Experiencing English 2

Experiencing English 1
 Think About It
 Summary of the Text
 Words and Expressions
 Understanding the Text
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
Think About it
1. When you are in trouble, what is your
favorite way to ask for help?
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
信息台 168
查号台 114
道路交通事故报警台 122
Passage A Information, Please
天气预报台 121
Experiencing English 1
中国(大陆) 报警110 火警119 交通事故112 医疗急救120
日本紧急报警电话或紧急求救电话 110
巴基斯坦报警电话或紧急求救电话 222222
中国香港报警电话或紧急求救电话 999
印尼报警电话或紧急求救电话 510110
印度报警电话或紧急求救电话 110
中国澳门报警电话或紧急求救电话 000
孟加拉报警电话或紧急求救电话 509922
马来西亚报警电话或紧急求救电话 999
泰国报警电话或紧急求救电话 191
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
埃及报警电话或紧急求救电话 122
芬兰报警电话或紧急求救电话 112
法国报警电话或紧急求救电话 17
德国报警电话或紧急求救电话 110
英国报警电话或紧急求救电话 999
希腊报警电话或紧急求救电话 171
匈牙利报警电话或紧急求救电话 078668
冰岛报警电话或紧急求救电话 11166
爱尔兰报警电话或紧急求救电话 999
以色利报警电话或紧急求救电话 100
意大利报警电话或紧急求救电话 113
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
瑞典报警电话或紧急求救电话 112
瑞士报警电话或紧急求救电话 117
土耳其报警电话或紧急求救电话 5285369
俄罗斯报警电话或紧急求救电话 02
南斯拉夫报警电话或紧急求救电话 92
加拿大报警电话或紧急求救电话 911
美国报警电话或紧急求救电话 911
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
Think About it
2. What did the author do when he was in
trouble without anybody around ?
He called
"Information, please"
on the phone
and talked to Sally.
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
Click and listen to the text.
 Listen to the whole text.
 Listen to paragraph 1.
 Listen to paragraph 2.
 Listen to paragraph 3.
 Listen to paragraph 4.
 Listen to paragraph 5.
 Listen to paragraph 6.
 Listen to paragraph 7.
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
How People May Answer the Telephone
in English
After receiving a
telephone call, some
people may say “hello,”
some people may say
“hi,” some people may
say their own
first and/or last names,
perhaps followed by “here”
or “speaking,” and some
people may say their own
“residence” or “office” to
indicate which it is. All of
these are considered OK.
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Experiencing English 1
Secretaries are often trained
to say either the name of the
company or the boss’s name
followed by “office,” and then
perhaps their own name followed
Businesses may train their
employees to include friendly
phrases like “may I help you”
or “how may I help you?” in
their phone greetings.
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
Here are some examples:
“John here” / “John speaking”
“Johnson here” /“Johnson speaking”
“John Johnson here” / “John Johnson
“Johnson residence”
“Mr. Johnson’s office”
“Johnson Computer Sales, Jane speaking”
“Johnson Computer Sales, (how) may I
help you?”
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
1.What did the little boy discover when he
was young?
2. Did she know everything?
3. What happened to the little boy one
day when he was at home alone?
4. What did she (the information, please)
advise him to do?
5.Which subjects did the little boy ask her
for help with?
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
6.What was the boy’s question
about a bird?
7. What was her answer? What did it
8.Why did the boy ask the question, “How
do you spell ‘grateful’?
9.Did the little boy still remember those
childhood conversations when he was a
10.What’s his impression on her?
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Experiencing English 1
11. Did he call her a few years later?
12.When was it that the author got in touch with
her again after he moved to Boston?
13.What was the lady’s name?
14.What happened three months later when he
was back in Seattle?
15. What was the boy’s name?
16. What did the message say?
17. What did Sally mean when she said “ There
are other worlds to sing in?”
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
hurt his finger
Information, please
his bird
move away
leave a message
have other worlds to sing in
Passage A Information, Please
Experiencing English 1
Reference Summary
When the author was young he hurt his finger
with a hammer and got some good advice on the
phone from the “Information, please” operator.
When his bird died she comforted him. Over the
years he called her many more times and developed
a friendship with her. He moved away from his
hometown but called her whenever he returned to
visit. Eventually she also died, but before dying she
left a message for him with the new “Information
Please” operator so that he would have pleasant
memories of her. Like the bird, she said she’d have
other worlds to sing in.
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Experiencing English 1
Thank You!
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