CYPSPB Meeting Thursday, 27th November

Workforce Implementation Group
Friday, 4th November 2011
Trevithick Room, New County Hall, Truro
9.30am - 12.30pm
Cornwall Council Corporate Support (HR)
Third Sector Representative
Children, Schools & Families (Youth)
Children’s Trust Integrated Workforce Project Manager
Early Year’s Sector Representative
Graham Berry - GB
Steve Clark (chair) – SC
Dave Ireland - DI
Paul Maber-Gill – PMG
Cherry Martin - CM
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Children, Schools & Families
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
The Learning Partnership
Liz Cox - LC
Maggie Greenhalgh - MG
Lisa Norwood - LN
Polly Skinner – PS
Children, Schools & Families
Children, Schools & Families Project Officer
Cathy Mayes - CMa
James Owen - JO
Minutes taken by Gemma Mewton – Strategy Support Team
Notes of the last meeting and actions arising
Accuracy of the previous notes AGREED.
Actions arising from the notes of the last meeting:
DI to follow up if MG has raised with Jack Cordery, Head of Children’s
Social Work, if it is policy that all commissioned service for learning and
development must demonstrate that those delivering training meet the
minimum standard and hold a level three qualification (or equivalent) in
adult learning and report back any impact on arrangements.
CM has not yet provided banding details for the early years’ sector. SC
advised that this is an ongoing piece of work and will raise it with Anna
Mankee-Williams (AMW), Children, Schools and Families, Senior
Manager Strategic Support to find out what support mechanism is in
place for this group.
PMG has requested the details of the levels of take up on the Cornwall
Leadership Academy and will follow up.
PMG to send the attendance details for the Integrated Working (CAF)
training to SC.
PMG advised that the Children, Schools and families Workforce Steering
Group received a report on the Cornwall Common Core Programme,
including evidence of impact of phase one, to decide whether to
implement phase two but this was not discussed at their meeting on
Friday, 14th October 2011. SC to follow up with AMW.
GB advised that an impact measurement tool will not initially be
available in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for Children,
Schools and families staff. GB will provide an update at the next
CM advised that Liz Myhill will explore a link between ERP and Moodle.
All other actions have been completed.
Declaration of Interests
None declared.
Feedback from CSF Steering Group
SC advised that there is no feedback.
Integrated Working (CAF) training update
CM said that there are 132 people booked onto Integrated Working
(CAF) training this term across all localities, with the least number of
representatives coming from health. Bernie Doyle (BD), Children,
Schools and Families, Senior Manager Localities, is waiting for venue
and date details to hold a health specific training session at Treliske.
SC advised that the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Early
Intervention and Implementation subgroup are going to audit the
Integrated Working (CAF) training, SC to pick up with BD. SC added that
the current Train the Trainer model is in place until July 2012.
Multiagency Safeguarding Training Commissioning Strategy
SC said that this group needs to agree what it expects the core training
offer commissioned by the LSCB to be. SC added that the LSCB have an
agreed model of safeguarding training that will continue to the end of
March 2012, delivery of the new training offer will be from April 2012.
There needs to be a process in place for the commissioning of training.
JO arrived 10.31am.
Every member of staff should have access to the tier one leaflet. All staff
need to be signposted to the leaflet as part of their induction.
Half day safeguarding awareness training for all staff. CMa said that this
basic training could be delivered to multiagency groups using the Train
the Trainer model. CMa to contact Wandsworth Council to find out the
content of their half day safeguarding awareness training. The following
points were noted for the content of the training:
- Reference to section 47/17;
- Reference to Common Assessment Framework;
- What to do if…;
- Why we do what we do.
SC raised concern about the sustainability of the Train the Trainers
model. It was suggested that this training could be single agency elearning that is quality assured by the LSCB.
One day introduction to safeguarding delivered to multiagency groups to
those that have regular contact with children and young people. The
following points were noted for the content of the training:
- More detail of section 47/17;
- Report writing;
- More detail of signs and indicators;
- Managing allegations against staff;
- Safer working practices;
- Reference to safer recruitment;
- Seven golden rules of data protection;
- Recent research;
- Reference to Common Assessment Framework.
SC asked how we impact measure the training. GB suggested using elearning following the training. PMG added that you can ask what is
done differently following the training.
CM said that practitioners attend an update day on new legislation every
three years and trainers every two years. CMa said that there needs to
be additional half day update training following the one day introduction
to safeguarding training.
The Common Core level one covers core competencies in six key areas
over three days.
The group agreed that safeguarding adolescents and safeguarding
disabled children should be the responsibility of Children, Schools and
CM said that the target audiences for training are included in Working
Together to Safeguard Children.
Integrated Working (CAF) training is not part of Common Core, All
AGREED that Integrated Working (CAF) training should be looked at in
isolation and should be commissioned in its entirety. SC advised that it
is the responsibility of the LSCB to quality assure and commission
Integrated Working (CAF) training which should be available to
everybody. PMG asked if there needs to be a two hour awareness raising
Integrated Working (CAF) module. SC added that this could be
mandatory for everyone. The Integrated Working (CAF) training for
those roles having regular contact with children is currently one day with
prerequisite e-learning. PMG added that the e-learning licenses run until
May 2013. CM said that there needs to be a further two hour or half day
specialist module for Lead professionals and chairs of Team Around the
Child meetings.
SC said that the half day designated persons workshop needs to include
managing allegations, more on the impact of Serious Case Reviews and
SC said that the following seminars will be information giving and follow
up practice:
- Learning from Serious Case Reviews;
- Sexual exploitation/missing persons, proposed to now be delivered
by the LSCB;
- Preventing violent extremism, for which there is no strategy in
- Policy update;
- Domestic Violence;
- E-safety;
- Recent research and legislation;
- Policy, procedures and strategies.
SC said the development of the strategies for sexual exploitation and
preventing violent extremism is the responsibility of the LSCB Early
Intervention and Implementation Subgroup.
CM said that the number of seminars offered per year will depend on the
cost. CM said that if the Domestic Violence seminar is being picked up
elsewhere it can be removed from the list.
All AGREED that the LSCB have a quality assurance role even if they are
not commissioning the training within the seminar list.
CMa to build up the content of the identified training plus costings.
SC to take the groups discussions to the LSCB to identify the areas they
will no longer deliver and where it is the responsibility of individual
SC and CMa to meet prior to the LSCB Executive Group meeting on
Wednesday, 30th November.
Cornwall Common Core Phase 2
SC said that Common Core covers core competencies in six key areas
and this group have previously mapped the Common Core competencies
to training offered across all partner agencies. Somerset Centre for
Integrated Learning (SCIL) was the successful tender to deliver the
Children’s Workforce Common Core knowledge and skills for phase one
which was targeted to new entrants to the children’s workforce,
volunteers, auxiliary staff and the unskilled or unemployed using
Workforce Cornwall funding. Phase one has now finished. SC added that
the attendance figures were disappointing considering the number of
volunteers in Cornwall.
Phase two had planned to use the Children’s Workforce Development
Council (CWDC) Common Core accredited unit that will cover the
knowledge detailed in the Common Core at level two and be targeted to
those already employed to commence in October 2011. It has now been
decided to use phase two to better target those in phase one as the
Common Core competencies are covered elsewhere. PMG advised that it
is hoped to draw down more funding from Workforce Cornwall for phase
two but the report has not yet been discussed at the CSF Workforce
Steering Group.
The Cornwall Common Core programme has been taught over three
days with an e-learning session completed prior to the first taught
CMa asked if the Common Core Programme is delivering the half day
safeguarding awareness training commissioned by the LSCB are people
being asked to attend twice. CM said that it will be an update/refresher.
PMG to send JO the SCIL report.
AOB including:
Common Induction
SC advised that the group want to draft induction guidelines for all
employers whose employees work with children, young people and their
DI outlined the induction for Children, Schools and Families staff which
consists of three parts which can be adapted for multiagency use:
− Mandatory corporate employer induction;
− Children, Schools and Families directorate induction;
− Workplace induction.
The guidelines will be in the form of a leaflet that will map all things that
employees need to know to support them in their role. It can be used to
identify what training they require.
DI to draft induction guidelines and bring to the next meeting.
It was suggested that the guidelines include a flowchart for the
employee and another for the employer. The following points were noted
to be included in the induction guidelines:
− LSCB including Safeguarding Leaflet;
− Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion (SEND&I);
− Supporting Families;
− Multiagency Locality Teams;
− Equality and Diversity;
− Communications network including the Children’s Trust website;
− Family Information Service;
− Learning and Development;
− Common Assessment Framework;
− Safeguarding training (half day, one day);
− Common Core training;
− Specialist training.
SC said that safer recruitment training is the employer’s responsibility.
CMa added that this can be signposted to in the half day safeguarding
awareness training.
JO departed 12.30pm.
MG and DI to decide if CMa should attend future meetings.
Close 12.33pm.
Dates of future meetings:
The next meeting of the Children’s Trust Workforce Implementation
Group will be held on Friday, 6th January 2011, 9.30am – 12.00noon in
the Trevithick Room, New County Hall, Truro.