PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: oblique overaction. POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: oblique overaction. OPERATION PERFORMED: Right cranial nerve IV paresis with inferior Right cranial nerve IV paresis with inferior Right inferior oblique myectomy. ATTENDING AND RESPONSIBLE SURGEON: ASSISTANT: Douglas Fredrick, M.D. Suzann Pershing, M.D. INDICATIONS: The patient is a 2-year-old girl with a history of constant head turning to the left. On examination, she has marked inferior oblique overaction on the right side. Risks, benefits, alternatives, and complications with special emphasis on overcorrection, undercorrection in terms of any need for additional muscle surgery were discussed at length with the parents who wished to proceed. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Patient brought to the operating room where general anesthesia induced by Anesthesia Staff. At this time, forced duction testing revealed laxity in all extraocular muscles, not just the superior oblique muscle. The eye was prepped and draped in sterile ophthalmic fashion using Betadine. Forced duction testing was performed, which revealed laxity in all extraocular muscles. A traction suture with 6-0 silk was placed at 6 and 9 o'clock limbus. The eye was rotated into elevation and adduction. An incision was made 8 mm in the inferotemporal quadrant. Using a direct visualization, the inferior oblique muscle was isolated on Graefe muscle hooks and green muscle hooks. Care was taken to incorporate all fibers on the dissection. Additional Graefe hooks were used to isolate the inferior rectus and lateral rectus muscle to make certain the inferior oblique was properly identified. After identification was confirmed, the muscle hooks were splayed apart 8 mm. Then, 2-stage hemostats were used across the muscle between 8 mm. Westcott scissors were used to create a myectomy. The ends of the cut muscle were treated with cautery. The muscle clamps were removed and the muscle retracted quickly in the orbit, indicating all fibers had been cut. This fashioned a right inferior oblique myectomy of 8 mm. The conjunctiva was closed with 6-0 plain gut suture. The patient was awakened and taken to the PACU in stable condition after TobraDex ointment was placed in the eye.