RETURN COMPLETED FORM (pages 3 & 4) TO MRS. LEE BY 8/29/13
Student Name: ________________________________
Period: ______
RE: Mrs. Lee’s 2nd School Letter/Class Syllabus
Dear Parents/Guardian,
It is a pleasure to have your child in my 8th Grade Physical Science class! This is my class syllabus which has
important items to address, & pages 3-4 to sign & return. I would also like to get to know each of my students
better so we can work mutually together toward your child’s successful school year & readiness for high school.
Thus, I ask that you fill out the items thoroughly to help me better relate to your child’s learning needs.
Numerous studies show that parent involvement is a major part of a child’s success. Please be your child’s
hero. Show interest in what your child is learning in school and stay involved. Contact me if you have concerns.
Mrs. Lee’s Website / Checking Grades / Homework Calendar:
Please visit the school website: and especially review my teacher website
frequently: to see what homework/class projects I have assigned, the
extra credit available, study tools and tips, practice tests (with answers for you to check your child’s work),
vocabulary, your child’s missing assignments & grades on the Parent Portal, etc. Grades will be updated
weekly or as often as possible. If you have difficulty checking the Parent Portal, please contact the Principal, Mr.
Hubbs, so he can help you & your child use this valuable tool. If you do not have your child’s access code, he
can give that to you as well.
Guest Speakers / My Contact Info:
If your child arranges for a science related guest speaker or a science lab, such as yourself, to talk to my 5
classes about a science related career field/science lab, which will enhance our curriculum, your child can receive
extra credit. Please don’t hesitate to contact me about guest speaker suggestions or any other questions you may
have: via e-mail (, classroom phone (707-646-7031), or in person (but please call in advance
for an appointment). See my notes on my website: regarding guest speakers.
Agenda Planners / Textbooks / Workbooks:
Agenda Planners, Textbooks & Workbooks have been given out in class. Your child should write assignments in
the Agenda Planners every Monday when I list assignments for the week on the board. Students should also
check the board daily for any additions. If I write an assignment, for example, “Read Ch 1 -1 & do workbook” -this means, “read Ch 1 section 1 & do the corresponding pages in the workbook”. I may abbreviate future
assignments by writing: Read Ch 10 – 2, which means, Read Ch 10 section 2 & do the corresponding pages in the
workbook. The textbook is for home use & must be returned in good condition on a specified date in May or the
charge will be $90. The workbook should be brought to class daily. A replacement science workbook is $10
(used is $5) & paid at the office with a receipt to show me. Homework should be done at home, if not already
finished in class. Homework is given 5 days a week, Monday through Friday of each week. You can compare
my Homework Calendar on my website with your child’s agenda planner. I try to keep the Homework Calendar
up-to-date, but at times, am unable to do so. Therefore, there may be a discrepancy with your child’s agenda. If
you have any concerns & need to verify what your child has told you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Homework assistance is available from me before school, at lunch or after school. The Solano Library hotline,
other teachers, the 5 classroom buddies whom your child has exchanged phone numbers with, etc. can also help.
Parent Conferences:
Teachers meet parents with pre-arranged appointments during Parent/Teacher Conferences on September 19,
2012 & February 20, 2013 from 3:30 – 5:30 pm in the Gym. You will be contacted if teachers request your
presence at these meetings. If you wish to attend, please notify the office or your teachers in advance.
Mrs. Lee’s 2nd School Letter (P3-4 due Thursday 8/29/13)
GATE Students & Grades:
Students in GATE Science (an accelerated class) must maintain a “C” average or better for Progress & Quarter
grades or will be assigned to the General Science Class (grades, test scores, homework completion, etc. can be
monitored on-line).
Pacing / Exams / Exam Make Ups:
In order to prepare your child for high school rigor, this class will be going at a brisk pace – much quicker than 7th
grade. Your child must keep up with homework in order to complete & comprehend all the 8th grade science
standards, which will be covered in the 15 chapters of the book. The STAR/CST testing for science is
scheduled around the last week of April, thus, the textbook must be completed by mid April. This requires
your child to have: good attendance, participation, completion of homework on time, good study habits, &
appropriate behavior for success. There are tests after each chapter, as well as 4 Unit Exams, a Final Exam &
other quizzes. If your child misses an exam, he/she must make it up at lunch on the day he/she returns to
school unless prior arrangements were made. After the STAR/CST testing, we will learn more about our
senses, potential career goals & comparative anatomy.
Class Portfolio: (Detailed information listed on my website at:
Your child will need to keep ALL science papers & provide 10 binder tabs labeled: (“Important Papers” such as
8th Grade CA Standards will be on top of all the tabs) 1) Tests, 2) Practice tests, 3) Grades, 4) Vocabulary, 5)
Assessments/Reviewing Key Terms, 6) Worksheets, 7) Projects, 8) Labs, 9) Notes, 10) Extra
Credit/Miscellaneous. We will file papers occasionally in class into student class portfolios. Thus, papers
returned & work stored in student backpacks can be filed in the classroom portfolios. In March, your child’s
papers will be filed in a 2” to 3” binder (listed on the supply list of the 1st Day Letter), & will be brought home
during Spring Break for further STAR/CST testing review, & then returned after vacation for further filing.
Absences / Late & Missing Assignments:
All assignments must be turned in on time. If absent, turn in assignments on the first day of returning unless prior
arrangement has been made. Late work will only receive a 1/4 credit or less depending on quality of work so
write at the top of the page the dates absent. It is your child’s responsibility to turn in assignments on time.
My cut off dates (listed on my website at: for all missing & extra credit
assignments is 6 workdays before the report card grade is due to the office. No acceptance of papers will be
accepted to record when the quarter is over. Absent students are encouraged to phone a classroom buddy for
help (ex: find out about homework, get the worksheets missed, etc.) & use the Homework Calendar on my
website at to keep up with work. Students need to complete classwork &
homework even if they are not in class. (I understand emergencies & other crisis may occur, but work is
expected to be made up by the next day or have advance arrangements with the teacher through e-mail). I post
my Homework Calendar & let students know about projects & tests well in advance (written on my classroom
board), so please do not support excuses from your child since this behavior will not help them in the future.
Example, when I give a project in which your child has 2 weeks or more to work on the project & he/she is absent
for a day or 2, I still expect the project completed & turned in on the day he/she returns.
Grading Weights:
34%: Tests & Quizzes
26%: Projects
24%: Classwork or Lab Activities 16%: Homework or Extra Credit
I look forward to seeing you & your child at Back-to-School Night on September 4th. Your child will receive
extra credit if you & your child attend. The evening begins at 6:30 pm. Please tear off the last page of this
document, complete & return by Thursday 8/29/13. Thank you!
 Mrs. Lee
 General & GATE 8th Grade Physical Science Teacher
 Green Valley Middle School
Mrs. Lee’s 2nd School Letter (P3-4 due Thursday 8/29/13)
Student Name (Please Print Clearly)
Student Signature
1) Contact information for Mom -- Please Print Name: Ms. __________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian Signature
Circle best phone number(s) for communication
Day Phone: ________________ Evening Phone: _______________ Cell Phone: _________________
E-Mail Address (please print clearly):___________________________________________________
(Mrs. Lee’s preferred communication)
----------------------------------------------------------------------2) Contact information for Dad -- Please Print Name: Mr. ___________________________________
Mr. _________________________________________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
Circle best phone number(s) for communication
Day Phone: ________________ Evening Phone: _______________ Cell Phone: ________________
E-Mail Address: (please print clearly): __________________________________________________
(Mrs. Lee’s preferred communication)
----------------------------------------------------------------------3) Are both parents residing in the same household? YES ______
4) Need another textbook to bring home for the other house?
5) Is there 1 or more parents in your child’s life?
6) Are grandparent(s) acting as guardian(s)
1 _____
YES ______
NO ______
YES ______
NO ______
2 _____
NO ______
7) Any other family members you wish me to contact? _____________________________________
(Print Name)
Relation to child: ____________________________ Phone #: _______________________________
E-Mail Address: (please print clearly): __________________________________________________
Mrs. Lee’s 2nd School Letter (P3-4 due Thursday 8/29/13)
Student Name: ________________________________
Period: ______
Please answer the following questions below. This information is valuable & enables us to work
together to meet the needs of your child.
a) Please list your child’s strengths:
b) Are there any areas in which you feel your child may need additional assistance or instruction this
c) Any suggestions to help your child learn?
d) Do you have any questions or concerns? Any health issues I should be aware of?
e) Best phone number for mom _____________________ & for dad ________________________
when I use the “Teleparent” Phone System.
f) Does your child have access to the Internet at home for class assignments? ___ YES ___ NO
If no, please use the GVMS library computers, which are available before school & during lunch.
Also, use the computers at the public library &/or a friend’s or neighbor’s house.
Parent Volunteers Needed:
If you have the time to volunteer to help with labs, grading papers, being a guest speaker, field trips, e-waste
drives toward Science laptops, Game Club helper, donate an old working computer tower, talk to students
about hardware parts of a computer, be a Game Club helper, teach the Game Club about chess (I’m the
advisor to the Game Club, too), or help as needed.
YES – I Can Volunteer for: __________________________duty. ____________________________
(preferred choice of duty if any)
(Print Name)
Documents & Websites Read: (Documents are posted on my website & were handed to your child)
 Parent/Student 1st Day Letter (lists supplies needed, 10 binder tabs due 8/29/13 to class for portfolio)
 Class Overview (my academic & behavior expectations, tips from previous students, list of standards)
 Donation Letter (donations are sincerely needed to help supplement your child’s learning)
 Looked at the website: & will consider contacting the company to pick up any
e-waste at home as a Fundraiser function toward purchase of Science Laptops. A portion of the
proceeds will be donated to “Green Valley Middle School Science Department” so be sure to write
our organization on the on-line form. It is the Department’s hope to get laptop computers for your
child to use & to learn new technological skills important for his/her future.
 Looked at Mrs. Lee’s Wish List posted on my website & will consider donating something during this
school year. Copy paper is on the top of the list.
 Classroom Behavior Contract (Rules / Procedures)
Thank you!
Mrs. Lee’s 2nd School Letter (P3-4 due Thursday 8/29/13)