Riverview Education Foundation 2006 – 2007 Grant Recipients No. School Type Category 1 CE G Stipends 2 CE 3 CE G HW Equipment Equipment Teacher or Applicant Project / Description Carnation Artist-in-Residence / Arts Doug Poage Coordinator Joyce Trowbridge, Jackie Norris Carnation School Safety Enhancements Barb Haas Fitness Equipment 4 CE 5 CE G G Books Equip.and Reg. Ellen Irion Christie Isler 6 CE G 7 CE G Research Materials Ellen Irion Christie Isler, Susan Stipends Melrath, Doug Poage 8 CE G Instruments 9 CE G Electronics 10 CE G Reading Materials 11 CHS HW Equipment 12 CHS 13 CHS HW HW Educ. Videos SW and Equip. 14 CHS 15 CHS 16 CHS 17 CHS G G G G Equipment Electronics Electronics Curriculum 18 CHS G 19 CV HW Grade Students Amount K- 12th (Parade) 490 $ - K- 5th 3rd - 5th 490 $ $ 511.10 68 Abridged Classics Books for CES Library 2nd - 5th First Lego League competition 4th - 9th 180 $ $ 500.00 849.42 The Life of a Carnation Pioneer 490 $ 969.01 K - 12th (Parade) Carnation Spring Arts Day K - 12th (Parade) Big Zimbabwean Bass Marimba - Carnation Music K - 5th 490 $ 1,200.00 405 $ 1,426.80 Electronics Doug Higgins Kelly Harper and Lisa Renahan Bringing Literature Alive for Young Readers 1st Cindy O'Dannel & Kay Smoke Classroom Leveled Libraries K - 4th Aerobic Fitness & Strength Training Chelsea Redfield Equipment 9th - 12th Tools for Health and Fitness Classes and Peggy Filer Advanced Health 9th - 12th Bruce McDowell Track and Field Meet Software 9th - 12th Digital Projector for WASL Prep for Spec. Ed Gail G. White Students 9th - 12th Karen King Cordless Mikes for the CHS Stage 9th - 12th Jeanne Harman Visions of Literacy Through Technology 9th - 12th Bernie Lenoue Why Try Implementation 9th - 12th Honors Physics: Exploring Physics Principles David Bruce Murdock with Hand-Held Technology 11th and 12th Curriculum Gwen Marvin 450 $ Love and Logic Parenting and Staff materials K - 5th Riverview Education Foundation’s Mission Generate financial and community support for enriching the education of Riverview students. 50 $ 1,600.00 285 $ 3,070.00 200 $ 1,000.00 150 $ 1,273.39 50 $ 1,401.00 25 300 10 90 $ 544.98 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,173.23 $ 1,179.88 24 $ 1,997.00 823.79 Riverview Education Foundation 2006 – 2007 Grant Recipients No. School Type Category Teacher or Applicant Project / Description Butterflies and Blooms: Restoring Cherry Lisa Powers-Hwang Valley's Garden Kait Teachout Dictionaries for each 2nd grade student Hands-on Building Manipulatives for Donna Calapp Kindergarten Content Area Books for Students Reading Sandy Rodgers Below Grade Level Flip Form riser platforms for music classes Jonna Farley and productions Strengthening the Riverview School District Christie Isler Orchestra Creating Strong Healthy Bodies all of Our Deborah Edwards Lives Orlene Olson Arts Education Karin Llyr Glockenspiels Jennifer Santamaria Listening Centers for Primary Classrooms Electronic LED Reader Board Grade Jeannine Luce Julie Bawden, Ken Christensen Life Skills Bowling and Pizza 6th - 8th, Sp. ED Climbing Room Upgrade 20 CV 21 CV G G Equipment Books 22 CV G Equipment 23 CV G Books 24 CV G Equipment 25 DO G Stipends 26 ERMA 27 SW 28 SW 29 SW 30 TMS HW G G G G Equip. and Curric. Supplies Instruments Electronics 31 TMS HW Field trip fees 32 TMS HW Equipment 33 TMS 34 TMS 35 TMS G G G Electronics SW and Curric. Books 36 TMS 37 TMS 38 TMS G G G Jeannine Luce Janet Laverne Amie Miller Christopher Mirecki & Fees Charlene Short Equip. and Supplies Kate Elliott Curriculum Joan Zoet 39 TMS G Electronics Nancy Timson and Tony Minaker Students Amount 1st 2nd 25 $ 92 $ 450.00 741.42 K 47 $ 912.72 1st - 5th 200 $ 1,500.00 K - 5th 437 $ 2,863.93 3rd - 6th 10 $ K - 5th K - 5th K - 5th K - 2nd NA 78 450 490 245 0 - $ 1,500.00 $ $ 1,027.19 $ 3,400.00 $ - 10 $ 520.00 6th - 8th 500 $ 614.01 Digital Camera Data in the Classroom Math Enrichment for Middle School Museum of Flight Outreach program: Constellations and Cultural Stories Art Cart Why Try Implementation 6th - 8th, Sp. ED 6th - 8th 6th - 8th 10 $ $ 670 $ 325.00 393.71 400.00 8th 6th - 8th 6th - 8th 200 $ 600.00 665 $ 850.00 35 $ 1,179.88 6 Digital Camcorders and 25 mini DV tapes 6th - 8th 660 $ 1,595.00 Total Riverview Education Foundation’s Mission Generate financial and community support for enriching the education of Riverview students. $39,392.46