Policy 234 - Director of Learning & Student Services Job Description

 The Director of Learning and Student Services will demonstrate strong character, model
self-discipline, and be a self-directed leader.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will act with integrity, fairness, and in an
ethical manner.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will maintain the strictest confidence
concerning personnel, students, and operational concerns of the district.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall lead by facilitating the development,
articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the
school community.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall advise the Superintendent and Board
of Education on matters relating to areas of responsibility.
 Provide leadership to, collaborate with, and act as a resource to the community, staff,
administrative team and Board of Education on all matters pertaining to student
achievement in the District as subsumed under the District’s approved curricula and
instructional programs.
 Oversee and guide a process of systematic, intentional and continuous improvement in
student achievement.
 Remain current in the research and act as a resource to all personnel in the areas of
curriculum, assessment practices and instruction, including their implications for the
District’s programs.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall provide direction for and ensure
compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it related
to students. This includes attending Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings as the
LEA when principals are unavailable or the situation warrants, assisting with maintaining
related student records, and investigating and resolving complaints.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall supervise student eligibility
(including Child Find activities), placement, programming, dismissal, and follow-up in
the areas of special education, alternative education, regular education accommodations,
and students at risk.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall serve as the district’s primary
advocate for programs for students at risk of school failure.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will represent the school district in
litigation or hearings involving special education.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will prepare the district for DPI
monitoring activities.
The Director of Learning and Student Services will monitor special education open
enrollment students attending other districts including attending IEP meetings.
The Director of Learning and Student Services will monitor special education students
placed out of district for low incidence disabilities, including attendance at IEP meetings,
monitoring progress, and facilitating communication between parents and the school of
The Director of Learning and Student Services will coordinate extended school year
programming for special education students eligible for such services.
The Director of Learning and Student Services will participate on the district’s
administration team in planning, problem solving, and implementing district-wide
The Director of Learning and Student Services shall assume leadership responsibilities
throughout the district in the absence of administrators as assigned.
 Coordinate, collaborate with, and oversee the staff in the development, revision and
implementation of all course content, skill, knowledge and performance areas, scope and
sequence, articulation and placement of everything taught in the District Pre-K-12.
 Coordinate, collaborate with, and oversee the staff in the development and
implementation of a variety of content and performance assessments and their alignment
with the respective performance standards within the curricula, including teacher-made,
local performance-based and criteria-referenced and state and national norm-referenced
 Assume responsibility for the documentation and dissemination of all curricula and for a
Board approval process under the direction of the District Administrator for all new and
revised/updated curricula.
 Guide and collaborate with the staff in the selection of instructional materials and
resources, their modification, revision, deletion, organizational pattern and use, including
a process for their systematic replacement and updating.
 Lead and collaborate with the staff in the identification, development of, training in and
implementation of instructional methods appropriate to the respective curricula they
support which are aimed at the continuous improvement of student achievement and
expansion of the instructional repertoire.
 Work with principals as primary evaluators to link evaluation with continuous
improvement of instruction.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will establish an effective process to
address administrative issues and problems.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall effectively implement initiatives of
the district strategic plan throughout the district.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall coordinate and operate district
programs to ensure equity of services, quality programming, and safe school
The Director of Learning and Student Services shall coordinate and approve staff
development opportunities for student services staff addressing identified needs.
The Director of Learning and Student Services shall oversee conditions of facilities,
special transportation, staffing, resources for pupils, staff, programs, and services making
requests for modifications to the District Administrator.
Lead and collaborate with the staff in developing and maintaining a program of
continuous staff training/retraining in support of student achievement and other District
and approved building goals.
Develop and implement as needed and approved by the administrative team or directed
by the Board of Education, other standing or ad hoc committees aimed at serving the
curricular, instructional and professional needs of students and staff.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will establish and administer a process
within the district to assure accountability to the Board-approved school budget.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall ensure management of the
organization, operations, finances, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective
learning environment.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall collaboratively develop and
administer a budget for the special education department that reflects district policies and
priorities, as well as mandated programs and services.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will establish and administer procedures
to requisition materials, equipment, and supplies for the Student services Department
following district policy.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will apply for and manage entitlement
programs as assigned, i.e., Federal Flow Through Grant and the related Special Education
Plan for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will coordinate and supervise the districts
Medicaid administrative claiming and third party billing.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall research, create, write, and manage
grant funded projects related to areas of responsibility.
 Assist in the development of and administer all budgets related to curriculum,
instructional programs, assessment, staff development, instructional technology and
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will initiate and implement systemic
evaluation of student learning throughout the district in collaboration with district
principals and curriculum coordinator.
 Assume responsibility for implementation of a curriculum data base and computerized
assessment system.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will initiate and implement systemic
evaluation of programs and events throughout district related to the student services
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will evaluate the performance of student
services staff, including paraeducators, in accordance with established district and
building goals.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services will assess staffing needs, review
qualifications of personnel, and make job assignments within the area of student services.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall assess qualifications of applications,
in collaboration with district principals, and make recommendations for employment to
the District Administrator.
 Collaborate with staff and parents, oversee and lead the development and implementation
of a program of instruction which will meet both the group and individual needs of
gifted/talented students.
 Assist in the development, writing and submission of competitive grants which will
supplement regular revenue resources to meet the goals of the District’s programs.
 Oversee and assume responsibility for entitlement grants, including the IASA
Consolidated Grant, AODA, Perkins Grant and other non-EEN entitlements. Assist in
their writing, amendment, record-keeping, inventories and reporting.
 Assume responsibility for District compliance with local, state and federal regulations
governing all non-EEN instructional programs, including timely filing of reports and
maintenance of records.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall model collaboration with families
and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilizing community resources.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall advocate for the school district
throughout the larger community.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall create opportunities to listen,
communicate, and disseminate information with members of the community:
o Provide informational meetings for parents, guardians, and community members
regarding instructional support programs, district procedures, and rights under
state and federal laws and district policies.
o Facilitate advisory councils, i.e., Special Education Parent Advisory Council and
others as assigned.
o Participate in local, county, and state organizations and committees related to the
health and welfare of students with disabilities and students at risk.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall be active and visible throughout the
school community.
 The Director of Learning and Student Services shall facilitate smooth transitions for
students between sending and receiving agencies.
The Director of Learning and Student Services shall understand, respond to, and interact
with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context that affects
Administrative Team Member
 Function as a contributing member of the administrative team in all visioning, strategic,
long and short-range planning, coordination, budgeting, decision-making and
professional growth activities of the administrative team.
 Attend all Board meetings except where excused by the District Administrator, and report
to the Board as may from time-to-time be required/requested on the district’s programs
falling under the jurisdiction of the Director of Learning and Student Services as
heretofore set forth.
 Act as liaison and resource to the community and advocate for the staff and programs
subsumed under the responsibilities of the Director of Learning and Student Services.
Other Duties as Assigned by the District Administrator
Approved: 12/12/11