Class 3 Curriculum news Spring 2014

Happy New Year to you all and we hope you are all keeping dry despite the
continuous rain. The weather certainly isn’t dampening our spirits as we have so
much to look forward to in the term ahead.
We are embracing the New National Curriculum which should be in place in
schools by September 2014. To do this we are introducing an extension of the
Read Write Inc programme for all the children who have finished that scheme.
The series is developed by Ruth Miskin and is called Literacy and Language. Each
child will have a Pupils’ Book, an Anthology Book and a Homework Book although
homework will not always be set from this.
There are six units to be covered and this term Mrs Morrish will be looking at
the playscripts unit, which should fit in nicely with Shakespeare and the topic on
Tudors. On the other hand, Mrs Southall will be introducing a science fiction
element into a familiar setting. We decided to each take a different unit as it
would be difficult to take over from each other when work might not be
As the main focus of the New National Curriculum is grammar, punctuation and
spelling, we are also using the Read Write Inc spelling scheme. The children will
have a 15 minute designated spelling activity each day after lunch so they will no
longer be coming home with weekly spellings to learn. They may however have a
spelling challenge to learn during the holidays.
As the reading diary sweep was so successful, this will be repeated at the end of
the term with the successful children being rewarded with a treat. Please ensure
that you listen to your child read at least three times a week and record it in
their reading diaries as Mrs Morrish and Mrs Southall need evidence of this!
Handwriting will be taught on Friday with the children working to improve their
presentation as part of the Group Reading carousel before lunch. The year 3
children have a particular incentive to work hard because Mrs Southall and Mrs
Morrish will be handing out pens to those children who deserve them.
English homework will be set on Friday and marked the following Thursday, giving
the children plenty of time to complete the activity. Please encourage your child
to follow this routine, especially if they have problems with time management as
Mrs Southall likes to mark the work in one go. You should by now have a class
The new curriculum is also being followed in Maths, ahead of schedule.
Number will include: multiplying and dividing numbers by 10; more subtraction
and addition, related to money problems; finding equivalent fractions, simplifying
as well as adding and subtracting them; working with multiples of 10 and 100 in
different contexts and finally learning how to read negative numbers in the
context of weather.
In Measures and Shape, the focus will be on revisiting Time which will include
looking at timetables; plotting coordinates and translating shapes in the first
quadrant and a more in depth study of angles.
Handling Data will be incorporated in to the Science curriculum whenever it’s
appropriate, in particular, tally charts and block graphs.
Homework will continue to be given on a Wednesday and is expected to be
handed in the following Tuesday.
The first unit this term is “Rocks and Soils.” In this unit the children will
describe different types of rocks and compare their properties by tackling some
activities. They will discover how soil is formed from rock and investigate the
permeability of different soils. The second unit is “Separating Solids and
Liquids.” In this unit they will reinforce their understanding of a solid and a
liquid. They will find out how solids and liquids can be separated when they are
mixed and explore reversible changes. They will also learn how to filter a
Hopefully, the class will visit The Think Tank at some point this term.
Mrs Morrish and Mr Langdon will share the Monday PE time and because the
weather is usually unpredictable at this time of the year they will be covering
dance indoors. The unit to be covered is called “Mechanical Progress” so we
might see some examples of body popping!
Thursday P.E. will be a gymnastics unit this term and will be taken by staff from
Lacon Childe. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit, which is
clearly named and is in school on Mondays and Thursdays.
The children have been very fortunate to have benefitted from the experience
of a wonderful flute teacher last term and it will carry on for a part of this term
also. They have learnt so much and improved during their flute lessons,
consequently everyone was very impressed with the girls playing at the
Christmas Wassail. The topic this term is called ‘The Class Orchestra’. The
children will be learning about accompaniments to different types of songs and
the effect different instruments and styles create. In addition to the music
covered in our topic, we shall be learning a small repertoire of songs, both
traditional and modern.
The first unit this term will be about signs and symbols and the term will end
with work about the life of Jesus, leading up to Easter.
We shall continue our work with circle time as and when appropriate but we shall
also be looking at a unit of work entitled Going for Goals in the first half of the
term.. This will focus on children recognising their worth as individuals by
identifying positive things about themselves. The unit for the second half of the
term is called Good to be Me, where the children look at the feelings of surprise,
disappointment, worry and anger and learn how to deal with them. They will also
learn how to be assertive. Theses lessons will mainly be covered by Mr Langdon.
The children will continue to learn their numbers both sequentially and randomly.
Classroom instructions are on-going and everyday French language will be used
throughout the school day wherever possible,
Learning parts of the body will be the main theme this term along with some
lessons on colours and shapes. Speaking and listening is key at this stage and the
children will enjoy a variety of games, songs and simple stories to help them to
The remainder of the curriculum provision will focus on our topic which this term
is called Talking of Tudors. Theme one focuses on the monarchs of the period
from Henry VII to Elizabeth I. We shall be looking at family trees and
researching facts about Henry VIII and his six wives from texts and the
internet. Artwork will include a Tudor rose design, a collage of Henry VIII and
illuminated letters. Work will also include a look at religious changes from
catholic to protestant, brought to life through drama, art and DT activities.
The second theme is more concerned with everyday life in Tudor times, looking
at Tudor houses before children design and make their own street scene,
complete with shops and signs. We shall also look at Tudor schools, medicines and
markets. We shall be visiting Harvington Hall at the end of term which hopefully
will bring all this to life for the children. Mrs Southall is hoping to organise this
trip for Thursday 20th March and in the past the children have dressed up in
Tudor costume if they have wished. By this time they will all have some idea of
what a typical Tudor looked like, but if you decide to send your child in costume
for that day please remember there is very little heating in a Tudor manor house
and it can be freezing!
We shall try to end the topic with some Tudor games, such as Nine Men’s Morris,
and maybe a Tudor banquet.
If you have any problems or issues regarding your child, Mrs.Morrish and Mrs.
Southall will be happy to speak to you, preferably after school. If you need to
speak to us before school we would appreciate if you could make an appointment,
as we are always busy preparing for the day before 9am. You should by now have
been given a class timetable to help with the day to day routine and regarding
any handouts or information…frisk on Friday!!
Many thanks.
Mrs Morrish and Mrs Southall.