committees The Chief Executive outlined what had been discussed at the Watch and Finance Committees and which is contained in the minutes of those meetings, including the report on Risk Assessment and updating of the Matrix and both reports were noted and approved by the General Committee. The Chairman then confirmed the proposal for approval by the General Committee of a 2% increase in precept amounting to a total sum of approximately £15,000. The Chairman also confirmed the continued uncertainty about “new burdens funding” in the long term and it is best to try and avoid having to make one large increase in precepts in the future and the Chairman having moved and the Vice Chairman seconding the proposal of a 2% increase in precepts that was unanimously agreed by the meeting. The Chairman went on to confirm that in the latest stage of the staffing review, the Finance Committee had discussed both on 16th January and at the Finance meeting before the General Committee meeting and approved a number of salary recommendations, the details of which are confidential. The Chairman also confirmed that the Chief Executive had undertaken to write to all members of staff regarding this discussion. The Chairman stressed the need to be fair and open with staff and the situation would be discussed with them and kept under review. The Chairman then sought endorsement of the Finance Committee recommendation regarding salaries and that was unanimously approved by the meeting. 3.12 IFCO Reports The reports were received and the Chairman said they make fascinating reading and illustrate how the Authority’s remit has changed. He also commended the maintenance and engineering work done on St Oswald which is a reason she has served the Authority so well and achieved the sale price and he thanked Mr Cooke and the team of officers for their care of St Oswald. The Vice Chairman sincerely endorsed those comments. 4 3.13 Any Other Business a) The Chief Executive confirmed the new recreational sea angling survey form which has been prepared by IFCOs and confirmed that apart from its distribution to local tackle shops etc, it can be filled in online. b) The Chairman said it should be noted that Jill Lee is about to move from the area coinciding with her maternity leave from the Environment Agency and congratulations and thanks were given to Jill and the occasion marked by gifts to her as tokens of appreciation. c) Regarding gifts for guests at the launch of St Aidan Chief IFCO Browne produced some samples and confirmed he would continue to look into what would be most suitable. And there being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 3:15pm. 5