January 26-30, 2015 Bagdad Elementary Ongoing School Events Classrooms will have guest readers throughout the week to read aloud to students. Monday, January 26 Million Minute Read: Each classroom will set aside 20 minutes for additional reading at some time during the day. Also, we will have some of our guest readers read How Much is a Million. Tuesday, January 27 Team Up and Read: Blue Wahoos will perform “Casey at the Bat” for grades 3-5. Students will wear their favorite “team” gear as we “Team Up and Read.” We will also have athletes from Milton High, and Ice Flyers come and read in the classrooms. They will be reading popular children’s books pertaining to their sport. Wednesday, January 28 Readers are Leaders: School and community leaders are being invited to read favorite children’s books to classes. Thursday, January 29 Vocabulary is Fun: The reading coach will read Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster to26-30, all classrooms January 2015in preparation for the vocabulary parade on Friday. Bennett Russell Elementary School Friday, January Ongoing 30 School Events Celebrate Reading Day: Kindergarten students will be participating in a book parade in 1-5 will on be the participating in a vocabulary *Read a shortand biostudents of various authors morning show program, and parade. Kazoo the Blue Wahoos mascot will read to Kindergarten display books by that author in the media center for students to readthrough and nd 2 grade classes. check out. *Play a variety of books on video for teachers and students to view in their classroom. *Encourage teachers to read aloud and incorporate literacy activities in the curriculum during the week. *Book Giveaway – Have daily drawings on the morning show giving away books to students. Monday, January 26 *Million Minute Marathon – encourage teachers and students to do at least 20 minutes of sustained reading. *100th day of school celebration – various teachers will be reading books about 100 days of school on DVD. Students will listen to the stories and try to guess who is reading the story. Tuesday, January 27 *Kick Up Your Heels for Reading – The students will wear silly socks to school. Wednesday, January 28 *Read-a-thon – The students will participate in a read-a-thon in their classroom and are encouraged to wear pajamas for this day of reading. *Play the video of Charlotte’s Web. Thursday, January 29 *Be a Good Sport and Read – The students will wear team clothing to school. Show a motivational video to the students of Lebron James and his reading habits. Friday, January 30 *Crazy About Reading – The students will wear mismatched clothes to school. January26-30, 26-30,2015 2015 January Central School,(K-5) grades 6-12 Central Ongoing Ongoing School School Events Events 1. Each day the ITV crew will show an interview clip with teachers, staff, Central Celebrate reading withfavorite writtenmovie articles theirrelated favorite or School studentswill where they discuss their or on novel to successful person. Central sports team members will share their success rockets, space travel, etc. The link between various media and text with the classes and their favorite books. literacy will be a focus of the interviews. Monday, January 26 Students will begin research for facts, photos, timelines and written articles about in the 2. their favorite successful person. These reports will be posted PTO will front help hallway. create a bulletin board highlighting Young Adult Novels that are recommended by Just Read, Florida! Tuesday, Students will continue research on their successful person. January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Thursday, January 29 Friday, Monday, January 30 January 26 3. Michelle Students will complete the written research projects and display their work. Thorpe will also facilitate a Book Club for high school students to read “October Sky”. We will promote it during CLW and have students sign up toteam participate. These novelswith willall bethe borrowed MHS. Central Sports members will share classes from on how theyWe purchase for the bookThey studywill participants shoot off as a are a will success at theirrockets sport and school. also sharetotheir favorite activity as a conclusion to the novel. book fun, withSTEM-related the class. Flashlight Friday! The students will celebrate their own success by reading Million Minute Marathon with flashlights in the classrooms. Bring your pillow and blankets to get comfortable and read! January 26-30, 2015 Chumuckla Elementary Ongoing School Events Daily reading in classrooms with teachers, students, parents and guest readers. I Spy A Reader-Students “caught” reading will receive a ticket to be placed in a drawing for prizes at the end of the week Monday, January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Million Minute Marathon Teachers keep track of the # of minutes students read within the classroom and take the count to Mr. Carnley as he accelerates reading in a Race Car. Kick Up Your Heels and Rev Up Reading… Wear colorful, bright or silly socks to support literacy. Wednesday, January 28 Electronic Blackout Day! ½ Day Wear black and read hard copy books. Early Release Guest reader on ITV. Thursday, January 29 Classroom Door Decorating Winners receive prizes…books for classroom. Friday, January 30 Be a Good Sport and Read! I Spy A Reader Prize Drawings January 26-30, 2015 East Milton Elementary Ongoing School Events Parent Night: The Perfect Brainstorm in 3D Teacher PD for Parental Involvement Guess the Number of Books in the Library-students will have the opportunity to submit an estimate of the number of books we have in the library at EME. A primary (PreK-2) and intermediate (3-5) winner will be announced and receive a prize on ITV. Community Readers-classes will have volunteers from the community come and read a book to the students (We have already lined up Tony to Tiger and some local celebrities, along with community leaders) Vocabulary Parade-this magnificent (impressive, splendid), parade of costumed words! We plan to both astound (overwhelm and stun), and bring delight (enjoyment and joy), while making words memorable (most likely to be remembered)! Monday, January 26 Million Minute Marathon-each class will read an additional 20 minutes and submit minutes to Mandy King by the end of the day Guess the Number of Books in the Library-students submit estimates Community Readers-various classrooms Tuesday, January 27 Poetry Day-Poems will be provided to the classroom and special area teachers to read throughout the day across all content areas Guess the Number of Books in the Library-students submit estimates Community Readers-various classrooms Wednesday, January 28 Guess the Number of Books in the Library-winners will be announced on ITV Community Readers-various classrooms Vocabulary Parade-submissions due (The activity description will be sent home as a family project the week prior. If the child will complete this activity at home, the word must be submitted to the teacher. Students who do not have parental help, will design their word “costume” in class with the teacher) Thursday, Community Readers-various classrooms January 29 ITV Book Talks-Teachers will be a guest on ITV to share about their favorite children’s books. Friday, Community Readers-various classrooms January 30 ITV Book Talks and Vocabulary Parade January 26-30, 2015 Gulf Breeze High School Ongoing School Events My Little Library is a cooperative effort between GBHS and Shoreline Park. National English Honor Society students are sponsoring a weatherproof “take a book, leave a book” box/bookshelf for parents and kids. Donations will include children’s books, adolescent fiction, and typical commercial fiction/non-fiction. Construction is underway, and placement will follow. Monday, January 26 Million Minute Marathon Begin the following week-long initiatives: Book Drive Competition for 1st period classes – Santa Rosa Kids’ House ITV - scrolling quotes about reading/books Classroom doors decorated by students to promote reading or a favorite book Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Continue book drive, ITV, and classroom door activities all week. Thursday, January 29 Friday, January 30 Sock It To Reading: wear crazy socks to show your support for Literacy January 26-30, 2015 Holley Navarre Intermediate School Ongoing School Events Book Chats from teachers and admin Monday, Donna Kirby from the Pensacola Blue Wahoos will be visiting with a presentation of “Casey at Bat” and bringing a special guest! Students drop everything and read for an additional 20 minutes for the “Million Minute Marathon”! January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Students will have the opportunity to build a shoebox float representing a favorite book they’ve read. This is completely voluntary and something they would do at home. Students creating a shoebox float will be invited to participate in a Literacy Parade throughout the H.N.I.S. hallways. Floats should have the title and author of the book along with their name somewhere on the shoebox. The parade will be on Tuesday, January 27th. Wednesday, January 28 Students will dress up as their favorite book character. Thursday, Illustrator Michael P. White visits HNIS! We will have six smaller presentations in the Music Room. There will be a sign up sheet out soon for you to select up for a time. January 29 Friday, January 30 Bess the Book Bus, Inc. is a mobile literacy outreach that will be visiting our school to help provide new books to our students. 5th grade students will be visiting the Book Bus and 3rd and 4th will be receiving a new book from me! January 26-30, 2015 Holley Navarre Middle School Ongoing School Events We have a school-wide reading incentive program for the Sunshine State Young Reader Award novels. There is a weekly prize drawing for all students who have read at least three of the books. In addition, the top fifty (50) readers will be taken on a field trip in April to select a book of their choice as a reward (cost covered by grant funds). Monday, Each student will be required to bring reading material of their personal choice to school and read for at least ten (10) minutes of each class period. Some teachers are choosing to have their students read more than ten minutes, and those minutes will be calculated into the school’s total. January 26 15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. 8th grade—informational text reading. Wednesday, January 28 15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. 8th grade—informational text reading. Thursday, 15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. 8th grade—informational text reading. 15 minutes of silent reading in 6th grade Reading classes. 8th grade—informational text reading. Completion of 6th grade book project in which students create a newspaper cover article on a book read in class. Tuesday, January 27 January 29 Friday, January 30 January 26-30, 2015 Holley Navarre Primary Ongoing School Events “Reading Accelerates Success!” – Students will write about their favorite book on stars. Star writings will be displayed down our Starry Night hallway. Monday, *Million Minute Marathon-Students will read for an additional 20 minutes during the day in celebration of literacy. January 26 Daily Theme-“Rock Out with a Good Book!”-Students bring their favorite book and share with someone. Tuesday, January 27 Guest Reader Day-Guest readers from the community visit classrooms to do a read aloud. Daily Theme-“Reading Brightens Your Horizon”-Students wear bright colors. Wednesday, January 28 Daily Theme-“Reading Rocks Wear Funky Socks”-Students wear silly socks to remind them how fun reading can be. Thursday, Daily Theme-“Hats Off to Reading”-Students wear hats. January 29 Literacy Night-Reading Under the Stars Family Night, 5-7 PM Friday, Daily Theme-“Reading Builds Character” -Students may dress up as favorite book character and present a book report on the character from their favorite book. January 30 January 26-30, 2015 Hobbs Middle Ongoing School Events Hobbs Middle School will continue to improve its students’ reading comprehension of nonfiction text by using 4th period mentoring groups to further explore the “7 Habits” and how they can be applied to success in the classroom. PowerPoints, discussion guides, and book excerpts are provided. This book was selected to support the theme “Reading Accelerates Success” and to foster healthy lifestyle habits. Monday, Million Minute Marathon: All 4th period classes will read the introduction to Sean Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” (Get in the Habit). This activity is designed to include 20+ active reading minutes. Individual teachers will report number of minutes read to the Reading Coach. January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habits 1 & 2). Wednesday, January 28 Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habits 3 & 4). Thursday, January 29 Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habits 5 & 6). Friday, January 30 Reading classes: Students will access Achieve 3000’s workforce readiness articles and Career Center resources. Mentoring groups: Students will utilize “7 Habits” resources (Habit 7). January 26-30, 2015 Jay Elementary School Ongoing School Events Read alouds about successful people. Monday, Million Minute Marathon January 26 Author Visit by Michael White-Successful Authors Tuesday, Individual classroom literacy activities January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Wake Up and Read on Wednesday-Wear pajamas and bring a flashlight to use for reading. Thursday, Individual classroom literacy activities January 29 Friday, January 30 BMX Demonstration Team-How reading makes you a success in life. January 26-30, 2015 Jay High School Ongoing School Events SGA chose some book trailers/movie clips from some non-fiction and fiction books that have a science/technology theme/character, etc. They will show key climatic points of the films, and interview students, teachers, and staff in order to give a brief talk about it (like a book talk). (Films/books include, but not limited to, : I, Robot; War of the Worlds; Maze Runner; Maximum Ride; Star Wars.) Monday, Million Minute Marathon January 26 January 26-30, 2015 Martin Luther King Middle School Ongoing School Events Book Commander Club: Once a month, the students read a book and then gather for 40 minutes to discuss it. Monday, Million Minute Read: Students will read in every class throughout the school day. January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Thursday, January 29 Friday, January 30 Family Literacy Night. Theme: Ramp Up with Reading and Accelerate to Success. Dialed Action BMX will perform stunts and promote Reading Theme, families will watch the movie Divergent and compare it with the novel, and students will receive book marks and a free Whataburger for attending family night. Also students will participate in a drawing for the book Divergent. January 26th-30th, 2015 Milton High School Ongoing School Events Student Bike Give-Away- Students who check out books from the library (limit one per day) will be able to enter their name in a drawing to win a new bicycle and helmet. Students who dress-up on Literary Character Day, Friday, January, 30th will be able to add their name to the bicycle drawing entry for participating. Faculty/Staff) Dell 8” Tablet Give-Away- Any faculty or staff that check out an E-Book from the Media Center between the dates of January 12th-30th will be entered into a drawing to win a new Dell 8” Tablet. Monday, Million Minute Marathon January 26 20 minutes of independent reading per period during the school day. Minutes will be reported back to Tracy Murphy from each teacher on the number of minutes read in each of their class periods. If you need Reading materials we will provide them to you. Contact Tracy Murphy if you need materials. Million Minute Marathon Tuesday, What my teacher read in High School January 27 ITV Clips of Teachers discussing their favorite high school book. Clips will be run throughout the day on ITV for students. What my teacher read in High School Wednesday, January 28 Critical Thinking Day- “The Ebola Virus and How It Affects the Human Body” Critical Thinking Day Students and teachers will participate in a series of lessons and activities about the Ebola virus. Through a variety of texts and sources, students will learn facts about the virus, and read about what Ebola does to the human body. Thursday, Literacy In Social Media- We will encourage students to use social media to promote literacy. We will highlight those that post literacy related pictures to the MHS social media outlets of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. January 29 Literacy In Social Media Friday, January 30 Literary Character Day Literary Character Day- Everyone on campus is encouraged to dress up as a literary character. The 1st period class that emails Tracy Murphy with the highest percentage of students who dressed up, receives a breakfast from Mr. Thorpe. January 26-30, 2015 Navarre High School Ongoing School Events Monday, Million Minute Marathon January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Stop, Drop, and Read (happens every Tuesday for 15 minutes between 4th and 5th periods) Progressive lesson created by literacy team (Online Safety: A Look at Cyberbullying and Sexting) Thursday, January 29 Friday, January 30 Pajamas and a book: students and faculty wear pajamas and bring their favorite books to read and share. January 23rd- 30th, 2015 * Oriole Beach Elementary Ongoing Activities We celebrate literacy every day in the OBE Library! As students reach reading goals or fill up sticker cards, they become American Readers! Their names are announced, students push a button on a pole activating the U.S. flag to wave as patriotic music plays and all students clap! Student names are then placed on the American Reader Wall of Fame! American Readers also celebrate reading success by attending the following parties in the library: Super Bowl Party (5th graders); Mardi Gras (4th graders); The Adventure (3rd graders); Camp Read aLot (2nd graders); Blast Off With Books (1st graders); Going BUGGY Over Books (kindergarten) Every Friday afternoon, new Accelerated Reader Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires are featured on ITV. Millionaires have read over 1,000,000 words and Multi-Millionaires have read 2,000,000 words or more during the school year! Students are given $1,000,000 book bucks: Millionaires may check out 4 books and Multi-Millionaires may check out 5 books when they visit the library! Every Tuesday is Family Check Out Night in the OBE Library! As holidays near, families are invited to play Book BINGO, BOO Book BINGO, JINGO, and I Love Book BINGO. BINGO prizes are always BOOKS! Friday, Author / Illustrator Michael P. White will visit with six grade levels in the library. *Due to a full schedule during CLW, Mr. White had to visit OBE the week before CLW! January 23rd Monday, Book Blurbs January 26th Million Minute Marathon Tuesday, Book Blurbs January 27th Family Check Out Night in the Library Wednesday, Book Blurbs January 28th First Grade “FROZEN” Fairy Tales Thursday, Book Blurbs January 29th 5th Grade Super Bowl Party: 5th graders celebrate reading successes! Friday, Book Blurbs January 30th ITV Recognition of Millionaire and Multi-Millionaire Readers January 26-30, 2015 Pace High School Ongoing School Events Januaryin Reading: 26-30,Several 2015classes will be reading all CPR—Classes Participating week for the first 20 min. of class. Pea Ridge Elementary WPHS (school news) will broadcast student book trailers over ITV daily. 1. CPR—Million Minute Marathon (prize patrols) 2. Book Trailers (ITV) January 26 Studentindividual Book Talks in thereading media center Rev Up Your3.Reading student logs will be maintained throughout the week Ongoing and rewards from Scholastic given to those who turn in their logs at the end of Literacy Week. School Events 1. CPR—prize patrols Tuesday, Monday, 2. Book Trailers (ITV) January 27 Monday, Million Minute Marathon 3. Media Center Book Match—match the teacher with his or her favorite book January 26 20 minutes devoted to independent reading school wide. School-wide Reading Activity centered around veterans-Wednesday, January 28 Introduction to Literacy Week on the WPRE morning show: Literacy coach will present a Veterans Read Across the Valentines Day Relay for video clip with a different reading genre/content focus each day. Students view the clip in the morning and complete a short writing response during the day to 1. CPR—prize patrols Thursday, extend comprehension skills. 2. Book Trailers (ITV) January 29 3. Book Walk (instead of cake walk) with ESE students 4. Read aloud with ESE students Tuesday, Video clip for Across the Day Relay 1. Read CPR—prize patrols Friday, 2. Book Trailers (ITV) January 30 3. Book Club Party January 27 Reading Focus: Literature and Fables Wednesday, Video clip for Read Across the Day Relay January 28 Reading Focus: Science Thursday, Video clip for Read Across the Day Relay January 29 Reading Focus: Social Studies Parent Literacy Night: Reading Accelerates Success The evening event revolves around a Nascar theme with a “Pit Stop” for dinner, a visit to the “Book Fair Speedway” and a choice of engaging literacy activities planned and presented by teachers. January 26-30, 2015 Friday, Video clip for Read Across the Day Relay January 30 Reading Focus: Math W. H. Rhodes Elementary Culminating Activity: “Read Across the Day Relay” Each grade level will hold relay races at P.E. using clues from Read Across the Day Relay video information. Ongoing School Events Favorite Book Shares, Literature Trivia questions, Poetry Breaks, Classroom Book Recommendations, Reading Profiles Monday, Million Minute Marathon January 26 Tuesday, Andy the Armadillo Book Reading for students in grades K-2 January 27 Ice Cream for Books Family Night Wednesday, January 28 Children’s Illustrator, Michael P. White for students in grades 3-5 Thursday, Guest Reader Day January 26-30, 2015 S.S. Dixon Intermediate School January 29 Friday, Ongoing School EventsJanuary 30 Wahoos Grand Slam Reading Program for grades 3-5 Students, teachers, and staff will participate in the “Million Minute Marathon” each Fifth day. grade Newbery Club votes for Newbery 2015 *Author & Illustrator Michael White will visit SSDI on Thursday, January 22, for a special literacy-related assembly. Monday, January 26 Tuesday, January 27 1) “Bess the Book Bus” – 3rd grade students will get to choose a free book. 2) A Guest Reader (retired SSDI teacher) will read aloud The Keeping Quilt on ITV, and students in each class will decorate a paper quilt square related to a book they have read. Each teacher will connect the squares (using staples or tape) to make a large class quilt to be displayed in the hall outside the classrooms. 3) Teachers will explain the “Vocabulary Fashion Show,” which will be held on Friday, to students so that they can choose a word and prepare their costume in advance. Students will choose a book (teacher has the option of choosing a book for the whole class) on which they will write a book report using a template of either a shooting star, comet, or rocket. Book reports are due on Thursday. Wednesday, January 28 DEAR – Students, teachers, and all staff will “Drop Everything and Read” at different times throughout the day when the announcement to DEAR is made over the intercom or by the classroom teacher. Thursday, 1) Students will make a bookmark related to a book of their choice or a book selected by their teacher. 2) Teachers will display book reports and have the option of having students share/read/present their book reports. Vocabulary Fashion Show – Students, teachers, and staff will choose a vocabulary word and dress up to illustrate the meaning of their chosen word. Students who stand out because of their excellent fashion presentation of their vocabulary word (in other words, their costume illustration is awesome) will be asked to participate in a “Vocabulary Fashion Show” taping which will be aired on ITV. January 29 Friday, January 30 January 26-30, 2015 January 26-30, 2015 West Navarre Intermediate T.R. Jackson Pre-K Ongoing School Events Ongoing School Events Wahoos- Reading contest (they will come Thursday 22 and do an assembly for 3-5 Reading is “Out of this World!” reading contest. One classroom will win a free trip to the Wahoos game. Pre-k will a coloring contest. Readhave Space books every day Monday, Monday, Million Minutes Read;Kick WeOff will calculate each student who reads 20 minutes and Million Minute Marathon send to our POC in the county. Chart students’ reading time January 26 January 26 Tuesday, Tuesday, January 27 January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Wednesday, January 28 Thursday, January 29 Thursday,Friday, January 29 January 30 Friday, January 30 Guest IllustratorMichael P. White will do 2 assemblies and an evening Name Rocket Space Craft presentation. Our evening presentation will have another assembly with our guest Students make aCSI space usingactivity, the letters inatheir names illustrator, lab,craft Robotics and Military Robot demonstration in different classrooms throughout the school. Parent-Child Literacy Activity Parents come to school and read to their children Teachers will read multiple articles and plan for a writing prompt. We have My Book of Spacecurriculum Words standards for 3-5 grades. Teachers are equipped with the incorporated current rubrics for book writing. Students make a space Teachers beginGood the writing process- they will receive a prompt, planning sheet, Moon Paintingwill – Read Night Moon and writing sheet along with all articles need to write a successful informational or Wake Up andpiece. Read: Students wear their pajamas and bring their favorite opinion stuffed animal to read to during the day Guest Readers- Our school will have a guest reader for every teacher who signs up for one. January 26-30, 2015 West Navarre Primary Ongoing School Events Guest Readers on ITV and in classes, author studies Monday, Million Minute Marathon January 26 Reading Rocks My Funky Socks (funny socks day) Tuesday, Reading Makes My Future Bright (sunglasses day) January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Hats Off to Literacy (hat day) Thursday, Cozy Up with a Book (PJ day) January 29 Reading Under the Stars (Nighttime family literacy event) Friday, Score Big with Literacy (favorite team apparel) January 30 Voting on favorite FRA books