Possible World Issue Topics Please Note: Most of the topics listed here are quite broad in scope and you will have to narrow your focus for your research paper. From this list of broad topics, you will need to consider a more specific world issue of concern that would be a sub-topic worthy of closer examination for the intent and purpose of your ISU. You are not limited to the topics below, they are just to give you an idea of possible topics, but for any topic not on this list, you must get approval from me before proceeding. For Example: Broad Topic: Child Soldiers Sub-Topic: The Impact of Tamil Tiger Child Soldiers on Sri Lanka’s Future Thesis: The reality of some children being forced to become child soldiers in Sri Lanka has had a negative impact on the potential future adult population of Sri Lankan society in terms of life expectancy, literacy rate and substance abuse, which will in turn erode a cultural minority striving for recognition of a unique cultural status and independence. Broad Topics: Women’s rights and the Taliban in Afghanistan Obesity in Developed & Developing Nations Impacts of China’s Industrial Revolution Population Explosion and Resource Demand Impacts of Poverty in Africa Nations Food Supply and Accessibility Sweatshops / Child Labour Role of the United Nations: Diminishing or Vital? Canadian Military in Afghanistan Causes of Species Extinction & its Impacts Cost of Hurricane Katrina Nuclear Disarmament Child Soldiers (Various Countries) Effects/Impacts of Globalization Greenpeace – Effective or Radical? AIDS and Africa Value of Women: Honour Killings/Child Brides, etc. Impacts of Environmental Crisis in Rich vs Poor Nations Iran Nuclear Program – Is it a Threat? Climate Change and Spread of Disease Israel-Palestine Relations Impacts of Urban Sprawl in Developing Cities Impacts of Galapagos Islands Tourism Organ Harvesting (Various Countries) Causes of Childhood Obesity, Impacts on Life Expectancy Controversies of Stem Cell Research Impacts of Consumption in Pharmaceutical Dominance and the Third World Bio-Fuels – Good or Bad? Female Infanticide Impacts of Censorship in Communist Countries Rising Oil Prices; Who Sets the Price? Female Genital Mutilation Human Trafficking and World Sport Events (FIFA, Olympics, etc.) Grade 12 World Issues Independent Study Unit Researching and Addressing a World Issue Please Note: this assignment is worth 15% of your final mark for this course. Failure to complete and submit all segment of the process work for this summative will result in a loss of the matching weight as a percentage of your final summative mark. So, complete all segments of the assignment by the due dates provided for you! Focus of Research Paper You will write a research paper that discusses the various perspectives of a world issue that currently concerns Canadians and others around the world. Research paper must include: □ □ □ □ a) an introduction or background information on the world issue topic with a thesis stating the specific costs to society or the Earth if this issue is not addressed (1-2 pages); b) a main body that reveals the various viewpoints, key players and data/evidence that supports the various viewpoints on the topic with arguments for why the issue needs to be discussed (4-5 pages); c) a proposed solution or series of “next steps” with rationale for why they are appropriate and needed with supporting evidence of why/how it can work (2-3 pages); d) a conclusion that reflects why this topic is relevant to us as both global and Canadian citizens, revisit of strongest points and how they support the need for your proposed solution, why your proposed solution is necessary and why it can work, final “food for thought” for the reader of what the consequences might be if this issue is not addressed. (1-2 pages) Make sure your paper also has: □ □ □ □ □ i) at least two maps that reveal geopolitical aspects of issue ii) at least two graphs, charts, etc. that display data/evidence used to support findings or perspectives iii) at least two images that reflect/represent the socio-political/economic/environmental/resource scope of your issue that makes it a concern or controversial topic worthy of discussion and debate * All visuals must have a referenced source below where it is used and be included in the reference list. The images can be incorporated into the body of the essay where they must be labeled and clearly referred to or included in a labeled appendix with reference in essay to the appendix found after last page of essay but before works cited list. iv) Paper must use APA guideline for in-text citations and bibliography. No footnotes, no MLA. v) With the exception of the proposal, all written work for this ISU is to be in a formal, professional ‘voice’. No use of personal pronouns please (I, me, my, we, etc.). Presentation: You will also provide a 10 to 15 minute presentation to the class. You will not have more than 15 minutes, including setup of technology, so practice in advance and be prepared! A signal will be provided for you when you have 5 minutes left, and you will be cut-off at the 15 minute mark. - - must be oral and visual in nature (3 Panel Board Display, Slide Show, Pamphlet, Model, etc.) needs to include an interactive aspect/component with rest of class Specifics: Students will submit the following for their ISU: 1) a topic proposal with a five (4U) or three (4C) source annotated bibliography; 2) notes/process work; 3) an edited rough copy of the research paper; 4) a final research paper with in-text citations and bibliography in APA format (hard copy and submitted to turnitin on memory stick) 5) an oral presentation over staggered dates. Rubric Please read over the ISU rubric carefully for assessment and evaluation expectations. Complete the top of the rubric with your name, ISU topic and date and had in with the final, good copy of your research paper. 4U - On the due dates you are to submit: Segment #1: Proposal and 5 Source Annotated Bibliography = 2%: A small binder with your topic proposal and an annotated bibliography of at least five sources of a variety of type (i.e. newspaper article, scientific magazine article, book, governmental study, etc.). They must not all be from Internet websites. Part A: Proposal (1%): This is a brief outline of the proposal for your research topic. It should contain basic information about the broad aspect of your world issue, the specific issue you will be pursuing, the relevant locations of the world where the issue of concern is most relevant, a connection to its relevance to Canada or you as a Canadian and a ½ page summary of your initial thoughts in relation to the topic (what concerns you, what you hope to find out more about, etc.) and areas of discussion that will need to be addressed in your paper. PLUS Part B: Annotated Bibliography (1%): This is an alphabetical list of initial resources that you have found that reflect the various perspectives on your world issue topic (you must have 7-10 in total for your final product). Your sources must be listed according to the APA guide used most commonly for Geographic studies. *Please refer to APA guideline provided for you on ClassNet Format: This is an annotated bibliography which means that you must provide a concise summary (one paragraph only) of each source and some assessment of its value or relevance (i.e. an explanation of why the source may be of good use to you for your research paper. *Overall length of Proposal and Annotated Bibliography: 2 pages. The material above for Segment #1 must be submitted in a thin 3-ring binder on the due date. Segment #1 Due Date: Wednesday, October 22th, 2014 Segment #2: Research Notes = 2% Students are to hand in all research notes that they have made on their own paper, in the margins of articles, highlighted sections with personal commentary, etc. including quotes, images, graphed information, maps, pictures etc. that may or will be used. Notes are to be organized according to major points of essay that they support (background info, main body topics, solution, etc.). They may include copies of articles that will be referenced in paper that have been highlighted and commented on in the margins. *Length: Minimum 3-4 pages of handwritten work, plus highlighted articles, articles with notes in the margins, etc. Segment #2 Due Date: Thursday November 13th, 2014 Segment #3: Edited Rough Draft of Research Paper = 2% Students are to submit a rough draft of their research paper, intended to be a close imitation of final copy of the paper. In-text citations are expected. This is to have evidence of self and/or peer editing feedback on it. The material above for Segment #3 must be added to and submitted in your thin 3-ring binder on the due date. Segment #3 Due Date: Prior to or on Thursday, November 27th, 2014 Segment #4: Final Product – Research Paper = 6% Students are to submit two hard copies and 1 memory stick file (for turnitin software check!) of their final research paper including formal in-text citations, graphics, appendices (if applicable) and bibliography in proper APA format. Should be 7 to 10 pages in length total. The material above for Segment #4 must be added to and submitted in your thin 3-ring binder on your selected Presentation due date. Segment #4 Due Date: Various Dates – Determined by Selected Presentation Dates Segment #5: Oral and Visual Presentation = 3% On various dates, students will be expected to present their world issue topic to the class. You will have between 10 and 15 minutes including set up of equipment or props. The presentation is not to be a re-reading of the research paper, but is to include: □ - class set of a one page handout of the essential info on your topic to distribute to classmates □ □ □ □ - an overview of the issue from the various perspectives and why it is controversial or worthy of discussion - the informed opinion you have come to based on your research findings (i.e. what is your perspective on this topic?) - a summary of your proposed solution to the issue or “next-steps” in taking action towards a possible solution - a visual representation of some aspect of your world issue (poster, poster board, video clip (no more than 3 minutes), slide □ show (not just a power point of notes), other – please consult with me in advance. The purpose of your visual is to be informative, reflective and persuasive in nature (why your proposed action steps are so necessary). - Some aspect of your presentation must be interactive with the rest of the class (Brief Discussion Question, Quiz, Role Play) Presentation Dates: December 4th, 5th, 8th, 12th, 15th and 18th 20th, 2014 (Volunteers welcome first then by lottery for fairness.) Schedule of Due Dates: Segment # 1: ISU Proposal and 5 Source Annotated Bibliography Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 2% Segment #2: Research Notes with Pictures, Graphs, Maps, etc. Thursday, November 13th, 2014 2% Segment #3: Edited Rough Copy of Research Paper with In-Text Citations Thursday, November 27th, 2014 2% Segments #4 and 5: Final Good Copy of Research Paper with In-Text Citations and Bibliography in APA format and Presentation of ISU World Issue Topic My Due Date: _______________________________ 6% 3% 15% 4C - On the due dates you are to submit: Segment #1: Proposal and 3 Source Annotated Bibliography = 2%: A small binder with your topic proposal and an annotated bibliography of at least five sources of a variety of type (i.e. newspaper article, scientific magazine article, book, governmental study, etc.). They must not all be from Internet websites. Part A: Proposal (1%): This is a brief outline of the proposal for your research topic. It should contain basic information about the broad aspect of your world issue, the specific issue you will be pursuing, the relevant locations of the world where the issue of concern is most relevant, a connection to its relevance to Canada or you as a Canadian and a ½ page summary of your initial thoughts in relation to the topic (what concerns you, what you hope to find out more about, etc.) and areas of discussion that will need to be addressed in your paper. PLUS Part B: Annotated Bibliography (1%): This is an alphabetical list of initial resources that you have found that reflect the various perspectives on your world issue topic (you must have 5-7 in total for your final product). Your sources must be listed according to the APA guide used most commonly for Geographic studies. *Please refer to APA guideline provided for you on ClassNet Format: This is an annotated bibliography which means that you must provide a concise summary (one paragraph only) of each source and some assessment of its value or relevance (i.e. an explanation of why the source may be of good use to you for your research paper. *Overall length of Proposal and Annotated Bibliography: 2 pages. The material above for Segment #1 must be submitted in a thin 3-ring binder on the due date. Segment #1 Due Date: Wednesday, October 22th, 2014 Segment #2: Research Notes = 2% Students are to hand in all research notes that they have made on their own paper, in the margins of articles, highlighted sections with personal commentary, etc. including quotes, images, graphed information, maps, pictures etc. that may or will be used. Notes are to be organized according to major points of essay that they support (background info, main body topics, solution, etc.). They may include copies of articles that will be referenced in paper that have been highlighted and commented on in the margins. *Length: Minimum 3-4 pages of handwritten work, plus highlighted articles, articles with notes in the margins, etc. Segment #2 Due Date: Thursday November 13th, 2014 Segment #3: Edited Rough Draft of Research Paper = 2% Students are to submit a rough draft of their research paper, intended to be a close imitation of final copy of the paper. In-text citations are expected. This is to have evidence of self and/or peer editing feedback on it. The material above for Segment #3 must be added to and submitted in your thin 3-ring binder on the due date. Segment #3 Due Date: Prior to or on Thursday, November 27th, 2014 Segment #4: Final Product – Research Paper = 6% Students are to submit two hard copies and 1 memory stick file (for turnitin software check!) of their final research paper including formal in-text citations, graphics, appendices (if applicable) and bibliography in proper APA format. Should be 5 to 7 pages in length total. The material above for Segment #4 must be added to and submitted in your thin 3-ring binder on your selected Presentation due date. Segment #4 Due Date: Various Dates – Determined by Selected Presentation Dates Segment #5: Oral and Visual Presentation = 3% On various dates, students will be expected to present their world issue topic to the class. You will have between 10 and 15 minutes including set up of equipment or props. The presentation is not to be a re-reading of the research paper, but is to include: □ - class set of a one page handout of the essential info on your topic to distribute to classmates □ □ □ □ - an overview of the issue from the various perspectives and why it is controversial or worthy of discussion - the informed opinion you have come to based on your research findings (i.e. what is your perspective on this topic?) - a summary of your proposed solution to the issue or “next-steps” in taking action towards a possible solution - a visual representation of some aspect of your world issue (poster, poster board, video clip (no more than 3 minutes), slide □ show (not just a power point of notes), other – please consult with me in advance. The purpose of your visual is to be informative, reflective and persuasive in nature (why your proposed action steps are so necessary). - Some aspect of your presentation must be interactive with the rest of the class (Brief Discussion Question, Quiz, Role Play) Presentation Dates: December 4th, 5th, 8th, 12th, 15th and 18th 20th, 2014 (Volunteers welcome first then by lottery for fairness.) Schedule of Due Dates: Segment # 1: ISU Proposal and 5 Source Annotated Bibliography Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 2% Segment #2: Research Notes with Pictures, Graphs, Maps, etc. Thursday, November 13th, 2014 2% Segment #3: Edited Rough Copy of Research Paper with In-Text Citations Thursday, November 27th, 2014 2% Segments #4 and 5: Final Good Copy of Research Paper with In-Text Citations and Bibliography in APA format and Presentation of ISU World Issue Topic My Due Date: _______________________________ 6% 3% 15% Name: ___________________________________ Criteria Knowledge & Understanding - Final research paper demonstrates quality of knowledge and understanding of background information and other major elements of the selected world issue. Clear understanding of major key players, events and Canadian relevance with regard to topic is demonstrated. Conclusions drawn reveal a good understanding of topic and why it is a world issue. Thinking & Inquiry - Final research paper reflects clear and well constructed thesis, sufficiently documented arguments and demonstrates a valid and logical analysis of research - Images, graphs, maps, photos, charts, etc. (two of each) are relevant and explained and referenced in the appropriate location (in body of essay or appendix) - Student effectively argues relevance of topic for Canadians and other global citizens - “Next Steps or Solutions” are plausible, reasonable and demonstrate effectiveness - Conclusion is strong and reveals valid and thought provoking “food for thought” for the reader Communication - Use of research paper structure is effective, logical, and persuasive - Communication of language skills re: spelling, sentence structure, grammar and other mechanics are effective throughout - Appropriate use of sources for images within body of paper or appendix - In-text citations are used effectively and are in appropriate APA format - Reference list is extensive (10 plus varied sources, not heavily reliant on general websites) and is in appropriate APA format Application - Arguments are well supported by evidence and examples - Next steps or “solutions” are reasonable - Visuals are effective and dynamic - presentation includes a dynamic and effective interactive component for the rest of the class. K/U: ____ T/I: ____ C: ____ Rubric: ISU Assessment & Evaluation (Final Paper) Date: _____________ RR R+ Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. 11 1+ Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. 22 2+ Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. 33 3+ Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. 44 4+ Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. A: ____ Comments: = _____ x 6% = ______ Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________ ISU World Issue Topic: _________________________________________________________________ Rubric: ISU Assessment & Evaluation for Segment #4: Presentation of World Issue Criteria RR R+ 11 1+ 22 2+ 33 3+ Knowledge and Understanding Student does not Student Student Student - Includes all major components of meet even the demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates a research paper format (clear intro basic level of limited level of some ability of good ability to meet with thesis statement, main body expectations for expectations for working towards the expectations with supporting evidence, solutions criteria identified. criteria identified. the expectations for criteria or next steps, conclusion) without for criteria identified. reading paper identified. Communication Student does not Student Student Student - Oral Language skills are effective meet even the demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates a re: basic level of limited level of some ability of good ability to meet Tone of voice, pacing, enthusiasm, expectations for expectations for working towards the expectations etc. criteria identified. criteria identified. the expectations for criteria - Written communication skills when for criteria identified. included are effective re: identified. spelling, sentence structure, grammar - Presentation encourages student attention and participation Application Student does not Student Student Student - Specific World Issue is easily meet even the demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates a identifiable, as are key players, basic level of limited level of some ability of good ability to meet influences, location, etc. expectations for expectations for working towards the expectations - Next steps or “solutions” are criteria identified. criteria identified. the expectations for criteria reasonable for criteria identified. - Visuals are effective and dynamic identified. - Student handout is effective, 1 page only, provides essential info - Student’s own creativity is clearly evident K/U: ____ C: ____ Overall Mark: Segment # 1 = + Segment # 2 = + Segment # 3 = + Segment # 4 = + Segment # 5 = Total = A: ____ /2 /2 /2 /6 /3 /15 = Overall Level = ______ = _______% x 3% = ______ % Comments: 44 4+ Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________ Rubric: ISU Assessment & Evaluation for Segment #1: Proposal and 5 Source Annotated Bibliography Criteria Thinking & Inquiry - Proposal is effective and shows promise - Includes and describes broad topic, specific focus, relevance to Canadians, and other key areas that will be explored for research paper - Annotated Bibliography includes 5 different sources of various types Communication - Language skills are effective re: spelling, sentence structure, grammar - Annotations are effectively descriptive RR R+ Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. 11 1+ Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. 22 2+ Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. 33 3+ Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. 44 4+ Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. T/I: ____ C: ____ Overall Level = ______ = _______% x 2% = ______ Comments: Rubric: ISU Assessment & Evaluation for Segment #2: Research Notes Criteria RR R+ Thinking & Inquiry Student does not meet - Notes are abundant and relevant to topic even the basic level of - Self notes are made expectations for criteria - Articles are included with highlighted identified. sections and notes in the margins - Includes relevant images (pictures, maps, graphs, charts, etc.) Communication Student does not meet - Language skills are effective re: spelling, even the basic level of sentence structure, grammar expectations for criteria - Notes reflect aspects of research to be identified. covered (for intro, main argument support, questions to be addressed, solutions, etc.) T/I: ____ C: ____ Overall Level = ______ = _______% x 2% = ______ 11 1+ Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. 22 2+ Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. 33 3+ Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. 44 4+ Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Comments: Rubric: ISU Assessment & Evaluation for Segment #3: Edited Rough Copy of Research Paper with In-Text Citations Criteria Thinking & Inquiry - Includes all major components of research paper format (clear intro with thesis statement, main body with supporting evidence, solutions or next steps, conclusion) Communication - Language skills are effective re: spelling, sentence structure, grammar - Evidence of proofreading and editing directly on the rough copy of paper - In-Text citations are included an are in APA format RR R+ Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. 11 1+ Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. 22 2+ Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. 33 3+ Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. 44 4+ Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. Student does not meet even the basic level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a limited level of expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates some ability of working towards the expectations for criteria identified. Student demonstrates a good ability to meet the expectations for criteria identified. Student has demonstrated the ability to effectively surpass the expectations for criteria identified. T/I: ____ C: ____ Overall Level = ______ = _______% x 2% = ______ Comments: