Director of Instruction Job Description

The Director of Instruction will meet all state requirements for the appropriate
Department of Public Instruction certification.
The Director of Instruction shall have at least three years of successful teaching,
administrative or supervisory experience in the public schools.
The Director of Instruction shall have broad general knowledge of curriculum,
curriculum development and best instructional practices; strong academic preparation;
leadership ability; the ability to work effectively with others; ability to make critical
evaluations or suggestions for improving the curriculum; knowledge and experience
pertaining to curriculum research.
The Director of Instruction shall be appointed by a majority vote of the full membership of the
Board of Education upon recommendation of the District Administrator for a term consonant
with state law.
Contractual Provisions:
The Director of Instruction shall be encouraged to attend professional meetings and
conferences as approved by the District Administrator. The Director of Instruction may
attend a national meeting every year and may attend state meetings and regional meetings
at such times as it seems in the best interests of the District and as approved by the
District Administrator. The Director of Instruction shall be entitled to reimbursement for
the expenses incurred in approved attendance at such meetings at the same rate as
prescribed for other District employees.
Salary and fringe benefits available to the Director of Instruction shall be included in
his/her individual contract as established annually by the Board. The Director of
Instruction shall be granted all fringe benefits available to teachers as well as any
additional ones approved by the Board.
Evaluation of Performance
The job performance of the Director of Instruction shall be evaluated each year by the District
Administrator. Objectives, criteria and projects as designated by the District Administrator upon
consultation wit the Director of Instruction shall serve as the basis of such evaluation. If in the
opinion of the District Administrator the Director of Instruction’s job performance is
unsatisfactory, the Director of Instruction shall be so notified in writing and shall be given
change to correct the conditions. If the conditions are not corrected the District Administrator
will recommend non-renewal of the Director of instruction to the Board of Education to the date
his/her contract expires.
Contract Renewal or Non-Renewal
Contract renewal and non-renewal shall be carried out in accordance with State Statute 118.24
(c) (6) and (7).
Duties and Responsibilities:
Overall Responsibility
Provide leadership to, collaborate with, and act as a resource to the community, staff,
administrative team and Board of Education on all matters pertaining to student
achievement in the District as subsumed under the District’s approved curricula and
instructional programs.
Oversee and guide a process of systematic, intentional and continuous improvement in
student achievement.
Remain current in the research and act as a resource to all personnel in the areas of
curriculum, assessment practices and instruction, including their implications for the
District’s programs.
District Curricula
Coordinate, collaborate with, and oversee the staff in the development, revision and
implementation of all curse content, skill, knowledge and performance areas, scope and
sequence, articulation and placement of everything taught in the District Pre-K-12.
Coordinate, collaborate with, and oversee the staff in the development and
implementation of a variety of content and performance assessments and their alignment
wit the respective performance standards within the curricula, including teacher-made,
local performance-based and criteria-referenced and state and national norm-referenced
Assume responsibility for the documentation and dissemination of all curricula and for a
Board approval process under the direction of the District Administrator for all new and
revised/updated curricula.
Guide and collaborate with the staff in the selection of instructional materials and
resources, their modification, revision, deletion, organizational pattern and use, including
a process for their systematic replacement and updating.
Instructional Programs
Lead and collaborate with the staff in the identification, development of, training in and
implementation of instructional methods appropriate to the respective curricula they
support which are aimed at the continuous improvement of student achievement and
expansion of the instructional repertoire.
Work with principals as primary evaluators to link evaluation with continuous
improvement of instruction.
District Compliance
Assume responsibility for District compliance with local, state and federal regulations
governing all non-EEN instructional programs, including timely filing of reports and
maintenance of records.
Gifted and Talented
Collaborate with staff and parents, oversee and lead the development and implementation
of a program of instruction which will meet both the group and individual needs of
gifted/talented students.
Assist in the development, writing and submission of competitive grants which will
supplement regular revenue resources to meet the goals of the District’s programs.
Oversee and assume responsibility for entitlement grants, including the IASA
Consolidated Grant, Perkins Grant and other non-EEN entitlements. Assist in their
writing, amendment, record-keeping, inventories and reporting.
Assume responsibility for implementation of a curriculum data base and computerized
assessment system.
Collaborate with Library Media Staff to provide technological instructional support and
expand technologically-driven resources and research opportunities for students.
Lead the staff in developing technology-driven instructional applications in both the
computer labs and the classroom.
Staff Development
Lead and collaborate with the staff in developing and maintaining a program of
continuous staff training/retraining in support of student achievement and other District
and approved building goals.
Assist in the development of and administer all budgets related to curriculum,
instructional programs, assessment, staff development, instructional technology and
Lead, direct and coordinate the work of the District’s three major committees:
instructional council, staff development committee and technology committee.
Develop and implement as needed and approved by the administrative team or directed
by the Board of Education, other standing or ad hoc committees aimed at serving the
curricular, instructional and professional needs of students and staff.
Work with the Director of Pupil Services to coordinate the regular education, special
education, developmental guidance and other support programs.
Administrative Team Member
Function as a contributing member of the administrative team in all visioning, strategic,
long and short-range planning, coordination, budgeting, decision-making and
professional growth activities of the administrative team.
Attend all Board meetings except where excused by the District Administrator, and report
to the Board as may from time-to-time be required/requested on the district’s programs
falling under the jurisdiction of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction as heretofore
set forth.
Act as liaison and resource to the community and advocate for the staff and programs
subsumed under the responsibilities of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.
Other Duties as Assigned by the District Administrator
Approved: 12/12/11