02-04-10 Minutes - Brown County Schools

Executive Session: Board of School Trustees
Administration Building
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Board of School Trustees of the Brown County Schools, Nashville, Indiana, met in Executive Session
on Thursday, February 4, 2010 at the Administration Building. Board members present: Teresa Waltman,
Judy Hardwick, Connie Weddle, John Mills and Carol Bowden. Staff members present: David Shaffer
and Dennis Goldberg.
The topic of discussion was as follows: where authorized by federal or state statute; collective bargaining
strategy; litigation strategy when litigation is threatened specifically in writing, or when litigation may be
initiated by the board; strategy for implementation of a security system; the possible purchase of a
particular piece of real estate up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the
parties; the receipt of information about and the interviewing of prospective employees; discussion
concerning alleged misconduct by employees or students and discussion, before a determination, of the
person’s status as an employee or student; discussion of records classified as confidential by state or
federal law; discussion before any placement decision of a student’s abilities, past performance, behavior
and needs; job performance evaluations of individual employees; appointment of a “public official” (a
school board member, as opposed to an employee), including developing a list of prospective applicants,
considering applications and making one initial exclusion of applicants from further consideration; the
training of school board members with an outside consultant about the performance of the role of the
members as public officials.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Teresa Waltman, President
Connie Weddle, Secretary
Judy Hardwick, Vice-President
John Mills, Member
Carol Bowden, Member
Regular Meeting: Board of School Trustees
Administration Building
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Board of School Trustees of Brown County Schools, Nashville, Indiana, met in a regular meeting on
Thursday, February 4, 2010 at Administration Building. Board members present: Judy Hardwick, Connie
Weddle, John Mills and Carol Bowden. Teresa Waltman was absent. Staff members present: David
Shaffer, Dennis Goldberg, Matt Stark, Debbie Harman, Donna Duff and Mary Carrico.
The regular meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Board members discussed policy manual revisions in sections five and six of the board policy manual.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 21, 2010
Carol Bowden moved to approve the minutes as presented. Connie Weddle seconded the motion, which
passed 4-0.
Out-of-State Field Trip
We recommend your approval for the Nashville Elementary 5th & 6th graders to travel to Louisville, KY
on May 20, 2010. They will visit the Louisville Slugger Museum, the Science Museum and the Kentucky
Derby Museum.
Out-of-State Field Trip
We recommend your approval for the Helmsburg Elementary 6th graders to travel to Louisville, KY on
May 13, 2010. They will visit the Louisville Slugger Museum, the Science Museum and the Kentucky
Derby Museum.
Connie Weddle moved to approve the two out-of-state field trips as presented. John Mills seconded the
motion, which passed 4-0.
Out-of-State Professional Leave
We recommend your approval for Gavin Steele and Tony Bell to attend the Frank Glazier Mega Football
Clinic in Nashville, TN from February 12th through the 14th.
Out-of-State Professional Leave
We recommend your approval for Jim McFall, Tim Hebert and Anthony Tharp to attend the Frank
Glazier Mega Football Clinic in Cincinnati, OH on February 26th.
John Mills moved to approve the out-of-state professional leaves as presented. Carol Bowden seconded
the motion, which passed 4-0.
Request to Accept Donation
We recommend your approval to accept a donation of thirty-five (35) HP7600 computer workstations and
one (1) Dell Poweredge 2500 Server with an approximate value of $8,000.
Carol Bowden moved to accept the donation as presented. Connie Weddle seconded the motion, which
passed 4-0.
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Board of School Trustees
February 4, 2010
Hourly Employee Pay Scale Revisions for Substitute Pay
We recommend your approval to revise the hourly employee pay scale for substitute pay as presented.
The hourly rate for all substitutes, excluding current employees who sub and substitute teachers, will be
$7.84 per hour for any position effective February 1, 2010.
Connie Weddle moved to approve the hourly employee pay scale revisions for substitute pay as presented.
Carol Bowden seconded the motion, which passed 4-0.
Appointments Non-Certified
Leigh Turner-Ball – Permanent Head Secretary – Nashville Elementary – effective January 25, 2010.
Kathy Hammond – Health Assistant – Nashville Elementary – to be paid $9.12 per hour effective
February 1, 2010.
Carol Bowden moved to approve the consent agenda items beginning with the appointment of Leigh
Turner-Ball and ending with the appointment of Kathy Hammond. John Mills seconded the motion,
which passed 4-0.
Dennis Goldberg reported on the near completion of adjustments in Komputrol for the 2010 budget and
recognized the hard work of Susie Owens, Jill Wray, and Julie Smith on this project. Dr. Goldberg also
reported on several smaller buildings and grounds upgrades that have been completed at the Junior High,
Van Buren, the CRC, and the Maintenance Facility.
David Shaffer reported on a request from IU to do a survey at Van Buren which was approved by
consensus of the board. The ISBA will hold a Regional Meeting in Seymour on March 30, 2010.
Mr. Shaffer also reported that By laws and Articles were received to create a Brown County Schools
Foundation. This will be discussed further at a future meeting.
Mr. Shaffer also advised the board that, weather permitting, the high school will honor five new members
of its Athletic Hall of Fame, Rudy Crabtree, Charlie Roush, Sean Sheppard, Jacob Nay and Matt
Helmerich, tomorrow night at the game with Edgewood. Steve Makarat will be inducted into the Indiana
High School Tennis Hall of Fame tomorrow night. Saturday, our wrestlers compete in the IHSAA
Regional Meet at Bloomington South. On Wednesday, February 10th our girls' basketball team will play
South Vermillion at Sullivan in the IHSAA Sectional game beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Congratulations also to members of our high school and junior high bands, and our drama program for
their recent successes in the ISSMA District Solo and Ensemble Contests and the State Thespians
There being no further business Carol Bowden moved to adjourn the meeting. Connie Weddle seconded
the motion, which passed 4-0.
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Board of School Trustees
February 4, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Teresa Waltman, President
Connie Weddle, Secretary
Judy Hardwick, Vice-President
John Mills, Member
Carol Bowden, Member
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Board of School Trustees
February 4, 2010