Postoperative Incision Care Auditing Tool Purpose: It is Sunnybrook’s intent to verify that the care of surgical incisions postoperatively is in accordance with Sunnybrook policies in an effort to reduce the incidence of surgical site infections (SSIs). Definitions: Primary intention = wound closure immediately following the injury and prior to the formation of granulation tissue Saturated operative dressing = where the drainage from the post-surgical wound soaks through all dressings applied in the operating room (OR), before time of ordered dressing reduction. (Usually Post-operative Day 0 or Day 1). Open and draining incision = A surgical wound where the margins of the incision have not sealed completely and the wound is draining serous, serosanginous or purulent drainage. Clean and Intact incision = A surgical wound where the margins of the incision have sealed and no or minimal drainage is present. (Usually occurs after 24-48h post-operatively). Abbreviations: HH = hand hygiene (either alcohol-based hand rub OR soap & water), PPE= Personal Protective Equipment, HCW = Health care worker, MOG = glove use without hand hygiene Department/Area to be audited: Type of wound closure _______________________________________ □Primary intention □Secondary intention □Vacuum Assisted Closure (VAC) □<24 hrs □Post-op Day 1 □Post-op Day 2 □>48 hrs How old is the wound? Protocol A. Dressing Change using minimal barrier aseptic technique B. Dressing change using maximal barrier aseptic technique Indication □ Clean Intact Incision □ Initial Post-op Dressing Change □ Saturated Operative Dressing □ Open & Draining incisions A. Minimal B. Maximal Equipment (check if present) □ Clean gloves □ 50ml sterile □ Clean gloves □ Waste bag for normal saline □ Sterile gloves □ Sterile gloves used dressings irrigation solution □ 50ml sterile □ Waste bag for used □Dressing supplies □ Mask normal saline dressings as needed irrigation solution □Gown □ Dressing Tray □ Sterile dressing supplies as needed (if needed) Preparation Was the patient offered analgesia? Has privacy been ensured? Has all equipment been collected and placed on a clean surface? Has HH been performed before opening dressing packages? Precautions Is appropriate PPE being worn? □YES □YES □YES □YES □NO □NO □NO □NO A. Minimal □Yes, with reminder B. Maximal □YES □NO □YES (clean gloves only) Was PPE applied in proper sequence? N/A (HH, mask, gown, gloves) Was the sterile field maintained throughout the procedure? □YES □YES □NO (mask, gown needed if soiling of clothes is likely, and clean gloves) □NO □NO Checklist for Postoperative Incision Care Audit 1 Cleaning Is the HCW using sterile gloves? □YES □YES □YES □NO □NO □NO □Yes, with reminder □NO □NO □NO □NO □Yes, with reminder Was clean tape used to secure the new dressing? (i.e. from the trolley, not a pocket) □YES □YES □YES □YES Have the wound & surgical dressing been kept out of contact with tap water? □YES □NO □YES □NO □Yes, with reminder Was PPE removed & disposed of in the proper sequence: gloves & gown (HH) then mask (HH)? Hand Hygiene □YES □NO □Yes, with reminder Was HH performed: _____ Before donning clean gloves/ removing soiled dressing _____ After removing soiled dressing & gloves/before donning sterile gloves _____ After applying new dressing & removing sterile gloves B. Maximal _____ After any direct contact with the surgical site Is the cleansing solution being used normal saline (as per policy)? If no, state other. Is the wound being cleaned from the incision line outwards (clean to dirty) in one direction only? Is each cleaning pad used only once? Is a culture swab being taken? If yes, has the area first been cleaned of any frank pus? Disposal Were dressings disposed of properly? (minimally contaminated dressings in the regular garbage; heavily contaminated [i.e. with blood] dressings in yellow bags) Y = yes N = no WR = yes, with reminder MOG = glove change without HH Documentation Has the wound been assessed, and the following findings documented: A. Minimal □ Condition of the wound □ Pain & comfort of patient Other: □Yes, with reminder □Yes, with reminder □Yes, with reminder □ N/A □ N/A □ N/A □ Condition of the wound □ Pain & comfort of patient □ Drainage – amount, type (serous, sanguineous, etc.), colour, odour If the patient is being discharged, have they been given wound care instructions? If yes, what type? Level of Knowledge Has the staff member ever received education/ training surrounding wound care? Is the staff member aware of SB’s policy for post-op incision care? □YES □NO □ N/A (not being discharged) (Check all that apply) □Verbal □ Hand-written □ Pamphlet □YES □NO □YES □NO Source: Postoperative Incision Care (Policy CLS-0032); Last revised August 2008.Available at: Auditor Signature: Date: ____________________ (MM/DD/YYYY) ______ / Print name: ________________________ Dept: __________________ _______ /_________ Position: _________________ Checklist for Postoperative Incision Care Audit 2