Community Achievement Press Release

For Immediate Release
Marty Fins, Silk City Print Shoppe, to Receive 14th Annual
GMCC Community Achievement Award
MANCHESTER, CT, March 23, 2009 —The Greater Manchester Chamber or Commerce is pleased to announce that the
2009 GMCC Community Achievement Award will be presented to Martin D. Fins, owner of Silk City Print Shoppe, in Manchester. The
presentation will take place at the 108th Annual Meeting of the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce on Monday, April 20, 2009.
The GMCC Community Achievement Award was established to recognize and honor one individual each year for his or her
outstanding service to business and the community in the Manchester/Bolton area.
“A Manchester business owner for the past 23 years, Marty has always put his own best interest aside in order to do what is
best for others,” states Tana Parseliti, Director of the Downtown Manchester Special Services District. “Several years ago, while
serving as a Commissioner, he assisted the District when their office copier crashed. Marty helped to analyze the benefits of
purchasing a more sophisticated copier, even though it meant a significant loss of business for him. During his time on the
Commission, Marty served in various capacities on the Downtown District Board of Commissioners from 1996 through 2008.”
Fins has been a member of the Manchester Rotary Club since 1991, serving in various capacities, including that of
President. He is a two-time recipient of the Club’s prestigious Paul Harris Award. “Marty stepped up to serve as Club President from
late 2005 through June, 2007. He wrote new by-laws and led the Club from a low point to become a thriving organization,” says Rotary
President, Geoff Naab. Fins was instrumental in the implementation of Rotary International’s “Dictionary Project.” Now in its fourth
year, the Project puts dictionaries in the hands of all third grade students and their teachers in Manchester’s public and private
schools. Fins also made the initial contacts necessary to allow Manchester Rotary to work with a village in Guatemala providing them
with clean water. Fins started the Club’s reading program established 14 years ago at Washington School. He spends a weekend
each spring with other Rotarians helping to clean up Camp Farwell in Vermont in exchange for two camp scholarships allowing two
Nathan Hale School students to have a two week summer camp experience at no cost to their families. And at the Club’s annual
Mother’s Day breakfast , you’ll find Fins in the kitchen flipping pancakes.
Fins has also been quite active within the Manchester Chamber. “A member since 1986, he became increasingly involved,
states Chamber President, Sue O’Connor. “Marty serves on our Board of Directors, and was Chairman of the Board from 2003 through
2005. He is active with our committees and was an honorary Ambassador while he was Chairman. Marty can always be counted on to
do what ‘s best for the Chamber and the community, regardless of its impact on him or his business.”
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Marty Fins – Add 1
March 18, 2009
“Whether serving as a “bell ringer” for Salvation Army during the holidays, walking in the Manchester Road Race on
Thanksgiving to benefit one of our local charities, making a difference through the efforts of Rotary or the Chamber, Marty is a great
example of an individual and a business person doing good for the Manchester business community and the community in general,”
says O’Connor.
“I feel very fortunate to live in Manchester and have my business here. People have been good to me, and I just try to do
what’s right, give back to the community,” states Fins. “I’m honored and humbled to be included with the people who have been past
recipients of the Chamber’s Community Achievement Award.”
Past recipients of the GMCC Community Achievement Award have included David Prindiville, DMD; Anne Miller, Anne Miller
Real Estate; Hans Weiss, Hans Weiss Fine Art Gallery; Craig Lappen, Twenty-First Century Financial Advisors; Rich Cohen, ShopRite
of Manchester; John and Bernice Rieg, Shady Glen Dairy Stores; Nate Agostinelli; James McCavanaugh; Tim Devanney, Highland
Park Market; Bernie Apter; Laurie Prytko, and Richard Meduski.
The Annual Meeting of the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce is sponsored by NewAlliance Bank. It is a luncheon
that will take place on Monday, April 20, 2009 at A Villa Louisa, 60 Villa Louisa Road, Bolton. Reservations must be made in advance
by calling the GMCC, 860 646-2223 prior to April 6, 2009. Tickets are $30 per person, and the luncheon is open to the Manchester
business community. Chamber membership is not required to attend.