Scholarships for Students through Grade 12 For Gifted Students to Pursue Out-of-School Activities Many state associations for the gifted and other organizations attuned to the needs of gifted students offer scholarship money for students to pursue an out-of-school activity in an area of interest. Several such scholarships are listed below by state. Families are encouraged to check with their state department of education, area educational organizations, and any other clubs and organizations with which family members are affiliated for additional opportunities. National The Davidson Institute For Talent Development The Davidson Institute for Talent Development offers high achieving young people across the country the opportunity to be named a Davidson Fellows. Individuals named as Davidson Fellows receive a $50,000, $25,000 or $10,000 scholarship in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the areas of science, technology, mathematics, music, literature and/or philosophy. Each submission must be an original piece of work recognized by experts in the field as "significant" and it must have the potential to make a positive contribution to society. To be eligible, applicants must be under the age of 18, and a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident. The scholarship must be used at an accredited institute of learning. For information visit Nicholas Green Award for Students The Nicholas Green Awards are presented by the National Association for Gifted Children and are designed to recognize excellence in young children. The awards, which include a $500 U.S. Savings Bond, may be made to students in grades 3-6 who have distinguished themselves in academics, leadership, or the arts. Nominations will be accepted from the students themselves, parents, teachers, peers, and community and civic groups. One student from each of the fifty states may be selected to receive this award of excellence. For information visit Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars program selects high-achieving youth with financial need and provides them with individualized educational services throughout high school that will enable them to develop their talents and abilities. The Young Scholars Program is one of the most individualized scholarships offered in the United States. The Foundation collaborates with regional talent centers at Duke, Johns Hopkins, and Northwestern Universities, and the University of Denver to answer inquiries about the program, administer the application process, and counsel Young Scholars. However, applicants need not be part of the talent centers' programs to be eligible for or participate in the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program. Students in the 7th grade—or who will enter 8th grade next fall—are eligible to apply and applications are available in February. For information visit The Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship The Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship identifies exceptionally gifted middle school students who have demonstrated academic and personal excellence and awards them with a scholarship to the high school that best meets their academic and personal needs. Scholars receive a full, four-year scholarship covering the cost of tuition and books, as well as guidance in choosing an appropriate high school. The scholars become part of a peer network that provides them with the opportunity to communicate with and develop lifelong relationships with other motivated young people. To apply, a student must have achieved a score of 97% or higher in at least one of the major academic areas on a school administered nationally normed standardized test (such as Stanford 9, Iowa Test of Basic Skills) for at least the past two years. Applicants must also score as well as or better than the average college bound senior on the SAT-I reasoning test. Recommendations, nomination, work sample, essays, transcripts and other elements are also required. Eligible students must reside in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, DC, Washington State, or Wisconsin. For information visit QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship for High School Juniors The QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship is designed to level the playing field of college admissions by equipping high-achieving low-income students to apply successfully to leading schools. If you are a high school junior who has achieved excellent academic results in the face of economic challenges, we encourage you to apply for the College Prep Scholarship. Each award will include one or more of the following: Full scholarships to selective college summer programs; college admissions counseling; and/or college preparatory conferences. College Prep Scholarship applicants will also gain a head start on applying to the fall 2007 QuestBridge College Match program, which pairs high-achieving lowincome high school seniors with admission and full four-year scholarships to QuestBridge partner colleges. The application will be available on the QuestBridge Web site ( starting on March 1, and will be due on March 31. The application and awards are free of charge. Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Fellowship Bookmark this page AIE Mobile Version AIE - Adventures In Education Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Fellowship Applicant must be Hispanic, a U.S. citizen Congressional Hispanic Summer Internship Bookmark this page AIE Mobile Version AIE - Adventures In Education Congressional Hispanic Summer Internship Applicant must be Hispanic, a U.S. citizen or permanent Annika Rodriguez Scholarship for Hispanic Students AIE Mobile Version AIE - Adventures In Education Annika Rodriguez Scholarship for Hispanic Students Applicant must be an Hispanic American. Selection is based upon CHCI Scholarship Education CHCI Scholarship Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of Hispanic descent. Applicant must demonstrate community involvement, a strong College Scholarship Program Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, be a US citizen or permanent resident and be of Hispanic heritage. Award amount Mimimum Award: $2,500.00 Average Award: $2,500.00 Community College Transfer Scholarship AIE - Adventures In Education Community College Transfer Scholarship Applicant must be of Hispanic heritage and be a US citizen or legal permanent. Applicant must AAAA Minority Advertising Intern AAAA Minority Advertising Intern Applicant must be African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, or Native American, be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, AAAA Multicultural Graduate Scholarship an undergraduate degree, demonstrate financial need, be African-American, Asian-American, HispanicAmerican, or Native American, be a citizen or permanent resident ACS/Bayer Scholars AIE - Adventures In Education ACS/Bayer Scholars Applicant must be African-American, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian, a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and ACS Scholars AIE - Adventures In Education ACS Scholars Applicant must be an African-American, Hispanic/Latino, or Native American (including Native Hawaiian and Alaskan Native) ADHA Institute Minority Scholarship a member of a group currently underrepresented in the field, including African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or male. Applicant must have a minimum AGI Minority Geoscience Undergraduate Scholarship Geoscience Undergraduate Scholarship Applicant must be a U.S. citizen who is black, Hispanic, or Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Hawaiian, or Samoan) with AGI Minority Geoscience Graduate Scholarship AGI Minority Geoscience Graduate Scholarship Applicant must be a U.S. citizen who is black, Hispanic, or Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Hawaiian, or Samoan). AMS/Industry Minority Scholarship Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident who is Black/African-American, Hispanic, or Native American and intends to make atmospheric science a career. Armstrong Multicultural Education Scholarship Education Scholarship Applicant must be a minority student (African-American, Hispanic, Asian), demonstrate financial need, academic excellence, and leadership qualities, APS Scholarship for Minority Undergraduate Physics Majors for Minority Undergraduate Physics Majors Applicant must be African-American, Hispanic American, or Native American. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent Bates Merit Scholarship the National Merit Scholarship program, National Achievement Scholarship program or National Hispanic Scholarship program. Award amount Mimimum Award: $2,000.00 Average Board of Governors Scholarship AIE - Adventures In Education Board of Governors Scholarship Applicant must be black or Hispanic, demonstrate leadership, rank in the top quarter of class, and have College of Engineering Merit Award In Education College of Engineering Merit Award Applicant must be African-American or Hispanic, have a cumulative 3.5 GPA, and a composite ACT score of 28 (combined Consortium Fellowship AIE - Adventures In Education Consortium Fellowship Applicant must be an African American, Hispanic American, or Native American who is a U.S. citizen and will be Cox Minority Journalism Scholarship Scholarship Applicant must be a U.S. citizen and an African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic, or Native American student graduating from a metro school system served Culinary Arts/Nutrition/Physical Education Scholarship must be an African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, or Latino/Hispanic, enrolled in an approved program at a California institution, Ethnic Diversity Accounting Scholarship (Undergraduate... Applicant must be African-American, Asian-American, Native American, or of Hispanic or Pacific Island descent, and must be an accounting major attending an accredited Ethnic Diversity Accounting Scholarship (Incoming Freshman... Freshman) Applicant must be African-American, Asian-American, Native American, or of Hispanic or Pacific Island descent, and must be in senior year of high school Ethnic Student Scholarship In Education Ethnic Student Scholarship Applicant must be either African-American, Hispanic, AsianAmerican, or Native American. Award amount Mimimum Award: unspecified ACS/PPG Scholars Plus program with a major in chemistry or chemical engineering. Applicant must be African-American, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian, demonstrate financial need, be AEJ Summer Internship, AEJ Minority Summer Internship must be a full-time college student, a member of a minority group (African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander), and demonstrate a commitment American Planning Association Planning Fellowship program that is accredited by the Planning Accredited Board, and be African-American, Hispanic, or Native American. Award amount Mimimum Award: $1,000.00 Average American Physical Society Scholarship for Undergraduate... Physics Majors Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of black, Hispanic, or Native American descent. Award amount Mimimum Award: unspecified Average Charles Scholarship and personal accomplishment. Preference is given to students of color, particularly Hispanic students. Award amount Mimimum Award: unspecified Average Award: unspecified Distinguished Scholar Award a first choice college with the National Merit Corporation by February 1, or a National Hispanic finalist who listed TCU as a first choice college with The College Florida Fund for Minority Teachers Inc. Education Scholarship and must be African-American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, a dislocated military service member, or a dislocated defense contractor Archbishop Oscar A. Romero Scholarship financial need. Selection is also based upon applicant's involvement in and service to the Hispanic/Latino community at Boston College and in the wider community. ABC News Joanna Bistany Memorial Scholarship Areas Journalism, English-language television Sponsor information National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) 1000 National Press Building Washington, DC --No Title-Congressional Fellowship Congressional Fellowship on Women and Public Policy Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Fellowship Congressional Hispanic Summer Internship Scholarship Search athlete athletic business computer disability engineering excellence health Hispanic history journalism law management medical merit military minority music nurse AETNA/National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations... Nursing Mimimum GPA: 3 Maximum GPA: 4 Sponsor information National Association of Hispanic Nurses Scholarships and Awards 1501 Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, DC --No Title-Environmental Scholarship Anniece Addy Brooks R.N. Grant Annika Rodriguez Scholarship for Hispanic Students Anniversary Scholarship (Colorado AIA) Annual Chemistry Art and Writing Scholarships for Middle / High School Students Scholarship 45 The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Sponsor: Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, Inc. Type of Award: Scholarship Application Deadline: Deadlines vary, depending on where you live. Amount of Award: More than 1 Million in Prize Money and Scholarships Amount Awarded Last Year: More than $1,000,000.00 Contest or Competition: Yes Application Requirements / Description: The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is the largest and most prestigious arts recognition program in the United States. All students in grades 7-12 currently enrolled in a public or non-public school in the United States, Canada, the U.S. territories, or U.S.-sponsored schools abroad. Awards: In 2003, the program awarded more than $1,000,000 in prize money and scholarships. Awards are available in 10 writing categories and 16 art categories. Publishing opportunities may be available for winning students in both art and writing categories. National Scholarship Programs Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation. Thousands of Coca-Cola Scholars have received millions in overall academic support. Davidson Fellows Scholarships. Davidson Fellows receive a $50,000, $25,000 or $10,000 scholarship in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the areas of science, technology, mathematics, music, literature and/or philosophy. Department of Homeland Security Undergraduate Scholarships. Full tuition and stipend for eligible students. Includes an internship program. There are also fellowship programs for graduate students. Intel Science Talent Search. One of the oldest and largest math and science scholarship programs. Intel STS winners receive scholarships of up to $100,000. MATHCOUNTS. Top middle school students at the national event receive very nice scholarship awards in the thousands of dollars. Siemens Westinghouse Competition. The Siemens Westinghouse Competition is a leading research-based science and math competition for high school students. The competition awards college scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $100,000. Students may enter as individuals or as members of a team. Other National Scholarships Actuarial Scholarships American Meteorological Society -- Various scholarship programs. Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship for highly qualified college students intending to pursue careers in science, mathematics, and engineers. The Casualty Actuarial Society/Society of Actuaries -- A scholarship program for minorities studying actuarial sciences at the undergraduate or graduate level. Davidson Young Scholars Program -- For rapidly accelerating students. Financial assistance is provided to help students ages 4 to 16 cover the costs of advanced academic programs. Mu Alpha Theta Scholarships -- Several scholarships based on various criteria. Grants for $2000 help students attend summer math programs. SAE Engineering Scholarships -- Both univeristy-sponsored and undesignated scholarships. Math Scholarships by College and University Appalachian State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Ball State University -- Edwards Memorial Scholarships. $2300 per year renewable for up to three additional years. California State University, Chico -- Mathematics and Statistics scholarships. California State Univeristy, Fullerton -- Mathematics scholarships. California State University, Sacramento -- Mathematics and Statistics scholarships. Clarion University -- Mathematics scholarships. Colorado State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Columbia University -- Engineering scholarships supported by the NSF. Curtin University of Technology -- Mathematics and Statistics scholarships. Dowling College -- NSF funded scholarships for up to $6250/year for students of Mathematics. Duke University -- The A. B. Duke Scholarship Competition is not strictly for students of mathematics, though many talented math students have won this full tuition scholarship that includes a stipend and other benefits. Eastern Michigan Univeristy -- Mathematics scholarships. Eastfield College -- Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics scholarships. Furman University -- Wylie Scholarship Program funds students of Mathematics for up to $7500/year. Illinois State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Kansas State University -- Mathematics scholarships including one for high school seniors in Kansas with high AMC 12 scores. Kent State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Kentucky State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Louisiana State University -- Porcelli Scholarships for junior and senior majors in Mathematics. Montana State University-Northern -- Math/Science scholarships. Northern State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Northwestern Michigan College -- Science and Mathematics scholarships. South Dakota State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Southeast Missouri State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Southern Methodist University -- Mathematics scholarships. Southwest Baptist University -- Mathematics scholarships. Sul Ross State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Tennessee Technological University -- Mathematics scholarships. Thomas More College -- Mathematics scholarships. Truman State University -- Math and Computer Science scholarships. University of Akron -- Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics scholarships. University of Alabama at Birmingham -- Scholarships in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics. University of Alaska Fairbanks -- Science & Math Scholarships. University of California San Diego -- A variety of scholarships are available in mathematics and math-related fields. University of Canterbury -- Mathematics and Statistics scholarships. University of Kansas -- Mathematics scholarships. University of Massachusetts Boston -- Mathematics scholarships. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth -- Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics scholarships. University of Michigan -- Mathematics scholarships. University of South Alabama -- Math and Statistics scholarships. University of South Dakota -- Mathematics scholarships. University of Tennessee -- Mathematics scholarships. University of Toledo -- Mathematics scholarships. University of Utah -- Mathematics scholarships. University of Waterloo -- Mathematics scholarships. University of Western Australia -- Scholarships in Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics. University of Winnepeg -- Mathematics and Statistics scholarships. University of Wyoming -- Mathematics scholarships. Valparaiso University -- Mathematics scholarships. Virginia Commonwealth University -- Computer Science, Engineering, and Math Scholarships (CSEMS). Washington State University -- Mathematics scholarships. Western Kentucky University -- Mathematics scholarships. Western Michigan University -- Mathematics scholarships. Western State College of Colorado -- Mathematics scholarships. Wilfred Laurier University -- Mathematics scholarships. Mathematics Study Abroad Programs Budapest Semesters in Mathematics -- A program in English for American and Canadian Undergraduates. Math in Moscow -- $5000 scholarships to cover costs associated with a one-semester program at the Independent Univerity of Moscow. Scholarships and Aid for Summer Math Programs Mu Alpha Theta students can receive grants for $2000 to attend summer math programs. MathPath provides scholarships to State and National MATHCOUNTS winners and AMC8 perfect scorers. PROMYS offers several scholarships for students.