St. Joseph-Marquette Catholic School Dear Parents, April 24, 2013 GRANDPARENTS DAY: We are all very excited to have so many special people visit our school on Friday. For all children’s safety, please pass the word to your children and their guests – 1) ALL children must go to their homeroom to check-in and wait for their guest to pick them up. 2) Our guests need to go to the classrooms to pick-up the kids before going to breakfast. MAY CROWNING: Students are invited to bring a flower or small bouquet of flowers for a very special Prayer Service in honor of Mary on Wednesday, May 1st at 8:30 a.m. During the Prayer Service, students will be invited to come forward to place their flowers in front of a statue of Mary. ST. JOE’S GOLF TOURNAMENT: It is time to register your team for the St. Joe’s Golf Tournament, which will be held on Saturday, May 11th at the Mt. Adams Country Club in Toppenish. The tournament will begin at 1:00 with a shot gun start. A registration form is enclosed. Contact Brian Hull (961-0032) or Jeff Widdows (985-7600) with questions or to register. Following the tournament, participants will also receive a free BBQ dinner. PIZZA SALE (Thursday, April 25th): Last minute orders for our Pre-K to 3rd grade students may be given to teachers tomorrow morning. Students will receive 2 pieces of pizza, choice of fruit, dessert, and a drink (milk or Capri Sun). Cost is $3.00. JOG-A-THON NEWS: ONLY 2 MORE COLLECTION DAYS! Friday the 26th and Monday the 30th Everyone must fulfill the Promissory Note requirement of turning in $50 per child! FREEBIE FRIDAY: Any student who turns in new donations on Friday morning, whether cash or online donations, will receive a new collection envelope with a surprise coupon inside. Possible prizes: Cash prizes, coupons for Any Shoe Day, Sweats/Shorts Day, Popcorn Snack, Change Grab, or Balloon Pop. (Remember to list your On-Line donations on your collection envelope). TOTALLY TUESDAY: students who turn in $20 or more on Tuesday can dress up in the theme of the day. The next TOTALLY TUESDAY is APRIL 30th. The theme for the day is CLASS COMPETITION DAY. (Remember to list your On-Line donations on your collection envelope). CLASS COMPETITION DAY: This is a competition between each of the grade level classrooms. The class that turns in the most donations on Tuesday, April 30 will earn FREE DRESS for the remainder of the week. The winning classrooms will be announced on Tuesday afternoon!!!! JOG-A-THON INFORMATION STUDENT WAIVERS: Parents, please sign the enclosed Jog-A-Thon Participation Waiver and return it to your child’s teacher. A copy of the waiver is enclosed. JOG-A-THON VOLUNTEERS: There are openings in every area on the volunteer sheet. If you are able to volunteer, please write your name on the line(s) where you would like to help and return the sign-up sheet with your Wednesday Folder or to one of the school offices as soon as possible. Be mindful of the times for each job BBQ LUNCHEON: If you would like to donate one or more of the items listed below, simply make your purchase and bring to Mr. Pleger’s office by Tuesday, April 30th. - Condiments: Hot Dog Buns: Chips Water (2) Ketchup and (1) mustard or relish (24) buns (1) Large bag (1) Case of 24 bottles = = = = 1 volunteer hour 1 volunteer hour 1 volunteer hour 1 volunteer hour VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED TO TRANSPORT STUDENTS TO LA SALLE The numbers below indicate how many students in each grade still need a ride. If you can drive, please fill out the enclosed form complete and return to a school office. 2nd - 23 3rd - 12 4th - 22 5th - 22 6th - 19 7th – 9 8th – 28 Parents of children in grades Pre-K, Kinder and 1st grade can volunteer to drive older students. NOTE: Pre-K, Kinder, and 1st grade students will be transported to La Salle by bus MENU CHANGES: Monday, Apr. 29: Turkey/Ham Wrap, Chips, Fruit, Vegetable, Chocolate Milk and White Milk (1% and non-fat) Tuesday, Apr. 30: Baked Fish, Potatoes, Fruit, Vegetable, Milk (1% and non-fat) Wednesday, May 1: Chicken Curry, Rice, Fruit, Vegetable, Milk (1% and non-fat) La Salle High School Follies: April 26 & 27 West Valley Jr. High Auditorium. Both shows open at 7:00 pm Tickets available at the door. Contact Marianne Ball at for more information SUMMER BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: The 2nd Annual Lights Out Shoot Out 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend. There are team categories for boys, girls (grades 3 to 8), men, women, and co-ed. Registration forms are available in the St. Joe’s office. Miss Appert is looking for Crystal Light containers for a classroom project. If you have any to donate, please take them to her classroom or to Mr. Pleger. Labels for Education will be collected on Friday, May 3rd. To turn you labels in, place them in a sandwich baggie with your child’s name and room number and take them to the St. Joe’s office. KOSTKA CLUB: The following students are scheduled to serve at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on April 28th: Lilly Wixson, Nathan Ponce, Leah Ashby, Hanah Simgco, and Jada Matthews. Please be at the church by 8:45 a.m. TEACHER/STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK: Please look for the enclosed information flyer that explains the committee’s plans to celebrate a week of appreciation directed to our teachers and staff. The committee wishes to thank you in advance for your generosity and support. IMPORTANT DATES/EVENTS Thursday the 25th Friday the 26th Pizza Sale for grades Pre-K to 3rd Jog-A-Thon turn-in day in the cafeteria – FREEBIE FRIDAY GRANDPARENTS/SPECIAL FRIENDS DAY + Breakfast in the gym – 7:30 to 9:15 a.m. + Campus tours – 8:00 to 9:15 a.m. + Special Program in the Church – 9:30 a.m. + SCHOOL LITURGY – 10:00 a.m. Tuesday the 30th Wednesday, May 1st + Early Dismissal – 11:25 a.m. Jog-A-Thon turn-in day – TOTALLY TUESDAY – CLASS COMPETITION DAY MAY CROWNING prayer service at 8:30 a.m. in the gym 8th grade parent meeting – 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium Friday, May 3rd After Care will be available (12:15 to 6:15) JOG-A-THON RACE DAY AT LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL + + + + + + + + Volunteer meeting at 8:20 in the gym Assembly at 8:50 in the gym Pinners and drivers check in at the classrooms following the assembly Drivers depart for La Salle by 9:20 JOG-A-THON RUN – 10:00 to 11:00 Awards presentations following the race Lunch and celebration time (4 bouncy toys & BBQ hotdogs) – 11:15 to 12:15 STUDENT PICK-UP AT LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL - 12:15 to 12:30 + After Care students will be transported by bus back to school + Lower Valley bus will also run – drop off will be 2 hours earlier than normal Christ’s Blessings,