August 27th - Town of Elbridge

AUGUST 27th, 2015
The Elbridge Town Board met on August 27th, 2015 at the Town Municipal Building, 5
Rte. 31, Jordan, NY at 7PM to hold two Public Hearings and conduct their regular
Supervisor Bush called the meeting to order at 7PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Councilor Rita Dygert, Councilor Robert Decker, Councilor Doug Blumer,
and Supervisor Ken Bush.
ABSENT: Councilor Vern Richardson
OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Tackman, Crystal Orzell, Fred Laury, Maureen Doyle, Carl
Gilmore, Gretchen and Dan Leary, Skip Gassler, Historian Jack Horner, Highway
Superintendent Jim White, Town Attorney Dirk Oudemool, and Clerk Deb Stapleton.
Anthony DeMarco entered at 7:07.
The Elbridge Town Board, at their meeting held on July 23rd, 2015 resolved to hold a
Public Hearing on August 27, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Elbridge Municipal Building located
at 5 Route 31, Jordan, New York 13080 to consider the request of Elsie S. Collard and to
hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and for such other
action on the vote of the Town Board with relation to said request as may be required by
law or proper in the premises. Public Hearing notice was published in the Post Standard
on August 16th, and also posted at the Elbridge and Jordan Post Offices, M&T Bank,
Lyons Bank, and at the Town Hall.
WHEREAS, Elsie S. Collard of 1040 State Route 5, Tax Map #041.-03-27.0, Elbridge,
New York has requested that her property be included in the Route 5 East Water District;
WHEREAS, it appears that the water main servicing said water district passes through her
property and that she can readily and without any cost to the water district connect to said
water main; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Elbridge which has heretofore provided her with public water
has no objection to this request; and
WHEREAS, the estimated cost to the applicant will be $533.00 for the debt service plus
the initial hookup fee plus metered charges to be determined and paid to the Village of
Elbridge as the Towns administrative agent for this district.
Supervisor Bush: Would anyone like to speak in favor of this proposal? No one.
Supervisor Bush: Would anyone like to speak against? No one.
Supervisor Bush declared Public Hearing #1 closed at 7:02.
The Elbridge Town Board, at their meeting held on July 23rd, 2015 resolved to hold a
Public Hearing on August 27th, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Municipal Building, 5
Rte. 31, Jordan, NY. Public Hearing notice was published in the Post Standard on
August 16th, and also posted at the Elbridge and Jordan Post Offices, M&T Bank, Lyons
Bank, and at the Town Hall. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider amending
AUGUST 27th, 2015
Chapter 76 of the Municipal Code by adding a new section 76.4 which will be titled and
read as follows:
76.4 Cobblestone Ridge Subdivision
Any person being the owner or occupant of any of lots 1 through 25 of Cobblestone
Ridge Subdivision as portrayed on map #9998 filed in the Onondaga County Clerk’s
Office, shall be required to maintain a front and side yard lawn not exceeding 10 inches
in height. No other vegetative growth shall be allowed in such a front and side yard as
defined in Chapter 30 of the Elbridge Town Code, except landscape and vegetable
gardening. Such an owner or occupant also shall not accumulate in such a front or side
yard cut grass, brush or weeds or any other rubbish.
Supervisor Bush: Would anyone like to speak in favor of this proposal?
Carl Gilmore, of Quarry Stone Drive, said he’d like to speak for both sides. He feels the
amendment should include the entire lot.
Dan Leary: of River Rock Drive, Dan commended the board for taking action on making
a healthy commitment to this neighborhood but would like to see the exclusion of
existing hedgerows as they are significant landscape features.
Carl Gilmore conceded to this exclusion as well.
Supervisor Bush: While on the subject of Cobblestone Ridge, the speed limit issue could
be addressed. There is a 30mph sign at the entrance, and legally it could only be dropped
to 25mph.
Gretchen Leary, there are no sidewalks and more children live in the subdivision.
There was continued discussion on this subject. Superintendent White said he will put up
Children at Play signs.
Supervisor Bush called the Public Hearing closed at 7:15
ADOPT MINUTES: On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Blumer
the minutes from the July 23rd, 2015 meeting were approved.
On a motion by Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Blumer, General Bills
Abstract #8, Vouchers #342-373, in the amount of $85,726.15 were ordered paid, and
Highway Bills, Abstract #8, Vouchers #1152H-1181H, in the amount of $26,811.48 were
ordered paid with a total disbursement of $85,726.15.
On a motion by Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Decker the following
modifications were approved:
From: A8170.4 Street Sweeping- cont.
To: A8170.1 Street Sweeping- pers. serv.
From: A8160.1 Refuse & Garbage- pers. serv. 3000.
To: A8160.4 “
“ -contractual
AUGUST 27th, 2015
1) A letter from NYS DOT regarding the request for the speed limit on Clark Road be
reduced to 40 mph and the engineers have agreed this is appropriate.
2) A letter from Alicia Persaud, Jordan Fall Festival Chair, asking for help with the
grounds for the upcoming 69th Festival.
On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Dygert the following
resolution was
ADOPTED: 4 AYES Dygert Decker Blumer Bush
Resolution 93-15
Resolved: The Elbridge Town Board resolves to approve the water rates and LT2 Rates
with the Village of Elbridge and the Village of Jordan.
On a motion of Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Blumer the following
resolution was
ADOPTED: 4 AYES Dygert Decker Blumer Bush
Resolution 94-15
Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board approves of appointing Linda Annal to the position
of JET Scheduler effective August 31, 2015 at a rate of pay of $10 per hour for up to 12
hours biweekly, beginning with 24 hours of training.
On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Blumer the following
resolution was
ADOPTED: 4 AYES Dygert Decker Blumer Bush
Resolution 95-15
Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board approves the Supervisor to sign the Inter Municipal
Agreement (IMA) with Onondaga County for the operation of our 2015 Youth Services.
On a motion of Councilor Dygert, seconded by Councilor Blumer the following
resolution was
ADOPTED: 4 AYES Dygert Decker Blumer Bush
Resolution 96-15
Resolved: the Elbridge Town Board resolves to engage Attorney Timothy Frateschi, of
Harris Beach, for legal services related to the Highway Department labor negotiations
with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local Branch Charter B (the
AUGUST 27th, 2015
On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Dygert the following
resolution was
ADOPTED: 4 AYES Dygert Decker Blumer Bush
Resolution 97-15
WHEREAS, a petition dated July 21, 2015, was filed by Elsie S. Collard of 1040 State
Route 5, Elbridge, New York requesting the extension of the Route 5 East Water District;
WHEREAS, no plan, map and report has been prepared; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted a resolution on the 23rd day of July, 2015, reciting
the filing of said petition, the boundaries of the extended district, and specified August
27th, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. as the time and the Elbridge Municipal Building as the place
where the Board would meet to consider the petition and to hear all persons interested;
WHEREAS, such order was duly posted and published as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a hearing in the matter was duly held on the 27th day of August, 2015 at
7:00 p.m.;
NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing and the motion of Councilor Decker,
seconded by Councilor Dygert, it is
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that (a) the district extension is a Type II action as
provided for in 6NYCRR 617.5 (c) (11); (b) the petition is signed and acknowledged as
required by law and it complies with the requirements of law as to sufficiency of signers
and it is otherwise sufficient; (c) all of the property and property owners within the
proposed extended district are benefitted thereby; (d) all of the property and property
owners benefitted are included within the limits of the proposed extended district; (e) it is
in the public interest to grant the relief sought; and it is further
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the extension of the Route 5 East Water
District as proposed in said petition be approved, and shall be extended to include 1040
State Route 5, a/k/a Tax Map no. 041.-03-27.0; and be it further
RESOLVED that the premises may be connected to the existing water main which
passes through said premises by the petitioner at its sole expense and who shall also be
responsible for the initial service hookup fees, the debt service charge of the district as
well as metered water charges.
Assessor: report on file
Highway Superintendent: Jim reported that Shants Road Bridge is in dire straits and they
will temporarily fix it to remove the red flag
Code Enforcement Officer: report on file
Dog Control Officer: report on file
Senior Program Director: 2 day trip to NYC Oct. 14 & 15.
Recreation Director: report on file
Historian: Historian Horner read excerpts from 2 diaries from teachers from 1918
regarding fishing on Cross Lake and bringing in alfalfa.
Planning Board: quiet agenda, approved CNY Feeds new storage building.
AUGUST 27th, 2015
Councilor Blumer: last month a cement pole at the Whiting Rd. cemetery was hit and
broke off and Superintendent White said they’ll try to replace it.
Supervisor Bush: the Solar energy workshop held on August 18 was very interesting and
Solarize CNY will be holding another workshop on September 9th at 6:30 at the JE
Community Center.
MONTHLY REPORTS ON FILE: Supervisor, Town Clerk, Codes, Highway
Superintendent, Recreation, Senior Programs, Historian, Dog Control, and Assessing.
ADJOURNMENT: On a motion of Councilor Decker, seconded by Councilor Blumer
the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra H. Stapleton
Elbridge Town Clerk