Instructions for Patients After Implant Placement Surgery

B.D.Sc (W.A), MScD (WA), D.Clin.Dent. (Syd), M.R.A.C.D.S.(Pros), F.P.F.A, F.R.A.C.D.S
Instructions for Patients After Implant Placement Surgery
Post-operative Pain
It is normal to have some pain after the local anaesthetic wears off. Take the prescribed anti-inflammatory
medication as directed. You may also take Panadol every six hours to supplement the anti-inflammatory.
(Please do not take medication that contains aspirin.) If the pain cannot be controlled or persists after 24
hours, please contact the surgery. Please take all medications according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Post Operative Bleeding and Bruising
It is normal to have some blood in the mouth and saliva for 4-6 hours after implant surgery. This is normal
oozing from the wound and will discolour the saliva. More profuse bleeding is not normal and should stop if
you apply pressure. Ensure your head is in a raised position. Apply a moist pad of clean linen, gauze or a
handkerchief to the area of bleeding and apply firm pressure for 10 to 30 minutes. This type of pressure will
not damage the implant. Repeat for a further 10 minutes if the bleeding continues. If the bleeding persists
after the next two hours, please contact the surgery.
Very hot or cold food or drink may cause the site to bleed, so please avoid extremes of temperature when
eating or drinking.
DO NOT rinse your mouth out on the day of surgery – vigorous rinsing may cause bleeding.
Some bruising and swelling is common after implant surgery as the bone has been manipulated. Ice packs
applied to the outside of your face over the relevant site for the first 6 to 12 hours after surgery may help
reduce swelling. Normal swelling should subside after 2 to 3 days. If you have concerns, or the swelling
persists, which may indicate wound infection, please contact the surgery.
We recommend a soft diet for the first couple of days after surgery, in order to avoid traumatising the site.
Alcohol should be avoided for 3 days and smoking is definitely not advised as indicated in previous
Mouth Cleaning
DO NOT rinse your mouth today. Only brush the teeth not surrounding the implant site. You may resume
normal toothbrushing the following day. You should also begin mouthwashes the following day.
Hot Salt Water Mouthwash : Using a teaspoon of salt in a glass/cup of warm to hot water, take a mouthful
and hold over the surgery site. DO NOT RINSE VIGOROUSLY. Hold over the site until the heat leaves the
water, and spit out. Use the whole glass, and please do this 4 times a day.
Curasept Mouthwash: Please use a 10ml of the Curasept mouthwash and rinse for 1 minute. Do not allow
the Curasept mouthwash to come in contact with toothpaste, as it may de-activate the mouthwash.
If the Curasept is too strong, you may dilute it by adding 10mls of water.
Work and Sporting Activities
You may follow your regular daily activities but avoid excessive exertion that would raise your blood
pressure. High blood pressure may cause the site to bleed. Vigorous sporting activity should be avoided for
3 days.
The stitches will dissolve themselves over a period of a few weeks. We will remove the remainder of the
sutures during your review appointment.
To avoid placing pressure on the newly placed implants, dentures should not be worn for the first week after
surgery. If the denture is tooth-supported or can be reduced enough to avoid pressure they can be worn,
but not for eating and sleeping.
Continue your antibiotic cover until finished
Continue your anti inflammatory (Naprosyn) for 4 more days
1 tablet 4 times per day
1 tablet 2 times per day
Level 3, 64 Havelock Street, West Perth W.A 6005
Telephone: 93216449, Facsimile: 9321 0336