Dental Practice -


Information on Surgery in the Dental Practice

One or more of the following interventions have been scheduled for you:

 A tooth extraction

 Surgical removal of one or more impacted wisdom teeth

 An apicoectomy (root end surgery) / cyst removal

 An implant insertion

 Lower jaw augmentation

Required Action Prior to Surgery

Starting three days prior to surgery, rinse your mouth three times a day for one minute with

Curasept ADS 220 (chlorhexidine 0.2). (Chlorhexidine = antiseptic mouth-wash.)

On the Day of the Operation

One hour prior to the operation, take 1 Ciproflox or Aziclav tablet (antibiotic) and 1 Optifen

600 tablet (analgesic).

Make sure to eat something before your arrival for the surgery.

Have ice-packs ready in your freezer compartment.

After the Operation

Take the following medication: Twice a day 1 Ciproflox or Aziclav tablet (morning and evening)

1 Optifen tablet for a maximum of f our times à day

Do not stop taking the antibiotics until you have used up the entire the packet.

Only on the day following an extraction or other operation (not before that!) , rinse your mouth with Curasept two or three times daily .

In the two days following the intervention, do not smoke or drink any aggressive drinks such as coffee, fruit juice or alcohol, so as not to destroy the blood coagulum in the alveole. This could expose the bone and provoke acute pain.

Keep the swab in place inside your mouth for 15 minutes. If an antiseptic strip was used, keep it in the bone cavity for three days before carefully removing it. In case of afterbleeding, keep biting onto a swab or tissue for about fifteen minutes until the bleeding stops.

We will inform you if and where an antiseptic strip was used.

Postoperative Pain

The surgical intervention you undergo usually leads to postoperative pain (Optifen is prescribed against the pain and swelling). Rest you jaw and avoid any unnecessary movement.


It is not unusual for the face to show swelling in the operated area.

The swelling can be contained by applying ice-packs (wrapped into terrycloth) or a cold-hotpack (available in pharmacies) immediately after the intervention and for the two to three days following it.

The swelling usually increases in the three days after the surgery and decreases in the following seven to ten days. Elevating your head can contribute to a decrease in the swelling.

Jaw spasm

A wisdom tooth operation almost always leads to a restriction of the opening of the mouth.

These jaw spasms disappear as the swelling decreases.


To avoid after-bleeding, it is recommended not to lie down flat the first few days following the operation. This is why we suggest that during the first night you elevate your head by placing two or three pillows under it. Postoperative bleeding is no cause for concern. You should, however, apply pressure to the wound using a swab, as described above. You should not interfere with the blood coagulation by repetitive rinsing. Should the bleeding occur several hours or days after the operation, you should apply continuous pressure to the wound for at least thirty minutes by biting onto a swab or a cloth handkerchief, without checking in small intervals whether the bleeding continues. If you do not manage to stop the bleeding this way, you should contact your dentist.


After surgical procedures in the mouth it recommended to eat only soft food . We suggest you brush the unaffected teeth with a toothbrush as usual and then rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine. Should the medication provoke diarrhea, use “Ribolac” or “Bioflorin” (available in pharmacies) to reintroduce the necessary bacteria into your intestinal flora.

If possible, do not interrupt taking medication without consulting you health practitioner. The entire healing of the surgical wound following a wisdom tooth extraction takes approximately four to eight weeks. A closed wound, such as after an apicoectomy (root end surgery) is not healed immediately after the stitches are removed. This type of wound also takes several weeks or months to heal and to have a completely “normal” feeling. Due to the side effects of these surgical interventions, you may need to schedule one to three days absence of work.
