Contest Tiger Woods Foundation Fist Pump Challenge NABE "Being "Bilingual" Essay Contest Speakable Gifts Writing Contest FIRE’s “Freedom in Academia” Essay Contest Simon & Schuster "I Can Save the Earth!" Essay Contest Grade Groups Prizes Topic Word Max Deadline Comments Ages 13-18 iPod, Tiger Woods video game, $25 Target gift card, book Any positive personal goal you've reached Minimum 100 words ongoing (monthly winners) May submit video or essay entry 3rd-5th, 6th8th, 9th-11th Must be enrolled in a foreign language course or in a bilingual or native-language supported classroom (and must have a B academic average) $1,000-$2,000 Choose from several bilingual-related topics 150-500 (varies by age) $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble; certificate Response to an Aesop's Fable or poem on the website 100-200 words, depending on age group 11/15/08** (***) -- High school $2,500-$5,000 college scholarships Why free speech and First Amendment rights are crucial to higher education and how abuses of these rights harm education 700 - 1200 11/20/08 -- Ages 5-10 Eco-friendly books from Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, stickers, tree planting How you're helping to save the environment 300 12/1/08 Random drawing for prize 2nd-4th, 5th6th 11/7/08 NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund Writing Contest Letters About Literature Shankar's International Children's Competition Amvets Americanism Program Essay Contest Sons of the American Revolution: The George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest American History Essay Contest Christopher Columbus Essay Contest K-9th, 10th12th $100-$1,000 in savings bonds “The Second Amendment to the Constitution: Why it is important to our nation.” About 1,000 12/1/08 -- 4th-6th, 7th & 8th, 9th-12th $100-$500 Target gift cards and $1K-$10K for library Letter to any author, living or dead 100-800 (varies by age) 12/6/08* -- Under age 16 Gold medals, silver medals, certificates of merit poems, plays, short stories, essays, descriptive writing, and the like; any topic unspecified 12/31/08 May submit up to 6 entries. Must be in English. 6th-12th in five different levels $75-$500 visa gift card/trip "What Does an American Veteran Mean to Me?" 200-500 (varies by age) Vary; contact local chapter -- $500-$2,000; free trip to annual conference; also local & state level prizes Event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or Constitution 800-1,200 12/31 of each year (some locations have different deadlines) Only open to Eagle Scouts 10th-12th 5th-8th, Individual grade level competitions 9th-12th, Individual grade level competitions Cash & certificates $300-$1,200 and free trip to D.C. Message and modern relevance of Gettysburg Address "Five perils that challenged Christopher Columbus" Grade 5: 300 - 600 Grades 6, 7, and 8: 600 - 1,000 750 Contact local chapter (search online by your state) Contact local chapter (search online by your state) Sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution Society Sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution Society Elementary, Junior high/middle school, High school Plaque, publication in The Writers' Slate, and invitation to Celebration of Writing Reception A poem, narrative, or essay on friendship none 1/8/09 -- 9th-12th Prizes totaling up to $8,500, teacher of winning student receives $500 Essay about an elected official who has demonstrated political courage 1,000 (not including citations & bibliography) 1/10/09 -- Ages 13 and under $40; Publication; 2 copies of magazine; discounts on other purchases Stories and poems; any topic 2,500 None -- 4th-6th, 7th9th, 10th-12th $50 savings bond; publication; free copy of the anthology book Any topic 250 2/14/08, 7/15/08, and 10/15/08*** Can be sent by e-mail or US mail K-3rd, 4th-6th, 7th-9th, 10th12th $70,000 total in prizes distributed; publication Any topic 21 lines 4/15/08, 8/15/08, 12/11/08 -- Ages 12 and under Quote published on a greeting card, free greeting cards, $25 Funny quotes from child to be used on a greeting card Short quote 2/1, 9/1 -- National Peace Essay Contest 9th-12th $1,000-$10,000 in college scholarships; free trip to DC How the UN and governments can better protect civilians from crimes against humanity during conflict 1,500 2/1/09 -- The Grannie Annie Contest Grades 4th-5th, 6th-8th (Homeschool ages 9-14) Publication in an anthology, and 2 free copies of the anthology Story about a family experience 275-500 2/14/09*, *** You may include one picture with your story The Writing Conference, Inc. Contest The John F. Kennedy Essay Contest Stone Soup Publishers Writing Program Creative Communica- tions Essay Contest Creative Communica- tions Poetry Contest Kid Quote Contest River of Words Poetry Contest Optimist International Essay Contest The Tribute to the Rescuers High School Essay Contest Scholastic Kids Are Authors Picture Book Contest Jack L. Chalker Young Writers' Contest The Claudia Ann Seaman Poetry Award for Young Writers K-2nd, 3rd-6th, 7th-9th, 10th12th (ages 5-19) Trip to DC for the RoW Award Ceremony at The Library of Congress; ribbons, books and/or art supplies, t-shirts and other prizes Poem about nature 32 lines 2/15/09* -- The Power of Youth 400-500 2/28/09 Submit to the District Chair of your local Optimist Club. Find a contact by e-mailing Programs Department. $250-$750 (smaller prizes for runners-up) 750-1,000 An individual or group that showed moral courage 2/28/09* Sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League K-8th $500-$5,000 of merchandise, 100 copies of published book, certificate, medallion Fiction or Nonfiction 29 single-sided pages Ages 14-18 as of 5/29 of contest year $75-$150 Science fiction/fantasy 2,500 3/31 of each year Sponsored by the Baltimore Science Fiction Society 9th-12th $500 and publication in literary journal Poem on any topic, in any style Any length under 10 pages for 2 poems 6/1/09** -- Under age 19 as of 12/31/08 $650-$6,000 scholarships 9th-10th, 11th12th *Postmarked date **Received date (US mail) ***E-mail date 3/15/09* Book must be done by 3 or more children as a team