RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Elements of competence RM2.1 RM2.2 Design and implement a service which addresses the needs of clients experiencing significant life events Ensure the service responds effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses Summary This unit related to the competence in establishing and maintaining a service which responds to the needs of individuals and groups, at times of significant life events, loss and bereavement. The significant events might be those linked to developmental stage such as sensory loss or onset of dementia. It may also be related to individual life choices such as a decision to marry, or family upheaval. Who this unit is aimed at The unit is for you if you are a manager with responsibility for: delivering a service at times of significant loss and change the performance of workers delivering a service at times of significant loss and change. Principles of good practice The first element design and implement a service which addresses the needs of clients experiencing significant life events relates to the design and delivery of services which are sensitive and responsive to the impact of significant live events and enable clients to come to terms with change and loss. Significant life events may be linked to a stage in the life cycle (e.g. making a choice to marry or begin a sexual relationship) or to a specific trauma or loss experienced by an individual client at a particular time (e.g. coping with sensory loss or disability, coping with changes related to complex health needs, death of another client in a residential setting, illness, injury). For some the issues around placement, such as entering, moving or leaving care, can also give rise to extreme feelings and reactions and a need for positive strategies to cope with these. The second element ensure the service responds effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses relates to the supervision and management of service systems, structures and procedures to ensure that they respond to the particular needs of the service users in their setting, whether for children, young people, adults or older people. It reflects the need for close monitoring for staff and strategies, with approaches being evaluated for effectiveness. Taking account of the wide range of life changes, developments, traumas which impact on individuals and their care and support needs requires planning and awareness from managers. A clear understanding of individual and group behaviour in response to severe stresses is essential to maximising staff and clients’ positive management of self. Relationship to other units O3, CU7, C13, C10, RM1, D4. Place in the SVQ framework This unit occurs in the following qualification: SVQ Registered Manager in Health and Social Care level 4 Unit D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Evidence Requirements for this unit You must provide your assessor with evidence for all the Performance Criteria and all aspects of Range and Knowledge. The evidence must be provided in the following ways, taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted below: Special Considerations Your evidence must be the result of real work activities undertaken by yourself. Evidence from simulated activities is not acceptable for this unit. 1 2 Direct Observation Your assessor must observe you in real work activities Other types of evidence of your performance and knowledge Your assessor will also want to see other evidence to feel confident that you can consistently repeat this standard of work and to cover those performance criteria and aspects of range which are not met during the observations. They will also want to see evidence that you know, understand and can apply in practice the knowledge which is listed in the specification. Your assessor may decide that you have already demonstrated some knowledge and understanding when they observe you working. You will need to agree, and review an assessment plan with your assessor so that you can collect sufficient evidence to show that you are competent and meet the requirements of the unit. You will need to discuss with your assessor what will be acceptable. Types of evidence could include: products of your work statements from other people who have seen you working (witness testimony) simulations not acceptable for this unit questionning, oral or written case studies, projects, assignments and reflective accounts of your work. Further guidance can be found at the end of this unit. it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Element RM2.1 Design and implement a service which addresses the needs of clients experiencing significant life events Performance criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DO P Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) W RA Q organisational systems and procedures are designed and implemented to ensure the quality of the service relating to the support for clients experiencing significant life events and meet local and national service standards systems and structures consistently demonstrate acceptance for cultural diversity, individual choice and difference staffing and skill levels are sufficient to respond to the changing needs of individuals who are experiencing significant life events all staff are provided with learning opportunities (including appropriate in service training) which ensure their ability to respond sensitively and appropriately to clients experiencing significant life events the need for specialist resources is identified and the policies and procedures for joint work and making referrals for support services are fully implemented relationships with specialist resources frequently used by the service are developed and maintained proactively where the scope of services available is insufficient to meet an identified need all practicable steps are taken to identify appropriate specialist resources and knowledge it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Other Date RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Element RM2.1 Design and implement a service which addresses the needs of clients experiencing significant life events 8 9 policies, procedures and methods for sharing information and maintaining records are fully implemented throughout the service the emotional impact of interactions with clients experiencing significant loss or change on staff and others in the setting is recognised and systems for providing support and counselling are valued and used throughout the service. it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Element RM2.1 Design and implement a service which addresses the needs of clients experiencing significant life events Range 1 a) b) c) d) 2 a) b) c) d) 3 a) b) c) DO P Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) W RA Q Other Date implement a service which has been designed to meet the needs of clients undergoing significant life events linked to the following: those associated with age and life stage those specific to the particular client those related to injury or illness or disability those related to loss, change or bereavement utilise the following learning opportunities to offer staff learning linked to supporting clients undergoing significant life events: induction training coaching supervision and appraisal utilise the following specialist resources: health or social service community religious, spiritual or cultural Note on range – evidence requirements Range 1 - You must show evidence of implementing a service which has been designed to meet the needs of clients undergoing at least two significant life events Range 2 - You must show evidence of utilising at least two learning opportunities to offer staff learning linked to supporting clients undergoing significant life events Range 3 - You must show evidence of utilising at least one specialist resource You must, however, convince your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in relation to all the types of life events listed, in utilising all the learning opportunities listed and in utilising all the specialist resources, listed above. it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Element RM2.2 Ensure the service responds effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses Performance criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DO P Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) W RA Q organisational systems and procedures respond to the particular needs of these experiencing major changes, losses or traumas associated with their life stage, or those of significant others staff accept and respect the emotional expression associated with life changes and crises, and the need for working through issues over time planning for staff interventions and strategy takes account of existing skills, key worker relationships and an assessment of the service users strengths and needs for emotional support staffing levels and skill mix respond to additional workload flexibility in respect of individualised needs the physical environment and routines are adapted in response to temporary or longer term requirements for care the involvement of significant others, including a multi-disciplinary approach is recognised and appropriate action is taken to achieve best outcomes for each service user administrative arrangements for any legal, financial or control of medicine issues are in line with requirements and current best practice in care or nursing the service operates in a manner which encourages, empowers and enables service users and carers to participate fully in the plans for care and any subsequent arrangements it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Other Date RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Element RM2.2 Ensure the service responds effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses (cont) 9 10 11 12 communications systems are designed to promote open, sensitive and appropriate communication staff involved in specialist care activities are able to monitor emotional, behavioural or physical changes, and refer to other colleagues for consultation, or expert advice reporting and recording systems are designed to safeguard the service users and to meet national and local service requirements support systems for staff working with emotionally challenging situations are available to help staff manage the impact of their work, and are effectively monitored and evaluated through supervision it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Element RM2.2 Ensure the service responds effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses Range 1 a) b) c) 2 a) b) 3 a) b) 4 a) b) c) d) e) 5 a) b) c) d) DO P Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) W RA Q in responding effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses the service should include the following: direct care administration resources respond to the following: a client with a high level of participation in their own plan of care a client with an indirect participation in their own plan of care (i.e. through advocate, relative, friend) respond effectively: at the point of identification of significant life event during reaction/adjustment stages and that the response considered how to: maximise comfort ensure privacy and dignity your communication should support an effective response to the following: your workers the client the other clients workers from other agencies family members/carers/advocates the following forms of offering support are available to your workers and others in the setting: practical supervision work based counselling specialist counselling and advice it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Other Date RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Note on range – evidence requirements Range 1 - you must show evidence that in responding effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses the service includes all the range detailed above. Range 2 - You must show evidence of responding to at least one of the clients detailed in the range above. Range 3 - You must show evidence of responding effectively at both the stages detailed in the range above. Range 4 - You must show evidence of the way your communication with at least two of those detailed in the range above, supports an effective response: Range 5 - You must show evidence that all of the forms of offering support are available to your workers and others in the setting: You must, however, convince your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in relation to all the ranges listed. it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit Element RM2.1 Design and implement a service which addresses the needs of clients experiencing significant life events Legislation, policy and practice 1 legal and policy requirements relating to the provision of care and health services, personal, legal, and financial affairs 2 legal and policy requirements relating to personal, legal, and financial affairs Factors 3 an understanding of the general life stages, health needs, and changes associated with the client group in receipt of the service (e.g. adolescence, sensory loss, learning disability, drug and alcohol problems, mental health, dementia, palliative care) 4 the impact of individuals experience of change and loss on others in the setting or social network 5 the importance of integrating physical, practical, psychological, cultural and spiritual aspects of care 6 the availability of support systems for individuals experiencing specific kinds of change or loss – e.g. those associated with the needs of those with particular disabilities, carers or cultural groupings, addictions, offending behaviours, school or employment difficulties, etc 7 responsibilities for allowances, funds, property, decision making generally Products and Services 8 sources of support and services for service users’ particular needs, health, nursing, advice and guidance, psychological, spiritual, cultural 9 resources, medical, financial, equipment accessible and relevant to circumstances How to achieve important outcomes 10 methods for ensuring all staff understand the boundaries of their role, responsibilities and the agency policy on the management of significant life events (e.g. induction, training, coaching, etc) 11 design recording and storage and retrieval systems which integrate the needs of staff providing the service and formal reporting requirements 12 find appropriate specialist resources and knowledge (journals, action research) and remain abreast of findings that promote best practice 13 monitor, maintain and improve decision making with service users personal, legal and financial affairs and enable staff to integrate practical and emotional aspects of care. Ensuring that the service users and carers are involved and consulted. Element RM2.2 Ensure the service responds effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses Legislation, policy and practice 14 legal and policy requirements relating to the provision of care services, personal, legal, and financial affairs 15 awareness of legal and policy requirements for the storing, giving, and receiving medicines it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions State evidence index no(s) RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit Factors 16 how the personal and work experience of staff can impact on their performance in relation to the needs of service users in situations of birth, change, loss, trauma 17 the key issues in responding appropriately to particular experiences, empathy, allowing service users to move at their own pace, having space to adjust, privacy and the opportunity to express emotion in a safe environment. 18 the importance of sensitive and accurate recording for all those involved in care Products and Services 19 information relating to specific needs, understanding of conditions, experience of coping with diverse life events How to achieve important outcomes 20 methods of managing staff rotas to maximise flexibility and responsiveness to individual needs 21 how to enable staff and peers to offer appropriate support for those experiencing the variety of significant life events 22 work collaboratively with specialist 23 knowledge of individual and group behaviours when experiencing distress it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions State evidence index no(s) RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Knowledge and understanding DO P Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) W RA Q Other P Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) W RA Q Other Date There is sufficient evidence of knowledge and understanding for this unit Evidence requirements DO The evidence generated by the candidate meets the evidence requirements for this unit Assessor/Internal verifier comments Candidate’s name Assessor’s name IV’s name Candidate’s signature Assessor’s signature IV signature Date Date Date it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Date RM2 Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions Further Guidance Examples of evidence Here are a few examples to give you some ideas about the sort of evidence you might be able to find in your daily work. Element RM2.1 Design and implement a service which addresses the needs of clients experiencing significant life events Work activities meetings with relevant people to agree ways of addressing the needs of people experiencing significant life events staff training on addressing the needs of people experiencing significant life events team meetings to discuss ways of improving the service’s ability to respond to people experiencing significant life events Products or outcomes correspondence, memos, file notes and minutes of above meetings policy and procedure in relation to supporting people experiencing significant life events Written or spoken report, describing the processes for supporting people experiencing significant life events Witness testimony statements from people with whom you design and implement a service which appropriately responds to people experiencing significant life events Element RM2.2 Ensure the service responds effectively to individuals experiencing major life changes or losses Work activities meetings with relevant people to agree ways of addressing the specific needs of an individual experiencing a significant life event staff training on addressing the specific needs of an individual experiencing a significant life event team meetings to discuss ways of improving the service’s ability to respond to the specific needs of an individual experiencing a significant life event Products or outcomes correspondence, memos, file notes and minutes of above meetings policy and procedure in relation to supporting people experiencing significant life events plans to meet the specific needs of an individual experiencing a significant life event Written or spoken report, describing the processes for supporting people experiencing significant life events Witness testimony statement from people with whom you design and implement a service which appropriately responds to people experiencing significant life events. it D85H 04 (RM2) Ensure individuals and groups are supported appropriately when experiencing significant life events and transitions